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Hey,my name is Lisakhanya

Ndabeni,I'm 18 years old,I live with
my father,I love him very much more
than anything,I was born without a
mother,I've never asked where my
mother is,I didn't want to worry my
father ,since I was born my father
was playing a mother & a father role
to me,that's why I love him we are
not rich & we are not poor,but we
always sleep eaten ,I only have two
Zozibini-slender,caramel skinned &
Zintle-Black Beauty,hips & fat
Me-Yellow bone,well s
haped,hips & ass for life ..
Now goes my story
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning & washed
my self,I wored my school uniform
(Black school skirt,white short sleeve
shirt,white socks,black shoes & my
Black Blaizer) i then fixed & tied my
hair to a neat bun ,I then went to my
father's room)
Me:daddy (I woke him,he was
coughing non stop,I quickly went to
pour water & gave him)
Him:my...child thanks
Me:what's wrong daddy?
Him:don't worry my child,I'll be fine
it's nothing big
Me:daddy can I ask you something?
Him:yes my little princess
Me:who is my mother?(he looked
down )
Him:you don't have any,your mother
died after giving birth to you,you were
her first & last amazing & important
gift she never had,but she is in peace
now my child
My: am I a bad child?
Dad:no my child you are
Me:am I the reason mom died?
Dad:no,good decided to take her,now
please you will be late for school,go
Me:okay then bye(I kissed his chick
then went to the kitchen & made my
self something to eat after I washed
my bowl & took my bag & went to
school ,I arrived my friends were
waiting for me at the gate )
Zintle:what's wrong?
Me:I can't believe that my mother is
Zozi:what happened?
Me:she died after giving birth to me
which means I'm a bad child
Them:no! are not,you are an
angel,friend we hate it when you are
sad,just be happy please
Zee:you know what will make you
feel better,we will go to MacDonald
after school okay?
Us:okay (then we went to our
after school we firstly went to do
shopping,my friends were trying by
all means to make me feel better
,we then went to McD,we ordered &
Zee:Zozi..those are the guys we were
chilling with yesterday at the club
Zozi:you are right,Luyolo!(Zozibini
called one of them,then they came)
Luyo:ohw hey girls
Us:hi(I was down thinking about my
dad,they were busy talking & I didn't
mind them,then my phone rang,it was
my dad)
Me:sorry I have to take this (I stood
up & went to the restroom)
Dad:my little princess come home
right now
Me:I'm on my way(I wonder why is he
calling me,after he hang up &
washed my face after I got out)
Me:girls I have to leave,it's an
Them:but we just got here
Me:I'm leaving (then some guy,
insisted to drive me home,then I
agreed,we arrived)
Me:thanks for the ride Mr
Him:the name is Anele,can I have
Me:look I don't know you & you don't
know me & I have to leave(I got out
of the car then went inside,I found my
dad sitting on the table waiting for
Me:dad are you okay?
Him:my daughter,I'm dying
Me:what but you look fine!
Him:I look fine outside not in the
inside,I have a lung cancer & it is
killing me slowly & slowly,my child my
days are numbered,I only got 3 days
to live & I've took a decision to get
married so the woman I chose can
take care of you(I was now crying )
Me:but dad I'm a big girl,I can take
care of myself
Dad:where are you going to get
money to eat huh?,money to finish
your studies huh?
Me:I'll make a plan dad ,what if my
"stepmother" is cruel huh?
Dad:you'll have to be strong my
daughter & pray to god,hes the one
who will help you
Me:the God that took away my
mother without even seeing her,there
is no god dad okay,if you want to
leave me,go! I'll make a plan,but a
thing that I won't do is having a
stepmother (then I stood up & went
to my room & cryed my lungs out,I
then doze off without eating
.next day:
I woke up in the morning & washed
after I lotioned & wored my Black
Leather skirt & white shirt then wored
my flops,I then went to the
kitchen,my dad wasn't there,I went to
check him on his room he wasn't
there*I saw a not on top of the table,
written**my little princess,I thought
you needed space,I'll be back
later,love your dad**I then made my
self something to eat,after I washed
my plate then took my phone &
locked the door & went to Zintle's
home ,on my way I was followed by a
familiar car,I stood,it also stood then I
ran & got in the house)
Me:ukhona uZee?
Z'mom:let me call her for you,Zintle!
Z'mom:go check her in her room(I
then went upstairs to her room,kuhle
kulo Zintle Sana damn ,I then got in
her room)
Me:I'm so fucken stressed
Zee:what's up?
Me:my dad wants me to have a
stepmother,I magine me?
Zee:but why?
Me:apparently my dad has a lung
cancer & he got 3 days to live so
yeah,he wants my do called
"stepmom"to take care of me & so on

Zee:maybe you should listen to your

Me:I won't & that's my final answer!
Zee:okay,anyways what happened to
you & Anele yesterday
Me:Ane who?
Zee:the guy,that dropped you off
Me:ohw that guy(I told her
Zee:you have a nerd for uphoxa I
ouw entle so!
Me:I was rushing somewhere,my dad
is sick for goodness sake
Zee:but telling him your name
wouldn't hurt
Me:whatever (we sat & chilled,later I
went home,there was a lady busy
Me:dad what's going on?
Dad:hello to you too,oh this is my
wife Nosakhele,Nosi this is my
Daughter Lisakhanya
Me:hi ,where we're you,in the
Dad:I was at the court, marrying your
mother officially
Me:you what!,whith out even telling
me?,you Know what dad,it's fine!(I
then went to my room & locked,I
cryed till Amehlo am adumba,then I
wrote my homeworks & slept)
Daily new African Novels
Well my life is so fucked up ,I woke
up in the morning & washed after
ndayo chitha amanzi,then got inside I
found my stepmother making
breakfast )
Her:can I talk to you?
Me:I need to go to school,sorry (I
then went to my room,i lotioned &
wored my school uniform after I took
my bag & went to the kitchen)
Nosi:Lisa look,I know you hate me...
Me:bet you could said that again
Nosi:I know I can't replace your
mother,but I'm trying by all means to
make you love me,I'm not perfect &
no one is,but please welcome me in
your life, please
Me:..yeah whatever
Nosi:hug?(we hugged, actually I think
she's nice ,she gave me food,I then
ate she washed my bowl after she
gave me a R100 note)
Me:I can't take it
Nosi:you'll be hungry at school take(I
then took it & said my goodbyes then
I went to school,I was followed by the
same car that followed me
yesterday,I got pissed then I went to
the car & nocked on the window)
Me:who the fuck are you busy
following me huh?
Guy:I'm sorry,I'm Anele the guy that
dropped you home yesterday
Me:are you stalking me?
A:no..I just wanted to Know your
name,maybe give me your ten"z
Me:I won't (I then went to school,I
arrived then went to my gee's)
Me:my nunu's
Them:Bbe!(we went to school,I
alarated the story to them)
Zee:so you'll play hard to get with
Me:Dude I hate boys,same as
man!they are all dogs nxn
Zozi:Girl you can't let one incident
ruin your happiness
Me:that was my first & last time
**Quick flashback***
It was another day when my
boyfriend invited me over to his
home,I then went there,I got in he
wasn't around,I waited for him,he got
in with my cousin,they kissed in front
of me after he broke up with me,he
called me with names & made fun of
my life****
Me:I'll never forgive him(then our
lesson's started,School Was Scool,I
then went home)
Nosi:go & change we are taking you
Me:yey!(I went to my room,then
changed to my blue skinny jean &
orange Jersey too,then wored my
Mrprice white sneakers,I combed my
Afro then went downstairs )
Me:I'm done(we locked the house,we
were spending time with my
dad,since he got 2 days to die,we
went to waterfront,it was my first time
going there,it was so fun,Nosi bought
my clothes & everything I
needed,then we went to
McDonald,after we ordered & ate
later we went home,I ironed my
school uniform then wrote my
homeworks then ate after I slept**
Dream-i saw someone that looked
like a mother)
Her:mntanam unga khululeki
kwangoku kuse khona
ukuzayo,ndingu mamakho nzoku
tshakela emaphupheni
-my child, don't relax now, there's alot
of bad things that will happen to
you,I'm your mother I'll only visit you
in your dreams (then she
disappeared,I tried running after her
but I failed,I was confused as Fuck
,what does my mother's visit
means?,I stood & went to drink water
after I went back to sleep)
.next day:
I woke up in the morning & washed
after lotioned & wored my school
uniform,I then took my bag & phone
& went to my dad's room)
Me:daddy I had a visit from mom last
night,but I didn't understand
anything,what does it mean?(no
Me:daddy?(shaking him,still no
answer,I checked if he was breathing
or not?,he wasn't,my father is Dead
no! )
Me:Dad?,Dad? Wake up(Nosi came
in running)
Nosi:what's wrong?
Me:he's dead,!my father is dead
Nosi:no! (then we called the Motary
people they took him,I didn't even go
to school,my friends came & gave me
school work)
Me: thanks
Them:it's going to be okay,this will
pass you are strong you'll fight this
Me:I will try
.week after the funaral:
I woke up in the morning Nosi wasn't
home,I stood up & showered after I
wored my traick suit & my white
sneakers, after I tied my hair then
went to the kitchen,I found a girl
sitting & watching TV)
Me:umhh are you lost or what?
Her:no I'm not,who are you in my
mother's house?
Me:your mother's house?,this is my
father's house actually mine,so get
the fucken out!
Her:if I was you I wouldn't bother
shouting & I won't get out
Me (I dragged her out then locked,I
ate after I washed my bowl then
wrote my homeworks,after I went to
Zee's home,Anele was following me)
Me:hey,hey(he opened the window)
Me:my name is Lisakhanya so can
you please stalking me
A:thanks,you have a beautiful name
like you (I just saw my self blushing)
Me:I..I have to go
A:hop in I'll drop you off
Me:nah,I've already arrived thanks (I
got in then we chilled & chilled,I told
Zee about what happened)

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I was woken up by,Nosi's Laugh,I
woke up & showered after I wored
my bump shot & black stomach out
then wored my flip flops & combed
my hair into a neat Afro then went to
the kitchen ,I found the girl I trow out
yesterday, sitting with Nosi)
Me:hey Nosi, who's this?
Nosi:ohw hey,this is Asakhe your
step sister
Me:my what?
Asa:mom,this girl trow me out like a
dog Yesterday
Nosi:is it true,if it is I'll make your life
Me:firstly you ain't my mother you
won't tell me what to do or say & you
get out(then a hot slap landed on my
Nosi:don't you ever talk to me like
that go & wash those dishes & clean
this house!(I then did what she
said,after I cleaned the whole house,I
then went to Nosi)
Me:Nosi I'm sorry about what I said
earlier on & I'm also sorry to you too
Nosi:are you done talking?
Me:yes,will you forgive me
Nosi:I'm so fucken hungry,Asa my
child let's go eat out
Asa:you are the best mother in the
whole intire world (then they left,I
was left alone in the house,I then
took my phone & called Zee )
Me:come to my home now, please
Her:I can't I already have
plans,Luyolo is taking me out
Me:are you dating?
Her:yeah,Klk wena ubungafuni uva
nix ngabo so..yeah we are dating
Me:okay bye (I then watched tv,I
didn't wanna leave cause my
stepmother will beat the hell on me ,
actually I'm the biggest talktive
Coward ,then I dozed off on the
couch,I was woken roughly by
Asa:wake the fucken up,my mom left
so go make me food
Me:over my dead body,do you hear
me(then Nosi got in)
Asa:mom Lisakhanya slapped
me(holding her chick)
Me:she's lying
Nosi:who are you to slap my
daughter?,Asa slap her back(then
She slapped me,I stood up & made
food after I gave them,I ate)
Nosi:I'm the one who is buying
groceries isn't it?
Nosi:then who said you may eat my
food,go sleep(I stood up & went to
sleep,I was woken up by Nosi)
Nosi:my child wants to sleep,take the
blankets & go sleep on the couch
Me:but this is my bed..
Nosi:say another word,I'll send you to
your ancestors (I stood up & went to
sleep on the couch)
Daily new African Novels
I was woken up by called water)
Me:Asakhe are you crazy?
Asa:go make my bed & come back &
make me food
Me:you are crazy
Me:okay okay,don't call her,I'll do
whatever you want (I went to make
the bed after I showered then Wored
my yellow summer dress & my Black
sandle,I combed my hair then went to
the kitchen & made Breakfast for Asa
& her mom)
Nosi:why is my couch wet huh?
Me:Asa poured me with water
Asa:don't listen to her she's lying,she
pied her self (I just kept quiet)
Nosi:you little...I'm tired of feeding
you,you need to make a plan to feed
Me:but where will I find a job?
Nosi:you'll make a plan..wait I Know
a way that can make you money
Nosi:go change & wear something
sexy,your customer is on his way?
Me:but how can you do this,you
promised my father that you'll take
care of me but why?
Nosi:firstly go change & secondly I
lied ,Asa let's go,we will be back to
collect the money (I went to my room
& cryed, someone nocked me come
in,an old man got in)
Me:Nosi is not here
Man:look here little girl,don't act like
you don't know the new
business,give me what I want or I'll
take it badly trust me
Me:what are you talking about?
Man:take of your clothes now!
Me:no!(he then took of my clothes
beating me,he was about to insert
himself to me,I stopped him)
Man:what?!?(he started beating me)
Man:I came here,just for
nothing,you'll pay (he beated me I
started bleeding then he left me
there, undressed,I Wored my clothes
then packed some on my bag then
took my school clothes & books,then
I got out,I was running & falling ,till I
arrived at Zee's home)
Me:nock nock!
Zee'sm:come in( igot in)
Zee'sm: what's wrong?what
happened step mother..she...she..
Zee:shh!,you'll tell us tommorow,let's
go(she took my upstairs,I showered
with water & salt after,I wored my pj's
then went downstairs)
Zee'sm:have you eaten?
Me:no.(she made me food after I ate
then went to sleep)
.next day:
I woke up & went downstairs,I heard
Zee & her mom arguing,I stopped &
Zmom:when is your friend leaving?
Zee:she won't leave,she's staying
with us
Zmom:I want her out,I can't feed you
& also feed her never(I just went
back upstairs,I looked for an outfit
after I showered & wored my Grey
tracksuit & my Black Nike air,after I
took my bags & went downstairs)
Zmom:where are you going?(like you
care )
Me:I'm leaving I only asked for one
day,let me leave you
Zee:friend Don't go
Me:I'll live at my... auntie's yes.
Zee:let me walk you
Me:I'll be fine bye
Zee:okay then here take(she gave
me a R200)
Me:thanks(I then left,I took a taxi to
McDonald,I was thinking were will I
sleep,cause I don't know anyone that
is my family,arghh ,I was disturbed
by someone)
Me:can't you see that I'm thinking?
A:hey Lisa,it's me Anele
Me:oh sorry
A:are you going somewhere?
A:your bags?
Me:owh..i...can I ask you a favor?
A:anything for you
Me:do you have a space in your
house,I need a place to stay,maybe
for 3 or 4 days till I make a plan
A:sure you can live as long as you
A:let's go(we got in the car then we
drove to his house,it was a big
beautiful Mansion with a pool
outside,damn! ,we got inside I was
beautiful,the furniture was black &
white with some touch of gold,It was
the most Beautiful house I've ever
seen !)
A:feel free..!
A:let me show you around (he
showed me everywhere,then showed
me my room)
Me:thanks I'll go take a nap
A: sure (I then got in & locked I took a
............................I was woken up by
noise Downstairs,I woke up & rinsed
my mouth & washed my face,then
want downstairs,there were Anale &
his friends,with a girl on his lap)
Luyo:you must be Lisakhanya right?
A:these are my friends
Zusakhe,Banele,Luyolo & my
Girlfriend Zinzi
Zinzi:so what's going on between you
& Anele?
Me:excuse me?
A:whoa Zinzi there's nothing going on
between us,she's my friend nothing
much okay!
Me:let me..umh go make something
to eat
Zusa:let me go help you(we both
went to the kitchen,then we made
food, playing it was fun sitting with
him,we were about to kiss when
Anele disturbed us)
Me:umhh let me..go(I took others
food & went to give them)
Zizi:im sure there's a poison in that
Me:look,if you don't wanna eat my
food it's fine okay,I won't say or do
anything nxn(I went back to the
kitchen,it was tense between Anele &
Me:what's going on?
Zusa:I was just leaving nxn(then he
Me:what's going on Anele?
A:don't worry your self it's fine(I then
went to sit with them we ate after I
washed the dishes,Anele's friends left
& Zinzi, we were left alone)
Me:let me go.. sleep bye
A:wait( he pulled me to him,then we
had a long kiss,he left wet kisses on
my neck,I became on ,then he
started kissing me again)
Me:I wanna go sleep bye Anele(I
went to sleep).
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning then I went
downstairs,I found Anele & Zizi
fucking each other)
Me:ewy geez get a room(they quickly
wored their clothes)
Z:can't you just leave,argh you are
disturbing us
Me:whatever (I then took a pie on the
fridge,the warmed myself after I ate &
washed my bowl,I received a call
from Unknown)
Me:I'm a hoe & I sell my body,how
can I help you
Zusa:(chuckels very soft)it's me Zusa
Me:hey Zusakhe(then Anele looked
Zusa:any plans?
Me:I don't have plans why?
Zusa:I wanted to take you out
Me:it's on,I'll meet you at Mac D
Zusa:okay then(I hanged up,I went to
shower after I wored my Black mini
skirt &my white crop-top then wored
my Black Jean jacket,after I wored
my White All-star then took my phone
& went downstairs)
Me:Anele I'm going out bye..
Z:why are you telling him,like he even
Me:lendoda yakho eligugu ubusazi
ba...(I was about to tell her about
what happened yesterday but I
controlled my self)
Me:let me leave, nxn(I then went to
Macdonal,I found Zusa already there)
Zusa:hi,get in the car(I got in, he took
me to do shopping,after we went to
the park,we sat & played my phone
And:Lisa it's me Anele,where are
Me:I'm at the park with Zusa why?
And:please come back home now
Me:I'm coming (he hanged up)
Me:Zusa I have to go
Zusa:let me take you home then(then
we got in then we left,I arrived home)
Zusa:before you go wait(he took out
a necklace) it's for you
Me:thanks (we hugged)let me go bye
Zusa:I'll call you(then I got out of the
car,then went inside)
Me:hey,where's your crazy girlfriend?
Ane:she's gone it's just you & me( he
came closer to me,we kissed then I
pulled out)
Me:I can't,we aren't even dating
Ane:but..(I went upstairs,to be
honest,I really love him but I can't
date someone who has a girlfriend,I
then went upstairs & putted my new
Clothes & shoes after I went
downstairs,I made food for us)
Me:here..(I gave him,we ate while
telling jokes,then after I washed the
plates after we watched movies)
Me:I'm tired now,let me go sleep
Ane:okay then,I'm also sleepy(he
switched off the lights then locked the
doors after I went to my room,I
couldn't sleep,then I went to Anele's
Me:Anele I can't sleep
Ane:come sleep with me(then I got in
we kissed & cuddled then we slept)
*I'll write at 10
Daily new African Novels
I was woken up by Anele with a tray
of food)
A:wake up ( I woke up then stood up
& washed my face & brushed my
teeth then I went back to the room,I
took my food we ate after he went to
wash the plate while I was fixing the
bed,after I went to take a long
relaxing shower after I Wored my
Grey jean & my Dustin pink lazy top
& my Black & white Vans ,I went
A:any plans for the day?
Me:I don't know,I'll have to study
tomorrow I'm going to school why?
A:I was just asking cause ill be lonely

Me:call Zinzi
A:(he looked at me annoyed)she
went to Maritues with her friends for
two whole weeks
Me:then call your friends
A:speaking about friends,what's
happening between you & Zusakhe?
Me:nothing is happening we are just
friends why?
A:I was just asking
Me:oh..Kay(I then took my books the
studie after we sat & watched
Me: congratulations for choosing a
boring movie
A:this is my favorite movie
Me:on the boring side right?
A:look this will happen,that nigga will
kill every guy he sees that killed his
wife & kids
Me:gosh you just allirated the story
for me good night just started
Me:nop..I'm going to sleep (then I
went upstairs,I stopped sleeping
alone cause I was having
nightmares,so I was sleeping with
Anele,hours past then I heard Anele
getting in the blankets)
Me:mhm?you are cold
A:sorry(he baby kissed me then we
cuddled & slept)
.next day:
I woke up In the morning & showered
then wored my school uniform,after I
tied my hair into a neat bun then took
my school bag & went downstairs,I
made myself breakfast,I ate after I
heard Anele cuddling me)
Me:Anele,I'll be late for school
A:let me drive you(he went to take a
quick shower then wored his clothes
& came back)
A:done let's go(we then went to
school,he gave me R200 then kissed
my chick then I got out,I went to my
class,Zee was sitting there Zozi
wasn't at school,so yeah School Was
School after school,I went home)
Me:hunny I'm back
A:hey,I was just about to bake come
help me
Me:Anele Williams plus Baking,Jesus
would come back never
A:you don't trust me huh?,klk mna I
was once a chef, before becoming
Me:speaking of being rich,were do
you get all this money of building a
big Mansion & buying 3 different
expensive cars?
A:(he cleared his throat)
Me:clearly I can see you are about to
A:okay fine you got me,I'm actually
the most feard Gangster in town,
everyone knows not to mess with
me,I actually don't like speaking
about my life to woman's
Me:you would, especially when you
are speaking with someone you love
A:I wouldn't mind yes(then we baked
after we went to sit)
Me:so "feared Gangster" tell me
what's your Gangster name & why
you chose of being a gangster?,
A:well I go by the name Trigger
,both my parents were drug
dealers,they were feard by
everyone,my older brother became
one of them,then one day,we heard
Gunshots outside,my mom took me
to a hiding place to hide,her words
were"my child if I don't come
back,take this money & start your life
somewhere else,far away from
home"that day I was confused as
fuck,I was scared,I heard gunshots,I
got out then tick toed there,some
man killed my parents & my
brother,since that day I had tromer
that's when I had anger issues,but
everything is sorted
Me:yeah nhe?,I also didn't imagine
life without my father
A:what happened?
Me:firstly my mom died after giving
birth to me,then my dad had cancer
he was left with one day but he
choose to leave me early,thats when
my dad married a woman,she acted
nice near my dad,a week after my
father's funeral,the woman started
treating me like trash,one day she
told me she's tired of feeding me,I
should start making money,she sent
a man to sleep with me so I can get
money,I had to lie & say im HIV then
he beated me & left that's when I
found an opportunity to run,the day
you found me at McD,I was busy
thinking were will I sleep & what will I
eat,what if I get raped,or killed
A:shhh,you are safe now don't cry(I
was crying,I didn't see myself,he
wiped my tears,then we looked at
each other's eyes for long,we then
started kissing he picked me up &
went upstairs,he placed me on top of
the bed then we started taking our
clothes off,then he muffed me,damn!
I was like in heaven ,then we kissed
again then we got undercover &
A:I love you Lisakhanya
Me:I love you too(we slept naked)
Daily new African Novels
Anele's POV
Eiita gents!,I'm Anele Williams,I'm 23
years old,I'm a Gangster known as
Trigger ,I own 3 Fancy Hotels & 1
Hospital & 2 Clubs first time I saw
Lisakhanya,I knew she was the one
for me,my soulmate I tried telling her
how I feel about her but she was
pushing me away,that's when I
started stalking her,I tried breaking
up with Zinzi but she's starborn & she
doesn't wanna break up with me,all I
know is that she doesn't love me,she
only wants money from me that's all
I woke up in the morning,Lisa was
sleeping peacefully I went to shower
then wored my clothes,after covered
her with a blanket then took out my
Black card out then wrote my pin &
"go treat yourself" after I went to my
Company (I've forgotten to mention
I've got 2 Companies) then after I got
Them:Morning Boss
Me:morning (then I went to my
office,you may wonder why things
were tense between me & Zusakhe,I
got Jealous when Zuh was having a
fun time with Lisa,the guy knew that I
had a crush on Lisa but everything is
sorted,I mean we've been friends
with Zuh since primary,I can't let a girl
ruin our friendship ,so as I was
sitting my Friends came,we chilled)
Lisakhanya's POV
I woke up in the morning,Anale
wasn't next to me,I went to shower
after I Wored my Light Blue dress &
my white Pushes,then combed my
Afro Hair & went downstairs,Anele
wasn't there,maybe he left,I then saw
a card with a note,I read it then I
made myself breakfast,I ate after I
washed my plate then drank my
Juice after,I took my phone & called
Zee )
Me:can we meet at MacD?
Zee:sure I'm on my way
Me:okay,call Zozi
Zee:I will bye (I then took the card
then took my sling bag then called a
cab & drove to MacD, my friends
weren't yet there so I waited them,till
they arrived)
Me:Damn nali thatha I xesha lenu
Them:whatever(we then went to do
Manicure and Pedicure after we went
shopping & took pics,we were really
having fun after we went to
Macdonal after we ordered & sat
,Anele Got in with his friends,then he
saw us then they came to us)
Us:hey (Anele sat next to me,then
we were all lovey dovey )
Zozi:Guys we are still here
Us:hai wethu,you also can be lovey
dovey (so we chilled at MacDonald
till it got late,after we went home,I
cooked then we ate)
Me:let's watch a movie
A:let me choose it,it's my time to
choose amovie
A:let me guess Cartoons?
Me:do I look like watching Cartoons
at night?,for lonto I'm going to watch
A:then count me out (he then stood
Me:okay okay,choose a movie (he
then choose an action movie,The
death race"I quite did enjoy it after,he
helped me wash dishes,then we went
upstairs,I took a shower cause I had
a long day after I Wored my P'js)
A:it's hot to wear Pajamas
Me:dude,let me live my life
A:oh yeah?(he came closer to me &
tickeled me)
A:I won't
Me:I wanna pee
A:then pee(he stopped & kissed
me,we kissed after I helped him take
off his clothes while he was taking
mine off, after I sucked his dick then
he muffed my pussy then after I
cummed in his mouth,then he licked
it,ewy disgusting ,then he firstly
inserted his dick & failed,he inserted
twice he failed then on the third time
he got in)
A:it's alright bvbey(he fucked me
harder,we did 3 rounds,we are'nt
even dating but I gave him my
Virginity my pussy was on Fire he
picked me up then we went to
shower & did one round there,sex
shower is actually amazing ,after we
got out,he helped me lotion then he
helped me wear my P'js after we
cuddled & slept)
. network is actually giving me
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning then
croweld to the Bathroom I showered
after I wored my Yellow summer
dress & my slippers after I combed
my hair & applied Vaseline on my
lips,then I went downstairs,i found
Anele making breakfast)
A:you've ruined my surprise
Me:sorry but I'm up,what are you
A:English Breakfast added with
Me: Waffle, waffle, waffleeeee
A:you are really crazy
Me:but I ain't crazy like you (I took
an egg then crush it on his hair)
A:Lisa!,I just showered
A:I'm not going to bake Waffles trust
Me:ahh,come on, please
A:okay okay let me go change
Me:YaBona wena that's why
ndik'thanda (he then went to change
while I was dishing up for us,then he
came back without a shirt damn his
body, muscles arggg Anele is so
Handsome !)
A:I'm back!(we ate while dissing each
other, then someone opened the
Voice:honey I'm home
Me:argh I lost my appetite (then I
went upstairs and change into
sneakers & took my sling bag & went
downstairs,I found Zizi & A kissing,i
just got disgusted & went upstairs to
trow up then rinsed my mouth then
went back downstairs)
A:are you okay?
Me:umh..yeah,im going out
Zizi:why are you telling my man?
Me:mnxm(I got out & called a cab,I
waited for it,I felt dizzy & fall)
.(I woke up in a room full with lights)
Me:what happened?
Doc:we haven't yet examine your
body but for now you are okay,I'll give
you pills that will help you & pain
Me:thanks(I then got out,I saw Anele
& Zusakhe,then I passed Anele &
hugged Zuh)
Zuh:are you okay?
Me:yeah I'm fine,it's nothing big,the
doctor said I'm fine
A:what really happened?(I just looked
at him,to be honest I got jealous of
Zizi & A, I thought there was a thing
between us,I even gave him my
vigirnity because I trusted him,but
then it was a fairy tale)
Me:aren't you supposed to be at your
house with Zizi,do you even care?
A:what's up with you?
Me:maybe I'm the one who is
supposed to ask you that? ume phi
Kanye Kanye?
A:I'm really lost
Me:mxm,Zu let's go( we got in Zu's
Zu:are you okay?
Me:I'm..I'm fine yeah
Zu:let me drive you home
Me:can you take me to your house?
Zu:sure okay(we arrived at his
house,it's also big & beautiful)
Me:show me my room please (he
then took me there after he left,Anele
called me,I just looked at it & hanged
up,he called again)
A:just listen,you left your pills at
hospital,where are you so I can
bring'em to you?
Me:somewhere far from amanYala
akho(then I hanged up,then I dozed
.next day:
I woke up in the morning & showered
wored the clothes I did wear
yesterday,th n went downstairs)
Zu:you can't wear that dress,it's dirty
Me:don't worry I'm already leaving
Zu:no go to my room my room &
choose any thing you wanna wear
go!(I then did,I wored his Fila
Traicksuit & my white All-star that I
wored yesterday,then came
Me: thanks (he made me food ,I ate
after Zu drove me home)
Zu:sure(then I got out)
A:where we're you
Zizi:like you even care
Me:YaBona wena..I'll kill you,trust me
(then I took off her weave & trowed it
down & climbed the stairs slowly)
Zizi:Bbe! You are letting her talk to
me like that?
A:nawe khawume muuRn,& get out
A:vstek muurn,it's over go!
Zizi:I'm telling you,you'll regret
this,I'm telling you
Me:I won't regret anything,the thing i
regret is dating you,now Leave my
house(she then took her staffs &
left,ithen got in my room & locked)
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning & showered
after I Wored my school uniform &
took my bagpack & went downstairs,I
found Anele making Breakfast)
A:hey,you are awake, Breakfast is
almost ready
Me:I'm not hungry (I took an apple)
A:okay,let me go get ready so I can
drive you to school
Me:I'll take a cab(then I got out,
called a cab then went to school,
School was School,after school,I
went back home found Anele with his
Me:mah Gents
Them:hey/cutie (then I went to my
room & changed to my white dress &
Yellow fluffy shoes & went
downstairs,I made myself something
to eat after I went to sit near Zuh, I
ate after I washed my bowl & took the
remote & changed the channel,they
all looked me)
Me:do I owe you something?
Them:we were watching that!
Me:mah bad.(I changed to Cartoons)
Me:(singing)"when I look at you,I see
the story in your eyes,Night begins to
shine.! (then they watched Teen
Titans with me after sometime they
left,it was just me & Anele)
A:Lisa can I talk to you?
Me:what do you want us to talk about
huh?about you making me fall in love
with you knowing you have a physco
Girlfriend huh?or maybe me trusting
you & even giving you my virginity &
having a nerve of kissing someone in
front of me,I thought we had athing
going on between us,but all along I
was lying to myself
A:so everything you were doing &
reacting about,it was because of me
kissing Zizi?,are you jealous?
Me:no..I was not,you Know what our
conversation is over,I'm done with
you(then I stood up,Anele pulled me
then kissed me)
A:from the day I firstly saw you,I fell
in love with you,I didn't Know how to
express how I feel about you,you
made me feel alive, Everytime I'm
with you,I..I just can't describe my
feeling but I could show you,so here
goes my luck,will you be my
girlfriend?(I'm really in love with the
guy )
A:thank you thank you, (we kissed
then we sat & watched TV,later we
cooked & ate after I washed the
dishes after my phone rang)
Doc:it's me Doctor Zwide,your results
are out so tommorow will you come
Me:ummh what time?
Doc:when you are free
Me:I will,bye(then he hang up)
A:who was that?
Me:it was Doctor Zwide,he said
tommorow I need to go to
Hospital,my results are out
A:I'll come with you
Me:no need,it's fine
A:can you please let me support you
Me:I said I'll be okay Anele,arghh(I
then went upstairs,changed to my
P'j's then Anele got in)
A:Lisa look,I'm sorry for shouting at
Me:it's fine
A:okay then let's make, Little Junior
Me:I firstly need to finish school
A:how many papers are left till you
are done
Me:I'm left with 3 papers & I'll need to
apply at University of Johannesburg
A:why don't you apply at University of
Cape Town?
Me:I don't know,but I just want to
A:look,study at UCPT then on
holidays,I'll take you to Maritues or
maybe take you to Johannesburg or
maybe take you over seas
Me:okay then let's sleep (we cuddled
then slept)
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning showered &
Wored my school uniform after tied
my hair into two neat buns then took
my bag & went downstairs,I made
breakfast for me & Anele,after I
putted Anele's food on the
microwave,then went upstairs to
wake Anele)
Me:Bbe?wake up
Me:vuka mfondini
A:what time is it?
Me:it's 07:30,please drive me to
A:okay then,I'll meet you downstairs
(then I went downstairs,I felt dizzy
again & all of a suden,the breakfast I
made made me wanna trow up,it was
stinking very bad (then I rashed to
the bathroom & trowed up & again
then stood & rinsed my mouth,then
washed my face & looked my self on
the mirror)
Me:I can't be pregnant,am I?no I can
not,if I am there's only one thing to
do,*Abortion* (then I got out)
A:where we're you?I thought you
already left
Me:I was upstairs,are you done?
A:yeah let's leave (then A drove me
to school,I arrived I wasn't in the
mood to talk he gave me money for
lunch then kissed my cheek &
left,School was School after school I
took a cab & went to the hospital)
Doc:ohw hello,you are here for your
Me:yeah doc(then he took my to his
office after gave me the results)
Me:Doc can I check for pregnancy?
Doc:sure,pee here(I did so then after
few minutes he came back)
Doc:Congratulations you are 1 week
Me:what!umh ohw thanks(faking a
Doc:aren't you happy
Me:who?me? I'm very blessed,I have
to go,Umhh bye (then I left,I can't tell
Anele about my pregnancy,I went
home & changed to my pj & ate, after
some time Anele got in)
A:Sthandwa Sam
Me:hey,look I'm not in the mood to
talk right now & I don't want any
noise okay?
A:are you okay?
Me:I'm fine okay!(then I went upstairs
then dozed off,I was woken up by
Me:mhm(sleepy voice)
A:here's your food
Me:thanks(I sat straight then dig in)
A:what were your results at the
Me:umh..I haven't got them,I forgot to
fetch them,I was angry at something
A:does it involve me? are not involved
A:I'll fetch'm for you tomorrow okay?
Me:mhm(then after he went to wash
the dishes then,came back we then
. next morning Anele
I woke up in the morning then woked
Lisa,after she went to shower while I
went to make breakfast,there was
something funny about her,she's
getting fat,maybe wonwabile,then
after she was done,we ate then after
I took her school,she's left only with
the last paper,I then gave her money
then drove to the hospital)
Doc:achuz,uZothini apha?
-what are you doing here?
Me:I came for Lisakhanya's results
Doc:she took'm yesterday &
Congrats on your little one
Me:little one?
Doc:yeah your unborn baby
Me:ohw,thanks ,I have to leave (I
was confused as fuck but acted as
like I knew everything,how can Lisa
hide something special, how can
she.? ,I arrived home then took out
my Brandy & drank,I was stressed &
Lisakhanya's POV
After school,I went back home,
Alcohol was stinking)
Me:what is the purpose of this?
A:let me drink in peace
Me: why are you so childish?
A:I'm the one who is childish,what
about you, you ly...(he wanted to talk
but he hold himself)
Me:I did what Anele?
A: (he then went upstairs & slept,I
was left cleaning his mass then after I
ate then,sat down thinking about this
Anele thing,I can't stress my self & I
have to tell Anele about the baby )
.will continue later..
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning & today I'm
writing my last paper arghh school is
tiring ,I went to shower then wored
my school Uniform then combed my
Afro then took my bag & went
downstairs,I found A making
Me:can I talk to you
A:about what?
Me:Umhh Anele,I'm..
A:eat fast so I can drop you to school
or will you catch a cab?
Me:drive me to school(I then ate after
washed my bowl & went to wait him
in the car,he then got in & drove me
to school,we wrote then after we got
out early,so I thought of going to the
mall,I went to the babies store &
checked for baby clothes,I was just
smiling then a lady came to me)
Her:hey are you expecting a little
Her:are you pregnant?
Me:yes I am,I was just checking
clothes that I'll buy soon
Her:okay by the way I'm Zodwa &
Me: Lisakhanya
Z:won't you mind exchanging me
Me:sure,maybe we could hangout
Z:okay then let me leave you (I then
got out,I was hungry as fuck then I
went to Macdonal & oderd McFlufy &
Bugger,Milkshake & Fries,then I ate
after I went home,I arrived then I
heard moans then I went upstairs
Anele was on top of a girl,I got in)
Me:don't mind me,I just wanna
A:bbe,you are back!
Me:Bbe?,haibo mntase ndingu Bbe
ngoku,I'm going out with my friends
A:awuyi Apho!
Me: ungubani for unxelela lonto(I
changed my clothes then went
downstairs,The chick got out)
A:I'm sorry Lisa
Me:about what?
A:about what you saw,I was angry
Me:angry about what Anele huh!?
A:don't act innocent,when were you
gonna tell me you are pregnant?huh
Me:I..I was..
A:you can't talk now,& you wanna go
out with your friends,so you can kill
my child huh?
Me:I wanted to tell but I was scared
A:scared of what Lisakhanya?
Me:I was scared you won't love me
A:are you crazy?you are my
girlfriend,I love you wholeheartedly
how could you think of such?you
know I loved you since the day I saw
you & also loved you more the day
you told me your story,how could you
think that I wouldn't be happy?
Me:I'm sorry Anele & I'm still young to
be a mother that's why I wanted to...
A:you wanted to what Lisa?!
Me:(I looked down)I thought of
Aborting it but I firstly wanted to talk
to you,I swear
A:I can't believe you right now,I..I just
can't( I could swear that he was
fuming with anger but he ain't a
woman beater)
A:I just wanna go somewhere to clear
my mind (he then left,I was left alone
crying,I then doze off on the
couch,after hours,I was woken up
Me:are you crazy mother
fucker?(then a slap landed on my
face,I looked up,this is Not Anele,this
guy was wearing a Baraclave)
Me:who are you?
Him:shut the fucken up,stand up &
Me:help!(he then covered me with a
cloth then lights out,I woke up in a
Dirty stinking place,I looked around I
saw no one,only rats moving around,I
was so scared)
Me: help! help (then this guy got in)
Him:no one will be able to hear
you,this room is sound proof
Me:please let me go,who are you &
what do you want from me?
Him:I won't tell you my name & I just
want Trigger to learn a lesson
Me:do I look like trigger to you?
Him: I already like you,your dear
boyfriend killed my brother now all I
have to do is to kill you & you are the
only one who is close to him & he
loves you
Me:can I have something to eat,I'm
pregnant I have to eat please!
Him:bonus,I'll kill both of you
Me:please wait for me to give birth
then after you can kill me,not my
baby, please
Him:you won't tell you what to do,now
shut up(he then got out,after some
minutes he got in carrying alot of
food,Pizza,McDonald & Steers)
Me:thank you(I ate after I slept on
some bed that was there,I dozed off)
Daily new African Novels
I was woken up roughly by
someone,I quickly woke up)
Me:sukwenza uMsunu muurn(then
he slapped me)
Him:if you wanna get out of here,you
should start respecting me,okay?!
Him:now stand up,we are leaving
Me:leaving?where are we going?
Him:somewhere far so your
Boyfriend won't find you
Me:please don't do this
Him:too late for that ,now stand up(I
did as he said, after we got in his car
& drove,we arrived at a place looks
like his house,we got in)
Him:you will be now my severnt
Him:(he slapped me)shut the hell
up,infact.!(he dragged me in & took
me to the Garage & tied me on a
chair & covered my mouth with a
solutape,then he got out,I was hungry
as fuck,I haven't eaten & I'm worried
about my baby ,I was crying & trying
to untie myself but failed,from all that
crying I then dozed off).
.Anele's POV
Since yesterday,I was looking for
Lisa but I couldn't find her,I had no
clue where she might be,I haven't
eaten & im still wear the same
clothes as yesterday,Luyolo got in)
L:dude,we will find your
girlfriend,please just eat & go shower
Me:you are telling me that huh?,how
can I eat knowing that my
girlfriend,whose also pregnant is out
there,I don't know if she ate or what,&
now you are telling me to go &
shower & eat,No!
L:dude I know you are hurt,but how
are you expecting to find Lisa,if you
are sitting here & doing nothing?
Me:I was not just sitting I was
L:but trust me,whatever you are
doing right now you won't find Lisa(he
stood up)if you are ready to act like a
man,you Know what direction is the
Wearhouse (he then left,I stood up &
went to shower after I ate then took
my car keys then drove to the
Wearhouse,I arrived,the guys were
all there,looks like they were
expecting me)
Me:so how are we going to find
Lisa,any ideas?
Zu:I'm thinking maybe Banele is
behind this
Me:Banele?but why?
Zu:remember yesterday,you were
fumming with anger then you killed
his brother
Me:arghh,I'm so stupid!okay be ready
we are going to go get Lisa
Them:sure boss (we planned how to
get in the house without being
seen,after some minutes,we got in
the Veco & drove to Banele's
Wearhouse,we got in & shot every
nigga we see then looked door to
door but no sign of Lisa)
Me:damn it,where could she be?(we
got in the car & drove to Banele's
house I got in alone)
Me:Banele!(pointing him with a
gun)where's my girlfriend?
B:am I your girlfriend's babysitter?
Me:don't fuck with me okay!
B:I don't know where the hell she
could be(I called in my guys, they got
Me:search everysingle room leave no
Them:sure boss(I was left pointing
Banele with a gun)
. Lisakhanya's POV
I woke up,my neck was so sour & I
had cramps on my stomach,I cryed
then I heard Anele's voice,I tried
screaming & standing up but I
couldn't,my chair fell with me,"what
was that?,that was Anele,"you stay
here,if he moves blow off his
brain"then I heard someone opening
the door but it was locked,I waited
then after a few seconds he came
back,then Anele got in)
A:Lisa!(he untied me & carried me to
the car,after he took me to
hospital,the doctors made test then
gave me food & told me to rest)
. Anele's POV
I was worried & stressed about Lisa
& the baby,I was walking up & down
till the doctor came)
Me:Doc is my wife & kid okay
Doc:your wife is okay,but I'm so sorry
she lost the baby
Doc:I'm sorry (then she left,I can't
believe that I lost my baby I know a
man don't cry but tears escaped from
my eyes,I then went to my car & sat
for a little,then drove to my house,I
showered & made myself food after i
took a nap,I woke up later,then
freshen up & drove to McD,I bought
food for Lisa after I went to the
hospital,I arrived)
Me:Doc I'm here to see my wife
Doc:follow me,she took me to her
ward,I sat on the chair,she then woke
Lisa:Anele,he..he's going to kill me
Me:shh!it's okay now you are safe,I
won't leave you alone again,I promise
Lisa:don't mind about that is the baby
okay?(I looked down )
Lisa:Anele!I'm talking is my child
Me:I'm afraid not
Lisa:but why?why do I deserve so
much pain huh?!,this is all your fault
Me:excuse me?
Lisa:you are the one who made me
be kidnapped,if it isn't your
selfishness my baby would be alive
Me:so I'm the bad guy here,you are
the one who hid the truth about your
pregnancy & secondly you wanted to
kill my child & now all of a sudden
you care!I really can't believe
you,after everything you did but
still,you see me as something to
blame on,i..really can't(then I stood
up & left her, calling my name, I really
can't believe she blames me,I'm not
the reason she lost the child,I was
very angry so I usually get my anger
out by killing or shooting someone
cause I'm not a woman beater,I
respect women,I drove home after I
ate then sat & watched TV,I got a call
from Lisa)
Lisa:look Anele could you please
come here
Me:busy right now,maybe I'll come
Lisa:oh,ohw okay(then I hanged up &
locked after I went to sleep)
Daily new African Novels
.today I'm being discharged,so I woke
up & showered after I wored my
hospital gown & waited for Anele to
bring me my clothes,he then arrived)
Me:look I'm sorry for accusing you
about the mascarrage,I was angry,I
know it's both of us's falt,I'm so sorry

A:it's okay I understand,it's fine

A:no, kiss (we kissed then I stood up
& went to change after we signed the
discharging papers,after we passed
at McD,we ordered,some guys got
in,damn! There was this Coffee
coloured guy,with Green eyes,his
lips,damn I wish I could taste them
*(but he ain't handsome as my
man,Anele is a yellow boned,blue
eyed nigga,he's damn cute )*we
looked at each other's eyes for long
till Anele cleared his Throat)
Me:umh..sorry,I was looking at
A:someone,look Lisa I know you
were looking at that guy,if you don't
love me anymore say so,or if you
hate me,I won't do or say
something,just know that I still love
you & I will never stop (he then stood
up)you'll find me in the car(then he
left,I finished eating then the guy I
was looking at,came at my table)
Him:hey beautiful (I just saw my self
smiling )
Him:my name is Ntokozo & you?
Me:I'm Lisakhanya
N:your name is so beautiful like you
Me:thanks,I have to go..(I stood
up,he hold my hand)
N: before leaving would you please
give me your number?
Me:sure(I gave him my number,then
he looked at me & smiled,I smiled
back then I went to the car,then me &
Anele drove home,we arrived Anele
went upstairs,I was left alone
downstairs,I cooked after I dished up
for myself & for Anele then put his on
the Microwave then I sat down & ate,I
called Zozi)
Z:friend it's been long time since we
Me:I've been busy
Z:even at school,you stopped talking
to me & Everytime I come to you,you
don't have my time for me but you
have time for Zintle
Me:what are you trying to say?
Z:I can't be friends with someone
who doesn't have time for me,I'm
sorry,I think we should stop being
Me:kakade,I don't like friends & the
only thing I like, actually I love it's me
& myself,if you say so,don't call
me,clear all the memories we've
made & block my number,nxn(then I
hanged up & blocked her number,just
then I received a call from Unknown)
Me:Avbob funeral cover how can I
help you?
N: it's me Ntokozo
Me:ohw hey
N:will you be busy tommorow?
N:I'd like for us to hang out
Me:I won't be busy
N:great,we will meet at MacD
Me:okay then bye (I then hanged
up,I went upstairs to wake Anele then
after he ate,I washed the dishes then
we went to sleep)
.next morning:Anele
Today I'm planning to propose Lisa,I
know she's my soulmate & maybe
marrying her will make everyone
know that she's taken,I love
Lisakhanya very much, infact
wholeheartedly & I want to make her
my wife, before sleeping yesterday,I
was organizing the proposal then I
woke up & showered after o wored
my clothes & went to make breakfast
for us,then took it upstairs)
Me:wakey wakey sleepy head
L:mhm(she stood up & went to brush
her teeth then washed her face &
came back)
L:I'm starving
Me:good thing you have a gentleman

L:who said so?

L: (we then ate after,she fixed the
bed then I went to wash the
dishes,after I came back Lisa was
looking beautiful,she was wearing a
Dustik pink mini-skirt & white tee &
white Viper Max then applied make-
up & her weave)
L:I know I'm beautiful
Me:I've chosen well
L:no.!stop it (then we both went
L:I'm going out with a friend of mine
Me:okay then I'll call if I need you
L:okay then(I baby kissed her,then
she left,my friends came & I chilled
with them)
I arrived at McD,I saw Ntokozo then I
went to him,he stood then we
N:are you hungry?
Me:no thanks I'm fine
N:you look amazing
Me:thanks (we then left,he took me
to alot places then Anele called me)
Call Convo**
A:Bbe,I need you
Me:I'm at ***mall
A:I'm on my way to fetch you
Me:I'll wait(then I hanged up)
N:leaving already?
Me:I have to,bye
N:wait(he pulled me then we kissed,I
wanted to stop but I couldn't his pink
juicy lips,made me to crave for more
I arrived at the mall,I saw Lisa with a
guy, kissing,i just felt disappointed,I
never knew that Lisa would cheat,the
love I give her can't be described,she
then stopped she saw me
standing,then I went to my car,she
came running)
Me:what Lisakhanya,is this the friend
you were with?
L:uh..umh yes ,I'm sorry it was a
Me:a mistake?is that your excuse?,if
it was an excuse you would've
stopped as he started kissing you,but
you've shown your true colors (then I
got in my car drove home angry,I was
now breaking every glass cause I
was furious,I then called the proposal
off,Lisa got in)
L:I'm so sorry Anele,please forgive
Me:look Lisakhanya,I love you,alot
but the way you act, doesn't show me
your love,I'm sorry for everything I've
done & caused you but I think it's the
best if we break up
L:no!I won't break up with you,I love
you Anele
Me:it's still the same,I can see you
are in love with the guy,I can't force
you to love me,so I think it's the
best(then I went to the club to clear
my mind,I drank alot of shots then I
called acab & drove to Zusa's house,I
got in)
Me:hey bro
Zu:ayes baba
Me:I need a place to sleep
Zu:sure get in(I got in then went to
Daily new African Novels
.I woke up in the morning,my eyes
were red from crying,then I went to
shower after I wored my casual
clothes then wored my flops & went
downstairs,I made myself breakfast,I
ate after I washed my bowl,then after
some minutes Anele got in)
Me:A...(he didn't even stopped he
just passed me,I sat down & cryed
then he came back down)
A:Lisa,crying won't help you,since
you would need a place to stay,you
can stay here for as long as you
want,I won't kick you out,feel free as
Me:thanks,Anele I just want you to
know that I'm sorry
A:it's okay,I'm going out,I'll be back
Me:sure(he then left,I received a call
from Ntokozo)
N:hey,whoa chill
Me:you are telling me to chill,after
you saw what happened yesterday
N:it wasn't my intention to kiss
you,I'm sorry,it's just that I'm in love
with you
Me:look,I'm not ready to date
okay,don't call me cause i need some
space(then I hanged up,I thought of
going out to clear my mind,then I
called Zee )
Zee:friend!,it's been long since we
Me:yeah I know that's why I
called,can we meet?
Zee:sure we can,where?
Me:come to my house
Zee:on my way(then I hanged up &
went to change,I changed to my Filla
traicksuit & my dustik rope hill then
wored my 32 curley weave & applied
lip gloss then took my bag & went
downstairs,Zee got in,then we
Me:I missed you
Zee:I missed you too (then Anele got
Zee:Anele.(she said with a bitchy
A:so Lisa where are you going?
Me:im just going out with Zee why?
A:I just have plans,I'm hosting a
braai,will you come or ?
Me:sure I'll come
A:you the best friend ever
Zee:best friend??
Me:let's go Zee(we then called acab
& drove to the mall)
Zee:what happened between you &
Me(I told her everything)
Zee:so sad
Me:yeah it is but Don't feel sorry for
me,let's go(we got out then shopped,I
also bought an outfit for the
party,after we went to Steers,we
ordered then paid & sat down)
Me:are you coming to the party?
Zee:I wouldn't miss it
Me:I'll meet you there then(we ate
after we went to our separate ways,I
arrived home I was tired as
fuck,Anele was sitting with a chick)
A:hey roommie you are back early
Me:yeah I am,let me go freshen up( I
went upstairs & took a long hot
shower,I sat on the water & thought
about all the best memories I had
with Anele ,I eventually cryed,Anele
has moved on,there's no use of
crying,I got out if the water,then dried
myself,I lotioned after I wored my
Sparkly, Diamond short dress & my
water roped hill,I applied make up &
my bob weave then took my clash
bag & went downstairs,I found Anele
& that chick fixing themselves & the
dining room was smelling sex!,I took
the Refresher spray & sprayed
everywhere,then I went to make
myself something to eat after,few
minutes I heard music from the back
yard,I firstly took pics & posted them,I
was Amazing ,then I went outside,I
found Anele's friends)
Me:eyo!nigga's (then Zee came,she
was Amazing but the dress she was
wearing was very shot & she only
wears G-strings ,she sat next to
Anele,we drinked & drinked after I
was dancing damn!I was feeling good
,after some time,A's friends were
kissing their girlfriends & Zee was
kissing Anele,I just got Angry &
slapped Zee)
Me:what the fuck man?!
Zee:what's your problem Lisakhanya
Me:what's my problem,how can you
break Girls code?
Zee:you know sometimes rules need
to be broken just once,I also wanna
live my life!
Me:you know what Fuck you,nxn(I
then ran inside the house & went to
my room & dozed off).
.Zee's POV
To be honest,I really like Anele& I've
always wanted to date him,after Lisa
ran in the house,Anele wanted to run
after her but I stopped him)
Me:she'll be fine,she's old enough to
take care of her self,where were
we?(I started kissing him,he
Me:let's take this upstairs (we then
stood up & went upstairs,we started
kissing,after we took our clothes off
then he started finger fucking
me,damn it felt good !,after he
inserted himself in me,I was now over
the moon,we did 4 steamy rounds,my
pussy was now sour Damn this
nigga can fuck ,then after we went to
take a shower,we did another 4
rounds then we went cuddled & slept,
Imagine 8 rounds from one dick )
Daily new African Novels
.I woke up in the morning &
showered,I then wored my Jean &
yellow Jersey top & my Nike pushes
then applied lip gloss & went
downstairs,I found Zee & Anele being
lovey dovey,I just passed them)
Zee:won't you greet us?
Zee:don't forget you don't have a
place to stay,I can kick you out
Me:I'm not in the mood okay(then I
made my self something to eat then I
took a walk,I met with Ntokozo)
N:hey Lisa
Me:yeah Ntokozo
N:is there something I did?,if I did I'm
Me:you've done nothing wrong but I
have my own issues
N:won't you mind sharing them?
Me:nah it's fine,where we're you
N:I was just driving around then I met
you,hop in(I got in the car,we drove
to his house if it's his)
Me:where are we?
N:welcome to house
Me:beautiful house damn(we got
in,he took out snacks on the
fridge,we ate while watching comedy
movies,it was fun sitting with
him,later I had to leave,I remembered
that Zee would be there,I actually
hate her,I don't wanna have friends
anymore they are backstabers,first it
was Zozi turning her back on me,now
Zee breaking girls code & not being
an good friend,I just hate friends,then
in seconds Zintle got in*(the girl I met
at the baby store)*
Zintle:Lisa right?
Me:yeah & you Zintle?
Zintle:yes,what are you doing here?
Me:I'm just sitting with my friend
nothing much & you?
Zintl:I live here,Ntokozo is my brother
Me:Ntokozo has a sister?
Them:yeah(we all sat watching
movies, I'll be sleeping over tonight,I
received a call from Anele)
A:where are you?
Me:somewhere far than you
A:I was just checking up on you
Me:but we broke up, shouldn't you be
telling Zee that?
A:uh,I have to go
Me:whatever(I hanged up,to be
honest I really love him, later we
cooked & ate after we slept)
.will continue,I'm in class
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning showered
then I brushed my teeth with a spare
brush,then I went downstairs,I found
Zintle & Ntokozo having breakfast)
Me:I'm hungry
Them:hello to you too Lisa
Me:sorry hey (we ate after I helped
Zintle the clean the house then I went
home,I found Zee & Anele wtv)
Zee:don't bother greeting us,where
we're you?
Me:okay firstly you are not my mother
& secondly who am I to tell you my
Zee:don't forget you live in my man's
house,I can kick you anytime
Me:mxm(then I went upstairs & took
a quick shower then I lotioned as I
was lotioning,Anele got in & locked)
Me:what are you doing in my room?
A:look Lisa,I love you & I cant
pretend not to, I really miss you
Me:but you are dating my fri...Zee
A:she left,we are alone
Me:but An..(then he cutted me with a
kiss,we kissed then after he took of
the towl,I ripped my self with &
starting finger fucking me,it felt so
good argg ,then he was about to
insert himself to me when Zee,called
his name downstairs,he quickly
wored his clothes & got out,I then
wored my summer dress & sleepers
then went downstairs)
Me:I'm so damn hungry
A:you food is in the Microwave
Me:what did you cook?
A: Spaghetti & Beef stew
Me:mhh (I ate after putted my plate
on the sink & sat down,I took the
remote & changed)
Zee:what the fuck*I was watching
Me:I won't watch Chinese,mna (I
changed to TNT*137* & watched
Zee:this movie is disgusting,I won't
watch it(she was about to take the
remote then I took it first & hold it
Zee:give me my fucken remote bitch
Me:call me a bitch again,I swear I'll
rip your ass
Zee:Bitch!(I jumped on top of her &
started to show her flames,then
Anele stopped me)
A:Lisakhanya no!
Me:tell your girlfriend not to mess
with me
A:shut up,Zee get out
Zee:I won't leave,Lisa must go!
A:I said leave!(she then got out)
A:what was that?
Me:your little girl must stop messing
with me okay?!,nx(then I went
upstairs & locked after I dozed off)
Daily new African Novels
I woke up around Anele's arms,wtf is
he doing here & how did he get in,I
woke him roughly)
Me:don't mhm me,what the fuck are
you doing in my room?
A:I..I(he just started kissing me)
Me:ewy,we just woke up & I need to
brush my teeth (I went to brush my
teeth,he followed me we brushed out
teeth after we went downstairs,I
started making breakfast after I
dished up & gave Anele his then I sat
down,we ate in a silance,I decided to
break it)
A:Li..(we both wanted to talk at the
same time)
Me:you first
A:nah you first
Me:why are you like this,we broke up
but still you are making me feel...I
don't know,why can't you just leave
me & you are dating
A:okay firstly,Zee&I aren't dating &
secondly she was a one night stand,I
don't know why she takes this serious
Me:then tell her where to get off,or
trust me she'll control you & asinoyazi
inoba uk'dlisile
A:she's just my sex buddy nothing
Me:do you really want us to get back
A:yes I do & I miss you
Me:what of your so called"sex buddy"
gets pregnant?
A:she..she won't
Me:I'll get back to you when you
decide to be a good man & not going
around & how ing okay?(then I stood
up & went upstairs,I showered after I
wored my Lime Chino long dress &
Water Pencil Hill then applied make
up & lip gloss & wored my curly 32
inch weave then took my sling bag &
went downstairs)
A:Damn you are so Gorgeous
Zee:Lisakhanya who do you think
you are?
Me:excuse me?
Zee:I'm right here,but still you are
trowing your self to my man
Me:im not in the mood to deal with
you Mother fucker ,Anele will you
please borrow your car keys (I forgot
to tell you,I can drive )
A:here(then I took'm & went to the
car then my phone alert rang,Anele
just transferred 20thousand to my
account,he really loves me ,I then
drove to the mall & shopped then
brought my self snacks,after I went to
McD,I bumped to a woman,I turned it
was Nosakhele,she looks like a
drunkerd woman,she's dirty & she
even smells)
N:who are you & how do you know
my name?
Me:what the?are you on drugs?
N:do I look like someone who's on
drugs,by the way my sister will you
please buy me some food I'm hungry
W:good morning,what would you like
to order?
Me:Big Mac with Milkshake please
W:& you Miss?
N: anything that you have
W:coming right up!(then she left)
Me:Nosakhele what happened to
your house & were's Asakhe?
N:my own daughter betrayed
me,after the inharentance money got
out, Lisakhanya was the only one
written there,Asakhe faked the paper
& wrote everything hers then trowed
me out like adog
Me:what?,I'm sorry(guys I'm a very
kind & loving person,I don't like it
when someone is hurt & love
peace,after she told me what
happened I had to do something to
get my father's money & house,so we
ate & payed after Nosakhele left,I
then drove home,I wasn't really in the
mood to talk,I was thinking about this
Nosakhele thing,I got in,Anele & Zee
with his friends sitting)
Me:h..hi(then I went upstairs &
changed to my sleepers &been
downstairs,I sat near the guys,I could
hear them talking but I didn't mind
Luyo:Lisa are you okay?
Me:mhm?yeah..I'm ..yeah I'm
fine,what's up?
Sure:you know if something is
bothering you,you can tell us
Me:I said I'm fine Geez ,I..I'm so
Zee:so you'll keep on saying I'm
Me:Bitch say one more wored,I
swear I'll kill you & you can see I'm
not in the mood to talk Bitch! ,so shut
Zee:or what?(she said that standing
& coming towards me)
Me:I'm not in the mood okay?
Zee:did I ask you, yesterday I let you
bit me,cause I wasn't in the mood
now it's my time(then she slapped
me,I hold my chick,that got me very
angry )
Me:are you done?
Zee:bit..(she was about to say Bitch
then I punched her on her stomach)
Me:what did I say by calling me a
Zee:a hoe is your mother(did she say
a hoe is my late mother,Bitch do you
know who I am,I jumped on on top of
her & started beating her face,she
got over me,then I got under her
again & started kicking & punching
her till she got dizzy,then I slapped
her 2 times)
Me:when I say I'm not in the mood
trust me(the guys where like "what
the fuck just happened"??,then I went
upstairs & locked after I took a
shower & wored my P'js & slept
.later I woke up then made my way to
the kitchen,Zee was crying & Anele
was helping her clean her wounds,I
went to make myself dinner then sat
Zee:you'll pay for what you did ,you'll
regret it I swear
Me: ,do what you want,you'll find me
here,same place,I'm not scared of
Zee:you will be,after locking you up in
prison(I just froze,did she say she'll
get me arrested,I'm scared of prison
no I can't get arrested)
Zee:you just froze,I also have proof
that you beated me
Me:I've lost my appetite (then I stood
up & went downstairs & started
praying & asking for forgiveness,then
I slept)
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning & dragged
myself to the bathroom,I brushed my
teeth & washed my face after I fixed
my bed & took out an outfit)
Me:(talking to myself)arghh I'm
hungry(I then went out my room,I
was about to go down the stairs
when I heard,Zee's conversation with
Zee:yes Mr police man,she beated
me,I don't know why.i was asking for
forgiveness but she continued
beating me
P:did you do something to her,like
provoking her?
Zee:no,I would never,but I found her
sleeping with my man,as I was telling
her to leave,she just attacked me &
beat the hell out of me
P:is she here?
Zee:she usually wakes up emini,but
let's wait for her
P:I'll only give you 5 minutes,or I'll
leave, there's a lot to do at the police
Zee:she will come Down (I then
quickly went back to my room & took
a quick shower then wored my Black
& white tracksuit & white Nick kicks
then combed my hair & tied it to a
neat bun after I applied Vaseline on
my lips & called Ntokozo)
Me:hey,where are you?
N:at home why?
Me: would you come fetch me
N:sure,I'm on my way (then I hanged
up & switched my phone then tick
toed downstairs then took the back
door & ran out,I arrived at where I'll
be meeting Ntozo,he then he
arrived,I quickly got in)
Me:drive faster (he did,then we
arrived at his house,we got in,I
quickly locked the doors & closed the
N:okay?what's going on?
Me:(I took a deep sigh)the police are
looking for me
N:what?what did you do?
Me: I probably beated someone
yesterday now she's having me
arrested & I'm scared of prison
N: you?scared?omg
Me:there's nothing funny here
N:look,I have a plan go get your self
arrested then I'll go bail you out
Me:are you crazy?what if I don't get a
bail,what if I die,what if I catch a
deases?hell no!
N:you won't,so what will happen?
Me:I'll crash here for a while then I'll
think of a plan
N:did I give you a permission to stay
at my house?
Me:ouch, but please I'm begging you
N:first will you do anything I want?
Me:yes anything
N:okay then
Me:I'm starving,is there any food?
N:why would you need food when
your snack buddy is here
Me:i mean real food (then I went to
make us something to eat,then came
back,strange Anele wasn't home the
time I sneaked out,I sat down then
we ate after I washed the bowl)
Me:were's Zintle?
N:she went out on a vacation,you
miss her?
Me:yeah I do(then I switched my
phone on,I had 15 missed calls from
Anele,I called him back)
A:Lisa!where are you?are you
safe?why don't you answer my calls?
Me:I'm safe & im sorry but your crazy
girlfriend,wanted to get me arrested
so I ran away
A:where are you so I can fetch you?
Me:Anele I'm safe
A:look I don't wanna argue with
you,just come home so we can sort
Me:no ways,I'll get arrested
A:you won't okay,I'm here now,you
won't get arrested just come home
Me:okay(he then hanged up)
N:who was that?
N:who was calling you?
Me:it's my brother,he always gets
worried about me,so he wants me to
come back home
N:okay then I'll drive you
Me:I'm not going anywhere
N:look Lisa,listen to your brother,he
knows what's best for you okay
Me:okay! (then he took his car keys
& drove me home,I hugged him &
left,I got inside the house Anele was
going around the house,then I got in
he attacked me with a hug)
A:thank God you are okay,what
Me:your "girlfriend" called the cops
on me
Zee:what was I supposed to do huh?
after beating me like that, actually
you weren't gonna get arrested,I just
wanted a restraining order against
you,then I got it,if you touch me
again,ever! you'll spend the rest of
your life in jail trust me(then she
stood up & went upstairs)
Me:ahhhhh! I hate that girl!
A:look I'm sorry,for dating such a
Me:you are dating her?
A:yes,I have to
Me:but why Anele,from all people
why her?
A:because she's pregnant with my
A:yes she's pregnant
Me:I..I..(I then ran upstairs,I'm really
hurt that,Zee will be in my life forever
,I have to do something,i have then I
changed to my pijamas & went
downstairs,they were all lovey
dovey,then I walked pass them &
went to warm myself something to
eat then went to my room & locked I
got a text from Ntokozo saying
goodnight, at least someone care
about my feelings then I dozed off)
.will write at midnight
Daily new African Novels
I've been thinking of moving on,so I
woke up & went to shower then riped
a towel around my body then went to
brush my teeth after I wored my
yellow bob tube & black pencil
leather skirt & my white Nike rosh'air
then took a doek & wored it,I'm going
to the salon to do my hair cause heyy
ndi'frats then I applied make up I was
dee'amazing then I took my sling bag
& went downstairs I found the couple
making breakfast I just pass them &
went to the fridge,itook out a pie then
wored myself & went to sit down)
Zee:some people don't have
manners,they sleep at people's
houses then eat at people's house
without paying for groceries & have a
nerve not to greet
Me:you know,I can move out if you
want trust me & I can do it now!
A:hey hey hey,both of you stop it
okay!no one is moving out okay,you
too need to get along
Me:you'll see that on my funaral(then
I stood up & went out,I went to the
salon & did straight up,after I was
done,damn I looked amazing then I
passed at McD since I was hungry,I
oderd McFlurry then sat down,I was
thinking about all the memories we
had with Anele,then eventually I
thought of the day I lost my
baby,tears ascapped from my eyes
then someone wiped them,I looked
up it was Ntokozo)
Me:ohw hey,I didn't see you there
N:hey,what's up?
Me:nothing I'm fine
N:I can see you are not fine,Lisa you
can tell me anything
Me:it's not like you even care,no one
cares about how I feel, firstly good
took away my parents & left me with
my crazy abusive step'mother,she
even sent people to sleep with me so
she can get money,well that's when I
ran from home(I was now crying
everyone was looking at me,then
Ntokozo stood up & took me to the
car,he hugged me tight)
N:it's okay,let it all out (I cryed till I
had enough then I stopped,
Ntokozo's t'shirt was wet with my
tears,then he drove to his house,we
arrived & got out,Ntokozo went
upstairs to change while I was
waiting him downstairs,he then came
N:do you want something to drink?
Me:yeah sure(he then poured me a
juice & took a beer for him,we then
sat down & chatted)
Me:Ntokozo there's something I have
to tell you
N:yeah sure, what's up (I was about
to tell him,how I feel about him when
a nock interrupted us,he stood up &
went to open,a woman with a child
got in, carrying bag's,they hugged)
N:ahh,I missed you
Lady:I missed you too
N:(carrying the 3 year old
child)boy,daddy missed you (he has
a child?!)
N:ohw hey let me introduce you,Lisa
this is Melissa my wife,Melly this is
Lisakhanya my female friend
Me:(I stood up & went to greet)hey
nice to meet you
Melly:nice to meet you too
Me:whose this cute baby?
Melly:ow this is Thalitha
Me:hey boy boy(Ntokozo took the
bag's to go put them upstairs & came
N:Lisa,what did you want to tell me?
Me:it's nothing important I just
wanted to thank you for everything
you've done for me,for being there for
me when I need you,thanks you are a
great friend
Melly:that's how Ntokozo is,he's very
helpful,Thali is very lucky to have a
father like him
N:& you are also happy to have a
husband like me right?(he said
kissing her fourhead)
Me:I've gotta bounce,I'll check you
tommorow,umhh be(I then quickly got
out & took a cab & went home,Anele
was sitting alone)
A:Lisa can I talk to you?
Me:I'm in hurry so talk quickly
A:ow,look im truly sorry for everything
I've done to you & I don't like the
tension between us,can we at least
be friends
Me:look it doesn't matter anymore,I'm
alone in this world,by the way I
forgive you(then I went upstairs &
took a nap)
.later I woke up & went to freshen
up,I wored my Boyfriend Jean &
white lazzy top & my black & white
Vans,then went downstairs,I just
passed them & called a cab to the
club i arrived I bumped into a guy)
Him:hey,I'm Sbu
Me:did I ask you?(then a slap landed
in my face)
Sbu:no one talks to me like that,come
Me:no!(he then carried me to his car
& nocked me with a gun then I

Daily new African Novels
Eyo bitches,Ze here,I'm the one who
organized the kidnapping,I can see
that Lisakhanya will be a problem to
me & Anele,owh since I'm pregnant,I
want my baby to feel comfortable
when she arrives,I don't want Lisa to
come back,I told them they should go
sell her over'seas my buyer finally
arrived,so I'll be selling her to be a
maid,I wanted her to be a sex slave
but I don't want her to catch deases
I'm I still care about her but since
she's after my man,I'll do whatever it
takes to get rid of her,so I woke up in
the morning,Anele wasn't next to me,I
went to take a shower then went
downstairs,Anele was busy calling
Me:Bbe are you okay?
A:khawume nawe muurn,can't you
see I'm busy
Me:okay,who are you calling so I can
know maybe where I saw him?
A:I've been trying to call Lisa,but
she's not picking her phone & I heard
yesterday there was a shooting so I
want to make sure if she's safe or
what(arghh can't that bitch get out of
Anele's brain,I forgot to tell you that I
gave him love poty but sometimes it
doesn't work when she sees
Lisa,now he has to eat the potion so
he can forget Lisa,I went to make
breakfast & poured the potion on his
Me:have you eaten?
A:how can I eat knowing that
Lisakhanya is out there,I don't even
know that is she safe or what,so stop
telling me to eat
Me:but you(then he took the plate &
trowed it down)
A:I said I'm not HUNGRY.!!(ow shit
the potion turned black on the tiles,he
can't see this,damn he saw it)
A:what the?what's this?,this is a
potion,you've poured love potion on
my food to love you?,woman you are
sick!(he got closer & closer)
Me:what was I supposed to do
huh?now listen to me,you'll now sit
down & forget about Lisa do you hear
me,or she'll die
A:you know where she is?
Me:I would'nt say that but I could
make your life miserable
A:you won't tell me what to do,I'm
sorry but(he strangled me)you'll have
to tell me wheres Lisa
A:woman talk!
Me:she's in**** the last shack that's
standing alone(I coughed &
coughed,then he dragged me
upstairs & locked me in a sound
proof,secret room,there were no
weapons or something,looks like it's
where he kills people who double
cross me,am I gonna die?!no I can't
.Lisakhanya's POV
After what happened yesterday,I
woke up in a dark, stinking,scary
room,there was blood all over the
place,I took my hand & covered my
nose,then the guy that took me got
Sbu:stand up
Me:am I leaving?
Sbu:I said stand up (he said that
beating me,after I dragged me then
tied me on a chair)
Sbu:I'll record you okay,now tell
everyone you love goodbye
Me:am I dying
Sbu:shut the hell up,now do what I
said,in 3..2..1..start talking
Me:I'd firstly start with Anele,I loved
you since the first time I saw you,I
was hurt when our baby died,I was
wrong I agree,but please forgive me
for accusing you,I wanted us to fix
things,but that day I saw you kissing
my best friend,I felt hurt,I got hurt
even more when you told me she's
pregnant,I'm sorry for everything I did
to you,then Ntokozo,keep well with
your wife & kid,I love you buddy & I'll
always love you,so I guess this is
goodbye,Anele take care(then he
saved the video & sent it to Anele &
Ntokozo,he was actually recording
with my phone,so after he untied
me,we got out,as we we're going out
6 cars surrounded us,then big tough
guys got out,with Anele,they started
shooting,I thought I was going to
die,so I sat down & covered my eyes
& ears,after they were done shooting
someone pulled me up,I opened my
eyes it was Anele,I attacked him with
a hug)
A:Lisa I'm so sorry,I didn't know that
what I was doing kept hurting you,I
thought you got over'me when I saw
you with that guy & I was under a
love spell
Me:what!,Zee putted love potion on
A:yes she did( he then kneeled
down)I know I wasn't the best
boyfriend at first & I'm sorry for every
pain that I've put you through,I may
not be able to promise you the world
but I promise,to be the best
husband,I'll love you no matter
what,so will you make me the
happiest husband of all?
Me:(I was crying now,then I jumped
up & down)Yes!!(he stood up & we
hugged after we got in his car then
drove home,we arrived I went
upstairs to shower then I took a nap
on my soft bed).
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning with a tray
of food next to me & a letter from
Anele::I made you breakfast,I'll be
back later there are things I need to
deal with::then I stood & went to the
bathroom & brushed my teeth then
washed my face,then went to eat
after I went downstairs,Zee wasn't
downstairs,I wonder where she
is,then I washed the plate then went
upstairs to take a shower,after I
wored my over'sized white Nike t'shirt
& grey gatta with my white Nike
Sneakers then wored my bob weave
then applied make up & lip gloss then
I took my sling bag & went
downstairs ,Anele was there with
Zee,all those bad memories came
back,I couldn't breath I was
struggling,then I felt dizzy & fell
down, lights off)
Anele's POV
After Lisa fell,I carried her to my car
& took her to hospital,we waited till
the doctor came)
Doc: Lisakhanya Ndabeni?
Me:yes,how is she?
Doc:she's okay,she has trauma,it
usually comes when having a bad
memory on something she saw or
remember,she'll need a therapist to
help her
Me:thanks I'll organize it for her,when
is she being discharged?
Doc:she can be discharged
now,there are not effects or
something she's very healthy,but
she'll need to rest
Me:I'll make sure of that,can we see
Doc:sure,I'll go organize the
discharging papers
(Then we went to her ward she was
sitting, straight)
L:what are you doing here huh?
Me:Zee cares about you
L:well I don't care about her,you get
Zee:I'm so sorry Lisa, please forgive
L:yeah yeah,go!
(Then she got out)
Me:was that necessary?
L:I hate her very much,she's the one
that made me be traumatised
Me:it's okay
L:you'll have to choose,is it me or her
A:how can you make me choose
between you & her,I don't choose
her,she's carrying my child Lisa
L:I can bear you many children you
want Anele,it's obvious you wanna
use me
Me:no Lisa, don't say that,you know
that I love you & nothing can change
that okay,please stop it
(Then the doctor came then,we
signed the papers,then we went
home,we arrived I prepared food for
her & I also organized the therapist,
she'll start tomorrow,after preparing
the food,I gave her she ate then we
watched movies,then Zee came &
stand in front of us)
L:khawusuke ndiBukele
Zee:I'm hungry,your child is hungry
L:you do have hands right?now go
make yourself food & leave my man
Zee:your man?(Lisa showed her the
L:yeah my man
(Zee went to make herself food,later I
helped Lisa to cook then we dished
up,Lisa gave Zee her food)
Zee:you want me to eat that?never I
know there's a poison in there,so I
won't eat it
L:you ungrateful little*(she was about
to struggle her,but I stopped Lisa,
remember Zee has a restraining
order so she can get Lisa arrested so
I can't let her be arrested)
Me:you can't beat her,you'll get
Zee:no let her beat me,I'll just visit
her in prison
(Then we ate after we went to
sleep,we cuddled then dozed off).
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning,Anele was
still sleeping,I stood up & dragged
myself to the bathroom,I showered &
wored my Grey long dress & my
MRPrice fashion pushes then bob weave & covered it
with a dook then applied lip'gloss on
my lips,I was Amazing )
A:damn my wife is so damn beautiful
Me:she knows
A:I wonder umsephi u'thank you bbe
Me:thank you
A:so where are you off to?
Me:you've booked thereapy for me so
I'm off to there
A:I forgot,here take(he gave me his
Black card)go spoil yourself after
Me:thanks(I kissed his chick then
took my sling bag & went
downstairs,Zee was watching tv there
were snack's papers all over the
Me:I just can't stay with a pig in my
house,no I can't
Zee:who are you calling a pig(she
stood up & slapped me,I just
controlled myself & went to the
kitchen & took a juice & apple & went
to A's car & drove to the thereapy
after the session i passed
somewhere & got what I wanted then
went back home,The baby mama
wasn't home neither was Anele,then I
started cooking,I cooked rice,
mayonnaise salad,veg'salad,beans &
pease,then baked banana bread &
muffins,while I was waiting for them
to be ready I took out a plain yogurt &
ate,then baby mama & my man got in
carrying baby shopping bags)
Me:mhm, where we're you
Zee:we just went to town to do
shopping for little one
Me:okay then,I was just preparing
food for dinner,since you came with
Pizza we will eat it now for lunch then
later we eat mine
A:sure(i prepared pizza for us & pour
a juice then went to give them we ate
then I washed the dishes & turned off
the baking oven,then went to to sit
with them & watched TV)
A:what?are you okay!
Zee:the baby just kicked,here feel it
(Then See took Anele's hand & made
him feel it,then Zee smiled)
A:this is the best moment in my life
Zee:yes our best moment
Me:it's getting late let me go dish up
(Then I stood up & went to dish up
after doing the process I went to give
them their food after we ate then I did
dessert *(banana bread & mint
muffins with ultramel on'top then went
to gave them,I took mine tgen we ate
after sometime,Zee was feeling
cramps on her stomach,i took Anele
Me:it's been long since we had some
A:yeah you're right (we heard Zee
screaming upstairs,we quickly went
to check out)
A:what's wrong?(her stomach wasn't
big anymore,she stood up,there was
blood on the sofa & on her dress)
Me:I..I think we should call an
(Anele called an ambulance,he drove
with Zee to hospital while I was left
looking after the house,My plan
worked,you may be wondering where
did I go after the thareapy,well I went
to see a Sangoma,he gave me herb
to put on Zee's food so her child will
die,I did axactly as he told me now
boom the child is dead,just then I
received a call from Anele)
A:we will be home in 10 minutes,
prepare a bed for Zee
Me:I will,what happened?
A:I'll tell you when we get there
Me:sure bye(he hanged up,then I
went to fix her bed then came back
downstairs,they got in,Anele was
fuming with anger & Zee was crying)
Zee:i'm..I'm sorry Anele
A:just..just shut up,if you listened to
me things wouldn't turn like this
Me:what's wrong?
Zee:shut up,this doesn't concern you
Me:my bad!
A:just go upstairs,i want you out in
my house tommorow okay!
Zee:please I don't know where to go.
please Anele I'm sorry
A:I'm done talking to you
(Then she went upstairs then I was
left with A)
Me:what happened?
A:Zee lost the baby,looks like alcohol
& drugs were found in her body
Me:what!she was on drugs?
A:I don't know,she's denying it
Me:okay,look go upstairs & calm
down,we will fix this tommorow
(Then we went upstairs & slept)
.I will write tommorow,im phoneless
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning & showered
after I wored my Grey summer dress
& my Nike pushes & combed my Afro
& went downstairs,I found Anele
playing with his cereal)
Me:if you don't want to eat trow it
away cause your playing with your
food by the way where's Zee
A:she's gone
Me:Anele you shouldn't have trowed
her out,where will she go?
A:do I care?(I then made my self
something to eat after I ate then
washed the dishes & clean the
house,then sat down,I know what I
did was wrong & I'm regretting
myself,I'm not evil,I'll have to tell
Anele about what I did before it's too
late ,I was about to call him when he
got in with his friends)
Me:hey (I went to hug them)
Me:A,can I talk to you for a moment
A:sure what?
Me:in private
A:(he stood up then we went to our
Me:uh.. I'm (just a moment I have a
vision from my dad:
Dad:don't do it my child, something
bad might happen to you,don't tell
him:then he vanished)
A:you wanted to tell me something
Me:ohw yeah,I'm I'm..(he cutted me)
A:your pregnant?ahh thank you,thank
you,I promise to be a great father,no
mascarrage may happen again
Me:what..(he then got out)no,I'm not.
(I then went downstairs)
The guys: Congratulations girl
Lu:you don't seem happy
Me:I am,it's just the hormones (I
faked a smile,I wonder what will I
do,I'll just have to get pregnant,then
everything will be sorted,I went to sat
with them,Anele went to make me
food,alot of food,I ate till I was full)
A:I wanted my little one not to be
hungry ( he said brushing my tummy)
Me: (then later the guys went
home,then we went upstairs)
Me:I wanna play
A:but I'm tired
Me:Anele!(Anele was already
asleep,I then slept)
.I was woken up by Anele)
A:wakey wakey sleepy head
Me: (I stood up & went to brush my
teeth then passed him & went
downstairs he followed me down,then
I took out a cereal box then poured it
in a bowl & took out milk & looked at
A:so you'll not eat my food you'll just
make your own,owkay.
Me:andithi ubungaFuni udlala Nam
-you didn't want to play with me
A:okay lets go play
A:yes(then we went upstairs & did 5
rounds after i showered & wored my
White long dress & wored my 32 inch
parivian weave & my Black pensil hill
then took my perse & went
Me:Bbe,I'm off to the mall
A:sure (then I took his car keys then
went to the mall,I saw Ntokozo sitting
N:girl,it's been long time since we
Me:yeah,I thought I should give you
space with your family by the way
how's your wife?
N:she's great but she's on a vacation
N:no it's work stuff
Me:ohw work staff(I took a sip)
N:are you trying to say my wife lied?
Me:what? I'm not
N:okay then(we sat & chilled,till
someone came to us,it was Zee)
Me:what do you want?
Zee:I know you did something to my
child,trust me this won't end,I'm
coming after you, prepare yourself
Me:(I just chocked)no,I did nothing,I
didn't say be a druggie,hard luck your
so called child is dead(she slept
me)that's what cowards do,slap
someone in public knowing they'll
stop me,girl you better watch your
back or else you'll be six feet
underground (everyone was video
Zee:if something happens to
me,you'll regret the day you were
born,lento that lied about her own
stepmother,yeah she lied & said her
stepmother sent people to rape her &
oh I won't mention this that she's HIV
Me:what(I slapped her 2times)how
could you lie about such?huh?do you
want a piece of me?
N:okay that's enough,Lisa let's go(I
took the coffee Ntokozo was drinking
& poured Zee with it,she screamed
then i took my Perce & went out I got
in my car then drove home,I found
Anele with an old woman,I just
passed them cause i was fuming with
anger,i then changed in to my nattie
then switched off my phone then
Anele got in)
A:Lisakhanya! what was that?
Me:look I'm not in the mood
okay,your ex baby mama caused me
a scene so,I'm not in the mood,you
can sleep in the guest room & close
the door behind you(then I covered
myself with a blanket & slept)

Daily new African Novels

I woke up in the morning,I was
moody & I wasn't feeling right,I went
to the bathroom & brushed my teeth
& washed my face,I was about to
open the door I felt dizzy & fell,then
lights out)
.Anele's POV
I was worried about Lisa & I also saw
the video,I woke up in the morning &
showered then covered myself with a
towel then went to the room Lisa was
sleeping in cause I wanted my
clothes,I knocked & ther was no
reply,I nocked again,then I got in)
Me:Lisa?(she wasn't there,I took out
my track'suit then wored it with my
white Nick airmax,I was about to use
the ensuit when I saw Lisa laying
Me:Lisa! Lisakhanya?(I Carried her
Downstairs,my aunt was there)
Aunt:your wife is drunk?,is this the
type of girl you wanna marry?
Me:look I'm rushing to the
hospital,I'm not in the mood to talk
(Then I took my car keys & drove
Lisa to the hospital,we arrived the
doctors to her to her ward as I was
waiting for them to come back)
Me:doc is my wife going to be
okay,what happened?
Doc:she's awake,she had symptoms
of pregnancy,& she's a week
Me:I know that but why are you
telling me now?
Doc:maybe she went to a different
hospital,but she's pregnant &
Me:y..yeah yeah thanks,can I see
Doc:yeah sure,follow me
Then I followed her,I got in Lisa's
Me:hey,are you okay?
Lisa:yeah I'm fine
Me:what happened?
Lisa:I don't know,I..I don't
remember, happened
Me:something is strange,why is the
doctor only finding now that you are
Lisa:I..I don't know but what I know is
that..umh I went to a different
hospital,yeah the hospital near the
mall,cause I wasn't feeling well so I
passed there,yeah..
Me:okay,aren't you hungry?
Lisa:yeah I'm starving,lets go
We went to the receptionist & signed
the papers after we went home,we
arrived my Aunt was drinking tea &
watching TV,old people
Me:we are back
Aunt:Anele, introduce me to this girl
Me:this is not any girl this is my wife
to my wife to be & you won't talk to
her like she's nothing okay,by the
way Lisa this is my Aunt Nosizwe &
Aunty this is Lisakhanya my wife to
Lisa:saw'bona ma
-hey ma
Aunty:mhm(then she continued
watching TV)
Me:Aunty my wife is greeting
you,look if you don't like her,pack
your bags & leave
Aunty:molo Makoti my tea is getting
cold make me another one
Me:Lisakhanya upstairs
Lisa:but your Aunty...(I cutted her)
Me:I said upstairs now!(she then
went upstairs)
Me:whats your problem huh?
Aunty:I don't trust that girl,theres a
trending video about her,did you
know she's HIV positive?
Me:Aunty that's all lies okay,she's not
sick unless you want to bewitch her
to be sick
Aunty:how could you Anele,your
mother asked me to take care of
you,I'm trying by all means to be a
mother to you but you,you are
rejecting me,why can't you see
that,that girl wants nothing but your
money huh?
Me:Lisakhanya loves me not my
money okay?so I'm gonna Mary Lisa
no matter what okay!& no one will
change that!
Then I went upstairs....
.Nosizwe's Pov
You know who I am,Anele's Aunty,Im
the one who killed his parents,I was
jealous because they were richer
than me,I also don't like Anele,I only
want his money,all I have to do is
forge his Will then write my name,so I
can get his cars,money & house,after
I'll kill him but first I'll have to take
care of his soon to be "wife" she'll
know who I am but first I'll need to
meet with the girl she was arguing
with,I called one of my guys
N:boss lady?
Me:I have a job for you
N:talk to me boss
Me:there's a girl I need you to
find,don't do anything to her just find
her & I want her address & phone
N:anything boss,when do you want
these things?
Me:I'll send you her picture,I want all
the details tonight okay?
N:sure boss
I screenshoted the her picture then
sent it to Ntsizwa after I continued
drinking my tea
Me:let the games begin
.to be continued..
Daily new African Novels
.I woke up in the morning &
showered.i wored my Maroon long
dress & my Maroon pushes then
i'combed my Afro then went
downstairs.i found "Anele's
Aunt"making breakfast
Nowizwe:makoti!you are sleeping
late.a makoti should wake up
early,not even early at 5 o'clock &
prepare breakfast & clean the house
you won't clean the house while I'm
eating.Anele doesn't know what he
wants to marry
Me:look I'm not in the mood to argue
with you.okay?nxn
I then went to the kitchen,I won't eat
food made by her never,what if she
poured poison in my food to kill my
child?never,I made my self cereal
then Anele came downstairs,
smelling fresh
Me:mhm, someone is in a good
A:what must I do,soon I'm going to be
a father of a girl
Me:wwho said it will be a girl?I want a
boy mna shame
Aunty:mxm.a girl will be fine
A:what are we eating?
Aunty:I made I dombolo & stew
Me:hayi ku bad!
A:let me taste it
He went to taste it,he quickly spit it
A:I've never tasted something bad in
my this,is bad,really bad
He went to make him self cereal,then
came back with a mug
A:here you need to drink this
Me:what's this?
A:it's a healthy smoothie you'll need
to drink so my child will healthy
Me:okay,what's in it?
A:raw eggs,avocado,pickels
Me:o.w.k.y,this actually stinks
I had a sip,this is really the baddest
smoothie I've never tasted,I closed
my nose then drinkef it all,after I
stood up & went to drink water,Anele
was dead with laughter
Aunty:you two are annoying let me
go to my friends
Anele:you already have friends?
Aunty:undi thatha kanjani?nxn
Then she left.i stayed with Anele,he
was playing with me.and rubbing my
stomach while talking to the
baby,he's actually crazy but I love
Nosizwe's Pov
After leaving that house,I went to
meet with the girl from the
Restaurant,I went to MacDonald to
meet her,I ordered a juice for
myself,she came in & looked around,I
lifted my hand,she came to me
Her:hey are you. Nosizwe?
Me:yes,you must be Zintle
Her:yes but call me Zee
Me:mhm.i have a deal for you,please
sit down
Zee:what deal?
Me:I know what happened to your
Zee:no one doesn't know,it's all over
social media
Me:yes,won't you like the person that
killed your child to be dead?
Zee:what?I'm not a murderer,yes I'm
angry but I wouldn't wish that to
Me:what if that someone wants you
Zee:what?! Lisakhanya wants me
Zee:how do you know that?
Me:let me say,she's soon going to be
my daughter in-law
Zee:you are Anele's mother?
Me:his Aunty
Zee:what exactly did you call me for?
Me:I want you to help me get rid of
her,along with Anele
Zee:what?Anele is a very dangerous
man,he would kill me,if he finds out
that we are planning to kill him & his
Me:if he finds out you are not sure,so
are you in or out?
Zee:I'm not in,I don't want to die
Me:your loss,you can leave,I'll kill
them myself
Zee:okay fine,I'm in,I'll really enjoy
watching that man taker dead
Me:let the show begin,cheers
We drank then later I went home,I
found Anele & her soon to be wife
watching a movie,I passed them then
went to my room & slept
.phoneless & bussy preparing for
Daily new African Novels
Lisa is now chubby,she eats
alot.she's always moody & she
doesn't talk too much,her wedding
with Anele is going to happen after
the baby's birth,Anele support Lisa in
everything,Anele's business is going
Nosizwe & Zintle disappeared, no
one knows where could they be,it's
been 7 months since they were gone
I woke up & did my hygiene
process,then showered after I wored
my Track'suit & white all'star, i
combed my weave then wored it after
I applied lip gloss then took my
phone & went downstairs, I found my
beloved husband making breakfast
Me: morning bbe
A:hey sweetheart
(he said kissing my cheek)
Me:what are you cooking
A:it's English breakfast
Me:mhm I'm craving for those bacons
A:nah you ain't gonna eat bacons,
I've made your healthy smoothie,my
child won't eat junk
Me: hay'kodwa Anele you are too
over protective, it's not like something
will happen to the baby
A: I know but I won't risk your life &
my child's life, you can whatever you
want after giving birth,for now you'll
have to obey my rules
Me:this smoothie isn't enough for me

A:here you'll veat this

(It was a healthy breakfast,no
Bacons,no eggs,no toasted bread it
was just
& that disgusting smoothie)
Me:(mumbling) I won't eat this no
A:are you saying something? I was just saying thank
(I ate it then after I drank the
smoothie,Anele washed the dishes
then we sat down)
A:nop I'll sit here with you,wena? do
you have plans?
Me:yes I do,I'll have to do shopping
coz my clothes aren't fitting me
anymore,so yeah
A:I'll come with you need, I'll call you if
there's a problem,wena just go to
work & see how things are going
A:are you sure you don't want me to
come with you?
Me:no I'm fine
(Then he stood up & went to change,
I went to the room & took my perce &
phone then took my car keys & drove
around waiting for Anele to come
out,he then came out I saw him
driving to work then I drove to the
Me:MacDonald here I come ,I'm
tired of eating healthy food
(I then arrived then ordered alot of
food then sat down,I ate & ate till
some lady came to me)
Her:pregnancy? I know so tired,I can't wait to
give birth & be free
Her:can I sit with you?
(She then sat down)
Her:hey,my name is Linda & yours?
Me:I'm Lisakhanya
Linda:it's nice meeting you Lisa
Linda:you really love food morc?
Me:it's not that,my husband feeds me
healthy food,I mean who the hell eats
leaves? no thank you
Linda:does he knows that you are
here eating MacDonald food filled
with oil?
Me:no he doesn't,I mean he doesn't
have to know
(As we we're chatting,some guys
came in, carrying guns & wored
Them:everybody get down now!
Guy1:take out your phones,
bracelets, necklace,worchs & money
on the table
Guy2:if you try something stupid I'll
shoot the hell out of you
(People started to give them
everything,I took out my worch,
bracelet & took out R500 out of my
bag & putted it on the table then took
my phone & inserted it in my breast)
Guy'1: hey,take all their stuff &
put'em in this bag,hurry
(The guy did so,as they were about
to get out my phone rang,owh shit,I
tried pressing my breast for it not to
do noise but I failed,then the guy1
came to me)
Guy1:ola, hela,khange ndithi faka lo
mngqundu we phone apha?
Me:whoa first of all you don't know
me,I don't know you, secondly I'm the
owner of this phone & you won't tell
me to give you my phone,never!
Guy:ohh so you think you are clever
Linda:Lisa just give him the damn
Me:I won't do that,i love my phone
very much
Guy:I think you should listen to your
Me:I won't do that
Guy:so you think you have that much
confidence to chat back with me
(Then a slap landed on my face,I felt
Guy:I said give me the fucken
phone,ola mjita call the boss outside
& tell him we have a problem here
(Then the guy got out,a familiar
person got in,I know this guy,I
couldn't see him well because I was
Guy:le frou ayifuni usinika le phone
(Another slap landed on me,it was
the same guy)
Boss:hela are crazy,how can you
beat a woman huh?Lis...lady are you
(The boss picked me up & inserted
me in his car then drove me to
hospital,I was checked then after
they told me to rest)
.Anele's POV
I think Lisa noticed me,how can she
go to a restaurant knowing that she's
not allowed to eat things with oil,after
sending her to hospital,I went back to
the Wearhouse)
Me:Sk how can you beat my wife
So:sorry boss I didn't know she's
your wife
Me:you didn't know? did your mother
teach you not to beat women?
Sk:bos I'm sorry
Me:do you know what I do to woman
Sk:please don't kill me
Me:I won't kill you,I'll make you watch
me killing you slowly,Gents tie him up
(Then did,he was crying,I took a knife
& firstly cutted his fingers then
secondly i stabbed his leg after I took
my gun & shot him 3 times then told
the guys to clean the mess,I went
home then changed what I was
wearing then took my car keys &
went to the hospital,I arrived)
Me:Doctor I'm here for my Wife
Doc:you are Lisakhanya's Husband?
Me:yes is she & the baby okay?
Doc:yes she's okay but I'm sorry...
Me:no you can't tell me she lost the
Doc:no the baby,is fine & healthy but
I'm sorry for what happened to your
wife, the security cameras proved
that she was being brave
Me:yeah.yeah can I see
Doc:yeah sure,she can be
discharged now,I'll go get the papers
(I went to her ward,she was still
sleeping,I waked her up gently,she
woked up & attacked me with a hug)
Me:are you okay?
Lisa:yeah I'm fine is the baby okay?
Me:yeah the baby is fine,the doctor
said you can be discharged today,so
yeah come
(I gently helped her to get off bed,
after we went to the reception,we
signed the papers then went home,I
drove home after we arrived,we got
in then fixed the pillows for her to
sit,she sat down,I sat next to her)
Me:go ahead,talk
Lisa:I'm sorry,I was craving for
fries,I've been eating healthy
things,it's not like the baby will die if
I'm eating burgers & staff
Me:I know,first what we're you
thinking to go to MacDonald,I killed
the guy that beated you,I didn't know
you would be there,I'm sorry
Lisa:you were the boss that was at
MacD? sorry I didn't know you
would be there, wait you lied to
me,did you really went to do
Lisa:well I was but I became hungry,I
thought passing at MacD won't be
Me:look it's fine,from now on you can
eat whatever you want,only on
Tuesdays & Fridays & Sundays,the
rest of week you'll eat healthy
(We watched TV, I went to cook after
we ate then went upstairs we cuddled
& slept)
.this was the least I could do,I'll see
you tomorrow !
Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning showered I
worked my yellow tracksuit & my
white no name sneakers then
combed my weave & went
downstairs I found my beloved
husband playing PlayStation with his
Them:wow, hello to you too sleepy
Me:anonga lali kaloku mna
A:just leave my wife alone
Me:batshele sthandwa
I said kissing him
Guys:eeww get a room
Us: whatever
(I went to make myself food then took
my bag & phone then went out, I
went to a salon near Khayelitsha to
renew my nails)
Me:hey, I'm here to renew my nails
Girl:is there a certain thing you want
to do or?
Me:do any kind of style but it must be
coffin shape
She did my nails then Anele called
me before going out
A: where are you?(he sounded
Me:I'm at a new salon in Khayelitsha
w...(he cutted me)
A:look don't go okay, just stay right
(he hanged up, I waited for him within
5 minutes he got in like he was being
chased,he attacked me with a hug)
A:why didn't you tell me that you are
going huh?
Me:I didn't know that it would be a big
A:you are pregnant for heaven sake
Me:I know"I know,but..
The girls in the salon:you aren't even
sure if that's your child
Me:what the" wtf are you talking
Girl1: some people clame to be
impregnated by rich guys but non rich
guys impregnated them
Me:bbe let's go, they are crazy
A: Lisakhanya in the car now
Me:what about the car i came with?
A: now!
I went to the car, he came then drove
to McD, as I we were getting out of
the car Anele got a phonecall, I was
about to get in McD then a black van
pulled over in front of me,then guys
got out and pulled me)
Guy1:hey get in!
Me:no,please no,Anele!!
He was about to go help me,then the
van went off)
I'm back'!! Sorry for diching you,I ran
out of ideas but now I'm all sorted '
Daily new African Novels
:Come to the Wearhouse now!, yes I
sent the guys to kidnap her,come
I'm back bitches'its me Zee, when I
disappeared I wanted to wait for Lisa
till it's time for her to give birth,i want
her to suffer like she did to me,there
will be no marriage the person I was
calling was Nosizwe
After calling Nosizwe,I went to the
room Lisa was locked in
Me: surprise surprise,I'm back!
L:wtf do you want from me?
Me:i want you to suffer,i want to see
you dead!
L: please,let me go,I'll leave town,
please I'll even break up with Anele if
that's what you want, please leave
me & my baby alone
Me:I like you, you're clever,I'll let you
go only if you make Anele fall in love
with me again
L:I will just let me go
Anele's POV
After they kidnapped Lisa, I tracked
her phone,then found her location, I
drove there & got out,it was my old
Me:wtf? who would use this house?
I got in,I know where to enter & I also
know the exiting way, I entered all
rooms till I found the last one,I got
in,Lisa was tied up & a lady was
standing in front of her,she turned
Z:that's right,I'm back, you thought I
wouldn't come back huh?
Me:look Lisa has nothing to do with
this please let her go
She took out her gun then her right
man got in, she pointed Lisa
Zee:take out your gun now!
(I did) trow it down,if you try
something stupid I'll shoot Lisa & I'll
aim right to her tummy,then your so
called child will die!
(I trowed it to her)
Zee:now leave!
Me:no I won't!
(I ran to her then I heard gunshots,I
looked at my tummy blood was
flowing then I fell,lights out*
Zee's POV
After shooting Anele I quickly called
an Ambulance,it arrived & took him to
hospital, I ran back to the house
Me:this is all your fault,you are the
one who came to my life & ruined
everything,it's all you,you were
selfish,you didn't care about my
feelings when you took Anele from
me,it's all your fault,now for your
punishment, Brandon untie her(he
did,I dragged her out of the
house,she was weak from hunger &
she was thirsty, idrove to her house,I
packed her clothes then took her
out)your Plane will leave in
5minutes,go & never come back,if I
see you again I'll kill you!
L:please don't do this,my husband
needs me, please!
Me:fix your self & leave I'm sending
you to Durban
(It was time for her to leave,she got in
the plan & flew,I went to the hospital)
Me:doc I'm here to see Anele William
Doc:he is in ICU you can't see him
now, he was shot very badly
Me:okay (I drove to his house & took
a cold shower then wored Anele's
clothes & slept)
Daily new African Novels
It's been a year after the incident,
Lisa had a daughter & she named
her BuhleBendalo Ariana Williams
Anele lost his memory after the
incident & Zee & Nosizwe has took
over the William's household
I woke up in the morning then
showered & wored my Pink Velvet
dress & pink fluffy shoes then wored
my 32 inch weave & applied lip gloss
then woke Ari & washed her, we
wored matching outfits cute though
then i tied her hair in two two neat
buns then made her baby hair then I
took my perse & car keys then drove
to Mac Donald we arrived I ordered
1 Big Mac & a Mac flurry smoothie
then I ate, while ndityisa uArri i'purity
then after i payed & left I drove to the
mall & did a few shopping then I sat
to another bunk after buying my self
an bubble gum smoothie, I saw a
lady with his husband & kid in the
middle playing and having fun, I just
looked at my child then tears
ascaped from my eyes, I just missed
my husband, I stood up & went home
after I took my phone & called
Ntokozo, the guy that I accidentally
kissed then Anele saw us? yeah that
Me:hey Ntokozo, it's me Lisa
N:Lisa? what? you are alive
Me:yeah I was never dead, I need
your help
N: before all of that, where are you?
Me:I can't tell you but can we meet?
N:sure where?
Me:at******* you'll need to travel
N:sure I'll book my flight now
Me:please, I'll see you then
N:okay(I then hanged up)
After calling him I looked at Anele's
Me:I'll see you soon, you'll see your
daughter (then ikissed it)
I then started I ordered pizza since I
was living alone & the baby only eats
purity later I went to bed & slept
.Ntokozo's Pov
After receiving the call,I quickly
packed my clothes then went
downstairs, I found my wife & kids
watching TV
Wifey:bbe, where are you going?
Me:duty calls, umhh do you
remember Lisakhanya?
Her: William's?
Me:yeah that one, she needs my help
Her:what? ithought she was dead
Me:yeah seems like Zee spread lies,
so ineed to leave, I'll keep you
updated with everything
Her:okay, travel safe
I then left, after that my flight took off,
I dozed off.
Lisa's Pov
I woke up in the morning then
showered & wored my Nike tracksuit
& my black Nike Rosh'air then
received a call from Ntoko
Me:hey, have you arrive?
N:yeah I'm at ***hotel
Me:I'll meet you at Muldrad Butcher
N:okay then
After I hanged up then washed Ari &
she wored her purple denim dangarie
& her white sandle then tied her hair,
my baby is so adorable after I took
my things & locked the house then
drove to the restaurant, I found Ntoko
already there then I hugged him then
we sat down
Me:hey long time no see
N: yeah it's been a long time, what
happened to Anele?
Me:Anele? last time I saw him was
the day he got shoot, remembering I
was was tied in a chair, hungry &
crying in pain & Zee gave me no
mercy my life after that was hell, I
was worried sick about Anele but for
the sake of the baby I stayed calm I
didn't know to go when Zee send me
off to Durban, I had no one & no
choice to make a plan, I found a
friend with connection then she gave
me a place to crash in anytime I
wanted, but now she went to America
to a business trip, the reason I called
you was, I need your help to evange
myself from Zee
N:what? are you crazy, what if she
kills you?
Me:no one will kill me, I would have
done this year myself but I need guns
& gajets please, I can't do this without
you. for the sake of Ari, please
N:arghh, fine I'll help you, but we will
need to go home you can stay with
Me:I would but no one can see or
meet me
N:no one will, you'll just stay at the
house nothing much
Me:fine, when are we leaving?
N: tommorow morning
Me:okay then
I spent the rest of the day with
Ntokozo & Ari then later I ordered
pizza for me then ate while Ari eating
her food then after we changed to our
PJs & slept
. Daily new African Novels
I woke up in the morning then
showered after I wored my Black tight
& black polo"neck then wored my
boot'hill(black) it was windy outside
then I took out my Black coat & cap &
set them on top of the bed then I
woke Ari up & washed her then she
wored her black Adidas track suit
then she wored her black socks then
I combed & tied her hair in to a neat
bun then packed our things then I
wored my 32 inch long weave &
wored my cap & coat then I took out
bags then went downstairs, I found
Ntoko already there.
Me: morning are you ready?
N:yeah I am, let me go put the things
in the boot
He then took our things & puted them
in the car, after we drove to the
airport after we flew.
. next day:
We landed in Cape Town then we
called a cab then drove to Ntoko's
house, we arrived & we found
Ntoko's wife & kid watching TV
N:we are back.
Melly:hey, Lisa right?
Me:yeah & you must be..umh
Melly:yeah & you still remember
Thalitha right?
Me:yeah I do, he's so grown up so
fast.(I sat the baby down & carried
Thali)hey boy, you're so grown up
T:yes Aunt Lisa, mom I'm hungry
Melly:yhuu hai uyadika shame. are
you guys hungry?
Me:I'm so starving
N:yeah me too
Melly:I'll make some food(she then
went to make food)
Me:so, what's the plan?
N:Thali, go to your room & play video
games, the router is on
N:I've contacted my guys & they are
bringing the maschineries tonight at
my Wearhouse, everything is ready,
all we need to do is to attack
Me: firstly, Zee needs to see I'm
back, i know she'll try everything to
get rid of me & I'll wait for her to
N:are you insane, what if she kills
you first?
Me:I know what I'm doing, today I'll
rest then later we'll go her the guns,
tommorow my life begins, Zee will
know who she messed with, no one
masses with the Blaque Diamond &
get away with it, everyone will know
N:I don't like the sound of that but,I'll
have to except it.
(Melly came with food, we ate then I
helped her with the dishes, Ari ate
her purity then drank her milk & I
helped her to burf after I took her to
bed I took a nap, later I woke up &
refreshed & wored my Gangsterism
black clothes after I switched my
phone off & wored my shades then
went downstairs.
Me:I'm ready, we can leave
N:sure(he kissed his wife)
Melly:be safe guys.
We then drove to the Wearhouse, the
guys were there
Guy1:Mr Jackson
MrZ:I see you brought a friend with
Me: enough with the chit'chats, got
the guns?
MrZ:I like you already, the guns are
here where's the money
N:we didn't agree with any money
here Zori stop playing games
Me:Tk(as Ntokozo) relax, MrZori
name your price.(Ntokozo looked at
me with those WTF eyes)
Me:deal(I took out my phone & sent it
to him, he gave us the guns &
gadgets then they left)
N:WTF Lisakhanya? how can you
give them so much money?
Me:I don't care, I'll I want is guns so I
can kill that mother fucker & anyone
who comes on my way, if you wanna
be that person I'll get rid of you, o
don't care who the fuck are you, but
tell you this, I'll do that shit, now let's
do what we needed to do & stop
shiting around.
N:(sighed) I don't know what you've
turned to but you are playing with fire
Me:what'apps, I'll start calling Zee
(I took out my phone & started calling
Me:hey am I talking to Zintle
Zee:yes who the fuck am I talking to?
Me:learn how to speak with people
girl, anyway it's me Lisakhanya
dummy, I'm BACK.
Zee:Lisa..? that can't be, didn't I tell
you to leave the country?
Me: well I'm back & guess what, I'm
coming for you & I'm watching you,
every step you are doing,I'm
watching & Anele? I'll get him back
Zee: forget about getting Anele he's
mine & I'm waiting for you bitch.(she
hanged up)
I called Anele
A:who am I talking to?
Me:it's me your wife Lisa
A:hay xolo sisi, it's maybe a wrong
number, I'm not married I've got a
girlfriend, so please
Me:you don't remember? wow
A:you are confusing me, sorry I got to
go, my girlfriend is waiting for me(he
hanged up)
I can't believe he doesn't remember
anything, did Zee erease his memory
or what? I just can't believe it, we
took the guns then drove home, I was
quite till we arrived, we got in
Melly:ahh right on time, I was dishing
Me:thanks but I'm not hungry
I then went upstairs & checked on my
baby after I worked her up, she ate
her purity then drank her warm milk &
burfed then we changed to our PJ's &
got undercovers, I was crying till I
. Daily new African Novels
. #insert30
I woke up in the morning & went to
do my hygiene process then went
downstairs,I found the family
downstairs eating breakfast.
Me:morning (I took a waffle & took a
bite then poured myself a juice &
dished breakfast for me then took my
food) I'll be upstairs if anyone needs
N: sure.
I then went upstairs & ate I took my
phone & watched my videos & pics of
me & Anele, I suddenly cryed then
my baby woke up crying
Me:shhh, it's okay mommy's here.
I then finished eating, then went to
shower after I wored my gown & went
to wash Ari, after I wored my no
name tracksuit & my white All star
then combed my Afro & wored a'cap,
Ari wored her Pink & white dress &
matching sox then I combed her Afro
I took my phone & baby then went
Me:umhh Melly could you hold Ari for
me I'll be back
Me:can I borrow one of your cars?
Melly:take the black Mercedes, here's
the key
Then I took the keys, owh I forgot my
gun, I went upstairs & took it then
went to the car & drove to the
Hospital, I arrived then went to the
Me:hey mam can I see Doctor Zulu?
girl:do you have an appointment with
Me:no, he's a friend of mine, he won't
Girl: doctor Zulu has patients to
attend so please make an
appointment for tomorrow or wait till
break time
Me:what time is"break time"
Girl:11:30(I looked at the time it's still
Me:you know what just forget it.
Girl:yeah right
Me:don't you dare give me that
stinking attitude
Girl:or what?
I was about to take out my gun &
shot her but Doctor Zulu came
Doc:hey hey, what's all the noise
Me:you should teach Miss
receptionist some respect & to know
how to talk to people , Doc I was
here to see you.
Doc:you, get back to work!, Follow
me to my office Mrs Williams
Me:Miss Mangolothi for now (we
arrived in his office then we sat
Doc:so what can I do for you?
Me:I need to know what happened to
Anele Williams after his shooting, his
file I need to see his results, there's
something I don't understand
Doc:let me get it for you (he stood &
went to take the file then came back)
Doc: here
Me:he had a brain tumor?that's why
he doesn't remember anything umhh
I have to go thank you
I stood then left I drove to MacDonald
& ordered 1 coke, I was thinking my
own shit when I heard a familiar
laugh, I turned it was Anele & Zee, he
saw me & looked at me for a long
time, I then looked away & minded
my owners
Anele's Pov
After me & my girlfriend got in at
MacD telling jokes & laughing, Zee
went to order while I turned &saw a
familiar lady, I looked at her for a long
time then she looked away
Me:Bbe, I'm coming now
I went to her
Me:hey, do I know you somewhere?
Her:me? you must be mistaken, I
don't know who are you
A:no I'm not I know you somewhere
but I just can't remember where &
who you are
Me:hay sorry I'm not who you think I
am, I have to go(she stood up & took
her things then left, Zee came to me)
Zee:bbe who were you talking to?
Me:it was a guy I thought I knew but
seems I was wrong
Zee:let's leave here are our take
We then left, I just can't remember
anything I don't know how but I'll
have to investigate about that girl,I
called Sk my guy
Me:Sk are you busy now?
So:yeah boss, why?
Me:there's a lady I need you to
investigate for me
So:is your girlfriend giving you
Me:no you dummy, any way
tommorow 9oclock I need you here
So:sure boss
I then hanged up then went home &
went to take a nap
I'll continue, network
Daily new African Novels
I woke up & no one was next to me, I
rolled out of bed & went to take a
shower, I rapped a towel around my
waist then went to look for an outfit
for today, I opened the cardboard a
box fell off & almost hit me but I
managed to move quickly, a marriage
Album fell out, I picked it up it was
empty but a photo falled out
Me:what's this?
It was a photo of the lady I saw
I quickly set back the things from
where I found them, then took out my & lotioned after I wored my
white vest & neivy ellese track-pant
after I wored my white Jordan kicks
then wored my chain & took my
phone then went downstairs
Zee:hey, why didn't you answer when
I called you?
Me:I said yess?
Zee:ohw so I'm yess no longer bbe?
what's up with you, ever since we
came back from MacD yesterday you
weren't yourself, what's up with you
Me:what the? who are you to ask me
that? you ain't my mother fucken
mother, my mom is six feet under &
no one will replace here (I stood up
the chair felled down)I need some air
Zee:bbe?I'm so sorry
I just car keys then droved to
the park, I sat there thinking till
someone taped my shoulder
:you love kids huh?
Me:huh? owh no..yes it's just I was
on my thoughts nothing much
Her:by the way I'm Lisakhanya your
wif...I mean I'm new her I come from
Me:I'm Anele, nice to meet you, so
tell me more about yourself
Me:I'm Lisakhanya i don't have
parents both of them died, i got a
child her name is BuhleBendalo
Me:does she have a father?
Lisa:yeah she does but, it's a long
Me:ive got a lot of time to listen to it
Lisa:I don't want to talk about it okay!
Me:okay okay, sorry for making you
Lisa:it's nothing, I was once loved
then someone took my lover from me
& threatened to kill me so I had to
move a way, I came back & started
my life new I want no drama but
rev..umh I'm really starving you want
something to eat?
Me:yeah let's go to McD my treat
We then got in to my car & drove to
MacD, we went to order then went to
sit down the waite.r came to us
Waiter: afternoon, here's your food
Waiter:you are a very nice couple
Lisa:thanks but we aren't d..(I cutted
Me:thank you,what my fiance trying
to say is, thank you for your
compliment, right bbe?
(She gave me what the fuck eyes)
Lisa:right (the waiter left) what the?
Anele are you insane?
A:for you? yeah I am
She took a soviate then trowed it to
me playful, we laughed & continued
eating then I received a call from SK
Me:yeah dawg?
So:I'm now free can I come by your
Me:I'm a little busy now but I'm
Sk: sure(I hanged up)
Lisa:Duty calls hey
Me:you can put it like that, by the way
can I have your number
Me:sure(she gave me her number)
Me:I'll pick you up at 8oclock
tommorow at night
Me:are you trying to ask me on a
Me:you can put it like that.
I kissed her chick then payed & left, I
arrived home SK was already there
Me:Mei awty
So:sure njayam, ubufuna ndibe busy
ngomphi uLine?(what you wanted me
to do)
Me:ina bamba apha, yay'bona le
cherry?(do you see this girl?)
SK:yey yababa le medy, ufuna
ndimenze nto?(this chick is hot, what
do you want me to do?)
Me:I need you to find every
information about her, don't you
touch her, you touch her you die & I
want all the info tommorow okay?
SK:sure boss, do you want me to tell
your wife?
Me:what the f? are you crazy? since
when xandi phusha i'span ufuna
uxelela i'medy yam & enyi wey ayo
frou yam yi'medy yam, now GO!
He then left, I went out to my study &
went to the kitchen & took out my
beers & drank them
Ola bafethu, nandazi morc, so uBoss
ucele ndimenzele i'span so I went to
my house to go change to my Black
clothes, a nock came through, I went
to open only to find Zee, the boss's
Zee:SK right?
Me:yeah sister boss, what do you
want here?
Zee:what did Anele tell you to do?
Me:andilo"roto mna, I don't go around
& tell woman, man's stories
Zee:tell me I'll reward you with
Me:get out please
She started kissing me then I
responded, she took of my shirt, I
also helped her to undress herself we
got naked then she sucked my dick
damn that felt good I muffed her
after we did 4 steamy rounds
Zee:so do you want some more?
Me:yeah, whuu you're hot Anele
doesn't deserve you
Zee:don't you dare, tell me what you
know I'll give my pussy to you
anytime you want it.
Me:okay, he asked me to go after this
girl(I showed her the pic)she said I
must not do anything to her but follow
her, he said if I touch her I die
Me:she is really back, I've got a job
for you I need you to hurt that bitch
then the rest job leave it to me
Me:look I don't want to die okay
Zee:you can even die now, I can go
tell Anele that you kidnapped me
then raped me, then boom you'll be
six feet under
Me:you little witch!, Okay fine I'll do
the job, now go home before he
notices you aren't there
Zee:relax Nosizwe will cover for me,
now let's get this done
We did other few rounds then she
left, damn that woman is hot I went
to take a shower then changed to my
Black clothes & went to what Zee told
me to do, I followed the girl then a
guy came to her & hugged her
Him:Liss you're back, your food is on
the Micro Melly will stay with you,
there's something I need to go take
care of & the job? we will do it
tomorrow at night
Lisa:sorry but I've got plans maybe
next time & besides my plan is
coming together
The guy then left she got inside,for
sure the guy is planning a history coz
he was wearing all back & it's night, I
sneaked inside then went to a room,it
had the lady's pictures for sure it's
hers, I turned off the lights & sat there
waiting for her
Lisa's POV
After tooking to Ntokozo I went inside
the house & took my food then ate
Melly was asleep I took a fleece then
covered her, I switched off the lights I
went upstairs, something wasn't right
with a door handle, I always lock my
room but it's now opened & looks like
someone broke in, I trust no one
maybe Zee wants to get back to me, I
took out my gun on my perce & got
in, I switched on a light only to find
some guy a sleep on my bad, I took
hand cuffs & cuffed him in the bed
handle then woke him up with water
Him:aahh, are you crazy?
Me:who the hell are you?
Him:I won't talk
Me:are you sure?
I took my Black clothes then went to
the bathroom & wored them then
took out my gun & beated him with it
he dozed off, I called Ntoko
Me:hey, come home right now
something happened, come straight
to my room okay
N:I'm in a middle of something,but I'm
Me:sure I hanged up, I wored my
gown then went to check Ari on her
room, she was sleeping peacefully,
Melly wasn't in the lounge anymore
maybe she went to her room, I went
upstairs & waited till Ntoko came in, I
attacked him with a hug
Me:hey, can you take this man in the
Wearhouse I'll tell you everything
He uncuffed him then took him to the
car, we drove to the Wearhouse &
tied him up in a chair & woke him up
by shooting his Arm
Him:ahhh fuck.
Me:wakey wakey mother fucker, now
Him:I wont
Me:I'll deal with you tomorrow
We locked then went home, I arrived
& changed to my PJ's then got
undercovers & slept
. Daily new African Novels
I was woken up by my phone's beep,
I checked it it was a message from
Anele, saying good morning, I replied
then puted it back under the pillow,
after I stood then went to shower, I
did all my hygiene process after I
lotioned & wored my black jean that
show's my curves & my yellow biggy
t-shirt then wored my black Caverla
after I brushed my Bob weave &
wored it after I took my phone & went
downstairs, I found the family eating
breakfast then Ari was near Melly
eating her purity, I took her then set
her on top of me
Me: morning everyone
Melly:there's a delivery for you,
someone brought you a package (I
looked at Ntokozo then took the
package & read the card:Don't forget
our date, I bought this dress & shoes
for you,xxx-Anele )
Me:mhhm, I'm in love
Me:& that bro?is none of your
Melly: someone is in a good mood
Me:it's all about love bbe.
I ate after I took my child then we
drove to the mall & bought her baby
clothes & all that stuff just to spoil my
baby, after we went to MacD, & I
ordered big Mac & fries & I payed &
took my order, I went to sit down, I
ate when someone tapped my
A:hey Liss, umhh I just wanted to say
Zee:Bbe?(she came to us) Anele
who's this?
A:she's my...
Me: friend, we are friends, I met him
the other day at the park, A would
you introduce me to the lady?
A:sure, umhh Zee this is Lisa my
friend, Liss this is my...(coughes)
Zee:wife Anele, wife!
A:whoa, I didn't put any ring on that
finger & you are still a girlfriend not a
wife yet, so please
Me:umhh, let's all sit down, everyone
is looking at your scene.
We sat down, they ordered, Zee
started being all lovey dovey to Anele
but A stood up
A: I need to go to the restroom.
Us:sure(he left)
Zee:what do you want girlie?
Me:what do I want?you are confusing
Zee:drop the act,I know you are back
for revenge
Me:no, no, no, I do don't do revenges
I just wanted to make friends, since
someone drove me to Durban while I
was pregnant the pain she gave me?
will no longer venish, you see this
girl? she's a big girl.
I stood up, took Ari & my things then
left, I arrived at home then freshen up
& wored my hiest clothes, to go to
THE WEARHOUSE, I tied my weave
in to two pony tales then fixed my
edges & took pics after puted on my
status with a"Mamguluvakazi"
caption after I switched my phone
then left.
.will continue
Daily new African Novels
After I went home & relaxed, I found
Mell playing with Ari
Me:hey(I took my child & kissed her
then gave Melly back)
Me: where's Thali?
Mell: he'll be staying with her
grandparents till the end of this
Revenge sagga
Me:yeah, where's Ntoko?
Mell:I don't know, I've got great news
soon you'll become an Aunt
Me:what? you're? Congrats , does
Ntoko knows?
Mell:no, I wanted to tell him, he's
been always busy with what I don't
Me:today I've got a date to prepare &
I'll leave you too to sort your issues,
Mell:yeah & speaking of date
shouldn't you be ready to go?
Me:what's the time? Half an hour
wow, call the Salon peeps for make-
up, please
She did, I ran upstairs & refreshed
after I wored my gown & and came
Mell:hey, they are here. Get in.
The gay one did my face then
renewed my nails then after I wored
the dress Anele bought me, it was a
Red one armed dress with a touch of
gold decorations & a little silver
diamonds & my Black Pencil hills
then wored my 32inch long weave
then took my perce & puted my
things inside then went downstairs, I
found Anele already there, he was
drooling all over me
A:umhh, hi are you ready?
Me:I was born ready.
We then got out, he opened the door
for me
Me:such a gentleman
We then drove somewhere while
me:"I was waiting so long, for a love
like this"
Anele smiled & looked at me
Me:look at road dummy
We arrived at our destination, we got
out of the car,
A:close your eyes
I did,he hold my waist directing me to
Me:Zeke ndiwe nje Anele, I swear I'll
kill you
A:hay njani ubulale umntu
omthandayo?(how can you kill
someone you love?)
Me:who said I love you?
A:ouch,.you will trust me,now open
your eyes
Wow, it was some kind of a picnic
with two decorated tables & chairs,
he opened the chair for me to sit, I
did then after we sat, our food came
Me:wow Anele, this is beautiful
A:like you hey
Me:Haylee wena ngothanda ubaxa ,
anyway won't that crazy girlfriend of
yours mind?
A:yabo lowo, I don't even talk to her,
how can she do something like that
to me?
Me:what thing?
A:I..I umh I know everything
Me:what? I'm totally lost
He stood up & went to his car, he
came back with an envelope & gave
it to me
A:open it, you'll understand
Me:okay(idid, it was pictures of our
wedding day) where did you get this?
A:I know everything, I regain my
memory, the doctor said that it should
have came back months ago but Zee
kept giving me pills saying I'm sick
Me:does she know that?
A:no, I don't want to ruin my plan,
there's still Nosakhele I should deal
Me:give Zee to me I'll handle her then
you should deal with Nosakhele
A:yess madam
He stood & kneeled
A: Lisakhanya Mangolothi, will you
make me the happiest man in the
world and marry me, again?
He inserted the ring in my hand then
we took pics & saved them to our
A:why don't you move in with me
Me:it will be suspicious, so we will
need to act cool okay
A:ohw yeah
We continued with our dinner after
we stood then Left he dropped me at
Ntoko's house
A:I've got a beautiful woman kodwa
Me:I know right?
A:awungomntu wonconywa sana,
you should say thanks
Me:what'apps, when are you coming
to see Ari?
A: about that, I wanted her to stay
with me buy..(I cutted him)
Me:never, kusekho ela'geza? she will
treat my baby bad Anele, I disagree
with that
A:I was going to say that anyway
Me:good(he attacked me with a kiss,
we had a long damn fucken amazing
kiss damn I'm Inlove with this guy
Me:it's been a long time sana yhoo, I
love you
A:I love you too
Then I walked inside only to find
Mell's & Ntoko doing OMUNYE
Me:sies, get a room
Them: you're already home, we
thought you'll sleep at your date's
Me:I reapet GET A ROOM tshini
naske na qina, uphi umntana'm futhi.
Mell:she's sleeping
Me:hee yhoo hay sana
The stood & went to their room, I
locked all the doors then turned the
lights off after I went to bed & sleep
."Shela Ndoda" that was my ringtone,
I looked at the time it was 03:30 in
the Morning, a call from Anele
Me:hay hay Sukunya, what?
A: goodnight, I miss you
Me:you woke me up in the morning
just to say that? hay sana.
A:I miss you Lisakhanya
Me: yhoo hee, yiza ke
A:I'm on my way
I hanged up then within 5m the bell
rang, I came downstairs then opened
Me:WITCH! yhuu ha a come
We went downstairs hay'ke, the rest
was history
. Daily new African Novels
I woke up in my man's arm, mhhh
best feeling I rolled out of bed& went
to the bathroom and did my process
after I went downstairs to make my
man breakfast, as I was making
breakfast Melly came downstairs
Me:though time nhe?
Mells:damn ndoda yam yayenza into
yayo rhaa, anyway I came to fetch
water, we will be upstairs if you need
Me:rainy days are the best right?
Mell: ewe yhuu, sure ke
She then went upstairs, someone
holded my waist & started kissing my
neck, I turned it was Anele.
Me:yhoo you spoiled the sunrise, I
wanted to make you BREAKFAST IN
A:sorry loffie, look let's make the
Breakfast together
Me:okay, & when are you leaving for
sure Zee will get suspicious
A:I know but I missed you
Me:look ill continue with the
breakfast, you go check Ari then after
all that you'll need to leave
A:what if I miss you?
A: sure
He went upstairs, i did food then sent
them upstairs, we sat & ate, after I
feed Ari, then Anele left
.Zee's Pov
I woke up, Anele wasn't next to me,
he didn't come back Yesterday, I
really did upset him huh, I went
downstairs & made myself food, it
was Discussing eew, I ran to the sink
& peewked
Me:no way, am I pregnant?yey
I went to the draw & took my
pregnancy test & tested myself, I
came positive, this will be the best
news to Anele, just then he came in
Me:Bbe, I'm sorry about yesterday, I
know I messed up
A:look it's fine
Me:I've got great news
A:what? you rmare finally moving
Me:what? No, I'm pregnant those
are great news right?
A:what? yey, I'm going to be a father
Me: aren't you happy?
A:I am, it's just that I wasn't expecting
He came & kissed my chick then
went upstairs,there's something up
with that guy, I called Sk
Me:hey, I have a job for you
So:look, I don't go around being
ordered by woman, leave me alone!
Then he hanged up, okay that was
awkward, I hired a guy to spy on
Anele, there's something I don't get
with him, I went upstairs then
showered after I wored my P'Js then
sat the whole day indoors because it
was rainy, me & A went to watch TV
A:Zee, do you remember the day I
was involved in a accident?
Me:yeah what about it?
A:the doctor mentioned something
about loosing a memory right?
Me:(I was starting to shake, for what I
don't know) ye..yeah she did, why?
A: are you sure before losing my
memory, we we're inlove & I asked
you to marry me?
Me:pss what? yeah you did, umhh I'll
go upstairs I'm so tired arggh
I then ran upstairs, I called Nosizwe
Me:hey wena mfazindin, where the
hell are you?
N:I'm in America, I started a new life
since you wanted to get rid of me,
what's up?
Me:I need your help, you can only
help me by coming back
N:forget about me, what's the matter
trouble in paradise?
Me:no you dummy, I think Anele is
regaining his memory back, if he
does, we are both doomed, so make
a plan & come back!
N:okay, it will take me a two days to
land that side, I'll book my flight now,
okay just chill
Me:okay(I then hanged up)
I then took a nap
.will continue
Daily new African Novels

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