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Name: Apologetics: Bible 11: Date:

“A Proposed Definition of Truth”-Part I…

A. In defining , it is first helpful to what truth
is :

• Truth is simply whatever . This is the philosophy of

– an ends-vs.-means- type . In reality, can appear to “ ,”

but they are lies and not the .

• Truth is not simply what is or understandable. A group of people can

get and form a based on a set of

where they all to tell the same story, but it does not make
their true.

• is not what people feel . Unfortunately, bad

can be .

• Truth is what the says is . -

percent of a group can reach a conclusion.

• Truth is not what is . A lengthy, detailed

can still result in a false .

• Truth is defined by what is . Good

can still be .

• Truth is not we ; truth what we .

• Truth is not simply what is . A lie believed still a .

• is not what is proved. A truth can be

known (for example, the location of buried ).

B. The Greek word for “ ” is aletheia, which literally means to “ - ”

or “ nothing.”

It conveys the that truth is there, always and

for all to , with nothing being hidden or .
The Hebrew word for “ ” is emeth, which means “ ,”
“ ” and “ .” Such a definition implies an
Substance and something that can be upon.

From a perspective, there are simple ways to define :

1. Truth is that which to reality.

2. Truth is that which its
3. Truth is simply it like it is.
First, truth to reality or “what .” It is . Truth
is also in nature. In other words, it matches its and is known
by its (A referent is what a word or symbol stands for.
The referent is the concrete thing that is being referred to, so an
actual chair would be the referent of the word chair.)

For examples,
1. The referent of words such as or building is pretty

2. Some referents are more ,

like for the words or .

A facing a class may say, “Now the exit to this room is

on the .” For the class that may be facing the , the
exit door may be on their , but it’s true that the
door, for the , is on the .

Second, Truth also its object. It may be true that a

certain may need so many of a certain , but
another person may need or less of the same medication to
the desired . This is not truth, but just an
of how truth must its object. It would be (and
potentially ) for a patient to that their give
them an inappropriate of a particular , or to say that any

for their specific will .

Third, In short, truth is simply it like it ; it is the things

really , and any other is .A principle
of is being able to between truth and , or as
Thomas Aquinas observed, "It is the of the to make

C. Defining Truth: Biblically speaking:

is that which is with the mind, , character,

, and being of . Truth is the - of God. The
is the to which truth
should be and by which
other truth finally be .

Working Definition of Truth:”

* is seeing things as they really
and to them their
appropriate -(the estimated or determined
market value of a thing-judgment or appreciation of worth or
character). It is an that rises above mere
and corresponds to a
that itself (outside itself).

What are some criteria ( ) for truth?

 Truth is , (relating to what is real rather than to what is

possible or imagined) conforming to our real world.

 Truth is , (rational, logical, sound,balanced, grounded, sober, levelheaded)

(working and functioning with what is; we can live with it.

 Truth is , (Latin root is consistentem, meaning "standing

still." Consistently is most often used to describe something you can depend on)
something we can count on; truth is .

o Truth is , (applicable everywhere or in all cases, something that
may be applied throughout the universe) for all , in all
, at all , in all .

 Truth is , (supreme, above any other) showing its

when compared with other “ .”

 Truth is , (not shared, available to only one person or

group) defining validity and by its very .

 Truth is , (it can be tested and proven to be true),

withstanding and tests.

o Truth is , GOD IS :(divine

moral standards"-unchanging) not altered to fit the circumstances. Since God is
Absolute, then His truth is absolute!!

 Absolute is from any or condition.

 Absolute is of some or all .
 Absolute is or complete.
 Truth is , (beyond or above the range of normal or merely
physical human experience-out of this world) - originating human

 Truth is , (truth does not need my permission or consent

to be truth. It is truth and will be truth with or without my acceptance or obedience)
working because it is , not merely or
experiential (personal experiences do not count)

Example: “ ” means that it is true for people of

all cultures, times, etc., even if they do not know it or recognize it to be true.

Examples: “People need and air to live.” “Water

once it is chilled to a certain .”

Part II…

A“ ” refers to a
conception of the world from a standpoint.

"What is a Christian worldview?"

**A “ ,” then, is
a conception of the world from a
Keys Word (Vocabularies) contained in a Worldview
1. is the study of general and
questions about existence, knowledge, , reason,
or mindset, and language. Such questions are often posed as
problems to be studied or .

2. is the that something is the case or

true. In epistemology, - (the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to
its methods, validity, and scope). Epistemology is the
of what distinguishes belief from opinion.
philosophers use the term " " to refer to personal
associated with true or ideas and
. However, " " does not require active
introspection and .

3. An is something that you assume to be the ,

even without . For example, people might make
the that you are a nerd if you wear ,
even though that is true, or very nice.

4. - To is to
take or a as a given. The pre —
which means " " — is a reminder that what you are
assuming is background or for something else.

1. Asking “Want soup?” presupposes someone is .
2. Asking a woman "When is the baby due?" presupposes that she’s

Relative Vs. Absolute Truth

1. Truth --

is the belief that there is absolute truth, moral or standards and

no right or . This position in claims that
and value are absolute but are to a person's
nature and . Nothing is right or wrong, and that
the definition of or wrong depends on the

view of a particular .

2. truth is Truth that is true and in

places ( ). It is something that is true no matter
what the or situations. It is a fact that

be changed. truth is whatever is always ,

regardless of Parameters or . The term connotes one
or more of: **

1. A of truth that cannot be .

2. The truth without and


3. It is and truth, without change.

“Truth , even if there be no support.

It is - .” Mahatma Ghandi

For example, there are no round squares. ... One way or another, these are
all truths because they are logically true.

Absolute Truth—Unchanging:
Truth that is defined as being , possesses the following qualities:

 Truth is not invented

 Truth is : it can be across different cultures.
 Truth is : it can be conveyed across time.
 Beliefs cannot a truth statement no matter how sincere one may be.
 Truth is by the attitude of the one professing it.
 All Truths are and never changing based on situation or circumstance.
 Truth is beyond a shadow of a doubt. Truth is
beyond reasonable doubt. is not a mystery, since having a personal
with Christ is the Truth.

For truth to be and holding these qualities, it must be

in a source that is , , and over

 What the Bible has to Say….

John 14:6 -ESV- Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through me.

John 1:14: - NCV-The Word became a human and lived among us. We saw his glory—the glory that
belongs to the only Son of the Father—and he was full of grace and truth.

John 17:17- ESV: -Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.

John 17:17- ESV: - Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.

John 4:24- ESV: -God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.

Matthew 24:35- NIV: -Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

 The Bible claims itself to be perfect and absolute truth.

Psalm 19:7, “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is
sure, making wise the simple.”

Psalm 119:142, “Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth.” In
other words, without error.

Why do so many Christians do not have a consistently biblical


Question: "Why do so many Christians do not have a consistently biblical

Answer: A biblical is one’s total conception of the

world from a standpoint.

It’s a ’s basic belief system about the meaning of , the

nature of , the source of , and other concepts. Yet
many Christians’ worldview is biblically . They may approach
some issues from a viewpoint, but not every

There are many reasons why some Christians do not have a

consistently biblical worldview:

1. They are of what the Bible says.

They do not know the . If someone does not know what the says
about the of human life, for example, it will be difficult for him to form a
view on the .

*For those who are ignorant, is the key.

2. They what the Bible says on certain .

The Group conducted a survey asking questions about the Bible to determine
if people believed what the said. The results were startling: only
percent did. Professed did not fare much better. If a
Christian does believe what the Bible says, it will be
for him to have an biblical worldview.

*For those who are contrary, is the key.

3. They are more concerned with what the world of them

than what thinks. “Fear of man will prove to be a snare”
(Proverbs 29:25).
A who views the world from a standpoint recognizes that he is not of the
. Jesus said, “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is,

you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is
why the world hates you” (John 15:19; 17:14).

When a starts making with the world’s way of

, he loses focus on God’s .

*For those who are fearful, is the key.

4. They are in their to Christ.

Like the church of , they are “neither cold nor hot” (Revelation
3:15), unwilling to take a stand for Christ. These are un-surrendered so-called saints and are on
the fence.

*For the lukewarm, is the key.

5. They are by the lies of the world.

From the time of Adam and Eve, has used his ability to and
(Genesis 3:1-6; Revelation 12:9). A powerful in
Satan’s arsenal is the idea that the is a book of , that it’s full of
and not to be . Satan wishes to
people that the is no longer ; its laws and principles
are . Many in the church have been by
such thinking.

*For the deceived, is the key.

6. They are by their and

God’s .

In Matthew 14, when Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on the water, he was demonstrating a
worldview: Jesus is the of all
power. However, when Peter focused on the - sea, his
worldview : maybe the waves are more powerful than Jesus.

*For the doubting, is the key.

To have a biblical worldview we must go back to the and

take hold of the God has made to us, for the world us nothing
(Luke 9:25; John 12:25; Matthew 6:19).

Part III… What is the Foundation for Truth?

What qualities and abilities do all humans have to help them know what is true?

1. skills: what we with our senses.

2. skills: what we and with our reason.

3. sense: what to our ordinary or usual life .

4. : what our of **

Where does Truth Comes From?

Only can give us the we need (the ) and
the (including the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount) that
are the of our Christian and .

Remember these two Key Words…

 :The power to give orders or make decisions: the power or
decisions: the power or right to direct or control someone
or something.
 :Rrules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally
good and
bad (standards governing)

Sum up the diagram this way: Truth on the strong

of God’s and , and the and
we need for stand on the strong foundation of

’s truth.

New King James: -(2 Timothy 3:16–17) All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the
man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

New Century Version: -16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing
people what is wrong in their lives, for correcting faults, and for teaching how to live right. 17 Using
the Scriptures, the person who serves God will be capable, having all that is needed to do every
good work.

Amplified Bible: -16 All Scripture is God-breathed [given by divine inspiration] and is
profitable for instruction, for conviction [of sin], for correction [of error and restoration to
obedience], for training in righteousness [learning to live in conformity to God’s will, both
publicly and privately—behaving honorably with personal integrity and moral
courage]; 17 so that the man of God may be complete and proficient,
outfitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Although the Bible is largely dismissed by culture, Biblical truth
is especially today.

Here are reasons why.

A. Biblical Truth Creates a System of Justice and Equality
The Bible teaches that truth is established by an God. Right
and are clearly defined. And the same moral apply to everyone. Since
God is , all earthly submit to Him. -Romans 13.

This creates order and for a civilized society. A level playing field of
acceptable for all. No one can make up their own rules.
And God, a judge, establishes the rules of and has the final say.

Without a authority, things get complicated. How do we even define ?

Because as , finite beings, it is impossible to get ourselves. To
understand a reality beyond our experience. And create an
definition of truth. Much less devise , universal rules.

B. Biblical Truth Provides A Common Reference Point

Since Biblical is absolute, it is and forms a
common point for social behavior. We can accept it or it. But
rejection brings . For example, we can reject the law of .
Refuse to it. Then step off the roof of a 10-story building in to
the rule. And suffer the . —Death!

Biblical truth provides a foundation on which to build a society. We

live by shared and a understanding of what is . What
is . What is . All these fosters . But without a higher,

final , everyone up their own rules. You cannot build .
You cannot order. And what happens when you cannot build and
maintain order? We your homes and buy .

C. Biblical Truth Reflects the Real World

truth is popular when it comes to . But the Bible is about
morally appropriate and conduct. It encourages behavior
and some. It also others. This certain
pleasures and our style. When we break the rules, we do not just feel .
We are and nobody likes that.
But in the real world there are laws governed by absolute , created
by . Like a true north and south for . True laws of ,
mathematics, and for guiding , developing
advanced , and formulating . No one questions these .
We accept and use them to society and improve our of life. Is it
really such a stretch to say the is also governed by an , moral
truth? And it too, impacts our of life?

D. Biblical Truth Sets You Free

Jesus to be the that sets us . Thus, is
a not a thing. As well as the Son of and the way to reach
God. Is not this the most declaration ever? Pretty when you
think about it, maybe crazy or cunningly . But worth thoughtfully considering.
Because if His declaration is , it has profound for the entire

To the existence of truth beyond human

creates a with eternal consequences. It forever you
within your . and hope are . This is because
freedom requires in an absolute, God. And in
the sense of irony, or perhaps the ultimate sense of humor,
this freedom starts with . Through a step of . Where it
becomes an . One that is liberating and spiritually .

**Biblical truth is especially relevant today. Here are four reasons why.
A. Biblical Truth Creates a System of Justice and Equality, Colossians 3:9-
11 ESV :-Do not lie to one
another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self,
which is being
renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised
uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all.

B. Biblical Truth Provides A Common Reference Point, Genesis 1:27 NIV :- So God
created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created

C. Biblical Truth Reflects the Real World, Colossians 1:16-17 ESV : -For by him all
things were
created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or
things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things
hold together.

D. Biblical Truth Sets You Free, John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set
you free.”

. Of course, the problems are Whose truth? and Where does

this truth come from? The of establishes believer’s Foundation as
basis for truth, building. Other human systems of thought leave us to define truth out of thin air.

**The mnemonic device , the first letters of the words in

the diagram from the top down.

asks, -What is right and wrong?

asks, - Who says?

asks, - What is verifiable?

asks, - Is there an unchanging standard?

asks, - What is the source of knowledge?


@Copyright: Kinyanjui Home Research Library, November 2018
@ Evidence and Answers:
@ New King James:- New Century Version: Amplified Bible: -
@ Gotquestions?
@Mark Eckel: Timeless Truth, Apologetics, ACSI, 2001
@Chip Tudor:


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