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An Experiment in Collective Autobiogrqphy


I'f qn Frqnci¡ co, 1975-1980
Bob Perelman
Barrett \ffatten
Steve Benson
Carla Harrymán
Tom Nlandel
Ron Silliman
Kit Robinson
Lyr Hejinian
Rae Armantrout
Ted Pearson

978-0979C198-0-7 tt$tz"gs
t lilrr¡ t crl t o this seernirtg episternolo¡¡ical cornpul- their tlrerrres rvould linger irr abundance. Governments
siorr" I <'¿rn onll'v.orttler antl suslrer:t. Where is ¿r con- ¿rnd nrctli¿r reprothrr:e these f¿rnt¿rsies:the nrothers of
Irol ¡ro¡rulation to conrparc us" or rnvscll, to, as I tlead softlicrs are politicnl subjccts rvhonr [hr-- st¿rtc
rtconst ruct it'/ had bct-tcr not betray! Oh ves. ther there is the rrert
rlilcrnnra, u'hcn thc archaic liurt¿rsv is nriretl in rvith
T 111¡11. gun<k'r rrlations. Ámeric¿rn \t-omel} are visiblr'

soldiers, ¿urd soltlier-*' fathers nr¿rl- have perfbrrnctl a

\ ot \\t) T kne$- eaoh other then. What rnalernal role irt theit Jrarerrtirrg. Sut:h arnbiguitics
rlo rorr lhinh'/ Is nrt'rccollcct.ion sorrnd- tentl to evatle t.lre tclcvision scrccn t--r cn if' thc\ rc-
irrg irct:urate, too ¡rartial? llorv rvas it the rrrain irr public consciorr -.uess.
s:un(' fi)r you? Ilolt it difTerent? This piece w¿is very dif1i<'rrlt firr rrre to begirr.
In thc 1970s u-ornen l.err''rr't allo'rved ¿r-\ nr¿ur\
roles in the militarv ¿rs ther- are no\\.
T have alr.avs been opposetl to tllc rlrilitarr irr
Love, Di¡cord, Arymmetry ant' lbrrrr.
I revisit- the abor.e st¿rtenrenl." "l llar',r ¿rlr-¿r\.s

I Lr)v r,; been opposerl to the rnilit¿rrr. in ¿rnv lirrrlr""" ¿rnrl u,on-
tler about- the validitl'of the,statnn()nl. ls llris lrur:
lbr lor-e in books and lore.
l)t,;ot't.ti (;o 1'o \\',\tt arrd tlie in an crnotion¿rl scnsr--'/ Is this a stat('rn('nI of ,,¡,¡rosi-
Nlcn are noble lltt-'n thel'le¿rve their rnotlrt-'rs and go tion'/ ln thc 1970s thc 1,.S. nrilitalr'\t'¿rs uoI lrcl<l in
olf to be rnilitarv heroes. An itkral bolstt:r-* ¿r nct'cssi- high rt'garcl ¿rlId this l-¿rs llartl on l)('rsorn('l lct rrlrrirr¡¡
lr ¿ultl a nccessilr' srrpl)orts an itlt-'al. Who actu¿rllv frorn Vietnarn. \oung rnen piclicrl of l lrr tlraft
gr)('s lo l-ar r'r.ith such archait' fantasies'/ 'lhe lant¿rsl antl st-rrt. ovcrseas to hill <,¿rrne lr¿r<'li. slrells of tlrern-
rnav bc lading, but it is rrever tlving. Tt is selr-es, then -.uff'eretl further frorlr t.lrt' rrcglcct ol' tlrt'ir
diflit:ult to be a rnan whcn tht-'re nr¿rv lrc Éiovcfnnrcrrt. Ono oI' tht'sc rrrerr \\'irs nr\ t'or¡sin.
no choice ilr hor- to bt¡corne one. ILvr:n iI' 'I'hc thcnrc o1' lorc irr poetrv lt'<'ollr'<'ts all tlre
tlrc lrcroic sl-or¡'book talc, thc Proucn9ul above irt rny lnirrtl and has sorneihirrg t.o rlo rrrv
I)oem, or the epic v.ere no longer reatl, then inr.c-stig¿rt.iolr of discord¿rnt.'s t.llat il' at

CH Corlo Horrymon
¿lll lr,¡rr,lrtrr' (rrcrc they?) stayr:d on tlle plal'lirl arrd ty of the u,ords in rnv nlind, thc first tlring I en\'lslorl
rvhen I ellcounter the poerrr is a lowlv basernerlt in a
.jir lr
"," r,ll ol rotttance.
s[ate institution with sorr]c recording equiprncrrt in it'
I \tr/r'r rr( ly cmbraces? I'm going to make up my Norv if I w-rite this here:
()wr r(,il(.l game 50 ldon't have to look at
y, ,r ¡r., \oothing words can be unsettllng. you I will go to the garden.
l, rrr rw {l)crcentage, 1979l' I will be a romantic' I will sell

myself in hell,

I l)tst,oRt) in heaven also I w¡ll be.

\\ rr r I \\()nKt,l) at the Anrerican Poetry Archivc and llow does it diil'er lrorn Robcrt Creelsv'5 havirrg l rit-
I'ottlr (.r'rrlrr'" 1978-8l. a graduate stutlcnt ¿rnd ten it?
Il-i,'rr,l. I)¡rr irl llrown, told rne a story ¿rbout rvhen lrtt Lct's sav the garclen in (irecley's n'riting ot tLe
lrr' in \ iclrr¿rrn. It is a stolv T have rctrounted elsc- poern is the s¿rrrrc gartlcn as irl rnY v'riting of it' Antl
\r lr,'r','. lrr¡t I summarize it agairl here. Sonretirne tlre Ladv is the s¿rnre latll rvho is signified in thtr
poern also a door, a sliirt, a sh¿rdorv' In irnagining
ruloun,l l()7 I or '72, a helicopt-er drop¡red sont boohs ¿rs

¿l[. iur rnilitarv carnp. People srt¿rtchcd

\ nrcri<:¿rn the poerrr ¿ls onc that I havc authol'etl" I see rnysclf

thr:rrr rr¡r. l) 'lvas tcntling to sottrcone's irrjrrrr split :rs the person n'ho v'rote the pocrn and as the
lr.herr Ilrc lroohs were tlrolt¡rcd and thus got. the last object of the poern' But I canrlot identilr' sinrrrlt¿rnc-
bool< in tlrc lrcap: it -For Lo'uel¡y Robcrt Creeler'-. ously v'itlt tlte Ladv and \\'ith thc ruords str<'h as
ln rnr nrcnror\, hc ¿rssoci¿rt-es this er-ent rvith his "shadort" and "tloor" that stand lbr her'
detr.rnrin¿rlion to be a poct and lris succcsslirl tr¿uts- The poern does not cohcre, if I autltor it'
f'er to a lrrilit¿rrr b¿rse in Cerrnarrt. As the Ladl', I am not Lhr: ckror but in ¿l -s(ltltrL]'
At tlrc Arnr,rican Poctry Arclrir-c, the rnost fi'e- Within thc sccne" I c¿rn see a door and a gartlcrt
r¡uentlv reprorlrrcctl audio recordings l-ere flrccl:t"s better thall thc shatlows, lhich ¿rre refk:ctions frorn
irrrd the nlo-st n:Protlucetl pocrn was "The Door," a thc rvinclou' ancl the nrirror. In anothcr" non-Ladl
sub.iect Jrositiol" I v'ithtlrar' {rorn the scerre' I be-
¡ror:rn I heard u¡r to sevcral tirnes a rvcch u'hile it u-a-.
lr.irr¡¡ <:opied. Tt. is hardl'irecl in rne. f)espitc t.hc firi- corne an obsen'er. but lvhat I arrl obseri'ing is sornc-

Corlq HorrYmon
irr cornmon:
tlrirrg like a stnte ol' rrrind: I "s(-'e" thc shadorvs gettirrg closr:r to the poct, sharing this
r,.li.rrr,rl to in the pocrn ¿rs unfixetl mental inragcs. if' thc ronrantic tradition is impossible to
"ter. by it' "We"
'l'lr,' slr¿dou-s ¿trc ¿ln ¿rsl)ect of the cnvirorurlcrlt thc Lrngage, orre is in it or has beerr trapPcd
pr","t,.d th¿rt this is true for each of us'
l,,r,lr irrhabits Lrut thcv are rro[ ¿rt.t¿rched to lrer cvcn "or-rlJ
rl. ¡rirradoxicall-r,-, thcv are depcrtdetrt on hcr itnagr: ttr in a di{I'erent rr-a1'.

Because the rornarrtic tradition is irrrpossiblc'

rr,rrli lheir "nragic," As Lhc rvritt¡r of the poctn. I atn
frorn thc
;rlIr¿rr:ted to this un{ixed e1l'ect ol'languagr:: the sta- coultl atternPt to get rid of tcpresentations
poern, there rnight be nothing lcfi of
[]re poern' or
lrlc inrage, r,r'hit:h is tht-- Ladl-, rro\{ seerns l-o nle to bc
¡r scrrrctiolt. o.- hallucination" frorn thrt shatlorvs of' rn...b" there l'oultl be a "lartguage poenr":
l;rrrguage. As l,adl an(l ¿rutltor, I ex¡rericnce tlrlsclf'
t lrr'rr both as sornething secretcd (secret-cd) lront lan-
wall worshlP
dresses door
grrage and ¿ls sorle()rrc, contratlictorilr', protlucing thtl
slrlrlowy arrtl crcessir¡e pocrn. beYond it

Of coursc I arn only' pleterxling to be thc lrilt'r

ol the pocrn. I havr: t:opietl ortr: quatrairt arrtl arn pre- I Asr:utlli't'nr
tr.rrcling that to do so is a liintl o{' authors}rip.
What il' I sairl, "'l'his pot-rn is mr' ¡roern'/" It l lu to bring forth in this I'ritirrg a l)sy-

clrological shaptl, or r¿rther a shaping as

thc sl'rapc is
isn't" cert¿rinly: Llnless rvhat T anr rcferrirrg 1.o is thc
lr riting I arn tloing noll', 'which is not poctn'. not st.nady or {ixetl. The shaping is inelegant.
of' the lovtr
If' n-hat T arrr u'riting hcre is h¿rrd to ftrllorv, cotr- urrscernh¡, but related to a certain aspect
of poe[rv in m-v erperiencr:' 'Ihe thernc of' lovr: is
sirlt'r the masculirte subjcctivitl of the ltocrn as a lir-
trrre installetl within rrrv own lnentalit)'. "Yeah, I setl subject to ProprietarY clairns rl-ithin pot'tr\''s
rvlr¿rt you nlean, tttan" i-s a language I can perfirrrn i1' ,nortl Th"- "violcnt leaps" in rrtv thinhing"
I gct rid of'rnlsclf as ot-her lrorn the poern'-* reptc- been pointecl out to rne in lht: cours{l o1'

strr t ¿rtions. cditing this rnaterial, are art asPcct of' this awhrvard'
associative, ps-vchnlogical shaping' u'hich
is itself' a
Or, "It's a trap," I corrld saY irr a hind of' sirn-
bv its arltag-
¡rati<:o rr-ar,-, acldressing rnyself to the inragincd ¿ruthor protest that also adrnires and is afli--ctetl
onist. I have also rescril)ted thesc lea¡rs (ahhough
Rolrcrt. Creelelr And in thesc r.ortls I irnagine rnvsel{'

Corlo HcnYmcn
\r'ould prefer to call thcrn "nonviolent") in response Paris rvith [iavc urc For I'oae on her r-ay oul of
to the etlitorial conrnrcnls, withotrt having aban- Fr:rnce" saying she hatl been tlisappointetl by Crcel-
doned them. cv's poetry. Rcading it in Pari-q, I discor eretl its rrrate-
Door, garden; sh:rdow-, shirt. Are thcse idcal i1 rialit,v ¿rntl lvricisrn, idc:rlity and destruclion of ideas,
forms that I cnvision in my mind's eye'/ Or do tho *i its refusal of a rnessv 'rvorld fbr a ccltairl fornral
repeated nouns invohe a primitir c cxlr+'rierrce of con- design, its arrogance and objectrress. f'llt'rt atrrl there
sciousness? Arc rcader and writer connected through I rvas a r.riler.
the repetition of these rrourrs anrl the other ref'erents (]an a marl pot-t ol' my gerrcratiott itttitgint' l
that signify rr:pctitiorr and renewal? The sun comcs wonl¿rn reading this poern and loving tltis ¡rocnr rtot
up e\¡erv tla¡ this is the renerval oI' nature. -A cloor ber,ause she iderltilies rlith it as ¿rn objtrtrt lrtlt as tlrt:
operrs and closes, this is the rcpctition of' culture. person rvho rnal<es'/
The repetition of' certain everrts of nature. the ln late 1980, at thc Rerhelcl' hottsc ol l'¿r'rr'
"rcncval" that the poet-speaher in "Thc Door" liigner, llobt--rt (irerricr, antl l(athlcclr l"rtlrrrliitr. I
seems to be so abjccted and oorustetl" by-, are e,tpr.ri- h¿rd rny first ttncotrnter rvith Creelel'. Ilt: t'orttt'rt'tl
enced sirnultaneously as culture. Language is culture rne. nlorc than orlce. first ilr the front rooltt ¿tlltl tIlt¡lt
and nature. The door is a worcl. The sunlight is a in thc hitchen and rcpealetl the sarne t¡ttt"sliott ort't'
rvord that falls bv virtue of words onto the word and over agairt in an aggressive fashiorr. '"\\'[rcn' ¿trr¡
floor, so that one is lefi with an imprcssion o{' sorrre- vou frorn?" was the qtrcstion. Thc rlert dal' ill a f it ol'
thing that is repeatcd ancl repeated such that there aggravation, antl yct so¡nehou' ans\\¡erillg lltt' t¡ttrrs-
is an indelible form, constituted by lr.orcls, connectecl tion or rathcr dcflecting thc r¡restion fol rrrrstlf, I
in my rnind to receptivitv. rener.val, and $'ar. rvrotc "'The Sex Stor\-," rvlriclt begins as firlkrrvs:
What is a romantic? Will I sell mysclf in hell,
or did I? Arn I also to be in heaven!'And arrr I rept-'at.- Some nude women dance together.
ing myself? l've got to see more country we¡ghing on
I off'er anothcr lcap: If I love this poem not me, stinking long distance time spans. Floating
because of what it said bul because of wh¿rt it did. n¡ght. flash-in the-pan turns into susp¡cious movic.
rvhat did it do? The screen lights up and the fig flickers through.
In 1971 a collegc fricnd whom l traveled to {Under the Bridge)

Corlo Hqrrymqn

l,¿rtcr I (.arrr(' r.rl)
u'ith a theor.)r rvhich given The basement of the American Poetry Ar-
( lrccl,.r "s r totvarrl
¡rr.ot.lir it nlean strc¿rks in thosc chive. Hahl

\('iu¡ is lo lrc tlken u.ith a grain of salt. It is this:

rr¡rou irrl r<¡<lr¡t.tion; I natur¿rllv identilied rr-ith him as I (lot)\: "Nol'l'ttls." (Ro\ Stl,l,llt tir" Ist''t'.l tx)
ir ¡('rsoll uho nrahcs. This vas tht: r,iolation th¿rt
r.licit.r'd lhe aggnrssivitv ol' the r¡ucstion" .oW'here arc an(l'"th(' t'lrarge ili
Irs't't,;,ru ot,' ltt,tl't,tt't'tloN, rertcrval, o1'
rou frorn'/" Tf I h¿rd h¿rtl rhe presence of'rnintl or thc cornmartd." dirln't \!'e proPosc sorrrctllirrg lt'-t-'
aggressivity to s¿rr- ".Jean Gcnct" r¿rther than ..(losl.¿r f'anrilial in its itlcolog.l; firnns. arrtl stnr<'It¡rcs'/ 'l'htr
\'Icsa," T rvonrlc¡ .r.lhat .lvould lravr-- happenctl. hatl clonctl its r-iolcnt:e onto a thrt'atllrart: larr-
-stat-e ,1

If I rvas a "rnan" tht:n he u.ha['/ grragc of $.¿rr: [oo rrrarly solt{ier-q retltrttt'tl ltotlte [o
If I ¿r lll¿ln. "rJucured."' thcn l.hat'l ruilrcd livcs. 'l'hc pltrasc'* ort eithcr sitlt' of llrc <:olon
ll' "[" rnalie ¿rnd arn rnade. then the sarrrc goes aro n0t syntrrrctrit,al.
lor ytl¡¡-3,rb, Barr1., Ster-c, Crcclel-. Perhaps olle rc¿lsotl I h¿rvc harl srlt'll l roubkl
Doesn't this have sornet.hing to tlo .w-it.h our t:ri- rvritirrg t.his r:ntrt' has to do lvith r'r-¿rrltitrg lo ¡'ttrtsi¡l-¡uc of "the selfi"' Of the authority antl author_sl¡i¡r
t-.r lhc diflicultl of savirrg sorncthirtg rrrcaningfirl
of "tlre poet?" lsn't thi-. rvhr- sornc' of' us r:xpcrienr:etl about hl'britl liter¿rrv fbrnl rvhile atltrrrrptittg to btr
¿i glcat deal of' antagonisrrr antl ,I.hat
¡mblic attachs? trrte to t.he psvrthological trtlventure ol uritittg itr rtltt'
through '"language uriting" the rnalc authority oI' genrc of' collective tncnloir'. A-. h¿rs lrctltt ttottltl lrt'
tlre ¡roern .rvas activelv quest.ioncd? .Not only bccar¡sc critics. thc Nerv Atncric¿rrt Poetrv rl'orl<t,tl tlrc tr'¿r¡li-
Llarry re:rtl Zuhofishl, ¿r,s a l\'Ialxist but becarrse rve tlo tion of "rrraking it rteu'." but after tlrt: Victrraln \\¡irr',

rrot think of rc¡retition ar¡cl reneu,al as tlrc product of

pocts lihe c¡trrselr-es h¿rtl cverv rcason to bring trriti<ral
thc (f'erninine) r'r-.ssel. reflectiorr to our readings and resl)ollsos of llrat ltodl 1il

What does this lravc to do rvith plavfirl pr.ojrcts of r'vork cven as "'thc othcr tradition"" o1' thc Nrlu' il[

rrsing ¡rret--xisting tcrts'/ Or is this just rnr,, subjectir.e

Arnerir:¿rns lvas inrportant. The l)oolrls in Rohert
-scnsc, projectiorr, or reading nf vhat hap¡rcning? Crcele\''s For Lot,e ¿lre rrot sirnplr- t:r:rrttplcs of' one lil

sitle ol' this t--r-aluatiorr bv ¿lrrv me¿rlls. ]ct. I f't'cl it

Here is yet another answer to the quest¡on: ¿rlrno-st gocs rvithout s¿rving that oP¡rosition to thc I

Where are you from? rcgul:rtion of' gendcr irl literature hatl er-crvthirlg ttr

Corlo Horrymcn
rlr rr.ith fbrmal innovatiorr ¡rroduced by us, ¿rs mcn ln a lightly accented North African French she
ancl v'orrrcn. So I ask this trgain, f)idn't thc r¡uestions asked him, "Will you help me find a hotel?" Once
rvc \\¡ere raising about subjecti-n-ity and authority in her room they began to kiss. She had tiny
har.e everything to do w-ith a critique ol' gerrder that breasts, and, as she d¡srobed further. a t¡ny penis.
lvould calrse a rcaction in others inr-ested in the sclf- It was insignif¡cant, yet somehow he found it
oricnted, or romantic, poern'/ ¡nappropr¡ate. Humiliated, she hid her head in
Ccrtainll-, it r' in doubt rvhether there w-¿rs a her hands.
Larly, or a Soldier, to adtlress, even ironic:rll1'.
I ¡rropose that if the status of' thr-. I)esire is that-whatcver-\f¡anting to be satis-
Latly had not been irr doubt, the author- lied. And there is no dcsire w-ithout objectification.
ized lovers of the lbrm l.orrld not have So. to love the satisfaction of' lvhat cornes from onc-
startcd a v'ar rvith thosc I'ho rethoughl self. rvhcther a child or thc rvords of a beloved rnas-
or contestr--cl it. ter or one's own p¿rst-what onc \{as or rvhat one
is-is it an objectification of oneself'? Is that what
l'm doing here? I dorr't havc an answer, and T didn't
then. I see milh-a milky-white fluicl-secp from my
I nlti lt,lr'r'ntj rioltll) prc-sented to rne, "u,'ith inescap- baby's rnouth.
ablc ¡rermanence and intirnacl-"" as flry oyster. Mine
to shucli, merely f¿rshion thr: tool-yct, the frcsher Noth¡ng wanted satisfaction. I was in a small
the oyster', the bettcr the o1,ste¡ so hrrrry up rvith attic room gazing out a dormer w¡ndow at a
that tool. star framed by a smol<estack and cracked roof
tiles in the company of a young friend. a Texan.
See a pigeon orr a city street Iwas in tears. I was th¡rty. I had wr¡tten a comic
court a f'emale, pufling up novel and discarded it, I had written many
r-hen she lcaves Jre courts a rnale poems, I was years from meet¡ng any of you. lt
with he¿td bobbin¡J, rvings sprr--atl seemed to me that I had caused these tears, that
brrt it leaves too so he turrrs I caused these tears again and again. First I
to court a crack in the sideu.alft.. caused them, then I experienced them. ln a gap

TM Tom Mondel 39

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