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Please share an example where you learnt a new skill or capability or

took on a new responsibility. How did you feel about learning

something new? What was the biggest challenge and how did you
overcome it? What would you do differently next time?

If we talk about learning new skills and where we can get them, the answer is every time and every
place, even waking up tomorrow is a new experience for us humans. I am very interested in new
challenges, since I was in school I joined many organizations in different fields, and I really like it so
what is the biggest challenge in learning new skills the answer is fear, lack of confidence, and worry
about failure. failure is certain, but success is behind it all, so the way to overcome it is to recognize
and conquer yourself so we can overcome everything, isn't knowing yourself the foundation of
knowledge. We also have to always learn from past mistakes and always be optimistic about
tomorrow and always believe that success will happen

Career goal 5 year

The next 5 years I will be financially independent, build a regular job network, participate in new
innovations, help in the community inside or outside the community. my career goal is to be capable
in whatever field i pursue. to reach my life goal is to learn new things every day, and this I have been
doing every day. even though I am a bachelor of agriculture I always learn about new things, I learn
about world geo politics, economics, science, world history, and I apply that in building small
businesses that are now running. Management trainee is one of the ways I learn new things and
reach my dream of joining a company with a stable system, I really hope to join this program.

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