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4-3H: Novel Study: Thesis Development Organizer

Stage 1: Planning
What book are you reading?
Who is the author?
List 5+ ideas, issues, topics, and
themes that the novel
Choose one primary topic and
explain why it is important to
the novel.
Generate 5+ open-ended
inquiry questions about the
topic you selected.
Choose one inquiry question
you would like to explore. Write
it out.
Find three (or more) quotations
from your novel that relate to
this topic.
Stage 2: Researching
Find your first research
resource related to your topic
and make an MLA citation.
Read the first resource and
record key ideas in point form.
Find your second research
resource related to your topic
and make an MLA citation.
Read the second resource and
record key ideas in point form.
Find your third research
resource related to your topic
and make an MLA citation.
Read the third resource and
record key ideas in point form.
Stage 3: Writing
Write a thesis statement that
answers your inquiry question.
Include 3 arguments and the
“so what?”

Write a summary for each Source 1:
source. Your summary should:
• Identify the source
• Summarize the key
ideas and main points
of the source in 3-4
• Include 1 sentence that Source 2:
explains why you think
this is a relevant source
for your research and
comment on its
credibility (especially if
Source 3:
the source is not
• Be written in present
tense, using a formal
tone with the third

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