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Study Notes



Paragraph & Inference is an important topic which is asked in almost all competitive

Format of the Questions:

A passage is given which is usually a part of a report or an economic essay or any other similar
thought provoking subject. The candidate is asked to decide whether a given inference follows
or not in the light of the given passage.

Read both the statements and decide which of the following answer choice correctly depicts the
relationship between these two statements.

Mark answer

(A) If the inference is definitely true.

(B) If the inference is probably true.

(C) If the data provided is inadequate to answer the question.

D) If the answer is definitely false.

E) If the answer is probably false.

Basics of Paragraph & Inferences:

Definitely True: Such inference either directly given in the passage or are drawn on the basis of
given information in the passage and logical analysis. They should prove to be 100 % true.

Definitely False: Such inference either directly deny the facts given in the passage or by logical
analysis. They should prove to be 100 % false.

Probably True: Such inference does not follow the passage directly. It is not definitely true since
there exists little chance for its being wrong as well therefore is Probably true.

Probably false: Such inference does not deny the facts directly from the passage. It is not
definitely false since there exists little chance for its being true as well therefore is Probably

Data Inadequate: It means the candidate doesn’t have enough information to arrive at a


Tips to solve Paragraph & Inference Questions:

 There are two strategies to solve these kind of problems
1)Start by reading the passage.
2)Start by reading the question.

Though it is always preferred to go by the first strategy but some students also follow the
second strategy. If you are a beginner, it’s advisable to give a trial to both the strategy and
chose which suits you the best.

 Choosing the first strategy, you should read the passage once quickly just to get the gist
of the passage as to what the passage is all about not going in detail. Then you can view
all the questions asked with respect to the passage so that it will align your thinking
strategy. Then if you are unable to solve the problems you must read the passage this
time in detail as to relate the passage with the questions being asked.

 Pay close attention to qualifiers, since they are frequently used as determiners
for the correct answer. Only extreme qualifiers such as all/none/always/never
apply to the entire group of their object. Qualifiers such as few/some,
many/most, still leave place for exceptions.

 If you choose the strategy of starting by reading the question, you should scan
the passage cursorily and locate the relevant section of the text.

 You should not be afraid seeing the length of the passage as some students lose
confidence or leave the questions based on Paragraph & Inference looking at the size of
the passage. These passage are big so that you can better get context of the questions
being asked. You can build relationships between different parts of the passage.

 Definitely True or Probably True? – This area is much of confusion. To avoid the
confusion, recheck your reasoning. If the inference is not mentioned in the passage,
then you must have assumed something “extra” to come to the conclusion. Now ask
yourself “is this assumption always true, can it never be false? “If the answer to this is
“yes, it’s always true, cannot be false” then its “Definitely true” inference otherwise its
“probably true”.

 Definitely False or Probably False? – To avoid the confusion recheck your reasoning. If
the inference is not mentioned in the passage, then you must have assumed something
“extra” to come to the conclusion. Now ask yourself “is this assumption always false, can
it never be true? “If the answer to this is “yes, it’s always false, cannot be true” then its
“Definitely false” inference otherwise its “probably false”.

 Remember to stick only on the information introduced in the passage. Even if you are
familiar with the topic presented and you think that the information is invalid, you must


assume that it is the passage alone that can supply facts and information for decision
making. In other words, there is no obligation that the information of the passage
will be 100% correct or practical to the real world but you have to assume it to be true.

 Last tip for solving such type of problems is “Practice”. There is no substitute to it. As
much as you practice your concepts will get stronger. Start with the easy level may be
with just “definitely true” and “definitely false” types of problems. Then when you are
comfortable solving them, try your hands on the tougher ones including “probably true”,”
probably false”.


Doordarshan has undoubtedly helped popularize yoga among the people especially city-
dwellers. But performing various `asana’ without adequate instructions could be hazardous,
according to a renowned `yoga expert’ who has conducted hundreds of yoga shivirs (camps).
He says several people, who tried to learn yoga through the programme of Doordarshan, have
come to him complaining of pain in different parts of their body. He explains that the asana
involve a complicated but scientific technique of breathing which controls the flow of oxygen in
various parts of the body under calculated stress – [ BOI (PO)-2009]


1) TV programs on yoga have successfully replaced personal guidance by `yoga experts’

2) Yoga exercises (asana) are quite safe for any person.

3) Many TV viewers of yoga programs are unable to master the scientific technique of breathing
while performing ‘asana’.

4) Uncontrolled flow of oxygen in parts of the body causes pain in those parts.

5) Quite a large number of ‘yoga experts ‘are available.

Mark the answer as:

(A) If the inference is definitely true.

(B) If the inference is probably true.

(C) If the data provided is inadequate to answer the question.

(D) If the answer is definitely false.

(E) If the answer is probably false.



1) This is “Definitely False” (D) since in the passage its mentioned persons doing asana
complain of pains therefore TV programs on yoga have been definitely unsuccessful in
replacing personal guidance by `yoga experts’. Please note that in this inference there is no
chance of being doubtful, it is very clear from the statement so we are sure that is a false

2) This is “Definitely False” (D) since its said in the passage “without adequate instructions,
yoga could be hazardous” which completely contradicts the statement that “yoga is safe for any
person”. There is no chance of being doubtful so we mark it as “definitely False” and not
“probably false”

3)This is “Definitely True” (A) since in the passage it’s given ‘asana’ involve scientific technique
of breathing and also its said that many people complain of pain in different parts of their body
because they don’t know the right technique. So relating these two sentences leads us to the
conclusion that its “definitely true”.

4)This is “Probably true” (B) since in the passage it says “scientific technique of breathing which
controls the flow of oxygen in various parts of the body under calculated stress” and also it says
“people are complaining of pain cause of not knowing the right technique” so these two
sentences may be related and we can say the inference is “Probably true”. It’s not definitely true
since there are chances that the pain cause to the practitioners may be due to some other
reason and not uncontrolled flow of oxygen, but since here we have made an assumption that
very likely this is true but not 100 % true so we refer it as “Probably true”

5) Here “Data is inadequate” (C) to answer as nothing about the number of yoga experts is
mentioned in the statement so we can’t infer whether it’s true or false.

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