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Instructions: Check your respective answers in each question.

Gender: _F_M

Course Program:

__ Advertising __Interior Design

__ Painting __ Industrial Design

1. How much is your daily allowance?

__ 100-200

__ 200-300

__ 300-500
__500 above

2. Do you have a part time job/sideline?

__Yes __No

If yes, do you get your allowance in your salary? __Yes __No

3. Do you live in a dorm/apartment?

__Yes __No

4. If no, how much money do you spend for your transportation every day?

__ PHP 10.00 to PHP 50.00

__ PHP 50.00 to PHP 90.00

__ PHP 90.00 to PHP 150.00

__PHP 150 to PHP 200

5. How much money do you spend for your food every day?



__ PHP 150-200

6. Do you bring packed Lunch in school?

__Yes __No

If yes, how much money can you usually save? Php____

7. How much money do you usually spend on your projects/plates?





8. What do you usually do on long hours of break time?

__computer __hang outs __sports __food trip __go

home/ dorm
9. How much money do you spend for your leisure time?





__200 and more

10. Where do you think does most of your allowance go to?


__art materials (paint, papers, boards, etc.)

__ printing (for research papers, plate references, etc.)

__ transportation

__ entertainment/ recreation (computer shops, cell phone load, „gala‟, etc.)

11. Rank your priority when it comes to spending in the following: (*1 as the highest and 5 as
__ food

__ art materials (paint, papers, boards, etc.)

__printing (for research papers, plate references, etc.)

__ transportation

__ entertainment/ recreation (computer shops, cell phone load, „gala‟, etc.)

12. Do you make/ write a budget plan?

__Yes: __Always __Often __Sometimes

__No, Never

13. If so, do you follow it (budget plan)?

__Yes: __Always



__No, Never
14. Do you always try to save money?




__ Never

15. If so, how much can you usually save?

__PHP 10.00 – PHP 50.00

__ PHP 50.00 – PHP 100.00

__PHP 100.00 – PHP 200.00

__PHP 200 Above

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