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(Please DO NOT write anything on the
questionnaire. Write your answers on the
ANSWER SHEET provided.)

Grammar Test
Directions: each item below is a sentence, part of which has been erased and replaced with a
blank. Choose the correct answer among the choices given below every sentence. Encircle
your choice on your answer sheet. Do not write anything on this test sheet. The result of this
test will indicate your English skill in grammar.

1. I ____ out more often if I had more time.

a. will go b. go c. would go d. went

2. I always visit my parents __ Fridays.

a. for b. on c. in d. at

3. Ok, I'll see you next week if _____ to come to London.

a. you will decide b. you decided c. you would decide d. you decide

4. Who are you waiting ___?

a. by b. for c. in d. at

5. I'll do it tomorrow if _____ better.

a. I will feel b. I felt c. I feel d. I am feeling

6. See you ___ two weeks!

a. for b. on c. at d. in

7. I don't know the answer. If _____ the answer I'd tell you.
a. I knew b. I’ll know c. I’d know d. I know

8. I’m a policeman and I usually have to work ___ Christmas.

a. in b. at c. on d. by

9. What _______ if you had no mobile telephone?

a. will you do b. are you doing c. would you do d. do you do

10. Where’s Martin? Is he __ work today?

a. in b. on c. by d. at

11. He says he'd study economics in London if the fees _____ cheaper.
a. were b. are c. will be d. would be

12. I’m not particularly good ___ sports.

a. for b. in c. at d. by

13. I'll go to London with you if ____ a cheap flight.

a. I will find b. I find c. I would find d. I found

14. He’s ill so he’s ___ home today.

a. for b. in c. at d. on

15. According to experts, _____ mass flooding if the ice caps melt.
a. there are b. there would be c. there will be d. it would be

16. Can I borrow a pen ___ you, please?

a. for b. in c. at d. from

17. Your pronunciation ______ if you spent some time in Britain.

a. would improve b. improves c. will improve d. is improving

18. Everything depends ___ you.

a. on b. for c. in d. by

19. I'll try to fix that broken door handle _____ time.
a. when I got b. I got c. when I get d. if I go

20. Oxford is famous ___ its universities.

a. for b. on c. at d. by

This is the end of the Grammar Test. Thank you.

Vocabulary Test
Direction: Choose the correct meaning of the word by encircling the letter of your choice on
your answer sheet. Do not write anything on this test sheet. The result of this test will
indicate your vocabulary skill in English.

1. Can you __________ me some time?

A. let B. give over C. spare D. allow for

2. I'm feeling __________ . I must see a doctor.

A. ill B. off C. illness D. under

3. Come back to my __________ after school.

A. accommodation B. living C. place D. part

4. He's having __________ with a married woman, you know.

A. a carry on B. a sideline C. an affair D. a business

5. I couldn't care __________ about his problems.

A. less B. nothing C. anything D. little

6. He never stops __________ on about it.

A. putting B. going C. hitting D. telling
7. Ask me later - I can't do it __________ .
A. in the moment B. at the moment C. up to now D. at the time

8. I __________ ten pounds by selling the CD.

A. took B. had C. made D. did

9. Can we __________ , please? We don't have much time.

A. go out of B. move on C. go over D. jump from

10. Cold!? It's __________ .

A. rainy B. icing C.cooling D. freezing

11. There are lots of __________ restaurants in town.

A. sandwich B. fast-food C. quick-eat D. fast-eat

12. Tell me the __________ .
A. real B. truth C. honest D. true

13. I've told him __________ not to do that.

A. up and down B. over and again C. again and again D. by and by

14. Jenny is ______, she can speak French and English fluently.
A. linguist B. bilingual C. dialect D. translator

15. We have to make a fire so go and collect some ___ from nearby trees so we have some
wood to burn.
A. logs B. leaves C. branches D. straw

16. This Math problem is really hard. Can I use a ___ to help me?
A. abacus B. modem C. keyboard D. calculator

17. The old ____ was built up on the hill which made it easier to defend if there was a war.
A. chapel B. church C. castle D. prison

18. I gave the shopkeeper five dollars for that pencil and she only gave me 20 cents ___.
A. receipt B. change C. coins D. rest

19. Turn the TV up a little, please. I can't _____ it!

A. listen B. feel C. hear D. touch

20. We played a silly _____ at the party last night. Everyone really enjoyed it but we were
very tired by the end.
A. joke B. play C. sport D. game

This is the end of the Vocabulary Test. Thank you.

Reading Comprehension Test
Direction: Read each selection carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the
statements given after the selection. The result will indicate your English skills in reading

Reading I. Globalcall Communications

Globalcall Communications has grown from a telecommunications solutions provider for

local businesses in the greater Seattle metropolitan area to a truly global corporation
providing telecommunications solutions for clients both large and small. Established to fill a
significant market gap for simple communication solutions, the company first expanded to
most major North American cities before becoming a major multinational player.
Presently, the company is extending operations to include voice over IP, as well as high-
speed cable Internet access. Globalcall Communications' team includes more than 40,000
specialists worldwide in more than 20 countries on three continents. Next year will see the
deployment of a third generation wireless communications network in Asian countries.
The future looks bright for Globalcall Communications. By 2005 the company will be
servicing more than 15 million households and businesses globally. Globalcall
Communications will have become a household word. We look forward to serving clients
and are planning to do everything in our power to make sure that your communication
future is unlimited AND simple.


1. The company began by offering computer software solutions to local businesses in the
greater Seattle metropolitan area.
2. The company was founded on an approach to providing simple communication solutions.
3. The company is expanding operations at the moment.
4. Worldwide communications employs more than 40,000 specialists.
5. The company expects to be servicing more than 50 million customers worldwide by 2005.

Reading II. The Queen Bee

Two kings' sons, once upon a time, went into the world to seek their fortunes; but
they soon fell into a wasteful foolish way of living, so that they could not return home again.
Then their brother, who was a little insignificant dwarf, went out to seek for his brothers:
but when he had found them they only laughed at him, to think that he, who was so young
and simple, should try to travel through the world, when they, who were so much wiser,
had been unable to get on. However, they all set out on their journey together, and came at
last to an ant-hill. The two elder brothers would have pulled it down, in order to see how
the poor ants in their fright would run about and carry off their eggs. But the little dwarf
said, 'Let the poor things enjoy themselves, I will not suffer you to trouble them.'

So, on they went, and came to a lake where many ducks were swimming about. The
two brothers wanted to catch two, and roast them. But the dwarf said, 'Let the poor things
enjoy themselves, you shall not kill them.' Next they came to a bees'-nest in a hollow tree,
and there was so much honey that it ran down the trunk; and the two brothers wanted to
light a fire under the tree and kill the bees, so as to get their honey. But the dwarf held them
back, and said, 'Let the pretty insects enjoy themselves, I cannot let you burn them.'

At length the three brothers came to a castle: and as they passed by the stables they
saw fine horses standing there, but all were of marble, and no man was to be seen. Then
they went through all the rooms, till they came to a door on which were three locks: but in
the middle of the door was a wicket, so that they could look into the next room. There they
saw a little grey old man sitting at a table; and they called to him once or twice, but he did
not hear: however, they called a third time, and then he rose and came out to them.

He said nothing, but took hold of them and led them to a beautiful table covered
with all sorts of good things: and when they had eaten and drunk, he showed each of them
to a bed-chamber.

The next morning he came to the eldest and took him to a marble table, where there
were three tablets, containing an account of the means by which the castle might be
disenchanted. The first tablet said: 'In the wood, under the moss, lie the thousand pearls
belonging to the king's daughter; they must all be found: and if one be missing by set of sun,
he who seeks them will be turned into marble.'

The eldest brother set out, and sought for the pearls the whole day: but the evening
came, and he had not found the first hundred: so he was turned into stone as the tablet had

The next day the second brother undertook the task; but he succeeded no better
than the first; for he could only find the second hundred of the pearls; and therefore he too
was turned into stone.

At last came the little dwarf's turn; and he looked in the moss; but it was so hard to
find the pearls, and the job was so tiresome!--so he sat down upon a stone and cried. And as
he sat there, the king of the ants (whose life he had saved) came to help him, with five
thousand ants; and it was not long before they had found all the pearls and laid them in a

The second tablet said: 'The key of the princess's bed-chamber must be fished up out
of the lake.' And as the dwarf came to the brink of it, he saw the two ducks whose lives he
had saved swimming about; and they dived down and soon brought in the key from the

The third task was the hardest. It was to choose out the youngest and the best of the
king's three daughters. Now they were all beautiful, and all exactly alike: but he was told
that the eldest had eaten a piece of sugar, the next some sweet syrup, and the youngest a
spoonful of honey; so he was to guess which it was that had eaten the honey.

Then came the queen of the bees, who had been saved by the little dwarf from the
fire, and she tried the lips of all three; but at last she sat upon the lips of the one that had
eaten the honey: and so the dwarf knew which was the youngest. Thus the spell was
broken, and all who had been turned into stones awoke, and took their proper forms. And
the dwarf married the youngest and the best of the princesses, and was king after her
father's death; but his two brothers married the other two sisters.

6. What happened soon after the two sons went looking for their fortunes?

a. They found a productive activity for their efforts.

b. They soon began living a wasteful life.

c. They returned home after a short period.

7. Who went looking for the two brothers?

a. The father

b. Their brother

c. Their family dwarf

8. Why did the brothers laugh at their brother once he had found them?

a. Because he thought he could get on in the world when they had failed.

b. Because he told them some rather funny jokes.

c. Because he was so short.

9. What were the elder brothers interested in doing to the various animals?

a. Leaving them alone

b. Bothering, or killing them in order to eat

c. Selling them for profit

10. Who did they find in the castle?

a. A talking horse

b. An old man

c. A dwarf

11. What did they do before they went to bed?

a. Had an interesting discussion with the old man

b. Had a wonderful meal

c. Went horse riding

12. What was required in order to succeed in the task?

a. All the pearls had to be found.

b. Most of the pearls had to be found.

c. The princess had to be found.

13. What happened to the two elder brothers?

a. They succeeded in the task.

b. They failed in the task and turned into stone.

c. They first failed and turned into stone. The second succeeded at the task.

14. What was the first task that they needed to do?

a. Gather all the pearls after the sun sets.

b. Gather some of the pearls before the sun sets.

c. Gather all the pearls before the sun sets.

15. What did the two ducks fish out from the lake?

a. bed-chamber

b. key

c. princess

16. How did the third brother, the dwarf, guess who had eaten the honey?

a. The queen kissed all the three princesses. Then bees bit the lips of the one who had eaten

the honey.

b. The dwarf smelled all the three princesses. Then he guessed the one who had eaten the


c. The queen of the bees tired all princesses‘ lips and sat on the lips of the one who had

eaten the honey.

17. Why was the third brother, the dwarf, successful in all the tasks?

a. He was a harder worker than his brothers.

b. He succeeded due to his prior kindness to the animals.

c. He succeeded due to his father's connections.

18. What happened to the two elder brothers in the end?

a. They were forever turned to stone.

b. They were banned from the kingdom forever.

c. They married princesses.

19. Why didn't the elder brothers remain trapped in stone?

a.Because the spell wore off after time.

b. Because they succeeded in their tasks.

c. Because their dwarf brother succeeded in his task.

20. What happened to the third brother in the end?

a. He married the eldest daughter and became king.

b. He married the youngest daughter but didn’t become a king.

c. None of the above.

This is the end of the Reading Comprehension Test. Thank you.

Writing Test
Directions: The title of your composition is “Favorite Food” Write neatly and legibly. Write at
least 60 words. The result of this test will indicate your English skill in writing.

“Write About Your Favorite Food”

















This is the end of the Writing Test. Thank you


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