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News is information on current events presented through different means of communication:

broadcasting, media, newspapers, word of mouth, etc. News usually covers economics, politics,
environment and health. In this generation, it is important to be educated on topics like these:
for your reasons, to gain knowledge, to share information and others. Although news is seen as
a beneficial source of information- it is also very problematic: media/news outlets have their
agendas and biases due to sponsors- their information can be opinionated, news may not be
defined as ‘news’ to someone else, misinformation can be spread through news (particularly
online), echo chambers and filter bubbles prevent an individual from learning and understanding
other views other than their own and finally, sensationalism. This style of reporting might distort
the facts of the story with emotional and biased impressions- rather than neutrality.

News compared to the 18th-century news is very distinct. Old news was extremely elitist
compared to nowadays- which is populist-centered. The enforcement of the Six Acts limited
some British their freedom and their right to education by limiting public meetings, taxing all
printed materials and completely changing the term of news, it was periodical literature
containing material less than 30 days old (changing the news cycle). Another difference is the
method of distribution of news: newspapers, letters, etc. Whereas news currently: is distributed
mostly on the Internet. News in this generation is affordable, compared to the 18th century.

In this essay, I will be evaluating the statement: if free news is essential for an educated society.
It is essential for us to have access to information because we should have the right to have our
opinions on certain topics. During the 18th century, there were unrestful riots culminating in the
centre of Peterloo. People demanded the right to vote and to be free from oppression and
injustice- until a cavalry charged into the unarmed crowd, injuring hundreds and killing around
20. Because of this riot, the government created the Six Acts, with the objective of decreasing
revolutionary ideals and public criticism of the government. Their mentality was that: news
caused people to be educated on these ideals. During this time the 1662: licensing act meant
that the government had full control over printing presses, they had the ability to censor
whatever they wanted. Control plays a major factor in news because if a party can affect a
generalised topic and make it biased misinformation can spread or the individuals receiving the
sources cannot be aware of other viewpoints. The Six Acts led to fewer groupings, newspaper
taxes and an irrelevant news cycle: if news were more than 30 days then it’d be outdated and
not useful, inapplicable to real-world practices. The people who were under this law were
receiving pointless information.

News is important in educating people because it keeps individuals informed about recent
events, locally and globally, helps them stay engaged with the world around them, education
helps people function/interact. Education especially helps with realising and understanding
social injustices, government action, etc.
I believe it is crucial that society has access to education because individuals should have the
right to be independent and think for themselves without being influenced by external sources.
Information should not have to be accessed through financial means like newspapers. Without
access to information, due to the stamp duty (tax)- in the 18th century; illegally printed
newspapers were a result of this tax. This was called the chartist press, one of the radical
printers, Henry Hetherington held the motto of ‘knowledge is power’. Eventually, the stamp duty
was removed from the newspapers. Keeping the tax on them was doing nothing beneficial to
society- it was only making them angrier and more dissatisfied.

To conclude, the news is essential because it provides individuals with current information and
developments in the world, provides a platform for various viewpoints and opinions which will
help in understanding and importantly it helps people to develop awareness and their own
independent thinking.

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