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1. What should people do to keep balance in their lives? Explain.
2. Tell about a life-changing experience you have had. How did it change your
3. Are you an optimist, a pessimist or somewhere in the middle? Explain.
1. To keep balance in your life, you should maintain a schedule, think
positively, practice self-discipline, and take care of your health. These habits
can help you prioritize what is important to you and avoid stress and
2. A life-changing experience is different for everyone, but some common
examples are traveling to a new place, meeting new people you fell happy,
overcoming a challenge, or discovering a passion4. These experiences can
change your perspective by opening your mind to new possibilities, giving
you a sense of purpose, boosting your confidence, or making you grateful
for what you have.
3. I am not an optimist or a pessimist, but somewhere in the middle. I try to be
realistic about situations and see both the positive and negative aspects. I
also try to learn from my mistakes and improve myself. Being somewhere in
the middle can help me cope with uncertainty and adapt to change.


It’s just a matter of time: chỉ là vấn đề thời gian, không sớm thì

What are you going to do? Bạn có thể làm được gì chứ?

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This has just started getting to me: Điều này bắt đầu khiến tôi lo

You’ve got to roll with the punches: Bạn phải chấp nhận đương
đầu với khó khăn
You’re just a sitting duck: Bạn chỉ chấp nhận mà không thể làm gì
để bảo vệ

An annoying pain in the neck: kẻ gây phiền toái

A total workaholic: người suốt ngày chỉ làm việc
Shop for groceries: mua đồ tạp hóa
Pull one’s weight: làm tròn trách nhiệm

1. What do you think are some benefits music brings to people's lives? Explain
each benefit.
2. Who is the most musically talented person you know? Describe that
person’s personality, abilities, and accomplishments.
1. For me, music is a method spirit. It make me out of stress. Sometime, when I
heard a music right up my alley, it make me fell happy and some music have a
danceable beat make me fell to the lyrics. I think first it make people feel
happy when they under the stress. I ever heard it also can be help a patient
stimulate the brain. For example me,…..
2. Ha Anh Tuan is a famous singer in Viet Nam, he has a voice can blow you
away . He has a warm, friendly, and charismatic personality that attracts
many fans. He has many abilities such as singing, composing, playing guitar,
and hosting shows. He has also achieved many accomplishments such as
winning two Dedication Awards, releasing several albums, collaborating with
famous musicians, and performing at various venues. He is one of the most
popular and respected singers in Vietnam.

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Nothing to write home about không có gì đặc biệt

Hard to please khó chiều lòng
I don’t mean to be a pain Tôi không có ý gây khó dễ
Right up your alley (idiom) đúng ngay ý thích của bạn
1. What advice can you give a person who is having financial trouble? Explain
why you think your advice will work.
2. Describe your future financial goals. What steps will you take to reach those
3. What are the possible reasons some people donate money? Explain.
1. When people have a financial problem. First, they should find a mistake
in spending ways to control it. If you buy everything and it way over our
budget, you should control way spending example don’t buy something no
need. Second, people should make a book financial manager to mananger
your money it help you know about some thing you have bought to control
you money. Third, You should save up a little for a rainy day, when you sick
and have a problem, the money you save up is a solution help you in that
2. My future financial goals are have a lot saving money to travel. Besides I
must have a money to pay monthly living expenses. So, I must have a
timeline to reach the goal. First, I will live within my mean, don’t buy
something if I don’t need. Second, I save regularly to have a budget to travel
and the money it is also save up a little for a rainy day. Third, I need have a
financial manager to know about something I pay, it makes me manager
good on money and have a little money to save up.
3. I think the reason some people donate money is very much. Because,
sometime people see them in the past and they will empathy and donate.
Sometime because they want to help the people don’t have a good life.
There are many reasons but they always towards a goodthings.
You’ve got a good head on your shoulders Bạn có cách tính toán rất tốt

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Waste not, want not (idiom) không phung phí mà cũng không muốn mua gì hết
Way over our budget vượt quá túi tiền của chúng ta
Save up a little for a rainy day tiết kiệm tiền phòng lúc khó khan
Have your heart set on quyết tâm
It costs so much to maintain Mất nhiều tiền để bảo trì
It takes so much room Nó chiếm nhiều chỗ
It’s so hard to operate Nó khó vận hành
It’s so hard to put together Nó khó lắp đặt
It just sits around collecting dust Nó chỉ ngồi một chỗ phủ bụi
That’s a shame Thật là tiếc quá
I live within my means Tôi sống trong chừng mực túi tiền của tôi cho phép
I keep track of my expenses Tôi theo dõi việc chi tiêu của mình
I save regularly Tôi tiết kiệm thường xuyên
I live beyond my means Tôi sống vượt qua mức túi tiền cho phép
I live paycheck to paycheck Tôi xài hết tiền lương, có bao nhiêu tôi xài hết bấy
I am drowning in debt Tôi bị nợ ngập đầu
1. What do people do today to make themselves more attractive? Which
techniques do you think are the most successful? Explain.
2. Do you think life is easier for people who are attractive? Why or why not?

1. I think there are many ways to attract someone attention such as by
confidence, character,… but the way to to attract someone attention is
appearance. The ways to attractive is appearance is the fastest. If you
wearing a trendy clothing, every people will turn their eyes to you. In GenZ
the clothing and appearance is very important it make them more confident
and it is a tool to attract everyone attention.

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2. I think everything also have a mixed blessing(two face). It also make you
live easy because everyone want to play with you and you can easy make
new friend but because you have a good appearance it make people only
concern to appearance and not concern to different thing. Besides, it also
make you have a lot of anti fan because them always don’t like you have
everyone attention. So people should a normal it will help you have a easy

Give them a second thought chú ý đến
You have a point Bạn nói đúng rồi đấy
Opposites attract (idiom) những gì đối nghịch nhau luôn thu hút đến gần nhau

1. What do you find the most annoying public conduct? Why?
2. What have you done to make your community a better place to live?
3. Identify one of the most serious urban problems in your country. What
causes this problem? What do you think should be done to solve it?
1. I think the behavior in public make people annoy is smoking. There are
many behavior such as cut in line, WC in public,… But the behavior I think
worst is smoking because it have a bad smell also cause the heath people
near the people smoking. What make me hate the behavior is harm health
some different behavior not make me hate but smoking make me hate it
because that point.
2. I think I don’t make the life is better but everyone can make it better day by
day. First, people should have a life rules. Second, People can donate book
or clothing it not only make people better day by day lead to the better place
to live but also make you fell happy, 1 contribution 2 purpose. Third, to

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make a better place you must do a little thing. For example you can pick up a
3. I think the most serious urban problems now is air pollution. The air
pollution is very bad and To solve this problem, some possible solutions are:
improving public transportation, promoting renewable energy sources,
enforcing environmental regulations, raising public awareness, and investing
in air quality monitoring .
Look on the bright side Nhìn vào mặt tích cực
Look out for each other Để ý quan tâm lẫn nhau
It’s really got a lot to offer Để ý quan tâm lẫn nhau
What really ticks me off is… Điều làm cho tối khó chịu là…
What really gets on my nerves is… Điều làm cho tối khó chịu là…
What really gets to me is… Điều làm cho tối khó chịu là

Unit 6
1. Which do you think is the better place for endangered animals to live in, the zoo
or the wild? Talk about the advantages and disadvantages these animals have in
both places.
2. In what ways are animals used or treated? Should animals be used for human's
entertainment? Give reasons and examples to support your answer.
3. There is an opinion that cats shouldn’t be kept as pets since they are really
annoying. What is your opinion? Give reasons and examples to support your
1. I think every think also have a mixed blessing. Same the question I think
both zoo and wild have good or bad. To discuss the zoo, in the zoo the
animals can be protected from people, and can protect it out of predator and
can help it when it have a disease but it will lost a predator skill and when
people don’t copped up anima, it will difficult to find food. In wild, Animal
could adapt to disease and against it before.

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2. Humans use or treat animals for food, clothing, experiment, entertainment

and therapy. Some of these uses harm or exploit animals, while others help
them. Animal entertainment is controversial because some people say it is
wrong and cruel to remove animals from their natural habitat and behaviour,
and to abuse or neglect them. Others say it is acceptable or beneficial if it
provides education, conservation or enrichment for animals and humans.
3. I think people have very opinion but in my opinion I think however cat some
time can make people become annoy but I think cat should be kept as pet
because it very cute and it also very loyal. For example, I have saw a video
cat was warning people in house a snake and it can play with baby.
The one in charge Người chịu trách nhiệm, trông nom
Unit 7
1. Do you think advertising is essential in life? Talk about the effects that
advertisements have in our life. Describe one of the advertisements that gets on
your nerves or that you find interesting.
2. Are you a shopaholic? What should people do to avoid compulsive shopping?
1. I think advertising maybe important in life, Effect that advertisements have
in our life is mixed blessing both positive and negative. Some positive
advertising bring to is: it inform people about price, benefit and many of
product, it educate people about social issues, pollution,… besides negative
is: it attract attention people and make them buy it, some time product and
advertising is very different. The advertising make me fell interesting is
surface 7 because it compare with macbook air about price and feature,… it
make people know about product and really spend amount of money to buy
2. I’m in between shopaholic and not shopaholic. Because I usually buy some
thing I need. So I think people should only buy something they need and
don’t buy every thing you see but no never use it. Limit your time to shoping
and surf the E-commerce. Set a limit budget you can buy.
Unit 8

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1. If you could give advice to parents on how to handle their children, what would
it be? Why?
2. What is the definition of a good parent (father or mother)? Is it easy to be a
good parent nowadays?
3. Do you prefer to live with an extended family or a nuclear one? Talk about the
advantages and disadvantages of living with a large family.
4. What are some problems of an aging population? What can be done to solve the
1. If I can give advice to parents I just suggest them only should use speech to
handle their children. But don’t use some bad word instead use Sincere
advice to talk with them and sometime should go out with children to Show
the kids how much they love them. I think people just should use sincere
emotional to teach them.
2. I think no have a definition of a good parent because every parent is good to
their children. Noboby not good with their children. But if you asked to be a
good parent difficult or easy. I thibk to become a good parent not easy but
also not difficult, parent just care about their children and usually ask them
about learning in school and health or them have a problem in school,…
3. I don’t have a preference for living with an extended family or a nuclear one,
as I think both have their advantages and disadvantages. Some of the pros
and cons of living with a large family are:
Pros: More fun, more support, more love, more diversity, more opportunities
to learn from others123.
Cons: Less attention, less space, less resources, more conflict, more chaos.
4. Aging population is a people under 65 years old, it very much. Some
problem cause when aging population increase is increase the health care
and heath service. Decrease productively and fewer people can do the work
and financial can be cause and decrease. Some solution is promoting the
aging people strong can work.

Unit 9

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1. What are some news sources you trust most? Why? What are some news
sources you don't trust? Why not?
1. Some new source I trust is: In national I usually read a page of VN Express,
In international I usually read BBC news. I trust there source because it very
reputation, the news is very exact and fast… Some news sources I don’t trust
is in Facebook I usually read a fake news in feed. I usually check it in
internet and sources I believe but some news in facebook wrong.

Unit 10
1. “Technology is making our lives easier and better by giving us more free time
for hobbies and leisure activities.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement.
Give specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
2. Are you a big T, a small t or somewhere in the middle? Give examples to
support your answer. Do you think big Ts play an important role in human
progress? Why/ why not?
1. I think it mixed blessing. Technology making our lives easier and better by
giving us more free time. For example, People can see nowadays although
technology make our live become easy but very little people go out and use
this free time for hobbies and leisures activities instead of they use it for
facebook, instargram, social media. A little use this time to go out and use
for hobbies and outside actives.

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