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Dear Mam Radiah Hamid, S. Pd, M.


I'm Aisyah I am 19 years old. I have a problem, maybe my problem has

often been experienced by other people too, but here I want to tell you a
little about my problem, I hope mam Radiah will be willing to listen to my

Both parents definitely want the best for their children, don't they, ma'am?
But they never asked me whether you like our choice. They just wanted to
do what they wanted me to do, my parents didn't even give me the
opportunity to choose the college major and campus that I wanted, they
just wanted their wishes to be followed. Yes, in the end I obeyed all my
parents' abilities without denying a single word. Since I was little, I always
obeyed what they said, but at my age, do they not want to let me decide on
my choice? Or am I still too small for them? I'm an adult, I'm not a child
anymore, but why do I need to be like a child?

Thank you mam for reading my letter, I hope that from the contents of this
letter many parents will understand that children also have the right to
make their own choices, and what solution can I get to face problems like

From : Aisyah at thahirah rukh umaera

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