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PJJ SESSION 2 2019 / 2020




IC NUMBER: 950514-02-5942






The research proposal, “Level of Motivation and Intensity of Secondary School Pupils
at Sekolah Menengah Bandar Seri Putra In Physical Activities” seeks to address the
relationship between motivation and intensity of pupils in physical activities during the
Physical and Health Education subject. In this study, the researcher focuses on the
relationship between motivation and intensity of pupils in physical activities at Sekolah
Menengah Bandar Seri Putra during the Physical and Health Education subject. The
researcher also used 341 students from Form 1 until Form 5 using random sampling method
as the research participants. Besides, this is a quantitative research design with survey
method. Questionnaire is used as the research instrument. International physical activities
questionnaire that has three sections is adopted and used to specify the level of intensity that
the pupils will have in performing physical activity. The data will be analysed from the
student’s responses in answering the questionnaires. On the whole, this research paper
comprises four main areas which are the introduction, literature review, research
methodology and references that will be critically analysed below.

1.0 Introduction

According to Samraj (2002), an introduction serves the purpose of leading the reader
from a general subject area to a particular field of research. However, the introduction of this
research paper does not give a clear view to the reader because the main idea of the research
paper is not arranged, discussed and explained in detail according to its sub-ideas. This
affects the reader’s understanding and their interest to read more. This is because a good
introduction should interest readers and make them want to read further (Thomas 2017). The
writer starts with the general importance of Physical and Health Education subject in
Malaysian context followed by the definition of relative intensity and finally ends it with the
general elaboration on the importance of sports according to Malaysia Education Blueprint
2013 – 2025. Lack of coherency and organization of ideas serve as one of the drawbacks for
this research proposal. It will be clearer for the readers when the researcher starts with the
importance of sports as stated in Malaysian Education Blueprint (MEB) and relate it to the
current needs on Physical and Health Education. Besides, emphasizing on the main idea of
this research paper again which is the relationship between motivation and intensity of pupils
in physical activities, the research could have come up by dividing the main idea into a few
sub-ideas by giving definitions supported by references. This can be done by providing the
salient findings and conclusions of the previously published studies (Alexandrov, 2004).
Suggested sub ideas which are derived from the main idea that could have been considered
by the researcher are significance of sports and physical activities, pupils’ motivation in
physical activities, intensity of in physical activities. According to Sandeep (2015) one of the
important components in an introduction is to state the hypothesis or describes the purpose
and objectives of the study. Nevertheless, the research problem was not addressed or even
introduced in this section too.

2.0 Problem statement

A well-written problem statement provides the rationale for the study and uses data
and research to confirm the need to address the problem in the study (Miles, 2016). As in
writing the problem statement, the author introduced an interesting and current background
topic in general which is about the obesity issue in Malaysian by providing statistical data on
pupils who face this problem as to support his statement. The statistics prove the existence of
a research problem which is the health issues among pupils in Malaysia. The author further
reviews the research issues by stating the importance of Physical and Health Education as an
effort to curb the problem. However, the downside of writing the problem statement is that
the author neglects to consider and state the research gap. According to Jacobs (2011)
the identification of research gaps is pivotal to a problem statement. The author does not cite
any previous studies that are similar or even related to the research problem which is obesity.
The author should have mentioned the related part studies by briefly presenting the samples,
findings and reviewing the aspects of research that have not been studied yet to find out the
research gap. This is because synthesizing information from various related studies will help
the author to identify the gap that exists which can help him to rationalize the necessity to
conduct a study on his selected topic.

3.0 Purpose of the study

The purpose statement is a statement that evolves the overall direction or focus for the
study (Creswell, 2012). The purpose of the study is brief and clear. The author mentions that
this study is to identify the intensity of student physical activity and pupils’ motivation factor
during Physical Education and Health classes in schools. The researcher states the purpose of
the research proposal by using the title of his study as the base concept where the variables
such as level of motivation and intensity of pupils in physical activities are derived from.

4.0 Objective

Moving on to the research objectives, the author states two clear and accurate research
objectives for this study where the first research objective is to identify the differences in
intensity of physical activity of students in the Physical Education and Health classes based
on gender. The second research objective is to identify the relationship between motivation
and intensity of physical activity among pupils during the Physical Education and Health
classes. As we can see the two objectives of this research is well written by the author.
According to Khoo (2005) setting too many objectives will diverse our attention as to which
is the important question that we really want to answer. The objectives in the research paper
was specific and reflects the questions stated that needs to be answered in the research.

5.0 Research Questions and Research Hypothesis

Khoo (2005) said that identifying research question and refining it is of paramount
importance in any research undertakings. However, in the research paper the author had
stated five research questions that needs to be addressed. The author should have narrowed
down the research questions and stated the most relevant and important research questions.
Having many research questions will lead to trying to address too many concepts, theories
and variables. As for the hypothesis, the researcher presents his statement on clear and
comprehensible hypotheses based on the research objectives and research questions that were
previously listed. A research hypothesis should be specific, clear, and testable proposition or
predictive statement about the possible outcome of a research study (Kabir, 2016). The
research hypothesis in the paper was written well.

6.0 Operational Definition

An operational definition is how the researcher decide to measure the variables in the
study. The author has given the operational definition for motivation and physical activity
which is the variables in the paper. Moreover, this research paper does not have a proper flow
and descriptions of conceptual framework or even a Theoretical framework as where research
usually starts at the theoretical level, then moves on to the conceptual level and finally to the
operational level (Ravitch & Riggan 2016). The author does not refer to any theories as he
only explains about the models. The author states about Competency Model and Integrated
Behavior-Change (IBC) Model in the research in two different sub topics but he fails to show
how these two models are interrelated to the conceptual framework of this study. The author
could have discussed how each component in the model is used to build the conceptual
framework in order to answer the research questions. It would have been clearer for the
readers if the author explains how this framework serves as a basis for explaining
relationships between variables in answering the research questions of this study.

7.0 Literature Review

The literature review gives the overview and discusses various related sub topics
based on the variables stated in the objectives of this research paper. There are five topics
reviwed which are the current scenario of Physical and Health Education in Malaysia,
intensity of physical activities, motivation model, factors that affect physical activity intensity
and gender factors that influence motivation of pupils in the physical activity. All these topics
are carefully derived from the two objectives of this research paper. Each topic is defined by
giving valid references and this shows that the author has done his reading. The author also
draws conclusion by synthesizing the whole write up that comprises aforementioned
information of all five topics by clearly narrowing down the scope to the basic knowledge
trend of this research paper. The researcher re-emphasized the importance of Physical and
Health Education in inspiring pupils’ external motivation and the need to determine the level
of intensity of physical activity during the Physical and Health Education which helps the
readers to stay focused.

Despite the good points, the author shows some weaknesses in writing literature
review. According to Creswell (2014), a good literature review should consist of the
summary of past and current information on the topic of research study and it should justify
the importance of research problems. The author has given a brief summary of past and
current information regarding the topics but there is no link between the information and the
research problem. Each topic is given a brief definition and references but it did not address
how the topic is related to the research problem. For instance, the researcher defines the
Integrated Behaviour-Change Model without linking it to the topic of physical intensity and
how it relates to the research problem which is pupils’ involvement in physical activity. This
clearly shows the absence of rationalisation between scholarly significance and practical
significance of the research problem. Besides, there is a lack of continuity in writing where
the researcher stops the flow of writing all of a sudden. As an example, the researcher
explains the motivation model in a good flow and the researcher just stops writing his point
halfway without ending his sentence on how intrinsic motivation can be related to pupils’
involvement in physical activities. The writer does not present any literature that is against
the case which may help in further research.

8.0 Variables

The researcher had identified the independent and dependent variables in his research
objectives and shows the correlation between the variables. According to Creswell (2014),
independent variables are those that cause, influence, or affect outcomes. Dependent
variables are those that depend on the independent variables; they are the outcomes or results
of the influence of the independent variables (Creswell 2014). In the first research objective,
the independent variable is pupils’ gender and the dependent variable would be the
differences in intensity of physical activity of students. While for the second research
objective, the independent variable is motivation and the dependent variable would be the
intensity of physical activity among pupils. Basically, the dependent variables for both
objectives are the same and the only thing that varies are the independent variable.

9.0 Validity and Reliability

The validity and reliability of the research paper is questionable. The researcher had
used Triaksial Accelerometer (GT3X) to measure the physical activity and the data was
tabulated. Apart from that, the researcher has used Average Content Validation Index (CVI)
to calculate the one of the variables in the research which is motivation. However, the
external factors were not taken into account and it could affect the validity and reliability of
the research.

10.0 Instrument used in Research

In addition, the author mentions about the research instrument used which is the
questionnaire form. The research instrument is said to be adapted from two main sources
which are The Exercise Motivations Inventory and the International Physical Activity
Questionnaire (IPAQ). Even though the sources for adaptation are mentioned, the author does
not explain the sources in detail. There are no clear statements regarding why and how the
adaptation was performed. For instance, the author could have explained how the constructs
and items contained within the sources correspond to the constructs and items in the
researcher’s adapted version of questionnaire form. The author also fails to explain about his
own questionnaire form in detail. He only states that there are three sections in the
questionnaire form and only explain the 1st section which is the section A. The other two
sections, namely section B and C are not explained. This confuses me as a reader because I
do not know what are the items in these two sections and what is intended to measure form
the pupils by the researcher. Again, there is no continuity in the writing which distracts the
reader's flow of reading. In addition, the reliability and validity of the research instrument is
also questionable. The researcher does not mention the pilot study in this paper. According to
Zailinawati, Peter and Danielle (2006), the questionnaire required self-completion by the
researchers by conducting pilot test with the assistance of several research assistants to check
whether the questionnaire was comprehensible and appropriate, and that the questions were
well defined, clearly understood and presented in a consistent manner. The researcher could
have done a pilot test after adapting and constructing the questionnaire form to check its
validity and reliability in using it to collect data from the research participants.

11.0 Research Design

According to Kothari (2014) research design can be considered as the structure of

research that holds all of the elements in a research project together, in short it is a plan of the
proposed research work. The study was conducted using the survey method as the design of
the study to obtain data from the sample through quantitative study. The research design
chosen by the researcher is appropriate to the objective of the problem to be studied and the
nature of the problem in the study. A strong research design is crucial to a successful research
proposal (McCombes, 2019). Hence, choosing a suitable research design is an important step
in a research paper.

12.0 Population and Sample

The target group consists of 341 Form 1 until Form 5 pupils from Sekolah Menengah
Bandar Seri Putra in Malaysia. As per the author, the participants are selected using
“persampelan rawak berstrata mudah'' technique. The author uses a wrong terminology for
the sampling technique because there is no such technique available. The criteria for the
sample selection are briefly explained based on a random sampling method where the author
describes how he selects his 341 samples from 3000 pupils in whole in a table form. Even
though the information on the research participant is given, the author does not state the role
played by the sample in the context of providing the necessary input for the study.

13.0 Data Collection Method

In this paper, the author outlines the data collection process by describing the
procedure following two main aspects of location and also the implementation process to the
sample. As for the place, the data will be collected in school after getting permission from the
head of department, principal and also subject teachers. The researcher explains the
implementation process to the samples by briefing them about the purpose of this research
and how the research will be carried out and also about the data collection method which is
by using the questionnaire. However, the research has left out one of the main aspects which
is the time. The author does not explain about the time factor on when and how long the data
collection process will be neither to the samples, nor to the readers.

14.0 Data Analysis Method

The author gives a brief and clear data analysis process for this study. In order to
analyse the data obtained regarding the motivation and intensity of pupils, the researcher uses
the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Whereas to analyse respondents'
biodata, descriptive statistics method will be used. This is to obtain the number and
percentage of respondents for each item that will be analysed and recorded in a table form.
Data recorded data will be analysed according to percentage distributions, mean scores, and
standard deviations. The data analysis process is clearly explained with the statistical tools for
each research objective but there is no reason given on why the statistical tools are
appropriate. The research could improvise his writing by adding the suitability of the
Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) software in analyzing the data for this research

15.0 References

Referencing is one of the important elements in writing a good research proposal as

this will help the reader to understand the context of the research and at the same time allow
the reader to know the source of the information (Goh 2014). The sources of information that
are used by the researcher have the higher reliability. This is because most of the sources
were from published books and academic journals. However, the weakness of this part was
some of the references are not up to date. The researcher used the sources from the years of
1997 to 2014. In my opinion, it will be better if the researcher refers to the sources that are
more up to date which is within 5 years till date.


In general, this proposal paper with the title of “Integration of Spiritual and Religious
Approach in Overcoming Family and Marriage Counselling Cases In Malaysia” aimed to
explore counseling competencies, integration strategies used, propensity in choosing
strategies, impulses and challenges faced by counselors in integrating spiritual and religious
approach in family and marriage counseling cases. This study uses a qualitative case study
research design where the author uses 13 registered counsellors as the samples. Three data
collection methods are used namely interview, document analysis and observation. The data
will be analysed using NVIVO 11 software. On the whole, this research paper contains three
main parts ranging from introduction, literature review and research methodology that will be
critically analysed in depth below.

1.0 Introduction

One of the strengths of this research paper is that the researcher gives a perspicuous and
comprehensible introduction for his study that attracts the reader for further reading.
According to Cals and Kotz (2013), a good introduction starts with the general context of the
study topic; then, narrow down to more topical contextual information; finally, end with the
specific rationale of the study. The author gives a clear view to the readers about this research
as the main idea of the research paper is organised, discussed and described minutely
according to its sub-ideas. This can be seen when the writer divides three sub parts from the
main idea of his title. The writer meticulously divides the topics to family and marriage
counselling services in Malaysia; spiritual and religious concepts in family and marriage
institutions, background of spiritual and religious integration in dealing with family and
marriage counselling cases. Systematic organisation of ideas supported by references from
various sources can be seen clearly here. In each sub-topic the author describes the concepts,
elaborates it based on reliable sources and statistics by relating it to the research problem
which is regarding family and marriage issues. However, the researcher does not state the
importance of the study according to the current global trend. The author can improve by
stating the relevance of this study or the issues based on this 21st century.

2.0 Problem statement

Not only that but also the author managed to attract the readers’ attention in writing the
problem statement for this study by organising his ideas. The author gives a general
explanation for the background of the topic which is about the family institution and how it
can relate to the spiritual and religious aspect. Then, he narrows down the scope by
introducing the research topic by briefing on the significance of spiritual and religious
approach in family and marriage counselling services. Besides, the writer clearly proves the
existence of the research problem based on his readings from various articles by citing the
references. For instance, the writer includes one of the researches done in 2013 which
supports this study’s research problem that discusses counsellors incompetency in terms of
experience and knowledge in applying religious elements in counselling. The writer also
reviews the research issue in the context of the remedial effort that was taken by a
professional organization body called ASERVIC as it lists nine competency guidelines for the
counsellors to overcome their incompetence which is one of the research problems for this
study. Another plus point of this study is that the author states about the related part studies
by presenting the samples, study findings and reviewing the aspects that have not been
studied yet to find out the research gap. The author comes to a conclusion to fill the research
gap by conducting research in the field of family and marriage counselling on the spiritual
and religious aspects which have not emphasised in any past studies.This shows that the
author identify the research gap that exists to rationalise the necessity to conduct a research
on this particular topic.

3.0 Purpose of the study

The aims of the study are comprehensively stated. The writer states three aims for his
study and each is elaborated clearly by considering the title of the study as the key
foundation. One of the research aims is to explore the competencies of counsellors in
accordance with ASERVIC 2009 guidelines and exploring the spiritual and religious
integration strategy in handling family and marriage counselling cases in Malaysia. As we
can see, the provided aim is derived from the title of the study and it is easily understandable.

4.0 Objectives

As for the research objectives, the author states four precise and accurate research
objectives for this study. Each objective of the study describes the writer’s understanding of
the variables in the study and each variable is interrelated to one another. For instance, the
first objective which is to explore counsellors’ competencies in integrating spiritual and
religious approaches in dealing with family and marriage counselling cases in Malaysia
shows how the concept of spiritual and religious approach is interrelated to the family and
marriage counselling cases in Malaysia. The second objective which is to explore the
strategies of spiritual and religious integration used by counsellors in handling family and
marriage counselling cases in Malaysia shows the reader how the strategies of spiritual and
religious integration approach is used by the counsellor. Here we can see what the author
intended to measure at the end in a clear way. The objectives of this research is written
meticulously by the author where it identifies the independent and dependent variables in his
research objectives and shows the correlation between the variables. Each of the objectives of
the study is reconstructed in a question form and there are four research questions for this
study. Each research question portrays the relationship between the variables to be searched
in this study by the author.

5.0 Operational Definition

Another advantage of this paper is that the author states the operational definitions
relevant to the study clearly. He makes sure that the main constructs contained in the
objectives of the study are interpreted based on the concepts suggested in this research. For
instance, straight forward operational definitions are given for the integration of spiritual and
religious approaches, implicit and explicit integration strategies, counsellor’s competence in
integrating spiritual and religious in counselling, spiritual and religion, family and marriage
counselling, family and marriage counselling practitioners. Besides, the author makes sure all
these definitions are used for the entire study.

6.0 Literature Review

Writing a consistent literature review is an intense and complex activity that reveals
the training and long-lasting academic skills of a writer (Leite, Padilha & Cecatti 2019). In
this research paper, the author shows an excellent academic writing skill in writing literature
review. The author shows his mastery in the research topic with a coherent and clear structure
that supported the review. The author states the five main aspects that will be reviewed from
previous research done by both local and abroad researchers in the beginning and he narrows
the scope of coverage which helps the readers for a better understanding. Moreover, the
author does not only summarise the data provided via his readings but he shows his
understanding of each topic as he can make judgments based on objectives of the study,
compare resources and findings, identify discrepancies and construct his own argument. The
author shows his mastery of research topics and confidence in writing literature review by
stating his own argument based on his resources. As an example, from the author’s reading
on past studies for the topic of ‘spiritual and religious studies to family and marriage’, the
researcher writes his own view by stating that spiritual and religious values can help in
improving functionality of the family while providing a source of strength in resolving
conflicts in the family. The author also shows that he had done some extensive reading on
past studies related to the research topics when he discusses topics related to each construct
based on valid references. Otherwise, too much information given by the author in writing the
literature review, makes it very lengthy and confusing for the reader.

7.0 Validity and Reliability

One of the advantages of this study is that the author pays attention to the validity and
reliability factors in constructing the research instruments and also in the data collecting
methods. Reliability and validity are the two most important and fundamental features in the
evaluation of any measurement instrument or tool for good research (Mohajan 2017).
Validity and reliability increase transparency, and decrease opportunities to insert researcher
bias in qualitative research (Singh 2014). Upon considering this key point, the author makes
sure the instruments used and the data collection method have no biasness by maintaining
their validity and reliability. The author makes sure the validity and reliability of interview
questions by seeking help from three qualitative research experts in the field of spiritual and
religious counselling to check and validate them. As for the pilot study, an interview section
is carried out beforehand using the valid and reliable interview questions with two research
participants to look at their responses and feedback so that the data collection method in the
actual study can be improved. Besides, to determine the quality of validity and reliability of
the study the author uses other techniques such as audit trail techniques, triangulation,
participant review, long-term field observations, peer research and also participant
collaboration. Hence, these techniques show that this study has high reliance that one can
have on a research.

8.0 Research design

The research design for this paper is intelligibly described by the author. The author uses
qualitative single-case study research design for his research paper. The purpose for choosing
this research design is written thoroughly by referring to various sources of reference. The
author also provides rationale for choosing case study research design for his research too. He
mentions that case study research design is appropriate to answer the question of 'how' and
'why' of a phenomenon that is being studied and to get more in-depth information pertaining
to the undercover issues. He relates the appropriateness of using case study in his research
context by stating how competencies and counsellors’ family and marriage counselling
strategy integrate spiritual and religious aspects in the counselling cases and ' why '
practitioners tend to use the same integration strategies either implicitly or explicitly.

9.0 Population and Sampling

Additionally, the author also explains about the sampling process in depth. He uses the
purposive sampling technique in choosing 13 research participants and has set five selection
criteria. The research participants that are selected should have at least a Bachelor's degree in
counselling, registered with the Malaysian Board of Counsellors as well with a legal
certificate, has 5 years experiences in handling family and marriage counselling, has
experience in using spiritual and religious approaches in handling family and marriage
counselling cases and interested in participating in this study voluntarily. This provides the
reader an insight of the author’s rationale in using purposive sampling technique for this
research paper. However, the author does not state the role that should be played by the
participants in the context of providing the necessary data for this research.

10.0 Data Collection Method

As can be seen, the author uses three data collection methods namely interview,
document analysis and also observation. The data collection instruments such as interview
questions, counsellors’ reflection form and also observation checklist on family counselling
video are built in accordance to the data collection method chosen by the authors. Each
instrument complements the data collection method. On the whole, the author is able to
provide well-structured research instruments appropriate to the data collection methods of
this study. As for the observation and interview the author clearly states who is conducting,
the number of hours allocated, the location and how to conduct them. For the document
analysis method, the author states its relevance in providing the data. Each research
instrument is explored in-depth and given detailed explanation on the process of building the
instruments as well. For instance, the author explains the process of constructing the
interview questions by referring to two main sources that are Association for Spiritual,
Ethical and Religious Values in Counselling, ASERVIC dan FACE-SPIRIT Model. In the
negative aspect of writing, the author fails to give justification of selecting these three
particular research instruments and their suitability for this case study research design.

11.0 Data Analysis Method

In this paper, the author evidently plans the data collection process by explaining the
data analysis method that was used and how it is carried out systematically using six steps.
For instance, the data collected via interview is transcribed to get the raw data. Then, the raw
data is organised and coded and analysed using theme analysis techniques using NVIVO 11
software. Later, the report findings are stated and interpreted. Finally, the author does his
verification of the accuracy of the findings. Every data obtained is analysed clearly by the
author without leaving the validity and reliability of the finding behind is one of the
advantages of this research paper.

12.0 References

According to Hyland (1999), the inclusion of references to the work of other authors
is thus seen as a central feature of research writing. One of the major drawbacks of this
research paper is that it does not provide a references list for all the in-text citations that was
used for the entire research paper. The author should have considered providing the
references list at the end of the research paper as it can help the readers to refer to the sources.
It plays a vital role in assessing the reliability and validity of those references used in this
research paper.

Alexandrov, A. 2004. How to write a Research Paper. Cerebrovasc.

Bavdekar, S. 2015. Writing Introduction: Laying the Foundations of a Research Paper. . The
Journal of the Association of Physicians of India 63(44).

Creswell, J. . 2012. Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative

and Qualitative Research, hlm. 4th Edisi . Boston: Pearson Education.

Cals, J. W., & Kotz, D. 2013. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part III:
Introduction. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 66(7): 608-702.

Creswell, J. W. 2014. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Method

Approaches. Edisi ke-4. United States of America: SAGE Publications.

Goh, L. H. 2014. A Practical Guide to Writing Your Action Research. Kuala Lumpur:
Penerbitan Multimedia Sdn Bhd.

Hartley, J. 2008. Academic Writing and Publishing: A Practical Handbook. London:


Hyland, K. 1999. Academic attribution: citation and the construction of disciplinary

knowledge. Applied linguistics 20(3): 341-367.
Jacobs, R. L. (2011). "Developing a Research Problem and Purpose Statement", in The
Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing, T. S. Rocco and T. Hatcher (eds.), San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 125-141

Kabir, Syed Muhammad. (2016). Formulating and Testing Hypothesis.

Khoo, Ee Ming. (2005). Research Questions and research Objectives. The Family Physician.
13. 25-6.

Kothari, C.R. (2004). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques, 2nd ed. New Delhi:
New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers

Leite, D, B., Padilha, M, & Cecatti, J. 2019. Approaching literature review for academic
purposes: the literature review checklist. Clinics Sao Paulo 74: 140-143.

Miles, D. 2016. The One-Page Dissertation Proposal Matrix: A Guide for Developing The
Dissertation Proposal.

Mohajan, H. K. 2017. Two criteria for good measurements in research: validity and
reliability. Annals of Spiru Haret University Economic Series 17(4): 59-82.

Ravitch, S. M., & Riggan, M. 2016. Reason & Rigor: How Conceptual Frameworks Guide
Research. Edisi ke-2. London: Sage Publications.

Samraj, B. 2002. Introductions in Research Articles: Variations across Disciplines. English

for Specific Purposes 21: 1–17.

Singh, A. S. 2014. Conducting case study research in non-profit organisations: qualitative

market research. An International Journal 17: 77–84.

Thomas, C. 2017. How to Do Your Research Project: A Guide for Students. London: Sage
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Zailinawati, Peter, S. & Danielle, M. 2006. Doing a pilot study: why is it essential?
Malaysian Family Physician 1(3): 70-73.

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