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Aisha javaid
List of Contents
 Introduction
 Grounded Theory of research
 Purpose of the study
 Theoretical framework
 Research aims and objectives
 Research questions
 Measurement of Variables
 Significance of the study
 Literature review
 Research methodology
 Time schedule
 Key authors and journals
 References
Work Life Balance
 Work life balance is not a new phenomenon. It takes into
account the four quadrants like work, family,
community/friends and self.
 To make one’s life happy it is important in today’s world to
maintain a right balance of all these four quadrants. As there is
more development in the educational field women are showing
more passion and interest towards the education field and they
are in a position that they are unable to balance the personal life
and professional life (Bagley & Abubaker, 2016).
 This paradigm shift has seen the introduction of work-life
policies across firms with the aim of assisting their workers to
strike a balance between professional demands and family and
social commitments.
Career Management
 Career management, however, plays important role
in everyone’s life and it arises from the individual
interaction with organization and society.
 It is not basically a theoretical construct but a
meaningful way that can define the meaning and
 Rose et al. (2006) defined career as a succession of
related jobs arranged in a hierarchy of prestige
through persons’ movement in ordered and
predictable sequences
Academic Performance
 “Employee performance means the ability of an
employee to perform the job in a particular way
that is leads to both organization and the employee
to achieve their common goals and objectives.”
 Further, organizational performance can be
described as the accumulated end result of all the
organization’s work process and activities. Like all
ratios it can be improved by increasing the output,
decreasing the input or both.
Purpose of the study
 The purpose of this qualitative exploratory study is
to understand employee perspectives for various
family friendly and work-life balance policies
using interviews and document analysis.
 The study included semi structured interviews with
a purposive sampling from various institutes of
Baluchistan including lecturers, assistant professors
and associate professors
Purpose of the study
 For this purpose, the present study proposed the
theoretical framework shown in figure 1.1 in which
academic performance of the employees is the
outcome variable and the work life balance is the
explanatory variable which enhance the career
development opportunities of the faculty members
which, ultimately, improves the quality of academic
performance of the employees.
Theoretical Framework
Research Aims and Objectives
 To highlight the issues and problems related to work
life balance of women faculty members of
educational institutes of baluchistan
 To study the relationship between career-related
dimensions and quality of work life among the
women faculty members of educational institutes
 To analyze the impact of work life balance on career
development and the academic performance of
women working the educational institutes of

 The research questions should be able to answer the

research objectives, which basically have generated
some linked questions below:
 What are the quality of work life balance and the
policies adopted by educational institutes to
improve the work life balance of their women
faculty members
 What are the relationships between career related
dimensions and quality of work life among women
working in the educational institutes of balochistan
 How these faculty members perceive their working
experience, careers path and quality of work life?
What are recommendations to improve the system?
 Most importantly, to analyze the mediating role of
career management on the existing relationship
between work life balance and academic
Measurement of Variables
Significance of the study
 The problem was that many employees need a more flexible
work/life arrangement, which caused many organizations to
review and renew organizational policies on balancing work and
life (Travis, 2010).
 The rationale for adoption of this topic is the implementation of
flexible work schedules and the policies to reduce work related
stress and improve the academic performance of the women
faculty members of the educational institutes of balochistan .
 However, this study will be informative for the policy makers
and quality enhancement and control managers in the
educational institutes of balochistan
Literature Review
 Concepts of Quality of Work Life
 The most well known approach to measure the quality of work life is
found in Walton’s approach. Walton (1973) proposed eight conceptual
variables for the quality of work life to meet the needs of the
organization through their personal experiences:
 1. Fair and adequate pay: the equal payment for equal work and paid
balance with social norms and standards compared to other employees
and job types.
 2. Work safety and health: creating safe working conditions from the
viewpoint of physical and logical of working hours.
 3. Human progress capabilities: providing such opportunities for
independence and self-control at work and enjoy a variety of skills and
access to relevant work information.
Literature Review
 4. Providing opportunities for continued growth and Security: the
ability of individual improvement, advancement opportunities, and
opportunities to apply the acquired skills in the field of income and
employment security.
 5. Social integration in the work organization: creating a suitable
working environment that reinforces the employees' sense of belonging
toward the organization
 6. Constitutionalism: in the work organization: freedom of speech without
fear of providing higher level of response.
 7. Total life space: maintaining balance between work life and other
aspects of life, including free time, education and family life.
 8.The social relevance of work life: way of perceiving of employees
about social responsibility in an organization. These concepts are selected
as the variables in this study that aims to measure the levels of each item
and the relationship of these items with other variables.
Literature Review
Concepts of Career-related Dimensions
 According to Rose et al. (2006), elements of career or

career- related dimensions are divided into three, and

those are below:
 1. Career satisfaction: The satisfaction of each
individual derives from intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation in careers such as salary, advancement and
career development. It is defined as pleasurable or
positive emotional state resulting from an appraisal
for job performance.
Literature Review
 2. Career achievement: the positive psychological
outcomes or achievements that a person has accumulated
as result of experiences over the span of working life
which consist of objective career success (job title, salary,
or promotion) and subjective career success (one’s own
appraisal of career attainment).
 3. Career balance: a broad concept including proper
prioritizing between work (career and ambition) on one
hand and life (health, pleasure, leisure, family, and
spiritual development) on the other hand, or it can be
related to life style balance or life balance
Research Methodology
 The current study is based on the four phases of analysis
 Firstly, to analyze the relationship between work life
balance and academic performance
 Secondly, too analyze the existing relationship between
work life balance and career management
 Thirdly, to analyze the relationship between career
management and academic performance
 Lastly, to analyze the mediating role of career
management in the relationship between work life
balance and academic performance of the employees
Research Methodology
 For the purpose of mediation, we will follow the Baron &
Kenny 1986 model of mediation. He presented a model to
measure the role of mediating variable in explaining the
changes in outcome variable through path diagram
Research Methodology
 Our study follows the research philosophy of
constructionism which suggests that the inherent
meaning of social phenomena is created by each
observer or group (Saunders et al., 2007)
 In the attempt to meet these exploratory goals, we
will use a research design having the mixed method
approach. (Saunders et al., 2007)
 However, research strategy of this study is
phenomenology which describe the meaning of
experiance for the group of individuals.
Research Methodology
 This study involves a cross sectional analysis using
primary data
 Our proposed sample size will be twelve female
faculty members by using the purposive sampling
form three different institutes of balochistan as
 The data gathered as well as the data collected from
secondary sources such as published articles and
various textbooks will be used for the analysis and
interpretation to derive comprehensive results.
Research Methodology
 In quantitative method, questionnaire survey will be used
to identify the level and relationship between quality of
work life and career dimensions
 The questionnaires will be adopted form the previous
study used these measures of quality of work life balance
and career management (Sovichea Vann ).
 For the response scale, Likert Rensis’s Scale from 1 to 5
levels (1= Strongly Disagree, 5 = Strongly Agree) will be
used to measure the negative or positive answers.
 There will be mainly three parts of the questionnaires: 1)
personal information, 2) quality of work life, and 3)
career dimensions questions
Research Methodology
 However, In qualitative part, a semi-structured
interview questions are used in this study.
 The interview could be an informal conversation with
friendliness and attempt to equalize the relationship
between the researcher and interviewee in a very
interactive way.
 It is also anticipated that some follow up interviews
will be conducted for the further clarification and
understanding of the topic.
 All the interviews will be tap recorded and field notes
will be taken.
Research Methodology
 Patton (2002) suggested three types of
qualitative interview: 1) informal
conversational interview, 2) interview guide
approach, and (3) standard open-ended
 In this study, Patton’s Interview Guide
Approach will used to generate the questions
based on: Experience questions, Opinion
questions and Feeling questions.
Research Methodology
 Therefore there may be 4-5 questions in the interview
related to work life balance and career management
issues however, there would be some probe
questions emerging during the interview to deepen
the meanings.
 Bryman (2012) suggested the interview time should
be in between 20-25 minutes depends on the nature
of the research and actual interview session.
Research Methodology
 In order to analyze the data, the Statistic Package for Social
Science (SPSS) program will be used for the measurement of
level and relationship between the variables.
 For the practical term, Frequency is used to analyze the
personal background such as age, gender and education level
among teachers along with the Descriptive statistic to measure
the value of Mean (𝑥) and Standard Deviation (S.D) in each
 Moreover, Pearson’s correlation will be used to value the
relationship between the career dimension and quality of work
life variables whether they have positive or negative value.
 During this phase reliability/dependability and
validity/credibality of the data will also be tested
Research Methodology
 However, to analyze the qualitative data gained
from the interview, firstly the sound recording will
be transcribe into words and sentences in text
 Then, the Coding, themes identification,
categorization and sub categorization of the data
will be done manually. Then, the results of the
quantitative and qualitative data will be combined
for the further analysis of the data.
Key Authors and Journals of the Research

 Key authors
 Rose, R. C., Bech, L., Uli, J. & Idris, K.
 Guest, R. H
 Werther and Davis
 Key journals
 International journal of research in commerce, economics and
 Journal of human resource management
 Academy of management journal
 Kelaniya journal of human resource management
Time Schedule

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