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Durva- The topper of the class and often called the ‘bookworm’

Malhar- A kind person but very timid. He has excellent ears

Swaroop- The most talkative and sarcastic person but is very brave

Pratiksha- The most serious person in the group

Harsh- A person with the most innovative mind in the group


Swaroop: ( Enters the setting from the left side through the door): Hey guys, I had a crazy
dream last night which I want to share with you all

Harsh: We also wanted to share our dreams with you but you go first

Swaroop: So in this dream, I was trapped in the middle of the forest with you guys, without
any shelter or help………( the setting is changed into a jungle)


(There is chaos all over and some mysterious animals are attacking the group)

(The group is escaping from the deadly attacks of the animals)

Malhar: (In a shaky voice) How are we supposed to get out of here? There is nowhere where
we can rest for a few minutes

Durva: (Sarcastically) If you rest here even for a few moments, then you will have to rest

Pratiksha: Guys this isn’t the time to joke. We have to figure out a way soon to make it out of

Swaroop: (Bravely) Well guess who has an extraordinary plan in his mind.

Harsh: Well, if we go by your plan, we are surely dead. However, do you care to explain?

Swaroop: So my plan is, is, we RUNNNNN! (Swaroop wakes up and finds his mother
scolding him)


Swaroop: It was a terrifying dream. However, I was not able to witness its ending thanks to
my mother. ( Looks at everyone’s faces)

Swaroop(continued): Why aren’t you guys shocked?

Durva: We’ve had our share of shocking this morning. However, the thing which I’m about
to tell you will surely shock you.
Swaroop: What is it? Did the teacher show are grades? Well then it's going to be shocking
for you

Durva: (In a serious tone) No, the thing is, WE ALL HAD THE SAME DREAM YESTERDAY

(Swaroop is left in awe and looks towards everyone’s faces as they nod their heads in a yes)

Pratiksha: We all had the same type of dream. However, in my dream, I discovered the
location. It is ‘THE REUNION ISLAND’

Harsh: In my dream, I saw Malhar was nervous and was losing his mind

Malhar: (embarrassed) Umm.. that was a dream. In reality, I am a brave soul

Durva: I bet you are (everyone laughs)

Harsh: OK… So now we know that our dreams our interlinked and we all partner up
together. We have to escape from the Island to survive

Swaroop: I forgot to tell you but before my dream started, I remember a particular voice
which was very deep informing me that if we don’t escape in 3 days. We will be trapped
there forever.

Harsh: So tonight, we have to help each other and also help others to survive as this dream
is no less than a reality.

Pratiksha: I guess this works fine. Remember, don’t let your guard down and look out for
the animals and plants.

(Everyone leaves the room and the scene comes to an end)


Malhar: Is everyone fully conscious of the present situation?

(Everyone nods)

Durva: Well if we take a look at it, isn’t this place truly amusing? That bird is the paille-en-
queue. It is the national bird of Reunion. The bird's name translates to "straw tail" because of
its long, thin central tail feathers.

Harsh: This is why everyone calls you the ‘bookworm’

Pratiksha: Just admit that she is better at studies than you

Harsh: Ah! At least support me once for a while

Swaroop: Hey guys? Isn’t this the Day Gecko which is commonly found on the
island? It is a green lizard and another species of lizard is found in Reunion called
the margouillat. There are nearly 1600 species of flora and fauna combined.
(The animals start attacking the group)
Malhar: Keep giving information and soon you’ll be a dead piece of meat
(Everyone starts dodging the attacks of the animals. They lose track of time and
soon they wake up)
SCENE III (Back in the classroom)
Malhar: Last night was the hardest night for me in my entire life. We barely made it
out alive.
Swaroop: Guys! Listen. Today’s night is going to be very crucial as if we are unable
to escape the jungle, we will never wake up and will lose our lives there only.
Harsh: Come on man! I wish this was a video game where we had five lives to
complete the task
Pratiksha: This is why this is known as real life, you idiot
Harsh: Chillax Pratiksha
Durva: OK guys. So we’ll meet in the night. We have to get out of the place without
wasting any time.
Swaroop: Looks like you won’t be able to do the thing you are best at, Harsh

Harsh: You sure like the sound of your own voice don't you?

(The bell rings and everyone leaves through the door)

Malhar: Is everyone here? ( Malhar proceeds to count everyone but one person is
Swaroop: Guys, aren’t we missing someone?
(Everyone realises that Harsh has gone missing)
Pratiksha: Come to think of it, Harsh wasn’t here in the first place when we came
here. I wonder what is he up to
Durva: Well, there’s nothing we can do. We have to escape this jungle and head out
Malhar: Guys, do you hear something? I think this is the sound of water.
(Everyone focuses their ears and hears the pleasant sound of the water)
Durva: I think if we head towards this sound, we can find the way out
Pratiksha: I think she is right. Let’s follow her
(Everyone rushes towards the sound and finds themselves at the cliff of the island)
Swaroop: Let’s go swimming guys! Maybe we can find a way out from there
Pratiksha: We just had a conversation this afternoon that we will not waste any
Durva: Well you can go if you have a death wish as due to particularly abundant
marine wildlife, swimming, water sports and diving are forbidden within a
perimeter of 300 m around the Reunion Island coastlines.
Malhar: Guys, I think that I can hear the shrieks of Harsh. He is calling us out
Pratiksha: Let’s follow his voice. Maybe he found a way to get out of here
(Everyone follows Malhar. They all are struck in awe when they find out….. THEY
Swaroop: So you are telling me that we were all stuck inside the damn national
park for the past three days and were worried over nothing
Harsh: Guys.. I have something to tell you all
Pratiksha: You better tell the truth
Harsh: The truth is…. I work for this National Park. I brought you all here for an
experiment. The thing in which we all were trapped was a model built by our
company to monitor the behaviour of the animals.
Malhar: So we all were worried over nothing over the past few days. However, I’m
glad that there is no danger in our lives now
Durva: Come to think of it, the national park is far more beautiful compared to the
images. This national park represents 40% of the island’s total surface area
Harsh: Bookworm for a reason
Pratiksha: Isn’t this the section of Flora? I heard that Delicious tropical fruits:
guavas, mangoes, lychees, and pineapples all appear at different times of the year
so that you can eat tropical fruits all year long. Vanilla, manioc, and sugar cane are
also very present.
Swaroop: Also, this island is on its way to become the world’s leading producer of
Harsh: I guess that our time is over. You all have to return to your house otherwise
your parents will worry about you.
Durva: Yes guys, he is right
(Everyone nods and then Harsh teleport them to their own house. They all had
forgotten about their experience and thought about it as a blurry dream. However,
they did remember about the Reunion Island)

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