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Fill in first names of students

Pawar Public School Nanded City
Name of the school

Group leader

Student 1

Student 2

Student 3

Student 4

Checklist Max. Criteria Done? Student Score Teacher Score
Points Y/N

Attractive 5p - Information is readable and clearly Yes 5 5

layout presented

- Research is divided into different


- All documents are visible

- Multiple features of Weebly have

been used

Group 5p - The group has a short and Yes 5 5

introduction attractive written/video introduction

- A group photo/camera shot is


- Personal information is shared

(hobbies, etc.)

- In case the group used a YouTube

video, ‘Eumind’ is included in the

The 10p - Were all elements included in the Yes 10 10

preparation preparation report?
and process
- How good is the quality of the
preparation report?

Checklist Max. Criteria Done? Student Score Teacher Score
Points Y/N

The script 20p - How good is the quality of the Yes 20 20


- Are all elements covered?

- Does the script clearly tell

something about the culture and
habits of the partner country?

The play on 25p - How good is the quality of the Yes 25 25

YouTube play?

- Does the play show originality,

creativity and humor?

- Is the play technically well


- Is the play well presented?

Evidence of 10p - Evidence of communication is Yes 10 10

communication added
• Pictures of Zoom/WhatsApp
• Reflection on Video
Conferences is added

Reflection 20p - How good is the quality of the Yes 20 20


Has each student written an

individual reflection?

Bonus 5p - Why does your group Yes 5 5

deserve 5 bonus points for
your project?

Total 100p 100 100

• There should be more online meets and video conferences so that there are
exchange of ideas verbally.

• The members representing one country should be aware of the progress

made by the members of the other country.

• More amounts of projects should be planned so that exchange of ideas takes

place more efficiently

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