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Khazar University

Faculty of Science and Engineering

English Language and Literature Department
English Foundation 1
Final Exam / Fall 2021
Total 50 points

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Total Score _________
You have 90 minutes to complete this exam.
Section A: Listening (10 points; each – 1)

1. The passage is mainly about ... .

A) Robots' duties
B) the first robot police - officer
C) the first tablet called RoboCop
D) traffic payments
2. Choose the correct answer to the question according to the passage.
What can RoboCop do?
1. It can jump very high.
2. It can shake hands.
3. It can write in Arabic
4. It can speak several languages
A) 1,3
B) 2,4
C) 3,4
D) 2,3
3. Complete the sentence according to the passage.
Besides greeting visitors , RoboCop's job was ... .
A) to follow given direction
B) to introduce itself
C) to answer questions.
D) to drive car
4. Why is the tablet connected to police station?
A) To pay traffic payments.
B) To speak to a policeman
C) To give directions
D) To speak different languages
5. Which statement is not given in the Passage?
A) RoboCop's tablet is linked to a police station.
B) Robocop can speak English and Arabic too.
C) RoboCop must be kind and brave.
D) RoboCop's first official duty was to welcome people.
B. Listen again

Are these statements TRUE or FALSE

1. RoboCop's first duty was to catch thieves in streets. T F

2. RoboCop can speak more than eight languages. T F
3. The officals said the age of the robots had arrived. T F
4. RoboCop can hardly recognize people's emotions and face expressions. T F
5. Robocop is a small portable tablet. T F

Section B: Vocabulary (15 points; each – 1)

I. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Pay attention! One word is extra and is not
relevant to the given sentences below.

set up backed up hackers coding support memory advertising modem

promote cable navigation

1. Unfortunately, they do not encrypt the data and ……. password protection to ensure maximum security.
2. When we have the new security system, ………. won’t be able to get into the network.
3. The power ……. was _disconnected by mistake. That’s why the machine didn’t work.
4. Our website needs to _..........a friendly and efficient service.
5. Data when you arrange and systemise data.
6. Ask IT ……… for assistance before opening a computer.
7. We connect the desktop computer to the internet via a …… .
8. The usb flash drive is lighter and cheaper but has less ………. .
9. I might lose my work because I haven’t ……. my files.
10. Companies use ……. to attract customers.

II. Find the definitions of the following words.

1. malware a) set of program instructions that tell computer what to do
2. Tweezers b)physical units which make up a computer system
3. hijacker c) An effort to get unauthorized access to a computer
4. Software d) software that replaces the user’s search engine with its own.
5. Hardware e)used to hold small objects
6. Data validation f) an entrance to another network.
7. Meta tag g) connects networks and sends packages of data between them.
8. Gateway h) double-checking and cleaning data
9. Bridge i)arranging data into table format for analysis
10. Data tabulation j) invisible information on a website
Section C: Reading (15 points)
I. Read the text and answer the questions. (5 points; each 1)
Do you frequently interrupt what you're doing to check your emails or text messages? Or find it
difficult to concentrate on reading a long newspaper article, or a book? Do your children
complain because you're too busy writing tweets or checking Facebook to play with them? It's
likely that most people would answer 'yes' to at least one of these questions.

We are on the eve of the Internet revolution. But scientists have already been engaged in a
lively debate about the effect it is having on our brains. They say that the multi-tasking is
changing how we think and behave. They say that our ability to focus on what we are doing is
being damaged by receiving frequent short bursts of information.

According to recent research, these 'bursts' play to a primitive impulse in us to pay attention to
new information. In the past, this would probably have meant danger nearby: a lion or some
other kind of enemy. The equivalent nowadays is the sound of a new message or email,
provoking a feeling of excitement that can become very addictive. Without it, people feel

While many people think that multitasking makes them more productive, this has been shown
to be false. Researchers say that heavy multi-taskers have more trouble concentrating, and find
it difficult to ignore irrelevant information. They also experience more stress. On the other
hand, the use of technology can also benefit the brain in some ways. Web surfers are said to be
better at finding information, while some videogames give users-set better visual coordination.

II. Answer the question with your own words. (5 points)

1. What is the passage mainly about?
2. What does Internet revolution have an effect on?
3. How is our brain being damaged to focus on?
4. Who is perfect at finding information?
5. Which word in the passage has the meaning of “ to intentionally not listen or give
attention ”

III. Read the text. Circle the right True or False section. (5 points; each – 1)

1. People who usually do a lot of multi-tusking are relaxed. T F

2. Exposure to lots of short texts makes it difficult to
concentrate on one thing. T F
3. The use of technology can never be good for the brain. T F
4. Multi-tasking has an effect on our minds and behavior. T F
5. Nowadays bursts stand for danger. T F

Section D: Writing (10 points; 4 - content and structure, 3 – grammar, 3 - vocabulary)

Choose ONE of the topics below and write a paragraph.

A) Write a paragraph about “my favorite company ”. (no less than 70 words)

B) Write a paragraph about “Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping “

(no less than 70 words)

Write your paragraph here:





























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