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Anna Łuczak am.

What I disliked about online learning

Online learning was one of the challenges we had to face during the coronavirus pandemic. It had its
pros and cons, but personally I think it did more harm than good in the lives of young people.

First of all, it greatly affected interpersonal relationships, as I myself found out firsthand who my real
friends were, because during isolation it was difficult to keep in touch and meet others and many
friendships fell apart. Another problem with online teaching was that by not having to get up in the
morning and drive to school, I lacked motivation to learn because sitting at home I didn't feel like I
had to do my assignments. In addition, it was hard to concentrate on the lesson hearing the
conversations of other household members at home. The quality of online teaching in various
applications like, Teams or Discord also left much to be desired. Teachers didn't have much control
over what students did on the other side of the screen, they didn't know if students were listening to
them, and most of them didn't because they preferred to sleep or play games. We could only see the
consequences of these acts some time later, when we returned to schools and found that students
had huge gaps in their knowledge and had to repeat everything for the matura exam.

In conclusion, the period of online learning was a very hard time and brought many problems not
only related to learning, but also to the normal functioning of teenagers and their enjoyment of life.

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