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AC7: Classification Essay Outline

Topic: Types of Employees

Basis of Classification: Have you ever pondered who you are as an employee?

Employees are categorized according to the kind of income, hours worked, and payment of

financial benefits they get as workers, according to the Benefit’s employment test, which follows

legal guidelines.

Thesis Statement: (topic / basis of classification / three categories)

Employees vs. Contingent Workers is a legal distinction that businesses must be aware of.

Employees that stay on are hired and rewarded based on their talents and expertise. These

employees vary from contingent workers in three ways: they are permanent employees, their

rights are safeguarded, their salary is protected, and they are eligible for incentives.


Category 1: Full-time employees

Topic Sentence: These employees work 40 hours a week, additionally they have benefits

such as dental insurance and paid vacation.

Characteristics / Features: The parties sign an agreement outlining the employee's

obligations, working hours, benefits, agreement termination for breach, and the appropriate

termination policy.

Category 2: Part-time employees

Topic Sentence Part-time employees work less than 40 hours per week, are limited to

working just 20 hours per week, and are paid less than full-time employees.

Characteristics / Features: The parties sign an agreement detailing the employee's

obligations, hours of work, whether or not there are any benefits, termination of the agreement

for breach and the corresponding termination policy.

Category 3: Temporary employees

Topic Sentence: These employees are hired on a temporary basis for a specific period of

time. They can also be hired to perform a single specific job.

Characteristics / Features: The parties sign an agreement detailing the employee's

obligations, working hours, termination of the agreement for non-compliance and the

corresponding termination policy. Generally, this type of employee does not handle any type of

benefits since they work for a very short period of time.

 ZENEFITS. (2020, August 20). What Are the types of Employment? A reference Guide

to worker classification.

 Fellow. (2020, September 6). 4 Different Types of Employees and How to Manage Them

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