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Music - is sound organized through time to convey ideas or feelings.

Sound – is anything we hear. Sounds are created by people, animals, or objects. They can also make you feel
excited or scared.
Elements of music - can be seen as being the building blocks of music. Without them, music would not exist
because the sound itself would not exist.
Pitch – how high or low a note sounds.
Dynamics – how loud or soft the music is. The volume of music.
Tempo – the speed of the music at which the notes are being played.
Timbre – refers to the quality of sound being produced.
Harmony – the relationship between two or more notes being played simultaneously.
Melody – the sequence of notes being played by each instrument. Organized sound of pitches.
Form – the architecture of the piece or the structure of music. The way in which different phrases are
Rhythm – It is the pattern of regular and irregular beats. A pattern of short and long beats as wells as silence.
Texture – how much is going on the music at any time.
Thick – many things happening. (Example: multiple instruments playing different pars at the same
Thin – very few things happening. (example: 1 voice singing)
Music - is sound organized through time to convey ideas or feelings.
Sound – is anything we hear. Sounds are created by people, animals, or objects. They can also make you feel
excited or scared.
Elements of music - can be seen as being the building blocks of music. Without them, music would not exist
because the sound itself would not exist.
Pitch – how high or low a note sounds.
Dynamics – how loud or soft the music is. The volume of music.
Tempo – the speed of the music at which the notes are being played.
Timbre – refers to the quality of sound being produced.
Harmony – the relationship between two or more notes being played simultaneously.
Melody – the sequence of notes being played by each instrument. Organized sound of pitches.
Form – the architecture of the piece or the structure of music. The way in which different phrases are
Rhythm – It is the pattern of regular and irregular beats. A pattern of short and long beats as wells as silence.
Texture – how much is going on the music at any time.
Thick – many things happening. (Example: multiple instruments playing different pars at the same
Thin – very few things happening. (example: 1 voice singing)

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