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Elements and Principles of Contemporary Arts from Different Regions.

A. Audio-Visual Arts
1. Pitch
The relative highness or lowness of tone.
2. Volume or intensity
The loudness of softness of sound. It ranges from very soft (pianissimo) and soft
(piano). Very loud (fortissimo) and loud (forte.)
3. Tempo or rate
The speed of a composition or any of its sections. Terms such as allegro (fast), vivace
(lively), moderato (moderate speed), andante (moderately slow). Adagio (slower than
andante), lento (slow) and largo (very slow) are related to tempo.
4. Duration
The length of time during which sound is produced. Some sounds are longer than the
5. Timbre
The quality of sound that makes it distinct from other sounds. Example, we can
distinguish who the singer is based on their voices.
6. Rhythm
The consistent pattern or succession of identical or similar sound. This is illustrated by
the succession or similar sounds in song.
7. Melody
The series of consecutive tones that vary in pitch and duration but form a line of
individual significance and expressive value. It is the one remembered by the listener.
8. Harmony
The simultaneous sounding of two or more tones.
9. Texture
Is how the melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic materials are combined in a composition,
thus determining the overall quality of the sound in a piece.
Monophonic – sounding of a single melodic line without accompaniment.
Polyphonic – simultaneous sounding of two or more melodic lines.
Homophonic – sounding one main melody supported by a subordinate one, as in the
performance of a singer and a guitar accompaniment.
10. Form
The overall organization of the composition. All the musical elements are put together to
come up with the cohesive whole called form.

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