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 The raw material of music.

 It is the sensation which our organs of hearing

Kinds of Sound
1. Natural Sound
 Body Sound
 Environmental sound
2. Technological Sound- sound created and produced
by technology
3 things needed to produce sound
1. Instruments that produce vibration
2. Medium
3. Receiving instrument or organ

These vibrations are then transmitted through the air or

other mediums, causing air waves and spreading
spherically in all directions until it reaches the ear,
which then processes it into what we call “sound”.
4 Ways of generating Sound
1. Striking
2. Blowing
3. Rubbing
4. Plucking

1. Noise -  A sound which is not pleasant to the ear.
 It is caused by irregular vibrations.

2. Tone -  This sound is usually pleasing to the ear,

hence, it is musical in nature.
Where painters use lines and colors as their materials, and sculptors
use stones or metal, musicians use TONE and TIME as their
basic materials.

1. Duration -  The length of time the sound or tone is held o
2. Pitch -  The highness or lowness of tone depending
upon the rate of vibrations.
3. Intensity -  Refers to the degree of strength force of
volume of the tone.
4. Timbre-  (tone color or quality)
 All musical tone possess characteristic
( I will sing! )
Describe through its 4 characteristics
TONE (Long or Short) (High or Low) (Loud or Soft) (SATB)
(Human Voice)

1. Female

2. Female

3. Male

4. Male

5. Female
( I will sing! )
Describe through its 4 characteristics
TONE (Long or Short) (High or Low) (Loud or Soft) (SATB)
(Human Voice)

1. Female Long High Loud Soprano

2. Female Long Low Soft Alto
3. Male Short High Loud Tenor
4. Male Long Low Soft Bass
5. Female Short High Soft soprano
Activity 2
“ Define music based from your personal

Music is……..
What is Music? This art is defined in many ways; technical, aesthetic,
philosophical , etc. it also depends from person to person depending on
how he has experienced it.
Listed below are some of the specific and general definitions of music:

1. It is a medium of expressing thought and feeling

through tone and time. It is an art through which
beauty is expressed.
2. The word music comes from the Latin “Musica”,
and it originally means any art over which muses
provided, especially music and lyric poetry, set and
sung to music
3. It is a language in sounds expressing feelings and
4. Music is made up of tones in time.
5. Any organization of sound is music (20th century)
6. Organization of sound towards beauty
7. It is an art of combining sound so as to elicit an
aesthetic response in a listener. There is perceptible
relationship of the combined sound (like rhythm,
melody, harmony, texture etc.) so that it has a sense
of beginning, middle and end. This art is usually
created and planned by a musician called “the

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