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• Compare one’s perception of himself/herself and how others see him/her

• Conduct a Mini-survey on Filipino Relationships (family, school, and community)

As a maturing adolescent, you are aware of
your strengths and weaknesses, which your
thoughts, feelings, and behavior define on
how you deal with personal relationships.
In the previous topics, you were able to
distinguish the various roles of different
individuals in society. While in this topic, it
focuses on how social influences improve
you as a person for social transformation.
Social influence is characterized by a change in
your behavior caused by the people that
empower you to adjust to a particular situation.
Whether someone agrees or disagrees with you,
it influences your behavior that may help or
hinder your social roles. Social influence also
happens when you change your behavior to
adapt to social demands.
Conformity is changing your behavior to be
the same with the others in the group.

For example,
• when you visit your friend’s home.
• To show respect
Compliance is granting a request or demand
asked by another individual in exchange of either
a reward or a punishment.
Obedience means changing your behavior to
follow the demand given by an authority or an
adult you have high regards with.
Identification is when a person is
influenced by someone he or she likes or
looks up to, like a movie star, social celebrity,
or a superhero;
Internalization is when a person can own a
certain belief or act, and is willing
to make it known publicly and privately.
Conversion occurs when an individual whole-
heartedly changes his or her original thinking and
beliefs, actions, and attitudes to align with those
of the other members of a group.
Persuasion is used by one person or group to
influence another to change their beliefs, action,
or attitudes by appealing to reason or emotion.
Conduct a Mini-Survey on
Filipino Relationships
(family, school, and community)
Filipino’s perspective in building family
relationship is focused on establishing close ties.
Filipinos are very hospitable and friendly people.
They always smile no matter how they feel.
Meeting someone for the first time, Filipinos do
not hesitate to give a smile before starting a
conversation. Filipinos have close family ties and
always wanted to talk about their extended
family. Filipinos are very family-oriented.
Home-school partnership occurs through
the processes of cooperation,
coordination, and collaboration to
enhance learning opportunities,
educational progress, and school success
for students in the academic, social,
emotional, and behavioral domains.
Many of today's leaders in education,
business and community development are
coming to realize that schools alone cannot
prepare our youth for a productive
adulthood. It is evident that schools and
communities should work closely with each
other to meet their mutual goals.
Conducting a mini-survey
Mini-surveys are carefully focused on a specific
topic. It contains only fifteen to thirty questions.
It is given to a small sample of twenty-five to
seventy people. It usually uses more closed than
open-ended questions; that is, they use
questions that force the respondent to choose
from a small set of alternative answers, rather
than inviting a freely expanded comment.
Some uses of the mini-survey are:

• To get a picture that will help you

to design the next stages of your
• To assess the feasibility of a project
• To get reactions from beneficiaries
• To evaluate projects.
Advantages of mini-survey
1. Technically, mini-surveys for development research
are usually structured interviews rather than
questionnaires, because questionnaires exclude people
who cannot read. Interviews have the added advantage
of allowing you to help people through a process that
may be culturally alien, confusing, or intimidating.
2. The respondents are few.
3. A mini-survey may not give you great precision, it
may be good enough to give you a general picture of the
situation, trends, and patterns.
Steps in conducting a mini-survey
Step 1: Clarify Your Objectives
Step 2: Find Out What Else Has Been Done
Step 3: Choose the Respondents
Step 4: Develop the Questions

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