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Part 1.
1. Do you often visit a museum?
- I used to arrive at a museum once when I was a child but since that experience, I just found that
maybe I was not much of a person interested in museums.yah know, it is not my cup of tea
 From then I rarely wentthere, I just visit there it in some inevitable occasion like some special
events with school\ family

2. Did you go to any museums when you were a child?

As far as I could remember ,
I did Visit a museum in hanoi city when I was just a kid. It was at time after i have finished my exams at
skul with flying color and summer time came => My father suuggest going to the museum together and
then I was like yeh just have a go
3. When was the last time you visited a museum?
The last time I’ve went to a museum was when I was a child maybe at grade 5. Actually, I didn’t enjoy it
for much since I found it really old-fashioned with very strict rule, no picture, no loud sound and pp just
allowed to wander around and looking and analyzing artefacts like old helicopters or some grenades.
4. Do you think museums are useful for visitors to your hometown?

5. Are there many museums in your country?

6. Do you think museums are important?
Part 3.
1. How important is it to maintain traditional values?
2. Do you think young people nowadays do not pay enough attention to their traditional heritage?

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