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Tanistha Khandelwal


Healthy eating habits of school going children



1. Do you take homemade meal or buy in the school canteen?

2. If homemade, then do you prefer fruits?
Yes No
3. What do you eat before going to school?

Milkshake Fruits Breakfast cereals Dry fruits Nothing

4. If buy in school canteen, then do you have soft drinks/ beverages?

Yes No
5. How often do you consume dairy products (milk, yoghurt, cheese)?
Daily 1-2 times a week Never
6. After school do you usually have a snack in the afternoon or proper meal?
Meal Snack
7. How often do you eat fresh or cooked vegetables?
3 times a day once or twice a week rarely or never
8. On off school days, do you enjoy home cooked meal?
Yes No Sometimes
9. Apart from school lunch, how many meals do you eat out in a week?
3-4 times a week twice a week rarely
10. How often do you eat snacks between meals?
Daily 2-3 times a day 2-3 a week Never

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