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“Beyond Change” | Swiss Design Network research summit, 2018

Crafting the future

Despite the broader social visibility
of womxn and LGBTQIA+ people, the
field of design is still predominantly white
and suffers from deeply entrenched
DESIGN CANNOT CHANGE heteropatriarchal institutional structures
of education and practice, failing even
ANYTHING BEFORE IT modest targets for diversity among staff
and students.
CHANGES ITSELF Particularly in continental Europe,
most professorships and teaching posi-
tions are still held by white cisgender
men, leaving an absence of role models
and a strong sense of a “glass ceiling” for
historically marginalized genders in the
“We believe that design, in its historical
For too long, design educators have
discourses, its pedagogies, and its practi-
refused to understand modernist design
ces, must come to terms with its troubling
as situated and thus restricted, rather
past and reimagine itself for the twenty-
than timeless and universal.
-first century.
Design is, in our view, intrinsically
linked to the (re-)invention and (re-) “IN SHORT, DESIGN TODAY
production of material culture and the STRUGGLES TO CONFRONT THIS
creation of the corresponding concepts,
methods, media, and tools.
Despite a growing critical discourse, HERITAGE, WHICH RESTS ON
design today still struggles to acknowledge COLONIALIST AND IMPERIALIST
the complex interplay of mutually reinfor-
cing social determinants and conditions, the
dynamics of power and privilege that shape PAIM)
its role in everyday life.
Intersectionality is a prism for unders- As a practice deeply linked to the
tanding how various forms of inequality rise of capitalism, industrial mass-culture,
often operate together and exacerbate and the exploitation of both natural
each other. This interlocking of analysis resources and human labor (what Jason
and intervention provides access for W. Moore calls “capitalism in the web of
more inclusive, situated design histories, life”), design contributes to the logic of
pedagogies, and practices that confront Western modernity as both enlightening
their own struggles. and oppressive, both productive and

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