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Unit Twelve: Roots

Unseen Passage: Information Transfer,
Summarizing & Matching
Date: 11-04-2023 Course: SSC One Shot Class Time: 11:00 am

Teacher Name: Aziz Ibnay Fahad

In-Class Topic Breakdown List

Duration Total CQ Total MCQ
Topic Name Total Poll Fired
(Min) Practised Practised

Unit-12: Roots 40 10 10 10

Information Transfer &


Matching 30


Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.
Eid is the main religious festival of the Muslims in
Bangladesh. Eid means happiness. Everyone wants to
share this happiness with near and dear ones. So most
of the people, who are living outside their home for
different reasons have a strong desire to get back
home during the Eid vacations.

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

As a result, there is a mad rush to board buses trains, or

launches for going home. This often causes transport
accidents that take away many lives. However, they
cannot stop people from going home to meet their
family, in-laws, or friends. What makes people rush for
the homes in spite of serious hazards ?

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

This is nothing but people's desire to return to the roots.

Do human beings have roots like the trees? The answer
is 'yes' but unlike the roots of the trees they are invisible,
they lie in our minds. these roots that make a bond
between us and family members, in-laws, friends,
neighbors or even between us and the land where we
were born and grew up.

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

In that sense our families, land of birth, relatives, our

culture, traditions or surroundings are our roots. And
wherever we stay, we feel the power of our roots. It's
our roots that develop our identity making us what we
are. When we lose that bond, we become rootless.

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

Human beings who do not have roots or are a non-

entity. In other words, they do not have any identity.
They don't know where they are from, and where they
are heading to. This often makes them feel empty and


Which of the following has the closest meaning of the

word 'invisible' used in line 7 ?

A. obscured

B. hidden

C. undetectable

D. imperceptible


Which of the following has the closest meaning of the

word 'invisible' used in line 7 ?

A. obscured

B. hidden

C. undetectable

D. imperceptible


If we compare a human with a tree, which of the

following can be compared with its roots

A. family

B. environs

C. society

D. All of these.


If we compare a human with a tree, which of the

following can be compared with its roots

A. family

B. environs

C. society

D. All of these.


Which of the following statements is true

A. People love to celebrate the festivals by


B. Every persons wants to live in isolation.

C. The strength of our morality lies in our


D. Repulsion towards the family makes us



Which of the following statements is true

A. People love to celebrate the festivals

by themselves.

B. Every persons wants to live in isolation.

C. The strength of our morality lies in our


D. Repulsion towards the family makes us



Who celebrate the Eid festival ?

A. Muslim

B. Christian

C. Buddhist

D. Hindu


Who celebrate the Eid festival ?

A. Muslim

B. Christian

C. Buddhist

D. Hindu


People's desire to-

A. meet their family, in-

laws and friends

B. meet friends
C. meet neighbors
D. meet parents


People's desire to-

A. meet their family, in-

laws and friends

B. meet friends
C. meet neighbors
D. meet parents

Answer the following questions.

(a) Eid means happiness. Explain the line in 2/3


Answer the following questions.

(a) Eid means happiness. Explain the line in 2/3

Ans: Eid conveys the message of peace and
happiness. It also teaches people to share their
happiness with others-near and dear ones. Forgetting
the fever and fret of life people celebrate this holy day
with great enthusiasm. Thus, Eid means happiness.

Answer the following questions.

(b) This is nothing but people's desire to return to the

roots". Explain

Answer the following questions.

(b) This is nothing but people's desire to return to the

roots". Explain
Ans: Our family is the core of our all relations. Whatever
we are or wherever we live, we all are deeply
connected with our family that makes us linked up with

Answer the following questions.

(c) After reading the passage what is your idea about

the significance of family and society in human life ?

Answer the following questions.

(c) After reading the passage what is your idea about

the significance of family and society in human life ?
Ans: We, the inhabitants of society, are born and
brought up in our family. It's the family and the society
that develop our identity making what we are. If we
don't have any bonding with our family and society,
we are like a rootless tree that floats here and there.
This makes us feel like empty and lost.

Answer the following questions.

(d) Do you think human beings have roots like the

trees? Why /Why not ? Explain.

Answer the following questions.

(d) Do you think human beings have roots like the

trees? Why /Why not ? Explain.
Ans: Yes, I think so. But unlike the roots of trees, human's
roots are invisible. This makes a bond between us and
the land where we are born and grow up. In that sense
our families, land of birth, relatives, our culture,
traditions, or surroundings are our roots.

Answer the following questions.

(e) What happens when a person does not have any

identity ?

Answer the following questions.

(e) What happens when a person does not have any

identity ?
Ans: When a person does not have any identity, he is
devoid of values, humanity and social responsibilities.

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

Michael Madhusudan Dutt, popularly known as

Madhusudan, was a celebrated 19th-century Bengali
poet and dramatist. He was born in Sagordari on the
bank of the Kopotaksho River, a village in Keshobpur
Upozila under Jessore district. From an early age,

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

Dutt aspired to be an Englishman in form and manner

Though he was born in a sophisticated Hindu family, he
converted to Christianity as a young man, much to the
ire of his family, and adopted the first name Michael. In
his childhood, he was recognised by his teachers as a
precious child with a gift of

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

literary talent. His early exposure to English education

and European literature at home and his college
inspired him to imitate the English in taste, manners and
intellect. Since his adolescence he started believing
that he was born on the wrong side of the planet, and
that his society was unable to appreciate his talent.

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

He also believed that the West would be more

receptive to his creative genius. Madhusudan was an
ardent follower of the famous English poet Lord Byron.
So, after adopting Christianity, he went to Europe and
started composing poems and plays in English.

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

They showed his higher level of intellectual ability.

However, he failed to gain the right appreciation. To his
utter frustrations he found that he was not esteemed as
a native writer of English literature. Out of his frustration,
he composed a sonnet in Bangla "Kopotaksha Nad"
which earned him huge reputation in Bangla.

Unit 12: Roots
Read the Passage. Then answer the questions below.

Gradually he could realise that his true identity lay in

Bengal and he was a sojourner in Europe.Afterwards he
regretted his fascination for England and the West. He
came back to Bengal and devoted himself to Bangla
literature from this period. He has written the first Bangla
epic Meghnad Badh Kabya.


Which of the following has the meaning closest to the

word 'ire’?

A. displeasure

B. temper

C. grudge

D. passion


Which of the following has the meaning closest to the

word 'ire’?

A. displeasure

B. temper

C. grudge

D. passion


Why did Madhusudan Dutt travel to Europe? To-

A. compose English poetry

B. pursue his literary career

C. stay with his native

D. convert to Christianity


Why did Madhusudan Dutt travel to Europe? To-

A. compose English poetry

B. pursue his literary career

C. stay with his native

D. convert to Christianity


Which of the following statement is true?

A. Madhusudan Dutt was a a popular


B. Dutt had an aversion to England

C. His works scarcely had any literary value
D. Dutt earned reputation in the West


Which of the following statement is true?

A. Madhusudan Dutt was a a popular


B. Dutt had an aversion to England

C. His works scarcely had any literary value
D. Dutt earned reputation in the West


The word 'popular' can be replaced best by ?

A. common

B. general

C. famous

D. standard


The word 'popular' can be replaced best by ?

A. common

B. general

C. famous

D. standard


What does the expression "the West would be more

receptive to his creative genius ?

A. the West would give him money

B. the West would treat him like an Englishman

C. the West would abandon him

D. the West would appreciate his talent


What does the expression "the West would be more

receptive to his creative genius ?

A. the West would give him money

B. the West would treat him like an Englishman

C. the West would abandon him

D. the West would appreciate his talent

Answer the following questions.

(a) Do you think Dutt's family approved him when

he changed his religion? Why/why not ?

Answer the following questions.

(a) Do you think Dutt's family approved him when

he changed his religion? Why/why not ?
Ans: I think, Dutt's family did not approve him when he
changed his religion and converted to Christianity. The
sophisticated Hindu families of that time condemned
conversion and were overtly protective of their religion.

Answer the following questions.

(b) What frustrated Michael Madhusudan Dutt during

his stay in Europe ? Explain in 2/3 sentences.

Answer the following questions.

(b) What frustrated Michael Madhusudan Dutt during

his stay in Europe ? Explain in 2/3 sentences.
Ans: During his stay in Europe, Michael Madhusudan
Dutt composed a number of English poetry and drama
which proved his higher level of intellectual ability, yet
he failed to acquire his coveted recognition in Europe.
The negligence of the English society frustrated Michael
Madhusudan Dutt.

Answer the following questions.

(c) Gradually he could realize that his identity lies here

in this Bengal and he was sojourner in Europe." Explain
in 2/3 sentences.

Answer the following questions.

(c) Gradually he could realize that his identity lies here

in this Bengal and he was sojourner in Europe." Explain
in 2/3 sentences.
Ans: Madhusudan Dutt underestimated his own
society, thinking his prejudice against his country and
his infatuation society lacking the ability to appreciate
his talent.

Answer the following questions.

However, in the end his own society recognized his

talent and gave him recognition which the English
society failed to provide.

Answer the following questions.

(d) "His society was unable to appreciate his intellect."

Do you support this ? Why/why not ?

Answer the following questions.

(d) "His society was unable to appreciate his intellect."

Do you support this ? Why/why not ?
Ans: I don't support the aforementioned idea. It was
Michael Madhusudan Dutt's prejudice against his
society which made him think that his society was
unable to appreciate his talent. Later, it was his society
that gave him recognition while the European society
did not appreciate his talent.

Answer the following questions.

(e) Why did Dutt use to believe he was born on the

wrong side of the planet ?

Answer the following questions.

(e) Why did Dutt use to believe he was born on the

wrong side of the planet ?
Ans: Michael Madhusudan Dutt aspired to be an
Englishman from an early age. His college also
encouraged him to follow the English norms. From the
urge of being an Englishman, such idea was derived.

Read text and fill in each gap with a suitable word
based on the information of the text:

Michael Madhusudan Dutt went to Europe to pursue

literary career. Underestimating his own
his (a) _________
society, Dutt believed that only the West could

appreciate his (b) intellectual

___________ ability and thus was
capable of giving him a proper (c) ____________
which, he believed his country was incapable of
Read text and fill in each gap with a suitable word
based on the information of the text:

However, to his utter surprise, he discovered that his

talent failed to get the right (d)appreciation

_____________ in
Europe. Being (e) frustrated
___________ he wrote a sonnet in
Bangla regretting his prejudice against his country.

Unseen passage

Question No. 4:
Information Transfer:
❑ উল্লিল্লিত Unseen Passage থেকে ল্লিন্ন আল্লিকে ল্লিক্ষােথীকেরকে তেয
উপস্থাপন েরকত বলা হকব।
❑ তকেযর এই আোন-প্রোন (Information transfer)-ল্লি হকব এেল্লি
Substitution Table-এর মাধ্যকম।
❑ Table-এ পাাঁচল্লি gap োেকব। Gap-গুকলা যোযে information ল্লেক়ে
পূরণ েরকত হকব।
❑ প্রল্লতল্লি gap-এর জনয ১ নম্বর েকর ৫ল্লি gap-এর জনয থমাি নম্বর হকব ৫।

Unseen passage

Question No. 5:
❑ এ প্রকের জনয থমাি নম্বর োেকব ১০।
❑ উল্লিল্লিত Unseen Passage-ল্লি িাকলািাকব বুকে এর সারাাংি ল্লনকজর
িাষা়ে ল্ললিকত হকব।
❑ Summary-ল্লি হকব প্রেত্ত Passage-এর এে-তৃতী়োাংি।
❑ বােযগুকলা Passage থেকে সরাসল্লর থনও়ো যাকব না।
❑ Example, Explanation, Comparison, Difference ইতযাল্লে


এেল্লি িাল Summary ল্ললিকত-

মূল Concept/Idea-ল্লি িুজ

াঁ কত হকব:
এেল্লি িাল Summary-থত সহজিাকব উৎস উপাোনল্লিকে সবকচক়ে
গুরুত্বপূণথ পক়েকে অন্তিুথক্ত েরা হ়ে যাকত পাঠেকে তাকের েী জানা েরোর
তা বলা যা়ে। পাঠকের োকে তুল্লম থয মূল ধ্ারণাল্লি ল্লেকত চাও তা ল্লনবথাচন
েকরা এবাং থতামাকে বলকত হকব এমন েক়েেল্লি বােয বযবহার েকরা।


এেল্লি িাল Summary ল্ললিকত-

সাংল্লক্ষপ্ত রািকত হকব: Summary এেল্লি পুনল্ললথিন ন়ে; এল্লি মূল গকের
এেল্লি সাংল্লক্ষপ্ত ল্লববরণ মাত্র। থবল্লিরিাগ সম়ে, এেল্লি Summary-থত পাাঁচ
থেকে আিল্লি বােয োকে। এোল্লধ্েবার বযবহার েরা িব্দ বা বােযাাংিগুল্লল বাে
ল্লেকত হকব যাকত থতামার অনুকেে পল্লরষ্কার থবাো সহজ হ়ে।


এেল্লি িাল Summary ল্ললিকত-

ল্লনকজর মতামত ল্ললিকবা না: তুল্লম যল্লে এেল্লি মূল পাকঠর Summary েকরা,
তাহকল এল্লির সবকচক়ে প্রাসল্লিে তেয সাংগ্রহ েকরা। থতামার ল্লনকজর েো়ে
Summary ল্ললকিা এবাং থতামার মতামত থযাগ েরা এল্ল়িক়ে চল।

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Humayun Ahmed.

Humayun Ahmed was a teacher, author, playwright

and film maker. He was born in Mohongonj, Netrokona,
on 13 November 1948. His father, Faizur Rahman
Ahmed, a police officer and writer was killed by
Pakistani Military during the Liberation War of
Bangladesh in 1971 and his mother is Ayesha Faiz.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Humayun Ahmed.

He passed SSC exam from Bogura Zilla School in 1965

and stood second in the merit list in Rajshahi Education
Board. He passed his HSC exam from Dhaka College in
1967. He took his Honours and Master's in Chemistry
from the University of Dhaka securing first class.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Humayun Ahmed.

He did his PhD from North Dakota State University. He

worked as a professor of Chemistry in Dhaka University.
Humayun Ahmed reached his peak of fame with the
publication of his novel 'Nondito Noroke' in 1972. He
wrote over 200 fiction and non-fiction books all of
which were best sellers in Bangladesh.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Humayun Ahmed.

His first television drama was 'Prothom Prohor'. It was

followed by many dramas and drama serials. He also
directed many films based on his own stories.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Humayun Ahmed.

For his outstanding achievements he was honoured

with many awards including Bangla Academy Award
(1981) and Ekushey Padak (1994). He died on 19 July
2012 at Bellevue Hospital in New York. He was buried at
Nuhash Palli.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Humayun Ahmed

Work He was a teacher, author, playwright and film-

areas maker

Did PhD North Dakota State University

From (i) __________________________________

Information transfer & Summarizing

Who What Event/ Year/ Place/ Relation/ Speciality

Activity When Where

Humayun SSC passed the 1965 Bogura Zilla

Ahmed exam School

Information transfer & Summarizing

Who What Event/ Year/ Place/ Relation/

Activity When Where Speciality

Faizur a police was killed (ii) 1971

_____ Humayun

Rahman officer and Ahmed's father

Ahmed writer

Information transfer & Summarizing

Who What Event/ Activity Year/ When Place/ Relation/

Where Speciality

Nondito 1972 brought fame for

Noroke (iii) published

___________ Humayun


Information transfer & Summarizing

Who What Event/ Year/ When Place/ Relation/ Speciality

Activity Where
Humayun got Bangla for his outstanding
Ahmed Academy (iv) 1981
_____ achievements

Information transfer & Summarizing

Who What Event/ Year/ Place/ Relation/

Activity When Where Speciality

He died 2012. (v) Bellevue
in New

Information transfer & Summarizing

Write a summary of the passage in your own words.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Write a summary of the passage in your own words.

Humayun Ahmed was born in Netrokona in 1948. He

was a teacher. dramatist and film-maker. As a student,
he was very brilliant. He passed the Honours and
Masters from the University of Dhaka. He wrote many
fiction and non-fiction books.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Write a summary of the passage in your own words.

His books were sold like hotcakes. He directed many

films whose stories were written by him. He got Bangla
Academy Award and Ekushey Padak for his
outstanding performances. Unfortunately this great
personality died in 2012.

Unseen passage

Read the passage on Neil A. Armstrong. Complete the

table below with information from the passage:

Neil A. Armstrong commanded the Gemini-8 Mission

and became the first human to walk on the moon as
commander of Apollo 11. He was born in Wapakoneta,
Ohio, on August 5, 1930. He received a Bachelor of
Science degree from Purdue University and

Unseen passage

Read the passage on Neil A. Armstrong. Complete the

table below with information from the passage:

a Master of Science degree from the University of

Southern California. Astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Buzz
Aldrin and Michael Collins launched the mission to the
moon with Apollo 11, on July 16 and landed on the
moon on July 20, 1969.

Unseen passage

Read the passage on Neil A. Armstrong. Complete the

table below with information from the passage:

Neil A. Armstrong first stepped on to the surface and

then Aldrin. They explored the surface and gathered
moon rocks for over two hours. After exploring the
surface they rejoined Collins in the orbiting mothership.
Neil A. Armstrong died on August 25, 2012.

Unseen passage

Complete the table below with information from the

above passage.

(Neil Armstrong)
Event Year/Time Place Achievement
On August 5,
(i) ___________
(ii) _________
Received B.Sc

Unseen passage

Complete the table below with information from the

above passage.

(Neil Armstrong)
Event Year/Time Place Achievement
On July 16,
(iii) ___________
Left for the moon
landed on
(iv) __________
20 July 1969
the moon

Unseen passage

Complete the table below with information from the

above passage.

(Neil Armstrong)

Event Year/Time Place Achievement

On August 25,
(v) ____________

Unseen passage

Write a summary of the above passage in your own


Unseen passage


Neil A. Armstrong was the first human being to walk on

the moon as the commander of Apollo 11. He was
born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5, 1930. He
received a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue
University and

Unseen passage


Master of Science degree from the University of

Southern California. Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins
were his co-astronauts. Neil A. Armstrong first stepped
onto the surface of the moon and then Aldrin. Neil A.
Armstrong died on August 25, 2012.

Unseen passage

Read the passage about Jibanananda Das. Complete

the following table with the information given in the
passage below.

Jibanananda Das was born in Barishal in 1899. He took

his Master's Degree in English at the age of 22. The next
year, he started his teaching career as a Professor of
English at Kolkata City College. He lost his job in 1928
on the charge of publishing a poem in the Parichaya

Unseen passage

But two years after he joined Ramjash College, Delhi

but returned to his place of birth the next year. He got
an appointment in B.M. College, Barishal in 1935. In
1947, when the partition was made, he left Bangladesh
for India. In West Bengal, he started editing the Swaraj

Unseen passage

In 1951, he joined Kharagpur College. He was

awarded Rabindra Purashker in 1953. He met with a
tram accident on the 14th October 1954. He was
hospitalized. After a few days, he passed away on
October 22, 1954.

Unseen passage

Who/What Event/Activity Where/Place When/Year

Jibanananda Das was born

(i) __________ Barishal 1899

He joined B.M. College 1935

(ii) _______

He left Bangladesh
(iii) ____________ 1947

Unseen passage

Who/What Event/Activity Where/Place When/Year

(iv) ____________ was awarded 1953

Unseen passage

Who/What Event/Activity Where/Place When/Year

He died Kolkata October 22,

(v) ____________

Unseen passage

Write a summary of the above passage in your own


Unseen passage


Jibanananda Das who was born in Barishal in 1899

took his Master's Degree in English in 1921. He started
his teaching career at Kolkata City College in 1922. He
lost his job on charge of publishing a poem in 1928. He
joined Ramjash College, Delhi two years later.

Unseen passage


The next year, he returned to Barishal and joined BM

College in 1935. He left Bangladesh for India in 1947
and started editing the Swaraj Patrika. He was
awarded Rabindra Purashkar in 1953. He died on
October 22, 1954.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

Bangladesh is an independent country of Asta. It is

located in the east, of South Asia. It gained
independence from Pakistan in 1971 through a bloody
war of nine months. Though it is a small country. its
population is very large. its capital is Dhaka.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

It is the biggest city in the country. Almost all people of

the country speak Bangla. There are also some tribal
languages. The currency of Bangladesh is 'taka. India is
the largest country in South Asia. It gained freedom
from Britain in 1947.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

India is a country of variation in culture, language and

religion. Though there are many languages in India, its
state language is Hindi. Hindi is the medium of
communication among different nations. New Delhi is
the capital of India. It is an old Mughal city of India.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

Its currency, is 'rupee’ Pakistan is another country of

South Asia, Pakistan too gained freedom from Britain in
1947. In 1947, all India was divided into India and
Pakistan. Its capital is Islamabad.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Read the passage on Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.

As people of different castes and creeds live in

Pakistan, they speak different languages. But the state
language is Urdu. Its currency is also rupee.

Information transfer & Summarizing

About Bangladesh, India and Pakistan

Purpose To introduce three South Asian countries.

Freedom Bangladesh in 1971, India in 1947 and Pakistan in

(i) 1947

Information transfer & Summarizing

Name of Location State Capital Currency Special features

countries language

Bangladesh in the east of Bangla Dhaka taka

(ii) _______ small country but Its

South Asia population is very


Information transfer & Summarizing

Name of Location State Capital Currency Special features

countries language

India Hindi New rupee (iii) variation in culture,


Delhi language and religion


Information transfer & Summarizing

Name of Location State Capital Currency Special features

countries language

Pakistan in South (iv) Urdu

_____ Islamabad
(v) ____________ rupee people of different

Asia castes and creeds

Information transfer & Summarizing

Write a summary of the passage in your own words.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Write a summary of the passage in your own words.

Bangladesh is a South Asian country. It fought against

Pakistan in 1971 for its independence. It is a small
country but has a huge population. Dhaka, the capital
city, is the biggest city in the country. People here
speak Bangla. India is our neighbor.

Information transfer & Summarizing

Write a summary of the passage in your own words.

Once it was a part of Britain. It gained freedom in 1947.

Its state language is Hindi. Delhi, an old Mughal city, is
the capital of India. Pakistan, another South Asian
country also gained its freedom from Britain in 1947. Its
capital is Islamabad and state language is Urdu.


Question no. 6 - Matching sentences: এ প্রকে ল্লতনল্লি

Column োেকব। প্রল্লতল্লি Column-এ পাাঁচল্লি বােযাাংি োেকব। ল্লতনল্লি
Column থেকে বােযাাংি ল্লনক়ে ল্লিক্ষােথীকেরকে অেথপূণথ ৫ল্লি সম্পূ ণথ বােয
ততল্লর েরকত হকব। এর জনয আলাো থোকনা Passage থেও়ো োেকব না।
প্রকতযেল্লি Sentence-এর জনয ১ নম্বর েকর থমাি নম্বর হকব ৫।


Match the parts of sentences given in column A,

column B and C to make five sentences:

Column A Column B Column C

a. Email is a i. of sending i. two persons on offices
wonderful invention messages data or
b. This is a scientific ii. with the help of ii. role in this world of
way business.


Match the parts of sentences given in column A,

column B and C to make five sentences:

Column A Column B Column C

c. Communication iii. and it plays a iii. a computer set
through email very important connected in a network.
d. To operate an iv. is made iv. with internet
email system between connection.

e. E-mail functions v. we need a v. And information within

instantly computer few seconds.



(a) Email is a wonderful invention, and it plays a very

important role in this world of business.
(b) This is a scientific way of sending messages data
and information within few seconds.



(c) Communication through email is made between

two persons on offices or organization.
(d) To operate an email system, we need a computer
with internet connection.
(e) E-mail functions instantly with the help of a
computer set connected in a network.


Match the parts of sentences given in column A,

column B and C to make five sentences:

Column A Column B Column C

a. Children i. of child abuse i. of depression
suffering abuse among children.
b. One possible ii. leads to ii. also suffering from
effect isolation.


Match the parts of sentences given in column 'A', 'B'

and 'C' to write five complete sentences

Column A Column B Column C

(a) The Bay of (i) the largest (i) which cools our
Bengal which is mangrove forest of turbulent mind
situated the world is instantly
(b) The blue water (ii) in the world is a (ii) a beautiful
and the nice natural spot
rising waves place


Match the parts of sentences given in column 'A', 'B'

and 'C' to write five complete sentences

Column A Column B Column C

(c) The seabeach (iii) the Bay of (iii) another
of Cox's Bengal which is beautiful gift of
Bazar which is the formed by coral is nature
longest. also


Match the parts of sentences given in column 'A', 'B'

and 'C' to write five complete sentences

Column A Column B Column C

(d) The Saint (iv) in the south of (iv) for the nature
Martin's Island in Bangladesh is lovers
(e) Besides, the (v) are always a (v) the beautiful gift
Sundarbans, pleasant sight of nature



(a) The Bay of Bengal which is situated in the south of

Bangladesh is the beautiful gift of nature.
(b) The blue water and the rising waves are always a
pleasant sight which cools our turbulent mind instantly.
(c) The seabeach of Cox's Bazar which is the longest
seabeach in the world is a nice place for the nature



(d) The Saint Martin's Island in the Bay of Bengal which

is formed by coral is also a beautiful natural spot.
(e) Besides, the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove
forest of the world, is another beautiful gift of nature.


Match the parts of sentences given in column 'A', 'B'

and 'C' to write five complete sentences.

Column A Column B Column C

(a) A large area of (i) soil erosion and (i) will turn into
land that abounds deprives people of deserts
with trees, bushes fruit and timber
and shrubs


Column A Column B Column C

(b) Trees are (ii) and persuade (ii) and causes
destroyed mostly them economic
for being used loss
(c) Deforestation (iii) some countries (iii) to abstain from
also leads to of the world like cutting down trees


Column A Column B Column C

(d) But if (iv) is called forest (iv) our ecological
deforestation goes and deforestation balance
on, means
(e) So, we have to (v) as firewood (v) cutting down
educate our and this trees in
common people destruction large numbers



(a) A large area of land that abounds with trees,

bushes and shrubs is called forest and deforestation
means cutting down trees in large numbers.
(b) Trees are destroyed mostly for being used as
firewood and this destruction disturbs our ecological



(c) Deforestation also leads to soil erosion and deprives

people of fruit and timber and causes economic loss.
(d) But if deforestation goes on, some countries of the
world like Bangladesh will turn into deserts.
(e) So, we have to educate our common people and
persuade them to abstain from cutting down trees

ক োর্স র্ম্পর্ িত কেক োক ো জিজ্ঞোর্োয়,


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