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First thing let’s take a brief explanation of UML (Unified Modeling Language)
,it’s a standard notation for the modeling of real-world objects as a first step in
developing an object-oriented design methodology.

Use-case diagrams

describe the high-level functions and scope of a system. These diagrams also
identify the interactions between the system and its actors. The use cases and
actors in use-case diagrams describe what the system does and how the actors use
it, but not how the system operates internally.

Vaccination card UML

In conclusion this blog will provide you with useful information about three
aspects of healthcare which are: blood donation, newborns and maternal
healthcare, newborns vaccination cards. Blood donation is a vital part of
worldwide healthcare,. It relates to blood transfusion as a life-sustaining and life-
saving procedure which has been explained throughly in previous chapters,
donation of blood is a must and “you begin saving the world by saving one person
at a time”.

Plus Maternal and newborns healthcare falls under this quote as well, building a
community starts with building healthy babies and taking care of the mothers is a
first step. hence why, giving the proper knowledge of vaccinations and when and
how to take them is essential to stepping up our healthcare habits.

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