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- Fixed light direction in the renderer which nearly suppressed specular
- Added the use of normalmaps in the renderer
- Fixed external resource handling in Unity 2019+

- Added float AnimatorEditor.GetMaterialShaderCulling(int id, int subShaderIdx,
int passIdx)
- Changed AnimatorEditor.SetMaterialShaderCulling(int id, int subShaderIdx, int
passIdx, double value)
- Added Unity3dEditor.DumpShader(string shaderName)
- Added DDS as export format for uncompressed textures
- Added conversions for normalmap
- Fixed crash of Attribute dialog in Mesh editor in files with Unity versions
before 5.0

- Fixed xxReplace for skinned meshes producing invalid bones

- Fixed ConvertRenderer() to clear new Mesh members
- Fixed crash in all bone functions for optimized meshes with less than four
- Added support for Mesh m_BonesAABB when replacing or editing meshes
- Fixed QualitySettings and GraphicsSettings for Unity 2017.4+
- Added ignoreMasterTextureLimit and isPreProcessed in Texture editor
- Added Shader Keyword details in Material ShaderKeyword combobox
- Fixed DDS RGBA32 format swapping channels and converting to ARGB32
- Changed BMP RGBA32 format to work with more common channel order

- Fixed Texture2D's hidden members
- Fixed crash of Unity because of file corruption

- Fixed Renderer's hidden member m_RayTracingMode
- Fixed Shader cloning missed new members

- Fixed wrong message for meshes without UV maps
- Added support for Koikatsu Sunshine Trial
- Shader Keywords split into global and local, ProgRayTracing added
- Mesh new m_BonesAABB and VariableBoneCountWeights,
skin optimized but optimization is lost when mesh is replaced or
modified (normals or tangents e.i.)
- Avatar new HumanDescription, cloned but never changed

- Changed AlignSMR works on all selected SkinnedMeshRenderers
- Fixed crash when FbxExportAnimationFilterPrecision was out of GUI range
- Fixed crash importing flat in-between blendshapes when a predecessor was
- Added SetMaterialShaderCulling() to AnimatorEditor

- Added DeleteEmptyArrayReferences() to MonoBehaviourEditor and

- Fixed crash in scripts using Array functions

- Changed setting a scripting variable to null disposes the object
Workaround for opening a compressed file twice without calling SaveUnity3d in-
- Added support for NIF files with a x64 version of NIFLIB

- Changed platform to x64
- Changed FBXSdk to version 2020.1
- Changed FMOD to version 1.8.20
- Fixed BC7unflipped option being stored in userSettings instead of
- Removed support for NIF files

- Fixed QualitySettings in Unity 2018.4+
- Fixed display and export of UV map for wrap mode REPEAT with U=1 or V=1 and
CLAMP with outside UVs
- Added display and export of UV winding order which also allows to see
overlapping UVs
- Changed tooltip of "Convert to MeshRenderer" to explain automatic settings

- Fixed UV map warning borders when UVs are out of the unit square (introduced in
- Fixed pasting an AudioClip didn't create the entry in the AssetBundle asset
required for directly loading

- Fixed missing mirroring V in Morph preview (introduced in 20.6)

- Fixed "Render Transform" not showing selected Transform and crashing for
selected bone Transforms
- Changed "Automatic Renaming" of CAB-Strings to align with Unity5+

- Fixed "Goto Frame" in the Bone editor not switching to the Frame editor
- Fixed MuscleClipSize for AnimationClip in Unity 2018.4+
- Added SetStateAttributes() in AnimatorController editor
- Added warning before ReplaceMeshRenderer() for unaligned SkinnedMeshrenderers
to prevent crash when saving
- Fixed AlignMesh() doesn't make the editor dirty
- Fixed Virtual Avatar getting lost when reopening the Virtual Animator
- Fixed SetFrameName() crashing for unaligned SkinnedMeshRenderers
- Fixed RemoveBone() crashing for SkinnedMeshRenderers without influences

- Fixed memory leaks for displayed normals, tangents and bone lines, resizing
highlighting bone, morph preview, image preview
- Fixed internal crash in DockRenderer_DockStateChanged() when exiting

Known issues / upcoming changes:

- Dont RecreateRenderObjects for Material texture slots other than MainTex, other
mat attributes as well
InfoQueue q = new InfoQueue(device);
Neither q.AddStorageFilters() nor any other member function was ever implemented
in SlimDX

- Fixed parsing TextAssets for MotionIKData having only 0 values
- Fixed display of high UV sets which caused an exception upon selection (see
Known Issues 20.5.2)

- Fixed UV coordinate space conversion problem revealed by supporting CLAMP in
the last version
- morroring V requires shifting - done for old engine and DirectX, removed all
mirroring for Unity
- UVNB computation and CopyUV fixed
- Tangent computation fixed, because flipping V flips the binormal.
- Fixed crash when saving after replacing streamed textures in regular game files
(introduced in 20.5)
- Fixed TextAsset format check not detecting KoikatsuPoses with empty State's

- Fixed MeshCollider in Unity 2018.4+
- Fixed MergeTexture not updating the texture in the renderer
- Added offset and scaling of Material's MainTex texture in the renderer
- Added wrap modes (REPEAT, CLAMP, MIRROR and MIRRORONCE) of MainTex texture in
the renderer
- Fixed memory leaks in renderer (DepthStencilState, RasterizerState)
- Changed Emissive for the renderer halving the value in addition to still
clamping at 0.5
- Added error message for "Replace Files..." for unsupported extensions
- Added editing support for MotionIKData TextAssets

- Fixed FBX import crashing for meshes with unused vertices having morphs

Known issues:
- Selecting several meshes with Shift key can lock UV selection and cause "Index
was outside the bounds..."

- Fixed ConvertRenderer crash for SkinnedMeshRenderers with several submeshes
- Fixed crash of the game (Unity 2018.4+) when streaming a Mesh for a
- Fixed Renaming CABinet to load Meshes in Unity 2018.4+
- Added streamed choice to Mesh Attributes dialog
- Fixed Start-Stop number format in Animation editor
- Added Material attribute SpecularPower and specular to renderer again

- Added support for streamed Mesh assets:
- Streamed meshes remain streamed after replacement
- Streamed meshes are stored regular after pasting
- Streaming information and data layout in Mesh Attributes dialog
- Removed detailed entertainment for saving files
- Fixed gui problems in file editors after cancelling save
- Fixed FBX import of meshes to consider subsequent uv maps for splitting

- Fixed Mesh with normals in half precision floating point format
- Fixed AudioClip stream data location

- Fixed LZMA compression to run out of memory. Reduced flush threshold for LZ4;
all use 12MB.
- Changed display of joints when selecting Transforms and AnimationTracks
- Changed mass selection and deselection of meshes to speed up a little
- Added support for Unity 2018.4 (HS2), Mesh asset without streaming support yet

- Fixed out of memory when compressing big Unity files with LZ4 and LZ4High. LZMA
not fixed yet.
- Fixed unchecking of animation tracks missing childs (20.3.5)

- Added partial support for BC7_UNORM_SRGB (unflipped and DXT5 options)
- Added unchecking of animation tracks in a workspace inside the animation
replacement dialog

- Added Ctrl-F key looks at the selected joint / animation track in Object Tree
and Animation editor
Known issue: non-joints are looked at non-animated positions although the
animation is shown
- Changed Escape key in Animation editor pauses instead of unselecting all clips
- Fixed ConvertRenderer in Unity2018.2 which didn't adapt the Mesh channels and
left it skinned
- Added generation of Stream curves for morph tracks (see also 1.15.10)
Curves for flat in-between blend-shapes still require to be unsimplified
- Fixed morph replacement for non-Identity transformed meshes imported from
(changed internal morph positions to relative values)
- Fixed animation import of morph tracks for Blender. Requires to keep the mesh
- Fixed FBX fake morphs for Blender (1.15.1)
- Fixed Transform path adaption for animation replacements
- Changed "Replace" and "Add" in Texture editor to use GUItexture (partially
reverted 20.1.4)

Known issues:
- Mesh replacement in combined hierarchies requires to open the root Animator
- The last keyframe seems to be missing in exports of Stream curves - general or
morph only?

- Fixed "No Avatar" error by creating one in childless hierarchies
- Changed searching in the "Blue Area" to default to the root instead of
replacing the hierarchy
- Fixed replacing the hierarchy with MergeFrame
- Added display bone size to renderer
- Changed FBX export bone sizing to allow automatic sizing for Animation and Mesh
- Fixed parent side plane orientation, changed joint and bone display
- Added all editors support Ctrl-S and F12 for focusing their file for saving

- Fixed missing refresh of Unity file after deletion of MBs, LinkedByGameObjects,
materials and textures
(Deleted MBs were edited instead of new created ones).
- Fixed error showing a file unfiltered with a RenderTexture inside
- Fixed MB and LoadedByTypeDefinition editors still dirty after saving
- Fixed FBX imported normals and tangents for meshes with non-Identity
transformation (20.1.1)
- Fixed mesh replacement creating wrong normals and tangents with WorldCoordinate

- Fixed Shader replacement with CopyInPlace. Similar errors using CopyInPlace for
other types are possible!

- Fixed crash playing AudioClips in compressed files
- Fixed missing entries in preload table of AssetBundle asset for virtual
Animators (since 20.2.1)
- Added Workspace context menu for the ImportedMesh and mesh nodes to set options
for selected submeshes
- Added flipping binormals and tangents of both colours simultaneously
API changed: AnimatorEditor.FlipTangents()
- Fixed double tooltips in Animator editor
- Changed Texture editor doesn't require keyboard focus to reach UVmaps 4-7
- Changed mouse wheel no longer zooms in the renderer when the mouse is outside
- Fixed "Go to" in MB editor to jump only to the originally referenced asset
- Fixed "Go to" and "Edit" in MB editor not working after assigning new asset
- Added reference change to GameObject in MB and LoadedByTypeDefinition editors
- Fixed storing LZ4 High compression type even when compressing with LZ4
- Fixed slow selection of meshes, materials and textures (since 1.19.8)
- Fixed flickering from rendering assertion when selecting meshes (since
- Changed image preview moving to front when refreshing Unity asset lists

- Added indicator in the UV preview for UVs being not in the unit square
- Changed temporary name for writing files. The extension is no longer changed.

- Fixed deleting various assets or creating virtual Avatars and Animators
to cause "Uncommitted asset ..." error when saving the file (since 20.1.5)
- Changed assigning the already assigned Shader to a Material throws out unused
- Changed Animator editor handling of cross-references and "Refresh" in Object
Tree in hope to fix:
"The given key was not present in the dictionary." and although not selected a
mesh is rendered
and changing the mesh selection doesn't change anything in the renderer.
Workaround: close and reopen Animator editor
- Fixed duplication in "Used" lists after "Refresh" and "Remove Material"
- Added class name to references in LoadedByTypeDefinition and MB editors
- Fixed crashes after operations in which skinned meshes were removed (Bone
- Fixed crash in mesh replacement when vertex colours were not existant in all
- Fixed additional compression method for file chunks in parsing (Unity
2018.3+ ?)
- Fixed freezing in MoveFrame with visible meshes
- Fixed crash when enabling Editors in the main menu if any editor had been
opened before
- Fixed vanishing windows when double clicked after dragging (Dockpanel Suite
- Fixed Files and Editor panes to remain visible when childs float or get closed
- Fixed SpriteRenderer for Unity 2018.2+
- Fixed FBX import and export to support non-ASCII characters in names and paths
- Removed FBX Namespace from imported objects
- Fixed bold text font in wrong EditTextBox by removing ObjectTree refresh in
SetGameObjectLayer, SetGameObjectTag, SetGameObjectIsActive, SetMeshName
- Changed replacement dialog accepts Enter for confirmation

Known issue: RecreateFrames -> InitFrames cant handle duplicate frame names

- Fixed crashes after opening an "empty" MonoBehaviour
- Fixed display of PathID=0 in MB editor after saving the file and opening the MB
- Fixed inability to reference new assets in MB and LoadedByTypeDefinition
- Fixed drag 'n drop of Renderers without Material being ignored
- Fixed lost "[category]" extension in editor title after saving
Known Issues:
- MB editor not showing external asset name although external file has been opened
- Floating windows can vanish and get inaccessible
- Imported submeshes mixed with vertex colours and without crash replacement

- Fixed crash when AnimatorController editor was used after Animation editor was
- Fixed crash in "Replace" in Texture editor when no image was selected from the
Image window
- Fixed remaining .resS file when saving is aborted because of wrong path
- Added Unity3dEditor.CopyInPlace script function

- Fixed crash in FBX animation import which aborted the import completely for
negative keyframe times
- Added support for importing compressed TGAs, fixed flipping TGAs
- Fixed a possible crash when "Docking" is changed
- Fixed copying a MonoBehaviour (ChaClothesComponent) with a different structure
using the wrong MonoScript

- Changed loading external assets in AnimatorEditor() to reduce number of opening
- Fixed AnimationClip replacement creating wrong length for m_IndexArray in Unity
- Fixed crash when opening empty files (since 20.1)
- Removed registering and removing AnimationClip names in AnimatorController
- Fixed crash opening Material & Texture Animators (since 20.1.1)
- Fixed AnimatorControllerEditor.MoveSlot() to correct BlendTreeConstant.m_ClipID
- Fixed crash when sorting Mesh list (since 1.19.8)

- Fixed crash in CopyMaterial of external Materials used by "Copy->New" in
Material editor
- Fixed Shader selection containing other external assets than Shaders
- Changed opening Animator editor blindly loading external assets from
AssetBundle asset
- Fixed applying non-Identity transformed mesh's local coordinate correction to
normals and tangents

- Added virtual Animators in regular game files and Scene-AssetBundle files
- Fixed Keyframe<T> in AnimationClip, AudioSource, ParticleSystem, LineRenderer
for Unity 2018.2+
- Added Workspace objects originated from Animators can be dropped into
LoadedByTypeDefinition and
MonoBehaviour editors for referencing
- Fixed missing default format in Animation export
- Added support for half precision floating point Mesh channels

- Changed platform: VS2017 for development, VC++2017 redist, WindowsSDK
10.0.17763.0, FbxSDK 2020.0.1
- Fixed crash dragging a mesh into the Blue Area without hierarchy in the
imported workspace
- Fixed crashes in AnimatorEditor and Unity3dEditor when called from a script exe
- Changed signature of Unity3dEditor.ComponentIndex() by adding clsIDname,
AddMaterialToEditor returns Material

- Added multi selections in Object Tree for renderers, materials and textures
with CTRL key
- Fixed crash in export of morphs of meshes without shared vertices (see 1.19.5)

- Added support for GraphicsSettings asset
- Added support for AudioClips to be copied & pasted
- Fixed AudioClip replacement sets the channels, frequency, bits, length of a
- Fixed several SetRendererAttributes calls (missing layerMask parameter)
- Fixed pasing error when exporting to a root folder
- Changed AnimatorController editor showing relation between layer and state
- Fixed crash in NIF import of unskinned meshes

- Changed LODGroup, Cloth definitions for Unity 2017.4+
- Changed display format of float and double to compact in editors for MB and
- Fixed unloaded streamed textures become invalid when the file is saved

Known issue: streamed Texture3D assets are not handled

- Fixed empty RootBone combobox for unusual root bones
- Fixed automatic detection of "MessagePack" formatted TextAssets
- Changed logical filesize maximum to unsigned 32bit integer, FullTypeDefinitions
member in CABinets,
AssetBundle file archive for all game files (each without FullTypeDefinitions
and AssetBundle asset)
- Fixed Mesh DataSize and number of UV sets in Unity 4 files
- Fixed Unity's vertex reuse in subsequent submeshes aka "shared vertices"

- Added Renderer's RenderingLayerMask, Mesh's Metrics, SMR's AABB to Mesh
Attributes dialog
- Added default values for Renderer's RenderingLayerMask and Mesh's Metrics upon
- Added partial support for Texture3D. Export/Replacement via file menu "Assets"
- Fixed normals length in preview of NML and UVNB MonoBehaviours
- Added support for BC7 format in export and replacement
- Fixed DDS header of BC7 textures converted to DXT5 on export
- Fixed missing conversion of Texture2D into Cubemap and vice versa
- Fixed mesh inplace replacement changing from skinned to unskinned or vice versa
in Unity 2018.2+
- Fixed computation of "New Skin" to freeze and crash Sb3UGS. Added increasing
weights by position.
- Changed defaults of "Copy Nearest" options are chosen from selected submeshes
of the ImportedMesh only
- Fixed SetTextureAttributes for Unity 2017.4+ when changing WrapUVW

- Added streaming texture attributes and support for eight UV maps in Texture
- Fixed streaming texture corruption when saving or compressing a compressed file

- Fixed wasted space after deleting streamed textures
- Added normals and tangents length option to the renderer
- Added warning when pasting from regular game files into AssetBundle files
- Added full support for Project I / AIGirl (Unity2018.2.21)
Done: QualitySettings, LightmapSettings (Unity2017.4+)

- Added full support for Project I / AIGirl (Unity2018.2.21)
Done: Light, Camera, ParticleSystem
- Fixed crash in ConvertRenderer in Unity 2018.2 files

- Added partial support for Project I / AIGirl (Unity2018.2.21)
Done: Shader, Texture2D, MonoScript, Avatar, Mesh, all Renderers, Sprite,
CanvasRenderer, ParticleSystemRenderer, PreloadData
Todo: SpriteRenderer, TrailRenderer, Camera, Light,
ParticleSystem, LightmapSettings, QualitySettings, Texture3D
- Fixed general layout to retain FileEditors size after minimize

- Changed general layout to retain FileEditors size
- Fixed crash when ParticleSystemRenderers were pasted
- Fixed freezing when (LoadedByTypeDefinition) renderers got a Mesh set
- Fixed (LoadedByTypeDefinition) renderer's Materials could not be changed and
- Added preview of AnimatorController editor. No editing yet, inspecting only.

- Fixed crash in RenameCabinet for Unity4 files
- Fixed data corruption when saving Unity4 files
- Changed drag 'n drop of script onto SB3UtilityScript.exe from Explorer forces
confirmation of errors
- Fixed InsertSlot and RemoveSlot in AnimatorController editor to correct
BlendTreeNode's m_ClipIDs

- Added support for TagManager, RenderTexture asset
- Changed Camera into LoadedByTypeDefinition and deleted modal Camera editor
- Fixed index exception when opening a LoadedByTypeDefinition or MonoBehaviour in
- Fixed MeshCollider definition in Unity 2017.4.3+
- Fixed game crash after removing clip slot or animation state referenced from
another state's transition
- Known issues: non-functional behaviour in Animation gui because of misuse of
- Fixed animation replacement for shifted hierarchies (artificial nodes like
Blender's Armature)
- Fixed crash when opening Unity files with long CABinet names

- Added new concept for loading and editing assets of game and AssetBundle files:
Canvas, CanvasGroup, CanvasRenderer, CharacterJoint, EllipsoidParticleEmitter,
FlareLayer, GUILayer,
LODGroup, ParticleAnimator, ParticleRenderer, ParticleSystem,
ParticleSystemRenderer, PhysicMaterial,
Projector, RigidBody, Sprite, Tree
- Fixed m_Convex in MeshColliders in Unity versions >= 5.0 and < 5.5
- Fixed conceptional problem with member alignment of assets (MonoBehaviour and
- Added to LoadedByTypeDefinition and MonoBehaviour editors
- gui protection for assets with more than 2000 lines
- input of hex values
- "Go to" and "Edit" of referenced assets
- Fixed crash when replacing an animation with StreamedCurves with frames for -
Infinity and 0

- Fixed missing separator in ShaderKeywords, added ShaderKeyword differences in
Property tooltip
- Added new concept for loading and editing assets of game files:
AudioListener, AudioMixer, AudioMixerGroup, AudioMixerSnapshot, AudioSource
- Fixed mesh replacement to retain all morph channels. Blendshapes are still
This compensates wrong import order of "Flat In-Between Blend-Shapes".

- Added unused shader keywords to selection in Material editor
- Added shifting keyboard focus from Animator editor to the edited file with
Ctrl-S and F12

- Fixed tooltips of editors after "Save as..."
- Fixed missing tooltips in Animator editor
- Fixed array operation InsertBelow in LoadedByTypeDefinition editor for
- Added new concept for loading and editing assets of game files:
AudioReverbZone, BoxCollider, CapsuleCollider, Cloth, LightmapSettings,
MeshCollider, PreloadData,
QualitySettings, SphereCollider, SpriteRenderer
- Fixed ParticleSystemRenderer for Unity 2017.4.3+

Known issues:
- References in MonoBehaviour and LoadedByTypeDefinition editors cant be set to
sharedAssets cabinet

- Fixed crash in HS TextAssets for customization sliders

- Added context menu with insert, append and delete of fields in textual
MonoBehaviours and TextAssets
- Added editing of TextAssets with MessagePack contents
- Fixed editing TextAssets used for customization sliders, e.g.
cf_anmShape_head*, cf_anmShape_body

- Fixed crash when importing NIF files.
Compiled Niflib for VS2015 -
- Added movement of Transforms inside Animators via drag 'n drop - use Replace

- Fixed crash in ViewAssetData for Textures
- Added defaults for "Convert to MeshRenderer" in mesh replacement dialog for
obvious cases
- Changed "Blue Area" search for "Destination Transform" when a mesh name is not
found in its workspace
- Added AlignMeshWithSkinnedMeshRenderer to compute bone hashes and bind pose
- Fixed image preview being not always cleared when the file was closed
- Changed ShowAlways for all Unity related tooltips

- Fixed reading streamed textures in compressed AssetBundle files

- Fixed Camera, AnimationClip, MeshRenderer and derived assets for Unity
- Fixed replacing the last streamed texture makes the others crash after saving
(no file corruption)
- Fixed a crash in AnimationClip conversion of streamed curves
- Fixed crash when Animator editor was closed with morphs being shown
- Changed MeshRenderer's Lightmap attribute into two (index and dynamic) as in
- Changed MeshRenderer's defaults for LightProbeUsage and ReflectionProbeUsage to
- Changed FBX exported Normalmap texture to Bumpmap when no Bumpmap texture is

- Added support for Emotion Creators (Unity 2017.4.3+)
- Added editing of Material's replacement tags, e.g. RenderType
- Added texture attribute WrapUVW editing

- Fixed missing entry in AssetBundle asset for Nml MonoBehaviour after pasting
and opening
- Fixed loading MonoBehaviours in game files of Unity before 5.5

- Changed defaults for Texture2D attributes m_isReadable and m_ReadAllowed to
- Changed file tabs refresh to keep the visible part more constant
- Fixed FBX import of animations with keyframes on fractional seconds
- Added Stream tracks for simplified tracks in animation replacement for
"Replace" and "ReplacePresent"
Not implemented yet:
- Constrain track generation
- Tracks for Flat In-between Blendshapes
- Replace methods Merge, Insert, Append
Known issues:
- A simplified track(!) with constant values but tangents != 0 is considered
- AnimationClips with Stream curves cant have their Rate (FPS) changed properly
- Exporting animation clips WITHOUT "Stream Interp." alienate curves of Stream
- Removed 256 bones limit from export

- Added warning for non-standard number of mipmaps
- Added "Paste Into" dialog to view and control what is to be pasted

- Fixed drag 'n drop of external assets into MonoBehaviour and
LoadedByTypeDefinition editors
- Fixed missing focus on first control of replacement dialog (Frame, Mesh, Morph,
Material, Type)
- Fixed crash when MeshRenderers had no Mesh assigned (introduced in v1.15.7)
- Added m_Enabled of MeshRenderers to be editable
- Changed CapsuleCollider, Cloth, MeshCollider and SphereCollider into
- Fixed crash when pasting LoadedByTypeDefinitions of regular game files
- Fixed loading transparency background images in Texture editor when Sb3UGS was
started via association
- Changed pasting AnimationClip no longer overwrites an existing original
- Fixed crash opening MonoBehaviour editor with a MonoScript with set

- Fixed crash on export of meshes in Animators with identical morph channel names
in the whole hierarchy
- Fixed crash when saving all Unity4 files
- Removed type check for regular Unity4 game files
- Added shared mesh warning when meshes are used multiple times
- Fixed two crashes when applying patches (since v1.14)
- Fixed crash when loading LoadedByTypeDefinition assets in regular game files
- Fixed lock of export folder when export crashed

- Fixed missing entry in AssetBundle asset for pasted AnimatorController

- Fixed memory leak when the Images window was closed or images were closed from
- Fixed FBX export of unskinned meshes getting non-Identity mesh transformation
from DAG pose

- Fixed refusal of assignment of a newly imported texture

- Added PreferedAngle and BindPose to FBX export. This prevents Maya's import
and allows to "Assume Preferred Angle" and "Go to Bind Pose".
- Fixed InvalidCastException in files with RenderTexture when opening Camera and
Animator editor,
RenderTexture and LightProbe are shown by name instead of PathID in "MonoB &
- Added copy & paste of Camera
- Fixed crash when closing file with (external) texture being shown as UV map

Known issue:
Loading external resource files before geometry files shows the resources in the
immediately. Loading files in reverse order requires manual selection to show

- Fixed FBX compatibility issues with Maya 2019. Morph keyframe names are
prefixed if they would clash.
- Fixed crash when Editor panel was floating. Added floating Editor and File
panels to accept files.

- Changed multi-selection of Textures, Materials, Meshes to increase gui speed
and descrease memory usage
- Fixed FBX import by ignoring morph mask
- Fixed FBX export of morph mask for meshes with more than one UV map
- Changed morph keyframe names in FBX export to use group name as namespace to
prevent name clashes
- Added FBX fake morphs for Blender when no vertex is morphed - use "Flat In-
Between Blendshape" option

- Fixed mesh replacement, merging Materials & Textures into Scene-AssetBundle
- Fixed AcquireTypeDefintion to switch the current UnityParser's Cabinet for
Scene-AssetBundle files
- Fixed copy & paste of Animators and other assets into Scene-AssetBundle files
- Fixed opening wrong virtual Animators(uncommitted after pasting)
- Added loading of assets using TypeDefinitions in opened AssetsBundle files
- Fixed crash opening virtual Animator after creating an already existing virtual
- Fixed crash with clearing mesh of MeshRenderer
- Fixed bad chunk flags in file header (introduced in v1.14)
- Fixed out of memory exception when saving files (introduced in v1.14)
- Fixed "An entry with the same key already exists." when saving files
- Changed LoadAndSetXXX script command to use asset references

Known issues:
Scene-AssetBundle files with multiple scenes are not handled correctly
Morph mask not present in FBX export, import of such a file takes very long time
- Fixed replacing meshes using "Replace" method with "CopyNear" or "CopyOrder"
See issues in 1.14.3

- Fixed crash in files using mixed compressed methods

- Added regular game file as valid target for external references
- Added external references in MonoBehaviour and LoadedByTypeDefinition editors
- Fixed crash when exporting a texture from Assets menu

- Fixed memory leak when saving files

- Fixed time of StreamedClip keyframes in animations
- Added use of cubic Hermite spline coefficients for interpolation in
StreamedClip parts
- Fixed crash when dragging a SkinnedMeshRenderer without Material
- Changed when hiding Image preview the graphical resource is released from
Known issues:
- Unity requires a bone high enough in the hierarchy to reach the others.
"Bone influences do not match bones."
- Selecting an animation can cause:
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1[DynamicBone+Particle].get_Item (Int32
index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

- Fixed "An entry with the same key already exists." in FBX import for vertex
with two equal weight values
(introduced with v1.9.6)

- Fixed importing morphs now creating "unknown_blendshape" groups for each mesh
- Fixed crashes in several script commands when executed from
The following functions dont consider other opened files (unlike in
- destructor of ImportedEditor
- Unity3dEditor.BeginTransfer
- AnimatorEditor - all functions changing anything

- Added saving compressed files with LZ4, LZ4 high and LZMA

- Changed file length check to allow trailing unused bytes

- Fixed crash when exporting or replacing meshes created with older versions of
- Fixed crash when saving non-AssetBundle Unity files (introduced in 1.13.2)
- Fixed FBX import of morphs whose mesh has a non-Identity transformation
- Fixed invisible crash in FBX import for blendshapes without channel
- Fixed FBX import that made morphs invalid when the mesh got split (several UVs
or normals per vertex)
- Fixed crash (e.g. after ReplaceMeshRenderer) after a mesh showing morphs had
been removed
- Changed writing unity files (preparation for writing compressed unity files)

- Fixed out of memory crash when opening compressed files using a swap file on

- Fixed crash when opening MonoBehaviour editor for MBs without MonoScript
- Added implementation for KoikatsuListTextAssets using MessagePack library
- Fixed bone selection from animation tracks
- Removed LoadIrrKlang from config
- Fixed MeshRenderers getting influences, e.g. by calculating normals
- Fixed deleting rows in TextAssets and textual MBs wasn't recognized as a change
- Added Constraints animation track computation (parent constraints only)
- Added tangent computation using MikkTSpace

- Fixed non-critical index error when a Material had been selected before
deleting or replacing meshes
- Fixed crash when closing Workspace with duplicated (by drag 'n drop) imported
- Added "Search For" in Workspace

- Added unsharp search for morph animation tracks to compensate frame indices of
in-between blendshapes
- Added patterns for filenames of animation exports with name of AnimationClip,
slot and Animator
- Fixed sorting order of animation clips after replacement, added unsorted state
- Fixed editing TextAssets and textual MonoBehaviours didn't change the file's
- Fixed initial animation export format being empty

- Changed in FormStringTable "Join / Separate" commits changes, fixed status when
closing editor

- Recompiled PPD_Preview_Clothes plugin

- Added Nml MonoBehaviour copying of normals sets into mesh or reverse
- Added animation separation through Isolator in Animator editor
- Added animation separation when exporting with the "One Clip per File" option
- Fixed full crash some time after Fbx export because of FbxSdk being not thread-
- Added auto commit of changes in TextAsset / textual MB editors when saving the
file or closing the editor

- Added drag 'n drop of assets between Animators and
into MonoBehaviours and LoadedByTypeDefinition onto PPtr<> nodes
- Issue: renaming a Transform with a sibling having the same name removes entry
in Avatar

- Added application signature in FBX export and writing the signature on import
- Fixed a crash in FBX import when a mesh had no UVs
- Fixed "Update Bones" and "Update Bones & Frame" not considering mesh
- Fixed "Neither m_Name nor m_GameObject member XXX Mesh UnityPlugin.NotLoaded"
pasting Meshes into files with a Mesh not loaded before (introduced in v1.12.1)
- Fix for unexpected selection in the ObjectTree after replacements
- Fix for deleting a Transform with a sibling having the same name removes entry
in Avatar

- Fixed "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another
process." when saving

- Fixed UVNB MonoBehaviour computation to work on world coordinates
- Fixed crash in loading compressed Unity files with negative compression ratio
- Changed compressed Unity files are shown with an equivalent sign at the
- Fixed showing old Transform name after renaming in mesh replacement dialog
- Fixed non-critical index error after ReplaceMeshRenderer
- Fixed silent crash in FBX import of (even empty) animations for meshes in the
- Fixed FBX averaging of normals and added option for import of split normals

- Fixed Nml MonoBehaviour computation to work on world coordinates

- Added transfer of assets linked in GameObjects using the Workspace, e.g.
- Changed Shift-Delete in ObjectTree deletes every asset, e.g. MeshColliders
- Changed MergeFrame to retain all formerly present assets
- Changed added/merged ImportedFrames get their GameObject attributes from
- Changed AquireTypeDefinition to retrieve types of close Unity versions
- Fixed wrong selection of assets after double click in one of the lists of a
- Fixed pasting LoadedByTypeDefinition causing wrong references (logical
- Fixed internal state after ConvertToSceneAssetBundle producing invalid
references later
- Fixed RemoveBone didn't set the editor to changed state
- Fixed crash in "Save .unity3d As..." for AssetBundle files
- Fixed crash when loading AssetBundle file with short CAB-String
- Added editing of "every" LoadedByTypeDefinition like MBs (not implemented types

- Fixed RemoveBone crash when deleting the first bone
- Fixed crash in ConvertToSceneAssetBundle in Cabinets with several MBs of the
same type
- Known issue: copy and paste of an Animator loses external Meshes
- Added support for AnimatorController and AnimationClip in
- Fixed order of types in sharedAssets Cabinet in ConvertToSceneAssetBundle
- Fixed automatic renaming of Cabinets cutting names to 36 characters
- Added unsharp search in copy and paste for global assets like RenderSettings
- Fixed crash in export for misaligned m_CurrentChannels without although present

- Fixed CompareType, RenameAsset, RemoveAsset, ViewAssetData, OpenAudioClip,
RenameCabinet, MainAsset definition, MarkAsset, UnmarkAsset acting on random
- Identified classes needing support: AudioReverbZone, Font, LightmapSettings,
NavMeshSettings, NavMeshObstacle, OcclusionArea, RenderSettings, VideoPlayer
Instead of implementing all those classes there is now only one:
- Removed BoxCollider, SpriteRenderer support; now falling back to
- Fixed memory leak when objects in the renderer remained although the mesh was
- Fixed crash clicking Refresh in AnimatorEditors with MonoBehaviours in regular
game files
- Added conversion of AssetBundle files into Scene-AssetBundle files
- Changed copy and paste for Mesh assets to be reused if they have the same:
1. m_Name
2. number of m_SubMeshes
3. number of vertices and faces
4. center and extend
- Fixed copy and paste of MeshColliders producing additional copies of Meshes
- Added attempt to find GameObjects by their Transform's hierarchy path in "Paste
All Marked"

- Fixed SetMaterialShader producing invalid references for external Materials
- Fixed MergeFrame and AddFrame to do AlignSkinnedMeshRenderer again (removed in
- Added support for AssetBundle files with multiple AssetCabinets and non-
- Added adapting AssetCabinet.Reference.assetPath in RenameCabinet in Multi-
Cabinet files
- Added support for PreloadData and Light(5.6.2) assets

Open issues:
- GetOrCreateFileID doesn't produce correct Reference.assetPath for multiple
AssetCabinet files
- Cabinet switch between BeginTransfer and EndTransfer would be fatal
-> Cabinet.SourceStream should be UnityParser.SourceStream

- Added showing and saving uv maps in the Texture editor
- Fixed bounding box of rendered meshes. SkinnedMeshRenderers can be "Center
View"ed again.
- Fixed unknown animation tracks were merged into one single track without name
in Track list and exports
- Fixed tooltip of combo-boxes for Avatar and AnimatorController after change
- Fixed crash when opening MonoBehaviour after change in Animator

- Added: tooltips from all menus, editors and dialogs are also shown in the
status line and its tooltip
- Fix for computing wrong bone path for Avatar, especially in MergeFrame,
AddFrame. Related to 1.11
This also caused "Avatar misses bone(s)..." in ReplaceMeshRenderer
- Changed unselecting meshes to keep a remainder in the editor
- Fixed RemoveAsset to produce "Invalid container entry for" and DumpAssetBundle
to crash

- Fix for undocking Animator editor freezing Sb3UGS
No mesh selection in the Object Tree until making the Mesh list visible
- Added Mesh channels: Normals and Tangents in the Attribute editor

- Changed Koikatsu TextAsset list editing, added view of poses
- Added copy and paste of Koikatsu TextAssets into/from clipboard
- Fixed not closing editors when "Replace Files..."
- Fixed m_Dependencies entry of AssetBundle not using the file's path
- Fixed AssetBundleManifest editor not showing changed state
- Fixed "Copy to Clipboard" and "Paste from Clipboard" no longer require the
internal editor
- Changed MonoBehaviour editor from modal to non-modal
1) can be opened directly from the Unity file's "MonoB. & Other" or from
within an Animator
2) every change is immediately performed on the MonoBehaviour: No Cancel, but
3) unlimited Undo and Redo for the contents
4) scripting commands moved from AnimatorEditor to MonoBehaviourEditor
- Removed scipting commands in AnimatorEditor:
SetMonoBehaviourAttributes, SetMonoBehaviourExtendedAttributes,
MonoBehaviourArrayInsertBelow, MonoBehaviourArrayDelete,
MonoBehaviourArrayCopy, MonoBehaviourArrayPasteBelow, SetMonoScriptAttributes
- Issue found: expanding/collapsing TreeView nodes with childs not always working
- Issue found: undocking Animator(others too?) editors can freeze Sb3UGS any time

- Fix for crash in LoadAndSetAvatar of virtual Animators
- Changed LoadAndSetMesh by removing AlignSkinnedMeshRendererWithMesh
- Changed priority when searching for Transforms in SkinnedMeshRenderer's bones
m_Bones before Mesh's m_BoneNameHashes
Additionally affected: Cloth, MonoBehaviour, MQO exporter using world
- Changed all handling of Bone and AnimationTrack names to use their full path
- Fixed crash when a Mesh had a smaller number of m_BoneNameHashes than the
SkinnedMeshRenderer had m_Bones
- Issue found: Meshes without tangents are exported with zero vectors as tangents
- Fixed number of uv sets for Unity versions before 5.0
- Fixed crash in export animations of tracks unrelated to exported meshes
- Fixed and changed computation of virtual Avatars. Now the root must be
selected, not a branch.
- Added support for Sprite assets in Unity 5.6.2 (and 5.5.0)

- Fix for ShaderKeywords and DisabledPasses not shown properly when they should
be empty
- Changed selected material is assigned to all material slots of all selected

- Fix in Fbx importer not considering the combined mesh matrix of skinned meshes
- Noticed issue in FBX with imported leaf bones matrices for asymetrically scaled
bone frames
- Fixed tangent computation (bug introduced in 1.10.0)

- Fixed loss of vertex colours when a mesh was reused and the number of vertices
- Fixed new Meshes never got vertex colour channel masked in Mesh
- Added support for up to four UV sets in Unity5+
- Identified problem in FBX 2018.1.1 for single colour vertex and single tangent
when several uv sets are created before them. Maya drops vertex colours in this

- Added support for Koikatsu TextAsset format

- Added copying normals/uvs from UVNB into the mesh
- Fixed version break for Unity 5.6.2 / support for KoikatuTrial
- Fixed Avatar corruption when new Transforms were merged in Unity 5.4.2+
- Fixed Mesh channel 5 in Unity 5+ seems to be another UV
(crashed when reading a Tangent in the last stream)
- Added display of unsupported channels in Mesh editor Attributes dialog

- Changed UVNB computation to use the mesh's normals for unchanged areas
- Added copying normals/uvs from the mesh into the UVNB as base or blend

- Fix for destroying references to Material textures not being Texture2D or
Cubemap when loading Animator
- Added awareness of RenderTexture in texture selection of Material editor

- Added limited support for StateConstant in AnimatorController

- Fix for merging MonoBehaviour from root frame into another Animator in the same
- Added keeping references to MeshRenderer and SkinnedMeshRenderer in
MonoBehaviours in MergeMonoBehaviour

- Fix for RemoveBone which made the skin invalid for Unity
- Added SHIFT-Clicking a node in the ObjectTree expands/collapses childs
- Changed MonoScripts are reused by Name/Classname instead of duplicated
- Fix for Unity 5.5.0+ invalid AssetRefIndex in AssetCabinet.TypeDefinition when
transporting MonoBehaviours

- Fix for missing morphs from Blender FBX exports (bug introduced in 1.9.6)
- Changed FBX import to prune exceeding vertex weights
- Added support for mesh node transform in FBX imports
- Fix for Unity 5.5.x files below 5.5.4
- Fix for blank export format selection after format change in XX
- Fix for imported morphs getting invalid because of mesh split by material
- Fix for replacement of Morph Clips with channels/keyframes having 0 vertices
- Fix for crash and wrong operation in DeleteMorphChannel of In-Between Blend-

- Fixed memory leak when selecting bones
- Added UVNB MonoBehaviour normal and uv visualization
- Added Nml MonoBehaviour normal visualization

- Added automatic simple skinning of meshes

- Changed MonoScript entries in the inventory (AssetRefs) are removed when
removing a MonoScript
- Fixed Animator assets are shown in the Filtered tab and get removable that way
- Fixed missing shader names in Material editor's "Shader Used" combobox (Unity
- Added using internal Shaders when pasting. This allows making Shader
dependencies local.
- Fixed differences for transfering Materials between "Mark for Copying"/"Paste
all Marked" and Workspace
- Changed Shader name priority in Unity 5.5.4+ to m_ParsedForm.m_Name
- Fixed missing type definition warning of textures when merging textures through
the Workspace

- Added automatic triangulation and splitting by materials from FbxSDK

- Fixed slow refresh when selecting several meshes
- Added version check before making destination file unsavable
- Changed FbxSDK to 2018.1

- Added support for Unity 5.6.4 (Material, AnimationClip, MeshRenderer,
ParticleSystem, ParticleSystemRenderer, Canvas)
- Internal critical change of cabinet version handling, especially PPtr

- Fixed classID2 in Unity 5.0 - 5.3.5 files of MonoBehaviours and MonoScripts
- Fixed crashes when DirectX is incomplete on the system

- Switched to VS2015 and .NET Framework 4.5

- Added partial support for texture format BC7
- Fixed copying Shaders in Unity 5.5.x using m_ParsedForm.m_Name for comparison
- Fixed saving files with missing Type Definition by aborting
- Added AcquireTypeDefinitions for all actions in AnimatorEditor
- Fixed animation editor not showing all keyfames in the renderer
- Added AnimatorOverrideController functionality to Animation editor
- Added animations are applied to all meshes with same hierarchy - the name of
the root may differ
- Fixed wrong Emissive in renderer after returning to normal from highlighting

- Fixed slow refresh of "Search For"
- Fixed corrupting ParticleSystem assets in files before Unity 5.5 (bug
introduced with v1.7.0)

- Fixed crash in "View Data" and "View Used Ptr<> Only" for references to
unsupported assets
- Fixed and changed SB3UtilityScript.exe running several scripts to use the same
- Added scripting function AnimatorEditor.GetAssetByType
- Added "Search For" in ObjectTree

- Fixed crash in scripting when an AnimatorEditor was opened and MeshRenderers
were using external Materials
New known issue: Scripts created in the gui may not compatible to scripts run
with SB3UtilityScript.exe!
Workaround: reload resource files and select the asset which uses external
resources of that file
- Fixed navigation in ObjectTree when a SpriteRenderer was selected
- Added Log function for output in scripts, "Defined Variables" shows types
- Added scripting AnimatorEditor function GetFrameIdByPath, exposed

- Fixed memory leak related to UVNormalBlend MBs
- Fixed synchronization problem between MonoBehaviour editor and UVNormalBlend
- Fixed crash when sorting "MonoB. & Other" for Size column
- Fixed crash when pasting a MonoBehaviour without hosting Animator
- Added support for Copy & Paste of single MonoScripts

- Fixed selecting the first file when closing an editor and other editors were
- Fixed deleting Transforms crashed when unloaded MonoBehaviours were present in
- Fixed crashes in CreateMod and ApplyMod for Unity5+ files
- Fixed two crashes after ReplaceMeshRenderer when Transforms had been moved
- Added support for LineRenderer and TrailRenderer assets - AssetBundle entries

- Fixed Copy & Paste for Cloth: wrong name for SphereCollider2, single
- Fixed crash when opening a file with external references to
- Fixed crash loading AnimatorControllers with pointer curves
- Added support for AnimatorController and AnimationClip in Unity 5.5.x
- Fixed Copy & Paste for Cloth not using the root of the hierarchy

- Removed InventoryOffset for PlayHomeTrial
- Changed TypeDefinition flags by introducing class TypeDefintionFlags
- Changed PhysicMaterial tries to find a former copy when cloned
- Added Copy & Paste support for Cloth

- Fixed casting error when a MonoBehaviour was clicked for editing
- Added Copy & "Paste Below" of array elements in MonoBehaviour editor

- Added UVNormalBlend MonoBehaviour computation
- Fixed Nml MonoBehaviour computation for unwelded meshes
- Known issue: wrong usage of 'new' in Clone() methods of derived types

- Added editing of MonoBehaviours in regular game files

- Restored Material editor background coloring of attributes according to shader
- Fixed "Goto Frame" in Mesh editor and Bone editor sometimes not switching to
Transform editor

- Added support for PlayHomeTrial / Unity 5.5.3 and Unity 5.5.4

- Fix crash for nameless colour-value attributes in Materials

- Added duplication of NotLoaded:MonoBehaviours (in non-AssetBundle files)
through Workspace

- Fixed showing wrong newly created internal Shaders for Materials. External
unknown Shaders were not shown.
Materials may still show external newly created Shaders incorrectly.
- Added Thin Object Tree mode to get rid of the horizontal scrollbar in the
Material editor

- Added Copy & Paste support for modules in ParticleSystem up to Unity version
- Fixed crash when multiple Animators were opened simultaneously

- Fixed crash in saving a Unity 5 file after Copy & Paste of Sprite
- Added Copy & Paste support for CanvasRenderer, RectTransform
- Fixed registery for MonoScripts in AssetCabinet
- Fixed AssetBundle prefab collection to not contain duplicates of Texture2Ds
from Sprites

- Fixed removing Shader Keyword
- Added adding and removing Shader Keywords in Material editor

- Fix for FBX imports cutting morph clip names after last underscore '_'

- Added changeable texture mapping in imported materials when merging
- Fixed "Blue Area" remained blue after error, "Ok & Continue" remained active

- Added support for binary TextAssets - export and replacement
- Fixed missing attributes of (Skinned)MeshRenderers in replacement
- Fixed crash in "MonoB & Other" tab for names which included " / "
- Fixed "Dump Type" for types which included unsigned 16 bit integers

- Changed DumpCabinet into a plugin function and included the CAB-String

- Fixed replacement of animations containing tracks for morphs
- Changed messages in import and export for missing weights of morphs (Blender)

- Changed Flat In-Between Blend-Shapes. Weights are stored in Custom Properties
of the mesh
instead of in an additional animation keyframe. Requires fbx plugin of
Blender 2.78c to be fixed.
Workaround for animations removed.

- Changed Flat In-Between Blend-Shapes are converted into relatives on export and
are made absolute on import.
Animations for them get an additional keyframe at the end with the Keyframe
Weight on export, which is
removed on import.
Blender's FBX exporter "forgets" to export this extra keyframe and prevents
correct backward computation.
Implemented workaround: Adds a keyframe for the first child of the root

- Fixed MQO import and corrected MQO export to support in-between blendshapes
Known issue: no support in MQO format for morphs of meshes with multiple
- Added "Flat In-Between Blend-Shape" option for FBX format to morph export and
animation export
- Changed FBX import to use blendshape names
- Fixed crash in FBX exports when no mesh was selected
- Changed Texture editor background images to external files

- Fix for crash in MQO export for in-between blendshapes [import/replacement of
MQO not tested]
- Added sorting of Mesh list in Mesh editor for: Name, Type, Extend dimensions

- Fix for missing bones in renderer and "Cannot seek beyond the end of the
stream" when selecting a Bone
- Fixed crash in MonoBehaviour editor after copying
- Added clip speed in AnimatorController to Animation editor

- Added export of morph tracks in FBX export
- Fixed crash in AnimatorEditor MergeTexture, MergeMaterial from Workspace in
compressed files

- Fixed PluginTool shortcut "Ctrl" fails on German Win8.1
- Fixed replacement of animations to create more constant curves
- Added support for morph tracks in animation replacements
- Changed virtual Avatar creation to add siblings

- Fixed settings for EulerFilter, NegateQuaternionFlips and ForceTypeSampled were
not read on startup
- Changed replacement of animations to create more constant curves, resampling
optionally uses EulerFilter

- Changed setting the root bone for a SkinnedMeshRenderer to update the bounding
- Changed FBX importing meshes with morphs now imports the meshes and their
resources as well
- Fixed replacing several morphs with "OK & Continue Automatically"

- Added destruction and recomputation of bounding box in Mesh Attribute editor

[1.5.20] - title still showing 1.5.19

- Fix for merging materials losing their textures [caused by a change in v1.5.13]

- Fix for cancelled renaming of ImportedMesh. Subsequent replacement using
"Create Mesh Transform"
created empty name of mesh Transform and Mesh and saving the file or another
replacement crashed.
- Fix for leaving Submesh Material -, Material Texture - and AnimationClip
selection with TAB or SHIFT-TAB
- Fix for Center and Extend computation for Mesh, MeshRenderer and
SkinnedMeshRenderer in replacement

- Removed first Quaternion flipping during resampling animations
- Changed morph replacement to use the Morph Target Name as new group name
- Fixed crash in morph replacement when new keyframes had to be renamed
- Added renaming Morph Clip

- Fix for accidental Nml mesh renaming
- Change for centering SkinnedMeshRenderers no longer considers their combined
transformation matrix
- Fix for Texture not deleted from file's Assets menu
- Fix for crash when an AnimatorController was opened and a Material & Texture
Animator was open
- Fix for AnimationClip Stop time and Rate after replacement of animation
- Change for editing Rate of AnimationClips adapts Start and Stop times
- Fix for crash in Nml computation for virtual Animators [caused by a change in

- Changed version comparison functions
- Fixed pasting of BoxCollider, CapsuleCollider, MeshCollider, SphereCollider
- Fixed wrong bonepath in Avatar for creating a new child Transform of the root
- Fixed some bonepaths in an Avatar were not removed when Transforms were deleted
- Aligned AnimationClip's m_MuscleClipSize for Unity5 and higher
- Fixed AnimatorController's m_Loop and m_Speed by setting it to 1
- Fixed Camera editor to show RenderTexture references instead of texture
- Fixed crash when selecting a Texture for a slot in a Material
which had been loaded after the Animator had been opened
- Added warning for duplicate CAB-Strings when a Unity file is opened
- Added Copy & Paste support for Animation assets
- Changed Animation replacement to flip Quaternions for Euler flips

- Fixed Type corruption in game files when pasted new types from AssetBundle
- Fixed crash when pasting MonoBehaviours into game files. (They are filtered
- Added auto-expand in MonoBehaviour editor's additional members treeview for
less than 15 lines
- Fixed RectTransforms can be Mesh Transforms
- Fixed Mesh asset with vertex colours in Unity4

- Fixed Type corruption after pasting assets from game files
- Fixed deleting multiple assets (depending from each other) simultaneously

- Fixes for different problems when pasting ParticleSystem assets from game files
- Fix for pasting virtual Animator into a game file
- Known issue when pasting a virtial Animator:
The warning {virtual Animator} + "will lose attached MonoBehaviours." also
means that SB3UGS
doesn't create an entry in the AssetBundle's m_Container table. So the virtual
Animator may get lost.

- Added support for AssetBundle main asset handling

- Added "UnityRaw" header completion for converted UnityWeb files without header

- Added support for Sprite assets in Unity 5.4.2
- Fix for Cubemap previews

- Fix for replacement of non-Cubemap textures being flipped

- Changed RectTransform class to be derived from Transform, extended Frame editor
- Fix for crash in MonoBehaviour editor for references to not loaded assets
- Fix for crash when Pasting an Animator with a virtual Avatar
- Fix for replacement of Cubemap
- Fix for refusal to open a second Virtual Animator with the same name
- Fix for AudioListener in Unity5 not writing alignment
- Changed sorting in file's Animation, Img, Snd, Material, Filtered tab:
when sorting for Type it also sorts for Names and vice versa

- Fix for setting of Animator attributes
- Changed Virtual Animators are created for the root Transform when a GameObject
is double clicked

- Added creating Virtual Animator when double clicking a GameObject

- Cubemap test export/import/replace

- Changed MonoBehaviour editor to use a TreeView for additional members
(Fix for big MBs which ran out of window handles, and the TreeView is much
- Added array insert and delete operations in MB editor
- Changed dump of AssetBundle to abbreviate PreloadTable

- Changed FBX export and import of in-between blendshapes
- Added in-between blendshapes support in Morph editor, removed "One Blendshape"
- Fixed deleting morph keyframe not deleting morph vertices
- Fixed crash when pasting Animator from non-AssetBundle file
- Added information in Animation editor for morphs
- Changed loading of compressed AnimationClips which was formerly aborted

- Added "Copy & Paste" support for: AnimatorController
- Fixed crash when opening an "Material & Texture Animator"
- Added Tangent flipping functions in Mesh editor

- Added support for Unity 5.4.2 files
changed assets: Avatar, MeshRenderer, SkinnedMeshRenderer, ParticleSystem,
AnimationClip, AnimatorController, AudioMixer, Light
- Added more attributes to dialog for MeshRenderer and SkinnedMeshRenderer
- Added Animator editor tab and moved related attributes from Frame editor into
- Added selection of AnimatorControllers in Animator editor tab
- Fixed missing AssetBundle asset entries of Animator.m_Controller
- Changed Material attribute Emission influence halved in renderer
- Changed asset names LinkToGameObject222 -> CanvasRenderer, LinkToGameObject223
-> Canvas,
LinkToGameObject225 -> CanvasGroup, MultiLink -> RectTransform
- Added support for In-Between Blend Shapes by conversion to normal blend shapes
- Note for me: order of UnknownChilds in Transforms, high bits of ClassID2,
AnimationClip Euler curves sign of Y and Z

- Added support for texture formats RGBAHalf and RGBAFloat, DDS import / export
- Changed PNG import to convert to RGBAHalf and RGBAFloat when the filename ends
with the format name

- Fixed missing material in mtl file for OBJ exports
- Added experimental import of TIFF files
- Added experimental import and export of BMP subformat RGBAHalf and RGBAFloat

- Fixed crash when clicking "Refresh" in an Material & Texture editor's Object
- Changed Texture attributes are set for all selected textures at once

- Fixed switching off the Image preview didn't prevent texture to image
- Extended switching off the Image preview to also suppress the preview in the
Material & Texture editor
- Added downscaling of Texture2D asset previews and rendering and image file
preview of DDS files
- Fixed DDS textures having at least one dimension being not a power of two
- Fixed a crash when saving Unity game files (not AssetBundle files) after
replacing a texture

- Fixed crash for unknown animation binding.attribute values (SBPR swimsuits)
- Flipping of DDS textures always converted to uncompressed.
- Fixed imported PNG produced wrong data length when replaced unflipped
- Removed all "flip" arguments from scripting functions in
AnimatorEditor: AddTexture(), ReplaceTexture(), ExportTexture()

- Added support for chunk compressed asset bundles / fix for invalid Unity5
- Prevent crash during saving when sound was playing
- Fix for crash (DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL) during ExportTexture() with

- Changed Unity3dEditor scripting functions ExportTextAssets() and
ReplaceTextAssets() to be case insensitive

- Changed default of Lightmap[Index] when replacing meshes to -1 in Unity5 files
- Added Unity3dEditor scripting functions ExportTextAssets() and

- Fixed when an external texture was removed the texture slots of materials had
not been cleared
- Fixed replacing and deleting textures didn't update the texture cache and
- Fixed RGB24 with mipmaps was shown flipped in the renderer

- Added support for AudioMixer, AudioMixerGroup, AudioMixerSnapshot assets
- Changed "Remove" in Frame editor to remove selected asset, and no longer to
produce orphans
- Changed selecting a non-Transform in the Object Tree loads the parent Transform
in the Frame editor
- Changed/completed AudioClip editor

- Fixed crash when opening Animators with MonoBehaviours using type UInt16, fixed
- Fixed crash in Object Tree when double clicked with no selected node
- Changed script precision for float(double) arguments,
immunity against precision-loss for Transform and Bone matrices

- Fixed saving external asset references with PathID=0. Added a warning for
setting an uncommitted resource.
- Added update of AnimatorEditor when using "Refresh". This also updates rendered
meshes to show material changes.
- Fixed index error in Animation editor when an unmatching Animator was selected.
- Enabled copy to clipboard in editor for TextAssets and textual MonoBehaviours
- Removed scaling from image previews: file and Texture editor
- Fixed index error in TextAsset and textual MonoBehaviour editor when clicking
"Last Value" in the last column
- Added Texture and Material cache

- Fixed deleting of lines in AssetBundleManifest editor
- Fixed error in file's Texture preview for RGB24 with mipmaps in Unity4 files
- Fixed invalid BMP exports for RGBA32 format, added support for importing BMP in
RGBA32 format
- Changed filename ending ignored for TGA
- Added pixelformat to all Animator's Texture list

- Changed AssetBundleManifest editor to support a variable number of dependencies
- Fixed crash when showing p_cf_hair_33_back in cf_hair_b_00.unity3d

- Added support for older Illusion games

- Added AssetBundleManifest editor
- Fixed AssetBundle Dependencies when adding external references
- Reverted order of external assets in AssetBundle's Preload table
Known issue:
- DumpCabinet lists the classes of AssetRefs which always seem to be MonoScripts
When Sb3UGS copies MonoScripts it doesn't add them to the Cabinet's AssetRefs

- Fixed missing external assets in AssetBundle's Preload table, but it doesn't
allow external materials still.
- Changed order of external assets in AssetBundle's Preload table to Unity5 style
- Changed creation of virtual Animators. GetAssetNames() removes virtual
Animators of Animator assets.

- Fixed file header changes from 1.2.5. "list" files got an incorrect header.
- Fixed missing change propagation for edited TextAsset and textual MonoBehaviour

- Fixed vanished shader selection in Material editor after "Refresh" in the
Object Tree
- Fixed export and preview of textures in RGB24 format with mipmaps
- Fix for showing wrong external material being selected for a submesh
- Added "(none)" and "(external)" material/texture in Mesh/Material editor

- Fix for DDS in RGB24 format and DDS doesn't need to end with "-RGB24" any
- Fixed "Inventory Offset" in Unity files and removed Menu item
- Added "External References"
- Fixed XX preview of textures

- Fix for flipping DDS textures dropping mipmaps

- Fix for D3D11_ERROR_TOO_MANY_UNIQUE_VIEW_OBJECTS crash in renderer
- Fix for files with "Bad mode LB4=x52" (HS cf_top_05.unity3d,

- Fix for external textures of external materials wheren't exported
- Added preferred uncompressed file format for export
- Changed TGA export to cut anything behind regular data
- Fix for TGA being flipped when replaced (OriginY > 0)
- Added Camera editor

- Added TGA support

- Fix for external textures which were not available for selection although

- Fix for BMP export and import swapping G and B channels and uncompressed DDS
with similar problem

FormAnimator / matTexComboBoxCell_SelectionChangeCommitted / after

SetMaterialTexture /
why that texIdx==-1 part? refreshing Material, reselecting shader, refreshing

- Fix for texture offset and scaling which were (0, 0) in materials behind the

- All rendering and texture handling changed to DirectX11
- Removed all support for non-Unity based games
- Added PNG file support
- Known issues: TGA files are not correctly handled
- Added support for binary animation TextAssets of HS
- Added Fbx export option for display bone size
- Light has a fixed direction in renderer, but the direction can be aligned to
the camera by pressing SHIFT.

- Fixed crash when closing MaterialTextureAnimator without having a selected
texture in global preview
- Fixed MaterialTextureAnimator trying to add items from other files
- Added Transform attributes can be applied recursively
- Added naturally sorted QuickAccess lists
- Fixed renderer not showing Color and EmissionColor material attributes (not
- Added EmissionColor in material conversion (not EmisColor!)
- Added transparency from diffuse texture's alpha in FBX exports
- Changed BumpMap texture exported and imported as such in FBX material
- Added Material slot offset and scaling to FBX exports and imports
- Added tooltip for SrcBlend, DstBlend and Mode material attributes
- Fixed default specular light colour in the renderer
- Fixed differences and background colour of known external shader attributes in
Material Editor
- Fixed Unity5 external references using different format in assetPath
- Changed Merge and Add for Transforms to maintain links in MonoBehaviours and
mesh bones
- Fixed setting 64 bit values and PathIDs in MonoBehaviours

- Animator.StringToHash() integrated
- Added "Copy & Paste" support for: ParticleSystem, ParticleSystemRenderer,
BoxCollider, MeshCollider, SphereCollider
- Fixed CharacterJoint and AudioClip asset for Unity4
- Added support for Unity5 AudioClip assets
- Reduced time needed to load texture assets from .resS files
- Fixed removing assets weren't considered a change of the unity file, small
memory leak when marked
- Fixed Unity5 CAB-Strings containing binary data
- Fixed Unity5 files starting with an asset whose PathID begins or ends with a
zero byte
- Added creation of virtual Avatars with selectable skeleton root
- Fixed textual MonoBehaviour in Unity5
- Fixed hard crash of Sb3UGS when corrupted or unsupported meshes were selected
and shown in the renderer
- Fixed Unity5 game crashes because of wrong classID keys in GameObject
- Added InventoryOffset option for Unity5 AssetBundle files
- Fixed AudioClip support in Unity5 AssetBundle files
- Prevent deletion of AssetBundle
- Added support for vertex colours

- Added support for compressed Asset Bundle files
- Fixed crash after LoadAndSetMesh() for meshes unmatching current Avatar
- Added renaming AssetBundle assets
- Fixed CreateFrame() when replacing meshes if a Transform with the mesh's name
already exists
- Fixed FlareLayer size
- Fixed creating Transform when Avatar had no entry for parent
- Removed requirement of Avatar when creating and renaming Transforms
- Fixed Log and Script window could vanish after being made floating and docking
- Fixed crash in FBX export for renderers with external meshes or no mesh at all,
e.g. ParticleSystemRenderers
- Added Bone path of Transform to PathID info
- Fixed SetRendererAttributes lightmap parameter
- Fixed missing dependencies of ParticleSystemRenderer assets in AssetBundle
Known Issues:
- Fbx exports of skinned meshes can have no weights on some vertices of submeshes
behind the first.
This is caused by an optimization of Unity. FbxSdk reverts this optimization on
import. Replace and export again.

- Added support for RGB24 BMP format
- Added Material editor multi selection handling
- Added extra exception handling after saving file to prevent double deletion
- Added support for CharacterJoint assets
- Changes in saving Unity files to allow creating mods
- Fixed writing Mesh asset - mostly Unity5
- Fixed Unity5 handling for Sprite
- Fixed morph preview after replacing mesh
- Fixed AnimationClip list not showing changes for the same clip in other lines
- Added SetMaterialTextureAttributes() to set offset and scaling of textures
- Fixed ConvertRenderer() in *.assets files
[Pasting MeshRenderers into *.assets files drops Material references]
- Added persisting status of View menu: Image/Renderer, Log, Script
- Added locking gui layout
- Added sorting file tabs by type and name
- Added Materials to Texture Animator which is therefore now called
- Added three background choices in Texture editor
- Changed "Select All Loaded" and "Unselect All" to include Material tab
- Added editing of TextAssets and textual MonoBehaviours

- Fixed wrong alignment in Unity5 header (mostly AssetBundle files but not
- Fixed: SetMaterialShaderToExternal(), SetMonoScriptAttributes(), ExportAsset(),
- Fixed crash when opening a Texture Animator
- Fixed crash when renaming a texture in a Texture Animator
- Added long value type to scripting: use hex representation and add 'L' like

- Added support for Unity5
- Fixed morph duplication in the gui after replacing morphs
- Fixed order of MipBias and AnIso in Texture2D
- Added support for uncompressed DDS textures with mipmaps including Alpha8
- Fixed crash for replacing textures with unsupported formats
- Fixed structure of MeshCollider
- Added changing position of submeshes
- Changed setting attributes for all selected (Skinned)MeshRenderers
Known issues:
- forgotten: SetMaterialShaderToExternal(), SetMonoScriptAttributes(),
ExportAsset(), RemoveAsset()

- Changed replacement of meshes to use all loaded Materials in the file
- Fixed merging textures from the workspace with existing names weren't shown in
the Object Tree
- Fixed crash when replacing ImportedSubmeshes without Material
- Fixed wrong value of ReceiveShadow attribute of replaced MeshRenderer
- Fixed error in Cubemap handling
- Added "View Data" of AnimatorOverrideController
- Changed hyper-sensitive camera rotation in Renderer

- Fixed missing entry in AssetBundle of MonoBehaviours not linked to a GameObject
(e.g. those ending with _Nml)
- Default vertex scaling of MQO imports changable in the main menu
- Fixed replacing meshes for (virtual) Animators without Avatar to not create
Mesh and SkinnedMeshRenderer assets
- Fixed unhandled m_isReadable member of Texture2D assets
- Fixed changing case when renaming assets
- Fixed merging and pasting of MonoBehaviours linked to GameObjects
- Fixed address alignment in type parser and crash when loading Uuint32 arrays
- Fixed creating new Transform and AnimationClip asset using "new Quaternion()"
instead of Quaternion.Identity
- Fixed lost alignment of last asset
- Added automatic computation of the RootBone when replacing a mesh into a
Transform without SkinnedMeshRenderer
- Added option to convert new SkinnedMeshRenderers into MeshRenderers when
replacing meshes
- Fixed Clipboard functions crashed SB3UtilityScript.exe
- Tested FbxSdk 2016.1 but reverted to FbxSdk 2015.1 because of Blender
- Changed FBX exports of morphs to be limited to manual selection of keyframes
- Added support for all attributes in the MonoBehaviour editor
- Fixed TGA handling to consider ID length (not fixed in AiDroid Plugin and ODF
- Added timestamp option to Log Window and Script Window. Added Log entries can
be saved.

- Fixed missing ParticleRenderer entries in AssetBundle ("Mini Beach" issue)
- Fixed PreloadTable entry order and dependencies of MonoBehaviours in
- Added setting Materials of ParticleRenderers and ParticleSystemRenderers
- Fixed selection of Shaders with non-unique names
- Added view of Animator attributes in Frame editor
- Fixed deletion of assets from file menu not removing themselves from hosting
- Fixed CABinet, References (assetpath, filepath) and Type (name, identifier) are
UTF-8 encoded
- Fixed Type order in AssetCabinet, unknown field in UnityParser
- Fixed two fields in unity file header causing
"Failed to parsed asset bundle header in file ... (Filename: Line: 701)" in

- Fixed AssetBundle for Materials with several external Shaders
- Fixed "Copy & Paste" for Materials with several external Shaders
- Fixed new assets couldn't be removed with File/Assets/Remove until the file was
- Fixed saving unity files leaving new assets undiscoverable
- Added new Materials are created when merged from ImportedMaterials
- Fixed export of unflipped DDS textures
- Changed FBX import to import meshes in frameless files, new submesh grouping
- Fixed replacement of imported Materials losing texture assignments
- Fixed preview of textures from the file's Img tab didn't release memory
- Added Copy/Paste into/from clipboard for Shaders, adding/stripping dependencies
also on export/import
- Added creating mesh Transform when replacing meshes / creating new child
Transforms in Transform editor
- Fixed crash when converting SkinnedMeshRenderers in newly created Transforms
- Added sorting of imported submeshes in frameless files (Fbx)
- Fixed cast exception when draggin imported submeshes into the Object Tree
- Support for LODGroup and Tree assets
- Added removing and renaming assets in Filtered tab
- Fixed renaming assets in unity3d files (AssetBundle not reflecting the name
- Fixed MeshFilter assets weren't removed when the MeshRenderer was removed or
- Added warnings for Meshes with more than 65534 vertices
- Changed "Convert" considers all selected (Skinned)MeshRenderers
- Added selectable Shaders in Material editor

- Fixed Nml-MonoBehaviour with several meshes
- Added Nml-MonoBehaviour copying normals to adjacent meshes
- Added "Texture Animator" for animator-less unity files, Flip Y option in
Texture editor
- Fixed Nml-MonoBehaviour not handling extended Animator names
- Fixed Nml-MonoBehaviour not consindering destination mesh normals
- Added Nml-MonoBehaviour arbitrary source mesh options
- Fixed Nml-MonoBehaviour to be "Copy & Paste"ed
- Added MonoBehaviours can be dragged into and from the Workspace for copying
- Fixed SaveAs unity file when the new filename already existed
- Fixed creating mods with assets from Animation tab, incomplete AssetBundle in
mod files
- Fixed selecting an imported image stops automatic display
- Fixed internal texture handling not removing the placeholder when loading the
- Fixed virtual Animators not openable after loading "MonoB. & Other" assets

- Added conversion of SkinnedMeshRenderer into MeshRenderer
- Fixed multiple unneeded texture conversions in MQO exports, especially in
- Fixed animation clip gui for multiple selection of clips
- Fixed animation replacement (bindings unsorted, sample rate not synchronized)
- Fixed import of TextAsset and textual MonoBehaviours by stripping BOM
- Added support for Nml-MonoBehaviours
- Changed order of AnimationClips when exported (aligned with order in gui)
- Added export and import of AnimationClip names
- Added automatic CABinet renaming
- Fixed crash in renderer for textures with width=0 or height=0
- Fixed crash when changing texture of material after "Refresh" in ObjectTree
- Fixed denial to accept a material (when the material was loaded by another
- Fixed assets couldn't be renamed or deleted from the Animations tab
- Fixed "Copy & Paste" of Materials with external Shaders (with internal and
external dependencies)
- Changed dragging morphs from the workspace shows Morph tab and editor
- Fixed renaming of Transforms corrupted Avatar
- Added support for RigidBody and ParticleRenderer in "Copy & Paste"
- Added Copy & Paste for TextAssets and textual MonoBehaviours into/from
- Fixed "Mismatched serialization" of SkinnedMeshRenderer
- Added in "Merge" and "Add" of Transforms to try to resolve invalid bones
- Fixed AssetBundle missing entry for pasted TextAssets
- Added dump of MonoBehaviours' values (in unity3d files only) and unity file's
external references

- Fixed removal of assets with negative PathID
- Fixed forgotten removal of replacement mesh
- Fixed escaped characters in textual MonoBehaviours
- Fixed crash when merging textures in *.assets files,
additional script command: ReplaceTextures(parser, folder)
- Added animation support for Unity AnimationClips
- Removed "Copy MonoB." and "MirrorV" and FBX export options for animations from
mesh editor

- Fixed textures including regular expression's metacharacters were not
- Fixed new texture names (1.0.16) made textures irreplaceable
- Fixed crash when exporting SkinnedMeshRenderer with less Materials than
- Added support for files with pathID gaps called "PathID Protection".
- Fixed (last) asset size of SkinnedMeshRenderer, FlareLayer, AudioListener
- Fixed material selection and texture selection which could become unresponsive.
- Fixed Transform registration in Avatar. AddBone created duplicates.
- Changed how Avatars are searched for virtual Animators. GUI opens Avatar
- Added support for standalone pasting of MonoBehaviours
- Added editing attributes of MonoBehaviour's MonoScript
- Added tangents display in the renderer
- Added check for bad normals when replacing morphs
- Added computing the Rest Pose
- Fixed crash when unselecting a bone for a mesh with insufficient materials.
- Fixed opening several Animators stopped when an Animator included another
- Fixed texture related memory problem
- Added warning for unity web archives. They are still not supported.
- Fixed corrupted ParticleSystem and MonoBehaviours with type UInt8
- Fixed "negative" colours in Camera, Light, SpriteRenderer
- Changed when Images list or Unity file closes which showed a Texture the
preview is cleared
- Changed renaming regular Animators also renames Avatar
- Fixed Cubemap export and replacement. Cubemaps are handled as Textures. TGAs
- Added support for Animation, AnimatorOverrideController assets
- Fixed "Copy & Paste" into *.assets files
- Changed Fbx export succeeds even when bones are not found in the current Avatar
- Fixed "Copy & Paste" of AnimationClips
- Added option for exporting the skin to morph exports
- Added support for incomplete tracks in animation import
- Added gui for AnimationClip hosting assets with replacement of animations
- Changed central way to find Components by pathID because of slow speed
- Changed empty unity file tabs are hidden, new Animation tab
- Fixed crash in MQO exports for meshes without materials and materials without
- Changed MQO scaling coordinates by 1000
- Fixed morph MQO export not mirroring X delta

- Change in Fbx export allows to edit morphs in Blender
- Fix in Fbx export for tangent's W component
- Fix in Avatar for renaming of Transforms
- Fix for "Copy MonoBehaviour", AssetBundle didn't include new MB
- Changed that AssetBundles' PreloadTable is ordered like its original
- Added GameObject's attributes to Transform editor
- Fixed crash when switching to Mesh with Morph
- Added creating morphs on meshes having no morphs
- Changed how Bones are displayed: limited size, bones with strange parent
- Added Sorting Layer ID and Sorting Order in Mesh Editor
- Fixed dialog's double refresh when opening
(MeshRenderer attributes, Normals & Tangents, Mesh/Transform/Morph Replacement)

- Changed Texture naming to include original format name
- Changed Texture preview to use less memory and show Alpha layer
- Fixed missing Tangent mirroring. Tangent are still not like originals.
- Fixed bone matrices in transformed hierarchies
- Fix for boneless mesh replacement
- Fix for RGBA32 texture format in SBPR
- Fixed Texture replacement for XP
- Fixed renaming of assets in Unity3d files
- Added support for AnimationClips to be copied & pasted
- Changed Transform Matrix "Copy & Paste" in Animator editor to work between

- Added support for Blender's FBX files
- Changed mirroring of the skeleton in UnityPlugin for FBX output and replacement
- Added AnimatorEditor.GetTransformHash() and Unity3dEditor.ViewAssetData() in

- Limited selection of Transforms for the Root Bone to the skeleton of the
- Creating Virtual Animators at any Transform
- Fbx export doesn't export 0 weights
- Support for undocumented Assets 222, 223, 224, 225
- Fixed crash in Shader dependencies
- Fixed inversion of meshes when replacing unskinned meshes (e.g. from MQO or
- Added mod creation, patching and removal

- Fixed texture corruption when textures were replaced from file menu
- Added mass deletion with Shift-Delete at various places
- Added DeleteMorphKeyframe()
- Support for additional assets: AudioSource, AudioListener, BoxCollider, Camera,
FlareLayer, MeshCollider, Projector, RigidBody, SphereCollider,
- Fixed crash when selecting a bone when morph was shown
- Changed orientation of X coordinate in renderer and all export/replace
- Added mirror V coordinate in Mesh Editor
- Fixed memory leak in Texture Editor's picture box

- UnityPlugin Update Only
- Fixed error when renderer was hidden and several meshes were selected
- Added export/replace/display for morphs with meshes having more than one
- Fixed export for morphs in *.assets files
- Added Copy/Paste for Mesh, Avatar, TextAsset. Copy/Paste in *.assets files
- Fix for references to invalid assets
- Added add & delete Multi-Pass materials
- Changed that deleting the last submesh only deletes the Mesh, the Renderer
- Changed Material Editor Layout to show all material Textures, Colours and
- Fix for *.assets files: presence of AssetBundle is optional
- Added "View Data" which allows to search for MonoBehaviour and MonoScript
- Changed default of Texture attribute: Wrap
- Changed default of replace mesh method: Merge

- UnityPlugin Update Only
- Added support for *.assets files and files without extension
- Added "Rename" for (loadable) Assets
- Fix for virtual Animators being unopenable
- Files without extension are treated like *.assets, all three backup extensions
are editable
- Meshes (and their morphs) are exported by reference to allow duplicate names
- Fix for morphs from MQOs always adding morph keyframes
- Avatars for (virtual) Animators
- Fix for meshes with non-unique Transforms in the skeleton
- Fix for TextAssets: replace retains original line end, export with CR-LF always
- Fix for external assets: Meshes, Shaders
- Partial fix in AssetBundle for virtual Animators: dependencies of
MonoBehaviours aren't put into PreloadTable
- Fix for all names: encoding set to UTF-8
- Fix for unknown childs of Transforms
- Fix for setting a Material's texture slot to "none"

- UnityPlugin Update Only
- All MonoBehaviours are handled according to their type definition
- Removed static script functions: ExportMonoBehaviour, ReplaceMonoBehaviour,
added both to Unity3dEditor class
- Missing Materials are added with a warning when (LoadAnd)SetSubmeshMaterial
- Avatar is optional in Animator
- Fix for unnecessary additional entries in AssetBundle (Light's Texture,
AnimatorEditor: Shader and Texture)
- Fix for duplicates of Materials in the Object Tree and Unity3d editor's
Materials list after "Copy -> New"
- Added Copy/Paste for MonoBehaviour
- Fix for multiple copies of the same MonoScripts
- Fix for MergeMaterial not copying attributes from Materials of other Animators
- Fix for "Goto Frame" in Bone Editor and Mesh Editor

- UnityPlugin Update Only
- Asset Type Definitions
- AssetBundle handling
- Copy/Paste of Animator, Material, Shader, Sprite, Texture
- Support for new types: Light, MonoBehaviour (partially), MonoScript,
ParticleSystem, ParticleSystemRenderer
- New Assets are appended at the end to compensate for unsupported MonoBehaviours
- MeshRenderers can be replaced with SkinnedMeshRenderers
- Fixed computation of extents of MeshRenderers/SkinnedMeshRenderes
- Fixed boneweights in additional submeshes beyond the first
- Fixed Cubemap handling
- Fixed referencial integrity check for appended assets
- Relaxed texture names check, e.g. *_Ramp-offset(X0Y0)-scale(X1Y1)
- Animator.StringToHash() exposed
- TextAssets export/import with Windows-style line breaks
- Renaming Animators
- All Assets linked in GameObject are visible in ObjectTree
- Virtual Animators

- Fix in UnityPlugin: crash when a mesh with an invalid material was selected
- Fix in UnityPlugin: crash upon selecting an unloaded material
- Fix in UnityPlugin: clearing mesh assignment
- Change in UnityPlugin: replacing meshes defaults to "Merge", except when the
imported mesh has bones

- Fix: FBX import drops invisible root node and creates separate animations for
- Added: FBX import generates Tangents if not already present
- Fixed creating new keyframe behind last in XA units
- Fixed XA parser dropping items in Type4 (SB3Format)
- Mouse input scaling
- Debut of UnityPlugin

- Fixed saving pp files of AA2 with original version

- Fixed renaming a mesh frame; didn't update the Mesh Editor's Name textbox
- Fixed selecting unused materials and textures; didn't unselect beforehand
- Fixed animation wasn't shown when no clip was selected after "XX Lock & Map" or
replacing animation

- Added Preview for Multi-Renaming pp subfiles

- Added Multi-Renaming pp subfiles
- Fixed error message when reopening a pp file with changed content

- Fixed crash after meshes were selected while the XX editor was being undocked
- Fixed crash when a not existing animation clip was selected (Sync Play)
- Added hiding default docks "Files" and "Editors" upon docking another

- Added script commands for editing keyframes

- Updated to Fbx SDK 2015.1
- Deleted Fbx Import Euler Filter usage
- Added Fbx Import Negate Quaternion Flips
- Added Fbx Export Euler Filter usage
- Fixed texture dimensions display
- Added that Renderer's background colour is persistent
- Changed export meshes to include only the locked XA or all unlocked XAs
- Added "XX Lock & Map" in XA editor
- Added keyframe editor, sync play, bone highlighting and track compare in XA
- Added "Renaming of Bones & Animation Tracks" in XX editor
- Fixed crash in "Delete Unreferenced" when a material or texture was selected
- Changed logging of script commands based on Settings
- Changed order of calls for recreation of the GUI after Merge/Append/Replace of
- Fixed crash when a mesh had only invalid bones
- Changed renaming mesh frames, materials and textures re-sorts their list views
and cross reference views.
This fixes the different selection of meshes after "SVI[EX] Juggler"'s "Copy to

- Fixed update of the unit name in the pp file's Other tab after SVIEX
- Fix for external tools integration. Already edited (SVIEX) units couldn't be
- Fixed missing update of VertexListDuplicate in SVIEX Juggler's CopyToSubmesh
- Added "Snap Borders" in Mesh Editor

- Added SVI adding, removing and select/check mesh functions to the "SVI[EX]

- Added NIF Importer
- Fix for external tools of pp units not closing when the pp file is closed
- Fix in XX format conversion. Submesh Unknown5 in formats 5 to 7 must not be
converted to 8.
- Fix for unrecognized changes by scripting leading to loss of work when a form
was closed.
- Changed keeping FormXX editor panel constant
- Fix for error in the GUI after CopyMaterial
- Added closing open editors when adding or removing subfiles
- Fix for crashes because of invalid bones or duplicate frames in the skeleton
- Fix for not finding frames "behind" meshes with "Goto Frame" in the Bone
dragging a Bone into a workspace, reselecting a node after many operations
- Fix for pp subfile names being displayed elliptical
- Added first non-empty pp subfiles tab gets selected upon opening a pp file
- Support for Characolle Lump Of Sugar & Characolle Whirlpool

- Fix for crash when meshes with invalid bones were selected
- Fix for crash when deleting unreferenced objects without having at least one
workspace with an object of that xx in it
- Added customizable font sizes for TreeViews and ListViews, resizable Dialogs
with scaling Controls and Fonts
- Added creating a new bone in the Frame Editor
- Fixed crash when an XX file was opened after an XA unit or file
- Added invalid Bones are marked red in the ObjectTree
- Added editable Morph Mask
- Fixed exporting the same morph keyframe several times in FBX

- Fix for display of Bones
- Fix for unskinned meshes which caused a hanging when selected

- Fix for bone selection after "Min Bones"
- Fix for display of Bones, added visible full skeleton
- Added deleting unused materials and textures with preview
- Added workspace "Automatic Material Translation" and "Append Missing Materials
And Textures"
- Added synchronization of Workspaces
- Added frame and bone matrix correction after transformation changes

- Fixed all SVI/SVIEX functions (PPD_Clothes_Preview Plugin)

- Added SVI support in SVIEX functions (PPD_Clothes_Preview Plugin)

- Added automatic "Update Bones & Frame" upon changes in a bone

- Added automatic "Update Bones" upon changes in the skeleton

- Fixed and improved SVIEX functions for AA2 Trial

- PPD_Clothes_Preview Plugin got SVIEX functions added for AA2 Trial
- Added support for SVIEX units in pp file format detection

- Added support for AA2 Trial

- Added support for REAL PLAY

- Added support for REAL PLAY Trial
- Added check for invalid bones
- Fixed invisible errors at initialization
- Added confirmation of closing pp files with added, edited, deleted and renamed
- Added swapfiles and throw out functionality for opened xx, xa and lst editors
(even parsers for external tools)
- Fixed renaming subfiles
- Added restoring selection of subfiles after modification of pp structure
- Added XA animation track list sorting
- Fixed handling of pp files bigger than 2GB
- Added recomputation of bone matrices
- Added visual support for dropping into an empty area of the Object Tree
- Scripting variables getting null are removed. Reading a non-existing variable
returns null.

- Fixes editing unknowns of submeshes
- Fixes automatic pp format detection (LST units)
- Added support for IW
- Removed useless .3DS format options in mesh exports
- Changed dropping bones into a Workspace drops the frame instead
- Added textures and images show depth (bytes per pixel)
- Added script language allows variables as indices

- Added a new field in the animation clips for repeating.

- Added uv splitting of cylindrical projected faces to FBX imports

- Fixed storing negated attribute values of materials in xa units
- Updated support for Fbx 2014.1 (new dependency to VC++ 2012)
- Replacing meshes throws an error when a VertexDuplicateList would exceed 64k
- MQO exports can optionally sort meshes
- Fixed crash in the renderer for submeshes with more than 64k vertices (skipping
their rendering)
- Fixed memory leak when imported images are previewed
- Renderer stability fixes (CTRL-Alt-Del and full screen applications forcing
SB3Utility's window to shrink)

- Added reopening pp files with selected format: "New Source Format" menu option
- Added ppEditor method SetFormat(int sourceId, int destinationId)
- Fixed SB3UtilityScript crash in ppEditor constructor
- Added support for Musumakeup
- PPD_Clothes_Preview Plugin fixed and added options for SVIEX Normals
- PPD_Clothes_Preview Plugin SVIEX Normals preview

- Fixed syntax error: Extensions. Skript language affected in SavePP parameter
- Added dropping meshes from the Object Tree into a workspace.
- Added a filter which ignores every second instance of any object in that
- Added Shift-Delete deletes all selected objects in the XX editor and in the
views of pp files.
- Fixed: files can be droppped into the new lst editor.
- Support for external tools
- Fixed after reordering submeshes wrong submeshes were highlighted.
- Fixed SyntaxhighlightingTextBox crashed for certain characters at the end of

- Fixed closing empty workspaces
- Fixed crash of "Add Image" when no image was selected
- Changed Hex Editor got more selected fields, new button for starting the Hex
Editor with a selected submesh,
frozen first column, cell background colour changed for READ ONLY mode, pasting
into all selected cells
- Added all command line arguments are opened as files in *ONE* instance. Except
when started with "/OpenWithGUI"

- Fix XX Bone Remove and Copy To New corrupted bone indices
- Added creation of skins for XX meshes
- Added automatic reopening workspaces when external files are changed or deleted
and renamed back.
- Added editing of LST units
- Fixed XX saving external files which weren't readable afterwards.
- Fixed memory leak of editor for imported files.
- Added saving last used export format for XX meshes.
- Fixed Hex Edit reopening as read only at the center.

- Fixed XX Frame calculation of combined transform
- Added log window entries for dropping-into and automatic removals from
workspace. Must be enabled in workspace menu.
- Added scripted dropping of nodes from object trees. Must be enabled in
workspace menu.
- Fixed multiple binding of event handler for automatic removals from workspaces
- Added all selected images are added with one click
- Added all selected textures, materials and meshes are removed with one click
- Added EditHex can be reopened read only but non-modal
- Fixed crash when XA animations had two tracks with the same name.
- Default texture filter set to anisotropic. MaxAnisotropy=4
- Added XX bones can be zero weighted
- Fixed XX removing bones produced illegal bone indices
- Added XX removing bones normalizes weights of effected vertices

- Fixed a crash when dropping a second imported mesh from the workspace into an
XX Object Tree.

- Added: extention for backups of pp files can be edited

- Fix: some XX meshes in the object tree weren't found (e.g. by "Goto Frame")
- Added: XX selected and expanded nodes in the Object Tree are selected/expanded
after being changed from editor/workspace
- Fix: newly copied xxFrames from the workspace were no valid drop targets
- Added: references to objects from XX units are removed from workspaces if the
editor for that XX is closed.

- Fix: SB3Utility can be opened several times.
- Fix: Files can be dropped into the Log and Script windows.

- Fix: FBX frame rate set to 24.0 1/s
- Added: FBX export option to export no mesh (but animations)

- VC++ 2010 Redistributables replaced with versions for x86

- PPD_Clothes_Preview Plugin generates SVIEX units

- XX : when no mesh was displayed the EditHex button in Material threw exceptions
- SlimDX.DLL and VC++ 2010 Redistributables integrated
- SB3UtilityScript returns 0 on success and -1 on errors.
- Fbx export exported textures to root folder for relative export paths
- Added script command for ppEditor: AddSubfiles(path="{path with wildcards}",

- Extended normals calulation for several XX meshes
- Added single click drag 'n drop for *multiple* xxFrames, ImportedFrames and
ImportedMeshes (WorkspaceMeshes)
- Added permission to load plugins from UNC paths

- XX Submeshes can be reordered
- Added application exception handler : displays an error when missing SlimDX

- XX imported meshes can be easier placed into destination frames
- XX all materials or all textures can be dropped together into a workspace by
dragging their parent
- Meshes in the workspace can be renamed

- Save/restore location and size of main window
- XX Reordering submeshes

- Added "Edit Hex" buttons for materials and textures in XX units

- Added external XA files can be saved and reopened.
- Added clicking animation tracks highlights the corresponding bone.

- Show bone weights with different modes in the renderer.

- Added support for PPD
- Added display XA Materials
- Added renaming of tracks
- Added Quick Access Window
- prepared to deploy used VC++ 2010 redist DLLs
- Fbx can import incomplete animation keyframes (containing only scaling or
rotation or translation)
- Fix for regional digit symbol
- Fbx import crashed when missing a texture
- Added Fbx export format compatible with Fbx 2006
- Added Fbx import of .dxf, .3ds,.obj
- Changed Plugin Fbx resampling to use Quaternions instead of Vectors (still not
used for XAs)
(avoids Euler flips, but required Quaternion flip handling)

- XX: fixed removal of bones - removing any other bone than the last shifted the
and corrupted the mesh if the last bone had weights for that bone
- Added check to prevent several bones targetting the same frame
- Fixed Fbx importer producing wrong names for textures located in other
directories, like "file 18"
- XA morph clip name and mesh can be edited
- XX: Added option to search the whole mesh for nearest vertices

- XX mesh FBX exports allow to embed media. Fbx imports try to read textures from
- XX mesh export supports non-FBX Collada DAE format. The GUI always uses the FBX
SDK for importing DAE files.
Fixed bone matrices and extended nodes with "sid" (required by Maya).
The script function ImportDAE(path) can be used by Plugin Writers only.
- Keyframe interpolation fixed for variably set keyframes in tracks of XAs.
Interpolation is optional now.
- DirectX import animation keyframe rotation fixed and imports keyframe indices.
- Added animation "Replace Present" method which doesn't delete tracks not
present in the workspace.
- Fixed animation "Merge" and "Insert" method : animationNormalizeTracks()
produced constant keyframe indices.
- Added "Animation Clip Editor" by making all elements of clips editable.
- Added appending keyframes to tracks with variably set keyframes.

- XA Morphs preview
- Scrolling to newly added morph keyframes after import of morphs. Also scrolling
to imported morph clip.
- DirectX export/import integrated and fixed
- DAE Collada (FBX SDK) export/import integrated

- Saving a pp file caused crashes on subsequent openings of subfiles (XX and XA).
(No data corruption in the pp file.)
- XX ReplaceMesh corrupted XX unit when replacing a mesh with
NumVector2PerVertex==0 or when inserting a new mesh.
- PP saving failed in the same session after deletion of last backup file.
- XX deleting last bone crashed (hightlighting).

- FBX morph export can apply keyframes as channels of only one blendshape.
- FBX import reads old and newly organized files, but not mixed.
- New keyframes can be imported.
- Added calculation of normals for morphs in XAs.
- Added editing of xaMorphKeyframeRef components and names of xaMorphKeyframes.
- Change: "fixed" size of the renderer's cursor
- Added fine grained zoom in renderer. Activated by ALT-RMB
- Both zoom functions are taking Sensitivity into account.

- FBX morph imports didn't show the morph names. Export fixed, but the files cant
be imported by the old SB3U.
- MQO morph export set wrong material index.

- XX format conversion fixed

- changing defaults to "Copy Nearest" for normals/bones for imported meshes
without normals/bones (XX, ODF, REM)
- Fbx got a second set of functions for keyframe interpolation, export and import
which works with Imported structures.
- HET DTL support
- prevented loosing keyboard focus in image lists (pp subfiles, image file lists,
fpk subfiles)
- nearly all GUI elements can be tabbed
- assert visibility of the Renderer when selecting a mesh
- Light colours and menu options for Renderer, Script, XX and PP stored
- Center View corrected and adjusted
- useless editor.Set{Frame|Bone|Material|Texture}Name() no longer invoked
- extended script language to allow hex int32, e.i. '0x1F'

- Export of morphs as fbx and mqo with the GUI

- FBX InterpolationHelper class aligns tracks for exporting compressed animations
- Issue: FbxProperties for SRT have to be created outside of the class as they
seem to be put on the stack.

- GUI : removing the last (and also used) material caused an error in
- GUI : removed explicit activation of the renderer upon mesh selection change
- GUI : added automatic centering of the renderer view after mesh selection

- tab stops in frame, bone, mesh, material and texture editors didn't work
- added keyframe range for fbx export of animations

- Some scripting variables weren't released and prevented GC to tidy up.
- Added help for GC in FormXX. Memory is faster released for external XX files.
- Opening/dropping the same XX/XA files again closes the previously opened
- Sound handling moved into it's own class

- sound tab wasn't considered by menu actions

- format of pp files entirely made up of sounds wasn't correctly detected
- playing sounds via irrKlang library

- Copy->New bones crashed the Renderer.

- reopening image didn't update internal variable (GUItexture).

- JCH animation files for AA couldn't be opened
- saving pp files after opening an XA (having morphs or animations) corrupted the
- script commands only executable in the GUI are marked with a comment

- added more hotkeys and shortcuts
- texture display was not refreshed after ReplaceTexture
- added quick save script / run quick saved
- ppEdtitor.SavePP() deleted the pp file in the current directory
- ExportPP() couldn't work in the current directory
- added shortcut key to attribute PluginTool
known issues:
- drag 'n drop doesn't work in the script window and log window
- shortcut keys dont work in the script window and log window

- replacing/adding compressed tga images
- CTRL-V pasted twice in hex editor (COPY-C did the same)
- added menu to xx editor for reopening, saving, closing
- added menu to image files for reopening and closing
- pp menu got hotkeys

- Frame and bone matrices can be edited on SRT and Matrix; updating the
corresponding matrix after each input of a cell
- CopyNormalsNear, CopyBonesNear didn't find Normals/Bones for destination
vertices exceeding source vertices
- Replace mesh couldn't compute matrix transform for world coordinates option
- Changes in frame's and bone's SRTs not applied : dataGridViews for SRT and
Matrix update each other after CellValueChanged
- Names in cross references abbreviated after renaming (ended with '...')
- Removing a material didn't clear the editor

[] - showing in the title

- replacing xa morphs: new name of morph clip assigned only when destination was
- added HF logo

- fbx import: missing texture file raised uncaught exception
- pp format: autodection for .LST files
- workspace: creation of empty workspace from menu
- xa files: failed when opened (casted to xxParser)
- invalid material indices couldn't be set to valid indices
- export of textures landed in parent folder with wrong name
- pp files: created an AddSubfile with replace argument. Works now like in the
old SB3U.
- external textures are not fixed by setting material's references to null. A
button in the material view allow editing external texuture names. Added by
- pp files: dialog for exporting of subfiles starts folder of pp file
- Interface IRenderer exposes ResetPose - required for ODF/ODA animation, since
rewinding time to 0.0 doesn't lead to the rest pose

- fix for exporting Textures

- fix for Happy End Trigger Trial.

- support for Happy End Trigger Trial

- Removed Utility.Convert() for a single object since it's just a cast. The array
version is kept

- xx.CreateTexture() now removes the footer for .tga files. This is for OS2
- Added .ema support
- Added Extensions.ReadToEnd() and changed xaParser to use it
- Added xx.ImportedTexture()
- ScriptExecutor.RunScript() and related wrappers now return the results of root
- Initial release
- Fixed displaying inner exceptions

- Fixed ppFormat.TryFile() for ppFormat auto-detection
- Fixed changing the output path to the plugins directory
- Fixed texture paths in .mqo files
- Updated FBX SDK to 2012.2. ImportMorph() & ExportMorph() are still using
depreciated methods
- OpenPP() throws an exception if ppFormat auto-detection fails
- Added an OpenPP() overload with a format parameter
Help File:
- Fixed the Function Overloading section. The Default Variable is matched before
named parameters

- Added ScriptMain.LoadPlugin()
- Added ChangeLog.txt
- Fixed loading SB3UtilityPlugins.dll when the current directory isn't the same
as the executable's
- Can now load multiple scripts
- Now shows inner exception messages
- Moved fbxsdk_20113.dll to the plugins directory

- Initial release

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