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Being Mrs Mkhize was never part of her plans but this man had a
way with his words he managed to win her heart and now she has
been married for five years and they couldn’t be more happier.

The yard is busy, they have an unveiling ceremony for the later Mr

She hates when they have such things because they have the
biggest clan around their village.
It’s a good thing that her and her husband spend their most of the
time in the city she would die living in such a place with so much
hard labour.

Don’t get her wrong she does everything in her house she doesn’t
have a maid and it’s just her and her husband yet in the village it’s
about twenty people that you have to serve.

“You will finish pealing this carrot when Jesus comes back, I don’t
understand why you will do your nails while knowing that we were
going to be busy” one of the cousins say, they never liked her in
their minds she married Muzi because he has money.

Yes Muzi has an entire empire he is rich and he spoils her but she
already had her first beauty salon when she met him, she was
doing well for herself.

She continues pealing not minding her, she just accepted that
most of his family members don’t like her.

Muzi approaches them and looks at her.

Muzi:”Why are you slaving yourself?” You see why people hate her
it’s because he treats her like an egg.

Ababalwe:”I’m a wife here so it’s my duty, now go join other men”

Muzi:”No I miss you, can I steal her for a minute?” His sister rolls
her eyes.

Nobuntu:”And who is going to peal the carrot?”

Muzi:”This is your home so it’s you. Babe come” Ababalwe

swallows looking at him “Do you want me to pick you up or you
will stand up on your own”

Ababalwe:”I will come to you after I’m done I promise” He bends

and pick her up, her eyes widen “Muzi put me down” he walks
away with her in his arms she just hides herself in his chest as
everyone stare at them.

Nobuntu:”This slay queen is changing my brother, he used to be

so traditional and now look at him acting like a city boy with no

“When is she giving him kids they have been married for long five
years!” One of the cousins says.

Nontle:”And ruin her figure! Never that’s all she cares about it’s
her body and looks”

Yolanda:”Will you guys stop?! She is beautiful and knows what

she wants and she is career driven so she will have a child when
she wants to” she is the youngest of three sisters and she is the
only one that likes Ababalwe.

Nobuntu:”Stay out of the adults conversation!”

Yolanda:”I’m 20 you are just jealous of her” Nobuntu click her
tongue annoyed, Nobuntu’s boyfriend pass and waves Yolanda
looks at him swallowing as her heart skips a bit.

Nobuntu walks towards him and hugs him, Yolanda walks inside
the house.

In the bedroom Muzi put Ababalwe down, she looks at him.

Ababalwe:”You didn’t have to do that in front of everyone”

Muzi:”I haven’t seen you the whole day babe, I miss you” he pulls
her by the waist she melts.

Ababalwe:”I miss you too” he kisses her.

Muzi:”I don’t like how you let my sisters walk all over you”

Ababalwe:”I’m avoiding unnecessary arguments babe and

besides we are here for few days”

Muzi:”Fine can I get a quickie” she laughs looking at him.

Ababalwe:”I didn’t take my shot yesterday”

Muzi:”Would it be a bad thing if you fell pregnant?” She smiles

looking at him.

Ababalwe:”Not at all” he kisses her pulling her dress up.


He was suppose to go home yesterday but he had a meeting with

one of their biggest clients.

Him and his brother run a company together they built it from the

Muzi is a CEO while he is a COO they work so well together.

He rolls the condom down and put on his pants.

Zingce:”When are you coming back?” they have been dating for
eight months and he really loves this one she is not a fling even
thou it started like that.

Mesuli:”It’s only just a few days babe”

Zingce:”I’m going to miss you” he thoughtfully looks at her.

Mesuli:”How about you come with me?”


Mesuli:”You can meet everyone at the ceremony”

Zingce:”Mesuli don’t you think it’s too early, don’t get me wrong I
love you Mesuli but I don’t want to rush things”

Mesuli:”I get that but babe this is your chance to meet my family
and know what you getting yourself into when you marry me”

Zingce:”You want to marry me?”

Mesuli:”Yes when the time is right and we are both ready” she
smiles looking at him.
Zingce:”Okay fine I will come with you”

Mesuli:”Thank you, go freshen up I will pack your bag” she nods.

She is very nervous as they approach the homestead, there are

cars everywhere.

She didn’t think it will be this packed, Mesuli squeeze her hand.

Mesuli:”My family is very chaotic and messy but I’m here” she

They park at the gate because there is no space inside.

Everyone is minding their business which relieves her.

Yolanda:”Bhuti!” She says excitedly looking at him.

Mesuli:”Hey kiddo” she rolls her eyes then smile looking at Zingce.

Yolanda:”Hey I’m Yolanda”

Zingce:”Hey I’m Zingce”

Mesuli:”She is my woman” Yolanda smiles looking at her.

Yolanda:”You are very beautiful Zingce”

Zingce:”Thank you, you are beautiful too” she smiles.

They approach the house where everyone is and his mother smile.


Mesuli:”MaMkhize unjani?”

MaMkhize:”I’m good, who is the young lady?”

Mesuli:”This is my girlfriend Zingce”

MaMkhize:”Zingce nice to meet you”

Zingce:”Nice to meet you too Ma” then she is introduced to

everyone, luckily they are not as bad as she thought they would be
but it’s still early to tell.

Mesuli:”Where is my brother?”

MaMkhize:”Somewhere with Ababalwe”

Mesuli:”Will you be okay here? I need to go to my uncles” she


Zingce:”I will be fine” he nods.

Mesuli:”Yolanda will show you the room okay?” She nods and he
walks out.

Yolanda takes her to the room, she is nice.

Zingce:”Your family is nice” Yolanda laughs looking at her.

Yolanda:”No they are not but you will see yourself especially my
sisters hopefully you know how to defend yourself” She is not
sure what to say.

Their home looks nice and it’s a big home.

They walk out and join others, and someone clears their throat.

Yolanda:”What are you looking at?”

Zingce:”Who is she?”

Yolanda:”That’s my older brother’s wife, Ababalwe”

Zingce:”She is beautiful” she says looking at her she can’t help

but stare as she approaches them.


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



They lost their father five years ago, he was the best father they
could have ever had.

Their mother never remarried, she is old anyways.

Him and Muzi are so close, they have always been so close ever
since they were kids and they are the only boys of the family.

He sees Muzi approaching, he smiles he is one of those men

everyone stare at when he walks by.

Muzi:”When did you arrive?” He chuckles.

Mesuli:”When you were busy cooked up with your wife in the

room. God you are so obsessed with your wife it’s not even cute
anymore” Muzi laughs.

Muzi:”Settle down with the woman you love then come back and
say those words to me again and see if you can” he chuckles.

Mesuli:”I met someone”

Muzi:”Oh really?”

Mesuli:”I’m serious Muzi this one is different”

Muzi:”And I have heard that so many times”

Mesuli:”She is here” Muzi frowns.

Muzi:”You brought her here? And introduced her as your


Mesuli:”Yes because as I said this one might be the one” he

laughs his deep voice makes everyone turn to look at him.

Muzi:”Now I need to see this girl what’s her name”

Mesuli:”Zingce and I will introduce you guys later”


Growing up as the last born of the family she has always been
spoilt especially by her father and when he died she was hurt.

She doesn’t have a close relationship with her sisters but her

One thing she hates about her sisters it’s that they are always into
other people’s business and never have anything nice to say
about someone who is doing better than them.

She walks out of her bedroom and meet Sgqibo her sister’s
boyfriend, her heart can’t help but skip at his sight.


Yolanda:”Hi” her voice is suddenly husky.

Sgqibo:”It’s been long since I saw you how is varsity”

Yolanda:”It’s hectic but fine and you? What are you doing now?”

Sgqibo:”Still work at the factory” she nods “I’m looking for

Nobuntu did you see her?”

Yolanda:”No” she quickly says even though she knows where her
sister is.

Sgqibo:”Oh okay where is her room? She told she will be waiting
for me there”

Yolanda:”I was looking for her in her room too but she is not
there” the door of her room opens, Sgqibo looks at her.

Nobuntu:”What’s going on here?”

Sgqibo:”Nothing I was just ask your sister where your room is”

Nobuntu:”Oh okay come in” she says taking his hand and lead him
to the room, he looks at Yolanda before closing the door.

Yolanda sigh feeling embarrassed about the whole thing.

She goes to the table and joins the others.

Ababalwe:”Are you okay?”

Yolanda:”I’m fine”

Ababalwe:”Come on Yoli you are spooked and pale what


Yolanda:”I just embarrassed myself in front of someone I like”

Ababalwe smiles looking at her.

Ababalwe:”I'm sorry but those things happen sweetie you will be

fine I promise”

Yolanda:”Can you pour me some wine?”

Ababalwe:”And you want your brother to kill me for giving you


Yolanda:”You guys need to stop treating me like a child”

Ababalwe:”You are a child in our eyes but I will give you this once”
she smiles.

Yolanda:”That’s why you are my favourite person. Have you met


Ababalwe:”Yeah” she says with her eyes moving to Zingce who is

chatting with the cousins they seem to like her.

Yolanda:”What do you think about?”

Ababalwe:”Nothing honestly, she is fine and nice”

Yolanda:”I hope you two get along”

Ababalwe:”As long as your sisters don’t turn her against me if

they haven’t yet”

Yolanda:”I don’t think she is like that”


She is enjoying her time with Mesuli’s family and his sisters are
very nice to her.

The only person she haven’t have a conversation with it’s


She keeps to herself and only talk to someone when they talk to
her and it seems like no one talks to her except for Yolanda.

As for others they just say stuff about her, it’s better she doesn’t
say anything about her yet she don’t know these people that well.

She gets up and goes up to her, she doesn’t even know what she
will say.


Ababalwe:”Hey” this girl is beautiful, her dark melanin skin make

her eyes pop she feels intimidated just by looking at her, she
looks like Megan Good in a darker tone.

Zingce:”Do you always keep to yourself?”

Ababalwe:”Yeah pretty much when I’m here but I have friends”

she smiles sitting next to her.

Zingce:”You don’t get along with your sister in-laws?” Ababalwe

looks at her.

Ababalwe:”We just don’t see eye to eye that’s all nothing hectic”
she nods.

Zingce:”You are nice because they don’t say the same about you”
Ababalwe chuckles.

Ababalwe:”I see you were already talking about me please excuse

me” she says standing up.
Zingce:”Wait!” She says hold her arm Ababalwe looks at her then
her arm she quickly let it go swallowing “I wasn’t gossiping about

Ababalwe:”I didn’t say you were and a piece of advise you are new
here and you don’t know these people so stay out of things that
have nothing to do with you babe, please excuse me” she walks
out of the room, Zingce sigh suddenly regretting coming to her.

Yolanda:”She doesn’t like gossiping”

Zingce:”I wasn’t gossiping”

Yolanda:”I don’t know Zingce, I like you a lot and Ababalwe is right
please stay in your lane here otherwise you will find yourself in the
wrong side of the fence” she doesn’t know what that means.

Zingce:”I need to use the bathroom” she quickly stands up and

goes to the bathroom with her drink.

She walks down the wall but quickly stop at the mention of her
name and listen.

“So Zingce huh?” It’s definitely Nontle and one of the cousins

Nontle:”She is a decent girl”

“I don’t know I just feel like Mesuli is trying so hard to find a girl
who looks like Ababalwe”

Nontle:”Zingce doesn’t look like Ababalwe, she is pretty but not

like Ababalwe I hate her but I have to admit she is very pretty. So
if anything Zingce is the cheaper version of Ababalwe from the
Wish” they both laugh, she swallows.
“I think your little brother has hots for his brother’s wife the way
he looks at Ababalwe it’s suspicious don’t you think”

Nontle:”Muzi would kill him but I always thought so too” Zingce

clicks her tongue and quickly turn around walk away but she
bump into someone spilling a drink all over him.

Zingce:”I’m sorry” she says looking at him.

Muzi:”It’s okay, are you okay?”

Zingce:”I’m fine I just wanted to use the bathroom but they are
people in there”

Muzi:”Uh okay you could use the other one it’s on the second door
far left”

Zingce:”Thank you…You must be the older brother”

Muzi:”And I thought you wanted to use the bathroom” she


Zingce:”Uh yeah I should go to the bathroom”

Muzi:”I never seen you here before”

Zingce:”I never been around here I’m Zingce”

Muzi:”Melusi’s girl I see nice to meet you”

Zingce:”You too” Ababalwe approaches them, the way her

husband’s eyes sparkles looking at her.

Muzi:”Are you okay?” She nods.

Ababalwe:”I’m fine I just want to change my shoes”

Muzi:”Okay, you two have met?” Ababalwe nods looking at Zingce.

Zingce:”Yeah and I’m sorry about earlier on” Muzi frowns.

Ababalwe:”It’s okay I will be in my room” she says to her husband

and walk away.

Muzi:”What did you do earlier?” She swallows looking at him.

Zingce:”I just said something I think she got upset”

Muzi:”Then make sure it doesn’t happen again” he follows his

wife, people weren’t exaggerating he is overprotective of his wife.
She wonder if Mesuli will ever love her the way his brother loves
his wife.


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



His family is his priority since his father died he has been the one
handling the ropes.
He has been taking care of everything himself.

He takes care of his sisters and having a brother who is

supportive like Mesuli is just a bonus.

Even though Nobuntu and Nontle are basically doing nothing but
spend their inheritance on nothing but materialistic stuff he is
glad Yolanda took a different route and furthers her studies.

Then there is Ababalwe and damn he sure bagged a dime in her,

the woman is a whole package.

He walks inside their bedroom taking off his shirt, Ababalwe looks
at her.

Ababalwe:”Muzi I’m fine nothing major happened with me and

Zingce, I just think she is trying to fit in if only she could be
herself” the only person she gossip with it’s her husband but she
doesn’t make it a habit of talking about other people to him.

Muzi:”Well she was eavesdropping on my sisters conversation”

Ababalwe:”You can’t blame her your sisters gossip a lot about

other people she probably heard them talk about her”

Muzi:”Yeah I hope she is the one for my brother”

Ababalwe:”It’s about time he settles down” a knock disturbs them

and Muzi opens the door it’s his mother, she walks in.

MaMkhize:”Are you two serious?” Ababalwe quickly stands up.

Ababalwe:”I was just here to change my shoes”

MaMkhize:”It’s a busy weekend, the two of you needs to learn to

atleast spend 10 minutes without seeing each other. God you are
always following each other around” what she is saying it’s not
true yes they do spend a lot of time together but she is

Ababalwe:”Let me go back to the kitchen”

MaMkhize:”Well I hope this time you guys are spending together I

will have a grandchild soon” Muzi looks at his wife.

Muzi:”I don’t want kids” Ababalwe frowns.

MaMkhize:”What? And who is going to carry the Mkhize clan?”

Muzi:”You have other children, so if they want to have children

they will give you grandchildren”

MaMkhize:”This was your idea right?” She says looking at


Muzi:”My wife has nothing to do with this, I’m the one who don’t
want children”

MaMkhize:”I don’t believe that…”

Muzi:”Mom please don’t!” He says sternly enough to make her

walk out pissed.

Ababalwe:”What was that about Muzi? You don’t want kids?”

Muzi:”I do but that was the only way to get her off your back
about kids”

Ababalwe:”Well thank you so much because now she hates me

more Muzi!”


Ababalwe:”No don’t, don’t you see you are the reason I receive so
much hate from your family because you are always defending
me. I appreciate you doing it and protecting me but sometimes
sthandwa sam I just want to defend myself I can do it, your family
hates me because of how you treat me and always defend me to
them it’s like I’m turning you against them” she says to him calmly.

Muzi:”This is the only love language I know”

Ababalwe:”I know babe..I just don’t understand why your family

hates me so much nothing is ever enough for them” she says
covering her face crying, Muzi squad in front of her feeling like he
just got punched in his stomach.

Muzi:”Babe look at me” he says cupping her face “I hate seeing

you cry, do you want to leave?”

Ababalwe:”No it’s okay I’m fine” how his family treats her if it was
anyone she would have left long time ago but she loves Muzi so
much and she will endure it all.

Muzi:”Are you sure?” She nods wiping her face and pecks his lips.

Ababalwe:”I’m sure” he just wish his family would treat her right
it’s been five years now and Ababalwe’s family treat him like their


Ababalwe:”Have you eaten anything?”

Muzi:”A lot of meat I’m good” she nods, maybe it’s about time
Mesuli get married so his family will have someone new to hate.


He gets off Nobuntu panting, he does like her they have been
going out for few months but now he is starting to regret it.

Sgqibo:”So do you have anything you want to do?”

Nobuntu:”Like what?”

Sgqibo:”Work? Goal? Dreams? Anything at all”

Nobuntu:”Why would I want to work when I have money already

Sgqibo?” He frowns.

Sgqibo:”Uh? So you don’t want to work?”

Nobuntu:”No I don’t, why are we even talking about that?”

Sgqibo:”Because your brothers are successful men then your

younger sister is in varsity then you and Nontle are just not doing
anything. I don’t understand”

Nobuntu:”Don’t bore me please”

Sgqibo:”Wow I should go” she looks at him.

Nobuntu:”I will see you tomorrow” he gets up and dress up.

He is a very hard working person, he has been working at the

factory for two years now he is saving to go to varsity and
persuade his dreams.

Then there are people like Nobuntu who have the means and
resources to further themselves in life but they are not taking that
opportunity talk about blessing the wrong ones.

He spots Yolanda, she is watching some videos on her phone.


Yolanda:”Uh hi” he sigh.

Sgqibo:”Do you want to talk about what happened earlier on?”

Yolanda:”No I just didn’t want you to find my sister that’s all”

Sgqibo:”Yolanda I…”

Yolanda:”Don’t worry about it Sgqibo, I should go back inside”

Sgqibo:”I never meant to hurt you”

Yolanda:”It doesn’t matter you are my sister’s boyfriend now and

besides I was younger then” she chuckles and walks back inside.
“Is that Yolanda?” His friend says approaching him.

Sgqibo:”Yeah I think I should leave”

“Why? Did something happen between the two of you?”


“So you won’t mind me shooting my shot”

Sgqibo:”Of course I mind”

“Why because nothing happened between the two of you”

Sgqibo:”We once kissed I just thought she was young then and
besides I liked her sister that’s all” he says getting him off his


He has been busy since he got home, he is only getting time to

talk to everyone.

He looks at Ababalwe as she walks towards him.

Mesuli:”Hey Babsie”

Ababalwe:”Hey how are you?” He hugs her briefly.

Mesuli:”I’m good, and you are you okay?”

Ababalwe:”I’m fine, I’m just tired”

Mesuli:”So you met Zingce” she nods.


Mesuli:”And what do you think of her?”

Ababalwe:”She is nice and pretty, hay Mesuli I’m not about to rate
your girlfriend and the fact that you brought her here it means you
really like her so please don’t mind what everyone thinks of her as
long as you guys are good. Don’t look for validation just love her

Mesuli:”You are right” someone clears their throat “Babe” she

forces a smile.


Ababalwe:”I should go, you guys enjoy your night” She walks away,
Zingce look at Mesuli as she walks away.

Mesuli:”Are you okay?”

Zingce:”Yeah I think I will call it a night”

Mesuli:”You don’t look fine what’s wrong?” She sigh.

Zingce:”Your family is a lot, your sisters pretend to like me yet

they don’t and Ababalwe doesn’t even like me”

Mesuli:”With my sister I understand but Babsie have no problem

with anyone”


Zingce:”So you two are really close?”

Mesuli:”Yeah and I think you have something to ask me your tone

says it all”

Zingce:”Fine were you guys a thing? Or you are just secretly into
her?” He chuckles.

Mesuli:”Let me guess you heard this from my sisters and not that
Ababalwe doesn’t like you but you are having this attitude
because of what you heard”

Zingce:”So is it true or not?”

Mesuli:”No and the fact that you are asking me this it’s
disappointing somehow, you have only been here for a second but
you are acting this way. Maybe I should take you home don’t you
think?” She looks at him.

Zingce:”Can you blame me though?”

Mesuli:”Yes I can because you easily believed that I’m into my

brother’s wife without me even doing anything that made you
think like that” she swallows.

Zingce:”I’m sorry I didn’t mean to ruin your day like this”

Mesuli:”You didn’t ruin my day, just don’t let my sisters get into
your head” she nods he pulls her close.


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She is missing her house, the peace she has with Muzi is

She can’t wait to leave this place because the drama is too much
for her.

When she was introduced to them they didn’t like her in fact they
never gave her chance the only person who was nice was her late
father in law, Mesuli and Yolanda.

Atleast when her father in law was alive he reprimand MaMkhize

but the minute he died she started showing more of her true

Her thoughts are disturbed by her phone ringing.

“Babsie!” it is her mother, they couldn’t come to the ceremony

they are in a business trip.

Ababalwe:”Hey mom”

“How is the ceremony going?”

Ababalwe:”Fine for now”

“Ababalwe you need to stop being nice to those people you need
to wake up and choose violence one day” the Mkhize’s are always
nice when her parents are around because they know how her
mom could be crazy and burn the whole village if she had to.

Ababalwe:”I don’t have that energy to fight people”

“You are lucky you are married to Muzi because if not for him you
would be their slave you are too sweet”

Ababalwe:”When are you coming back?” She says changing the


“In two weeks time” they chat for all before a knock disturbs her.

Ababalwe:”Come in” the door opens and Zingce walks in.

Zingce:”Can we talk?”

Ababalwe:”Sure you can come in” she nods and walks further in.

Zingce:”I want to apologise about what I said yesterday, I wasn’t

gossiping about you”

Ababalwe:”You may have not been gossiping about me but you

were in a circle that was talking about me then you came to me
expecting to say ugly stuff about those people you were with
that’s how it sounded like to me” Zingce nods.

Zingce:”I understand what you are saying and I’m sorry”

Ababalwe:”You don’t have to apologise Zingce, you are new here I

get it and you want everyone to like you there is no better way
than being yourself. Not everyone is going to like you, you are not
money that’s life so be yourself”

Zingce:”You are right, I just wanted to apologise that’s all”

Ababalwe:”I appreciate that” she nods then walk out, Ababalwe

sigh and walk to the bathroom hoping they will get along she
doesn’t want her as a friend but getting along with her would be


She is still not sure what to make out of the whole with Mesuli
possibly being into Ababalwe.

She haven’t heard anyone else call Ababalwe “Babsie” it’s just him.

She doesn’t know if they will ever get along with Ababalwe.

She sees Muzi she wants to say something to him.

Zingce:”Hey” He turns and look at her.

Muzi:”Hey” She is not sure what to say next to him, him and
Ababalwe are like the same person they don’t say much “Are you

Zingce:”I’m fine…” his phone save her by ringing, he walks away

answering it.


Zingce:”Hey Ma” she smiles nervously.

MaMkhize:”I hope you slept well”

Zingce:”I slept great and thank you for accommodating me to

your home”

MaMkhize:”That’s great so how are you getting along with

everyone else?”

Zingce:”Just great Ma”

MaMkhize:”Hopefully you won’t be like Ababalwe and turn the

only son that listens to me against me”

Zingce:”What do you mean by that Ma?”

MaMkhize:”I’m just saying be a good daughter in-law then me and

you will get along just fine” she nods.

Zingce:”Oh okay Ma I hear you” this means even the mother

doesn’t like Ababalwe.

She goes to the bedroom and call her friend.

“Hey how is everything there?”

Zingce:”Everything is fine but this family is something” she says

filling his friend in.

“So no one like the daughter in-law” she says laugh Zingce joins

Zingce:”Yeah imagine being all that pretty and no one actually

likes you”

“Zingce don’t say that! I mean the family seems to be the


Zingce:”Well the other two sisters don’t like me too but everyone
else is fine with me”

“Friend you sound so insecure and jealous of this Ababalwe girl”

Zingce:”No I’m not”

“Okay fine just know your place there, and don’t try to compete
with her you are just a girlfriend and she is a wife”

Zingce:”I’m not competing with her and Mesuli did hit marriage so
your girl might be Mrs Mkhize”

“I have to go we will chat later” she goes by the window and her
eyes land on Muzi who is talking to some guys.

Some thing about him screamed look at me but he is not

Ababalwe’s type she could have bagged someone better.

She chuckles typing something in her phone.


Nothing hurts like seeing someone you like love someone else.

She was so hurt when she found that Sgqibo was dating her older

He was her first kiss for trying out loud, and her first crush.

Her heart is having hard to accept the fact that her sister is with

Sgqibo is career driven and a hard worker so she doesn’t

understand what he could be discussing with her empty headed

She walks inside the kitchen and find Ababalwe dishing up for her

She hugs her from behind she sigh she already knows it’s her.

Ababalwe:”What do you want Yoli?”

Yolanda:”Who said I want anything?” She says laughing.

Ababalwe:”Oh okay goodnight”

Yolanda:”Okay fine” she says sighing

Ababalwe:”What is it?”

Yolanda:”Can you borrow your car?”

Ababalwe:”I didn’t come with my car”

Yolanda:”Your husband’s car is your car”

Ababalwe:”No do you want your brother to kill me?”

Yolanda:”He won’t know”

Ababalwe:”No I’m sorry I can’t where are you going?”

Yolanda:”I need something from the shop”

Ababalwe:”You can borrow it from him”

Yolanda:”What no I would rather walk” Muzi walks in.

Muzi:”Walk at this time of the night?”

Yolanda:”To the shop”

Muzi:”To do what?”

Yolanda:”I need tampons”

Muzi:”Your sister in law has them in her bag I saw them” Yolanda
looks at Ababalwe to save her.

Ababalwe:”Babe we use different brands and sizes”

Muzi:”Different size? There are bigger size?” He says frowning.


Muzi:”What size are you?”

Yolanda:”Hay bhuti you can’t be asking that in front of me”

Ababalwe:”The tampons is smaller than you way way smaller if

that’s what you want to know” he kisses her neck

Yolanda:”Euw hello I’m still here!” They laugh at her.

Muzi:”Nothing more than 15 minutes”

Yolanda:”I need 10 minutes” Ababalwe hands her the key as Muzi

squeeze her butt “This is the kitchen bhuti” she says quickly
walking out.

In just a few minutes she is at the door, nothing has changed

since the last time she was here.

She knocks softly the doors opens she looks at him.

Yolanda:”Who opens the door without asking who it is?”

Sgqibo:”Because I knew you would come here” she walks further

in she looks around “Just like I remember it”

Sgqibo:”What are you doing here?”

Yolanda:”I’m here for you” she closes the gap between them.

He puts his hand on her waist and low his face kissing her she
stands her toes wrapping her arms around his neck.

The passion in the kiss makes her remember the first kiss they

He pulls away looking at her with his heart pounding.

Sgqibo:”What are we doing?” she kisses her making her tongue

dance against his he groans squeezing her waist she pulls away.

Yolanda:”Goodnight” she walks out leaving him confused and

aroused he puts his hand on his face.


She gets inside the car and looks herself in the mirror then

Yolanda:”What the hell Yolanda”


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He could barely sleep last night he kept thinking about Yolanda,

that was more than a kiss.

This girl is fucking his mind up, he is dating Nobuntu for crying
out loud as much as he doesn’t love her deeply but he is still
involved with her sister.

“Sgqibo” that takes him out of his thoughts.

“Are you okay? You barely touched your porridge”

Sgqibo:”I’m fine Ma”

“I saw a car yesterday here who was it?”

Sgqibo:”Yolanda came over” his mother frown.

“And you didn’t tell me?!” She loves Yolanda so much can’t say
much about Nobuntu.

Sgqibo:”I didn’t know she was coming and it was already late”

“You used to love that girl and I know you still do I just don’t
understand why you ended up with Nobuntu”

Sgqibo:”It felt wrong Ma, she was 16 and I was 22 years old. I
thought it was a crush for her since she was at that age. So that’s
why I ended that relationship before it became something more”

“You made a mistake! and now you are stuck with that domkop”
he swallows.

Sgqibo:”Please don’t call her that”

“We both know the truth, tell Yolanda to visit me before she
leaves” she stands up leaving him thinking about everything.

He didn’t like Nobuntu until she made moves on him few months

He text Nobuntu to come see him, he doesn’t know what he will

say to her but he needs to talk to her.
After an hour Nobuntu steps out of her car and walks towards

She is beautiful, talk about beauty with no brains.

Nobuntu:”And why are we meeting here?” She says looking


Sgqibo:”Would rather go to my house?”

Nobuntu:”So your mother can give me nasty stares no thank you.

Anyways I missed you, you are coming to the official ceremony

Sgqibo:”After this conversation I doubt” she frowns.

Nobuntu:”What’s going on?”

Sgqibo:”I don’t want to hate you but I need to be honest with you”
her heart starts beating fast.

Nobuntu:”If you cheated I forgive you” he frowns.

Sgqibo:”Nobuntu I just don’t think we could ever work out, I don’t

love you the way you love me I will always hurt you”

Nobuntu:”You don’t mean that”

Sgqibo:”I do it’s better for me to end before I cause more


Nobuntu:”Why are you doing this? Is there someone else?” She

says already tearing up.

Sgqibo:”No there is no one but Nobuntu we are different. We can’t

have a decent communication about life and success because all
you talk about it’s the latest trend on social media. You are 25
years old but you think like a teenager, I’m not the man for you.
Please take care of yourself” she wipes her tears as he walks
away leaving her stuck in one place and heart broken.


Today it’s going to be packed more than the previous day.

One thing about MaMkhize she likes flexing there was no need to
have an unveiling ceremony for about four days.

Muzi woke up early as they had to slaughter a cow, at least

tomorrow it’s the last day of this circus and they go home.

The door opens and Muzi walks in smiling.

Muzi:”Look who I got for you” Nancy pops behind him.


Ababalwe:”What are you doing here?!” She says quickly hugging


Nancy:”I heard you needed some company I’m sorry I didn’t come
earlier on”
Ababalwe:”It’s okay, I’m glad you came”

Muzi:”I will leave you two to catch up but don’t be long” she nods
and Muzi kisses her cheek and walk out.

Nancy:”You look beautiful by the way but the doek needs to go”

Ababalwe:”Okay fine” she says taking it off.

Nancy is her best friend, she doesn’t understand how they

became best friend because Nancy is loud and violent even her
sisters in-law know that when Nancy is around they don’t say
anything to her.

When they walk out of her bedroom, Nancy is on her third glass of
wine and nothing good is going to come out of her mouth now.

Nancy:”Who is she?” She says with her eyes fixed on Zingce who
is staring at them.

Ababalwe:”That’s Mesuli’s girlfriend”

Nancy:”That’s interesting I don’t like her”

Ababalwe:”Haibo you haven’t even talked to her, she is nice”

Nancy laugh.

Nancy:”Because you think everyone is nice, let me say hi to her”

Ababalwe:”Please don’t cause any drama” Nancy ignores her and

walk towards Zingce “Here we go” she sigh following her.



Nancy:”I’m Nancy this one’s best friend”

Zingce:”I’m Zingce, Mesuli’s girlfriend” Nancy nods looking at her

Zingce flinch a bit uncomfortable with the stare.

Nancy:”We will be on that table let us know if you need anything”

Ababalwe:”Or you could joins us”

Zingce:”Okay thank you” she stands up and follow them.

After a while Ababalwe goes to the bathroom.

Nancy turn to Zingce and look where her eyes are at.

Nancy:”One dick isn’t enough for you?” Zingce turns to her quicker
than lightening.


Nancy:”You have been staring at Muzi the whole time”

Zingce:”I don’t know what you are talking about and if I was
staring at him so what?” Nancy chuckles.

Nancy:”I knew that you were a whore the minute I saw your face”

Zingce:”Look you don’t know…”

Nancy:”Hey sweetie I know people like you, Muzi is obsessed with
his wife and please don’t compare where you don’t compete”

Zingce:”I don’t know what your problem is with me”

Nancy:”My problem is I’m not like nice like Ababalwe and I could
stab you to death then get away with it. Mesuli is cute though”

Zingce:”You wouldn’t dare”

Nancy:”I have dear you are too late, trust me you wouldn’t want
me to do it again because I would make sure you walk out of that
gate quicker than you could say your stupid name” Zingce looks
at her with her heart pounding “So missy stay in your lane if you
want to be part of this family” she swallows as Nancy sip in her
wine staring at Mesuli whose eyes meet hers she waves at him a
little, Zingce quickly stands up walking away.

Outside Nobuntu is crying, she has been trying to call Sgqibo but
his phone is not going through.

Nontle is trying to console her and Yolanda walks towards them.

Yolanda:”What’s happening?”

Nontle:”She was dumped”

Nobuntu:”Nontle!” Nontle shrugs her shoulders.

Nontle:”I’m sorry”

Yolanda:”Sgqibo dumped you why?”

Nobuntu:”I don’t know but I think there is someone else and she
better pray that I don’t catch her” Yolanda chuckles.

Yolanda:”That’s karma”

Nobuntu:”What did you just say?”

Yolanda:”I mean you knew that Sgqibo was once my boyfriend

even if it was for two days. Then in June I came back me and him
kissed I told you I still liked him I will tell him but you advised me
not then I left. Just a week of me leaving you posted him as your
boyfriend. So that’s your karma”

Nobuntu:”Bitch I will kill you!” She says standing up.

Yolanda:”Try me Nobuntu and remember what happened last time

you tried beating me” she stops remembering how Yolanda beat


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She doesn’t feel bad about what she did to her sister even though
she didn’t think Sgqibo could end things with her so quickly.
Nobuntu betrayed her now she knows why she told her not to tell
Sgqibo how she feel it’s because she wanted him.

It’s almost 5pm people are just enjoying meat and alcohol around
the yard there’s nothing much to do so she walks out.

She didn’t see Sgqibo at the ceremony, the walk it’s just five
minutes walk.

When she walks in, her eyes always land on the grave in the
garden and it hurts every time, the person lying there was her best
friend and she died in a car accident along their father that’s how
she got to know Sgqibo.

“Yolanda!” Sgqibo’s says excitedly looking at her as she walks in,

she smiles and hug her.

Yolanda:”Hey Ma how are you?”

“Doing better now that you are here”

Yolanda:”I was hoping to see you at the ceremony”

“My knees are locked I can’t walk properly”

Yolanda:”If I knew I would have come pick you up”

“It’s good to see you” they chat for a while before Sgqibo walks
and look at Yolanda.



“Yolanda was about to leave you should walk her home” he


Sgqibo:”Okay let’s go” she stands up.

“It was nice seeing you Yoli”

Yolanda:”Thank you Ma, you too and take care” she walks out
following Sgqibo “You don’t have to walk me home”

Sgqibo:”Me and you have to talk Yolanda”

Yolanda:”About what?” She says as they walk.

Sgqibo:”The kiss and everything in between”

Yolanda:”It’s nothing to talk about, it was just a kiss”

Sgqibo:”Was it thou?”

Yolanda:”Yes it was just a kiss Sgqibo, you are dating my sister”

Sgqibo:”We broke up”

Yolanda:”Mmh it doesn’t matter I don’t want to be with you and I

have a boyfriend. You could have chosen anyone to be with but
you chose my sister knowing that I liked you. So no Sgqibo you
are not just going to get me that easily. Bye” Sgqibo chuckles
following her.
Sgqibo:”Can I get a goodbye kiss?”

Yolanda:”Fine!” He kisses her.

He knows Yolanda and she means it when she says he won’t get
her that easily.


It’s obvious that Nancy girl doesn’t like her, she is not nice as
Ababalwe how are they even friends.

Yes she has a crush on Muzi she wouldn’t mind having him for a
night that’s it but she loves Mesuli so the threat about Nancy
sleeping with him scares her.

Her and Ababalwe are having fun, she didn’t know that the girl
could loosen up she seem too stuck up but now she is seeing a
different side of her.

She feels lonely and Yoli isn’t talking to her as much as she did on
the first day.

She approaches Mesuli, he is the only one that could distract her.

Mesuli doesn’t even check up on her like Muzi checks up on

Ababalwe every now and then.

Zingce:”Hey can we talk?” He nods follow her.

Mesuli:”What’s up?”

Zingce:”I’m not having fun here”

Mesuli:”And why is that? I thought you were sitting with Nancy

and Ababalwe”

Zingce:”Nancy your ex?” He sigh.

Mesuli:”If you want to call her that, yes Nancy my ex”

Zingce:”Why would your ex come here?”

Mesuli:”Because she is Babsie’s best friend that’s why. And why

are you interrogating?”

Zingce:”I’m not interrogating, you are not giving me attention

Mesuli you have been busy ever since we came here”

Mesuli:”Yeah because I have to do everything here with my uncle”

Zingce:”But your brother does check up on his wife every now and
then why can’t you do the same”

Mesuli:”Because I’m the youngest son I have to do most of the

things and I don’t even get why are you comparing us to them.”

Zingce:”I’m not comparing but…”

Mesuli:”Whee Nkosi yam Zince go to sleep if you are bored” he

walks away she swallows looking around her eyes land on
Ababalwe and Muzi who are jamming together to a song playing
having funny while Nancy smiles taking a video of them she
quickly goes to the room to cry.


He understands Zingce but he told her that he was going to be

busy so he was expecting her to understand.

He does try to check up on her if she has eaten and stuff but it
seems like it’s not enough for her.

The other thing he has noticed it’s how Ababalwe lives in her mind
rent free because she is always talking about her if not her it’s his
brother’s marriage it’s frustrating.

He is starting to think he introduced her way too early.

He walks outside the tent and goes behind the house and light his
cigarette then start smoking he needs to calm down then go
check on her.

Someone takes the cigarette from his mouth.

Nancy:”I see you still smoke” she says taking a pull on the
cigarette but she coughs.
Mesuli:”I see you still don’t know how to smoke” he hands her the
can in his hand she gulps it down.

Nancy:”You good?”

Mesuli:”I’m good I didn’t expect to see you here” she chuckles.

Nancy:”I didn’t expect to come but you know your brother he had
to bring me to lighten up my friend. If that man could buy the
world for my girl he would and he would kick us out” he laughs.

Mesuli:”Yeah their love make you love love”

Nancy:”True and have you find that love with your girlfriend?” He

Mesuli:”Still trying to figure that out” she nods.

Nancy:”Let’s get some air”

Mesuli:”I don’t think that’s a good idea” she chuckles.

Nancy:”I promise I won’t bite, I will be waiting in my car” she walks


He sigh and continue smoking then after he is done he goes to

the car.

He opens the passenger door and finds Nancy.

Nancy:”You drive” he gets in drives off.

Mesuli:”Where are we going?”

Nancy:”Reminiscent” she says looking at him, he swallows.


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She wakes up in a good mood because they are leaving tomorrow

morning it’s the last day of them being here.

Yesterday was a great night and having Nancy around was just a
bonus even though she disappeared on her.

Muzi is still knocked out after the crazy wild night they had.

She walks inside the kitchen and Nancy is making something to


Nobuntu is quietly sitting on the chair, she has been quiet since
yesterday well she is wondering what happened to her but she
doesn’t care whatever happened should happen more often so
she could keep her mouth shut.
Ababalwe:”What happened to you last night you disappeared?”

Nancy:”Well I was tired and you and Muzi were in your own world
so I left you”

Ababalwe:”We were so drunk”

Nobuntu:”And you are proud of that? Being drunk like that in front
of your in laws!?” Here we go again.

Ababalwe:”I was drunk with my husband I couldn’t care less about

you guys as you already hate me so why not give you a reason to
hate me more”

Nobuntu:”Did you…”

Ababalwe:”What? Talk back? the reason I don’t talk back to you

it’s not because I’m stupid or scared to do it but it’s because I
have a sharp tongue and once I start spitting shit out of my mouth
you won’t like it. I have trying to keep peace and harmony in this
house but the only language you understand it’s violence andithi”
She says calmly Nobuntu looks at her stunned to even utter a

MaMKhize walks out and looking around the table.

MaMkhize:”What time is it?” No one answers her she looks at

Ababalwe “Makoti what time is it?”

Ababalwe:”I don’t know Ma I don’t have my phone with me”

MaMkhize:”Is that supposed to be a joke?”

Ababalwe:”If it was a joke no one got it because no one is
laughing” Nancy looks at her shocked.

MaMkhize:”It’s 9 am Ababalwe!”

Ababalwe:”If you knew the time then why were you asking Ma” her
calm voice is ticking her off.

MaMkhize:”What is this!? How can you disrespect me like this?

You didn’t even wake up to make breakfast now this..”

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry Ma but if people knew they were going to

wake up hungry they should have woken up earlier and make food.
I have been making breakfast for everyone since the first day I got
here I’m not a maid”

MaMkhize:”God must be test me!” She says yelling.

Ababalwe:”Please turn it down a little I have a bad hangover bet

yet let me go back to sleep” she walks back to her bedroom and
got under covers Muzi opens his eyes still sleepy.

Ababalwe:”I just talked back to you mom we might wake up with a

meeting waiting for me” he nods.

Muzi:”We will handle it when we wake up. Come closer” he says

pulling her to him closing his eyes again.


Last night she cried herself to sleep and when she woke up
Mesuli wasn’t next to her and the party outside was still
When she decided to go to look for him so they could talk
properly because the emotions when too high when they argued.

She needs to stop this stupid crush she has on Muzi, it will ruin
her relationship with Mesuli and she is not willing to lose him over

But unfortunately when she went out to look for him he wasn’t no
where in sight and she looked for Nancy and she was also not

She couldn’t help but feel that they were together and that hurts.

She went back to the room she doesn’t remember the time she
fell back asleep but he wasn’t back yet.

When she opens her eyes again he is next to her also waking up.


Zingce:”Hi” she wants to ask about his whereabouts but she is

also scared of starting an argument so early in the morning.

Mesuli:”Do you want to talk?”

Zingce:”Yeah but I don’t want us to fight Mesuli”

Mesuli:”We won’t fight” she nods.

Zingce:”I’m sorry about last night”

Mesuli:”It’s okay I just think the timing of bringing you here was
wrong. I shouldn’t have asked you to come knowing I will be very
busy and I won’t be able to give you attention”

Zingce:”I went looking for you last night I didn’t find you”

Mesuli:”I went out for some air”

Zingce:”With Nancy?”

Mesuli:”What makes you think that?”

Zingce:”Because she was missing the same time you were


Mesuli:”Yeah she was with me” she swallows as a painful lump

blocks her throat.

Zingce:” Mesuli, you brought your ex here just to make a fool out
of me. I didn’t ask you to bring me here you asked me to come
with you so you could embarrass me” he sigh.

Mesuli:”And you are yelling, yes I went out with her but sleeping
with her it didn’t happen and I didn’t bring Nancy here,I think you
should go home clearly you are not happy here maybe you being
away from me will do you some good”

Zingce:”You are breaking up with me?” She says already tearing

Mesuli:”No but you are not ready to be here Zingce and…” they are
disturbed by the commotion happening outside.

Mesuli quickly gets up and she follows him.

Mesuli:”What’s happening?” He says to Muzi who is running

outside but he doesn’t answer they follow him.

They find Yolanda on top of Nobuntu beating the crap out of her
while Nobuntu screams for her life trying to free herself.

Muzi pulls Yolanda up who screams kicking and yelling to be let


He looks at Nobuntu’s nose as blood gushes out.

Nobuntu:”You broke my nose!” She says crying.

Yolanda:”Ndizokuphinda (I will do it again)” she says trying to get

out of Muzi’s.

Muzi:”Hay yini wena ubanjwe ngamadlozi!”

Ababalwe:”What happened?!”


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



A dragon breathe less fire than she is breathing at the moment.

She is beyond pissed about everything.

She is the less problematic person but she can beat the crap out
of someone.

She was nursing her hangover in the sun when Nobuntu came out
of the house yelling her name saying she kissed Sgqibo and
started fighting her.

Fighting over a man it’s the last thing she would do on this earth
so she is only beating Nobuntu just because she was beating her

Muzi is holding her in place, she still wants to beat her more.

MaMkhize:”What is this nonsense Yolanda?” Of course it’s

Yolanda’s fault in her eyes Nobuntu doesn’t do no wrong.
Nobuntu:”She is sleeping with Sgqibo Ma” she says crying harder.

Muzi:”You guys are fighting over a man that is sleeping with the
both of you”

Yolanda:”I never slept with Sgqibo or any men for that matter!
Nobuntu is full of shit and I will beat the crap out of you. You are
fighting me over Michael B Jordan wasemakhaya (from the

Ababalwe:”Okay you guys need to calm down. Yolanda come with


Yolanda:”Hay Ababalwe if you are going to ask me to make peace

with this one forget it I don’t want peace I want problems” Nancy
burst out of laughter.

Nancy:”Yes wena Yoli!” Ababalwe laughs everyone looks at them.

Ababalwe:”I won’t ask you to make peace, I hope you beat her
enough for the both of us!”

Nobuntu:”You bitch…”

Muzi:”Don’t go there or I will panel beat you myself this time

around. Yolanda go with Babsie” she nods and they walk inside
followed by Nancy.


She thought she has seen worse but this family is very dramatic
and Yolanda breaking Nobuntu’s nose it’s extreme.
Zingce has grown to dislike Yolanda as she is close to Ababalwe
she prefer Nobuntu over anyone else.

She walks back in her wrong, she is not sure if Mesuli still wants
her to leaving.

She starts packing up her things and she picks up his pants
looking for her top.

A red thong falls out of the pocket from his pants, she swallows
looking at it then the door opens Mesuli walks but quickly stops
looking at the thong.

Zingce:”You slept with her you lied to me”

Mesuli:”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you like this”

Zingce:”I know I have been shitty and nagging the whole time but I
don’t deserve being cheated on Mesuli!”

Mesuli:”You are right you don’t deserve this and I’m sorry that it

Zingce:”So why did you keep her thong? As trophy to remind you
of everything that happened between the two of you!” She says
covering her face crying, in all honesty he didn’t even know that
Nancy slipped a thong inside his pocket.
Mesuli:”I just…”

Zingce:”You know what just take me home” he nods her saying

that just saved him because he didn’t know what to say. He feels
bad for hurting her like this.

She closes her suitcase and Mesuli looks her.

Mesuli:”I will take that” he takes the suitcase from him and they
walk out.

MaMkhize frowns looking at them confused.

MaMkhize:”Zingce you are leaving?”

Zingce:”Yes Ma and thank you for accommodating me”

MaMkhize:”What happened?”

Mesuli:”Nothing happened she…”

Zingce:”Mesuli slept with Nancy that’s what happened” everyone

looks at Nancy she gulps her glass.

Nontle:”So you are not going to say anything?”

Nancy:”Like what it’s not like she is lying”

MaMkhize:”So you opened your legs for my son knowing that he

has a girlfriend…”

Nancy:”Sorry Ma point of correction, he did the opening and why

am I the only one catching strays when Mesuli is the who cheated
on her”
MaMkhize:”You proudly sponsored whore!” Nancy just keeps

Zingce:”I’m sorry Ma but I have to go”

MaMkhize:”I need to have a word with you privately before you go

please follow me”

She follows MaMkhize to her bedroom.

MaMkhize:”Please sit” she sits down “I like you a lot Zingce you
remind me of myself when I was your age”

Zingce:”Thank you Ma”

MaMkhize:”Look girls like Nancy will always exist and you can’t
always let them win”

Zingce:”But Ma even Mesuli cheated on me, he isn’t even

remorseful. If I stay with him it means that I have to tolerate his
cheating ways”

MaMkhize:”But then if you become my daughter in-law you are set

for life, the luxurious you will make look beyond cheating” she
swallows not sure what to say.

Zingce:”I appreciate that you see me fit enough to be your

daughter in law but I don’t want to be hurt I want to be loved more
than anything all this luxury will be just a bonus for me” MaMkhize

MaMkhize:”Okay I hear you that means you are with the wrong
brother then”
Zingce:”What do you mean?”

MaMkhize:”I have seen how you look at Muzi, you like him too. If
you want to be with the loving brother then Mesuli is the wrong
one” she swallows.

Zingce:”I don’t know what to say”

MaMkhize:”You don’t have to say anything, you just have to go for

what you want”

Zingce:”Muzi is married and he loves Ababalwe”

MaMkhize:”And Ababalwe is not fit to be a Mkhize daughter in law.

And you on the other hand you are a perfect daughter in law”


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He does feel bad for hurting Zingce this way and she doesn’t
deserve what they did to her, and it wasn’t supposed to happen.

He doesn’t blame anyone but himself, he shouldn’t have let Nancy

tempt her like that and knowing Nancy she won’t care about what
happens next.

Muzi:”So you two disappeared together last night”

Ababalwe:”And you lied to me about it Nancy”

Nancy:”I didn’t mean to lie but then we promised not to tell

anyone because going out with him I had no intentions of
sleeping with him and he initiated the whole thing so I was drunk
and horny and stupid. I swear it was unintentional”

Ababalwe:”I may not be close to Zingce but what the two of you
did to her was so low and hurtful she doesn’t deserve that.Then
Nancy acting unsympathetic in front of her was very wrong. None
of you apologised”

Mesuli:”I regret what happened but Nancy I don’t understand why

you would put your underwear in my pocket if you didn’t want her
to find out”

Nancy:”Well I wasn’t thinking about anything when I did that and

What do you think they are talking about?”

Mesuli:”I hope she is not begging her to forgive I think I’m not
ready to settle not after what happened I just think it just proved
to me that I’m not ready even though I like Zingce but I’m not
ready to commit to her yet so I don’t want to continue hurting her”

Just then MaMkhize appears with Zingce.

MaMkhize:”Zingce will stay” she says smiling. Muzi looks at his

phone for a moment.
Muzi:”Me and my wife are leaving”

Ababalwe:”We are?”

Muzi:”Yes I was going to tell you I got a call from work there is an
emergency that needs me so we have to go”

MaMkhize:”Haibo Muzi you…”

Muzi:”I said we are leaving” Zingce looks at him as he says that

sternly enough to shut MaMkhize.


She is confused when Muzi start shoving close inside their bags.

She wants to question what’s going on but she knows better than
to question him while he is pissed he won’t make sense.

He drags the suitcase to their car, Ababalwe could tell that

MaMkhize wants to stop him from leaving but she knows it won’t

Yolanda appears dragging her luggage and everyone frowns

except for Muzi.

MaMkhize:”And you are leaving too?”

Yolanda:”I came with them so I’m leaving unless you want me to

continue breaking your precious daughter’s nose” she gets inside
the car.

Nancy hugs Ababalwe then look at her.

Nancy:”I know you are mad at me”

Ababalwe:”Yeah I am, you know I don’t condone such behaviour it

was wrong”

Nancy:”I know I’m sorry, I will see you soon” She nods gets inside
the car as Nancy gets inside her car driving off.

Muzi gets inside after packing their luggages, he drives off.

It’s a four hour drive he usually makes atleast one stop but he
doesn’t and the way he is driving like he is in a speed race it’s

Ababalwe:”I need to use the bathroom” he looks at her and stop

on the next garage.

She gets out and goes to the bathroom vomiting everything she

Yolanda:”Are you okay?”

Ababalwe:”I’m fine either than your brother driving like a maniac.
Do you know what happened?”

Yolanda:”No I don’t”

Ababalwe:”You are lying, can you give me a minute?” She nods

and walk out.

Yolanda walks towards Muzi and he looks at her.

Muzi:”Where is my wife?”

Yolanda:”In the bathroom vomiting”


Yolanda:”She is not dying bhuti relax, what are you going to do?”

Muzi:”Enjoy my life”


Muzi:”Don’t worry Yolanda” Babsie walks out of the bathroom

“What’s wrong?”



Ababalwe:”I’m fine, Yolanda can you take the front seat I want to
lie down in the back” she gets inside the car.

Muzi:”Yoli you are driving I will sit in the back with her” he gets in
the back.
Ababalwe:”I said I want to lie down”

Muzi:”Put your head on my lap then. You were vomiting what’s


Ababalwe:”It’s probably from the way you were driving I don’t like
high speed you know that and why are we going home because
we both know you have no emergency at work”

Muzi:”The unveiling is done I just wanted to go home and be with


Ababalwe:”It’s funny how you think you can lie to me and I won’t
notice but if you don’t want to tell me that’s fine”

Muzi:”Let’s get home first then I will tell you everything”


The drive is silent, her head is filled with what MaMkhize said.

It’s a good thing that Mesuli is quiet too it’s giving her time to

Before she knows she is in front of her gate.

She gets out and Mesuli gets her bag from the back.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry about what happened”

Zingce:”Yeah maybe I pushed you into it, I think we should take a

break for a while”

Mesuli:”I understand please take care of yourself” she nods and

he hugs then leaves.

They were so happy going there, he was really excited for her to
meet his family she doesn’t believe how things just went down
the hill from there so fast.

“Hey I thought you were coming back tomorrow” her friend says
as she walks in.

Zingce:”Yeah I had to come back today” she says throwing herself

on top of the couch.

“So how was it?”

Zingce:”Mesuli cheated on me”

“Oh okay”

Zingce:”Is that what you are going to say?”

“Come on Zingce you have been cheating on him the whole entire
time of your relationship so when he does it I’m supposed to be

Zingce:”Yes you are supposed to be sad because I got cheated on

“Okay sorry”
Zingce:”I just wish I met his brother before him”

“The one who is married?”

Zingce:”Muzi is a loving man you should see how he treats his

wife that’s something I want too”

“You sound like you want him”

Zingce:”Well I got a blessing to go after him after if I want to”

“Haibo Zingce from who?”

Zingce:”His mother! She hates his wife and honestly I hate her too
especially after she brought her best friend to sleep with Mesuli”

“So his mother encouraged you to go after him knowing very well
that you are with Mesuli?”

Zingce:”Not anymore”

“That’s besides the point Zingce, this woman is using you to hurt
his son’s wife. It’s pretty obvious that she doesn’t care about his
sons because this could cause a drift between them. You are
envying what that woman has and that man will never love you
the way he loves her not matter what”

Zingce:”I will never know if I don’t try if I sleep with him once then
get pregnant he will be forced to marry me that’s what his mother
said and she also gave me this it will make me pregnant first time
I sleep with him”

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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Yolanda drove to res where she stays and Muzi took over and
drove them home.

Home feeling is nice there is so much peace and now she can
enjoy her life peacefully without any drama from her in-laws.

The first thing she does when she gets home is to take a long
shower she is exhausted while Muzi checks his emails.

When she walks out of the bathroom Muzi is sitting on top of the
bed pressing her phone he is probably ordering some food the
man has no apps on his phone, the only app that he has that
didn’t come with the phone is Candy crush.

Muzi:”You should have waited for me to join you”

Ababalwe:”I was tired babe I needed to refresh quickly”

Muzi:”We have to talk please sit” she knows what this is about.
Ababalwe:”Is this something bad Muzi?”

Muzi:”I don’t know to be honest”

Ababalwe:”Okay what’s going on?” He sigh.

Muzi:”Yolanda heard a conversation between my mother and

Zinzi or whatever her name is. I know my mother doesn’t like you I
just didn’t know it was to this extent”

Ababalwe:”What are you talking?”

Muzi:”She wants that girl to seduce me or something according to

her she is perfect for me” why isn’t she surprised about MaMkhize
doing something like this. the woman hates her to the core
nothing surprises her anymore but what surprises her it’s Zingce.

Ababalwe:”I saw how Zingce was looking at you I just brushed it

off since every woman stares at you” she is a bit hurt thou by this.

Muzi:”I don’t know what mom wants at this point I don’t want it
getting to a point that I have to disown my own mother”

Ababalwe:”Maybe she will finally succeed this time around”

Muzi:”I would never cheat on you”

Ababalwe:”I know that Muzi, I just don’t know what your mother
hates me for because this is not about children, she hated me
since day one I was introduced I never got chance she just took
one look at me and decided that I’m not good for you even if I
would get pregnant she would still hate me. The fact that she is
even willing to use Mesuli’s girlfriend says a lot, she doesn’t care
if who she hurts as long as I’m out of the picture everything is
good. I could act like as long as you love me it’s okay but it’s not
Muzi that’s your family there is only much a person can take”

Muzi:”I know this hurt you and I understand your frustration. I’m
hurt that my own mother is willing to sabotage my happiness just
to get what she wants but please trust me I will never hurt you by
cheating. I will handle this I promise”


It’s been three weeks since he came back home from the
unveiling ceremony all he has been doing is bury himself with

He has to admit that he kind of misses Zingce, he screwed up

when it comes to her now he understands why people say you
should never be in good terms with your ex because none of it
would have happened if him and Nancy were on bad terms.

Speak of the devil, she walks in at the restaurant as he is having


She sits on the table at the far end of the restaurant.

He stands up and walks to the table, she looks at him as he

approaches her.

Nancy:”Hello” they haven’t spoken since that day.

Mesuli:”Can you join me in my table”

Nancy:”No I’m waiting for someone” he chuckles.

Mesuli:”A date?”

“A fiancé” he turns and find a coloured guy standing behind him

he looks at Nancy’s finger which has a diamond engagement ring.

Mesuli:”Oh hello fiancé”

Nancy:”Hey babe, this Mesuli a friend I would say”

“Nice to meet you I’m Jason”

Mesuli:”Nice to meet you too David, how long have you guys been
engaged?” He says with his eyes fixed on Nancy.

Nancy:”Four months” she says calmly.

Mesuli:”Are you joking?”

“Why would you think that she is joking?” So this means she
cheated on her fiancé.

Mesuli:”Because me and your fiancée had a wild night three

weeks ago”

“That’s nice how wild was it?”

Mesuli:”Wait what?” Nancy smiles looking at him.

Nancy:”We are in an open relationship”

“Maybe you guys should do it again and I would love to watch” he

chokes in his saliva.


The past three weeks she has been doing a lot of thinking.

Working as a cashier is not something she wants to die doing.

So marrying Muzi would have her set for life, not only will she
have money but she will be loved by this man.

It’s a no brainier that he will love her more as she will be carrying
his first child.

She has finally find a way to get him.

She is standing in front of a mirror looking at herself in a lingerie.

“So you are really doing this Zingce” her friend ask for the fourth

Zingce:”Yes and please don’t give any lecture I’m trying to secure
my future here”
“This will backfire”

Zingce:”He is a man, all men cheat” she takes the powder his
mother gave to her and pour it in her mouth and swallows.

“This is witchcraft”’

Zingce:”I’m not a witch!” She says annoyed.

“You know it is Zingce! And witchcraft always backfire” she says

and walks out Zingce clicks her tongue and put on her coat.

She takes an Uber her heart is beating fast as she gets out of the

She walks inside the building and goes to the receptionist.

“Can I help you?”

Zingce:”I’m here for Mr Mkhize”

“Which one?”

Zingce:”Muzi Mkhize”

“Do you have an appointment?”

Zingce:”No but I have a delivery from his wife, he is expecting me

but you can call of course” she says hoping that does the trick.

“No it’s okay you can go in, his office is on third floor” she smiles
walking to the lift.
The door pings open and she is met by his PA.

“You must be the one who has delivery from his wife” she frowns
confused “Don’t worry sweetie you can go in” she suddenly has an
unsettling feeling.

She walks in his office it’s huge but no one is here.

“He will be here in 10 minutes what’s your name?”


“Please wait here then” she nods then the PA walks out.

She looks around the furniture looks expensive, there are pictures
of him and his family then his wife of course.

He is taking longer than 10 minutes.

The door opens he walks in and the suit looks so good on him,
she swallows.

Muzi:”It took you long enough to show up”

Zingce:”What?” She says confused.

Muzi:”I saw you looking at me in the ceremony” she smiles still


Zingce:”You did notice”

Muzi:”It is not hard to notice you, please make yourself at home”

he says going to his chair and stare at her.

Zingce:”I know you will find this wrong Muzi but ever since that
day I saw you I can’t stop thinking about you I know it’s wrong but
I can’t help myself”

Musa:”So what are you going to do about it?” She smiles then
close the blinders and unbutton her coat showing her lingerie then
throws the coat on the couch

Zingce:”Nothing but you can do anything you want with me” the
way he is stare blankly at her she is not sure if he is admiring her
body or what.

The door opens Ababalwe walks in, Zingce’s eyes widen.


Ababalwe:”That’s a cute lingerie is that for my husband?” Her

heart starts pounding and she tries taking her coat but Ababalwe
is closer to it she takes it first “I don’t think so honey”


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She looks at Zingce, for a such a decent looking girl she is very
stupid to say the least.

The fact that she went ahead and listened to MaMkhize says a lot
about her.

She opens the blinders, the employees could see her standing in
the middle of the office.

Ababalwe:”I don’t understand Zingce, why are you going so much

trouble to have my husband”

Zingce:”He invited me here, he doesn’t love you and you could do

better than him” Muzi stands up.

Muzi:”I called you here you say? Or you just followed your plan
with my mother” she swallows.

Zingce:”I'm sorry…”

Ababalwe:”No you can’t do this and then get to say sorry then
think it’s okay. Oh honey how is that powder in your stomach
working for you?”

Zingce:”How do you know that?”

Ababalwe:”I know this because not everyone is evil like you
Zingce. Thando is your roommate but she is my employee”

Zingce:”That bitch!” A slap land on her face, she holds her cheek

Ababalwe:”You have no right to call a decent woman a bitch when

you are the one in a cheap tired lingerie trying to seduce a married
man and I’m going to teach you a lesson”

Zingce:”If you put your hands on me I’m going to have you

arrested for assualt”

Ababalwe:”Oh honey this side we do things classy we are not

hooligans. And even if I wanted to beat you I wouldn’t spend a
night in a cell! And next time you want to seduce my husband
come to me for tips because this wasn’t going to work for you”

Zingce:”Please just give me my coat I will leave”

Muzi:”No Mesuli will want to see this”

Zingce:”No no please don’t, Mesuli loves me and this will hurt


Ababalwe:”So you trying to sleep with my husband and get

pregnant for him wasn’t going to hurt him?” She swallows getting

Muzi:”You played yourself here Zingce, my mother is using and

trust me the minute she don’t need you anymore she will discard
to the side with nothing. So you are just another card she wanted
to play to hurt Ababalwe”
Ababalwe:”Why don’t you ask yourself why MaMkhize didn’t give
you a love potion instead of that powder? And if you want to feed
my husband love potion and voodoo stuff I can’t wait to how that
works for you or better yet ask your mother in-law what’s going to
happen. Now you are free to go”

Zingce:”Give me my coat”

Muzi:”No you are not getting it back, you said I should do anything
I want with you so I will make you walk home in your lingerie”

Zingce:”You can’t do that I…”

Ababalwe:”You wanted to be a whore right and whores are for the

street. So leave!”

Zingce:”I…” before she could finish what she wanted Muzi grabs
her arm and pulls her out of the office, he pushes her so hard that
she landed on her butt.

Everyone working on this floor is now looking at her.

Muzi:”Next time you think about such nonsense, I want you to

look at yourself in the mirror then think about this moment” Her
tears, Zingce teary looks at one of the employees with their
phones record.

The elevator door pings open and Mesuli walks coming back from
his lunch break, he looks around the chaos then his eyes land on
Zingce who is wearing close to nothing.
He rushes to her confused taking off his blazer and cover her.

Mesuli:”What the fuck is going on?” He says looking at his brother

and his wife.

Muzi:”Ask her?” Zingce just cry harder.

Mesuli:”Zingce what happened?” He says softly, it’s pretty evident

that he still cares.

Zingce:”I’m sorry” she can’t bring herself to say what happened.

Mesuli:”Why are you apologise? Please get up” he helps her stand
and put the blazer on her properly.

Ababalwe:”Zingce look at him, he cares about you but you didn’t

think about that when you were trying to get my husband to sleep
with you. You didn’t think of the consequences your actions may

Mesuli:”Whoa what the hell are you talking about?”

Muzi:”She was here to seduce me, I don’t have energy for this I’m
taking my wife home”

Mesuli:”No you are going to explain what just happened. And why
is everyone still standing here don’t you have work to do” the
employees quickly rush back to their work station.

Muzi:”Okay your girlfriend was here to seduce me so that she

could fall pregnant and I would have to marry her”

Mesuli:”Zingce” Her eyes are glued on the floor.

Zingce:”I’m sorry Mesuli it was your mother’s idea to help her get
rid of Ababalwe. She paid me to do it I’m sorry” she says with her
eyes still on her feet.

Mesuli:”And you did it, you had a choice to tell me what’s going on
I know I have hurt you by cheating on you by this is so low even
for you. If you wanted money I could have easily given you money
this wasn’t about money. You wanted to do this for your own
reasons and I don’t even want to know them. My brother of all
people wow”

Muzi:”I’m sorry about this”

Mesuli:”It’s okay I will take her home I know I should let her walk
naked in the streets but I won’t”

Ababalwe:”I want you to try me again Zingce please do because

next time I won’t be so nice”

Mesuli:”Let’s go”


Embarrassment is an understatement right now, she can’t even

look at Mesuli in the eye.

Muzi looked at her like she was something rotten it hurts so bad
to be this embarrassed and deep down she knows she will be all
over social media because those employees were taking videos
and they had everything.
Ababalwe rocking a red weave and looking all pretty didn’t even
help the situation, people will be comparing the two of them.

She has been playing with her fingers the whole drive, she doesn’t
know what would have happened if Mesuli didn’t walk in.

He hasn’t said anything the whole drive, he is just focusing on the


She wants to say something but she is just too scared.

That car finally came to a stop at her gate he normally drives in

but today he doesn’t.

Zingce:”Thank you and I’m sorry” he doesn’t say anything nor even
look at her “Please say something”

Mesuli:”What do you want me to say to you Zingce? I have

nothing to say to you” she swallows.

Zingce:”I will bring your blazer to your place”

Mesuli:”No keep it I don’t want to see you ever again and if you
come near my brother or Ababalwe you will have me to deal with”
she swallows looking at him.
Zingce:”I won’t I love you..” he laughs causing her to squirm

Mesuli:”If you really loved me you wouldn’t have done what you
did. Now get out of my car!”

Zingce:”Mesuli please…” He looks at her and she opens the door.

His tyres screeches as he drives away, she sniff and walk inside.

She opens the door and walks inside to find her friend.

Zingce:”You bitch!”

“Don’t waste your breath with me I wasn’t going to let you ruin my
boss’s marriage that woman saved my life she is the reason I
have a roof over my head so I would choose her over you anytime.
You should be focusing on the fact that you are trending”


“That’s what you get for being stupid. Mesuli did everything for
you now you lost that and how are you going to survive with just
you mere from my friend!” Her tears fall.


She is pressing her phone in disbelief as she looks at Zingce’s

pictures trending and a video.
She immediately calls Ababalwe she answers after few seconds.

Nancy:”Tell me you beat that bitch up!” Ababalwe laughs.

Ababalwe:”I didn’t”

Nancy:”Not even one slap”

Ababalwe:”I did slap her”

Nancy:”I will beat her up! I think I will recruit Yoli”

Ababalwe:”Nancy don’t…” she hangs up.

Jason walks inside the bedroom and look at her.

Jason:”You should stop fighting people”

Nancy:”I don’t fight people I beat up people who steps on my


Jason:”mmmh… So your friend”

Nancy:”Jason I’m not going to sleep with Mesuli while you watch”

Jason:”I thought we were exploring”

Nancy:”We are but Mesuli won’t agree”

Jason:”Then you have to convince him to do it, it shouldn’t be that

hard you two have already done it before” their relationship is not
your normal relationship they have had other partners even a
partner they shared before but Mesuli would never agree to such
he was freaked out by what he said.

Nancy:”I need some air” she walks out and drive off.

Thirty minutes later she parks outside Mesuli’s apartment


She sigh and walks to the door then knocks.

The door opens he looks at her and sigh.

Mesuli:”I’m not having a threesome with you and your fiancé, you
people are weird!” She walks further in.

Nancy:”It’s not a threesome it will be you alone”

Mesuli:”He will be watching”

Nancy:”I saw your girlfriend trending, this is a perfect time for you
to do this”


Nancy:”Please” he sigh.

Mesuli:”The man will see me naked” she chuckles.

Nancy:”Okay fine I will find someone else to do it but for someone

who have such an amazing body you have little confidence” she
says walking to the door.

Mesuli:”If I do it, it will be in my own terms” she quickly stops and

looks at him

Nancy:”Of course”

Mesuli:”Fine tell him I want you raw or nothing” she looks at him


Mesuli:”It’s that or nothing”


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



They have always used protection with him, this is new.

She doesn’t even know if Jason would agree to it.

Nancy:”Jason won’t agree to that?”

Mesuli:”I know your boyfriend is the one who wants this more
than you. I know you are crazy and wild but this time it was his
fantasy not yours. If he says no then that’s okay you can find
someone else”

Nancy:”Why raw thou?”

Mesuli:”Because if I’m doing this for his pleasure then. I might as
well enjoy myself with no rub between us. Just your soft walls
against my meat” She swallows moving back.

Nancy:”I will talk to him”

Mesuli:”Tell him he won’t regret it” he says sitting down.

Nancy walks away releasing her breath.

She drives home, she knows that Jason might not agree to
Mesuli’s plans.

She walks inside and find him cooking.

Jason:”How was your air?” It’s like he knows she didn’t go to get
some air.

Nancy:”I went to talk to Mesuli”

Jason:”Oh and what did he say?”

Nancy:”He will agree in one condition” Jason frowns.

Jason:”Which is?”

Nancy:”He wants me raw” he laughs

Jason:”He is joking right?”

Nancy:”No it’s either that or nothing”

Jason:”Are you comfortable with raw?” She frowns she thought

he was going to say no.

Nancy:”Wait what? Are you agreeing to doing it?”

Jason:”We will take necessary precautions, you will test so will he

then make sure you don’t get pregnant and all”

Nancy:”I thought you were going to say no to this”

Jason:”This is something I want but if it’s uncomfortable for you

we won’t do it”

Nancy:”You are okay with someone having me raw when we

haven’t had sex raw. I never went raw with anyone” she has
always been a person with multiple partners at once so
unprotected sex was never an option for her.

Jason:”I’m fine with it” she nods.

Nancy:”Fine but we all need to meet and set so ground rules” he

picks her up.

Jason:”Of course”


She has been going through the post about her and the
comments and people were being so brutal.

They are comparing her to Ababalwe.

“It’s giving a frog and princess”

“Imagine the husband stopping eating at woolies and settle for

boxer store”

“She has no shame but I understand her the man is hot but also
the wife God. I feel embarrassed for her”

“Second hand embarrassment” she wipes her tears and exit

Facebook on twitter it’s probably worse she won’t read because
she will surely kill herself because of those people.

She decides to call MaMkhize this is her fault after all.

MaMkhize:”Hey Zingce how did it go tell me you did”

Zingce:”You need to pay me right now” she says sniffing.

MaMkhize:”I knew I could count on you. Give me a minute” after

few minutes her phone pings it’s R25k.

Zingce:”I did it but the plan was unsuccessful”

MaMkhize:”What do you mean?”

Zingce:”I went to his office but it’s like he already knew my plan
and Ababalwe was there. They embarrassed me in front of the
world and now I’m trending”

MaMkhize:”You stupid girl! Why would you got to his office where
his brother works too” the thought of Mesuli just hurts.

Zingce:”If you really wanted your son to leave her why not give me
a love portion”

MaMkhize:”Because it doesn’t work on…you know what you

wasted my time for nothing. Don’t call me ever again”

Zingce:”If you reserve this money I will share this call to the whole
world I’m recording it” MaMkhize hangs up.

She stands up and frown feeling her underwear wet she looks at
the sofa and see blood, she can’t go to her periods twice a month.


MaMkhize is fuming after the phone call with Zingce.

Her daughters walks in rushing she looks at them.

Nontle:”Mom you won’t believe this”

MaMkhize:”What Nontle?! I’m not in the mood to guess right


Nobuntu:”Zingce is trending apparently she seduced Muzi and he

ended up embarrassing him”

MaMkhize:”Is that what you wanted to say to me?”

Nobuntu:”Mom are you okay?”

MaMkhize:”She had one job just one” she says walking out, her
daughter look at each other.

She walks to the garden and looks at her husband grave.

MaMkhize:”I hate you Mzwandile, you are the reason everything

going wrong now. You wanted her as our daughter in-law to block
my powers. I wish I could kill you again! You deserve to be here”


He has already accepted that his mother will never like Ababalwe
but he never thought of she would go as far as trying to get
another girl to seduce him.

He could see the hurt in his wife’s eyes and he can’t stands it.

For the first time in their home it wasn’t jolly as usual not because
they are fine but they are still trying to wrap their head around
what happened.

For the first time they are having a wordless dinner and it’s not a
nice feeling.

Muzi:”Sthandwa sam” he says softly making her look at him “Talk

to me please”

Ababalwe:”I’m scared Muzi look at what lengths your mother is

willing to go to just get rid of me. What should I do? Do I divorce
you so you could take the wife she desires for you?”

Muzi:”And what do you think it’s going to happen to me when you

divorce me? Do you think I will be happy? Will you be happy?” She
shakes her head “Then get that thought out of your mind, you are
stuck with me. I will fix this please trust me” she nods

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry I shouldn’t have mentioned divorce I’m just

frustrated by this”

Muzi:”I understand how you feel, come here” she stands up from
her chair and sit on his lap “I wonder what was in God’s mind
when he was creating you” she laughs.

Ababalwe:”I don’t know probably thinking about a perfect woman

for you” he smiles kissing her.

Muzi:”Well he…”

Ababalwe:”Oh God! You…”

Muzi:”Babe what’s going on?”

Ababalwe:”Your nose is bleeding” he quickly touches it and

Ababalwe gets off.

He rushes to the bathroom as she follows him.

He washes his nose as more blood comes out.

Ababalwe:”We should take you to the hospital”

Muzi:”I’m fine babe” he says taking the towel and put it on his
nose, soon enough the bleeding has stop he washes his face

He looks at Ababalwe she looks terrified and scared, he walks

towards her and cup her face.

Muzi:”Hey it’s just a nose bleed I’m fine” she nods and he plants a
kiss on her forehead then pick her up, she wraps her legs around
his waist and arms on his neck and look at him.

Muzi pulls her close hugging her tightly.

Muzi:”I love you so much and I will always love you I promise” he
says fighting his tears behind her shoulder.


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[05/24, 6:50 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



It’s been three days they are still trolling her online.

She needs a thick skin for this, she has been in the house the
whole three days.

She tried calling Mesuli to apologise but he just blocked her on

What is worrying her is the fact that she has been bleeding heavy,
her blood is darker it’s smelling like she is rotten.

She has been using a whole pack of pads a day.

She has finally gathered a courage to go outside and see a


Atleast now she has money that she got from MaMkhize it’s a
good she believed that she was recording when she was not.

She walks inside the private doctor’s office she couldn’t go to a

public one when people are still talking about.

She waits about 45 minutes before she is called in.

“You can take off your clothes and put these one the door will be
with you in few minutes”

After a few minutes the doctor walks in.

“Okay this is going to be cold” she nods as the doctor places the
cold monitor around her abdominal area.

“So have you been experiencing pain or discomfort”

Zingce:”No it was just bleeding”

“Uh okay…What is this?”

Zingce:”What’s wrong” she says trying to sit up.

“Please lie down” she lies down again “I have never seen anything
like this before”

Zingce:”What’s going on?” She is now starting to panic.

“Here, this shows you are pregnant but the foetus doesn’t have a
heartbeat, it’s still in the uterus yet you are bleeding. Your womb
seems like it’s falling apart and rooting”

Zingce:”What my womb? What are you saying?”

“I’m sorry but your womb is rotting so is the baby inside you they
both have to be removed immediately”

Zingce:”Oh God it’s the powder”

“I’m sorry what powder” she just starts crying realising how she
just ruined her own life just for nothing.

Zingce:”Can you give me a minute?”

“Of course” she walks out.

She dials MaMkhize it’s a surprise when she answers.

MaMkhize:”What do you want?”

Zingce:”What did you do to me?”

MaMkhize:”What are you talking about Zingce?”

Zingce:”The powder is making my womb rot”

MaMkhize:”Because you didn’t get pregnant you idiot what were

you expecting?” She didn’t tell her this is something that would
happen if she doesn’t get pregnant.

Zingce:”I was pregnant with Mesuli’s baby you killed your

grandchild!” She is not sure if the baby was Mesuli’s though.

MaMkhize:”Well that baby should consider itself lucky that it

won’t have you as a mother!” She hangs up and Zingce starts
crying she can’t even try calling Mesuli because he blocked her.

MaMkhize is so evil she ruined her life all for what?


Today they are finally getting tested, even though he is finding this
whole thing insane he is doing it for no reason maybe fun.

Zingce has been calling him for the past three days.

He decided to block her even thou he really liked her but she is not
worth it not after everything.

As for his mother, he still has no words for her for now.
He parks at Jason’s house it looks nice.

Nancy walks out with Jason holding hands.

Nancy:”Hi” she says looking at him.

Mesuli:”Hey, you are coming with us?” He says to Jason.

Jason:”No I have somewhere to be. Babe can you give us a

minute” she nods and he kisses her then she jumps inside the car
closing the door.

Mesuli:”What’s up?”

Jason:”I hope you don’t take advantage of this situation”

Mesuli:”You can’t suggest such things if you are insecure. So if

you don’t trust yourself cancel it right now”

Jason:”I’m not insecure here”

Mesuli:”Then we don’t have a problem. Have a great I will take

care of your woman don’t worry” he gets inside the car and drive

Nancy:”What were you guys talking about?”

Mesuli:”Your man is insecure”

Nancy:”Jason and insecure don’t mix” she says laughing.

Mesuli:”Then why is he worried that I might take advantage of this


Nancy:”He is not worried trust me”

Mesuli:”Well okay then”

He drives to the hospital and they jump out.

Mesuli frowns as Muzi walks towards them.

Mesuli:”What are you doing here?”

Muzi:”I could ask you the same thing”

Mesuli:”We are here to see a friend, Nancy can you give us a

minute” she just nods and leave them “Are you okay?”

Muzi:”I’m fine I had a nose bleed three days ago and Ababalwe
won’t stop worrying so I decided to come here for a check up to
put her mind at easy”

Mesuli:”That’s it?”

Muzi:”Yeah that’s all, go be with your girlfriend before she gets

bored. Whatever you are doing with her I hope you know what you
are doing”

Mesuli:”I told we are…”

Muzi:”Mesuli I’m older than you I know that you are going raw with
this girl. I hope it’s just for fun”

Mesuli:”It is for fun”

Muzi:”Good now go ahead”

He walks inside with Nancy, they settle down.

She looks terrified as the doctor prepare the tests.

Mesuli:”Are you okay?”

Nancy:”I don’t like these test they are painful”

Mesuli:”That’s not true it’s like a pinch”

Nancy:”That’s not true” he chuckles.

Mesuli:”You are such a baby, I will hold your hand” he says taking
her hand and they take the tests.

“Both of your test are negative, you will need to come back after 6
weeks to test again. I command what you are doing, these young
people no longer test before sleeping with their partners” they
look at each other.

After a while they walk out of the hospital.

Mesuli:”So we are doing this”

Nancy:”I guess so”

Mesuli:”I can’t wait” she swallows he seem more excited to do


Nancy:”To be honest I’m freaking out, I never had unprotected sex

after I broke my virginity” He looks at her and tuck her behind her
Mesuli:”I will make it comfortable enough for you”

Nancy:”Okay then” he peck her lips and opens the door for her.


He sits down read the piece of paper and sigh putting it back to
the envelope.

The front door opens and his wife walks in, that lift up his down

Ababalwe:”Hey babe” she says kissing him, he holds her waist.


Ababalwe:”What did the doctor say?”

Muzi:”Nothing hectic, I just haven’t been giving my body enough

rest. So you were just worried about nothing”

Ababalwe:”And if I don’t worry about you then who is gonna do it”

Muzi:”Well you are right”

Ababalwe:”Then you better rest that body I still need it well

functioning you know” she says biting her lower lip causing him to

Muzi:”Well I decided to do what the doctor said I should. Let’s go

to New York” she has always wanted to go to NYC.

Ababalwe:”What?! Are you serious?”

Muzi:”Yes I’m serious babe”

Ababalwe:”When should we go?” She says excitedly.

Muzi:”We are going tomorrow night” she frowns.

Ababalwe:”Babe that’s a short notice you know I have to….”

Muzi:”Then you have the whole tomorrow to do that Mrs Mkhize”

Ababalwe:”But why such a short notice”

Muzi:”I would rather you see your favourite place with me than
with someone else okay?”


Don’t forget to comment, 100 comments.

Okay I’m free and I’m bored hence the insert. I want to write more
today but I will run out of data soon. So instead of sponsors we
can buy admin airtime any amount is good. 0607366358

[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Mesuli dropped her off and left immediately.

Jason isn’t home and she decides to call Ababalwe.


Nancy:”Don’t hey me I miss you” she laughs.

Ababalwe:”Well I miss you too”

Nancy:”Let’s do lunch tomorrow”

Ababalwe:”I can’t I’m going to New York”

Nancy:”What I’m so happy for you”

Ababalwe:”Thank you”

Nancy:”For someone who always wanted to go to New York you

don’t sound too happy”

Ababalwe:”It was a short notice”

Nancy:”How are people going to surprise you Ababalwe?!”

Muzi:”Thank you Nancy!” He says on the background.

Ababalwe:”That’s why I hate surprises sometimes but I’m going to

enjoy it”

Nancy:”Ungazincishi inice time girl” she says laughing.

Ababalwe:”I won’t!”

Nancy:”That’s more like it, travel safe then love you lots”

Muzi:”Don’t you have Mesuli to say that to” she laughs.

Nancy:”Fuck you Muzi!” They all laugh.

Ababalwe:”I love you too” they hand up.

Jason walks in this man is handsome and light skinned.

Jason:”How did it go?”

Nancy:”It went well, we are both clean” she says standing up and
goes to the kitchen.

Jason:”That’s great”

Nancy:”After this I also want you to test for everything”

Jason:”You don’t trust me?”

Nancy:”We sleep with different people Jason so I need for us to

both know we are safe”

Jason:”I always use protection”

Nancy:”Don’t be shallow minded please Jason”

Jason:”Fine babe we will go together”

Nancy:”We are doing this tomorrow night”


It’s the next morning she is excited about going to New York.
She needs to make sure things are order.

So she is her office making calls and arrangement, this is a two

week vacation.

Zingce’s room walk inside her office as she is signing papers.


Ababalwe:”Hey is everything okay?”she shakes her head.

“I didn’t want something bad happening to you but I also didn’t

want Zingce to be embarrassed like that. She barely comes out of
her room, she has lost her job all because of me”

Ababalwe:”I know you meant well Thando and I didn’t want to

embarrass another woman like that. She crossed the line with my
husband that’s one thing I will never forgive her for doing. I will
see if one of my friends could give her a job”

“Thank you so much, she learnt a lesson”

Ababalwe:”Hopefully but next time if she tries me again I won’t be

as nice”

“I will let her know thank you” she walks out if only Zingce could
learn from her friend she would be far.

Her operation was a success and she is hurting that she will never
have children again because of her stupidity.

She texted her friend that she is in hospital she probably thought
she is still in her room.

“Hey what happened?” her friend said walking in and she starts

Zingce:”I ruined my life, that powder had consequences I lost my

womb and my baby. I lost Mesuli the only person who actually
cared about me”

“I also care about you Zingce, I feel things got this far. I was trying
to do the right thing I’m sorry”

Zingce:”I know I don’t even know what I will do, I lost my job and

“Ababalwe said she will refer you to her friend for a job”

Zingce:”Why would she do that?”

“Because she is a good person Zingce, you just judged her from
her looks”

Zingce:”I just want to leave this place”

“Where will you go? Zingce just accept help and move on with
your life” She sigh.

Looking at his wife’s smile and sparkling eyes as they drive to

airport makes her happy.

Her happiness is everything to him, it’s true when they say find a
good woman and spend the rest of your life with them.

This is it for him, ever since he met her his life has been fulfilled.

Ababalwe looks at him and smile, he was going to make this

moment the best of her life.

Ababalwe:”Oh my God it’s happening, we are going to New York

City” she squeal in excitement dragging her luggage.

Muzi:”For someone who was mad at me for a short notice you are
happy” she sticks her tongue out he just laughs at her.

Ababalwe:”Oh God I think I’m gonna cry”

Muzi:”I aim to please ma’am” she plants a kiss on him.

Ababalwe:”Thank you Mr Mkhize I love you”

Muzi:”I love you too”


He doesn’t understand why his brother would just go on a

vacation for two weeks. He is usually a planner he doesn’t just up
and leave.

Muzi hates short notices, he hates doing things under pressure so

this was just so weird and unlike him to do.

He decided that he will ask him when they come back, now he is
the one who will be handling everything as he will be away.

He finally pulls over at Jason’s house, he takes a deep breath and

walks towards the door.

Jason opens the door for him, and looks at him.

Jason:”You are punctual I didn’t think you have it in you”

Mesuli:”In things like these i thrive in punctuality” he walks in and

his eyes land on Nancy in her silk gown sipping wine.

Jason:”Ground rules first…”

Mesuli:”You don’t make the rules I do, all bets are off on this”

Jason:”Show me what you can do then”

Mesuli:”Now you are talking” he walks toward Nancy “You look

Nancy:”Thanks, let’s go” she says taking his hand and lead him to
a bedroom.

Jason:”This is where the magic happens” Mesuli chuckles looking


Mesuli:”You have a sex room?”

Jason:”Now my rule Mesuli, you won’t be using using any of them

only me can use them on my woman”

Mesuli:”Trust me I don’t need a toy”

Jason:”Well okay” he sits on the single couch.

Mesuli turns to Nancy, his main focus is her not him.

Mesuli:”You good?”

Nancy:”I’m fine” he kisses her holding her waist pull her close to
his body.

She wraps around her arms on his neck kissing him.

He pulls away and looks at her, she swallows as he untie her

gown exposing her nakedness.

He pushes it off from her shoulders making it drops on the floor.

He takes off his t-shirt and pulls her closer.

He kisses her neck and a moan escape her mouth.

Mesuli:”Don't worry this time it will be different” he says against

her ear picking her up making her skin shiver.


He gets off her panting, Nancy look at Jason but the chair is

She quickly stands up and put on her gown then looks at the bed
it’s soaking wet.

She walks out and look for Jason.


Jason:”That wasn’t part of the plan Nancy!”

Nancy:”Jason I have no control over what happens to my body,

you wanted this!” Mesuli walks out of the room and Jason
charges to him but Nancy is quick enough to get in front of him.

Jason:”You bustard!”

Mesuli:”Hey watch it, you wanted this! It wasn’t her nor me it was

Jason:”I need some air!” He walks out.

Nancy:”Jason” she yells but he is already out “You did that on

Mesuli:”I don’t get what I did wrong!”

Nancy:”You know that was different, you know that’s not how we
use to fuck. It wasn’t supposed to feel like that.. Please leave”

Mesuli:”I told you it was going to different” he says trying to touch

her but she yanks him off.

Nancy:”Don’t touch…” he roughly pulls her to him she collide with

his chest as he kiss her squeezing her body against his.

Mesuli:”Do you still want me to leave?”

Nancy:”No” she says kissing him and pushes him to the couch.


Don’t forget to comment, 100 comments.

Removed scene will be posted on the group in the morning

[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Jason does satisfy me but Mesuli is the best she had when it
comes to sex.

That’s why she didn’t want it to be Mesuli but someone else it’s
just that Jason insisted.

And tonight was way worse, she knows that deep down Mesuli
came with the mission and he did exactly that, she also control.

She could see that Jason was hurt but there was nothing she
could do.

And the fact that after Jason left she continued with him is worse.

The cold water bring her back to earth she has been under the
shower for so long the water became cold.

She gets out and look at her ring then sigh.

Jason:”Are you thinking of taking it off?” He says standing against

the door.

Nancy:”You are back!”

Jason:”Is he gone?”
Nancy:”He left after you”

Jason:”Did something happen after I left?”

Nancy:”Why would anything happen? You are the one who wanted
to see me sleeping with another man”

Jason:”But not in the way you guys did, you made me feel stupid”

Nancy:”That’s what happens when people have sex they lose


Jason:”I don’t want this continue”

Nancy:”Our relationship?”

Jason:”No this open relationship thing, it ends today”

Nancy:”Why? You initiated the whole thing”

Jason:”And I’m ending the whole thing, we were going to end

soon anyways” she nods.



Almost two weeks now and people are slowly forgetting about her

She is back at home and her surgery was successful now it’s
officially that she can’t have children.
Thando walks in and looks at her.

“I got a call from Ababalwe they say you didn’t show up for the
interview that she got you from a friend”

Zingce:”I’m not looking for hands out, I don’t need Ababalwe’s


“You are so full of pride Zingce but you have nothing. She is not
obligated to help but she is doing it because she has a heart of
gold Zingce. It’s fine how you think you are her competition yet
you have nothing in your name”

Zingce:”You enjoy seeing me miserable neh”

“I side with the truth of the shoe fits then wear it. You can’t
compete where you can’t compare to Ababalwe you are close to
nothing. And next week I need the rent money” she swallows
looking at her.

She needs to fight for Mesuli, she knows he still loves her and
now they are even.

He cheated on her too so it means they can both move on.


It’s almost two weeks now, he can’t wait for his brother to come

He didn’t realise that being a CEO is such a hard job.

His brother is living his best life in New York, you could see in
their face that they are very happy.

He haven’t spoken to Nancy after that night she told him that it
was best that they don’t speak and he respected his wishes.

He packs his things and walks out of his building.

He opens the door of his car in the parking lot.


Mesuli:”Jesus!” He says terrified.

Zingce:”I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you”

Mesuli:”Why would you sneak up on me like that? What are you

doing here?”

Zingce:”I wanted to apologise you blocked me”

Mesuli:”For a reason Zingce and I forgive you so will you leave me

alone now?”

Zingce:”Mesuli I still love you I know I messed up. I was stupid

and I lost our baby in the process”

Mesuli:”What are you talking about?”

Zingce:”The powder that your mother gave me it caused some
harm to my baby and I called her she said it was my fault for
being stupid. Please I'm sorry I could do anything to get you back”

Mesuli:”That’s the thing I don’t love you, I'm really sorry about the
baby and everything but I just don’t want to be with someone like
you. We both deserve better please move on because I’m not the
man for you, you are only coming back to me because you didn’t
get my brother”

Zingce:”I wasn’t lusting on your brother I was just craving the life
Ababalwe has….”

Mesuli:”That’s the thing Zingce people don’t love the same, our
love language is different we just can’t love the same. If you
wanted to be love the same way that my brother loved Ababalwe
then you are with the wrong man I can’t love you like that. Look I
know that you lost your job, I will send you money and I will talk to
your old boss I know him. After that please stay away from me if
not I will have to file for restrain order” he gets inside his car and
drives off.

A few minutes later her phone pings a message and she looks at
10k that landed on her account, the chest pains just get worse.


She has always been happy in her marriage she is not sayings its
perfect but she is happy.
Muzi has always made sure that she is happy but the past two
weeks he has went out of his way to make sure she is happy.

It just felt like an out of body experience.

She just wish they never leave this moment ever.

This is exactly the vacation she needed after everything that

happened with Zingce.

Speaking of her, she tried hooking her with a job but she never
showed up so now it’s out of her hand she was being nice not that
Zingce deserve it.

Today is just different, she could just feel the heaviness in her

She walks inside the room and looks at Muzi.

Something about him is just different about him.

Muzi:”Hey” he says weakly smiling.

Ababalwe:”Something is wrong Muzi”

Muzi:”Come here” he pats the space next to him, she sits next to
him and he pulls her to his chest.

For the first since they met his heart is beating so faintly that she
could barely feel it, she can’t help but feel emotional as a lump
sits on her throat.

She looks up to his face looking for something in his eyes but she
doesn’t find it.

Muzi:”It’s time to go home, please pack our bags”


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She is still in shock that Mesuli threatened to file a restraining

order against her.

How did things fall so apart so little.

She remembers how Mesuli used to pick her up at work with his
Range Rover and her colleagues used to envy her.

Now if she goes back she is probably going to be a laughing stock

to them.

This is just too much for her maybe she should have taken
Ababalwe’s offer but it’s too late now.

“How did it go?”

Zingce:”Me and Mesuli fixed things, he even sent me money” she

says showing her friend.

“And the message below that says I don’t want to see you again”
she quickly pulls her phone from her face “Are you okay Zingce
your behaviour is just different? What happened to my sweet
friend? I miss her a lot”

Zingce:”I’m still the same person, can’t you help me get Mesuli

“Are you serious right now? Instead of looking for a job and move
on you are thinking about the man that wants to do with you”

Zingce:”I love him”

“That’s not what you were saying when you were trying to get
Muzi. Hay get help Zingce!” She walks out annoyed.


Zingce is just getting out of hand now, it’s a pity that it ended like
this but he is grateful that he took her home so she could see her
true colours before it was too late.

Otherwise if he didn’t do it he would have been heart broken.

He is not even sure what to say to her to get the message that he
doesn’t love her hopefully that it worked.

He decided to go to Yolanda’s res, he misses her little craziness.

When she opens the door she squeals in excitement.

Yolanda:”Bhuti” she says hugging her.

Melusi:”Lis sis”

Yolanda:”Come in” its a good thing she stay in a single not double.

Melusi:”Still have no friends”

Yolanda:”I do have friends but life here is boring I miss home to

be honest” He hands the food “Thank you”

Melusi:”What do you miss about home?”

Yolanda:”The chaos and fighting everything”

Melusi:”Only you would miss fighting, how is school?”


Melusi:”Well yeah, do you have a boyfriend?”

Yolanda:”I don’t” she says laughing.

Melusi:”I can’t wait for you to have one so I can hate him for no

Yolanda:”Taking after your sister I see” they both laugh.

Visiting Yolanda it’s something he needed it was refreshing.

He gets in and pour himself something to drink, it’s funny that he

is 30 and haven’t settled down he really thought by now he would
have a stable girlfriend.

Not that he is competing with Muzi, but Muzi got married at age
of 27.

Maybe he should a dating site or something he laughs at that


He is disturbed by an intercom from his stupid thoughts.

He checks who it is and frown confused.

He opens the door and she looks at him.


Mesuli:”Hey come in” she walks in.

Nancy:”I’m sorry I’m here this late”

Mesuli:”It’s okay are you okay?”

Nancy:”I’m fine” she sits down he remains standing.

Mesuli:”Anything to drink?”

Nancy:”No I’m fine, I just needed to be away from Jason”

Mesuli:”Did something happen?”

Nancy:”Not really ever since that night things have changed

between us”

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cause trouble for the two of you”

Nancy:”No it’s not your fault, it’s actually mine I don’t know I just
don’t enjoy sex with him anyone even if we go kinky and all. If I
knew this would happen I wouldn’t have agreed to sleeping with
you in front of him”

Mesuli:”I don’t know what to say honestly” she sigh looking at him.

Nancy:”That was different, we always done things differently why

did you change it that day”

Mesuli:”Because I wanted you to experience and a different side

of me in bed”

Nancy:”You shouldn’t have done it” he pulls her up and looks at

her holding her waist

Mesuli:”You don’t regret do you?”

Nancy:”No but…” he shuts her up with a kiss she moans in his


He pulls away and maintain eye contact with her.

Nancy:”I think I lik…” his phone starts ringing.

Mesuli:”It’s Ababalwe I have to get it”


She has never been this scared and confused in her life.

Muzi was okay just few days ago and he was happy.

But in just 24 hours he is just not doing good.

The 14 hour flight isn’t helping, he spent most of the trip sleeping
clenching to her hand.

By the time they land, he is still okay able to walk but he is just
looking to pale.

Luckily for them they left the car at the airport.

Muzi:”Hey it’s okay” he says as she fights her tears getting on the
drivers seat.

For some reason she is scared to ask him what’s happening

because she is scared of the answer.
She is saying a silent prayer as she drive.

Muzi starts coughing she looks at him as blood makes its way out
of his mouth.

Muzi:”Drive and call my brother to go to the hospital” he says in

between his coughs.

Ababalwe:”You are going to be fine…Please God”

She is driving as fast as she can, God can’t do her like that, she is
still young and she needs Muzi.

She made it in hospital and she gets out already crying for help.

They assist him insist and wheel him inside.

“Page Dr Joshua his patient is here” she hears one of the nurses

Ababalwe:”What do you mean his patient?!”

“Mrs Mkhize the doctor will explain everything to you” she even
knows who she is.
She is waiting on the chair and her heart is beating faster than

Dr:”Mrs Mkhize I’m sorry to keep you waiting I’m Dr Joshua. Can
we step into my office and talk?”

Ababalwe:”But my husband..”

Dr:”They are still helping him” she sniffs and follows him.

They get into his office and sit down.

Ababalwe:”What is going on with my husband?”

Dr:”I’m an oncologist your husband has been my patient for the

past six months” she frowns.

Ababalwe:”What are you talking about? You are an oncologist my

husband doesn’t have cancer he can’t be your patient”

Dr:”Unfortunately he is my patient”

Ababalwe:”Is this a joke?” She says with her heart pounding

against her chest.

Dr:”No Mrs Mkhize, your husband has been battling a brain

tumour for six months, it was caught at a later stage. Chemo
wasn’t working” Babsie looks at him as if he just spoke a foreign
language in fact this was foreign to her there is no way that Muzi
has cancer, he doesn’t look like he has cancer. He has been
perfectly fine for the past six months. If this was true why would
he hide it from her? No it can’t be.
Ababalwe:”I’m sorry it must be a mistake you got the wrong Mrs
Mkhize” she says standing up.

Joshua:”Muzi is sick Ababalwe!” She looks at him with tears


Ababalwe:”No he is not sick” she says shaking her head with

tears streaming down her face.

Joshua:” He doesn’t have much time left, the only thing we could
do is make him as comfortable as we can I’m sorry”

Ababalwe:”No I don’t believe you , God can’t do that us he can’t”

she says crying the door burst open Mesuli stand on the door.

Mesuli:”They…Ababalwe why are you crying? What did you do?”

He says to the doctor and pulls Ababalwe to him she just sob in
his chest.


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Thank God that Mesuli’s phone rang, she was about to do

something stupid but at the same time she can’t stop thinking
about the call, the fact that he had to go to the hospital it’s

She wanted to go with him but he refused saying it’s a family

matter and he was right about that so she just have to wait and
hear from her friend hopefully it’s not something hectic.

She gets home and Jason is waiting for her.

Jason:”Is this how things are going to be between us?”

Nancy:”I don’t want to fight Jason”

Jason:”You don’t want to fight but you went straight to the guy we
are fighting about”

Nancy:”You are following me now?” She says looking at him in


Jason:”I wasn’t following you! You left after we argued I was

catching up to you so I could apologise about what I said but you
ended up to his place which proved me right. You made me feel
like I was crazy for having the thoughts I was having about your
change of behaviour but I was right” she swallows looking at him.

Nancy:”It’s not like that”

Jason:”You could fooled me, I want you to pack your bags and

Nancy:”Babe please I…”

Jason:”When I come back in the morning I want you gone and
leave the ring behind”

Nancy:”I love you Jason..” he chuckles.

Jason:”You don’t love anyone Nancy but yourself. I just don’t want
to sound bitter or something so I will let you leave” he walks out
as she blinks her tears away.

She picks up her phone and call Mesuli but he doesn’t answer.


It’s all in the afternoon when the clouds just become darker than
usual. The sun it’s actually setting during the day.

Nontle:”Why is this dark it’s 3pm”

MaMkhize:”This can’t be good news”

Nobuntu:”I’m always traumatised when the weather turns like this

it just reminds when dad died, latshona emini” MaMkhize sigh this
can’t be good news she hopes it has nothing to do with their

The storm starts hitting so heavy that she is so scared she is

normally calm but she is scared this time around.
After thirty minutes of bad lightening and storm the sun comes

MaMkhize:”I need to call your siblings to make sure they are fine”


When he got the call from Babsie he knew that he had to drop
everything and go to the hospital.

He was praying that nothing is wrong with any of them but deep
down he just knew that it has to do with his brother since
Ababalwe was the one who called.

Finding Babsie crying it just scared him.

He is listening to Joshua as explain everything to him nothing

makes to him .

Mesuli:”Are you hearing yourself? Muzi was fine, he was healthy.

He didn’t lose weigh, he didn’t lose hair, he was okay. There is no
way he has cancer and stage 4, my brother doesn’t look like a
cancer victim!” He say in denial of everything he is being told.
“Some patient are more resistant than the others it’s always
different so his symptoms were different” He just looks at
Ababalwe, she is beside herself.

Muzi can’t leave his wife not now, these two are meant to be
together he can’t die and leave Ababalwe alone she will beyond

Mesuli:”There has to be something that you can do”

“Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do for him at this point.

The only thing we can do it’s make sure that he spends his last
days comfortably and with his family”


“I’m sorry unfortunately yes, I will give you two space you can stay
here and take your time” he walks out.

He sit next to Ababalwe for the first time he doesn’t know what to
say to her.

Mesuli:”I have to call Mom and my sisters” he says to her but gets
no answers but a set of fresh tears from her eyes he swallows.

He stands up and dial his mother.

MaMkhize:”Mesuli I have been trying to call you! There was a

storm here are you guys okay?” So she does care about them
Mesuli:”You need to come to the city”

MaMkhize:”What happened? Is Ababalwe dead?” Mesuli frowns.

Mesuli:”Why would you say that?! You are so evil!”

MaMkhize:”I was just pla…”

Mesuli:”I don’t want to hear that! Come to the city today” he hangs
up annoyed by her, if his mother is not a witch only God knows.

He dials Ababalwe’s parents she will need them.


She is numb, confused and hurting at once. She just don’t know
how Muzi hid his sickness from her it hurts because he didn’t give
her a chance to prepare herself for this day.

But was she ever going to be prepared to lose the love of her life.

Nothing would have prepared her for this moment not even
knowing the truth.

Looking back at the past six months Muzi spent time with her
more than anyone.

He would cancel somethings just to be with her, only the things he

was doing for her he was actually giving her the best memories.
Muzi has always been protective of her , he hid this so she
wouldn’t be hurt not that he didn’t trust her.

No this can’t be happening to them, she is young to lose her

husband and Muzi is young to died and leave her alone she won’t

She is brought back by the noise that’s happening around her.

It’s MaMkhize and her children acting as if Muzi is already dead.

MaMkhize:”This is all your fault” she says to Ababalwe.

Mesuli:”Mom stop! Ababalwe doesn’t need this right. This is not

anyone’s fault”

MaMkhize:”No it is her fault, she knew that my son was sick and
she took him across the world to finish him off! What did you
want? Money? Of course you wanted his money that’s why you
married him in the first place because of his money but I will
make sure that you get nothing from him. First you took him away
from us by poisoning him against us! Now you made sure that he
dies! You killed him! You…” Someone turns MaMkhize and slap
her so hard that she screams stumbling backwards.

Vanessa:”Never ever in your pathetic life terrorise my daughter or

it will be the last thing you do in your miserable life” MaMkhize
looks at her in shock and Vanessa goes to Ababalwe hugging her,
she breaks down crying.

Vannesa:”It’s okay”

Ababalwe:”No, he can’t leave me alone Mom”

“Muzi Mkhize?”

MaMkhize:”How is my son?”

“He is requesting to see his wife”

MaMkhize:”But what about us?”

Vanessa:”He said his wife are you deaf? Ababalwe go”

Ababalwe stands up following the doctor, her heart is pounding

with each step she takes.


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Her knees are getting weak as she approaches the room, she is
so scared.
She is not sure what to expect when she gets in.

And he looks at him, he looks so pale but his smile is still there
and the sparkle in his eyes is still there for a moment she forget
what was said about him dying.

Ababalwe:”You are not dying right? It’s all joke”


Ababalwe:”Please tell me the truth”

Muzi:”You are standing so far babe” she didn’t even realise that
she was still standing against the door.

She walks further in and sit next to him.

Ababalwe:”Muzi you can’t leave me alone you promised me a

forever. I don’t want to be alone”

Muzi:”I’m not leaving you alone, you have…”

Ababalwe:”No please, remember when we first met I was having a

bad day. You were so persistent and you told me I was going to
your wife and we are going to grow old together I was so annoyed
by you, you didn’t care you. You…” she couldn’t even finish the
story as she broken down crying, Muzi looks at her as tears fills
his own eyes.

Ababalwe:”Tell me how am I supposed to live without you? Why

did you hide this from me?”
Muzi:”Because I didn’t want you remembering our last moments
as a difficult journey. I was protecting you from hurting, I know
you sthandwa sam you would have drop everything so you can
take care of me…”

Ababalwe:”Because that’s what the vows we made said in

sickness and in health Muzi. You broke that vow you made..”

Muzi:”I’m sorry sthandwa sam”

Ababalwe:”Please don’t die I promise I won’t be mad when you

defend me even if it’s unnecessary. I promise I will let you pick me
up in front of your family, please don’t leave me alone I’m scared
of being without you” Muzi chokes up in his tears.

Muzi:”This is not how I wanted it to end, I had so many plans for

us. Please forgive me” he says holding her hand “You did
everything right you made me feel everything that I never felt
before. I thought I had a great life before you but to be honest my
life began and ended with you. I wouldn’t have it anyway” she just
can’t control her tears “I told them to make this space for you”
she take off her shoes and gets next to him wrapping her arm
around his torso and put her head on his chest.

Ababalwe:”Are you in pain?”

Muzi:”A little bit”

Ababalwe:”This can’t be the end, we deserve more time”

Muzi:”I’m dying and there is nothing I can do. I’m sorry please
forgive sthandwa I didn’t meant to leave you so early. I wanted to
grow old with you like I said the first time but life had other plans”
Ababalwe:”It’s not fair”



He never knew how helplessness feels like until the past week.

His brother is getting worse and there is nothing he could do.

He never thought Muzi will leave them so soon at the age of 32

years old.

He doesn’t deserve to die so young.

Ababalwe is a mess she hasn’t even left his side, she barely eat
even on his death bed Muzi has to force her to eat.

Yolanda is now in his house, he hears him every night crying

herself to sleep.

This is not something they wanted or expected it’s all hard.

Today is no different for him, he is in Muzi’s house and pick up

Ababalwe’s clothes.
Ababalwe has been telling him to bring he Muzi’s tracksuits she
wear them instead of her own clothes.

He walks out of the house as Nancy park her car behind his car.

She jumps out and looks at him.

Nancy:”I have been coming here for a week now and no one is
home. I tried calling Ababalwe and Muzi but none of them is
answering my calls. I tried calling you but you won’t answer too.
What’s going on? Where is Ababalwe?” He sigh “And you look like
someone just died”

Mesuli:”A lot is going on, Ababalwe is going through a lot”

Nancy:”What is it?”

Mesuli:”Muzi has stage 4 brain cancer” She frowns looking at him.

Nancy:”Please don’t joke like that Mesuli that’s not fun”

Mesuli:”Do I look like I’m joking Nancy? My brother is dying and

you think I’m joking” he says with tears almost falling.

Nancy:”I…I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to upset” he takes a deep breath.

Mesuli:”It’s okay..I have to go”

Nancy:”Can I come with you?” He sigh.

Mesuli:”Ababalwe doesn’t want to see anyone, she is always with

Muzi so it’s best you don’t come it’s family only there. And please
don’t tell anyone about my brother’s health”

Nancy:”Of course I understand I’m sorry this is happening to your


Mesuli:”Thank you”

Nancy:”If you need anyone to talk to I’m just a call away” he nods.

Mesuli:”Can I ask for a favour?”

Nancy:”Of course” he bites in his lower lip fighting his tears.

Mesuli:”Can you give me a hug I could use one right now” Nancy
doesn’t wait for him to ask twice she hugs him tightly, he sniffs
back his tears holding her.


You could feel the tension between MaMkhize and Vanessa.

Vanessa could care less about her tantrums.

MaMkhize has been trying to spend time with Muzi but he just
doesn’t want her in his room for long even five minutes feels
longer for him.

He would just want Ababalwe with him all the time and Ababalwe
doesn’t want to leave his side either so MaMkhize can’t stand
there fact that she can’t spend time with his son without him
wanting Ababalwe.

Vanessa is here to make sure that no one is going to mistreat

Ababalwe anyway so MaMkhize doesn’t have a chance at all the
only thing she does is throw nasty looks.

Inside Muzi’s room it’s hard for Ababalwe to see him in this state,
he barely talks now.

She doesn’t think she will ever heal from this.

She walks out of the bathroom, good thing they are in a private
hospital they have a private bathroom and have put a second bed
for her at an extra cost of course.

She looks at him and gets teary then get next to him in his bed.

She puts her head on his chest and listen to his heart beating so

Muzi:”I love you so much” he says faintly.

Ababalwe:”I love you too”

Muzi:”It’s going to be alright” Ababalwe close her eyes letting her

tears fall holding him tight.

Ababalwe:”It’s okay now my love you can let go, don’t be scared
let go” just few seconds later the machine starts beeping as the
lines become flat.


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



They all rushed in at sound of machine and Ababalwe screaming,

her scream was so heart wrenching.

He looks at his brother who peacefully closed his eyes like he was
just sleeping.

This is a nightmare, he can’t lose him like this, this was his best

How is life going to be without him they were supposed to have

children, they had so many plans.
His sisters are beyond especially, he was like a second father to
her and now she lost him it feels like she is losing her father again.

Vanessa:”Baby they have to take him now” she says to Ababalwe

who is still in Muzi’s chest.

Ababalwe:”They can’t take him away from me mom”

Vanessa:”I know babe but he is gone”

Ababalwe:”He can’t leave me alone” she sniff and Vanessa sadly

looks at her daughter wishing she could take away her pain, how
can her daughter be the one to experience such a pain even her
has never experienced before.

Mesuli:”Can you excuse us for a minute?” His mother wants to

protest but he quickly shoots her a look and she walks out.

Mesuli:”Babsie he is gone”

Ababalwe:”I know, his heartbeat is no longer there it feels so

empty” she sniff.

Mesuli:”You should let them take him”

Ababalwe:”But I don’t want them to take him away from me” he

sigh, she was losing it.

Mesuli:”Okay but you are going to see him again, they just want to
take him for a while and bring him back” that seem to do the trick
she moves from his chest and looks at him then kisses his lips
and forehead.

She stands up and two nurses come.

Mesuli:”Please don’t do that” she says to the nurses as she is

about to cover his face “Babsie let’s get some water”

Ababalwe:”No I’m fine I want to hug him one last time” she says
and goes to Muzi and fresh tears for in her eyes “I always thought
you look so peaceful when you are sleeping but no you are more
peacefully right now” she hugs him and looks at the nurses the
nod they cover him out and wheel his bed out.

Mesuli worriedly look at her, it’s like she is aware of reality then
the next minute she is not.

Ababalwe picks up her things and Mesuli looks at him.

Mesuli:”Where are you going?”


Mesuli:”Okay I will take you”

Ababalwe:”I want to be alone Mesuli, I want to be alone” she

walks out and they bump to everyone.
Vanessa:”Babsie where are you going?”

Ababalwe:”I’m coming with..”

Ababalwe:”I want to be alone”

Vanessa:”We can’t leave you alone”

Ababalwe:”I just lost the love of my life, I just want to be alone and
mourn him for just today because I know the next few days I will
not be able to mourn him peacefully once I go to the Mkhize’s
homestead so please” she says looking at MaMkhize who

Vanessa:”Okay but I will check up on I don’t want you to be alone”

she just walks out.

Mesuli follows her and Babsie looks at him.

Mesuli:”I will drop you off then leave”

The drive is quiet he wants to something but he decides against it.

As soon as the car stops Babsie jumps out and rushes inside.

He sigh and drives off, he drives around until he finds himself in

Nancy’s house.
The door opens she looks at him and opens the door for him to
walk in without saying anything.

Nancy:”How is Muzi?” He chuckles as a tear rolls out of his eyes


Mesuli:”He is…. He died few hours ago”

Nancy:”What I’m sorry Mesuli”

Mesuli:”I don’t know what I will do without my brother Nancy. He

did everything by himself at home and at work yes to other people
it might have seen that we are both doing great but I was lacking
a lot and he was always there to push me, no one believed in me
like he did. I just don't understand the concept of death” She looks
at him, she is one of those people who usually don’t have words
to say to people when such happens. She doesn’t understand the
pain he is feeling.

Nancy:”I’m sorry Mesuli I don’t even want to act like I understand

your pain I don’t but God give his toughest soldiers the hardest
battles to fight. I know your brother’s passing is painful but God
can’t allow something to happen for no reason”

Mesuli:”Then if this is God’s will it’s painful”

Nancy:”I’m sorry, how is Ababalwe taking this? She must be

broken I want to be there for her”

Mesuli:”She is out of it, she doesn’t want to be with anyone” she

Nancy:”Where is she now?”

Mesuli:”Her house”

Nancy:”And alone?” She says looking at him.


Nancy:”Oh God No! We have to go” She says running out barefoot


Have you ever felt like you are dead inside and feel empty? That’s
how she feels.

She feels like she is dead inside, Muzi just died with a huge part of
her and it’s a part she will never get back.

This is not the kind of life she imagined for herself.

God she is just 29 years old and a widow.

Her home will never feel like home without him, she doesn’t want
to live if it’s not with him.

She looks at their wedding picture on the wall, they were so in love
she was only 24 and she knew that he is the one.
Tears form in her eyes realising that she will never get to see him
smiling again, she will never hear his laughter that was so
contagious and filled with love.

She sits down with the pen and paper then sniff trying to write as
her hands starts shaking.

“To whoever finds this I’m sorry but I can’t do this life without
Muzi. I love him I know this might feel so selfish but my life begin
and ends with him. I don’t want to live without him this is the pain
I can’t handle. I don’t want to heal and move in without him I want
to be with him and unfortunately this is the only I will get to be
with him. I don’t know if I will be with him after this but I know I
won’t be in pain anymore” she looks at the almost wet paper from
her tears.

She stands and goes to the bedroom and put on Muzi’s t-shirt
that is almost like a dress.

She grabs his picture and looks at him.

Ababalwe:”You didn’t have to leave me Muzi, this is suppose to be

our home. I don’t want to do this, I’m sorry to disappoint like this
my love but I’m not strong enough for this, you held on for longer
because you were scared of leaving me alone and I’m scared to
alone without you” she goes to the bathroom and opens the tap in
the tub feeling it will water and she opens a drawer and take out

She gets inside the bathtub and she place the razor on her wrist
cutting her making sure it goes deep.


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He is driving like a maniac he can’t believe his ignorance, they

should have known not to leave Ababalwe alone.

They all saw how broke and how her mental state was but all
thought it was okay to leave her all alone.

He is hoping that Nancy is wrong because if anything happens to

her he wouldn’t forgive himself at all and Muzi is probably going
to haunt him forever.
Nancy:”You shouldn’t have left her alone” she at the verge of

Mesuli:”Please don’t make me feel worse than I already feel right

now nice that’s unnecessary”

The drive seem longer than usual but they finally made it.

He jumps out running inside and Nancy follows.

Mesuli:”Ababalwe! Babsie!” He says looking around.

Nancy:”The main bedroom” she says running to the door and

opens it.

Mesuli pushes her aside and goes to the bathroom.

Mesuli:”Babsie!” He says rushing to the bathtub.

He pulls her under water and Nancy quickly helps him.

Nancy:”Ababalwe please wake up!”

Mesuli:”There is a lot of blood” Nancy quickly takes his T-shirt and

tear it then tie her wrist trying to prevent her from bleed any

They drive to the hospital, Mesuli is just hurt if Nancy wasn’t there
she would have die.
They quickly wheel her inside and they sit down.

Nancy:”Ababalwe is a fighter Mesuli she will make it”

Mesuli:”I shouldn’t have left her alone Nancy”

Nancy:”You wouldn’t have known”

Mesuli:”I saw how she was I should have known” Nancy sigh
because she wasn’t winning no matter what she says.

They see Vanessa approaching.

Vanessa:”What happened to my daughter?” She says before she

even reach them.

Mesuli:”She tried ending her life”

Vanessa:”Oh God! What did we do? We shouldn’t have allowed her

to leave alone not after she lost Muzi”

Soon MaMkhize approaches with her children including Yoli.

Vanessa:”What are they doing here? They don’t even like my


Mesuli:”I called Yoli not them”

Yoli is the first one to reach them and look at Mesuli.

Yolanda:”What happened Bhuti?”

Mesuli:”Something bad happened to Ababalwe”

Yolanda:”Something like what?” She says with her heart pounding.

Mesuli:”She hurt herself”

Yolanda:”Is she going to be alright? I can’t lose her too”

Mesuli:”We are still waiting for the doctor to say something but
Babsie is strong you know that so she will be fine” he says
hugging her.

Nobuntu:”I can’t believe she would try to kill herself this proves
she really loved my brother” she says sitting next to Nontle.

Nontle:”It proves nothing, Babsie is just an attention seeker if she

really wanted to kill herself she would’ve succeeded”

Yolanda:”What did you just say?” Nontle looks at Yolanda with her
heart pounding and swallows, like a speed of lightning Yolanda is
on top of her she covers her face.

Thanks to Mesuli who pulls her off of her.

MaMkhize:”What’s wrong with you Yolanda?! Do you get off from

attacking your sisters?” She says looking on Nontle who is crying.
Yolanda:”I will keep beating them up until they learn manners but I
doubt they will as they are in their late twenties so I will beat them
every chance I get since you failed to teach them manners as a

MaMkhize:”Don’t forget that I’m still your mother Yolanda!”

Yolanda:”Oh please Ababalwe has been more of a mother to me

than you have been in the past 20 years of my life. So I will beat
your shitty daughters to defend her because since I was 12 years
old she has been more like my mother that was before she even
married Bhuti Muzi she was still his girlfriend! So I will beat up
anyone for her you are only off the hook because I still have my
respect for elders but when it comes to those two I will throw
hands whenever I get the chance I will go Rambo on them”
MaMkhize looks at Yolanda for the first time she is also scared of

Vanessa:”Be grateful it was your sister who attacked you and who
retaliated because if it was me you would be on your way to
morgue” Nontle blinks looking at Vanessa.

Nontle:”I’m sorry” she murmurs.

Mesuli spots Jason in a white coat he didn’t know he was a


Jason looks at Nancy who quickly looks away.

Mesuli quickly approaches him, Jason frowns.

Jason:”I have a patient to go to so I don’t have time for chit chat”

Mesuli:”You just came out where my sister in law was taken? How
is she?” Jason frowns.

Jason:”The patient on 101 is your sister in law?”

Mesuli:”Yes how is she?”

Jason:”So your sister is the widower that lost her husband a few
hours ago I heard from a nurse who knew her”

Mesuli:”Are you going to tell me about my sister in law or not?”

Jason:”We are still working on her but she is going to pull through,
the razor didn’t get deep to cut her veins completely. So don’t
worry she is fine”

Mesuli:”Okay thank you”

Jason:”What happened to your brother is sad honestly so now

another man will raise his child” Mesuli frowns.

Mesuli:”What did you just say?”

Jason:”I guess you all didn’t know she is pregnant, well I hope you
are ready to step up because there are man like us who are ready
to step up for your brother and his wife is a beauty” that earns him
a punch from Mesuli, his family rushed to him.

Jason:”For someone who knows how to fuck a woman you sure
punch like a child” he says laughing and walks away, Nancy looks
at him and swallows.

Few hours later Ababalwe slowly open her eyes, her vision is
blurry as her eyes lands on someone.


Mesuli:”You are awake?” Babsie frowns looking at Mesuli.

Ababalwe:”Where am I?” She says looking around with her vision

getting clearer.

Mesuli:”You are in hospital”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli what did you do? Why did you save me?” She
says with the pain coming all over her again.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry but I had to save you Babsie”

Ababalwe:”You should have let me, I would rather die than be in

so much pain. I will keep trying until I succeed I don’t want to live
like this”

Mesuli:”You can’t do that especially now, you can’t take away the
life of that baby you created with my brother. I know you don’t
want that”

Ababalwe:”What are you talking?”

Mesuli:”You are pregnant Babsie and more than ever you have to
live for yourself and that baby you are carrying. The baby is a part
of Muzi” she blinks as fresh tears form in her eyes.

Ababalwe:”He left me with a baby?”

Mesuli:”I know this is tough and painful Babsie but you got to live
it won’t be easy. We both know that Muzi would have done
anything to protect you and that baby so live for him please” she
put her hands on her face crying.

Ababalwe:”I’m scared of living without him” he sigh and sit next to


Mesuli:”I know and we are all scared but you can’t hurt us by
ending your life we can’t have two funerals” this was going to be
hard for her.

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry I just wanted to end the pain”

Mesuli:”I know”


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Things has officially ended between her and Jason.

The drama between him and Mesuli is just not something she

She needs to straighten things with him so she follows him to

where he is going.

Nancy:”Jason!” She says yelling for him to wait.

Jason:”Here to defend your boyfriend?”

Nancy:”You are the one who got punched why would I defend him?
And he is not my boyfriend!”

Jason:”Who are you kidding Nancy? You are following this guy
around like a puppy”

Nancy:”I’m not…”

Jason:”He will hurt you Nancy”

Nancy:”You are bitter Jason! You are acting like I cheated on you.
You wanted me to be fucked by Mesuli and he did exactly that so
what’s up with your attitude. Besides you dumped me so….”

Jason:”What do you think you are? The best thing after a slice of
bread! That conversation wasn’t about you not everything in my
life will be about you. So now if you don’t mind excuse me I have
things to do” she blinks and Jason walks away.

After sometime she goes to Ababalwe’s room and find her talking
to Mesuli.
Nancy:”Hey” she looks at Ababalwe.


Mesuli:”I will leave you two to talk” he stands up and walks out.

Nancy:”I’m so sorry friend” she says sitting down.

Ababalwe:”It hates so much Nancy just two weeks ago we were

enjoying our time in New York City. I didn’t think I will soon be
burying my husband. How will I live without him now?”

Nancy:”I know it’s hard sweetie but Muzi would have wanted you
to live your life and be happy”

Ababalwe:”Do you think I was stupid for trying to end my life?”

Nancy:”No because I think he would have done the same thing,

what the two of you shared was special. But would you want him
to kill himself if you were the one who passed before him?”

Ababalwe:”No I wouldn’t but it’s not easy”

Nancy:”I know it’s not easy but please you don’t want to hurt Muzi
so you have to live. You will have support from the people who
love you. We may not understand your pain but only you can make
us understand so please” Babsie sniff her tears and Nancy hugs
her “I’m here for you”

Ababalwe:”Thank you”

Having Muzi’s baby it’s something she always wanted but they
were not rushing at all.

He would have been so happy for this moment, she could only
imagine his sparkling eyes looking at her with so much love and
happiness it hurts that she never got a chance to tell him.

Maybe if she found out earlier about the pregnancy he would have
fought to live to see his child.

Now she has to raise their baby alone, she is not ready but Muzi
would want her to live even though she doesn’t know where to
start she will have to try.

Vanessa walks in and she sadly looks at her.

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry mom”

Vanessa:”I shouldn’t have left you alone”

Ababalwe:”No it’s not your fault I was just scared” Vanessa

squeeze her hand.

Vanessa:”Please promise me it won’t happen again if things get

rough just pick up a phone and call me” she nods.
Ababalwe:”I promise”

Vanessa:”I don’t know want to lose you not after what I have been
through trying to have you”

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry I scared you like that” she is the only child
and Vanessa had her via surrogate after years of trying to carry on
her own.

Her father was a sperm donor but her stepfather stepped up he

met her mother when she was just 5 years old.

Vanessa:”Don’t apologise babe, you just lost Muzi that man loved
you more than anything. I understand your fear of not being able
to live without him. He was your everything so it’s going to be
hard to live without him. One stay at a time it’s all that you need
babe don’t rush yourself” she nods looking at her getting teary.

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry for crying I…”

Vanessa:”It’s okay to cry you need to let all out, I would be worried
if you didn’t cry you just lost your husband so please cry every
time you feel like it”

Ababalwe:”We are having a baby, I didn’t even know I was

pregnant I almost killed my baby”

Vanessa:”You will be the best mom, you have a reason to live”


It’s all over the social media that Muzi has died.
She is disbelief and if her plans worked out she would be a
widower now.

Everyone sympathies with Ababalwe and sending love and


She sigh and create a fake account then start typing her post on

“I wouldn’t be surprised that his wife had a hand in his death. I

mean the man was fine just few weeks ago then he is drop dead. I
personally know her she is a stuck up bitch who thinks the world
revolves around her. She has always been after his money and
now she finally killed him for it”

She post it and quickly enough it has about hundreds likes, some
of her comments agree with her but some are attacking her.

She smiles atleast some people agree with her and this will hurt


He has been moving up and down preparing for his brother’s

funeral something he never thought he would be doing so soon.
The past three days have been the hardest so far.

But he needs to be strong and do this for his brother.

Even the media has finally catch on what was happening and he
had to address it because people were coming with stupid

The worse one was the one saying Ababalwe killed her, he was so
livid because he knows how much Babsie loved his brother.

Today is the day Ababalwe gets discharged he has to pick her up

then they will go home tomorrow.

He walks inside the hospital and he finds her already dressed.



Mesuli:”I’m sorry I’m late” she nods.

Ababalwe:”It’s okay”

Mesuli:”Are you ready to go?” she sigh she is not ready to face
everything but she has to.
Ababalwe:”Yeah” He takes the bag and they walk out, Jason looks
at him as they walk out Mesuli clicks his tongue.

Ababalwe:”Are you okay?”

Mesuli:”Do you know Nancy’s fiancé?” She frowns.

Ababalwe:”Nancy has a fiancé?”

Mesuli:”You didn’t know your best friend was engaged”

Ababalwe:”I didn’t even know she has a boyfriend, maybe she was
not ready to tell me about it”

Mesuli:”They have been engaged for four months Babsie come


Ababalwe:”What happened with him?”

Mesuli:”Nothing hectic” she nods and they drive to Muzi’s house.

Ababalwe takes a deep breath and they walk inside.

Mesuli:”What do you feel like eating?”

Ababalwe:”Something light”

Mesuli:”Burger it is”

After finishing eating she goes to the bedroom while Mesuli

makes some calls.

She changes to her pjs and get inside their bed, it just feels so big
and empty for one person.

She keeps tossing and turning she sits and sigh.

She moves to his side of the bed it still smells like him and she
lies there for few minutes before sleep takes over her.

Mesuli finishes up and goes to check on her, he sigh in relief then

fix her blanket to cover her then walks out.

He goes to Muzi’s home office and sits down then log in to his

He opens the drawer looking for a pen but find an envelope


He opens it out of curiosity, he reads the first page and then the
second one he sigh and takes a lighter out of his pocket burning


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE


By the time he wakes up the next morning, Ababalwe is already


She is making herself something to eat.


Ababalwe:”Hey did you burn something here last night it smells

weird” He sigh.

Mesuli:”Yeah I burnt some paper I found in Muzi’s drawer?”

Ababalwe:”Why would you burn them?”

Mesuli:”Because I had to it was a letter addressed to me I left

yours there but I burnt your suicide note or would you have
preferred to keep it?”


Mesuli:”Okay have you packed?”

Ababalwe:”I woke up early so yeah”

Mesuli:”You couldn’t sleep?”

Ababalwe:”I can’t waking up hoping that he will be next to me”

Mesuli:”It will get better, so have you thought about going to the
Ababalwe:”Maybe after the funeral for now I just want to focus on

Mesuli:”Okay then”

He is praying that this weekend goes as smoothly as he planned.

Hopefully his mother will be in her best behaviour but with

Vanessa around she won’t try anything so he doesn’t have to
worry about Ababalwe being mistreated.

The four hour drive ended up being five hour drive, he didn’t know
that pregnant woman pee this much.

By the time they arrive some of the relatives have already arrived.

They walk inside and a hymn is sang before they take Ababalwe

“Mesuli Mkhize” he quickly turns.


Ntokozo:”Surprised to see me here” he says chuckling.

Mesuli:”Hell yeah I’m surprised to see you here dude”

Ntokozo:”You know I wouldn’t miss Muzi’s funeral that man was
like my brother I really can’t believe that he just left us so quickly I
really thought he could fight this” Mesuli frowns.

Mesuli:”You knew he had cancer?”

Ntokozo:”Yes I was with him when he found out, he didn’t want

you to know Mesuli it was best to keep it that way”

Mesuli:”Wow” he told Ntokozo but not him.

Ntokozo:”Hey don’t be hurt, he was protecting you”

Mesuli:”I know I just wish he didn’t hide it we would have prepared

ourselves for this and Ababalwe isn’t handling this well she
almost ended her life”

Ntokozo:”Is she okay?”

Mesuli:”Yeah and she is pregnant I don’t know man how all of this
is going to play out because it’s a huge loss”

Ntokozo:”We will be fine, I will have to talk to her”



She is hurt by Muzi’s death, she already lost a father now his
brother who was like a father to her is gone she doesn’t know how
to handle it.
He was supposed to be there for her 21st birthday he promised
her a car if she doesn’t fall pregnant before 21.

He has always been proud of her and her achievements.


Yolanda:”Lord give me strength” she says as Sgqibo approaches




Sgqibo:”I’m sorry about your brother I just can’t believe he is



Sgqibo:”If you need some to talk to I’m…” she sigh cutting him off.

Yolanda:”I don’t need someone to talk Sgqibo I’m fine”

Sgqibo:”Why are you so cold towards me?”

Yolanda:”I just lost my brother Sgqibo do you expect to be warm”

Sgqibo:”Of course not but you have been cold ever since you left I
tried calling you but you ignore my calls”

Yolanda:”Then stop calling, just because I kissed you it doesn’t

mean I want you back no! I don’t want you back” he chuckles.
Sgqibo:”Oh sweetheart you see you were mine before anyone else
tell those city boys of yours I’m coming for what’s mine” her
stomach can’t help but feel butterflies.

Yolanda:”You are going to the city?”

Sgqibo:”Yes so get your shit together and stop ignoring me. My

condolences to you” he kisses her forehead and walks away, she
hates how she feels about him even after his relationship with

Speak of the devil she is looking at her and want to say something
but she knows better.


She hates the pity eyes she is getting right now, she just want to
burst into tears and cry herself to sleep.

Muzi would have asked her for the fifth time if she has eaten it’s
weird to be here without him.

Atleast she is not sitting on a mattress 24/7, she is allowed to go

to her room and sit there as long as she is not outside.

Nancy:”Well I think I just saw a familiar face” she says walking.

Ababalwe:” Why didn’t you tell me you have a fiancé” Nancy


Nancy:”Mesuli told you?”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli knows you have a fiancé and I don’t? Was I

even going to be invited into the wedding?”

Nancy:”Of course I was just not ready to talk about Jason yet”

Ababalwe:”Really? Four months of engagement which means you

have been dating him for longer than that”

Nancy:”Everything moved faster with him, I wasn’t sure about our

relationship and I was right look now it ended”

Mesuli walks in with a plant of food.

Mesuli:”I brought some food” she takes it.

Ababalwe:”Thank you” Only him and Yolanda are bringing her


Mesuli:”Please don’t take food from anyone else”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli that’s the fourth time I’m hearing that and I

won’t” He doesn’t trust her mother and sisters since she is

Mesuli:”Fine” He walks out Nancy sigh as she realise that he

didn’t even look at her.

Nancy:”What was that about food?”

Ababalwe:”If you haven’t noticed I have always eaten food I make

or my husband made or from Mesuli and Yolanda. I'm hated in
this house”
Nancy:”Yeah I know but today he is doing too much”

Ababalwe:”Because Muzi is not here and I’m not allowed in the

kitchen. Also Yolanda is being sent up and down” Before she
could answer the door opens.

Nancy:”What are you guys doing here?”

Ndzolo:”Ababalwe is our friend too Nancy”

Nancy:”Excuse me” she walks out.

Amukele:”Is she okay?”

Ababalwe:”Yeah she is fine”

Ndzolo:”How are you?”

Ababalwe:”I’m better than the past few days. This is to me doesn’t

feel real”

Ndzolo:”I’m sorry babe, I know the pain of losing someone you

love at least mine came back from the dead so it’s nothing
compared to what you are feeling”

Amukele:”I’m really sorry Babsie, I just can’t believe that Muzi is


Ababalwe:”Me too I wake up thinking it was just a dream only for

reality to slap me in the face”

Amukele:”It’s all going to be fine, we are here”

Ababalwe:”Thank you”

Ndzolo:”I see you and Nancy are still friends”

Amukele:”Here we go”

Ababalwe:”Not now please Ndzolo, can you please coexist. Nancy

is my friend so are you” Ndzolo roll her eyes.

Ndzolo:”Only because we are having a funeral”


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Ndzolo and Nancy don’t like each other they never did.

Somehow Ndzolo always intimidated Nancy and she hates it.

She has never involved herself in their drama, of course Amukele

is in Ndzolo’s side which she understand because she is friends
with her not Nancy.

Having her friends coming kinda lifted her spirit up, she laughs
here and there.
Ndzolo has always been so close to Muzi in fact she always felt
like he preferred her more because she is married.

Today it’s the day of the funeral it’s a bittersweet moment she has
been praying for strength to deal with everything.

Her stay here has always been dramatic and for the first time it
was peaceful MaMkhize is in her best behaviour which is unlike

Mesuli walks in, he is in all black he looks at Babsie.

Mesuli:”Ready?” She sigh shaking her head, they have to see his
body before the funeral starts.

Ababalwe:”No” she says sitting on top of the bed.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry that’s a stupid question to ask, I know this hard

for you to deal with but for the pass few days you have shown
strength I believe you can do this for you and the little soldier you
are carrying”

Ababalwe:”Not matter how many times I sleep hoping that this is

just a bad dream I just wake up to reality. I’m even scared to look
him in that coffin what if I don’t forget him lying there I don’t want
that memory stuck in my head but I also want to get closure and
accept that he is not coming back so the only way is to see him
there and see him going down the ground then I will come to
reality with everything. So I don’t know what to do”

Mesuli:”You and Muzi had so many good memories you shared I

know the good outweighs the bad. But you need say goodbye to
him. You don’t want to put yourself in a position where you hope
that he walks in some which won’t happen” she sigh.

Ababalwe:”I just want this nightmare to be over and thank you for
everything you have done. How are you?”

Mesuli:”I’m fine we should go”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli don’t do that, you have spent the past few days
worrying and taking care of everything and everyone. No one have
asked you how are you, you just lost your brother and your best
friend” he sigh.

Mesuli:”I just don’t know how I feel, I think a part of me is still in

denial asking myself why him? I just don’t know how to handle the
pain of losing him. I just don’t want to think too much about it I
will go insane” he says fighting back his tears.

Ababalwe:”Come here” she says hugging him the door opens and
Nancy walks in.

Nancy:”I’m sorry to disturb you guys everyone is ready”

Mesuli:”Thank you Nancy, I should go” he walks out.

Ababalwe:”Let’s go” she nods and follows Babsie.

Someone start a hymn as they open his coffin.

Yolanda is standing next to Ababalwe so she could lean on her if
anything happens.

Ababalwe looks at him, he looks so peaceful as if he is just

sleeping it doesn’t look like he is dead.

He still look handsome as ever she told herself that she wasn’t
going to cry but her tears betray her and heart shatters as the
hope of him ever coming back to her goes up in smoke, he is not
coming back.

Yolanda rub her back as her own tears fall, her brother is really

After the body viewing the funeral service proceed.

The mood is somber and some comforting words are said but no
comforting words are enough for them to accept what happened,
Muzi was young and he had so much more to offer in the world.

A sob escape Ababalwe’s mouth as his coffin goes down the hole.

She is young to be going through this.

After the funeral she wants to be alone but Mesuli don’t trust her
to be alone not after what happened so he asked Yolanda to look

Ababalwe:”I really wanted to be alone”

Yolanda:”I know but I won’t leave you alone not after what you

Ababalwe:”I won’t do anything”

Yolanda:”You scared me, I can’t lose you too I just lost my brother.
You are like a mother to me I may not tell you often but you have
done so much for me more than my own mother ever did. Now if
you do something you will leave me as an orphan I don’t want
that” Ababalwe looks at her with tears forming in her eyes.

Ababalwe:”Yoli I’m not going to hurt myself I promise”

Yolanda:”Please don’t I don’t want you to leave me alone here.

You scared me when you tried hurting yourself, the thought of
losing the two of you at the same time was shattering”

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking straight please forgive me I

won’t leave you” she nods.


Ababalwe:”Give me hug” Yolanda hugs her.

Yolanda:”You know my brother might be gone but I’m here to

protect you I will beat u…”
Ababalwe:”You don’t fight just because you want to Yolanda” she
moves back.

Yolanda:”I want…”

Ababalwe:”You are angry Yolanda” she swallows.

Yolanda:”Yes I am angry, my mother treats my sister so different

from me. I just wish she cared or gave me half of the love she
shows them. I became angry when my father died instead of her
and now I’m more angry that she is not the one who is dead”
Ababalwe sigh.

Ababalwe:”Do you want to have this conversation right now?”


Ababalwe:”Me too but I want to tell you something”


Ababalwe:”I’m pregnant only Mesuli and my mother knows then

now you I will like to keep it that way for the few months”

Yolanda:”You are really pregnant?” She frowns.

Ababalwe:”What does that mean?”

Yolanda:”You vomited that other time and a few times I

suspected it”

Ababalwe:”How do you feel?” Yolanda starts laughing and crying

at the same time.

Yolanda:”Sad and Happy”

Ababalwe:”Me too”

Yolanda:”So I’m going to been an aunt/sister”

Ababalwe:”Yeah I just wish Muzi knew”

Yolanda:”I know, he was going to be dramatic I swear you would

stop walking on your own” Ababalwe laughs at her and realising
that she has been one of the luckiest to experience true love that
most people don’t.

Ababalwe:”He would buy me a wheelchair”

Yolanda:”Or piggyback you” they both laugh but they stop as they
hear commotion outside.

Yolanda:”It wouldn’t be a Mkhize thing if it didn’t end with a


In the sitting room Mesuli is on his feet looking at his mother with

Mesuli:”My brother’s body is not even in that soil for over 24 hours
but you already want to take his money”

MaMkhize:”I want to make sure that we get what we deserve”

Mesuli:”Fine I will go call Ababalwe” he goes to the room.

Ababalwe:”What’s happening out there?”

Mesuli:”Muzi’s lawyer is here to read the will”

Ababalwe:”Couldn’t this wait for tomorrow?”

Mesuli:”Well my mother called him”

Yolanda:”Is his real lawyer?”

Mesuli:”Yeah we also use him at the company”

Ababalwe:”Wow let’s go” she walks out.

They are all settling waiting for the lawyer to read the will.

“Okay let’s begin it reads as follows i Muzi Mkhize declare that

this is my last will and testament. I give 4 out 6 of my properties
and all proceeds of my insurance to my wife Ababalwe Mkhize. I
give 15 percentage of my shares of Mkhize Logistics to my
brother Mesuli Mkhize and the remaining shares are to be shared
equally between my wife and my younger sister Yolanda as soon
as she turns 21 years old. I also give my property in Durban to my
younger sister Yolanda. The Mkhize Club is to be run by brother
and two other sisters should they wish to sell Melusi is to keep
50% amount and give them 25%. My mother is to keep the house
at village it now belongs to her. Everything that is left out of this
will belongs to my wife…”

MaMkhize:”Wait what?! That’s the only thing I got this stupid

house, what about the factory”

“As it say here everything that wasn’t stated here it belongs to his

MaMkhize:”You paid him didn’t you”

Ababalwe:”Trust me if I paid him I would have made sure you and

your two daughters get nothing. You are lucky that you get to
keep this house” she says standing up and go to the bedroom.

Outside the house Muzi’s friends are chatting a storm.

While some of the cousins are looking at them after a while

Nontle and Nobuntu joins.

“I didn’t know your brothers had such friends”

“Who is the one in black?”

Nobuntu:”That’s Ntokozo…”

Ndzolo:”And he is my husband his hobby is to killing people”

everyone kept quiet and Nancy roll her eyes.

Ndzolo walks towards her and looks at her.

Ndzolo:”Do you have a problem?”

Nancy:”No I just don’t like you at all”

Ndzolo:”This is giving high school drama I'm not about to

entertain you. You might act all mighty and holy but remember I
know the real you. I know what you tried to do in that trip we went
to last year I wonder what would happen if Ababalwe knew”
Nancy heart start pounding.

Nancy:”I don’t know what you are talking about”

Ndzolo:”Of course you don’t” she walks away leaving Nancy


Sgqibo is walking back home and a car pulls over next to him
almost running him over.

He frowns looking at the guy driving as he got out of the car.

He saw him at the funeral and it is said that he is one of Muzi and
Mesuli’s friends.

Sgqibo:”What’s your problem? You almost ran me over!”

“My bad I didn’t mean to do that” he says leaning against his car.

Sgqibo:”Right” he says walking away.

“Sgqibo right?” He stops and looks at him.

Sgqibo:”How do you know my name?”

“I just know”

Sgqibo:”Can I help you with something?”

“Yeah by staying away from Yolanda?”

Sgqibo:”Why would I do that? Yolanda is my girlfriend”

“Well that’s about to change”

Sgqibo:”You don’t scare me! So I won’t stay away from Yolanda”

“Okay keep playing tough let’s see how that ends for you” he gets
inside the car and drives off.
Sgqibo clicks his tongue annoyed.


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



The worse was over, the funeral is done a dusted.

His brother is really gone, he appreciates the support he had from

his friends.

He is still in disbelief of what his mother did but he is also glad

that things didn’t go as planned for her.

His friends are leaving today and he is standing with Ntokozo.

Ntokozo:”If you need anything we are one call away”

Mesuli:”Thank you guys for coming “

Ntokozo:”Don’t thank us, Muzi was our friend”

Mesuli:”Thank you”

They drive out as Nancy walks outside dragging her bag.

Mesuli:”You are leaving”

Nancy:”Yeah the funeral is over now”

Mesuli:”Are you okay?” He says looking at her.

Nancy:”I’m okay”

Mesuli:”Thank you for coming” he says kissing her cheek.

Nancy:”My pleasure I should get going”

Mesuli:”Can we maybe go out for lunch when all of this is over”

Nancy looks at him shocked.

Nancy:”You are asking me out?”

Mesuli:”Why do you look and sound shocked” she sigh.

Nancy:”I thought you…never mind we can go out just send me the

time and date”

Mesuli:”Okay then” he opens the door for her she looks at him and
perk his lips.

Nancy:”Bye” he walks inside the bedroom and find Ababalwe.

Mesuli:”Nancy just left”

Ababalwe:”Yeah I know”
Mesuli:”Are you guys good? I barely saw you guys together” she
chuckles looking at him.

Ababalwe:”We are fine” he just nods but he doesn’t believe her.

Mesuli:”When are we leaving?”

Ababalwe:”I think tomorrow I have a lot to take care of”

“So you want run away with my son’s money already” MaMkhize
says walking in.

Mesuli:”Mom stop”

MaMkhize:”No we just buried my son and she already want to

leave so she could start eating his money”

Ababalwe:”Just buried? You have a nerve saying that when you

called a lawyer just two hours of burying your son. Be grateful you
got that house because you don’t deserve it!” MaMkhize raise her
to slap but Mesuli moves quickly shield Babsie hugging her
causing MaMkhize to hit his back instead then he moves away
from Babsie.

He looks at his mother who seem shocked.

Mesuli:”What? You thought just because my brother is gone you

will do as you please to her? That’s where you are wrong

MaMkhize:”So you have turned my other son against me as well

whatever you are using is strong!”

Ababalwe:”I’m not like you MaMkhize!” She looks at her then

walks out.
Mesuli:”I’m sorry about all of this, I can’t protect you like my
brother did and…”

Ababalwe:”I know but you just did thank you I don’t mean to
cause so much drift between you and your mother”

Mesuli:”It’s not your fault, we are leaving”

Ababalwe:” But…”

Mesuli:”You have done your dues as my brother’s wife and now

you are going where you will mourn him. You are pregnant from
what I read the first trimester is critical, you can’t be stressed so
we are leaving. Finish packing up and I will tell Yoli to pack” he
walks out before she could protest.


They are driving home quietly, Yolanda is playing her music.

She seems to be in a good mood which is a great thing.

Yolanda:”Are you going to run the club with Nobuntu and Nontle?”
She says to Mesuli almost laughing.

Mesuli:”I don’t know what Muzi was thinking those two know
nothing about business”

Ababalwe:”I agree but I think he just didn’t know what to leave


Mesuli:”Yeah I just think I should sell it”

Yolanda:”Or keep it then give them 50% of what was going to cost
when you sell it. Then you run it on your own”

Mesuli:”That’s smart”

Ababalwe:”Yeah but make sure you will make them sign the
documents that they are selling their portion of the club to you.
Those two may keep coming for more money if you don’t do that”
he nods.

The drive is not long before they pull in front of her house.

Mesuli:”Yoli take your bags inside I need to talk to Babsie”

Yolanda:”Okay” she takes the small suitcases, Mesuli looks at


Mesuli:”Yolanda will be staying with you for a while I will check up

on you everyday”

Ababalwe:”Am I allowed to say no?”

Mesuli:”No you are not”

Ababalwe:”Fine some company will be great anyways”

Mesuli:”My brother might be Ababalwe but we are your family you

can always count on me and Yolanda to be here for you. It’s not
going to be easy moving forward for all without him but we all
have to try”

Ababalwe:”Thank you for everything you have done I don’t think I

would have managed on my own”

Mesuli:”Don’t thank me it’s my duty. So when are you seeing the


Ababalwe:”I don’t know”

Mesuli:”Please let me know I will go with you”

Ababalwe:”Okay then” she gets out of the car and they walk inside.

Mesuli:”Okay you guys are settled I will see you tomorrow”

Ababalwe:”Okay then good night” he walks towards Yolanda.

Mesuli:”Please take care of her okay?”


Mesuli:”I love you” he says kissing her forehead.

Yolanda:”I love you too Bhuti” he walks out she looks at Babsie.

Ababalwe:” Please stop looking at me like that, as I promised I

won’t hurt myself you need to trust me”

Yolanda:”Okay I trust you”

Ababalwe:”I will be in his office find something to do I think I will

be there for a while”

Yolanda:”I will cook” she nods.

She goes to the bedroom and change to comfortable clothes then

goes to his office.
His scent is still around he had a strong a scent.

She sits down on his chair and open the drawer then take out the
letter addressed to her, she has been dragging this moment but
she has to do it.

She takes a deep breath and start reading it.

“Hey babe, I guess you find the letter and I’m no longer with you. I
know you are hurting right now and there is no words I can pen
down to make you feel better. I know you are hurt that I never told
you about the cancer but I had my reasons. I couldn’t bring myself
to tell you not because I didn’t trust you but because I couldn’t
bare the thought of seeing you hurting. I wanted to make sure that
our last moments together are filled with nothing but happiness in
your eyes nothing beats seeing you happy. Knowing you it will be
hard to move on as it would be for me but I want you to be happy.
Remember you have my brother on your side I know he will never
fill in my shoes but he will take care of you. Lean on him when
things get tough and don’t be afraid to live your life. I want you to
find love again I want you to know that whatever decision you
make I’m always by your side don’t regret it. I don’t want you to
look for me in every man you meet because you find me in them.
We were meant to live our lives loving each other and I lived the
rest of mine loving you. I’m glad I didn’t stop annoying you that
day I met you and I was determined to make you mine and I did it
I’m so proud of myself. I grew wings now and hopefully they will
cover you until you grow yours” she blinks her tears and find her
hand rubbing her invisible bump.

Ababalwe:”We are going to be okay babe, daddy is looking over us

it’s all going to be fine” she takes her phone and text Mesuli.

“I’m going to make an appointment with my doctor for the day

after tomorrow”



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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



The past five months have been difficult she doesn’t want to lie.

She had to learn to be alone without him it was so difficult but she
is slowly getting used to it.

Her baby is growing and her belly isn’t as big as she has seen
from other people.
Her clothes still fit and all she couldn’t more.

The kicks are everything, she remembers hearing the heartbeat

for the first time she cried at that moment she just wished Muzi
was with here.

Mesuli has been supportive 24/7, he haven’t missed any


And today they are founding out the gender of her baby.

She doesn’t want to be surprised, she wants to prepare for her


She sits down at the restaurant nearby and wait for Mesuli to pick
her up, she is not allowed to drive.

“Ababalwe” she knows the voice and she turns around and find


Zingce:”I didn’t think you would move on so quickly” she says

smiling looking at her.

Ababalwe:”What are you talking about?”

Zingce:”You are pregnant just five months after you buried Muzi,
wow I didn’t know you had it in you” Ababalwe chuckles looking at

Ababalwe:”I swear I give you chest pains honey. You are so

bothered by me, you are so miserable with your own life and now
you are projecting. Just so you know it’s his baby and if I was you
I will be worried about your rotten womb instead” Zingce
swallows looking at her “ and if I were you I would stop posting
nonsense about me on social media and take everything down
before I sue your ass for defamation of character. Now get your
flat ass off my table” she stands up walking away without

She take her phone and dial Mesuli he picks up.

Ababalwe:”Where are you?”

Mesuli:”I’m about to leave the office, sorry I’m late”


The past five months have been amazing for her.

Things between her and Mesuli they have been great.

After their first date they made things official.

She has been happy that she is finally with someone who she
genuinely love and that loves her too.

They have been spending a lot of time together.

Today she decided to go see him in his office for lunch.

Nancy:”Is Mesuli in?” She ask his assistant, they know about them.

“Yes he is, you can go through”

Nancy:”Thank you” she walks in and finds him putting on his

blazer “Hey”

Mesuli:”Hey babe..what are you doing here?” He says walking

towards her and kisses her.

Nancy:”I just thought we could have lunch together”

Mesuli:”I think I told you that I have to take Ababalwe to her


Nancy:”Uhh I forgot, can’t you sit this one out and spend lunch
with me?” He sigh.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry babe that’s one thing I can’t do, please come for
dinner tonight” his phone rings and he speaks to Babsie for few
seconds “I’m sorry I have to go I will see you tonight I love you” he
pecks her lips and jog out.
Nancy sigh and take out her phone then called her sister.

“Hey sis”


“What’s going on?” She sigh.

Nancy:”Mesuli just left me in his office to attend to Ababalwe as


“But didn’t you say he has to take her to an appointment”

Nancy:”I did but I just wanted to see him today”

“You should have waited for him to come back from the

Nancy:”I understand that Ababalwe lost Muzi and I sympathise

with her but right now it’s starting to feel like I’m in a polygamous
relationship with her and Mesuli”


It’s been five months since she lost her brother and moved in with

She wants to move back to res not because she is not enjoying
staying with her sister in-law she really does and loves it.

But she just can’t do certain things because she respects her
even though she is cool but she just want to respect her.
She miss the freedom of staying in res.

Sgqibo has officially moved to the city and she wants to spend
time with him as much as she want to.

She decided to visit him after her classes.

They are watching some series and she looks at him.

Yolanda:”Am I boring you?” Sgqibo looks at her.

Sgqibo:”What are you talking about?”

Yolanda:”You barely say anything to me or even when I talk you

seem miles away” he sigh.

Sgqibo:”I’m sorry I never told you this but one of your brother’s
friend threatened me to stay away from you”

Yolanda:”My brother’s friend? Which one?”

Sgqibo:”I don’t know his name, he was wearing a grey coat with
white sneakers he is very tall” all his brother’s friends are tall.

Yolanda:”And this never stressed you before though, you have

been cool the past three months”

Sgqibo:”I don’t know..I think I saw him today”

Yolanda:”I think I should go” she say standing up.

Sgqibo:”You don’t have to go I’m sorry”

Yolanda:”No it’s okay” she picks up her bag and walks out.

She is kind of hurt, she knows that Sgqibo is not telling her the
truth if he was really bothered by her brother’s friend as he claims
he would have told her long time ago.

She goes home and find Ababalwe she is heavily pregnant she is
glowing and chubby.



Ababalwe:”What’s wrong?” She sits next to her and put her head
on her lap.

Yolanda:”When does one know she is ready for sex?” Ababalwe

frowns looking at her.

Ababalwe:”The fact that you are still asking me that you are not
ready. Why are you asking me this?”

Yolanda:”I think my boyfriend is bored of me because I refused to

sleep with him. Today were so close to doing it but I bailed out I
just couldn’t do it. I made a promise to my brother that I will wait
until I’m 21 I’m turning 21 in two months I just can’t break that
promise” Ababalwe smile looking at her.
Ababalwe:”You didn’t do anything wrong baby. If you want to keep
that promise even though that he is no longer with us then do it. If
your boyfriend really loves you he is going to wait, he won’t get
bored because a relationship it’s more than just about sex. Your
brother and I waited for seven months before we had sex, he
didn’t pressure me into doing anything. He was patient with me so
if he loves you he will wait for you” she sigh and nods.

Yolanda:”I like him a lot”

Ababalwe:”Well I don’t want you to do anything you are not ready

to do”

Yolanda:”I won’t”


He moved to the city a few months back, everything is different

about it.

People here live a different life than they do at the village.

His relationship with Yolanda has been great and he loves her.

It’s a lot different from what he had with Nobuntu, their

relationship was so sexual they had sex every time.

Now Yolanda is a virgin so things for him are just different.

They have been times where they are so close but it never
happened, he doesn’t understand how people date a virgin for a
year or more because he is struggling.

A knock disturbs him he stands up and opens the door.

Nobuntu:”Lover boy” she says walking further in.


Nobuntu:”So my sister doesn’t satisfy you and you came back

running to me”

Sgqibo:”Can you keep Yolanda’s name out of your mouth? And do

what you came here for”

Nobuntu:”Of course”

Sgqibo:”Look I love Yolanda and as for you, you are nothing but
sex. Are we clear?”

Nobuntu:”Yes daddy, come here” she pulls him closer kissing him
he picks her up and walks to bed with her.


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The past few months has been hectic and all but he has managed
to split time between work, girlfriend and Babsie.

His relationship with Nancy is good, he is happy with how things

are going she might be the one after all.

He never thought him and Nancy would work out but now he has
different thoughts.

He finally pulls over at the restaurant, this pregnancy is somehow

making her glowing and easily pissed of at the same time.

He gets inside the restaurant and finds her eating if anything she
loves eating.

Mesuli:”Ready to go?”

Ababalwe:”Yeah we should go, your crazy ex is here” she says

standing up and his eyes move around until they meet Zingce’s
who is looking at them.

Mesuli:”Did she say anything to you?”

Ababalwe:”Don’t worry I handled it. We can go” he picks up her

handbag and look at Zingce as they walk out.
She gets inside the car and looks at him.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry”

Ababalwe:”Can I get a driver that isn’t you?”

Mesuli:”Like a chauffeur?”

Ababalwe:”Yes since I can’t drive”

Mesuli:”I will think about it” she rolls her eyes he chuckles “How is
he treating you?” He is hoping that it’s boy.

Ababalwe:”Besides having a field day in my stomach, I’m good”

Mesuli:”When are you taking a maternity leave?”

Ababalwe:”I don’t know maybe next month”

Mesuli:”You are six months pregnant Ababalwe. You can’t be

working now”

Ababalwe:”You are starting to sound like Muzi right now Mesuli”

he sigh.

Mesuli:”And you know I’m right”

Ababalwe:”I will take the leave next week” he nods.

Mesuli:”We are here” he opens the door and they walk out.

She lies down as Mesuli hold her hand and listening to the
heartbeat, it’s like it’s getting stronger.
“So here it is, you are having a boy”

Mesuli:”Are you sure?”

“Yes you couldn’t clear see that it’s a boy”

Ababalwe:”Wow I don’t know what to say”

Mesuli:”Ain’t you happy?” Ababalwe looks him, sometimes it’s like

she will murder him when she looks at him.

Ababalwe:”I am happy”

Mesuli:”You don’t look happy”

“Mr Mkhize!” The Doctor reprimand him and calls him aside “You
know you are her least favourite person because of her pregnancy,
so you don’t provoke a pregnant woman. Look at her she is
smiling now that you are not around, she is looking at her baby
smiling” Mesuli have accepted that her hormones makes her
hates him.

It doesn’t bother him at all because it’s funny in some way.

The doctor walks out as she fixes herself.

Mesuli:”You know if you continue hating me the baby will come

out looking like me” she frowns.

Ababalwe:”He will look like my husband” he chuckles.

Mesuli:”Do you want wings?” She looks at him smiling.

Ababalwe:”Dunked wings please”

Mesuli:”Okay then”

They past by KFC drive through, a part of him want to ask what’s
going on between Nancy and her.

Yes they are good but they are not as close they were a few
months back.

Ababalwe:”You know I don’t hate you right?” It must be food that

makes her happy to the point of her saying that.

Mesuli:”You don’t?” she shakes her head innocently almost

making him laugh.

Ababalwe:”No you just piss me off sometimes”

Mesuli:”Okay I will get you a driver, will that make you less pissed
off?” She nods.

Ababalwe:”Thank you, I really appreciate what you are doing for

me I really do but I don’t want you to end up not living your life
because you want to take care of me. I’m fine so is your nephew”

Mesuli:”Am I doing too much?”

Ababalwe:”No I don’t feel that way but I just don’t want you
forgetting your life too”

Mesuli:”I hear you”

It’s after work, he drives home and he honestly can’t wait to rest.

Being a CEO is a lot and filling in Muzi’s shoes seems to be harder

than he thought it would be and the last thing is to fail and
running his brother’s hard work to the ground.

He drives in and spots Nancy’s car, he smiles he gave her the key
that’s how serious their relationship is.

He walks in and finding her cooking, he puts his bag down and
walks to the kitchen and wrap his arms around her waist kissing
her neck.



Mesuli:”What are you making it smells nice”

Nancy:”Beef stew, go change” he nods and goes to the bathroom

then put on comforting clothes then join.

Mesuli:”You good?”

Nancy:”I’m okay, how did the appointment go?” He smiles.

Mesuli:”It was good she is having a boy”

Nancy:”Well that’s great I’m happy for her” Mesuli looks at her.
Mesuli:”Yet you don’t sound happy, what’s going on?” He says
taking her hand to his.

Nancy:”I don’t know how to say this without sounding like I’m
insecure or jealous”

Mesuli:”You can just say it without thinking about that” she looks
at him.

Nancy:”I know that she lost her husband and she needs support
right now. I do sympathies with her but I just feel like you are
spending so much time with her. I get that you want to help her
since she is carrying your late brother’s child but that’s not your
child Mesuli you don’t have to go to each and every appointment
she has” Mesuli thoughtfully looks at her for a minute.

Mesuli:”Okay so how do you want me to go about things?”

Nancy:”I don’t want to tell you what to do”

Mesuli:”I see but you are not comfortable with how I’m doing
things so what is it that will make you comfortable?”

Nancy:”I didn’t say it’s making me uncomfortable” he lets her

hand go.

Mesuli:”Then what are you saying my love? Because you are not
happy with how things have been going so I want you to suggest
what I should do moving forward so that it will make you happy
and comfortable” this is not how she wanted this conversation to

Nancy:”Okay you can let her go alone on the remaining

appointments, you don’t have to pick her up from work I’m sure
she also wants space from you” he leans back on his chair.

Mesuli:”So you want me to cut her off?”

Nancy:”What? No! That’s not what I meant Mesuli”

Mesuli:”That's what sounded like you meant because everything

you asked me to stop doing with her are the only things I do with
her so now you are basically asking me to cut her off”

Nancy:”You are blowing this out of proportion Mesuli because you

know that’s not what I meant”

Mesuli:”I don’t know what you meant coming to think about it I

don’t even spend so much time with Ababalwe that will make you
feel like I’m neglecting you. I attend to you as much as I can and I
never cancelled on you because of Ababalwe. The only thing I
spend so much time on is work. You were trying not to sound so
insecure but you made yourself sound insecure the moment you
asked me to stop going with to her appointments. I’m sorry but it
won’t happen my love but you are free to join us next if you want
to” he stands up.

Nancy:”Where are you going?”

Mesuli:”To bed, goodnight I love you” he kisses her.

Nancy:”Mesuli you didn’t even touch your food”

Mesuli:”I lost my appetite” he walks away.

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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He feels so guilty for sleeping with Nobuntu, he should have let

pleasure control him this way.

Now he might lose Yolanda and there is no way that she is going
to forgive him if she finds out about it.

He should have went for someone not her sister.

Now that he is satisfied his brain has finally come back to

functioning well.

Sgqibo:”You should go”


Sgqibo:”Nobuntu I already told you that this was just about sex
we are not getting back”

Nobuntu:”I know that but you are not going to treat me like some
booty call”
Sgqibo:”But you are exactly that”

Nobuntu:”No I’m not that and you are not going to treat me like
one if you don’t want Yolanda to know about this” he swallows
what was he actually thinking.

Sgqibo:”Okay fine, what are you?”

Nobuntu:”Your girlfriend the one that actually satisfies you


Sgqibo:”We are not dating Nobuntu”

Nobuntu:”And we about to unless you want Yolanda to find out

about this”

Sgqibo:”Are you serious?”

Nobuntu:”Yes so it’s your choice” he looks at her in disbelief “I will

give you time to think about it don’t take too long” she gets up and
dress up.

She walks out leaving him in shocked.

How could he mess up like this.

He takes his phone and check if Yolanda has text her but there is
nothing his heart immediately aches, he shouldn’t be feeling this
way because he is the one who just slept with Yolanda’s sister but
he just can’t himself.

He starts typing a message to her

“Did you get home safe, I miss you” he sends it and wait for the

He doesn’t know how he will get himself out of this situation.


She is still hurt with how Mesuli walked out on her, she didn’t
mean to sound insecure or jealous she just wanted to tell him
how she feels about everything that’s going on.

And she wasn’t asking him to cut off Ababalwe at all.

She wakes up and the bed is empty, Mesuli isn’t next to her.

She sigh and goes to the bathroom cleaning herself up then goes
to the kitchen, she finds Mesuli making breakfast. He looks at her.

Mesuli:”Good morning”

Nancy:”Morning” he sigh looking at her.

Mesuli:”I’m really sorry about yesterday I don’t want our

conversations to end like that. I shouldn’t have walked away”

Nancy:”I just wanted to talk and tell you how I feel I wasn’t asking
you to cut Ababalwe off” Mesuli takes her hand and make her sit

Mesuli:”I know that and I’m sorry for making you feel like your
feelings do not matter”

Nancy:”Trust me no woman wants their man to play happy father

to a child that isn’t his. I want you to support Babsie but I feel like
you are doing too much and the next thing she will be so
dependent to you” he sigh trying to understand as much as he can.

Mesuli:”Okay I understand I will take into consideration what you

are saying”

Nancy:”Okay thank you”

Mesuli:”I was serious about you going on next appointment with

us I think Babsie would appreciate your support right now”

Nancy:”I will see what I can do”

Mesuli:”And we have suggested that I get a driver for her so I can

compromise driving her to work but what I can’t compromise is
the appoints and only three are left now it’s once off thing a
month I hope that’s okay with you”

Nancy:”Thats fine” he nods and hands her a plate of food.


After talking to Nancy he drives straight to Ababalwe’s house.

He is picking her up for the last time today, he has already asked
Ntokozo to provide a driver he could for her.

He is still trying to understand where Nancy is coming from but he

just can’t.

For the sake of peace he would do everything so they can be

happy in their relationship because he loves her.

And missing the next appointment won’t hurt but he just can’t
bring himself into doing it.

Babsie walks out holding her handbag.


Mesuli:”Good morning how are you?”

Ababalwe:”I’m okay and you good?”

Mesuli:”I’m good” he opens the door for her and she jumps in.

He gets inside and drives off, he looks at her.

Mesuli:”This is my last day as your chauffeur”

Ababalwe:”You have found a driver so quickly?”


Ababalwe:”Seems like you couldn’t wait to stop driving me” he


Mesuli:”Ababalwe I thought you hated me”

Ababalwe:”Well I do”
Mesuli:”Well that’s settled then, your driver starts tomorrow”

Ababalwe:”Okay thank you”

Mesuli:”So I was thinking you should have dinner with me and

Nancy” she looks at him.

Ababalwe:”Uuh why?”

Mesuli:”Because you guys are friends and I don’t understand the

coldness towards each other. Nancy saved your life and she was
there for you she is your friend”

Ababalwe:”And you are talking to me as if I have never been there

for her”

Mesuli:”That’s not what I meant”

Ababalwe:”I have been there for Nancy just because I don’t brag
about all the things I have done for her it doesn’t mean I haven’t
been there for. I don’t talk about all the things I have done for her
because I wasn’t doing her favour I did them just because I love
her if you may say”

Mesuli:”Okay I didn’t mean to upset you I’m just trying to figure

out why are you two not so close anymore”

Ababalwe:”It’s part of life people grow apart it doesn’t mean that

you don’t love them but you just grow apart. I was grieving my
husband so I might have pushed her away because I wanted to be
alone. Or maybe she was also grieving my husband”

Mesuli:”What’s that supposed to mean?” She chuckles.


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Hearing that her baby is boy made her happy, she is praying that
he looks exactly like his father.

Muzi was her everything so having a baby looking like him will be
a bonus.

She is already happy that Muzi left her with something that will
remind her of the love they share.

Mesuli dropped her off, she is just in shock that he thinks that she
has never been there. It’s always funny how people will always
brag about what they did for you but never mention what you have
done for them.

But she has no time to focus on the negative things right now.
Ndzolo:”Hey mommy” she says walking in and Ababalwe smiles
looking at her.


Ndzolo:”You are glowing I guess you are having boy”

Ababalwe:”How do you know?”

Ndzolo:”I have experience my love, how are you?”

Ababalwe:”I’m okay and..”

Ndzolo:”I’m good I was just asking you after everything that has

Ababalwe:”Well I’m doing better but I don’t want to lie that are
days that are bad where I just miss his presence and his presence
was enough for me” Ndzolo sigh holding her hand.

Ndzolo:”I don’t know what to say but I know that you are never
going to forget him and some days will be worse than others. You
will just learn to live without him and make peace that you will
never see him again”

Ababalwe:”Yeah I know”

Ndzolo:”I know something that will brighten your mood”

Ababalwe:”Something like what?”

Ndzolo:”A baby shower please say yes”

Ababalwe:”Okay fine but why didn’t you tell me about what

happened to the trip?”
Ndzolo:”How do you know?”

Ababalwe:”Muzi told me what happened, that’s who he was he

couldn’t hide it and would never do something that was going to
jeopardise our marriage”

Ndzolo:”Muzi said I shouldn’t tell you I guess he wanted to tell you


Ababalwe:”I see, please don’t go overboard with the baby shower

like you did with my bridal shower”

Ndzolo:”Don’t changed the topic Babsie, you were blessed with

the most wonderful man in your life. Till this day I don’t
understand your friendship with Nancy”

Ababalwe:”Ever heard of phrase keep your friends but keep your

enemies closer. Even after that she did save my life that’s why I
can’t bring my life to entirely hate her”

Ndzolo:”I know”


It has been exactly three days since Mesuli stopped driving

Ababalwe to work it’s a relief for her.

In all honesty she was scared, she loves Mesuli with all her heart
and with him everything is different.
He respects her and loves her in a way she wants to be loved.

She was scared that Mesuli and Babsie might have something
more as grief tend to have people form a bond.

She walks out of the bathroom as Mesuli hangs up to his phone.

Mesuli:”That was Ndzolo she is inviting us to Ababalwe’s baby

shower” Ndzolo is the last person she wants to be close to.


Mesuli:”Sometime next month, she will confirm the day”

Nancy:”Oh okay fine”

Mesuli:”Maybe you should help with planning and stuff”

Nancy:”I think they could afford a planner”

Mesuli:”What’s going on? Why are you and Babsie suddenly so

distant and cold? I invited her for dinner she refused in fact she
asked me why”

Nancy:”I don’t know why what’s happening, I guess with have a lot
going on with our lives”

Mesuli:”I know that you are not telling me the truth. Babsie said
maybe you are also grieving Muzi’s death” she swallows.

Nancy:”Why would I do that?”

Mesuli:”I don’t know but I need the two of you to coexist because
you are both important to me. She is carrying my nephew and you
are the woman I love so please whatever it is fix it or be civil”

Nancy:”Okay then”

Mesuli:”I also want you to be in a baby shower with me please

don’t make an excuse when that day comes”

Nancy:”I won’t” she says calmly wondering if Babsie knew the

truth for her to say such a bold statement about grieving Muzi.

Hopefully this is something that will not destroy her relationship

with Mesuli. The disgusted look from Muzi is what haunted her


Attending back to back classes has been exhausting for her.

Yesterday she finally had time to see Sgqibo and he was acting
okay but weird.

He was talking a lot which is unlike him. Sgqibo doesn’t talk too
much but yesterday he was actually talking which was a surprise
for her.

She just realised that she left her student card there and she
won’t be able to get access in campus if she doesn’t have one.
She is driving to get it and she parks her car outside and walks
inside the building.

When she is near the door she could hear sounds coming from
inside, her heart starts beating faster.

She is not sure whether to knock or just walks in.

She pushes the door and to her surprise it’s not locked.

Her heart is sitting on his throat hoping that her ears are just
deceiving him.

She walks to the bedroom and opens the door, he quickly jumps

Sgqibo:”Yolanda…Babe I can explain” her eyes are just stuck on

who he is sleeping with.

Nobuntu:”If you put your hands on me I will report you for assault”
she is just numb and hurting.

Yolanda:”I won’t….”

Sgqibo:”This was mistake sthandwa I’m so sorry”

Yolanda:”A mistake? How many times have you guys slept


Nobuntu:”This is the second time”

Sgqibo:”Can you shut up? Babe please let’s talk” she shakes her
head with tears filling her eyes.

Yolanda:”I’m so stupid, out of all people in the world you chose

my sister? My sister Sgqibo I’m glad you showed me the real you
before I made the worse mistake of your life. You can continue
with her I’m done with you!” She walks out and Sgqibo quickly
follows her.

Sgqibo:”Yoland wait please!” He says catching up to her “I love

you please believe me I just had a moment of weakness I swear. I
never meant to hurt you I’m so sorry”

Yolanda:”Fuck you Sgqibo!” She says trying to walk away but he

grabs her arm she throws a punch on him so hard he lost his

Yolanda:”Get your filthy hands off me!” She gets inside her car
with tears and drive off.

Sgqibo:”Shit!” He says feeling his nose and takes out his phone
trying to call her.


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He has been trying to call her but her phone isn’t going through.

She was emotional when she drove away what if she gets into an
accident he would never forgive himself.

Nobuntu is just sitting in his bed watching him pace up and down,
this was suppose to make her happy because it doesn’t.

Nobuntu:”Maybe you should go look for her” He looks at her with

a frown.

Sgqibo:”Oh so now you care?”

Nobuntu:”She is my sister I don’t want something bad happening

to her”

Sgqibo:”I love your sister, can I never see you again?”

Nobuntu:”Yolanda will never forgive you if anything she will just

beat you up”

Sgqibo:”I will take my chances”

Nobuntu:”If she rejects your ass don’t come running to me

because I didn’t sleep with you to spite her it’s because I still love
Sgqibo:”You can’t be serious right now?”

Nobuntu:”I am serious and I know you still feel something for me

but if you choose to go back to her then don’t call me again” he
sigh and watch her dress up then she leaves.

His mother would be so disappointed right now, she was so

happy that they are back together.

He doesn’t love Nobuntu he knows that everything with her it was

just sex.

With Yolanda it is something different, he should have waited.

He takes his phone and start texting her.

“Babe please tell me you are safe?” He swallows sending the



Have you ever been so used to something just when you are not
doing it, it just feels like you are doing something wrong.

That’s exactly how he has been feeling for the past three days
ever since he stopped picking up Ababalwe for work.
Everything just feels weird, sometimes he will forget and drives to
her house in the morning then remember when he is close that
she has a driver.

They haven’t spoken since the last day he dropped her off.

She seemed pretty mad about what transpired in the morning.

He didn’t mean to come off as if he is accusing her of not caring

about Nancy as much as he does.

She has done a lot for Nancy, in fact if she was one of those
people who likes to brag about stuff she would say she made

Nancy is a successful business woman all thanks to Ababalwe for

funding her business.

Nancy walks inside his off for lunch, she kisses him.

Nancy:”Hey” she seem to be in a good mood.

Nancy:”I only came here because I have some great news”

Mesuli:”Okay what’s going on?”

Nancy:”We are launching new products for my skin care line and
everything was confirmed today” she says excitedly looking at

Mesuli:”Babsie!” He says looking at the door.

Ababalwe:”Hey I didn’t know you were busy. Hey Nancy”


Mesuli:”What brings you here?”

Ababalwe:”I actually had a meeting at the restaurant downstairs I

wanted to talk to you but it can wait”

Mesuli:”Okay I can come over today”

Ababalwe:”That’s fine, I should getting going. It was good to see

you Nancy”

Nancy:”You too” she says sinking back to her chair uncomfortable

as Babsie nods then walks out.

Mesuli looks at her as she walks out she is pulling the pregnancy
look more than anyone he has seen before.

She still rock her heels and she looks so clean, she has the most
radiant pregnancy era ever.

Mesuli:”So when are you launching the new products?”

Nancy:”If everything goes well it should be in few weeks”

Mesuli:”Wow that’s something maybe we should celebrate it


Nancy:”Ain’t you going to see Ababalwe?”

Mesuli:”I am but I’m not spending the whole evening there I

should be home before 8pm”

Nancy:”Okay I should get going” she says standing up.

Mesuli:”Hey are you okay?” He says holding her waist then cup
her face.

Nancy:”I’m fine” he kisses her.

Mesuli:”Okay I will see you tonight I love you”

Nancy:”I love you too”

She walks out and Mesuli sit back in his chair thinking about
something that he can buy her tonight to congratulate her on her

Later Mesuli drives to Ababalwe’s house.

Nothing has changed inside the house it’s still the same.


Mesuli:”Hey where is Yolanda?”

Ababalwe:”She just texted and said she is with her friends doing a
sleepover but I think she has a boyfriend?”

Mesuli:”A boyfriend?” She laughs looking at his face.

Ababalwe:”She is almost 21 years old not 12 years old Mesuli so

she is bound to have a boyfriend”

Mesuli:”Well she is still my little sister”

Ababalwe:”Should I dish up for you? I made enough food for Yoli

and me but she is not coming home” he still have the time so why

Mesuli:”I would like that thank you”

Ababalwe:”Okay let me dish up then” she walks to the kitchen.

Mesuli:”So what did you want to talk about in the office”

Ababalwe:”My cleansing ceremony it’s almost six months now”

Mesuli:”Oh God I totally forgot about it”

Ababalwe:”Well I was hoping you could talk to MaMkhize for all

the preparations and staff I know if I’m the one to say something
it will end with her cursing at me”

Mesuli:”Of course I will and thank you for reminding me I almost

forgot. I will talk to her”

Ababalwe:”Thank you, here wash your hands” she says handing

him the small dish he frowns causing her to chuckles “It’s a habit
I find myself doing it to Yolanda too”

Mesuli:”And people wonder why Muzi was crazy about you for a
while I thought you fed him something” she laughs throwing her
head back.

Ababalwe:”Korobela?” She says still laughing.

Mesuli:”Woza woza maybe” she throw a tablecloth in his face as

he laughs.

Ababalwe:”You are so stupid” he grabs the cloth and wipe his

hand while laughing.

She goes to the sink while he wipes his hands.

Mesuli:”Thank you” she takes the cloth.

Ababalwe:”No problem here is your food” he takes the plate and

starts digging in.

Mesuli:”This taste good” She chuckles looking at him and she

starts eating.


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He spent time with Babsie, she is such a free spirited person if

there is anything Ababalwe can do is laugh the girl loves laughing.
He has come to an understanding why his brother and her worked
so perfectly well.

They are just a complete opposite of each other.

Muzi didn’t laugh much nor did he smile a lot but when he was
around her it was a different story.

He offered to wash the dishes after they ate.

He doesn’t know where she disappeared to while he was washing

the dishes.


Ababalwe:”In here” she yells from the room.

He walks in and looks around looking at the room.

Mesuli:”You have started with the nursery?” He says smiling

looking at the boxes in the middle of the room.

Ababalwe:”No but I will soon I’m taking my maternal leave this


Mesuli:”Good to know that you listen after all” she chuckles.

Ababalwe:”So do you think I should paint this room grey or blue?”

Mesuli:”Grey obviously, blue is so outdated and old school now”

Ababalwe:”Good choice I was also thinking grey”

Mesuli:”I will help you”

Ababalwe:”No It’s okay I think I will manage”

Mesuli:”You are heavily pregnant Babsie, how are you going to lift
things that are heavy. It’s either I help or I won’t allow you to do
that. You can’t put the baby at risk and I know you want to be
independent and stuff you can still be if you were not pregnant on
this one”

Ababalwe:”Fine” she yawns looking at him “what time is it I’m

sleepy” he checks the time.

Mesuli:”Shit! I should go!”

Ababalwe:”What happened?”

Mesuli:”I made dinner plans with Nancy at 8pm and now it’s
almost ten minutes after 8”

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry I didn’t mean to keep you here”

Mesuli:”No it’s not your fault you didn’t know and I enjoyed myself
way too much I forgot about this”

Ababalwe:”Well I thought you were going to give me a foot

massage” she says looking at him.

Mesuli:” want it now?” Ababalwe burst out of laughter

looking at his confused face.
Ababalwe:”I’m kidding! You should go no woman wants to be kept

Mesuli:”Okay, goodnight I will see you” he says squeezing her

cheek then kiss it and gently brushes it.

She moves back a little bit and looks at him.

Ababalwe:”Goodnight” she says closing her eyes as the baby

starts kicking.

Mesuli:”Are you okay?”

Ababalwe:”I’m fine, he is just kicking that’s all”

Mesuli:”Is it painful?”

Ababalwe:”No just uncomfortable a little bit”

Mesuli:”Can I feel it?”

Ababalwe:”Yeah sure” he place his hand on her belly and she

gently takes it and place it on the side of her belly “There”

He smiles as the baby kicks harder and crazy.

Mesuli:”Are you sure this is not painful? These are strong kicks”
she chuckles.

Ababalwe:”It’s not painful but it’s really uncomfortable at times”

Mesuli:”But on television it’s like women enjoy it”

Ababalwe:”Even in real life we do enjoy it as much as it is

uncomfortable it’s also a great feeling that reminds you that you
are carry a precious soul inside you. No Mesuli you should go you
are already late”

Mesuli:”Okay then we will talk”

He gets inside his car and drive off to Nancy’s place he is now
twenty minutes later.

He is sure that Nancy won’t be happy about this at all and he can’t
blame her.

He parks his car and gets out looking at her car parked.

He walks inside the house and finds her watching tv.

He looks at the set up in the kitchen and swallows.


Nancy:”Hi” she says looking at him.

Mesuli:”I’m really sorry that I’m late”

Nancy:”You are sorry? Did you enjoy yourself?”She says almost

yelling and he sigh.

Mesuli:”Babe can we not fight I know you are upset and you have
every right to be. I just lost a track of time”

Nancy:”Then you must have been enjoying yourself to lost track

of time” he looks at her and it’s not a nice feeling seeing her so

Mesuli:”I’m so sorry babe I will do better this won’t happen again”

Nancy:”This just feel like I’m in a relationship with you and

Ababalwe” Mesuli frown looking at her.

Mesuli:”I get that you are upset that I’m thirty minutes late on our
dinner and you have every right to be but now what you just said
it’s total bull respectfully so. I’m no longer driving Ababalwe to
work, I haven’t seen her nor talk to her. I make sure that I spend
time with you so you could be happy. Now I see her once and be
late for thirty minutes you are already saying that! This isn’t about
me being late honestly. It’s about you Nancy, I don’t even get what
you are insecure about here, you know that me and Ababalwe
have always been close way before my brother died. I was wrong
for being late I should’ve communicated that I’m running late I’m
sorry. Why are you feeling the way you are feeling right now?
Please tell me I want to understand you and your feelings better.
Why are you so insecure about me spending even ten minutes
with Ababalwe? You have no problem when I spend time with
other people but spending time with her it’s an issue. Why is that?
Please enlighten me my love I want to understand why you feel
the way you feel?” She swallows looking at him.

Nancy:”So now this is my fault, it’s my insecurities? Wow Mesuli!”

He sigh shaking his head.

Mesuli:”Are we still going to have dinner or I should leave because

this is not going anywhere. I’m trying to understand you here and I
just feel like you are hiding something from me, which is probably
making you feel the way you feel”

Nancy:”I’m not hiding anything from you. Maybe you should go

back to her place I’m going to bed”

Mesuli:”Okay I will she is spending a night alone after all” she

blinks looking at her


Mesuli:”Goodnight Nancy, I’m sorry that I was late I will see you
tomorrow maybe by then you will tell why you feel the way you
feel. I love you” he kisses her forehead and stands up.

Nancy:”Please don’t go to her” Mesuli looks at her.


After driving around for a while it’s getting darker she finally spots
what looks like a club she needs a drink.

She is beyond hurt, she trusted Sgqibo and the fact that he went
back to her sister it shows that it wasn’t Nobuntu’s fault to begin
with they both were at fault.

Nobuntu may have seduced him before and he fell for it but this
time she wasn’t in the wrong.
The picture of them having sex is stuck in her mind playing like a
broken record.

She will never be able to forget it and she will never forgive him.

One thing she is grateful for is the fact that she didn’t sleep with
the same man that is sleeping with her sister.

She downs her seventh shot and it’s doing the job.

“You should take it easy there”

Yolanda:”And you should mine your business” he chuckles

looking at her.

“You are rude Yolanda” she frowns looking at him.

Yolanda:”What the fuck? How do you know my name?”

“I just know it”

Yolanda:”I have seen you somewhere”

“Why are drowning yourself in alcohol?”

Yolanda:”My boyfriend cheated on me in fact he is my ex now”

“So you finally caught him?”

Yolanda:”Are you stalking me? Who are you? And you knew my
boyfriend was cheating on me”
“I’m not stalking you and you will know me when you are sober”

Yolanda:”He slept with my sister”

“I’m sorry to hear about that”

Yolanda:”Don’t be I’m the stupid one here. I should have known

that no man will stay with you if you don’t give them sex” he

“That’s not true if he loved you he would have masturbated until

you are ready not sleep around” she laughs with tears in her eyes.

Yolanda:”Why my sister thou? He could have chosen anyone else

but my sister”

“I can’t tell you but what I know is he doesn’t respect you”

Yolanda:”Can I have another shot?”

“You can have another shot I know exactly how you feel but this
should be the last time you cry over him. He is not worth it” she
nods and drink her shot.

Yolanda:”Who are you?”

“There’s no use of telling you my name if you will wake up not

remembering it”

Yolanda:”You have a point, I have to go” she says standing up and

stumbling she giggles “I’m so drunk” he chuckles looking at her.

“I can see that, I will take you home”

She doesn’t remember much happening after that.

She just blacked out and doesn’t even know where she is.

She is awaken by someone touching her face, she opens her eyes
only to see tiny hands touching her face she quickly sits up
almost screaming.

“Hey you are awake”

Yolanda:”Whose child are you? Did I steal a child? Oh God no!” the
girl just giggles looking at her she smiles awkwardly.

“You vomited” Yolanda looks at herself wearing a man’s T-shirt

“Dad said you are sick”

Yolanda:”Uhh what’s your name?”


Yolanda:”You are black thou…never mind” the door opens and he

walks in.

“You are awake, Talia go to your brother he is eating all your

snacks” the girl quickly leaves she looks at him.

Yolanda:”I know you! You are friends with my brothers”

“Mmh you should eat something there is a spare tooth brush in

the bathroom”

Yolanda:”Don’t ignore me, what’s your name mister”

“Mister huh?” He says smiling okay he is gorgeous she quickly get
that thought out of her mind.

Yolanda:”Did you undress me?”

“I had to, don’t worry I would never take advantage of you I have a

Yolanda:”Uuh I should go”

“I’m Banzi by the way I will take you home but you need to eat
something first”

Yolanda:”I will eat at home..”

Banzi:”You are so stubborn, this should be fun. Come eat

Yolanda” she blinks looking at him


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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She has decided that she is staying away from alcohol because
what happened yesterday it’s something she doesn’t want to
She is grateful that Banzi was a gentleman and didn’t take
advantage of her situation.

She has decide that she is done crying over Sgqibo and yes it
hurts but he is not worth her tears.

She stayed for breakfast after she saw that Banzi wasn’t going to
allow her to leave without eating.

His twins are beautiful, she keeps looking around hoping to see
the picture of their mother but there is none.

Kev:”So you are my father’s girlfriend?” Yolanda looks at him then

Banzi who seem amused by the question.

Banzi:”Kevin!” He says reprimanding him while smiling, she has to

admit the guy has a beautiful smile and teeth.

Yolanda:”I’m just his friend”

Talia:”Then why were you sleeping in his bed?” Yolanda looks at

them in horror they both giggle.

Kev:”You are very beautiful, my girlfriend is also beautiful but she

is white”

Banzi:”You have a girlfriend?”

Kev:”Yes” Banzi looks at him proudly.

Talia:”I want a boyfriend!” That changes his face immediately

causing Yolanda to laugh.

Banzi:”You won’t date until you are 21”

Talia:”But Kev has a girlfriend I also want a boyfriend”

Yolanda:”Yes Talia should have a boyfriend if Kev has a boyfriend”

Banzi:”Okay Kev you can’t have a girlfriend”


Banzi:”No buts”

Kev:”This is your fault Talia”

Talia:”No it’s not” they kept arguing back and fourth until their
driver took them to school.

Banzi walks in after walking them out.

Yolanda:”Thank you for yesterday” she says looking at him.

Banzi:”You don’t have to thank me. Oh by the way I was the one
who threatened your ex boyfriend”

Yolanda:”What? Are you stalking me?”

Banzi:”Trust me I’m not stalking you”

Yolanda:”How did you know that he was cheating on me?”

Banzi:”I saw him when I was dropping off my cousin where he

stays. Another girl was with him and he kissed her” she sigh

Yolanda:”Why did you threaten him?” He walks closer to her and

turns her chair so she could come face to face then squad to be
in her level height she swallows looking at him.

Banzi:”Because I laid my eyes on you that day and I just knew I

like you a lot”

Yolanda:”What? Please don’t” she says closing her eyes feeling

his breath fan her face.

Banzi:”Don’t what?” He says with their lips almost touching.

Yolanda:”Kiss me” she feels his lips against hers and he kisses
her she fights the edge of kissing him back but she can’t fight for
long because she kisses him then he picks her up and put her on
top of the table.

He then pulls away from the kiss and looks at her.

Banzi:”Don’t worry I won’t have sex with you until you are ready. I
won’t kiss you again until you are ready to be mine. For now let’s
deal with the bastard who made you cry”

Yolanda:”What about to the mother of your kids?”

Banzi:”We dated a while back, we were engaged she got pregnant

with the twins. But she just didn’t love them, she walked out on us.
It was hard at first I was hurt I neglected my children. But then I
got my shit together and made her sign her parental rights away
so she is not in the picture I last saw her two years ago. So I’m a
single dad I don’t do it alone though I have help from my mother
and friends” she looks at him she shouldn’t be attracted to him
not only did she get out of her relationship few hours the guy is
older than her but she is attracted to him.

Yolanda:”I need to get my student card from his place”

Banzi:”I will come with you”

They are driving in comfortable silence, she keeps drifting back to

the kiss they shared.

She shakes her head, she doesn’t want to get hurt again.

He opens the door for her and looks at her.

Banzi:”Let’s go” his height is hoovering over her making her very
short and small.

She takes a deep breath and knocks the door quickly opens.

Sgqibo:”Babe you are…” he stops looking behind him “What is he

doing here?”

Yolanda:”Can I get my student card?”

Sgqibo:”It’s the bedroom”

Banzi:”Then bring it” he says calmly looking at him, he goes to the

bathroom and comes back with the student card.

Sgqibo:”Yolanda can we talk without him please”

Yolanda:”Talk about what? You cheated there is nothing to talk


Sgqibo:”So you are going to be with him”

Yolanda:”If I want to!”

Sgqibo:”He is older than you Yolanda, look at him! He is going to

ruin you, use you and then toss you aside when he is done like you
are nothing please come back to me I will never cheat on you

Yolanda:”At least he is more of man than you. You are just a

playboy in a man’s body” she takes her student card from him and
walk away.

Sgqibo:”Please I love Yolanda I know what I did was stupid and

hurtful but please Grootman don’t take my girlfriend away from

Banzi:”I told you this would happen I’m glad I didn’t have to do
something about you and you ruined your relationship. So now let
the big boys show you how to love a woman right. So please do
me a favour and leave her alone” he swallows as Banzi walks

He gets inside the car and looks at Yolanda.

Yolanda:”Where is my car?”
Banzi:”It is safe someone will drop it off now you will find it at

Yolanda:”Thank you”

Banzi:”I’m the man after all”

Yolanda:”Don’t be stupid” they both laugh as he drives away.


Mesuli ended up sleeping over but it was as if he wasn’t next to


It felt cold just sleeping next to him for the first the ever.

She can’t help how she feels about the situation, she loves Mesuli
and she can’t lose him to Ababalwe.

She gets out of bed and he is not next to her.

She walks out to check in the kitchen hoping it’s like the last he
made breakfast for her to apologise but he is not in the kitchen
and his car is gone.

She picks up her phone and calls him.

Nancy:”Hey where are you?”

Mesuli:”My house I’m preparing to go to the office”

Nancy:”You didn’t even tell me you are leaving”

Mesuli:”I was already late” she swallows cause that’s just an

excuse she knows it.

Nancy:”Okay can you come over later on? I’m sorry about

Mesuli:”I can deal with this Nancy I’m trying here. I try to make
you so happy but your demands are getting ridiculous. Ababalwe
is family like it or not she is carrying my nephew so I will be part
of her life no matter what because I won’t let my nephew grow up
without his family because of your issues you don’t want to talk
about, I want to help you and so we can deal with them together
because I would hate our relationship to end over this because I
actually do love you. I have to go I’m late” he hangs up.

She blinks her tears looking at her screen.

She presses her screen calling her sister.


Nancy:”I’m losing him” she says tearing up.

“Losing who?”

Nancy:”Mesuli, yesterday we had dinner plans and he went to

Ababalwe’s house. He came here thirty minutes later. We argued
and he slept over after I begged him. He didn’t even touch me and
today I woke up to an empty bed. When I called him he said he
won’t be separated from his nephew. Ababalwe is slowly taking
him away from him. Maybe I should have let her die that day”

“This is serious Nancy, what are you going to do?”

Nancy:”Maybe I should get pregnant too”

“Hay Nancy you can’t bring a child in a messy relationship figure

things out first”

Nancy:”He cares about her because she is pregnant so maybe if I

get pregnant I will have his attention to myself”

“Yhoo hay I don’t know”

Nancy:”I have to go to work” he hangs and goes to her drawer

then take her contraceptive pills then goes to the bathroom and
popping them down the toilet and flash them.


In just a few months she will be holding her baby in her arms she
can’t wait.

A lot is happening next month her cleansing ceremony which is a

must to have in a MaMkhize’s house.

She is not sure how MaMkhize will behave and the fact that she
doesn’t she is pregnant.
She will have to deal with that, she has no choice.

Her employee walks inside her phone.

“Hey Babsie I’m here to get you” she likes a comfortable

environment where her employees calls her by her name and still
respect her at the same time the dynamic has worked so well.

Ababalwe:”Get me?”

“Yes Mr Mkhize booked an appointment for you”

Ababalwe:”Mr Mkhize? Mesuli?”

“Yes” her phone rings it’s him.

Ababalwe:”Please wait for me in your work station I will come to

you” she nods and walks out “Hey”

Mesuli:”I made you an appointment since I couldn’t give you a

massage” she chuckles.

Ababalwe:”Seriously? Dude that was a joke if I wanted a massage

I would have got it here I own a spa remember?” He laughs.

Mesuli:”I know it was a joke but I already paid for your

appointment don’t let my money go to waste”

Ababalwe:”Well that’s thoughtful of you I won’t waste your money

thank you”

Mesuli:”Well okay, have you talked to Yolanda?”

Ababalwe:”She called me she is at home”

Mesuli:”I need to see her I feel like she is not okay”

Ababalwe:”Yeah you guys should go out I think she would

appreciate that. I could be there for her but she needs her siblings

Mesuli:”Yeah I know and thank you for taking care of her”

Ababalwe:”That’s what Muzi would have wanted don’t thank me I

love Yolanda”

Mesuli:”Okay let me call her. We will talk enjoy your spa date”

Ababalwe:”Okay bye” he hangs up.

She goes to start her appointment she didn’t know she actually

Someone clears their throat sitting next to her.

“Hey long time” it’s Nancy’s sister.

Ababalwe:”Hey how are you?”

“I’m good but my sister isn’t” she frowns looking at her.

Ababalwe:”What’s wrong with her?”

“You! You are what’s wrong with her?”

Ababalwe:”Me? What does that mean?”

“I know that you lost your husband and it’s sad but you can’t use
Mesuli to replace him”

Ababalwe:”Replace who? Muzi? Oh honey that man is

irreplaceable trust me. So I don’t even know what you are talking

“If it wasn’t for my sister you will be dead by now so please know
your lane when it comes to Mesuli because you are only alive
because of my sister” she says then walks away and Ababalwe
just chuckles.



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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



It’s been a month since her break with Sgqibo but the guy is still
bothering her every time you would swear he didn’t cheat but she
has moved on and doesn’t care about him.

Her and Banzi have been spending so much time together, she is
slowly falling for him they haven’t made anything official yet.

His children adore her they are very respectful and fun to be

He hasn’t pressured her into the relationship because she told

him she needed time.

He is very patient and understanding of her.

She is leaving for home in the afternoon they are going for
Ababalwe’s ceremony.

She is lying in his chest and no they haven’t had sex, Banzi doesn’t
care about sex and she has been tempted so many times with
him but he always remind her of the promise she made to Muzi.

Banzi:”I will miss you” he says gently stroking her braids.

Yolanda:”I will miss you too but it’s only a few days”

Banzi:”I know” She sits looking at him.

Yolanda:”I will be your girlfriend” he looks at her with a smile.

Banzi:”Are you serious?”

Yolanda:”Yes but my brother cannot know I’m not ready to fight

that battle with him. I want to enjoy our relationship first”
Banzi:”Okay then that’s fine with me” he says kissing her.

She deeps the kisses, she has been craving to try a few things
with him things she never wanted to try with Sgqibo.

He pulls away from the kiss and looks at her.

Banzi:”You good?” She sigh.

Yolanda:”I’m fine” he chuckles looking at her innocence.

Banzi:”What do you want to try?”

Yolanda:”How do you know that I want to try something?”

Banzi:”You are my woman I know your body language it speaks to

me before you say anything” she looks at him.

Yolanda:”I want you to touch me, when I come back”

Banzi:”Touch you where? Here?” He says with his hand between

her thighs she gasp.

Yolanda:”Yes” that comes as a whisper and he moves his finger

on top of her underwear. She has been wearing skirts when she
comes to see him that was a sign for him to touch her but he
would never to it unless she uses her words.

Banzi:”Breathe” she swallows as he comes in contact with her clit

she presses her thighs together, he kisses her making her relax
her body and continues rubbing her clit making her wet she
moans enjoying the unfamiliar pleasure.

Yolanda:”Oh God!!…” she says as he hit a different spot that feels

so good that she curl her toes.

He looks at her she beautiful, innocent and very smart.

Her moans are making her feel hard on his pants but he won’t
have sex with her until she has fulfilled her promise.

Banzi:”Fuck I love you” he says kissing her so hard that her body
feels weak.

Yolanda:”Please stop I want to pee” she says feeling like she in

the verge of peeing.

Banzi:”Then pee”

Yolanda:”Banz—…Ohh shit No please let me go” she says trying to

move away but he is holding him into place and is hitting her g-
spot with his finger like never before.

She curls her toes and hold the sheet into a fix her legs shaking.

Banzi:”Let it go” she teary looks at him as her body betrays her
releasing every in his finger.

She swallows as she lets her tears fall it felt good but why pee on

Banzi:”Hey look at me” she looks at him and he shows her his

Yolanda:”What is that?”

Banzi:”What came inside of you, you didn’t pee you had your first
orgasm. You never watched porn?”

Banzi:”God you are so innocent it’s a turn on but it feels so wrong
that I feel like this over a 21 year old that has no sexually

Yolanda:”Is that a bad thing?”

Banzi:”No it’s a good thing because I love you and I’m planing to
be your first and last. I will be the only man you know” she looks
at him and smile.

Yolanda:”I love you too”


They are travelling to the village for her cleansing ceremony.

Honestly she is not ready to face MaMkhize but this is for her and
about Muzi she would do anything.

She has been focusing on her baby lately and haven’t talked to
Mesuli for a while she feels bad for doing it but it’s what’s best at
the moment.

Mesuli offered that they all go together but she declined.

Yolanda is driving them speaking of her she believes that she has
a boyfriend but she is secretive about it.
They jump out her eyes land on Nancy and Mesuli who just arrived
few minutes before them.

Mesuli walks towards them and looks at her.


Ababalwe:”Hey” she says smiling and shoving her phone inside

her pocket.

Mesuli:”You are so cold towards me you didn’t even tell me about

your next appointment”

Ababalwe:”Because I wanted to go alone”

Mesuli:”And the nursery?”

Ababalwe:”I can do it myself and I have help from other people.

Please excuse me” she walks inside.

MaMkhize looks at her dumbfounded and shocked.

MaMkhize:”You are pregnant?”

Ababalwe:”And before you insult me it’s Muzi’s child”

MaMkhize:”And you never thought of telling us”

Ababalwe:”Why would I tell the woman who hates me so much

about my baby?”

MaMkhize:”Because it’s my grandchild” MaMkhize stands up and

try to touch her belly smiling but she moves back.
Ababalwe:”Don’t you dare touch me!”

MaMkhize:”You think I would hurt my grandchild?”

Ababalwe:”No but you would hurt him just to hurt me. Don’t worry
I can’t wait to be free of you and your unnecessary hate when this
ceremony is done” she says gently rubbing her belly.

MaMkhize:”You can’t keep my grandchild away from his family”

Ababalwe:”Yes I will, you are the same person that hates his
mother! So he will only come here when he is old enough to come
on his own for now he won’t because it will mean I have to come”
she stands up it’s a good thing that the ceremony starts today
and end tomorrow then she is gone.

Then the day after tomorrow it’s her baby shower for some
reason she is looking forward to it.


Everything in the past month has been weird for him.

Things with Nancy are okay she has been on her best behaviour
maybe it’s because Ababalwe decided to be cold towards him.

He missed the appointment because she didn’t tell him it’s like
she is distancing herself from him.

He stands up following her and walk inside her room.

Mesuli:”You really want to keep my nephew away from us” she
chuckles looking at him.

Ababalwe:”Who is us? I was talking to your mother what do you

have to do with what we were talking about. If you want to be in
his life you will be no one is cutting you off”

Mesuli:”You are not cutting me off? What do you call you not
telling me about the next appointment?”

Ababalwe:”He is still inside me Mesuli, he is not born yet so that

doesn’t count as cutting you off. I’m trying to have a peaceful
pregnancy for the sake of my baby” she says walking past him but
he grabs her arm.

Mesuli:”What did I do? Everything was fine then the next thing I
know it’s like this” she looks at him feeling bad.

Ababalwe:”Look I want you to be part of his life but I also want

you to get your priorities straight. I’m sorry I didn’t invite you on
the next appointment and you deserve an explanation but not

Mesuli:”When then?” She smiles.

Ababalwe:”You will see and I’m grateful for everything you have
done for us”

Mesuli:”I wish you could tell me what happened because I know

you just didn’t wake up and decide that you won’t talk to me
Ababalwe:”I will go change” she says going to the bathroom.

He sigh he is surely not getting any answer from her.

He walks to his room and find Nancy preparing to go to the


Mesuli:”You good?” He says hugging her from behind.

Nancy:”Yeah I’m okay…I just feel like I shouldn’t be here”

Mesuli:”I thought you were okay with coming here”

Nancy:”I was until I saw you running after Ababalwe the first
chance you got”

Mesuli:”Wow…so we are back there again Nancy I thought we left

that place a month ago I guess I was wrong”

Nancy:”I will go change” she says walking to the bathroom.

His uncle walks in and looks at Mesuli.

“We should talk”

Mesuli:”About what?” He says with a frown.

“Your brother left his wife pregnant and you didn’t bother telling
us that Makoti is pregnant?”
Mesuli:”It was not place to tell you” he says looking at him.

“And whose place was it Mesuli? You want that child to grow up
without a father”

Mesuli:”He doesn’t have a father thou so yes he will grow up

without him”

“Are you stupid? That child won’t grow up without a father do you
hear me?”

Mesuli:”What is that supposed to me?”

“You need to step up and marry her traditional she is your wife
now that your brother is gone and that child is yours” his heart

Mesuli:”I’m not marrying Ababalwe! No one is going to force me


“We won’t have to force you because you will do it out of your own

Mesuli:”I’m sorry but that won’t happen, I can’t tie Ababalwe down
to this family that hates her and I won’t tie her to a loveless
marriage she is…”

“Loveless marriage? You mean you don’t love her?” He says

looking at him.

Mesuli:”I’m not marry Ababalwe I have my girlfriend I'm marrying

her not Ababalwe” he walks out feeling his chest closing in.

The uncle look at Nancy standing at the bathroom door then

walks out.

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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She could barely sleep as the conversation between Mesuli and

his uncle replay in his mind.

The man didn’t even care that he was in the room because he saw
her going in the bathroom but still said what he said in front of her.

She finally had everything under control but now everything seem
to be going down hill faster.

She hadn’t seen her period yet it’s a week late hopefully she is

“Are you okay?” She turns and finds Yolanda.

Nancy:”I’m fine and you?”

Yolanda:”I’m good, I haven’t seen you in a while I didn’t even know
that you are a thing with my brother”

Nancy:”Well surprise you know now” Yolanda chuckles looking at



Nancy:”I’m sorry I’m just…”

Yolanda:”You don’t have to explain yourself Nancy” she walks

away Nancy swallows realising what she just done.

Mesuli haven’t said anything about yesterday, he is quiet about it.

He is finally free after the ceremony is done, Nancy walks to him

and settles down.

Nancy:”Can we talk?” She says looking at him.

Mesuli:”I’m not marrying Ababalwe if that’s what you are worried


Nancy:”But what if they force you to marry her Mesuli where does
that leaves me?”

Mesuli:”No one is going to force me to do something I don’t want.

I can make my own decisions” she nods not sure what to say but
she can’t lose him “And don’t hate on Ababalwe she have nothing
to do with this, she doesn’t even know about it” she swallows
because it’s too late for him to say that.

Nancy:”Okay when are we leaving?”

Mesuli:”The ceremony is almost done we will leave soon” that’s

for the best.

Nancy:”Are we still going to the baby shower?”

Mesuli:”Why wouldn’t we?” That’s not the answer she was hoping


If anything she could smell negative energy from afar and that’s
what she got from Nancy.

She is wondering what happened, Why the drastic change in her


Yolanda:”What happened with you and Nancy?” She says walking

inside the room.

Ababalwe:”Nothing happened”

Yolanda:”You are boring shame someone can’t even gossip with

you!” Babsie laughs looking at her.

Ababalwe:”You have a boyfriend?” She says changing the top.

Yolanda:”Yes but don’t tell anyone”

Ababalwe:”But why are you hiding him?” She chuckles just
thinking about him it makes her body react differently.

Yolanda:”Because he is older, same age as you” she gasp looking

at her.

Ababalwe:”Wait what?”

Yolanda:”I know he is older but I love him”

Ababalwe:”I’m not to judge but Yolanda I don’t want you to be hurt.

He is 29 years old”

Yolanda:”I know”

Ababalwe:”Your brother was going to kill him and you. When all of
this over I want to meet him I want to make sure that he is not
taking advantage of you”

Yolanda:”Can it be three months before you meet him?”

Ababalwe:”No by then you would have slept with him” she sigh
her birthday is next month “So before your birth Yolanda I’m
meeting this guy”

Yolanda:”Fine though I think you already know him”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli is going to kill you wena sugar baby” she


Yolanda:”He is only 8 years older come on”

Ababalwe:”Still a sugar baby to him”

Yolanda:”You are crazy. Let me go make you food”

Ababalwe:”That’s why you are my first born I love you” she says
blowing a kiss to Yolanda causing her to smile as she walks out.

She goes to the kitchen and find Nobuntu eating.

They haven’t talked and she could careless now about what
happened between her and her ex.

Yolanda:”Hey” she says cooly

Nobuntu:”Hi” Nobuntu is shocked the old Yolanda wouldn’t even

talk to her after what she did “I’m sorry” Yolanda looks at her.

Yolanda:”Don’t worry I’m used to you betraying me it doesn’t

matter anymore I have moved on”

Nobuntu:”I didn’t mean to hurt you”

Yolanda:”Don’t lie you meant to hurt me because you knew that

we were dating but I don’t blame you it was payback for kissing
your boyfriend while you were together”

Nobuntu:”It wasn’t payback I love Sgqibo” she chuckles.

Yolanda:”Then good luck with that”


His mind is everywhere, there is no way they could force him to

marry Ababalwe.
Not after what his family have put her through while she was
married to his brother.

They left as soon as the ceremony ended they left.

As soon as he got home he goes to his bedroom.

And goes through his images he doesn’t even know why he took

He sigh as his eyes move around the screen.

“What are you reading?” He quickly looks his phone.

Mesuli:”Why are you sneaking up on me like that?”

Nancy:”I’m sorry I thought you saw me” he sigh.

Mesuli:”It’s okay I’m sorry I’m just frustrated about this whole

Nancy:”I thought you sa…”

Mesuli:”How about you marry me?”

Nancy:”What?!” She says with her heart beating fast.

Mesuli:”If I marry you there is no way they will force me to marry

someone else”

Mesuli:”I know it’s stupid but I was going to marry you anyways so
why not. We will sign a prenuptial agreement” money is the last
thing she wants so she doesn’t mind.

Nancy:”Okay” He sigh thinking about what he just said that more

he tries reasoning with it the more it feels like a dump move.


It’s shine a perfect day for a baby shower.

Ababalwe is finishing up her make up while her friends just

finished with the set up.

It looks beautiful it’s always how she imagined it.

The only person missing is her husband but she is not going to
dwell on sad stuff.

She stands up and put on her dress on then try to pull up the zip
but it’s a struggle.

Yolanda was supposed to help but she is nowhere in sight.

She sigh giving up she just have to wait for her.

“Need help with that?” She turns and finds Mesuli.

Mesuli:”Here let me help with that” he says walking towards her
and stand behind pulling her zip up.

Ababalwe:”Thank you”

Mesuli:”You look beautiful”

Ababalwe:”Thank you, we should go everyone is waiting for me”

Mesuli:”Babsie wait” she looks at him and he takes a deep breath

looking at her, wondering if there’s any look she can’t pull off.

Ababalwe:”I’m waiting” she brings him back to Earth.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry if I did something to you”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli stop you didn’t do anything to me I’m just trying

to stay in my lane that’s all” she says smiling he swallows.

Mesuli:”Your lane? What are you talking about?”

Ababalwe:”Just nothing hectic, I just think my entire existence

just bother other people that’s all. Shall we?” She says hooking
her arm on his, he looks at her and sigh.

Mesuli:”Of course”

Ababalwe:”Thank you” she says as they walk out.

The walk down the stairs and out to the garden.

Nancy’s eyes land on them, she feels like she is suffocating as

she looks at them walking towards everyone arm to arm.

The smile in Ababalwe’s face is what tortures her.

Ababalwe let’s go of his arms and smile at him before walking
towards others greeting everyone.

Mesuli walks towards his friends and they talk about something.

“Odd one out?” Ndzolo says standing in front of her.

Nancy:”You need to stop this”

Ndzolo:”Stop what? I don’t like you. You are a snake who needs
enemies with friends like you” she walks away and goes join

After a while they gather around as Ababalwe is about to say her


Ababalwe:”Hey guys I want to thank everyone here for doing this

for me. I guess I didn’t think I need this but it is something I
needed after Muzi’s departure. As much as we wish he was a part
of this moment he is not let’s say physically. His death has show
me that I have people that care about me. Let me take this
moment and thank Mesuli. I don’t know how difficult things would
have been if you weren’t there every step of the way even though I
didn’t make things easy for you. I swear this baby didn’t like you
but you stuck around regardless of that so thank you. I know the
past month I didn’t allow you to go with me to the appointment
what can say I was told to stay in my lane by your girlfriend’s
sister I don’t know if she was part of it but I didn’t want drama in
my life so I did as I was told so please everyone enjoy your drinks”
she says smiling and Mesuli looks at Nancy.

Nancy:”I swear I don’t know what she is talking about”

Mesuli:”Oh really?”

Ndzolo:”Okay for the sake of fun we decided to include games”

Ababalwe:”Before you guys start I need a bathroom” she says

standing up and goes to her room.

After a few minutes she walks out and bumps into Nancy.

Nancy:”That you tried to pull out there it won’t work me and

Mesuli are getting married soon”

Ababalwe:”I will be the maid of honour right?” She says walking

past her.

Nancy:”I need to stay away from him please”

Ababalwe:”He is the uncle of my child are you hearing yourself”

Nancy:”You are trying to break us up ain’t you?” She chuckles.

Ababalwe:”No I just wanted to show you that I don’t go behind

people’s backs when I want to talk shit about them. You know
what’s funny it’s how you keep bragging about how you saved my
life. Do you also tell people all that I did for you. When we met I
cared about you, just after few weeks after I met you they were
evicting you do you remember that? I paid your rent down to six
months until you find your feet I didn’t even know you that well.
Then I helped you with your business plan then funded your
business to get it up the ground. Your family was struggling and I
would send your mother some money then your stupid who got
her university scholarship because of me have a nerve to threaten
me. You saved my life but don’t forget you have everything you
have because of me. It’s safe to say I made you who you are
today and respectfully you will be nothing without me but you
never hear me say those things to people. Not even my closest
friends know about all that I have done for you” Nancy swallows
looking at her, Babsie chuckles smiling looking at her.

Nancy:”I’m grateful for all you have done but please…”

Ababalwe:”Are you? Because just a year later after I did that for
you. You drugged me so I could go to bed early then you got
naked in front of my husband hoping he would be tempted to
sleep with you. You are pathetic Nancy you were supposed to be
my best friend” Nancy looks at her getting teary.

Nancy:”I’m so sorry about what I did to you, I don’t know what got
to me that day.. I know you are doing what you are doing with
Mesuli to spite me please I love him”

Ababalwe:”And I didn’t love my husband?”

Nancy:”You did but..”

Ababalwe:”Let me tell you best friend, I never looked at Mesuli in

that manner you are just scared that now Muzi is no longer in the
picture I’m a free agent and any man wouldn’t blink twice even
Mesuli. You know if I wanted to Mesuli I wouldn’t have to go to the
lengths you went through to sleep with my husband. Trust me
Mesuli is a candy to the eye…..”

Nancy:”Please stop! You have made your point and I’m sorry for
what I did. I’m begging you not to ruin things for me”

Ababalwe:”Ruin your life honey? Why would I do that? You are the
one trying to compete with me. We both know if I want him I won’t
even have to try hard” she says walking away but Nancy follows.

Nancy:”If you keep this up you will regret it”

Ababalwe:”Maybe Mesuli would like hearing about this how about

we take it downstairs” Nancy grabs her “Don’t touch me!”

Nancy pulls her roughly to her.

Nancy:”You had Muzi but I’m not allowing you to be with the man I
love again” she says roughly letting her go Babsie misses her
steps and scream rolling down the stairs.

Mesuli:”Babsie!” He says looking at her as she hits the ground.

Nancy looks at him with her heart pounding.

Nancy:”I swear I didn’t push her”

Mesuli:”Babsie, shit! Help!”

Nancy:”Babsie! Wake up!” She says trying to touch her Mesuli

pushes her back so hard she almost touches the ground.

Mesuli:”Don’t touch her! What did you do Nancy?” Everyone

rushing to them.



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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She didn’t mean to her God knows that she didn’t mean to hurt.

If only she didn’t say all the stuff she said to her, she would
haven’t fallen down the stairs and got hurt.

If anything she didn’t mean to fall for Muzi but it was hard to
witness him loving Babsie the way he did and only she ever get
it’s one night stands.

She wanted to feel like that, she cared about Ababalwe but she
was willing to lose her as a friend if it meant being with Muzi.

But the man looked at her as the most disgusting human being
when she got naked for him and told her she could never be like
his wife if she was nothing compared to her, she was hurt.

She never even tried again she was trying to make amends with
what happened and be a good friend but Ndzolo came and ruined
everything for her.

When Mesuli got close to Babsie she just thought of all the
possibilities of her doing the same thing she tried with her

She feels like she is losing it right now, she doesn’t understand
why she is feeling like this. Why the sudden hate for Babsie? Or
have she always low key hated her?

Ndzolo:”Start praying Nancy please starting praying because if

anything happens to her or the baby I will skin you alive” she
swallows looking at her.

Nancy:”I swear we were just arguing and I held her roughly when I
let go she just missed a step”
Amukele:”Please save it for someone who actually cares. She is
pregnant I don’t care what the argue was about you have no rights
to put your hands on her” she blinks her tears, Mesuli haven’t even
looked at her and he is not even defending her right now.

She stands up and goes to sit next to him.

Nancy:”Babe” he looks at her.

Mesuli:”What did you do that huh?”

Nancy:”I was trying to talk to her and she walked away I held her I
swear I didn’t mean to cause her harm. Please believe”

Mesuli:”Not now Nancy please” he stands walking away from her,

it hurts that she is suddenly everyone's enemy for something she
didn’t do.

Yolanda stands to get coffee she is worried, the thought of

anything happening to Babsie nor the baby just hurts her.

After few minutes later Banzi stands up following her.

Banzi:”Babe” she turns looking at him wiping her tears.

Yolanda:”What are you doing here? Someone could see us Banzi”

Banzi:”I don’t care about that. You need me right now are you
okay?” She shakes her head getting teary.

Yolanda:”She loves me more than my own mother I just can’t lose

her and the baby because if something happens to the baby she
will suffer I don’t want that”

Banzi:”Don’t talk like that, I saw her injuries they are not that bad
and good thing is she wasn’t bleeding so chance of her baby
being at risk are very low” he is a doctor and if he wasn’t there a
lot worse could have happened.

Yolanda:”I’m just scared” he pulls her to his arms and kiss her

Banzi:”It’s okay to be scared, she will be fine okay?” She nods

against her chest some clears their throat it’s Ndzolo.

Ndzolo:”We have been waiting for that coffee Yoli for long now”
she looks at her.

Yolanda:”Uhh…I should go” she quickly walks away with her heart

Ndzolo:”Mesuli is gonna kill you”

Banzi:”Well if that’s what it take”

Ndzolo:”She is young treat her right”


He doesn’t know what happened and right now he doesn’t even

want to think about what happened what matter is that Babsie
and the baby lives.

Ntokozo:”Hey you are making us dizzy”

Mesuli:”They are taking so long to update us”

Ntokozo:”We can see that but pacing up and down won’t help”

A doctor approaches them Mesuli meets him halfway.

Mesuli:”Is she okay?”

“She is awake but she is in labour”

Mesuli:”What do you mean? She is just 7 months pregnant”

“The fall might have trigger labour it happens”

Mesuli:”And the baby is fine right?”

“Yes he is fine, are you the father of the baby?”

Mesuli:”I’m the uncle”

“Okay you should come with me” Nancy looks at him wanting to
say something but she doesn’t.

Mesuli follows the doctor and walks inside the room.

Mesuli:”Hey are you okay?”

Ababalwe:”I’m in pain” she flinches.

Mesuli:”They are saying you are in labour”


Mesuli:”I’m sorry about what happened” she blinks her tears.

Ababalwe:”It’s okay…”

Mesuli:”Did she push you?” Ababalwe looks at him.

Ababalwe:”No I fell I missed a step…”

Mesuli:”Don’t protect her Ababalwe” She composed herself.

Ababalwe:”I’m not protecting her! I fell okay? Uuh I’m pain so

please stop asking me questions right now” her whole body is in
pain she twisted her ankle, broke two ribs and dislocated her knee
she is lucky that’s all that happened to her.

Mesuli:”Okay sorry, can I stay with you here?”

Ababalwe:”Please don’t”

Mesuli:”We agreed that I will be in the labour room with you. I

know circumstances have changed and it’s part of my fault but
please let me stay”


“Okay Mr Mkhize you can’t suit up so we could welcome your


Mesuli:”Isn’t she supposed to be dilated first?”

“Not with broken bones we have to perform a c-section, she can’t
give birth naturally”

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I know you wanted a natural birth”

Ababalwe:”It’s okay there is nothing I can do now”

Nancy decided to go home because she was uncomfortable with

everyone around as Mesuli was inside with Ababalwe.

Hopefully she doesn’t say she pushed her to him.

She decided to take a pregnancy test and she has been waiting
for about five minutes.

She picks the pregnancy test and look at it.

Nancy:”No!” She throws it against the wall.

It’s negative she wipes her tears and grabs her car keys.

She drives away and comes to a stop then take a deep breath
before getting out.

She knocks at the door and it opens up.

Jason:”What are you doing here?”

Nancy:”Can we talk?” He frowns looking at her “Please I need your


Jason:”Fine come in” she walks and sits down “How can I help

Nancy:”I know you have more baby mamas than you told me. You
are very fertile”

Jason:”What does that have to do with you?”

Nancy:”I need to get pregnant I want your sperm” he laughs

looking at her but frown when she doesn’t.

Jason:”This is a joking right?”

Nancy:”No it’s not” she says looking at him.

Jason:”Wait what? Why would you want my sperm? Can’t your

boyfriend get you pregnant?”

Nancy:”Will you help or not?” He chuckles.

Jason:”You will only have my sperm if you sleep with me”



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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She really wanted to give birth naturally but with her injuries she
can’t do that.

What happened with Nancy earlier it’s something she didn’t

expect she could barely recognise the person she called her best

Yes she might have been mean and pushed her over the edge but
she needed to hear reality of the situation.

She is not after Mesuli and he seem to be into Nancy so she

doesn’t understand her insecurities.

No one warned her about labour pains being so intense.

Mesuli:”Is it that bad?” She looks at him.

Ababalwe:”I will kill you!” She says groaning.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry, maybe you should breath…”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli shut up!” he doesn’t understand the pain she is
in it’s frustrating her.

:”We are going to be give you epidural the pain will subside and
we will deliver soon”

Mesuli:”You have been saying that for the past 15 minutes she is
in pain just do something”

“Here we are going to inject this in your spine and everything is

going to be fine” she nods and the nurse inject her.

After thirty minutes later she is no longer in so much pain.

Mesuli:”Feeling better”

Ababalwe:”Yes I’m sorry I yelled at you”

Mesuli:”It’s okay my friends prepared me for this I knew you were

going to curse at me somehow” she chuckles as the doctor walks

“We are ready”

Mesuli:”About time”

“We apologise, please put these on Mr Mkhize”

She wheeled to the operating theater and the nurses and doctors
start delivering her baby.
Mesuli:”Are you in pain?”

Ababalwe:”I barely feel anything” he nods soon they hear a loud

cry feeling the room.

“Here is your son” the nurse says putting him on her chest
carefully not to hurt her arm.

Ababalwe looks at him getting teary and sniff her tears.

Mesuli:”He has so much hair” she smiles through her tears.

Ababalwe:”He is so perfect and big for a premature”

“We will have to clean him up and close you up” she nods as they
take him.

Mesuli goes to the waiting room to others in relief.

He can’t wait to see him when he is cleaned up.

Yolanda:”Is she okay?”

Mesuli:”She is fine and the baby is fine too” Yolanda hugs him.

Yolanda:”Thank you bhuti” he holds her sister.

Ndzolo:”Can I talk to you?” She says to Mesuli, he sigh and

follows her.

Mesuli:”Please not now Ndzolo”

Ndzolo:”It’s gonna be now Mesuli, you need to take care of this
Nancy issue”

Mesuli:”I will Ndzolo”

Ndzolo:”I get it Mesuli I understand her more than she thinks but I
do. I am a psycho too I’m very aggressive when it comes to my
man but he reassures me when I feel insecure about certain
things, he tames me when I’m out of control. So take care of it
before we do it for you because what happened today cannot
happy again”


After a while Ababalwe is back in her room and waiting as a nurse

is out to get her baby.

Mesuli is waiting with her if anything she appreciates everything

he has done through out her pregnancy.

The nurse walks in wheeling the baby and picks him up then hand
him to his mother.

They usually say it’s way too early to tell who the baby looks like
but she just seem him in their son.

Mesuli:”Wow he looks like..”

Ababalwe:”His father” from his nose, eyes and mouth it’s him in
fact everything. She would feel betrayed if he was still alive but
now it’s just a feeling she can’t put it in words.

Mesuli:”What are you naming him?”

Ababalwe:”After his father Muzi Junior” she says with hesitation.

Mesuli looking at him, he looks so perfect and the sparkle in

Babsie’s eyes is everything.

Ababalwe:”Do you want to take a look at him before I try

breastfeeding him” she has one arm that’s working for now it will
be a struggle to breastfeed but the doctor said it’s not bad so it
will heal in a few days.

Mesuli:”Yes please” he says sitting next to her and gently takes


He looks at him amazed he never held a new born before.

Mesuli:”Muzi literally said copy and paste” Babsie smiles looking

at him then her baby.

Ababalwe:”He did, talk about genes”

Mesuli:”But he kind looks like me though” Babsie laughs a little.

Ababalwe:”Don’t start please”

Nancy stands by the window looking at them with her eyes


The way Mesuli looks at her and the baby you could swear it’s his
baby they look like a family.

She came back from Jason’s place and drove to her place to take
a bath to get rid of the evidence of what happened.

Then drove to the hospital only to find his soon to be husband

playing happy family with his brother’s wife and baby it hurts so

She turns around and find Yolanda.

Yolanda:”You are leaving?”


Yolanda:”You are not going to apologise for what happened?”

Nancy:”Not now it’s not the right time” Yolanda quickly walks
inside and gushing over the baby.

She drives out of her hospital and goes to her sister’s place.

She knocks and her sister opens up with a frown.

“Ain’t you suppose to be at the baby shower”

Nancy:”Well it ended with a disaster” she says walking in.

“What happened?” Nancy starts filling her in “You pushed her?”

Nancy:”No she missed steps and fell I might have a thing with her
fall but I didn’t push her”

“What did Mesuli say?”

Nancy:”He barely said anything and now he is playing happy

family with her”

“So what are you going to do? How is the mission of getting
pregnant going?”

Nancy:”I’m not pregnant”

“So what now?”

Nancy:”I asked Jason for help he is very fertile you know”

“Please don’t tell me you sleep with him Nancy!”

Nancy:”I have to get pregnant!”

“You are so stupid how are you going to explain a mixed baby”

Nancy:”Who said anything about the baby” her sister frowned.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Nancy:”People get pregnant but never give birth” her sister looks
at her shocked.

Excuse Error it’s still early.



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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She just got discharged and her arm is healing pretty well.

It’s good thing that the fall wasn’t as bad as it looked when she

It’s been a few days since giving birth to her son and she is
obsessed with him.

He is old four days old and a premature baby but he looks like a
full term baby.

Yes he is not a peaceful baby but she has been looking forward to
motherhood so she just told herself she will to enjoy the good
with the bad.

She called her mother she was out of the of the country but she is
coming back tomorrow.

Someone walks as she is feeding her baby.

She looks up it’s Nancy and she is not in the mood to be accused
of things she is not doing.

Nancy:”Hey can I come in?”

Ababalwe:”Come in” she walks further in and sits down.

Nancy:”I’m sorry for everything Ababalwe”

Ababalwe:”What is everything Nancy?”

Nancy:”What happened with Muzi then for bringing harm to you

and your baby. I’m really sorry Ababalwe I appreciate all you have
done for me and my family” Body languages doesn’t lie you can
smell a lie from a mile away so Nancy is just here to buy face and
she is going to play along to avoid any drama.

Ababalwe:”Why did you drug me?”

Nancy:”I guess jealousy, Muzi loved you loudly he didn’t even care
who was around you two anyone would envy what you had with
him. I guess me jumping from one relationship to the next and
being treated shitty while I watch you getting a princess treatment
it made me jealous I just wanted what you had and when I
couldn’t get it from other guys I went for the guy that was giving it
to you but when Muzi looked at me like I’m some disgusting
animal I never tried it again and I stopped then tried to be a good
friend to you and why didn’t you ask me since you knew the
truth?” well she is telling her the truth on that part.

Ababalwe:”Because I wanted to see good in you Nancy. Trust me

it hurt being betrayed by someone who you thought was your
friend. There was no use confronting you because I already knew
the truth so I just chose not to hate you. If you were trying to be a
good friend why did you change after the funeral? I tried making
conversation with you at the village you just seem uninterested”

Nancy:”Because Ndzolo was there I was scared that she going to

tell the truth”

Ababalwe:”I already knew the truth, so I believe you were just my

friend because you wanted Muzi now that he is gone you have no
reason to be in a friendship”

Nancy:”That’s not truth”

Ababalwe:”Please stop we are adults Nancy there is no need to

keep a friendship that’s not fruitless to the both us”

Nancy:”I understand but I want you to respect my relationship

with Mesuli”

Ababalwe:”This is what you should have done way before sending

your sister to me”

Nancy:”I didn’t send her to you she did that on her own. I love
Mesuli and I want you to respect our relationship”

Ababalwe:”I never disrespected your relationship in anyway, you

should stop being insecure Nancy because Mesuli loves you but
your behaviour will push him away. I stopped him from driving me
because I didn’t want to depend on him and I also wanted him to
live his life” Just then Mesuli walks in.

Nancy quickly stands up smiling and goes to him kissing him.

Ababalwe just put her baby down and wait for them to finish.

Mesuli moves back and Nancy giggles looking at her.

Nancy:”I’m sorry I just got too excited when I saw him you know
how that feels like when you see someone you love right?”

Ababalwe:”Trust me I know”

Mesuli:”What are you doing here?”

Nancy:”I wanted to apologise to Ababalwe for everything that

happened so now I will leave you guys to be” she says kissing his
cheek and walks out.

Mesuli:”Is everything okay?”

Ababalwe:”It’s okay”

Mesuli:”Oh okay are you ready to leave?”

Ababalwe:”Yeah I’m just waiting for the doctor”

Mesuli:”Okay how is the young man”

Ababalwe:”He is good beside crying a lot” she says as Mesuli

looks at him.

Mesuli:”Hey MJ” he says touching his little knuckles, Babsie looks

at him wondering how Muzi would react to his son she sigh and
watches Mesuli continues playing with him.

Soon the doctor discharge her and her and Mesuli walks out of
the hospital with Mesuli carrying Mj in his car seat.

He puts Mj inside the car and help her in, giving birth in a C-
section is painful.

Mesuli:”Here let me help you with that” he helps her strap her
seatbelt “You good?”

Ababalwe:”Yeah I’m fine thank you”

He gets in and drives off it’s just a 15 minutes drive.

They walk inside the house and found Yolanda who excitedly
looked at her.

Yolanda:”Hey mama” she smiles.

Ababalwe:”Hey is that what you are going to call me now?”

Yolanda:”Yes you have a baby now you are officially a mother”

she says taking Muzi from Mesuli “Hey big boy, oh god he is cute I
have a baby fever”

Mesuli:”You wouldn’t dare!” She laughs.

Ababalwe:”I guess he will be sleeping with me until the nursery is


Mesuli:”Okay let’s get you settled” He helps her up the stairs he

stops and opens the nursery.

Ababalwe:”Mesuli it’s a messy in…” she stops looking around


Mesuli:”First do you like it?”

Ababalwe:”I love it… it’s a different idea of what I had in mind but
it’s more beautiful. Where did you get the furniture? Did you do
this on your own?”

Mesuli:”All of these are baby shower gifts from everyone. Me and

Yolanda just looked up some pictures on the internet and it come
out like this”

Ababalwe:”I love it thank you guys so much”

Mesuli:”Hey we got your back okay?” She nods wiping her tears
“Still hormonal I see” she chuckles.

Yolanda:”I need to make sure that I have rich friends so I won’t

anything when I have a baby”

Mesuli:”Yolanda you are not having a baby” Yolanda laughs at his

annoyed face.

Ababalwe takes Muzi and put him in his crib.

Mesuli:”What time is your mother arriving tomorrow I want to pick

her up from the airport”

Ababalwe:”Around 2pm”

Mesuli:”Okay I will see you guys tomorrow”

Ababalwe:”Thank you so much” he smiles.

Mesuli:”I got you”


He is driving to his place, he really can’t stop thinking about Muzi

he is such a precious baby.

He does want children of his own but not now and he doesn’t
want a child out of wedlock.

He takes Ndzolo’s advice and pulls over at the florist and buy
roses for Nancy it’s about time he shows her that he loves her.

He parks his car and he walks inside the house.

He is stunned when he finds Nancy setting up a table for a

romantic candlelight dinner.

Nancy:”Right on time my love, are those mine?” She says smiling.

Mesuli:”Yes they are yours, what’s the occasion?”

Nancy:”I just thought I should do something nice and it seems like

great minds think alike because you bought me flowers” he

Mesuli:”I missed this Nancy” he says pulling her waist to him.

Nancy:”I know I have been stressing you lately I’m sorry about my
behaviour. You didn’t deserve how I have been treating you lately”

Mesuli:”Well I want us to work Nancy I really do I promise I will try

my best to be a good man for you”

Nancy:”You have been a good man for me Mesuli I just didn’t see
it. So let me show you how sorry I am” she says untying her gown.

Mesuli:”Well show me” he says kissing her and Nancy stand on

her toes.

He turns her around and unhook her bra.

Mesuli:”Maybe you deserve a punishment for misbehaving” he

says against her ear squeezing her breast making her instant wet.

Nancy:”Then punish me” she says turning around hungry kissing


Her phone starts ringing as they are kissing.

Nancy:”Ignore it” she says unbuckling his belt. It stops ringing the
starts again.

Mesuli:”Answer it and then switch it off ” she picks her phone.


Jason:”Hey sweetpea” her heart starts pounding.

Nancy:”Hey sis what do you want?” She says composing herself.

Jason:”He is next to you isn’t he?” He looks at Mesuli sitting in the

couch with his shirt unbuttoned looking like a sex God she
Nancy:”Yes what do you want I’m busy”

Jason:”Remember we have to sleep together until you are

pregnant or I will tell your boyfriend what is happening” she

Nancy:”Please don’t”

Jason:”Then you need to come here right now if you are not here
in the next thirty minutes I will sing” he hangs up and Nancy looks
at her screen.

Mesuli:”Is everything okay?”

Nancy:”Yeah I mean no something is wrong with my sister”

Mesuli:”I’m coming with you”

Nancy:”I don’t think she will be comfortable with you around it’s
an emotional stuff” she says wearing her clothes.

Mesuli:”Okay please call me I love you” she swallows.

Nancy:”I will I love you too” she quickly walks out.



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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She should have known that Jason would pull such a card on her.

He is still not over what happened with Mesuli

Now he has leverage over her, this is a mess that she doesn’t
know how she will fix it but she need to figure things out.

She gets out of the car and rushes inside she find him sitting in
the couch.

Nancy:”What the hell Jason?”

Jason:”Hey sweetpea” he says standing up with a smile plastered

in her face.

Nancy:”Don’t call me that! How dare you threaten me!”

Jason:”Hey calm down sweetie”

Nancy:”Don’t tell me to calm down Jason that wasn’t part of the


Jason:”We didn’t have an agreement remember you told me to

sleep with you so now I’m telling you that we are going to sleep
together until you fall pregnant”
Nancy:”No! That’s not going to happen” Jason pushed her against
the wall “Let me go!” He covers her mouth.

Jason:”Or what? You will scream?” He says parting her legs with
his knee and reach her pussy lips with his finger.

She closes her eyes enjoying the feeling as his finger rubs her clit
making her wet.

He removes his hand from her mouth and kisses her.

He pulls away from the kiss and turned her around making her
face the wall a slight moan escape her mouth as he roughly pulls
her hair.

He part her butt and shoved his dick inside her she flinches even
though he is just average but he is not being gentle.

She stands on her toes as his dick rub against her walls.

Nancy:”Jason..” she says as he pound inside her without any care.

She tries getting out of his hold but he just holds on.

Jason:”Where are you going you like it rough don’t? Now what’s
the matter” she hates herself for even enjoying what he is doing
to her.
It goes on for a while until she orgasm intensely and Jason shoot
his seeds inside her.

After catching her breath she wears hers clothes.

Nancy:”That can’t happen again”

Jason:”You enjoyed it though”

Nancy:”I enjoy sex with Mesuli more” he chuckles.

Jason:”Trying to bruise my ego I see. I didn’t invent sex so

obviously someone is going to be better than me. So that’s not
gonna work” she sigh.

Nancy:”So you are just going to keep blackmailing me?”

Jason:”Yes until you get pregnant I promise I will stop”

Nancy:”What if I had something else to offer?” He looks at her.

Jason:”I’m listening”

She is driving home she decides to call Mesuli.

Mesuli:”Hey how did it go?” The worry in his voice makes her feel
guilty for what just happened.

Nancy:”It went okay she is better now, I will sleep in my place

since it’s already late I will see you tomorrow”
Mesuli:”Okay good night then”

Nancy:”Goodnight” she sigh “Mesuli”


Nancy:”I love you so much” he chuckles softly.

Mesuli:”I love you too Nancy” she bite her lower lip fighting her

Nancy:”Okay bye” she hangs up she needs to fix this if Mesuli

were to find out he would end things with her.

She has decided to behave herself when it comes to him and

Ababalwe so she can’t lost all of that because of Jason.


It’s the next day Mesuli is driving to airport to pick up Vanessa.

He was disappointed that the night with Nancy didn’t end well.

But he could see the difference in her behaviour so hopefully it

stays like that.

He spots Vannesa and walk towards her.

Vanessa:”Mesuli how are you?”

Mesuli:”I’m good Ma how are you?”

Vannesa:”I’m okay I’m just jet lagged that’s only”

Mesuli:” It’s a good think we are going straight home you will rest”
he opens the door for her.

Vannesa looks at him with a frown.

Mesuli:”What happened?”

Vanessa:”It’s nothing let’s go” he nods and closes the door then
get in his side “So how is my grandson” Mesuli smiles thinking
about him.

Mesuli:”He looks like Muzi a lot, he is just a perfect I swear I could

hold him forever. He is just too cute” Vannesa looks at him “Did I
say something wrong?”

Vanessa:”No it’s just the happiness you have when you talk about

Mesuli:”I don’t know he just brings something in me that I didn’t

know existed I didn’t even like babies”

Vanessa:”I’m also surprised because you are not a fan children

scare you” he chuckles.

Mesuli:”I guess with my nephew is different a story”

He pulls over at Ababalwe’s house he pulls over and they walk

Vanessa excitedly rushes to her grandchild.

Vanessa:”Hey baby, you look so cute” she says in a high pitched


Ababalwe:”Mom I’m still here you don’t see me” Vannesa laughs.

Vanessa:”Jealous much, hey princess” she says kissing her cheek.

Ababalwe:”Hey mom of course I’m jealous”

Vanessa:”How are you feeling?”

Ababalwe:”I’m fine it’s not as bad as I thought it would be”

Vanessa:”That’s great we will catch up I still want to enjoy this

one” she says walking away with Mj.


Ababalwe:”Hey thank you for picking up my mom”

Mesuli:”It’s okay, I brought you something”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli you should stop buying me things you have

done enough”

Mesuli:”It’s not expensive”

Ababalwe:”Okay fine”

Mesuli:”Here” he says handing him the plastic bag.

She opens it and look at him smiling.

Ababalwe:”A nipple cream and bread pads, how did you know I
needed this?” He shrugged his shoulders.

Mesuli:”I just thought you may need them”

Ababalwe:”Thank you, I really need these. You are a lifesaver

thank you. Did you eat lunch? I dished up for you and mom just in

Mesuli:”No I didn’t but who cooked?” She looks at him “Babsie!

Where was Yolanda?”

Yolanda:”I did offer she said no” she says next to Vanessa.

Mesuli:”Stop being stubborn, you are suppose to be resting your

operation it’s still fresh” she nods.

Ababalwe:”Fine” He goes to the microwave and takes his food

“Wash your hands Mesuli” she says as he is about to eat.

Mesuli:”Sorry” he says taking the small dish.

In the living room Vanessa smile looking at them then back to her

Yolanda:”Is it me or Mesuli is slowly embodying Bhuti Muzi’s

dilemma?” She says with a frown looking at Mesuli as he laughs
saying something to Babsie.

Vannesa:”It was meant to be like that”

Yolanda:”What do you mean?”

Vanessa:” Nothing”
In the restaurant Nancy settles down next to her sister.

“Hey sis”


“What is it that you wanted to ask me?”

Nancy:”Let’s eat first”

“No I need to be somewhere so what is it”

Nancy:”Okay Jason is blackmailing me”

“I told you this was not a good idea”

Nancy:”I know he is threatening to tell Mesuli if I don’t continue

sleeping with him”

“What are you going to do?”

Nancy:”I can’t do anything but I did offer him something”

“And he accepted?”


“Okay that’s better” Nancy swallows.

Nancy:”I told him he could sleep with you. Can you do it?”Her
sister laughs looking at her.

“Yeah nice joke”

Nancy:”I’m serious” her sister frowns.

“What?! What’s wrong with you?”

Nancy:”Please it will just be a once off thing”

“No! I’m not sleeping with Jason! What’s wrong with you? He said
it was a once off thing with you look what’s happening now. How
could you try sex traffic me?!”

Nancy:”Don’t exaggerate! It’s either you do it or I’m cutting you off

remember you depend on me and I don’t want it to get to that. I
will make sure it’s a once off thing”



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[05/24, 6:51 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



MJ is is three weeks old and his crying habit is slowly dying down
which is a relief for his mother.

Even though she has help from her mother she was just worried
by him beca MJ can cry for every baby in the nation.
Funny enough he is always calm when he is with Mesuli, she is
now sure that her baby is obsessed with his uncle.

Mesuli have been coming to see them every chance he gets,

speaking of him it’s like he is starting to act like Muzi or maybe
she just misses her husband.

Even though she doesn’t feel any type of way for Mesuli it’s kind
of a nice feeling to have him around maybe it’s because he kind of
remind him of Muzi.

She sigh and pick up her baby, her arm has fully recovered and her
ankle too.

Vanessa:”Hey babe” she says as soon as she walks inside the


Ababalwe:”Hey mommy”

Vanessa:”I’m so sad that I’m leaving I wanted to stay longer but I

have to go. I have been pushing my meetings for the past two
weeks now”

Ababalwe:”I understand mom”

Vanessa:”But I will visit again as soon as I can”

Ababalwe:”Okay we should go”

Vanessa:”I don’t think you should be driving yet you need six
weeks to heal properly the driver could just take me”

Ababalwe:”I need some air I have been in the house for the
longest time”

Vanessa:”Then you could go to the airport but you are not going
to drive”

Ababalwe:”Fine as long as I get out of this house for a while”

The driver takes them to the airport and then bid goodbye to

Ababalwe:”Can you drive to the Mkhize Logistics?”

“Yes Ma’am” she hates how his driver is addressing her formally
but she has made peace with the fact that he won’t change.

The car comes to a stop and before she could step out of the car
she sees Mesuli and Nancy walking out locking arms.

Ababalwe:”Uh you know what I’m sorry about this please drive us
home” she says internally laughing at herself what was she
thinking coming to his office unannounced.

He has been on a better place lately, his relationship with Nancy is

The past three weeks Nancy have been spending a lot of her time
in his house.

They are happy and he decided that it’s the right time to send his
uncles to her house.

He has talked to his uncles and they dates are set to be in just
two weeks.

Nancy opens the door in his office and looks at him.


Nancy:”I just got a call from my mom, they received a later from
your uncles” he chuckles looking at her.

Mesuli:”Yeah I know”

Nancy:”You are marrying me?” She says like she is shocked.

Mesuli:”Yes I’m marrying you what’s wrong with that?” She walks
to him and hugs him.

Nancy:”Nothing, the timing is perfect because I think I might be


Nancy:”I’m not sure but I will buy a pregnancy test”

Mesuli:”We can go buy one now and you will do it” she chuckles
as the excitement in his face shows.

Nancy:”We will take it at home for now I have to go to lunch with

my sister I promised to take her out”

Mesuli:”Okay then”

Nancy:”Hopefully we are pregnant we can celebrate everything

tonight at home”

Mesuli:”Hopefully even if we are not pregnant we have time”

Nancy:”Okay I have to go I don’t want to keep my sister waiting”

Mesuli:”Okay I will walk you out”

Nancy look her arm on his as they walk out.

They walk to her car he stops looking at the car that is driving

Nancy:”Is everything okay?”

Mesuli:”Yeah I think I just saw someone, let’s go”

He opens the door for her and kiss her.

Mesuli:”I will see you tonight”

Nancy:”See you tonight I love you”

Mesuli:”I love you too”

Nancy drives offer he takes his phone and dials her number for
some reason it’s the only number he knows by heart.


Mesuli:”Hey did I just see your car drive off from my office”


Mesuli:”What were you doing here?” He hear her sigh.

Ababalwe:”We wanted to pop by and say hi but Nancy was around.

I just didn’t think it’s a good idea I should have called first” he sigh

Mesuli:”I would have loved to see you guys, tell the driver to turn

Ababalwe:”We are almost home Mesuli”

Mesuli:”Well tell him to turn around, he wasn’t driving you around

for two weeks yet he got paid I’m sure he won’t mind”

Ababalwe:”Mesuli I can’t ask him that…”

Mesuli:”Give him then”

“Mr Mkhize” the driver says answering the phone.

Mesuli:”Can you please turn around and drive back to my office?”

“No problem”
Mesuli:”Thank you” he hangs up.

He waits for them outside and ten minutes later they arrive and he
looks at the driver.

Mesuli:”Thank you man, you can drive home I will take them back”
he nods.

He opens the back and takes out the baby stroller.

Ababalwe puts Mj inside and cover him properly to protect him

from the wind then looks at Mesuli.


Ababalwe:”Hey I should have called”

Mesuli:”Why? You are not doing anything wrong”

Ababalwe:”Am I not? I just don’t want to make Nancy feel like I’m

Mesuli:”Can we not go down that road? What do you want to eat

for lunch?”


Mesuli:”Anything it is then” Babsie laughs as he pushes the


She is so happy and can’t even hide it but she also feels stupid for
telling him that she might be pregnant.

If she didn’t tell him she was going to get rid of the baby easily.

Yes she is pregnant but she still have to hold her end of the deal
with Jason or he will tell Mesuli.

Her sister gets inside the car, she feels bad for what she is doing
but there is not going back now especially that everything is
falling into place.


“Please don’t let’s get over and done with” she swallows.

Nancy:”I’m sorry”

“Fuck you Nancy! I hate you. After I’m done with Jason you will
have to deal with me don’t think this is over”

Nancy:”What is that supposed to mean?” She says with her heart

pounding, she says pulling over at Jason’s house.

“You will pay for this!” She says getting out.

Nancy:”Daisy!” Her sister clicks her tongue and walks to Jason’s

door knocking.
He opens and looks at her.

Jason:”You must be Daisy”

“Yeah let’s do this so I could get out of here”she says walking in

then drops her dress Jason looks at her as she teary looks at him.

He walks towards her and picks up the dress.

Jason:”Here put it back on I’m not going to sleeping with you”

“You won’t?”

Jason:”No you are free to leave if you want to or you could stay
and I will order you something to eat” she puts on her dress.

“Why would I stay here? Why are you even doing this?”



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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Daisy looks at Jason waiting for an answer she shouldn’t even be

waiting for answers she should be leaving.
Jason:”I was just doing this to try get your sister back but I just
saw that she is heartless the minute you showed up in my door.
And you why are you here?” She blinks.

Daisy:”As you said my sister is heartless, she threatened to cut

me off I’m depending on her”

Jason:”You are her sister”

Daisy:”Well that’s what I thought too”

Jason:”I was going to sleep with you, Nancy said you were on
board with this but I saw you tearing up I knew that you don’t want
to do it. I’m sorry”

Daisy:”It’s okay thank you for not doing anything to me but as for
Nancy she still has to pay for what she did”

Jason:”Don’t waste your energy with her honestly she is will be

her own downfall. If she is pregnant that baby will be a coloured
how will she explain that”

Daisy:”She said she will abort once Mesuli marries her”

Jason:”She is more twisted than I thought”

Daisy:”So you don’t mind her aborting your baby”

Jason:”It’s her choice but if she keeps it I’m coming for it”

Daisy:”That will ruin her marriage”

Jason:”I don’t care it’s none of my business”

Daisy:”I should getting go” Jason looks at her, she is more

Jason:”Maybe you can stay I already ordered some food”


Jason:”Please it will be this once after that you won’t see me if

you don’t want to”

Daisy:”Fine it’s not like I have anywhere to be”

Jason:”Thank you, I have a mini bar choose your poison”

Daisy:”Let’s keep it sober it’s a first day” he smiles.

Jason:”So you are saying there is going to a second one?” She


Daisy:”If you give me a reason to come back impress me Jason”

he chuckles.



She really does feel bad what she did for what she did to her

But she would do anything to protect her life with Mesuli.

It feels wrong to love someone to the point she is in but she can’t
help herself.
Her phone rings it’s her mother she smiles.


Nancy:”Hey mom”

“How are you?”

Nancy:”I’m good how are you?”

“I’m good, when are you sending money so we could prepare for
your big day?”

Nancy:”I will send it soon”

“I’m so proud of you, I hear that your soon to be husband owns a

big company”

Nancy:”Yes he is related to Ababalwe’s dead husband it’s his


“How is Ababalwe?”

Nancy:”She fine she has a son”

“I’m so happy for her” she roll her eyes does everyone have to like

Nancy:”I’m also pregnant”

“Wow I’m happy for you baby”

Nancy:”I want a Lobola and traditional wedding on the same day”

“Okay then but have you spoke to your man”

Nancy:”I will even though I don’t have to because Lobola

traditionally makes me his wife”

“Yes but the chief and councillors have to be there to sign on that
so it will count as a marriage in front of the law”

Nancy:”Okay then I will talk to my husband”

There is no way that Mesuli won’t marry her especially now that
she is carrying his child, yes it’s his child as long as he still don’t
know what she did it’s his child.

After shopping at the mall she goes to his house.

She starts preparing his surprise, she bought a romper written

high dad and a pregnancy test.

Then starts setting up the room and everything.

She picks her phone and calls him it rings for a while before he
picks it up.


Nancy:”Hey what time are you coming home?”

Mesuli:”The usual time”

Nancy:”Okay I have a surprise for you”

Mesuli:”Oh okay I will see you then”

Nancy:”I love you too”

Mesuli:”Me too” he hangs up, why is he say me too instead of the

whole thing? He probably is in a meeting or something.


God he can’t get enough of saying it, Mj makes him to have a

baby fever.

He is such a cute baby and everything about him is cute even his
smell is sweet.

He is spending time with him and Ababalwe this a part of his day
that lifts his mood up.

He talks to Nancy then hangs up for some weird reason saying I

love you just got stuck in his throat he couldn’t say it.

He looks at Babsie as she munch on the slice of Pizza.

She doesn’t look like she just gave birth few weeks ago.
Ababalwe:”Why are you looking at me like that?”

Mesuli:”Nothing, so when are you going back to work?”

Ababalwe:”I don’t know I want to spend time with my baby and I

also have a great team at work so I’m not going back soon but I
will check on them every now and then”

Mesuli:”Understandable seems like you are enjoying motherhood”

Ababalwe:”More than anything in the world right now before I

forget is it possible to sign my shares to be under his name. They
are his birth right”

Mesuli:”Yeah it is possible”

Ababalwe:”By the way you are doing a great job with the

Mesuli:”Yeah even though I don’t think I will ever fill my brother’s

shoes he have accomplished a lot here”

Ababalwe:”You don’t have to fill in his shoes stay in your own lane
you are doing great. You may do things differently but the
company is striving with you too in charge so don’t try to fill his
shoes you will be setting yourself up for failure” he smiles.

Mesuli:”Thank you and you are right”

Ababalwe:”Okay you have to take us home”

Mesuli:”Alright then let’s go” he says going for a stroller at the

same time with her. They hold a stare “I got it” he says gently
removing her hand still looking at her.
He got closer and his lips brushes against her she quickly moves

Ababalwe:”No!” he swallows with his heart pounding.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I don’t know what happened I…”

Ababalwe:”We are leaving” she saying grab car keys from him and
pushing the stroller and g

Mesuli:”Ababalwe wait! I’m sorry” but she is already out of the

door “Shit!” He says following her.



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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Well Daisy didn’t expect to enjoy Jason’s company, he is a nice


They are talking like they have known each other for a while.
She wanted the tour of his house it’s stunning honestly.

Jason:”I feel like I shouldn’t show you this room”


Jason:”You might freak out”

Daisy:”Just open the door Jason” he slowly opens and switch on

the lights “What is this? Are you Christian Grey?” She says jokingly.

Jason:”Well I don’t know who that is?”

Daisy:”You never watched fifty shades of grey”

Jason:”No never”

Daisy:”Well you should, which one is your favourite?”

Jason:”You are not freaked out”

Daisy:”No are you a sadist?” He chuckles.

Jason:”God you are asking so many questions at once. I’m not a

sadist and I have two favourites they go hand in hand. First one a
spreader bar and second one scandal collar body restraints”

Daisy:”I know what a spreader does but the scandal what what I
never seen it” he goes to set and takes it out.

Jason:”Here it is”

Daisy:”All of this shows dominance why do you use sex toys?”

Jason:”I guess I could never satisfy a woman on my own so this
became my thing if I don’t do threesomes”

Daisy:”I see, let’s get out of this room” she walks out and breathe.

Jason:”Well that’s all I have to show you. Do you use sex toys?”


Jason:”Never wanted to try?”

Daisy:” I did want to try but hey not everyone love sex toys”

Jason:”Okay then. You are an interesting person Daisy”


She doesn’t know what happened in there, she is just trying to

control her emotions at this moment.

She could feel him following her as she walks out of the building.

She opens the car and strap Mj to his car seat.

She opens the drivers door and she feels him hoovers over her
she is too late.

Mesuli:”I will drive” she wants to protest but at this moment she
doesn’t want to speak.
She goes around to the other door and opens then gets inside.

Ababalwe:”Can we go?” He looks at her and get closer she

swallows “Mesuli”

Mesuli:”What?” He says strapping her belt while looking into her

face “I’m just putting your seatbelt. Lets go” he says and starts his

The drive is normally short but today it feels so longer than


They both quiet she is trying not to think about what just

The car finally comes to a stop and she gets out.

Mesuli goes to the back and take the stroller as she walks inside
the house.

She goes to put her baby in the nursery then walks out she was
thinking of not going back to him but it would childish.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry okay?” He says softly.

Ababalwe:”What almost happened was wrong it cannot happen

Mesuli:”I know” he sigh running “What happened doesn’t changed
a thing thou I’m still going to come see MJ”

Ababalwe:”I never said it would change that” she sigh “I have been
so lonely lately I guess it has been sinking in the reality of what
happened. I was even starting to see a lot of Muzi in you it was
never in a romantic thou just your presence felt enough for me to
feel him closer. Nancy loves you she may not be my friend now
but I don’t want to do anything that’s going to hurt her”

Mesuli:”I understand that and I don’t want to hurt her either I don’t
know why I wanted to kiss you. It just felt right at the moment”

Ababalwe:”It shouldn’t feel right Mesuli”

Mesuli:”I know that”

Ababalwe:”Please go home” he nods.

Mesuli:”I will see you tomorrow” he walks to the door and stop
midway “I’m sorry this won’t happen again” he says walking
towards her and crashes his lips against hers holding her waist
and his other hand on her face before she could do anything.

He kisses her so hard that she can’t even resist him.

She touches his chest area kissing him back after a few seconds
she pulls back.

Ababalwe:”Go please don’t say anything just leave” he strikes her

cheek before walking out.

She sigh slamming herself in the couch

Ababalwe looks at her wedding portrait on the wall, she swallows.

Ababalwe:”I’m so sorry I swear this wouldn’t be happening if you
were here. Only God knows why you were taken so early from us”
she sigh.


She couldn’t wait to tell him everything.

Everything is set up and she hear his car pulling outside.

She stands as he walks in and smiles.


Mesuli:”HI” she frowns.

Nancy:”You look tired are you okay?”

Mesuli:”No I’m tired”

Nancy:”You can sit I want to show you something in the kitchen”

she says taking his hand and lead him to the kitchen.

Mesuli:”What’s the occasion?”

Nancy:”Our soon to come marriage and the other it’s a surprise

open the gift box” he sits down and opens it she squeals as he
looks at her.

Mesuli:”You are pregnant?”

Nancy:”Yeah we are going to be parents”

Mesuli:”Oh wow” she frowns looking at him.

Nancy:”You are not happy?” He smiles.

Mesuli:”I’m happy I was not expecting that you are really pregnant
but I am happy. Come here” she sits on his lap “Thank you for this
precious gift okay?” He says kissing her cheek.

Nancy:”Okay babe”

Mesuli:”I’m just too tired to do anything. Can we go to bed and

cuddle instead” she nods and they both stands up.

As soon they get inside the bed Mesuli drift to sleep, Nancy frown
it’s unlike him to sleep early it’s just after 6pm.

The next morning when she gets out of bed no one is next to her.

She walks out him he finds him staring outside the garden.

He looks so deep in his thoughts at the moment.



Nancy:”What’s wrong with you?” He sigh looking at him.

Mesuli:”You know I love you right?”

Nancy:”What’s going on you are scaring me?”

Mesuli:”I kissed someone else” She swallows looking at him.

Nancy:”You cheated on me?”

Mesuli:”Yes and it just happened it wasn’t a mistake because I

initiated everything”

Nancy:”What is that supposed to mean? You know what I forgive

you I don’t want to know who it was she was just a mistake
please tell me it won’t happen again”




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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Today it’s her brother’s traditional wedding or Lobola she doesn’t

understand what’s happening at all but apparently it’s a wedding
Things between her and Banzi are so good, her birthday is just
two weeks away she just can’t wait.

She had a test that she was writing so it’s time to get to the

She walks out of the campus and she seems Sgqibo approaching

Sgqibo:”Hey can we talk?”

Yolanda:”This is getting old now, you are stalking me”

Sgqibo:”I just want us to talk please”

Yolanda:”About what Sgqibo? About the fact that you cheated

with my sister? I should have known that you were no better after
you dated my sister after just a few weeks we ended the first time.
So now you want to talk? It’s been two months now get over it”

Sgqibo:”I made a mistake….”

Yolanda:”Please stay away from me I have moved on” he


Sgqibo:”With who?”

Yolanda:”With my boyfriend it’s none of your business”

Sgqibo:”It’s that old guy isn’t it? Yolanda that guy is just using you.
He looks like he is successful what is he doing with a student? I’m
sure this is hunting game he will sleep with you and discard you
after he is done” she swallows when is his words even getting
into her maybe it’s because she doesn’t understand why Banzi is
with her he could do so much better.

“You don’t listen do you?” His voice says behind her Yolanda turns
to look at him.

Sgqibo:”Why are you with her?”

Banzi:”I told you I will show you how to treat a woman right. I
don’t want to hurt you just stick to what you came to do in the city
or you will go back to the village in a coffin” he takes Yolanda’s
bag and they walk to his car as Sgqibo watches them feeling his
chest closing in.

Banzi opens the door for her and strap her seatbelt.

Banzi:”What did he say? You are quiet”

Yolanda:”Why are you with me because you could pull any woman
you want” he smiles cupping her face.

Banzi:”And I pulled you regardless I’m with you because I love you.
The question should be how did I pull you because my woman is
beautiful as hell” she can’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach
“And you make me nervous” she laughs.

Yolanda:”What?! I make you nervous?” He chuckles and kisses

her then her hand moves to his trouser stroking him on top of it
he groans, yes she has been learning to pleasure her man while
he waits for the day she is finally ready.

He grunts and pulls away from her looking at her.

Banzi:”You should stop doing that one of these days I won’t be

able to control myself” she presses her thighs together.

Yolanda:”We should go”

Banzi:”Don’t doubt what I feel for you..”

Yolanda:”I’m sorry”

Banzi:”Let’s go” he close the door and goes to his side.

Sgqibo looks at him rubbing his teary eyes.


Daisy get off her Uber ride and walk towards the door with her bag.

She knocks and Jason opens shirtless.

Daisy:”Are you fucking one of your girls?” She says walking in and
goes to the mini bar pouring herself wine.

Jason:”Hello to you Daisy” he says smiling looking at her.

Daisy:”Hey Jason, please be decent and wear your T-shirt please”

Jason:”Why? My Abs bother you?”

Daisy:”Please don’t insult abs like that you can’t call what you
have abs” he laughs wearing his T-shirt.
Jason:”Ain’t you suppose to be at your sister’s wedding”

Daisy:”You should be glad that I chose you over that thing”

Jason:”Don’t be bitter” she laughs.

Daisy:”I’m not bitter but who still have customary marriage these
days. My sister is so desperate for Mesuli I feel bad for him I
really do”

Jason:”Well let her be”

Daisy:”Do you have food or I should cook?” He smiles one thing

about her she loves cooking.

Jason:”Please do cook. I will take your laundry and put it on the


Daisy:”Who said that’s laundry?”

Jason:”So it’s not laundry?”

Daisy:”I never said it wasn’t” he laughs.

Jason:”That’s why you are obsessed with coming here because

you hate doing your own laundry” she smiles and opens the fridge
as he walks away with her bag.


What happened with Mesuli never happened again she made sure
it doesn’t happen ever again.
Every time he visits them, they just exchange greetings then after
that she leaves him to spend time with Mj.

Mj is a month old he is starting to look like Muzi more.

She stands in the mirror fixing herself she is going to Mesuli’s

traditional wedding.

Funny enough it’s Nancy who send the invitations to her.

Vanessa:”No you can’t wear that Babsie it will be like you want to
overshadow a bride” she sigh.

Ababalwe:”These are all my traditional attire and this one is my

least favourite. Maybe I should not go”

Vanessa:”I don’t know how anything looks good on you I would

literally put you on a plastic bag you will still pull it off and look

Ababalwe:”Mom come on you are not helping should I take this

off if yes which one should I wear”

Vanessa:”Wear this one” she says handing her the dress.

Ababalwe:”Okay” she changes to it “And?”

Vanessa:”Okay I was wrong…hay just wear it because it won’t

change anything”
Ababalwe:”Fine, I’m so anxious leaving Mj for the first time”

Vanessa:”We will be fine and we will call you every now and then.
Just go enjoy the wedding” she nods and kiss Mj, he is growing
so fast.

Ababalwe:”I love you baby I will see you guys soon I’m late”


She is in disbelief that this is her wedding everything feels so


Even her aunties that thought she will never get married they are
shocked that she is marrying someone like Mesuli.

They used to say she has to sleep around a lot no man will marry

The Lobola negotiations have went so well and she is officially

Mesuli’s wife.

Her sister didn’t bother to come to her special day even thou she
is relieved but it hurts.

Everyone is in the joyous mood as two families are celebrating

each singing their own traditional song.

She is finally going to meet her husband.

As their families are singing walking towards each other.

She smiles looking at him, his traditional attire looks good on him.

Mesuli:”You look beautiful”

Nancy:”Thank you you look good too” he holds her hand and they
walk to their sits.

And everyone settles in then few seconds later Ababalwe walks in

with Yolanda and Banzi.

She frowns looking at her, she knows she is late on purpose and
the way she is dressing screams attention seeker she is trying to
overshadow her.

Nancy:”I can’t believe that you are my husband I’m so happy”

Mesuli:”And you are my wife now” she smiles brushing her belly.

Nancy:”And our baby is growing inside me. We are going to be a

family of three in just few months”

MaMkhize isn’t happy about their marriage but soon she will be
Nancy is planning to make her be.
The only people from Mesuli’s family that are okay are the two
sisters which is a good thing.

She looks at Ababalwe who is talking to her phone and stands up

saying something to Yolanda then walk out almost running out.

Mesuli stands up and Nancy holds his arm.

Nancy:”Where are you going? Are you following her? Please don’t
embarrass me on our wedding by following another woman”

Mesuli:”Nancy I’m not following her I will be back” he says walking

to Yolanda and Nancy stands up following him.

Mesuli:”Yolanda what happened?”

Yolanda:”She said not to say anything”

Mesuli:”Yolanda marn! What happened?”

Yolanda:”I don’t know she said she had to go something

happened to Mj”

Mesuli:”What do you mean something happened to Mj?”

Yolanda:”I don’t know okay!” He quickly walks out following her

and Nancy follows him.


Mesuli:”Not now Nancy I need to know what’s wrong with Mj!”

Nancy:”You are just going to leave on our wedding”

Mesuli:”We are already married Nancy and I’m sorry I have to go. I
will come back” he walks away leaving her tearing up.

“Nancy what’s going on?”

Nancy:”Yet again Ababalwe is ruining everything Ma! I hate her”

her mother hugs her confused.

Mesuli sees her as she approaches her car.

Mesuli:”Ababalwe!” She turns looking at him.

Ababalwe:”What are you doing here?”

Mesuli:”What happened to Mj?”

Ababalwe:”He is fine please go back inside”

Mesuli:”Don’t lie to me!”

Ababalwe:”I don’t know what’s wrong okay?! Mom had to take

him to the hospital I have to go Mesuli” she opens the door and
got inside.

Mesuli:”I’m coming with you”

Ababalwe:”It’s your wedding you…”

Mesuli:”I don’t remember asking you. Jump to the passenger

seat” she swallows and jump to the passenger seat as he got in
and drove off.


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He is driving like a maniac as they head to the hospital.

He knows he shouldn’t have left Nancy as his wife yes wife.

Under customary law, they are married the Lobola was paid, the
chief was there and he signed the documents that they are
traditionally husband and wife and of course the witnesses were

Nancy must be hurting wherever she is and he has to fix this.

He needs to find out what’s wrong with Mj then goes back to her.

Ababalwe:”You don’t get to this Mesuli, you just got married I had
a reason why I told Yolanda not tell you. Look what happened now?
You just left Nancy there alone! I know Junior means a lot to you I
know that but this was the most important day of Nancy’s life and
beside I was going to call you as soon as I find out what’s wrong”
he sigh.

Mesuli:”I know what’s done is done, I will focus on Nancy once I

know everything is okay with Junior”

He pulls over at the hospital and they walk in.

They find Vanessa pacing up and down.

Ababalwe:”Mom what’s wrong with my son?”

Vanessa:”I don’t know, he just started running fever out of

nowhere, then couldn’t breathe well I don’t know what happened”

Ababalwe:”He was fine when I left”

Mesuli:”What are the doctors saying?”

Vanessa:”They haven’t said anything yet” Ababalwe blinks.

Ababalwe:”I shouldn’t have left him what if something happens to

him” she says blinking feeling her tears at the back of her eyes.

Mesuli:”Hey you can’t think like that right now let’s wait for the
doctor to tell us what’s going on” she nods.

Vanessa:”I’m sorry Babsie”

Ababalwe:”Mom this is not your fault, I’m sorry I lashed out” she
The doctors walk to them Babsie quickly stands up.

Ababalwe:”How is my son?” He sigh that makes her heart rate


“We are still running test on your son ma’am in the mean time
your son has slipped into a coma”

Ababalwe:”What?!” She says with tears filling her eyes.

“I'm sorry that’s what we got for now”

Mesuli:”So you are saying you don’t know what’s wrong with

“I’m afraid that’s case but your son is in good hands”

Ababalwe:”Can I see my son?”

“Of course this way”

They follow him to NICU and Ababalwe looks at Mj confused and


He was doing okay in the morning how can he be so sick.

“I will give your time please keep your masks on” they nod, they
were forced to wear the protective gear.

Ababalwe:”What happened baby? Please wake up” she says

touching his little hand.

He is still so warm and he looks like there is nothing wrong.

Ababalwe:”I’m so scared right now I can’t lose my son”

Mesuli:”Hey he is going to be fine we both know how strong he is”

she sigh wiping her tears “Come here” he pulls her to his arm and
embrace her after a few minutes she gets out of his embrace and
looks at him.

Ababalwe:”You should go back”

Mesuli:”This is serious, I can’t just leave”

Ababalwe:”I know that you don’t want to leave but you being here
won’t change anything for Junior but you going home it will
change something I will call you to update you for now go be with
your wife and congratulations to your union” he sigh.

Mesuli:”Call me for update” he walks out.


To say she is humiliated, embarrassed and hurt it’s an


She is trying to make sense of everything that happened with


How could he just leaves her on their wedding. She doesn’t

deserve that.

She shouldn’t have invited Ababalwe in her wedding as always

she stole the limelight from her.

People were already looking at her with questioning eyes and

others were already gossiping about her and laughing.

She told her mother to take care everything she needs to be


She just sat in her room crying in her pain.

It’s been over two hours now and a knock comes through.

Nancy:”I said I want to be alone! Go away!” She says sniffing.

Mesuli:”It’s me baby open up” she swallows she wants to let him
stand there but her heart won’t.

She gets up and goes to open up for him, she walks in her bed as
he follows her.

Mesuli:”I’m so sorry baby”

Nancy:”You are sorry Mesuli?” He swallows looking at her tears.

Mesuli:”I know an apology ain’t enough for what I did. I shouldn’t

have left you on our wedding…”

Nancy:”It seems like I will always compete with Ababalwe for your
attention Mesuli. You chose her over me today”
Mesuli:”I didn’t choose anyone babe. Something is wrong with

Nancy:”I don’t care about that. I’m carrying our baby Mesuli. It
seems like he will also have to compete with Mj when it comes
for your love” he sigh.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I’m making you feel the way you feel right now
and I promise you I will do better as a husband and father. The
two of you are my priority it should never feel like you are in
competition. I promise” she swallows wiping her tears he pulls
her to his arms “I love you I’m sorry I ruined the most important
day of your life I promise that I will make it up you I swear”

Nancy:”You can make it up to me Mesuli. I will always be haunted

by what happened today”

Mesuli:”Not unless we do our wedding celebrations again. I know

it won’t take away what I did but I just want to try and there are
still guests there I will tell them I had an emergency”

Nancy:”What’s wrong with Mj?”

Mesuli:”They still don’t know but he is a coma” she looks at him.

Nancy:”I’m sorry baby” Deep down she kinda wishes that he

doesn’t make it. Him dying wouldn’t be such a bad idea because
Mj is the reason why her husband and Ababalwe are close so if he
were dead her problem would be solved and she would have
Mesuli all to herself.

Mesuli:”Thank you, for now let’s finish our wedding celebration”

he says picks her up bridal style and she smiles looking at him.

They were told to leave the hospital as they don’t see anything
they could do there.

It was hard for Babsie to leave her baby there.

She just doesn’t understand what’s happening, she can’t lose him
like she did with Muzi.

Her breast are heavy and sore as her baby isn’t there to be

Vanessa looks at her daughter she feels awful it feels like it’s her
fault that Mj is sick but it’s not.

Vanessa:”I have to make a phone call” Ababalwe doesn’t answer

she seem to be not present minded.

Vanessa sigh and stands up then walk out making a phone call.

Vanessa:”Something is wrong with my grandson”

“Nothing is wrong with your grandchild”

Vanessa:”What is that suppose to me?”

“He is fine, he just needs to be home”

Vanessa:”So this is happening because Mkhize are ancestors are

territorial and shit”

“Don’t insults my ancestors like that. He needs to be introduced to

his ancestors”

Vanessa:”That’s all”

“That won’t help in this situation, it’s time you say your daughter
and tell her the truth. It might sound selfish on her but she needs
to know the truth”

Vanessa:”I can’t tell her Ababalwe the truth right now there has to
another way it’s not fair”

“Nothing is fair in this life, tell her the truth or your grandson dies
that will be in your hands” she swallows as the lines becomes

“What truth can’t you tell me?” She quickly turns and finds


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



As much as things didn’t going well at first with the wedding but
now it’s all fun Mesuli came back and everything went back to
normal and for a moment everyone has forgotten what happened
earlier on.

They are enjoying food and everything is going so well.

Mesuli is chatting with his uncles and he is laughing which means

he is happy that he is married man now.

Someone clears their throat sitting next to her and she looks at

MaMkhize:”So you are my daughter in-law now?” Nancy smiles

looking at her.

Nancy:”Yes I’m your only daughter in law now” MaMkhize

MaMkhize:”Only? Don’t get it wrong honey my eldest son might be
dead but his wife is still the daughter in law of Mkhize’s”

Nancy:”If I didn’t know better I would say you have a soft spot for
her now”

MaMkhize:”Well I don’t but you ain’t any better”

Nancy:”I’m not Ababalwe I won’t let you bully me or speak any

how you want!”

MaMkhize:”Of course you are not Ababalwe so I could easily get

rid of you if I want to” she swallows but quickly composed herself.

Nancy:”Well unfortunately your son chose me as his wife and I’m

not going anywhere. You will have to watch your son love me…”

MaMkhize:”Love who? My son doesn’t love you. I knew you

always wanted to be Ababalwe. You have always been obsessed
with what she had with Muzi and everything in between. So you
are hoping that Mesuli is going to love you the same way but
that’s not going to happen because he doesn’t love you he only
married you because you are carrying his child. If he loved you he
wouldn’t have left you on your wedding day. Any ways good luck
with your marriage please enjoy it and welcome to the family
daughter in-law” she stands up walking away.

Nancy swallows looking at her and then tries to ignore what she
said she is only trying to get to her.

She smiles as she sees Mesuli approaching her, he pulls her waist
and kiss her.

Mesuli:”How are you feeling?”

Nancy:”Better now”

Mesuli:”That’s better, I’m really sorry about earlier on”

Nancy:”It’s okay you made up for it this is the best day of my life
thanking for choosing me as your wife. I love you so much more
than anything else”

Mesuli:”I love you too, I think we should go rest now I want to call
it a night”

Nancy:”Like rest rest?” He chuckles.

Mesuli:”It’s our wedding night what do you think?” She smiles.

Nancy:”Okay we should go”


The day has been stressful and long for him, he couldn’t wait for it
to be over he didn’t want a big thing but Nancy went all out.

They are back home, it doesn’t feel like he just got married maybe
it’s still going to sink in and maybe when it comes he will embrace
the moment.

He is still worried about Mj and wondering what’s wrong he tried

enjoying his wedding and to make sure that his wife was happy
again but to be honest his mind wasn’t there.

He looks at Nancy as she is sleeping next to him butt naked, they

had a great wedding night even thou it wasn’t anything romantic
but it was perfect.

They are not going to any honeymoon until their white wedding.

He gets out of bed and put on his briefs then walks to the balcony
with the box of cigarette and light one.

His phone starts ringing and he looks at the unknown and answer


Zingce:”So you married her?”

Mesuli:”Who is this?” He says on purpose.

Zingce:”So now you don’t know me! You married a woman who is
not afraid to sleep with a man that she knows is a relationship.
You don’t think she will cheat on you!”

Mesuli:”What do you want Zingce?” She starts crying.

Zingce:”Why didn’t you give us a chance? You cheated on me and
I was angry I went after your brother to spite but nothing
happened! You still didn’t want to give us a chance! Why didn’t

Mesuli:”Because I didn’t love you like that maybe I just cared

that’s all”

Zingce:”And you love her?” He turns to look at Nancy who is in

bed sleeping peacefully.

Mesuli:”Yes I love her”

Zingce:”You hesitated to answer that says it all. No one is ever

going to be enough for you because not everyone is like your
sister in law. You want someone like her if it was possible you
clone her so you could get yourself someone like her. You will hurt
Nancy like you hurt me”

Mesuli:”I don’t have time, you are acting like a victim here. You are
the one who was trying to act like Ababalwe. Not everyone is
gonna be her you wanted my brother. So fuck off Zingce” there is
some silence.

Zingce:”I love you I will always love you I just made a mistake”

Mesuli:”And I don’t love you! I have moved on with my life I’m

married now so please stop calling me my wife won’t appreciate
that” he hangs up and continue smoking.

His phone rings again he quickly answered it annoyed.

Mesuli:”I said stop calling me this is harassment!”

Ababalwe:”What?” His heart pounded as he looks at the screen.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I thought you were someone else. Is Mj okay?”

Ababalwe:”Yes, can you come to my house? I know it’s your

wedding night but my mother insists”

Mesuli:”Is it urgent?”

Ababalwe:”I think so I don’t know” he sigh.

Mesuli:”I will be there” he hangs up and walk inside then wore his

He looks at Nancy who is sleeping a part of him wants to wake

her and tell her he is leaving.

He squad down to her and kisses her slightly parted lips.

Mesuli:”I love you and I will be back soon” he kisses her forehead
before walking out.


She is wondering what truth was her mother talking about.

She looks at her she is anxious and nervous which makes her very

Ababalwe:”I still don’t see why you have to call Mesuli it’s his
wedding night”

Vanessa:”Unless you want to wait for tomorrow….”

Ababalwe:”I don’t want to wait for tomorrow”

Vanessa:”Then he should be here” Babsie sigh looking at her.

A while later Mesuli’s car drives and he gets out.

He walks inside the house and looks at them.

Mesuli:”What’s the emergency?”

Ababalwe:”I don’t know”

Vanessa :”Please sit down Mesuli” he sits down and looks at

Ababalwe who shrugs her shoulders.

Ababalwe:”Okay we are listening” she takes a deep breath

Vanessa:”Okay when Ababalwe was a baby she got very sick like
Junior is right now. It had an issue with ancestors she needed to
be introduced to her father’s ancestors which is I didn’t know her
father as he was an anonymous sperm donor. At that moment I
was willing to do anything for her to live. That’s when I ran into
Mesuli’s uncle I just wanted to vent to a stranger so I did , he
offered me help I was desperate so I accepted his help” Ababalwe
looks at her.

Ababalwe:”So my son being sick is my fault I wanted to stay away

from MaMkhize and that jeopardised his health. We have to go to
the village right now”

Vanessa:”That’s not all Ababalwe, even if we go to the village it

won’t help right now”

Mesuli:”What is that supposed to me?”

Vanessa:”It won’t help, when your uncle helped he blinded

Ababalwe’s ancestors so they would stop claiming her but she
had to belong somewhere so he introduced her to the Mkhize’s as
their protector and they accepted her as their protector but
somehow you have to be part of their family so they led Muzi to
you that’s why your love for each other was that intense. With him
now gone you will have to marry Mesuli” It was going well until
she mentioned the last part.

Ababalwe:”Marry who?”

Vanessa:”Mesuli I know that’s not what you want I don’t

understand why you have to marry him either…”

Ababalwe:”I’m not marrying Muzi’s brother! I might have kissed

him once but I won’t be marrying Mesuli. He is already married to
Nancy and I don’t love him” she says standing up and walks away
Vanessa sigh.

Vanessa:”MJ is going to die if you don’t” she quickly stop in her




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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He always knew that Mkhize ancestors were manipulative and

would do anything to get their way but this is the last straw.

How could they use a baby to get their way? It doesn’t make
sense at all.

This is just too much, he would do anything to save MJ but this

it’s too much.

He just married Nancy today how is he going to tell her that she
has to marry Ababalwe.

Mesuli:”But I just married Nancy I’m not polygamist”

Vanessa:”I told you what I was supposed to tell you so if not a

polygamist is not my business. If you really love your nephew then
you will marry my daughter” he looks at Ababalwe she looks
defended at this point.

Mesuli:”Can you give us a minute?”

Vanessa:”Of course and trust me if there was a way to stop this I

would” she says and leaves them.
Mesuli:”What do you want to do?” She looks at him.

Ababalwe:”Why are you asking me Mesuli? You are the married

one here! The Mkhize’s are selfish how could they tie me down to
your family. I know they helped me and I’m grateful but what they
are doing is selfish. Toying with my son’s health so they could get
what they want is a bit extreme” he swallows because she was
correct, his ancestors are always demanding and selfish it’s like
they don’t get enough.

Mesuli:”I know and I’m sorry…”

Ababalwe:”Don’t be, you just got married Mesuli and if you don’t
want to do this I understand I…”

Mesuli:”I don’t want to do it but if I don’t where does that leave MJ.
I love him Ababalwe at this point I will do anything to see him
getting better if it means I have to marry you then so be it”

Ababalwe:”What about Nancy? She already hates me”

Mesuli:”I will have to explain to her that it’s only a formality you
don’t love me so we are doing this for the sake of MJ” she
swallows, it’s a lot but if that’s what it takes.

Ababalwe:”Thank you for loving him the way you do. I hope we
can all have a discussion between us with Nancy involved so she
can understands”

Mesuli:”I will talk to her”

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry that this is putting your happiness in jeopardy,

you deserve to be happy Mesuli. No one deserves happiness than

Mesuli:”You don’t have to apologise, we will fix this” he says

holding her happy she looks at him.

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry I pushed you away after what happened”

Mesuli:”I understand what you felt at that moment. Let’s just

focus on MJ at the moment”

Ababalwe:”Okay then” He pulls her to his arms and she sigh

holding him.


They finish having dinner and Daisy washed the dishes while
Jason wipes them clean.

After finish she sat down and goes through her phone socials.

Nancy has posted a lot of pictures from her wedding.

It looks beautiful and you can see the excitement in her face that
she finally got what she want.

Jason next to her and look at her phone.

Jason:”You are stalking your sister” Daisy laughs.

Daisy:”It just popped up so I was interested to see the rest”

Jason:”Well put the phone what do you want to watch?”

Daisy:”Fifty Shade Darker”

Jason:”I’m not looking to get horny tonight, I don’t have anyone to


Daisy:”You are not going to be horny it’s just a movie”

Jason:”No choose something else” she laughs.

Daisy:”I don’t know”

Jason:”Let’s just watch some podcasts or documentaries then”

Daisy:”Okay then” he looks at then shakes his head.

Jason:”Can you look at me?” She frowns looking at him and he

steals a kiss from her lip.

Daisy:”What was that?” She says looking at him.

Jason:”A peck in the lips”

Daisy:”Don’t lead me on please” she says going back to her phone.

Jason:”Why?” He says taking her phone.

Daisy:”Because I will fall for you and I don’t do threesomes and all
that stuff I have seen you do. So please stop”

Jason:”I know the kind of person you are, I have never felt
something so genuine with anyone. I never told a woman that I’m
scared I may not satisfy them in bed but I have told you everything
about myself. I don’t want to be your friend Daisy I want
something more with you” he says kissing her and she go up and
sat on top of him kissing him.

He grunts as she grinds on him making him hard.

He stands up with her, she wraps around her legs on his waist.

Daisy:”Don’t take me to that room! I want our first night together

to be normal” he put her down.

Jason:”Daisy I told you that I can’t satisfy you and…” she looks at
him cupping his face.

Daisy:”I know you can, you need to trust me” he swallows.


Daisy:”Don’t be scared Jason if you don’t do it you don’t have to

embarrassed about it. I want you to be comfortable with me and
we will get to use those toys. Let me show you that can fuck a
woman” she says dropping her dress and Jason look at her body
as his dick jerk up in his pants. She stands on her toes kissing



She had a great night and now she is looking forward to a new
day as Mrs Mkhize.
She slept through out the night she was exhausted.

She checks her instagram posts and this is the first time she
actually hit more than 50k likes on her post.

She couldn’t be more happier with the compliments she was


Mesuli is not next to her she gets out of bed and walks to the

He is not there either and the door opens.

Nancy:”Hey” she says looking at the brown paper bag from her.


Nancy:”You went out so early?”

Mesuli:”Uh yeah I needed some air. I got you some food” she
nods and take it then wraps her arms around him.

She can’t help but smell a feminine scent.

Nancy:”Why do you smell like a woman?”

Mesuli:”I don’t know I need to shower” he walks away he looks he

didn’t sleep at all.
She starts eating but she gags and run to the bathroom to vomit.

This is the part she hates about the pregnancy she can’t wait to
get rid of it.

After a while Mesuli walks in and settles next to her.

Mesuli:”You didn’t eat?”

Nancy:”I tried but I ended up vomiting everything”

Mesuli:”I’m sorry, when is your doctor’s appointment?”

Nancy:”I’m still going to make one” she says she doesn’t even

Mesuli:”Okay, we have to tell you something” her heart pounded

thinking about the time he kissed someone else and now he smelt
like a woman.

Nancy:”What is it?” He sigh.

Mesuli:”There is no easy way to say this but I have to”

Nancy:”You are scaring me”

Mesuli:”Do you remember when you heard my uncle talking to me

about marrying Ababalwe?” She frowns.

Nancy:”Yes I do remember that” he takes a deep breath.

Mesuli:”I know this is not what you want to hear but I have to
marry her”

Nancy:”Marry who?” She says feeling her ears getting hot.

Mesuli:”Ababalwe I have to marry her and…”

Nancy:”What?! You want to marry another woman when we just

got married Mesuli. She is not just any woman but her. Why would
you do that?”

Mesuli:”Because if I don’t Mj is going to die!” She shakes her head

tearing up.

Nancy:”I don’t care if he dies…” she chokes up in pain crying

Mesuli tries touching her but she moves back “If you marry her
Mesuli I’m going to kill her”



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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Mesuli left in the early hours of morning after they have a lot of
discussions about this marriage.

They have decided to seek for second option it because they don’t
trust their elders, she needs to make sure that she makes the
right decision.

They don’t have time and the life of her son is on her hands.

And she will do anything for him even if it means to marrying her
brother in-law.

She just can’t help but to think of Muzi approves of this.

She gets out of bed and freshen up, she needs to see MJ at least
now she knows what’s making him sick.

She finds her mother drinking tea she looks at her.

Vanessa:”Good morning”

Ababalwe:”Morning I’m going to see Muzi, I won’t be around until

the afternoon” she won’t be telling her that they are going to seek
for a second opinion.

Vanessa:”I know you are mad at me for not telling you the truth
but what I did was for you to live I couldn’t lose you too. Just like
you are willing to do anything for Muzi to live that’s what I did and
I don’t regret it because you turned out to be the most amazing
daughter one could have. I love you and I’m unapologetic of what I
did. I just didn’t know it would lead to this even if I knew I would
have done it but this time I would be more forthcoming about
what happened” Babsie looks at her and blinks because as much
as she is mad but she also understands where she was coming
especially now that Muzi is sick.

She hugs Vannesa and then looks at her.

Ababalwe:”I’m mad that you didn’t tell me the truth but I

understand what you did. You did what you out of love and
desperation. I love you”

Vanessa:”I love you too babe and I’m sorry” she nods.

When she arrives at the hospital she finds Mesuli already there.

Ababalwe:”Shouldn’t you be at home?”

Mesuli:”Nancy walked out, she was very pissed and angry I have
never seen her that angry it was scary to be honest”

Ababalwe:”Her anger is justified Mesuli. You just married her

yesterday you are supposed to be in a honeymoon phase but here
you are about to marry another woman. Even if this marriage isn’t
out of love but no one woman want to see their husband marrying
another woman no matter what are the circumstances”
Mesuli:”I know but in this matter my hands are tied because I’m
not going to let Muzi die when there is something I can do. I won’t
let that happen and I do wish there was another to do this without
her being hurt but there isn’t” she sigh feeling bad.

Ababalwe:”I understand, I don’t know how this is going to work


After a while they are let in to see her son, there is still no change
in him.

She can’t barely to see him like that she knows she has do to this.

Ababalwe:”Did you find anyone that we could consult about this?”

Mesuli:”Ntokozo did recommend someone”

Ababalwe:”Is there anything Ntokozo doesn’t know it’s like the

man knows everything” he laughs as they walk out of the hospital.

Mesuli:”I don’t know honestly but he does know a lot. We can go

there now”

Ababalwe:”Okay where is your car? I used an Uber to come here”

Mesuli:”There let’s go” they walk to the car and he opens the door
for her then jog to his side.

The drive is longer and it’s out of time, Ababalwe looks her T-shirt
that now is wet and blink her tears.
Mesuli:”What’s wrong? Why is your T-shirt wet?”

Ababalwe:”My breast pads are full I did bring anything extra”

Mesuli:”Are they painful?”


Mesuli:”Let me pull over and you could change I have a shirt in the
back” he says stopping the car.

He get out and open the trunk of his car.

He comes back with a white shirt and hand it to her.

Mesuli:”You can tear what you are wearing and make it your
breast pad they should last you enough until we go back”

Ababalwe:”Thank you”

He close the door as she changes and then got in after she is

Mesuli:”Feeling better”

Ababalwe:”Yeah it’s comfortable thank you”

They come to a stop and look outside.

Mesuli:”This should be it, let’s go”

They walk towards the gate and they see a man approaching
them from inside the yard.

They stop walking and look at each other.

Ababalwe’s heart starts pounding as he gets closer.

Mesuli:”He looks possessed should we run?” Ababalwe looks at

him not sure if they should run or not.

The man stands in front of the gate and looks at them, he looks

“We can’t help you here! What you know is what is true. You are
supposed to do that” they look at each other, he takes Babsie she
almost scream in horror.

“Put this on your son, he should be fine as you prepare to do right

by him even when the ceremony is done don’t take them off” he
says placing white beads in her hand then turn to Mesuli.

“If only you listened to your brother none of this would be

happening” he turns and walks away.

Ababalwe:”What does he mean?”

Mesuli:”I don’t know we should go, I guess we got our answers”


She has been driving around trying to think, she can’t help but cry.

How can God do this to her after everything she has done to keep
Mesuli now this happens.

Why does it always have to Ababalwe that makes her miserable.

She downs another shot of whiskey and sigh.

She takes out her phone and calls Daisy.

It rings for a while before she answers.

Daisy:”Hello” she says breathing heavily and Nancy wipe her tears
surprised that she even answered.

Nancy:”Can we talk? I know I messed up but I could use a friend

right now”

Daisy:”Now it’s not the right time”

Nancy:”Please I know you hate me but…”

Daisy:”Oh…Shit..Don’t stop!” She says breathing heavily.

Nancy:”What is that Daisy?! Are you having sex right now?” She
could hear bodies clapping on each other.

Daisy:”Yes…Fuck..” the phone calls ends abruptly.

She swallows looking at the screen and stand up then walks to

the car.

She got inside the car and drive off, she comes to a stop.
She comes to a stop and she spots Mesuli and Babsie as they
walk out with Mesuli laughing as if nothing is going wrong in their

She swallows as tears blind her, she quickly puts on scrubs she

And wait for his car to drive off then got out walking inside the
hospital putting her mask on.

Everyone is minding their business they probably think she is a

doctor and she walks to the NICU and starts look for Muzi.

She looks at him, he looks so cute and so much like Muzi.

Nancy:”Now I understand why Mesuli is so obsessed with you.

You remind him of Muzi. If it wasn’t for you then your mother
would be marrying my husband nor will she be a part of our lives.
It’s your fault and if you are dead my husband won’t have to marry
your stupid mother. It’s so unfortunate that you will die so young”
she says pulling out the pipe out of the machine.


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She looks at him waiting for a minute it’s only a matter of time but
the little bastard just opens his eyes and starts crying, he has a
loud husky voice.

She moves back falling in her butt she quickly stands up and
rushes out as the other nurses rush in.

She gets in her car and drive with her heart pounding and hands

She picks up her phone and calls Jason she just doesn’t know
who to call.

Jason:”What?” She swallows.

Nancy:”Can I come to your place? I just want us to talk?” There is

some silence.

Jason:”No don’t come here my girlfriend is here”

Nancy:”You have girlfriend?”

Jason:”Yes and I love her so I don’t want to ruin things because of

you” she swallows.

Nancy:”Does she know that I’m carrying your child?” He laughs so

loud that it almost pains her.

Jason:”She knows that you asked me to sleep with you for a child
in return. Why are you even asking me this? Shouldn’t you be
focusing on your marriage and how you are going to explain to
your husband why you gave birth to a mixed baby. And if you are
keeping that baby I’m not going to let another man raise my child.
So please don’t bother me again you made choice” he hangs up.

She sigh wondering what she is going to do now and if she keeps
the baby Jason might come for it and if she aborts Mesuli might
lose interest on her.

She is praying for a miracle that the baby is just light skinned
since Mesuli isn’t dark and she is also light skinned.


They have left the place and she can’t help but feel that Mesuli is
hiding something from her but she is not going to push it even
though she is kinda of curious what she is talking about.
Her phone starts ringing and she looks at it.


“Good afternoon this is doctor Zoleka from St Peterson


Ababalwe:”Is my son okay?” She says cutting her off with her
heart beating fast and Mesuli looks at her.

“Your son is okay, he is out of the coma but you have to come

Ababalwe:”Of course I’m coming” she hangs and look at Mesuli

tearfully “MJ is out of the coma we have to go to the hospital”

Mesuli:”That’s great”

They drive to the hospital it feels like the longest ride ever for
Ababalwe and Mesuli is driving like a maniac if he doesn’t have a
speeding ticket after this he will lucky.

Fortunately they make it in time and they walk in.

“Mr and Mrs Mkhize please come this side” they look at each
other it kind of feels weird to be called that in one sentence even
thou those are their titles.
They both walk in and Ababalwe looks at Mj who is awake
sucking his fingers he still have an oxygen.

She quickly walks towards him and look at the doctor.

Ababalwe:”Can I pick him up and feed him?”

“Yes he must be hungry” she gentle pick him up and look at him.

Ababalwe:”Hey baby, you scared me” she says kissing him and
then takes her breast and put it in his mouth. He violently suck it
and Mesuli.

Mesuli:”My boy was starving” Ababalwe smiles looking at his son

and Mesuli stares at her as she breastfeed.

He quickly takes his phone and take a picture.

Ababalwe chuckles looking at him.

Ababalwe:”My baby has become your model Mesuli”

“So we ran the test on your baby but he is the healthiest baby
there is no logical explanation why he was in a coma and him
waking up the next day it’s just as surprising. I don’t think what he
has is medical have you tried consulting”

Mesuli:”You believe in traditional medicine”

“Mr Mkhize I’m a black person before being a doctor so yes I

believe in traditional medicine please if you haven’t consulted just
do maybe they can help you”

Ababalwe:”Okay thank you doctor. When can I take him home?”

“We will discharge him tomorrow morning”

Ababalwe:”Thank you”

“I will give you guys time to spend with your son” she walks out
and Mesuli looks at them he sigh thinking of Nancy she is also
pregnant and this must be stress for her.

His eyes meet Ababalwe’s he swallows as his heart skips a bit.

Ababalwe takes out the beads and put them on Muzi.


He decided to leave Ababalwe with Muzi at the hospital.

Even though he didn’t want to leave he has to make sure that

Nancy doesn’t feel like she is not a priority.

He gets home and find her car outside he walks in and find her
sitting in the couch staring into a blank space.

Mesuli:”Hey” he says sitting next to her, she tearful looks at him

making him feel bad and sad for her.

Nancy:”I didn’t know that I will spent the first 24 hours of my

wedding miserable and crying hear my husband telling me he is
going to take another woman as his wife”

Mesuli:”I don’t have a choice here Nancy”

Nancy:”You do have a choice here you are just choosing not to

make it”

Mesuli:”I won’t make a choice Nancy, I will marry Ababalwe for the
sake of saving Muzi not because I love her. What’s so hard with
you understanding that? I’m not saying be happy that I’m marrying
another woman I’m asking you to put yourself in my shoes for a

Nancy:”Why don’t you put yourself in my shoes Mesuli! How

should I feel that my husband is marrying another woman?”

Mesuli:”I feel hurt on your behalf Nancy I do! But you had no right
of wishing death upon Junior nor threatening to kill Ababalwe.
This is not their fault” she swallows.

Nancy:”I didn’t mean what I said but I don’t want Ababalwe as my

sister wife I don’t want any sister wife”

Mesuli:”Then you have a choice to make my love because I have

already made mine which is marry Ababalwe and save Muzi’s life.
So what’s yours going to be? Are you accepting my choice and
make our marriage work or you can’t accept what I chose to do
and you are leaving?”


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



It has been exactly two days since Mesuli gave her an ultimatum
it’s either she accept the marriage and stay or not accept it then

She was in shocked and hurt when he asked her that, she wanted
to leave his home immediately and she left.

She just needed some time to think about everything and she has
finally accepted everything.

Not really accepted but for now she will just accept the marriage
and she will get rid of Ababalwe one way or the other.

For now she needs to play her cards right and find a way to get rid
of her.
She drives inside the house and his car is not there.

It’s dark outside and the lights are off too.

She opens the door and look around he is no where in sight.

She takes her phone and calls him it rings until it goes to
voicemail she swallows and calls him again.


Nancy:”Hey I’m home where are you?”

Mesuli:”I’m home”

Nancy:”But you are not here Mesuli”

Mesuli:”I’m at the village Nancy” she frowns.

Nancy:”And you didn’t tell me?”

Mesuli:”You walked out on me remember? Beside I wrote you a

message Nancy telling you where I was if you need me or you
want to come back home” she checks her messages it’s indeed

Nancy:”I’m sorry I didn’t see it”

Mesuli:”That’s okay” there is some silence.

Nancy:”I’m sorry for everything, I should have been more

understanding of where you are coming from. I shouldn’t have
made you choose between me and saving Mj. I just feel like we
didn’t get to enjoy our marriage at all. This should be our
honeymoon phase as a married couple but it’s not you are
marrying another woman” the last part leaves a bitter taste in her

Mesuli:”I understand you, we rushed into marrying each other

because we both thought I was going to be forced to marry
Ababalwe. We did that so it can’t happen but it seems like
everything backfired anyways I am marrying Babsie. It was never
something you never heard before but the way you are acted it’s
like I asked Ababalwe to marry me which I didn’t”

Nancy:”I’m sorry, can I come there? I want to work on our married

and I want our baby to be born in a happy home with his parents
under the same room”

Mesuli:”Then come home and be the Mkhize daughter in law just

like it is supposed to be”

Nancy:”Okay I love you”

Mesuli:”I love you too. I have to go now”

Nancy:”Okay I will see you” he hangs up.

She needs to keep acting this way and get her man back the first
thing she is going to do tomorrow morning is drive home.


Daisy is alone and it’s lonely, Jason went to work early in the
Being unemployed it’s depressing her and it’s not even funny.

She even asked Nancy for a job she was willing to be a cleaner
but she just said they are already overstuffed so there is nothing
she could do.

A part of her felt like she liked the fact that she depended on her
for everything.

Soon enough Jason will get bored by her, he is a doctor for crying
out loud so comparing to him she is a nobody.

She checks her emails and few post that are available that she
could apply for.

She sigh getting teary looking at her emails no one got back to
her after attending so many job interviews.

She used to work as an interior designer it was only for a year but
she lost her job when the company went bankrupt.

She feels someone wrapping their arms around her she quickly
wipes her tears and turn to look at him.
Daisy:”Hey I didn’t hear you come in” she says forcing on her face
he looks at her red eyes.

Jason:”You were crying, what’s wrong?”

Daisy:”It’s nothing I dished up for you I should go back to my

place” Jason looks at her and then at the laptop screen.

They have talked about this, she has been more open to him than
anyone she has been with you.

She bite her lower as they quiver and tears build up in her eyes.

Jason close the laptop and pulls her to him.

Jason:”Don’t do this to yourself”

Daisy:”I’m tired Jason, I’m tired of depending on Nancy after what

she did who knows what she will make me do next”

Jason:”You won’t depend on her”

Daisy:”No I don’t want you doing things for me Jason” she says
stepping out of his embrace.

Jason:”No you will do this one yourself”

Daisy:”What do you mean?”

Jason:”Okay don’t be mad at me” he says taking out his phone “I

stole these after you showed them to me. I'm sorry I went through
your phone without your consent it’s the only thing I stole”

Daisy:”Why would you do that?” She needs to hear him out before
she becomes mad at him for going through his phone.

Jason:”Okay here is the reason” she takes out a file and hand to

Daisy:”Okay what am I looking at her?” She says looking at the

pictures of the house.

Jason:”So that house belongs to my father’s friend. He wants to

renovate it and I may have shown him your work and he liked
everything that you have done in your projects so he wants you
for the job” She blinks looking at him.

Daisy:”I’m waiting for you to say you are joking Jason”

Jason:”Sorry to disappoint you but I’m not joking”

Daisy:”Wait? You booked me this job. Oh God Jason I don’t even

have a team I can’t be an independent company”

Jason:”Well you will be starting from today. What about your team
that you worked with you said you were working well together are
they working now?”

Daisy:”No but the funds of…”

Jason:”He is paying upfront and this is the amount he is willing to

pay you” she looks at the paper.

Daisy:”Wait what? This is a lot of money”

Jason:”Well rich people don’t mind paying so much money”

Daisy:”Uh I have to meet him, I need to make sure that everything
is on point”

Jason:”Hey breathe you got this”

Daisy:”But how did you pull this off?”

Jason:”I’m a trust fund baby it was easy”

Daisy:”Thank you so much”

Jason:”Just make me proud, I will set up a meeting for you”

Daisy:”Jason I don’t understand why are you doing this for me?”
Jason looks at her and hold her cheek.

Jason:”Because you are the only thing that make sense in my life
right now” she fight her tears back.

Daisy:”I will never forget this thank you” she says hugging him and
Jason holds her in his arm.

Jason:”I got you” She nods.

Daisy:”Let’s go eat” Jason kisses her and pulls her to the kitchen.

Something about her is different, her passionate for the things

she loves it’s what attract him the most.

After the meeting she will have to talk her old team this could
change her life forever and she will make sure she nails it.

She looks at Jason who is staring at her then looks away blushing
he chuckles eating his food.

She is falling for him it’s not even funny.


It’s their first night at the village and Mj is so peaceful he normally

cries for no reason but today he is just sucking his fingers.

Even the sisters that hate her were so happy to see Mj so was
MaMkhize but she still doesn’t trust them.

A knock comes through just after she finished changing Junior.

She tells the person to come in and Mesuli comes in.

Mesuli:”Hey how is he settling in?”

Ababalwe:”Better than I thought whether I like it or not this is


Mesuli:”Yeah have you thought of going to Muzi’s grave with him”

Ababalwe:”Yeah tomorrow, I was actually thinking about it” he

nods, he sits next to Junior and touches his hand.

Mesuli:”Nancy is coming tomorrow”

Ababalwe:”How are you feeling about the whole thing?”

Mesuli:”She sounded okay with everything so I’m hopefully”

Ababalwe:”I hope the two of you talk maybe I could also talk to
her. After all we are all part of this whether we like or not”

Mesuli:”Maybe all we need to do is sit down and talk things out

and make her understand”


Mesuli:”How are you feeling about this whole thing?”

Ababalwe:”I don’t know honestly but I keep questioning myself if

is it the right thing to do even though I know it’s for my son I just
can’t help but feel like I’m betraying Muzi in all of this”

Mesuli:”I know you know your marriage with my brother was

everything one could wish one. I always wanted someone that
carried themselves like you even when I told Muzi about it he
would laugh at me and tell me that there is only one you in this
world so I should stop it. And I'm happy that even though his life
was short he experienced real love with you. I really miss him a lot
ever since he died nothing make sense at all”

Ababalwe:”That’s what I always feel like, as much as I think I can

raise Junior but I just feel like it would be different with him

Mesuli:”Look now you have to marry me…I mean I’m already

married it’s making your life difficult and chaotic. Maybe if I
listened to him none of this would happen”

Ababalwe:”What is that supposed to mean? That man also said

that so don’t say nothing”

Mesuli:”When he died he already knew you were pregnant, he

wanted me to step in I just couldn’t do because I never saw you
like that before. I didn’t want to bring that into your life I’m not
even close to what he was I just couldn’t step in like that. I was
also angry at him I wanted to live my life and find love on my own
just like he did. It just felt like he was dictating my life at that
moment so I decided to live my life. If I knew it will all lead to this
then I would have just done. I didn’t everything he asked me to
except one I just couldn’t do it”

Ababalwe:”Muzi wanted us to be together? What made him think I

would agree to that? How did he even know I was pregnant?” He
shrugged his shoulders.

Mesuli:”I took a picture of the letter do you want to read it”

Ababalwe:”No that letter was for you not for me but keep it maybe
I will need to read it”

The following day she wakes up still thinking about what Mesuli

The more she thinks about it the more sometimes, few months
before he died he once forced her and Mesuli to go out for lunch
she didn’t think much of it.

One time he cancelled on a work trip that he was supposed to

attend and asked her to step in she knew a lot about his proposal
as she was helping.
That trip it was only her and Mesuli no other coworkers nor his

She sigh and just ignore everything that she just discovered.

She walks outside and see Nancy get out of her car.


Nancy:”Where is my husband?”

Ababalwe:”I don’t know”

Nancy:”Shouldn’t you know since you are about to be his wife?”

She sigh.

Ababalwe:”Nancy do you think I’m doing this because I want to”

Nancy:”Oh stop Ababalwe I know why Mesuli is marrying but as

for you I can’t say the same I know you have an exterior motive to
do this”

Ababalwe:”I honestly don’t know why you suddenly hate me so

much it’s like we were never even friends Nancy”

Nancy:”I know you are marrying Mesuli because you want him to
replace your dead husband, you want another Muzi in your life
because you are so miserable without him. News flash honey that
man is my husband he is only doing this for his nephew”

Ababalwe:”So you really want to be a bitch with me right now”

Nancy:”I’m not being a bitch I’m just spitting facts. You better
trust me Ababalwe I will make your life miserable I will make
sure of it” Ababalwe smiles.

Ababalwe:”I want you to try sweetheart please. I don’t know why

you are so mad right now because it has always been your dream
to share a man with me. It started with Muzi and unfortunately
that didn’t work out. They say be careful what you wish for and
you got what you wanted now unfortunately for you the man we
are about to share it’s your husband. You got your wish I’m about
to be your sister wife so embrace it and welcome to the family
Mrs Mkhize” she says and smile before walking away.



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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Daisy nervously looks at Mr Hamilton after finishing presenting to

“Young lady I told you not to waste my time” she swallows.

Daisy:”I’m sorry I thought…”

“And you didn’t, I love it. I’m sure the kids will love it too. If you
keep this up in the next years you will be far and with a woman
like you Jason won’t go wrong” she smiles almost blushing
thinking about Jason.

Daisy:”Thank you Mr Hamilton” he takes out his cheque book and

sign a cheque.

“Here is your payment” she takes it.

Daisy:”But this is not the amount we agreed on”

“Is it small?”

Daisy:”No it’s too much”

“You deserve more than that”

She just couldn’t contain herself the happiness she feels right
now is unmatched she has to send her sister a thank you card for
setting her up with Jason.

She got off her Uber ride and rush inside, she looks at Jason who
is already on his feet.
Daisy:”He loved it” she says smiling and Jason hug her picking
her up a bit and she giggles.

Jason:”I told you, you have nothing to worry about” she smiles.

Daisy:”Thank you so much” she says kissing him so hard that he

felt it getting hard against his pants.

Jason:”Daisy…” he says in between the kiss squeezing her ass.

Daisy:”I love you” She says unconsciously aware and Jason gently
pushes her away.

Jason:”What did you say?” She swallows moving back realising

what she just said.

Daisy:”I’m sorry I…” her heart starts pounding

Jason:”Why are you sorry?”

Daisy:”I don’t know…I…you know what fuck this! I love you I’m in
love you I tried not to fall this hard for you it’s only been two
weeks but I’m already in way too deep.. you don’t have to say

Jason:”And you think I’m not in love with you? Woman do you
know how hard it has been not to tell you I love you because I
didn’t want to scare you..This is a scary feeling Daisy I just see so
much in you. I want a lot with you but I don’t want to rush anything.
I love you too Daisy” he says kisses her.

Daisy:”So we are in a relationship?”

Jason:”Me and you have been in a relationship since day one” she

They are going to spend a lot of time here, Nancy has to stay for
like two months here but he is not sure about Ababalwe she won’t
be a new bride.

This means Yolanda’s birthday will be celebrated here.

Speaking of Yolanda she is not thrilled about the marriage

between him and Ababalwe in fact none of his family members
are happy but they have no choice since they all want MJ to be

Nancy walks in from the bathroom, it has been a day of her being
here and you could already feel the tension.

She is trying to seem okay but it’s so easy to notice that she hates
what’s going on.


Nancy:”Hey” she says coldly and he sigh.

Mesuli:”Can you please talk to me I’m trying here” she looks at


Nancy:”I didn’t know you guys were dressing up for your wedding,
I just thought it was going to be a short ceremony involving family
only but now it’s going to be a big and everyone is going to know
that after a few days of marrying me” she is hurting you could tell
it from her voice.

Mesuli:”What do you mean we are dressing up?”

Nancy:”The next thing you will spend nights at her place. Mesuli
promise me this marriage to her it doesn’t mean anything to you. I
don’t want to share you it’s not fair” he holds her hand.

Mesuli:”Please stop stressing like this, you are pregnant. I have

something to fix then we could go out for some air it will do you
some good” she nods and he kisses her forehead.

He walks out and goes straight to Ababalwe’s room.

She finds her with Yolanda who walks out immediately, his sister
doesn’t like him now he has to figure out why.

Ababalwe looks at him and smiles something about her just

makes him feel weak and nervous.

Ababalwe:”Did you just come here to just stand and stare at me?”

Mesuli:”Why did you tell Nancy that we are dressing up for our

Ababalwe:”And she said it was me that said that?”

Mesuli:”I know you guys are not in good terms and she tends to
go off at you I’m sure you said that because you wanted to get to
her. I wish the two of you would just get along”

Ababalwe:”I didn’t say that to set her off I said because I will
dress up on my wedding day if you don’t want to then you can go
as iphara” he swallows staring at her.

Mesuli:”Why are you doing this?”

Ababalwe:”Doing what exactly?”

Mesuli:”This was supposed to be a small ceremony”

Ababalwe:”I’m stuck here Mesuli I have no choice but to marry

you. I won’t have another husband after this because I will be
married to you the least I could do is dress up it will lightening up
my mood. Just in case you haven’t realised I don’t have the same
luxury you have, you are already married to the woman you love
and as for me I will only be in a loveless marriage where I have to
deal with your annoying wife who thinks the world revolves
around her. Trust me I’m not thrilled about this marriage I’m doing
it for my son” The fact that she is not yelling nor upset to make a
point it’s making hard for him to argue with her.

Mesuli:”I hear you but I would like for you to tone it down a little I
don’t want Nancy to lose my baby”

Ababalwe:”If she loses that baby it’s her fault not mine, your wife
doesn’t know how to stay in her lane she is always in my business
that’s why she will be miserable while we are still under the same
roof” she says standing up and looks at him “And the fact that you
are here trying to make it seem like it’s my fault that Nancy is
unhappy says a lot you are not equipped to have two wives Mesuli.
You have nothing to worry about thou I might be your wife on
paper but I won’t be one. So are we done?”

Mesuli:”That’s not what I meant I just…”

Ababalwe:”That’s exactly what you meant and it’s so easy to shift

the blame to me when your marriage is at rocks because I’m a
third party. Deep down you know why the two of you are not
happy and it’s definitely not my fault” she walks out leaving him
stuck in one place.



It has been a crazy week, today is the day she ties her knot with
her brother in-law.

She haven’t talked to Mesuli and it was for the best because he
suddenly made her feel like a villain in all of this.

The door opens Amukele walks and looks at her.

Amukele:”For someone who is getting married you look

miserable” she chuckles.

Ababalwe:”Who wouldn’t be? Not only am I marrying my brother in

-law but he is also married to the woman who used to my best

Amukele:”Maybe it will work out”

Ababalwe:”It won’t work out but I’m not going to let this marriage
ruin my life and happiness. Muzi wanted me to be happy and
surely my happiness isn’t with Mesuli. So I guess I just have to
step out of my marriage and find someone who is going to love
me regardless of my situation”

Amukele:”Well that relationship won’t last because a man that

loves you will want to have a future with you and he can’t have
that with you still married to Mesuli”

Ababalwe:”Marriage is just a piece of paper Amukele there are

couples who are happy without being married”

Amukele:”What if the man wants children? Do you think Mkhize’s

will allow that?”

Ababalwe:”I don’t think so, I don’t even know why Muzi isn’t
fighting for me in this. He wanted me to marry Mesuli and I
wouldn’t be surprised he is the one making our son sick, did he
even think of me in this? He wanted me to be happy but he is
doing the opposite of that because I won’t be happy while I’m still
married to his brother”

Amukele:”I’m sorry about this maybe it’s happening for a reason”

Ababalwe:”Yeah whatever reason it is it’s not about my happiness,
can you help me put on my dress?” Amukele sigh seeing the
sadness in her face.

Ababalwe stands in front of the mirror looking at herself.

The red dress fitted her perfectly hugging the right places she
didn’t even look like she gave birth less than two months ago and
she fixes her traditional hat isicholo.

If she didn’t know better she would says she looks like a woman
who is about to marry the love of her life.

Nancy stands by the door looking at her, she swallows.

She didn’t even go all out but the dress looks beautiful on her.

Nancy:”For someone who is not happy to marry my husband you

surely dressed apart” she turns looking at her.

Ababalwe:”Yeah I did” she wasn’t looking for an argument she is

not having a good day already so arguing with her will make it

Nancy:”This innocent act you are trying to pull it just won’t work

Ababalwe:”Do you ever stop like really? Keep running your mouth
I’m sure Mesuli would be delighted to find out what you did to me
just because you wanted Muzi. And trust me when he finds out he
wouldn’t hesitate to leave you I’m only quiet because you are
having his child not because I’m stupid so be a good girl and walk
me down to our husband” Nancy looks at her fuming but she
won’t do anything about it.

When she sees Mesuli she is surprised that he is dressed up.

He haven’t spoken to her for a week now, the ceremony was done
earlier hours of morning when they had to introduce her as
Mesuli’s wife now.

This is just a celebration as they have to do it as per tradition says.

Mesuli’s eyes land on them, his eyes moved between them until
they are stuck in one person as everyone ululate.

Nancy looks at him as he takes Ababalwe’s hand she goes back

to her chair as they also sit down.



Mesuli:”I’m sorry about what I said the last time we spoke I didn’t
mean it like that. I don’t know what to do Ababalwe I’m trying to
make Nancy happy while also trying to do what’s right” she sigh
looking at him.

Ababalwe:”It’s okay”

Mesuli:”No it’s not, we were doing so well before that

conversation, I didn’t mean to upset nor hurt you. Sometimes I
just wish you and Nancy were still best friends because this
would be easier if things were like how they used to be”

Ababalwe:”Unfortunately they are not how they used to”

Mesuli:”Then what do I do to make things right with you? I know

you don’t like me right now”

Ababalwe:”You are a man Mesuli figure it out” he nods.

Mesuli:”Okay fine I will, I’m sorry” he says holding her hand “I will
find a way for this to work out, you look beautiful by the way”

Ababalwe:”Thank you, you look good too”

Towards the end of the day everyone is exhausted and they want
to go to bed.

Ababalwe:”I’m tired I want to go to sleep, I will see you tomorrow”

Mesuli:”Okay goodnight” she stands up.

“Makoti where are you going?” One of the uncles ask.

Ababalwe:”I’m going to sleep”

“Without your husband?” She frown confused.


“You are not to sleep without your husband it’s your wedding
night” she looks at Mesuli who is also confused.

Nancy:”You are not going to let this happen are you? It’s enough
that I let her marry you but I’m not going to allow you to spend a
night together”


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She feels her chest closing it’s obvious that this uncle doesn’t like
her at all.

It’s the same uncle that wanted Mesuli to marry Ababalwe from
the begin and now he wants them to share a bed together.

It hurts that no one is on her side not even MaMkhize.

Speaking of MaMkhize she has been acting differently, she no

longer mistreat Ababalwe.
She hasn’t said anything to her either which is unlike her.

Mesuli:”Can I speak to my wife first?”

Yolanda:”Which one? You have two now” she says and laughs,
Ever since the married thing she is no happy maybe she could use
her to her advantage, Mesuli gives her a look that’s enough to
shut her up.

Mesuli:”Let’s go talk” he takes her hand and they walk to the


Nancy:”Mesuli I don’t want to talk I just want you to sleep here

with me”

Mesuli:”I can’t do that tonight you know that”

Nancy:”Mesuli you are hurting me, this is not how things are
supposed to be”

Mesuli:”You are right it’s not how we planned things to be but they
are now. As Ababalwe’s husband I’m expected to spend a night
with her”

Nancy:”You can’t say no just because you don’t want to Mesuli I

saw how you looked at her today!”

Mesuli:”Okay that’s enough! That’s enough Nancy I’m tired of this.

I have explained this to you a thousand times but you have
created a lot of scenarios in your head. We can’t be happy
because you are always complaining. Our marriage seem to be
based on Ababalwe’s name! I love you I make sure you are happy.
I spent the entire last week with you so when this happen you
won’t feel as if I don’t. You knew this was coming I told there is a
possibility that I might have to spend a night with Ababalwe but it
meant nothing because there is nothing going between the two of
us. No man this is tiring you are tiring with your insecurities no
matter how much I reassure you but we keep coming back to this”
she swallows looking at him in disbelief.

Nancy:”Go be with her I can see that you want to be with her! Go!”
She says crying and Mesuli walks out banging the door causing
her to jump.

She takes her phone and calls Daisy who answers her.


Nancy:”Mesuli is spending a night with her!” She says crying.

Daisy:”A night with who?”


Daisy:”Why would they spend a night together?” She haven’t told

her about the marriage.

Nancy:”Mesuli married her to save MJ! But now they are sleeping

Daisy:”Wait you are in a polygamous marriage?”

Nancy:”No he doesn’t love her”

Daisy:”If he doesn’t love her why are you crying? Why are you with

Nancy:”I love him!”

Daisy:”They are a married couple they will sleep together. You

agreed to this so you have to know it comes with that”

Nancy:”He doesn’t love her! They are only sleeping together

because they are supposed to”

Daisy:”Hay Nancy why all this drama if you know what’s


Nancy:”Why are you like this towards me? You sound like you
don’t care”

“Babe your food is ready” someone says from afar

Daisy:”I’m coming, Nancy I have to go”

Nancy:”Who is that? Why does that voice sound familiar?”

Daisy:”It’s probably because it’s someone you know. I hope things

work out for you and if you keep nagging Mesuli like this you are
pushing him straight to Ababalwe’s arms and Ababalwe is a
different breed Mesuli might enjoy what she has to offer. Men
love peace Nancy and you ares not giving him that. Goodnight”
she hangs up and she swallows, the thought of them together the
whole night kills her.

He knew that husband and wife are supposed to spend a night
together and he did discuss the possibility with Nancy a few days
ago and she was fine with it as long as nothing happens.

And he is sure that nothing is going to happen between her and


They can’t be pressured to sleep together and he wouldn’t force

that upon Babsie.

He is just tired that Nancy is like this, he just wishes for some
peace and quiet just for a day or two.

He walks back to where everyone is, Ababalwe is holding Mj.

His eyes land on Yolanda and he walks towards her.

Mesuli:”Let’s talk” he says walking outside and she follows her.

Yolanda:”What did I do?”

Mesuli:”I’m not your mate let’s get that first” she swallows.


Mesuli:”You ain’t going to talk to me like that nor disrespect me. If

you have issues then you will discuss me like an adult. So let’s
Yolanda:”I’m sorry about that. I just don’t like that you married

Mesuli:”And that’s not your place to like, I didn’t get married to

Ababalwe because I want to”

Yolanda:”I know that but you marrying her is somehow erasing

the memory of our older brother. People will no longer know her
as Muzi’s wife they will know her as your wife. It’s like you are
replacing him now that’s not fair”

Mesuli:”We loved our brother Yolanda and I understand you but

would you have preferred me not to marry her and have Junior

Yolanda:”No that’s not what I would have preferred”

Mesuli:”Then you have to accept our marriage, even if I didn’t

marry Ababalwe she was eventually going to move on with her life
she is still young she would marry again and would be someone
else’s wife if not mine. You were close with Muzi he was life a
father to you and I know it’s hard to see life going on without him
for me too it is hard but we just have to accept the truth. Muzi
might be gone but I will never replace him in Ababalwe’s life, he
was her soulmate that’s that”

Yolanda:”Nothing bad would happen to Ababalwe if he was alive”

Mesuli:”And I will make sure that nothing happens to her”

Yolanda:”You have already failed that, Nancy pushed her down the
stairs you did nothing instead you rewarded her by marrying her”
Mesuli:”That was an accident Yolanda!”

Yolanda:”Was it? Nancy knew what she was doing when she
pulled Ababalwe towards her! She knew that she would fall in
simplest terms it’s gravity. So how can I trust you will protect her
when you barely did anything last time?”

Mesuli:”I don’t want you to trust me but I want you to give me a

chance. I care about Ababalwe I won’t let something like that
happens again I promise”

Yolanda:”Okay then I’m sorry about my attitude lately”

Mesuli:”It’s okay it was coming from a place of love”

Yolanda:”And I love you”

Mesuli:”I love you too”

They both walk inside the house and he looks at Babsie.

Mesuli:”We should go” she stands up with Mj in her arms.

Vanessa:”I will take Mj tonight”

Ababalwe:”But mom…”

Vanessa:”Nothing will happen to him, you did everything I’m giving

you a night. I will have him tonight. Come to grandma boy” she
says already taking him.

Babsie sighs and walk to the guest house that they will be sleep
Mesuli looks at her and notice how uncomfortable this was for

Mesuli:”Don’t worry we won’t consummate our marriage” she


Ababalwe:”At some point we have to that’s the only way it will be

completed in our ancestor’s eyes”

Mesuli:”I know but we are both not ready for that”

Ababalwe:”Thank you for this for my son I know it’s causing a lot
of havoc in your life I’m sorry”

Mesuli:”And it’s bringing chaos to your life but that’s the sacrifice
are both willing to make to keep Junior safe and alive. So don’t
thank me we are both sacrificing something here”

Ababalwe:”Okay then”

Mesuli:”I will sleep on the floor”

Ababalwe:”That would be a good idea if your ancestors weren’t so

manipulative” he laughs.

Mesuli:”Yeah you are right we will have to get comfortable with

each other before anything happens so we will share the bed” she

He takes off his clothes and jumps inside the covers they didn’t
even get a chance to bring their sleepwear.

Mesuli:”You can go change in the bathroom”

Ababalwe:”It’s okay” she tries pulling her zip down but she fails.

Mesuli:”Should I help?”

Ababalwe:”Uh yeah” he helps her and goes back to bed.

She drops her dress on the floor and he swallows staring her body.

She doesn’t look like she just had a baby even her c-section scar
doesn’t even look bad.

Ababalwe:”You are staring at me”

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I didn’t mean to” she gets inside the covers.


Mesuli:”It’s going to be a long night”

Ababalwe:”I know” she says as they both stare at the ceiling,

Mesuli takes a deep breath.

Mesuli:”Maybe I should sleep in the floor” Ababalwe looks at him.

Ababalwe:”You are not comfortable?”

Mesuli:”No I’m not, you are in your underwear next to me I know

we are getting comfortable with each other but I can barely breath.
You are tempting I won’t survive the whole night” he says sitting
up looking at her.

Ababalwe:”Just don’t think about it, where will you sleep here we
have one blanket, whoever arrange this place for us did it on
purpose” he sink backdown and sigh, he trying to ignore all these
thoughts and feelings that he has in his mind.
He is trying to think of Nancy but it’s hard to knowing how she
frustrates him.

His phone beeps it’s Nancy he opens the text.

“I’m sorry about earlier I can’t sleep knowing that another woman
is next to you please come back when everyone is asleep. I love
you” he sigh.

Mesuli:”We will talk tomorrow morning” he sends the text and

locks his phone.

He pulls Ababalwe close to him and her body stiffens as she

stares him.

Ababalwe:”You shouldn’t be doing that” he slowly kisses her and

her body relaxes kissing him back.


Ababalwe:”Goodnight” she says closing her eyes before sleeps

takes over her in his arms, he sigh staring at her face.


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE


She opens her eyes and looks around there is no one next to her.

He probably woke up and went back to Nancy.

She goes to the bathroom and take shower, she sigh trying to
ignore everything about last night, she feels guilty for being the
kind of woman Nancy was.

They made her feel crazy for having insecurities for making her
believe that there is nothing between her and Mesuli.

Even though she is married to him she still feels guilty.

She walks out of the bathroom as Mesuli walks inside the

bedroom with MJ in his arms.


Ababalwe:”Hey” she says taking MJ from him.

Mesuli:”You okay?” She can’t even maintain eye contact with him.

Ababalwe:”Yeah I’m fine, about last night…”

Mesuli:”Don’t tell me it was a mistake because it wasn’t” she

Ababalwe:”Nancy has been insecure about everything and we
made her feel like there was nothing that’s going to happen
between us but we proved her right by kissing last night” he sigh.

Mesuli:”I know that, last night happened but if you don’t want it to
happen again I will respect you and your wishes”

Ababalwe:”I’m not ready to be in a relationship with anyone even

you Mesuli. I just want to focus on Junior he is still young. I don’t
want to involve myself in a situation that’s going to be toxic for
him and me. It’s best we take a step back”

Mesuli:”Understood, but me and you still have to do something we

can’t risk Junior getting sick”

Ababalwe:”We will and the sooner the better” sleeping with him
won’t be hard as she already figured that they do have chemistry.

Mesuli:”Let me go back to Nancy” He kisses her cheek “Anyways

last night was great, I don’t regret it” she swallows moving away
from him.

Ababalwe:”Don’t do that”

Mesuli:”Do what?” She looks at him as he moves closer to her and

kisses Mj on the cheek then smiles looking at her “I will see you


Coming to terms with Ababalwe marrying Mesuli has been hard

because it just felt like his memory was just being erased.
But after that conversation with Mesuli she finally had to

She just needs to come to terms with everything.

Yolanda:”I wasn’t overreacting was I?” She says talking to Banzi.

Banzi:”No you were not, your brother meant so much to you it’s
understandable. I miss you”

Yolanda:”I’m coming back tomorrow”

Banzi:”Can you sleepover the kids miss you?”

Yolanda:”Are you sure it’s the kids only?” He chuckles causing her
to smile.

Banzi:”You know it’s not, I just want to see my woman” she smiles.

Yolanda:”Okay I will drive straight to your house then”

Banzi:”I love you okay?”

Yolanda:”I love you too” she hangs up and someone clears their

Nancy:”Boyfriend?” She frowns looking at her.

Yolanda:”That’s none of your business”

Nancy:”Okay Yolanda I’m sorry I know that I was rude to you and
you never liked me after that” she laughs.
Yolanda:”You think that’s what this is about! You pushed
Ababalwe down the stairs and she almost lost her baby”

Nancy:”But that was an accident Yolanda”

Yolanda:”That wasn’t an accident maybe everyone may believe

that but I don’t I saw the whole thing so it wasn’t” Nancy swallows.

Nancy:”I get that you hate me but me and you have some we both
want and we could help each other”

Yolanda:”And what is that?”

Nancy:”I know that you don’t like the marriage between Mesuli
and Babsie, maybe we could both end it” she frowns looking at

Yolanda:”End it how?”

Nancy:”I don’t know but do something that will separate them, are
you on board?”

Yolanda:”Of course not! That marriage happened for a reason for

my nephew and if I jeopardise that I would be putting his life at
risk. I might have not liked the idea of their marriage first but
those are the two people who loves me the most. So I won’t help
you and if you do anything that’s going to harm them you will have
me to deal with” she walks away from her.


Yesterday was the most torturous night ever, she kept thinking
about Mesuli and Ababalwe being in bed together.
She kept thinking of the worse possible scenarios in her head.

When she texted him hoping he will come back to her but instead
he told her they will talk in the morning.

Trying to tell Yolanda to help her was useless.

She walks back inside the bedroom and find Mesuli changing.

Nancy:”You are back”

Mesuli:”Good morning babe”

Nancy:”Did you sleep with her?” He sigh looking at her.

Mesuli:”There is no good morning or anything the only thing you

are worried about it’s what’s happening with Ababalwe”

Nancy:”I just want to know the truth Mesuli that’s all” he sigh.

Mesuli:”Nancy I’m exhausted and tired, we didn’t have sex if that’s

what you want to know”

Nancy:”I don’t believe you” he chuckles a little bit annoyed.

Mesuli:”You don’t trust me now? How are we married if you don’t

trust me Nancy” she swallows.

Nancy:”I do trust you but I don’t trust Ababalwe”

Mesuli:”You know what’s funny? Ababalwe never say anything
bad about you. She barely talks about you. Can’t you do the

Nancy:”You are saying that as if I talk about her all the time”

Mesuli:”You do Nancy, you have made our marriage revolve

around her name”

Nancy:”You don’t understand”

Mesuli:”And I tried to understand everyday but your behaviour

gets worse everyday. I miss the Nancy that made me marry you,
she was so free spirited and never intimidated by anyone. She
was a happy soul I just wish I could get back the person that
made me want to marry you because this is not the person I loved.
I’m just wondering if that was the real you or you have always hid
who you are” he says cupping her face.

Nancy:”It was real Mesuli I promise I’m going to change I just

don’t want to lose you”

Mesuli:”I just wish you could stop saying that and change your

Nancy:”I will I promise”

Mesuli:”Okay, I also want to be a better husband for you and stop

ending to your insecurities. That means I have to be honest with
you and truth is I kissed Ababalwe last night….”

Nancy:”You kissed her?” Tears quickly fill her eyes.

Mesuli:”I’m sorry Nancy I…”

Nancy:”I want to know you why?” He sigh running hands on his

Mesuli:”Somehow I have developed feelings for her I just kept

denying them but they are there Nancy…” A slap land on his face.

Nancy:”How dare you!?”

Mesuli:”I will get some air” he grabs his car keys and Nancy hold
her abdominal area as pain suddenly hits her.

Nancy:”Ouch!” Mesuli looks at her.

Mesuli:”What’s wrong?”

Nancy:”Something is wrong with my baby it’s all your fault

Mesuli!” She says screaming.

Mesuli:”I’m so sorry, we need to get you to the hospital” he says

picking her up.


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He rushed her to the nearest clinic, the hospital are a little bit far
but the clinics around are very good.
He is worried about her and the baby that’s not what he wanted to
happen when he told her but he just needed to be honest with her
now he feels guilty because she could lose the baby that’s the last
thing he wanted.

He is waiting when Ababalwe calls his phone.


Ababalwe:”How is Nancy is she okay?” He sigh.

Mesuli:”The nurses are still checking her, she had cramps”

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry” there is some silence he could hear her


Mesuli:”I told her about the kiss she got upset and started feeling

Ababalwe:”Maybe you shouldn’t have”

Mesuli:”She wanted to know Ababalwe so I told her. I have to go

we will talk when I get home” he hangs up as the nurse
approaches him “How is she?”

“She is okay and the baby is fine too”

Mesuli:”Can I see her?”

“Of course please follow me” he follows her.

They walk inside the room and Nancy looks at him.

Mesuli:”Hey how are you feeling?”

Nancy:”I’m fine”

Mesuli:”Are you still in pain?”

Nancy:”No the nurse said it’s just my stress levels are high” he

Mesuli:”I didn’t mean to stress you like that”

Nancy:”Then don’t Mesuli please stay away from Ababalwe”

Mesuli:”I will let you rest while I talk to the nurses” she blinks
looking at him.

Nancy:”Mesuli I don’t want to lose our baby and if Ababalwe is

part of our lives I might lose our baby. Can you ignore your
feelings for her and just for our baby’s sake?” He looks at her.

Mesuli:”I wouldn’t want you to lose that baby so I will” he stands

up and kiss her forehead “I love you”

Nancy:”I love you too” he walks out.


It hurts a lot that she could feel Mesuli slipping through her

It’s like he is purposely hurting her, he doesn’t look at her the

Mesuli used to look at her with so much love even when he was
taking care of Ababalwe while she was pregnant he looked at her
with love

But now it’s like he no longer love her like he used to.

She doesn’t understand the love she feels for him because she is
willing to do anything to be with him.

Yes she had some mild pain but she just had to exaggerate for
him to not walk out on her.

The nurse walks in as Mesuli walks out.

Nancy:”When are you discharging me?”

“Tomorrow morning”

Nancy:”I can’t spend a night here I need to be with my husband”

“Well you are not going to spend a night with him tonight. It’s not
like he doesn’t have a new wife” she frowns looking at her.

Nancy:”What are you talking about? How do you know…”

“This is a small village, what I don’t understand is why would your

husband marry someone else just less than two weeks of
marrying you. Why would you even allow that? Why not leave
because clearly the man has no respect for you” she swallows.

Nancy:”You don’t know anything about me nor my husband”

“Actually I know your husband very well he is my ex”

Nancy:”So what? You are bitter now?”

“No not at all, you should get some rest. One advice learn to love
yourself and maybe you will be able to walk away from all of this”
she walks out and Nancy clicks her tongue annoyed.

Why would she even talk to her about her husband? Nurses are
nosy because the whole conversation was very unnecessary.


Nancy has been back at home and she was ordered to rest.

Mesuli has been taking care of her it seems like her words
actually worked.

She has been avoiding talking about Ababalwe too.

Things are actually better in her marriage.

A part of her wanted to lose her baby so that things will be easier
but then another part believes that maybe the baby is the only
reason Mesuli is with her.
So she is still conflicted whether she is going to terminate her
pregnancy or not.

In the kitchen Ababalwe walks in and find Mesuli staring into

space it’s like he is zoned out and whatever he stirring in the pot
it’s spilling all over the stove.

Ababalwe:”Mesuli!” He looks at her and quickly switch off the



Ababalwe:”Are you okay? Here take Mj I will clean this up” she
says already giving the baby to him.

Mesuli:”It’s okay I will…”

Ababalwe:”I will clean up, what’s distracting you?”

Mesuli:”A lot is in my mind that’s all”

Ababalwe:”Do you want to talk about it?”

Mesuli:”Not now” she nods looking at him.

Ababalwe:”What were you trying to make?”

Mesuli:”Just some soup for Nancy”

Ababalwe:”How is she?” He sigh.

Mesuli:”She is fine”
Ababalwe:”Can I take this soup to her?”

Mesuli:”I don’t think that’s a good idea”

Ababalwe:”I think it is a good idea. I will take it” she says walk out
of the kitchen with the bowl of soup.

She walks inside the bedroom and find her sitting in her bed.

Nancy:”What are you doing here?”

Ababalwe:”I’m not here to fight, I just want to talk and I’m also
here to bring your soup to you” she chuckles.

Nancy:”You want to poison me”

Ababalwe:”Well if I wanted to poison you I would have done that a

long time ago don’t you think?”

Nancy:”What do you want Ababalwe?”

Ababalwe:”I want us to be civil with each other and talk this out
like adults”

Nancy:”Please stop Ababalwe, you don’t get to tell me to be civil

towards you after you married my husband!”

Ababalwe:”You know why I did that it was for…”

Nancy:”For your son? Was the kiss you also shared for your son?
Huh? The next thing you will sleep with him and say it’s for your
son. Stop using your son to cover your whoring ways it’s
disgusting” Ababalwe nods.
Ababalwe:”I guess you don’t know the concept of this marriage at
all. Maybe you are right that kiss wasn’t for my son. I kissed
Mesuli because he is a great man and I have started developing
feelings for him I wasn’t even aware until we got that close in bed”
Nancy blinks looking at her.

Nancy:”Mesuli doesn’t love you, he is a man and he had a

moment of weakness because you are a woman and you were
next to him. He loves me you need to leave him alone. You are
doing this out of spite and revenge”

Ababalwe:”Revenge? No that’s one thing I don’t have time for but I

have to admit I was hurt after what you did. I trusted you and
loved you like my own blood. Even though nothing actually
happened but what hurts is that you tried to do it. If Muzi was a
weak minded man it would have happened and you would have
gotten what you wanted. I don’t know why you did that because I
cared about you when no one did. I will tell you one thing the fact
that what you did with Muzi didn’t change who I am, this is won’t
change me either”

Nancy:”I will get rid of you Ababalwe I don’t care about this sweet
act you are trying to pull it won’t work!”

Ababalwe:”Okay then brace yourself because Mesuli is also my


Nancy:”Mesuli isn’t your husband! Your husband is dead!”

Ababalwe:”The sooner you accept that we are married to one man

the better. You have no choice but to coexist with me because we
are sister wives. We are all victims in this instead of trying to get
rid of me we should be finding our way around this together but
you will rather fight than making things work”

Nancy:”You are right I will never accept your married to Mesuli so

I will fight for him”

Ababalwe:”Okay you are a lost cost I tried with you”

Nancy:”Get out and I will get rid of you Ababalwe”

Ababalwe:”Okay then”

Ababalwe walks out and goes to her bedroom.

Mesuli:”How did that go?” She didn’t expect him to be here.

Ababalwe:”It was useless, I don’t know how me and Nancy got


Mesuli:”You know you just won’t tell me what happened” she sigh

Ababalwe:”Yeah I won’t because I believe whatever happened it’s

in the past and it shouldn’t be used against her in your marriage”

Mesuli:”Is marriage supposed to be this hard?”

Ababalwe:”Every marriage is different, you just have to know your

partner and make things work. It’s not rosy”

Mesuli:”I see” he looks at Mj who is sleeping peacefully sleeping

“Is it me or he just keeps looking more like Muzi every day“ she
Ababalwe:”Yeah he does, you know even though his father died
without meeting him but it brings some peace he knew about him.
I just wonder how he knew”

Mesuli:”Well he just knew, men know when they make their

woman pregnant. They usually know that you are pregnant before
you do” she frowns looking at him.

Ababalwe:”I don’t believe that. Did you also know that Nancy was
pregnant before she knew?” he chuckles.

Mesuli:”I will go check on her”


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



A day after tomorrow is her birthday she has to go back home.

She has been spending so much time with Banzi.

She opens her eyes and look at her naked body.

She haven’t had penetration but Banzi has managed to pleasure

her and she also learnt a few tricks to pleasure him.
Banzi:”Good morning” His morning voice still have a way of
making her body feel something foreign.

Yolanda:”Good morning” he kisses her neck squeezing her breast

making her breathe heavily.

Banzi:”Ready to go home?”


Banzi:”How do you think your brother will take the news of us


Yolanda:”I don’t know”

Banzi:”He will kill me” she laughs looking at him.

Yolanda:”I thought you were not scared”

Banzi:”wasn’t I fooling myself”

Yolanda:”Don’t worry my brother is a sweet person”

Banzi:”Sweet? You clearly don’t know him the way I do. Mesuli is
not a sweet person he is… never mind”

Yolanda:”No I want to know”

Banzi:”He is only sweet to your family I could say. That guy is my

friend I know him but don’t worry if I have to take a few blows
from him just to be with you then I will”

She looks at herself in the mirror and small. Her project has been
coming along great and in two weeks time they will be done.

Her team couldn’t be happier about getting to work with her.

She just feels emotional when she thinks how emotional they
were about finally being employed again she still don’t know how
she will ever thank Jason for this.

Jason walks in and stare at her she swallows.

Daisy:”Is the dress too much?”

Jason:”It’s perfect” he says still staring at her.

Daisy:”Then why are you staring at me like that?”

Jason:”Because I can’t wait to take it off” she swallows, Jason

has gained more confidence thanks to her and it just warms her

Daisy:”Don’t think about sex right now, I’m so nervous”

Jason:”Don’t worry they will love you” he takes his hand and they
walk out.

The drive is shorter, she is looking around the neighbourhood it’s

so beautiful.
Jason:”You are the first girl I ever brought to my parents house”
she frowns.

Daisy:”You were engaged to my sister ”

Jason:”I never brought her to meet my parents. Now I get why I

just couldn’t”

Daisy:”Mmh okay”

They walk inside with Jason holding her hand.

The minute they walk in eyes are on her, there are only four people
but it feels like a lot of eyes.

Jason:”Hey everyone this is Daisy my girlfriend and babe these

are my parents and my siblings”

Daisy:”Nice to me you” she says nervously.

“You are more beautiful than how Jason described you. We heard
a lot about you” his mother says smiling warmly.

Daisy:”Thank you, I heard a lot about you too guys”

They introduced themselves and she was surprised to learn that

Jason’s mom is actually his stepmom, she is very nice to him and

And the twins are also nice everyone was nice to her, she felt
more home than in her own home.

They ended up asking them to sleep over.

Daisy:”Your mother is nice”

Jason:”She is nice I was just two when she came in my life”

Daisy:”And your mother? What happened to her?”

Jason:”She died during childbirth”

Daisy:”I’m sorry to hear that”

Jason:”It’s okay, do you need anything?”

Daisy:”Now I’m fine”

Jason:”I want my child to be a part of my life”

Daisy:”And I won’t stop you babe”

Jason:”Do you want to have children?”

Daisy:”I didn’t want to at first now I do but I need for my business

to take off first”

Jason:”We are in no rush”


He is focusing on Yolanda’s birthday that’s in a day.

Him and Muzi always discussed how they wanted her to have a
perfect 21st birthday and he is going to give her exactly that she
deserves it.

Out of all his sisters she has been the one who did them proud on
everything she does. She is the only one he is proud of and
doesn’t mind going out of her way.

Yolanda walks in and looks at him then smile.



Yolanda:”Uh tomorrow my boyfriend is coming” he frowns.

Mesuli:”You have a boyfriend?”

Yolanda:”Yes but don’t worry I haven’t slept with him”

Mesuli:”How long have you two been together?”

Yolanda:”Few months”

Mesuli:”Few months? Why is he a secret?” She swallows keeping

quiet “Talk Yolanda if you don’t want me to beat him up and ruin
your birthday”

Yolanda:”He is older than me”

Mesuli:”How old?”

Yolanda:”29 years old” he chuckles he looks angry.

Mesuli:”You are dating a man that’s almost my age?”

Yolanda:”He is not that old please just give him a chance. He

respects me and love me so please”

Mesuli:”I can’t promise you that I won’t punch him but I won’t tell
you to stop dating him”

Yolanda:”That’s fine he is a man he can take a punch or two” He

chuckles as she walks out.

Nancy walks in and he look at her.

Nancy:”I didn’t hear you come to bed last night nor did I hear you
leave this morning?”

Mesuli:”I came back late and woke up very early”

Nancy:”Why are you distant?”

Mesuli:”Because when we are close you fight me so it’s best we

keep our distance”

Nancy:”We are married Mesuli what do you mean keep our


Mesuli:”I know that but until you are level headed I will keep my
distant” Just then Ababalwe walks in.

Ababalwe:”Good morning” Nancy just looks at her.

Mesuli:”Ababalwe is saying good morning Nancy” Nancy looks at


Mesuli:”That’s better”

Nancy:”Now you are forcing her down my throat! What is this


Mesuli:”It’s a healthy marriage that’s what it is. You don’t have to

like each other but you can tolerate each other”

Nancy:”A healthy marriage? What are you saying?”

Mesuli:”I’m saying that I’m making my marriage with Ababalwe

work!” Ababalwe’s eyes widen.


Mesuli:”I already know that you said you are not ready to be in a
relationship I will wait until you are ready. I’m not going to act like
I don’t want you to be my wife for real not because of ancestors.
So it’s time Nancy understands that I’m not her husband only but
yours. Now you will start acting like sister wives and if you are not
happy with that then Nancy you are free to go as Ababalwe
doesn’t have a choice she can’t leave. You have a choice”

Nancy:”Is this how things are going to be?”

Mesuli:”As I said you have a choice” he walks out leaving them


Ababalwe walks out following him she needs answers.

Ababalwe:”Mesuli what was that?”

Mesuli:”What was what?”

Ababalwe:”You could have been more nice with Nancy why are
you doing this?”

Mesuli:”Doing what? Trying to make our marriage work?”

Ababalwe:”Yes! I told you I wasn’t ready”


Ababalwe:”I don’t understand what’s happening with you and

Nancy but I don’t want her taking it out on me!”

Mesuli:”She won’t” she looks at him.

Ababalwe:”Do you even love her Mesuli?” He chuckles and looks

at her.

Mesuli:”Not anymore”

Ababalwe:”Then why ain’t you telling her? Why are you stringing
her along?”

Mesuli:”I have my reasons”

Ababalwe:”Like what?”

Mesuli:”All in due time it’s a matter of who does it better between

me and her” she frown confused and he gets closer to her “Don’t
worry yourself about this” he kisses her pinning her against the

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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



His heart skip a bit when she wraps her arms around his neck
slowly kissing him back.

He squeeze her waist making her whimper and moan at the same

She finally manages to free herself from his hold and looks at him
breathing heavily while touching her lips.

Ababalwe:”I’m not going to allow you to do this to me”

Mesuli:”Do what?”

Ababalwe:”I won’t allow you to use me to settle the score with

your wife, I won’t do that” he looks at her and sigh.

Mesuli:”I’m not using you what I feel for you is real ang genuine”

Ababalwe:”I guess I will have to wait until you are done playing
games with Nancy because I don’t want to be a part of it”

Mesuli:”So does that mean you are willing to give us a chance?”

She looks at him.

Ababalwe:”I don’t know but not now Mesuli” he nods.

Mesuli:”I understand I will wait for you”

Ababalwe:”What about Nancy? She loves you”

Mesuli:”Let me handle this, can you please trust me?”

Ababalwe:”Trust you? That’s one thing I can’t do while you are still
hiding things Mesuli”

Mesuli:”Fair enough but I need you to know that I’m going to fix
this. I know marrying me has brought nothing but chaos in your
life and your mental health is important to me. Just give me few
months to fix this”


Her life is falling apart and she doesn’t know what to do.

She knows this is not something she deserves.

She follows Mesuli and Babsie she stops seeing him kissing her.

Her heart sink as tears quickly falls from her eyes.

She quickly turns around and bump into MaMkhize as tears fall
from her eyes.

MaMkhize:”What’s wrong with you?”

Nancy:”Nothing” MaMkhize looks behind her and she see what’s

going on.

MaMkhize:”Nancy saves yourself the trouble and walk away. This

is not a battle you should even choose to fight because you will
suffer” she looks at her, she clearly didn’t seem like the MaMkhize
she knew.

Nancy:”Why are you suddenly okay with this marriage? You never
liked her for Muzi why are you accepting her now that she is
married to Mesuli! Please you need to help me”

MaMkhize:”There is nothing I can do for you Nancy, you should

just accept what’s going on better yet just walk away that’s what’s
best for you”

Nancy:”I’m not giving up on my marriage”

MaMkhize:”Suit yourself” she walks back inside the house.

Nancy dial her phone and it rings.


Nancy:”Hey mom” she says with her voice shaking and tears
falling freely.
“What’s wrong Nancy?”

Nancy:”Everything is falling apart mom I don’t know what to do.

My marriage is not the same, Mesuli married Ababalwe and…”

“Wait what?” Her mother cuts her off in shock.

Nancy:”Now he is showing love to her, he is hurting me mom” she

says sobbing.

“Nancy you need to come home”

Nancy:”What?! No I’m not leaving my husband I can’t”

“I’m not telling you to come home for good but you have to come
and we will talk”

Nancy:”If you try convincing me to leave him just know that I

won’t do it”

“Just come home soon” she hangs up.

The following day she wakes up to an empty bed she swallows.

Mesuli walks out of the bathroom with the towel on his waist.

Mesuli:”Good morning” she doesn’t know what’s good about it

when her husband didn’t spend a night next to her.

She wants to say exactly what’s on her mind but then she doesn’t
want them to fight.

Mesuli:”How is the baby?” She chuckles.

Nancy:”Do you care?” He looks at her for a hot minute she looks

Mesuli:”I just don’t want to do this with you today”

Nancy:”Are you enjoying you hurting me? What changed Mesuli?”

Mesuli:”A lot but I will focus on what we both know that we know.
I married another woman, you became obsessed with becoming
like her that’s what happened Nancy even though I didn’t mention
a lot of things”

Nancy:” So you spent a night with her?”


Nancy:”I saw you kissing her yesterday Mesuli? You are basically
cheating on me” he chuckles almost amused.

Mesuli:”Cheating? That’s my wife Nancy I will kiss her if I want to

and beside cheating is your speciality” he says as he lotions his
body and she swallows.

Nancy:”What do you mean by that?”

Mesuli:”Nothing my love” he says kissing her a little “I got you an

outfit for today” she could careless about the party.

Nancy:”Thanks. I was thinking of going home for few days I just

need to clear my head”

Mesuli:”When are you going?”

Nancy:”Maybd tomorrow”
Mesuli:”I will drive you home” atleast he still cares.


Today is the day she has been waiting for almost half of her life.

She is happy but anxious at the same time.

Banzi is finally getting introduced as her boyfriend, she is scared

of the reaction her brother will have.

She fix herself and looks at dress it looks beautiful you could tell
it wasn’t something she would pick it’s Ababalwe’s pick but she
loves it.

She walks outside and bumps to Sgqibo who looks at her and

Sgqibo:”Hey you look beautiful”

Yolanda:”What are you doing here?” He sigh looking at her.

Sgqibo:”I promised you to come to your 21st birthday so I’m here”

Yolanda:”You didn’t have to come we are no longer together”

Sgqibo:”I know but I still wanted to fulfill my promise and I expect

you to fulfill yours” she laughs.

Yolanda:”You must be smoking something because I’m not giving

you my virginity, you cheated on me and I moved on so get over it”
Banzi’s car pulls over as they are talking.

Sgqibo:”Does your family know that you are dating this old guy?”

Yolanda:”It’s none of your business” she smiles approaching him

as he stare at her making her shy.

Banzi:”You look beautiful my love and here happy birthday” he

says handing her flowers and an envelope.

Yolanda:”Thank you babe” his eyes move to Sgqibo who is

looking at them.

Banzi:”I’m getting tired of him”

Yolanda:”He just said I owe him my virginity” he frowns.

Banzi:”You know what let’s enjoy your day” she nods and Banzi
took his phone typing something.

Yolanda:”Ready for my brother?”


Yolanda:”Okay let’s go”

They walk to the other side of the yard where it’s quiet.

Banzi looks at Yolanda who nervously smiled.

Yolanda:”He didn’t want a scene” he nods knowing that it’s about
to get rough.

Mesuli appears and frown looking at them.

Mesuli:”Where is your boyfriend Yolanda? Because it can’t be my

best friend” She swallows looking at him.

Banzi:”I know this…”

Mesuli:”I’m not talking to you I’m talking to my little sister” he

emphasised the little sister part.

Yolanda:”Banzi is my boyfriend” he chuckles almost laughing.

Mesuli:”So you went for my sister Banzi? Really?” He says calmly

but his face said a different story.

Banzi:”I’m sorry I love her I know this isn’t easy for you even for
me but I love your sister” that earns a punch right in the stomach
almost cutting his air he gasped.

Yolanda:”Banzi!” She says trying to rush to him but he raised his

hand as a sign of her to stop.

Banzi:”I didn’t mean for this to happen”

Mesuli:”Okay what did you mean to happen?” He swallows.

Banzi:”Okay I’m sorry for betraying you but I’m not going to end it”
that earned him another punch almost knocking him to the

Yolanda:”Okay please stop!” She says almost crying.

Banzi:”Yolanda I said stay out of it!”

Yolanda:”No he is hurting you…”

Mesuli:”This is not over” he walks away.

Yolanda:”I’m sorry” she says looking at him.

Banzi:”I’m fine just stay out of it, I betrayed your brother so he has
every right to do that and more. I’m not happy with you trying to
intervene when I told you not to” she swallows.

Yolanda:”I’m sorry” he nods

Banzi:”What matters is he knows”

Her party continues without any drama and what’s so ever.

She just brought two friends from school they are not really her
friends but it’s the only people she talks to.

It’s finally her gifting ceremony and a few people hand her the

She is surprised when her mother stands up and hands her a gift,
the shock in her face says it all.

MaMkhize:”This is from me, I know it can’t take away the fact that
I have never been a mother to you and I’m sorry for that” she
takes the gift from her and opens it.

She smiles looking at a MacBook and iPhone 14 pro max.

Yolanda:”Wow thank you..” she is speechless she stands up and
hug her mother.

MaMkhize:”I love you I know you might not believe it but I do” she
nods trying to fight back her tears.

Yolanda:”I love you too”

She continues opening her gifts and Ababalwe hands her a small

Yolanda:”You already gave me a gift though”

Ababalwe:”I know” she says smiling and she opens the gift.

Yolanda:”Is this…”

Ababalwe:”Yes, I know that your brother promised to get you one

and we lost him before he could fulfill his promise to you. So

it is my job to do that” God his brother surely chose well with her
she attacks her with a hug.

Yolanda:”Thank you so much”

Ababalwe:”So do you want to see it?”

Yolanda:”Yes!” She says walking out and smile looking at it.

It’s a white Range Rover and the seats are customised and they
are red like she always wanted them to be.

Yolanda:”Thank you so much” she was wrong for even thinking

that they were forgetting Muzi and all.

Nancy looks at Ababalwe and roll her eyes she just had to get


If anything she will forever honour Muzi’s wishes even if she

moves on with her life but Muzi was her soulmate.

Yolanda’s happiness is everything to her just because her brother

is no more it doesn’t mean anything will change between them.

She walks inside with Junior smiling and put him on top of the
bed changing his diaper.

The door opens it’s Nancy, she sigh she has decided to let her be
and today she’s in great spirit she doesn’t want anything ruining
that for her.

Nancy:”What you did for Yolanda is nice”

Ababalwe:”Thanks” Nancy sigh.

Nancy:”I saw you with Mesuli yesterday”

Ababalwe:”Oh okay”

Nancy:”You kissed him Ababalwe, why?”

Ababalwe:”What happens between me and my husband is not any
of your concern just like what happens between you and him it’s
not my business” she says fixing Mj.

Nancy:”I know you are doing this out of spite and revenge I’m
sorry for what I did to you and Muzi. I broke your trust I know that
please forgive me”

Ababalwe:”I forgave you a long time ago and what I’m doing now
has nothing to do with what you have done”

Nancy:”Okay even if that’s the case, please leave Mesuli”

Ababalwe:”And lose my son?”

Nancy:”No you won’t divorce him but you won’t do anything with
him and I will accept the marriage as long as nothing happens
between the two of you”


Nancy:”Please I’m begging you! How would you feel if Muzi did
this to you?”

Ababalwe:”I would have left him that’s what I was going to do! I’m
sorry I can’t leave Mesuli”

Nancy:”Why can’t you leave him?” Ababalwe looks at her.

Ababalwe:”I’m in love with your husband that’s why”

Nancy is about to say something when they are disturbed by

commotion from outside.

Ababalwe grabs MJ and quickly walks out.


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She quickly rushes outside to see what’s going on.

She finds everyone on their feet while Mesuli and her sister are all
over their mother.

Ababalwe:”What’s going on? What happened to her?”

Mesuli:”I don’t know I have to take her to the hospital”

Ababalwe:”That’s far”

Banzi:”I have medical bag in my car I will ride with Mesuli” even
though Mesuli is angry it’s not the time for him to be angry now.

Mesuli:”Thanks” he picks his mother who seem unresponsive.

Banzi follows them and Ababalwe goes to Yolanda.

Ababalwe:”Let’s go inside”

Yolanda:”Is she going to be alright?”

Ababalwe:”I don’t know sweetie I hope she will be fine” she nods
this is not how she wanted her party to end with her mother going
to the hospital.

MaMkhize had been good to her lately could she be dying that
can’t happen it’s just a year after losing Muzi they can’t have
another funeral though.

Yes MaMkhize has treated her badly and she is not her favourite
person but she doesn’t want her to die hopefully she will be fine.


He doesn’t have a solid relationship with his mother but he was

worried about her.

He is not sure what’s happening with her but he is scared.

It’s a long drive to the hospital so he is speeding.

Mesuli:”How is she Banzi?”

Banzi:”She is still unconscious but she is stable I don’t know for

how long please drive faster” He sigh and drive.
Two hours later they make it to the hospital and she is rushed in.

They are both in the waiting room and he is worried.

Banzi:”I know that this is not the best time but I’m really sorry
about Yolanda I didn’t mean to betray you and date her behind
your back. I was just scared of your reaction you wouldn’t have
allowed it”

Mesuli:”Do you even love my sister?”

Banzi:”I love her with all my heart” he sigh.

Mesuli:”She is young Banzi, you have two children you are already
looking for stability but I’m sure she still wants to live a little. I
don’t want to be in a position where she will hurt you or you hurt
her then I have to choose a side it will always be hers”

Banzi:”I understand and I have thought about our age gap your
sister is matured and I’m ready to wait for her and all. I don’t think
our age will be a problem”

Mesuli:”I don’t know Banzi I have difficulty accepting your

relationship I just need time. You broke our codes and worse of it
all you went for my youngest sister that’s not easy to accept”
Banzi nods he understands his position right now.

Banzi:”I understand I just want you to know that I love your sister”

Mesuli:”I know that” he knows if it was just a game for Banzi he

wouldn’t have put himself in a position where he knows they will
“Mkhize” the doctor says approaching them.

Mesuli:”That’s us how is she?”

“She is awake but she is weak”

Mesuli:”What are you saying? Is my mother dying?”

“We are still running some tests but her condition it is still
unknown. You can go see her”

Banzi:”I will wait for you here” Mesuli nods and walk inside.

He walks in and looks at her, she removes her oxygen mask.

Mesuli:”Hey how are you feeling?”

MaMkhize:”I feel okay what did the doctor say?”

Mesuli:”Nothing serious”

MaMkhize:”I know that something is wrong, when is everyone

coming to the hospital”

Mesuli:”I will call them” she nods.

After a while MaMkhize’s children and daughter in-laws walk

inside the hospital and wait to see MaMkhize.

Nancy goes to sit next to Mesuli and looks at him.

Nancy:”I was thinking of going home tomorrow”

Mesuli:”Okay” he says dismissively.

Nancy:”Is that all you are going to say?”

Mesuli:”Yes what do you want me to say?” She was expecting him

to ask her to stay since his mother is not okay.

Nancy:”Can you still drive me?”

Mesuli:”No you can take a taxi I can’t drive to another village when
my mother is sick” he stands up leaving her sitting.

Nontle:”Are you really going to leave now when your mother in-law
is sick”

Nancy:”You are eavesdropping?”

Nontle:” You were not whispering either”

Nancy:”Stay out of my business and mind your sister who is

sleeping with your boyfriend” she clicks her tongue and stand up.

Nontle frowns looking at Nobuntu because she is the only one

who is capable of that.

Ababalwe walks inside MaMkhize she has no idea why would she
wants to see her.

MaMkhize:”Thank you for coming”

Ababalwe:”How are you feeling?”

MaMkhize:”I’m okay but I’m just confused how you don’t hate me”

Ababalwe:”I don’t hate anyone that’s such a huge burden to carry”

MaMkhize:”I’m sorry for everything” she frowns.

Ababalwe:”Are you dying?”

MaMkhize:”I don’t feel sick so I doubt”

Ababalwe:”So why are you apologising to me?”

MaMkhize:”Because I have caused you pain and you didn’t

deserve it. I should have been proud of having you as my daughter
in law instead of all the hate. Everything you touch turns into gold,
Mesuli has always been a soft person who doesn’t want
responsibility but ever since you two have been involved there is a
responsible man in him. Thank you for taking care of Yolanda
when I failed her” Ababalwe looks at her.

Ababalwe:”I forgive you”

MaMkhize:”I did things to you, Muzi wasn’t supposed to die but

it’s because of what I did that he died” Ababalwe frowns looking
at her.

Ababalwe:”What are you talking about?”

MaMkhize:”I…I’m really sorry”

Ababalwe:”I want to know what you did”

MaMkhize:”I tied your womb you were not supposed to have

children with him, he was supposed to leave you but you are
somehow precious to the Mkhize’s they freed your womb so you
could carry their own blood causing me to sacrifice Muzi”

Ababalwe:”What you are saying doesn’t make sense Muzi had


MaMkhize:”A cancer that didn’t have any symptoms Ababalwe, if I

knew those were the consequences I wouldn’t have done what I
did….” Ababalwe looks at her with tears falling.

Ababalwe:”You killed him! He was your son!”

MaMkhize:”Babsie I didn’t mean to kill him, I didn’t know the

consequences were deadly” she shakes her head.

Ababalwe:”No you are cruel! You are evil I knew you hated me but
not this much” she walks out and bumps to Mesuli.

Mesuli:”What’s wrong?” She shakes her head and try to walk away
but he stops her “What happened?”

Ababalwe:”Just leave me alone and please look after Junior I

need some air”

She walks out and drives away not knowing where she is going.

She ends up at Ntokozo’s house she knocks.

Ntokozo opens the door and looks at her.

Ababalwe:”Can I come in?” He nods and walks in “Where is

Ndzolo? I need to talk to her”
Ntokozo:”Out of town, what’s wrong?” She tells him what

Ababalwe:”I want her dead”

Ntokozo:”You don’t mean that and besides you are married to

Mesuli. She is Yolanda’s mother”

Ababalwe:”And Muzi was deprived of meeting his own son, my

son doesn’t have a father! So don’t tell me that right now. It’s not
like Mesuli haven’t killed anyone”

Ntokozo:”Ababalwe think about this…”

Ababalwe:”Fine I will do it on my own” she says standing up.

Ntokozo:”Okay wait… I will do it”


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



He doesn’t know what happened with Ababalwe but something

tells him that his mother said something to her.
His phone starts ringing it’s Ntokozo.


Ntokozo:”I’m with your wife” He looks around trying to spot Nancy

but she is nowhere to be seen.

Mesuli:”Which one?” Ntokozo chuckles.

Ntokozo:”The real one”

Mesuli:”Is she okay?”

Ntokozo:”She is distraught”

Mesuli:”Where are you guys?”

Ntokozo:”She asked me to drive her old apartment”

Mesuli:”Okay thank bro I’m coming” he approaches Yoland who is

with Junior.

Mesuli:”We have to go”

Yolanda:”Now?” She says looking at Banzi.

Mesuli:”Yes now, do you have other things to do?” She swallows

Yolanda:”No we can go”

Banzi:”Let me go too” they all walk out of the hospital.

Mesuli straps Junior and then looks at Yolanda who looks


Mesuli:”Say bye to your boyfriend I’m give you a minute” that

cause her to smile a bit.

She rushes to Banzi and hug him tightly.

Banzi:”I will see you tomorrow okay?”

Yolanda:”Okay I love you”

Banzi:”I love you too” he kisses her briefly, Mesuli sigh watching
them this is weird for him he doesn’t understand how he will
accept their relationship.

Yolanda walks towards the car and they got in.

Mesuli:”Do you really love him?” He asks as he drives off.

Yolanda:”Yes I love him”

Mesuli:”He is my best friend Yoli” she sigh.

Yolanda:”But you need to understand”

Mesuli:”Would you understand if I dated one of your varsity friend

or roommate” she frowns “Exactly that’s how I feel”

Yolanda:”Okay I understand how you feel…”

Mesuli:”No you don’t but I’m not going to get in a way of your
relationship I hope it works for you” she hates that he sounds so
disappointed on her.
He drops them At Vanessa's house.

Vanessa:”Where is Ababalwe?”

Mesuli:”She needs some space for tonight you don’t mind looking
after Junior for tonight?”

Vanessa:”Of course not”

Mesuli:”Thant you”

Vanessa:”Is she okay?”

Mesuli:”She will be fine, Yoli I will see you tomorrow”

He drives to Ababalwe’s old apartment, she stayed here while her

and Muzi were still just dating.

He spots Ntokozo standing against his car.

Mesuli:”Man what’s going?”

Ntokozo:”She wants me to kill your mother” he frowns confused.

Mesuli:”You are joking right?”

Ntokozo:”Apparently your mother is a fly by night”

Mesuli:”Fly by what?”

Ntokozo:”A witch ndoda”

Mesuli:”Ntokozo just tell me the full story” Ntokozo told him

everything and he is shocked “My mother killed my brother?”
Saying it just hurts.

Ntokozo:”I’m sorry man and Ababalwe is distraught and angry”

Melusi:”As she should be, can you stay for few minutes I will be

Ntokozo:”What are you going to do?”

Mesuli:”Just stay here” he gets inside his car and drives off.

He walks to MaMkhize’s room and looks at her.

MaMkhize:”What are you doing here? I thought everyone went


Mesuli:”Is it true?”

MaMkhize:”What are you talking about?”

Mesuli:”Don’t act stupid did you kill my brother or not” she

swallows looking at his teary eyes.

MaMkhize:”I’m sorry I didn’t know…”

Mesuli:”He is your son, I know that you didn’t love us but he was
your son! Your damn son!” Her tears fall.

MaMkhize:”I regret it I’m so sorry” he quickly grabs the pillow.

Mesuli:”You don’t get to cry you just don’t”

MaMkhize:”Mesuli please I…” He presses the pillow on her face

cutting her air she starts kicking and keeps kicking when he feels
her getting weak he lets go she coughs gasping for air.
He looks at her, she looks at him with tears in her eyes.

MaMkhize:”I’m sorry please forgive me”

Mesuli:”You are evil you are not worth me killing you” he walks out
leaving her crying, he just can’t explain how hurt he is right now.


She wakes up with her head banging it’s next morning she cried
herself to sleep.

She doesn’t understand how a parent could be so cruel to their

own child.

She is hurt beyond anyone could imagine she never hated anyone
like she hated MaMkhize right now.

The door opens and Mesuli walks in.

Ababalwe:”How did you know I was here?”

Mesuli:”I just know, how are you feeling?”

Ababalwe:”I miss Muzi that’s how I feel, what if I could never fully
love you Mesuli” he sigh.

Mesuli:”That’s not true, you just got triggered last night”

Ababalwe:”Ntokozo told you didn’t he?”

Mesuli:”It was for the best, I know you were angry and I’m also
angry but I won’t let you kill my mother not because she is my
mother No but because you will be a killer like her if you go ahead
with it” she swallows.

Ababalwe:”I’m hurt Mesuli, she destroyed our lives and she thinks
an apology is going to fix it. I was willing to forgive everything she
did but not this one”

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I just feel defeated at this point, I really thought

she was changing but it was just her own sins burning her”

Ababalwe:”Where is MJ?” It’s a good thing her baby is on formula

now he just doesn’t like breast milk.

Mesuli:”With Yolanda, he is fine” she nods and she knows killing

MaMkhize is not the solution she is just angry and she needs to
think about MJ in all of this.

Ababalwe:”I just want to sleep”

Mesuli:”Can I join you?”

Ababalwe:”I could use a cuddle” he nods and take off his shoes
his phone starts ringing.


Nancy:”I’m going home”

Mesuli:”Okay travel safely”

Nancy:”Are you not going to come and say goodbye?”

Mesuli:”No I’m busy”

Nancy:”Okay” she hangs up and Mesuli gets next to Ababalwe
and pulls her to his arms.

Mesuli:”Promise me you won’t try to kill her I know you are angry
and hurt but think of MJ and Yolanda” she nods.

Ababalwe:”I promise” being in his arms actually felt calming

exactly how it used to feel like when Muzi hold her.

She sigh trying to ignoring the strong feeling she is getting.

Mesuli:”Are you okay?” She sigh turning to look at him.

Ababalwe:”I’m fine” she looks at him and pulls him closer kissing
him slowly and passionately, she gets closer to him

He swallows as his heart starts pounding as her body is close to


She bites his lower lip and get on top of him, she feels him
twitching against her as he gets harder.

Ababalwe:”Do you want to consummate our marriage right now?”

She says as she grinds on him making him more harder and he

Mesuli:”Fuck Ababalwe yes!” He says kisses her so hard she pulls

away and take off her T-shirt.

She gets off him pulling his pants down and look at how hard he
is she feels her clit throbbing.

She gets on top of him and kisses him he squeeze her breast a
moan escape her mouth.
He rubs a finger on her clit feeling how wet she is makes him
more harder.

She strokes him he groans and she directs him to her then rubs
his dick against her clit.

Seeing her taking control of their first time together is such a turn

Ababalwe:”Do you have protection?”

Mesuli:”No…We will take care of everything when we are done”

this was risky but he did test after finding out about Nancy’s
pregnancy and after their wedding and he haven’t touched her
since after their wedding.

She slowly sink in his dick moving her waist slowly. Her tightness
makes him squeeze her waist and groan as the warmth of her
pussy makes his balls feel like they are about to explode.

He needs to take control before she makes him cum soon.

Ababalwe:”Fuck!” She pulls herself up feeling him so deep.

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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She opens her eyes it’s already 2pm she misses her baby.

She slowly walks to the bathroom and sit down.

She flinch as she pee, her vagina is sore and swollen.

Mesuli had no mercy on her, she had so many intense moments

and everything felt so good it’s been forever since she had some

Thinking about it makes her spine shiver, she stands under the
shower and enjoy water hitting her sick.

She walks out and find Mesuli sitting on top of the bed.

He looks at her and smile staring at her naked body.

Mesuli:”How you feeling?”

Ababalwe:”I feel good” she says smiling and shake her head.
Mesuli walks to her and stand behind.

Mesuli:”What happened was great, I felt something I never felt

with anyone” she has felt what she felt with him, this means she
is more in love with him more than she realised because she
never thought she would feel the way Muzi made her feel with
anyone else ever again but here she is.

Ababalwe:”I enjoyed it” he kisses her neck “I’m still sore Mesuli”
he chuckles turning her around and she collide with his chest.

Mesuli:”I got you some food and pills too, just for your peace of
mind we will test tomorrow” she nods.

Ababalwe:”I miss MJ”

Mesuli:”You should finish up then we will go pick him up” he

kisses her shoulder.

She finishes everything she feels so light as they drive off to her
mother’s place.

She doesn’t want to think about anything else either than her and

Somehow being in a polygamous marriage doesn’t bother her at

all especially knowing that it’s what her fate is.

Mesuli squeeze her hand bringing her back to earth.

Mesuli:”Are you okay?”

Ababalwe:”I’m good” they walk to the door.

Her mother opens the door and greet them then looks at

Vanessa:”You look beautiful”

Ababalwe:”Thank you” she takes Junior and kiss him on his face.

Mesuli walks to the garden to give them space.

Vanessa:”You look happier than I last saw you” she chuckles.

Ababalwe:”Well I am happier, I just decided to accept things how

they are”

Vanessa:”I guess everything with Mesuli is great” she looks at

him through the glass.

Ababalwe:”They are great”

Vanessa:”You are blushing” she chuckles.

Ababalwe:”No I’m not”

Vanessa:”So what’s going on?” She sigh.

Ababalwe:”Mesuli is not easy and an open book like Muzi, it’s like
he has layers with him. You could never know what he is thinking
and that scares me a little bit”

Vanessa:”You will get to know him better as your husband be

patient with him and don’t compare him with Muzi”

Ababalwe:”I guess you are right”

After talking with her mom she goes to him to the garden.

Ababalwe:”I’m ready to give our marriage a chance” he turns

looking at her.

Mesuli:”Are you serious?”

Ababalwe:”Yes I don’t know how this is going to play out with

Nancy in the picture but I have decided to trust you and let you to
take the lead. Don’t let me down” he cups her face smiling.

Mesuli:”I promise you I won’t let you down and thank you for
trusting me” he kisses her and someone clears their throat, they
stop kissing and look at Yolanda.


“Hey” they say in unison.

Yolanda:”Don’t be awkward about what I just saw, it was just a

matter of time. I’m happy for you two and what makes me happy
is that you didn’t marry someone else so that means I get to keep
you in the family. I was really scared of you moving on and
forgetting about me” Ababalwe looks at her and smile.

Ababalwe:”Who forgets their first born Yolanda, as you said you

are like my child so you are stuck with me for life” she nods and
hugs her.

Yolanda:”I have something to tell you guys, Nancy asked me to

help her destroy your marriage of course I didn’t agree even
though I wasn’t happy about it first but I wasn’t going to allow
anything that might hurt you two”

Mesuli:”I will take care of it but I need you to do something for


Yolanda:”Of course”


It’s a good thing that they came to the city for MaMkhize’s
treatment and stuff.

She was able to get her car and drive herself home since Mesuli
didn’t want to.

She would be caught dead before going home with a taxi after
everyone in her village witnessed her getting to a wealthy guy like

No one knows that her husband married another woman just after
a week they tied their knot.

She parks her car and walks inside, her mother is already waiting
for her.

She hugs her and sniff her tears, her mother brushes her back.
Nancy:”Everything is falling apart Mom and I don’t know what to
do anymore”

“I never thought Ababalwe was so wicked she has always been


Nancy:”I even begged her to stay out of Mesuli’s life she could
remain married to him for her but not do anything but she said
she was in love with Mesuli” her mother sigh looking at her
daughter bawling her eyes out.

“You need to fight for your husband Nancy”

Nancy:”I’m trying mom but no he won’t even touch me anymore”

“Then do something else to get her back and why didn’t he drive
you here?”

Nancy:”His mother is sick”

“And you are here Nancy?!” She frowns.

Nancy:”But I thought…..”

“You shouldn’t have left him this was the time to show support
and be a good wife but no you just have Ababalwe an upper to
your marriage. She is there in his time of need and you are not”
she swallows thinking about it “You know what I will fix this
marriage for you”


“I have a friend that can help you get your husband back” she
Nancy:”Don’t tell me you want me to bewitch him”

“Do you want your husband back or not”

Nancy:”I do but not this way I’m not a witch” her mother laughs.

“Okay fine go ahead and watch your husband loves another

woman” she looks at her mother.

Nancy:”I don’t want anything that’s going to hurt him”

“He won’t be hurt he will just love you more than her that’s what’s
going to happen”

Nancy:”Okay then” at this point she will do anything.

At night they drive to some place, it looks scary .

Nancy looks around after parking her car.

Nancy:”Mom are you sure about this place?” She says looking
around the bushes.

“Yes let’s go” she sigh rubbing her belly as they walk further in the
bush until they come to a small rondavel.

Her mother orders her to take off her shoes.

She sigh is this what she has turned to because of love?

They walk in and find a man sitting in the middle of the rondavel.
They explain why they are there, he starts throwing his bones and
start chanting and grunting in a scary manner.

“Hay No! There is no way around this, there are deadly

consequences” Nancy looks at her mother.

Nancy:”What is that supposed to mean?”

“They are now one, nothing can separate them”

“There has to be something that could be done” her mother says.

“Well the only way that’s going to separate is if one of them is

dead” Nancy swallows “You will have to kill the other woman to
have your husband”


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



They quietly drove home, her mind keeps going back to what that
witch said.

She haven’t made her decision yet but her mother took the things
they were given to use.
“Nancy I know this is hard for you but…”

Nancy:”Mom please not now, I don’t want to talk about it not right

“I understand but just know that this is for you and your baby” she
just nods.

As soon as they got home she rushes to her bedroom and sigh.

She goes through her phone bored out of her mind atleast at
Mkhize’s there is always drama she is never bored.

She looks at Jason’s number, she misses him.

He treated her right even though she was not madly in love with
him she was happy with how things were with them.

She didn’t care about what he was doing with who that’s why their
break up didn’t hurt her but now she misses him.

She goes through her instagram and a notification tells her that
Daisy posted something.

She looks at the picture, it’s her in an orange bikini and she is
sitting on top of a guy, her back is facing the camera the only
thing you can see is the guy’s hand holding her ass.

She tries zooming in to see him but nothing, Daisy is kissing him
so you can’t see him.

“It takes a right season for a Daisy to bloom” she chuckles after
reading the caption feeling a sense of jealous taking over her.

Why is she the only one miserable when everyone happy? Even
her broke sister has a boyfriend.

The door opens her mother walks in with a plate of food.

“You have to eat something”

Nancy:”Okay thanks” she takes the food, she is almost four

months pregnant now and she is not aborting her baby hopefully
it comes out looking more like her than Jason so the paternity
won’t be questioned.

She takes her phone and calls Mesuli.

He haven’t even checked if she arrived safely.


Nancy:”Hey I just wanted to tell you that I got home safely”

Mesuli:”That’s great then”

Nancy:”How is your mother?”

Mesuli:”She is okay” she swallows suddenly tears building up in

her eyes.

She wants to ask if he still loves her but the answer scares her.

Nancy:”I will see you when I come back”

Mesuli:”When are you coming back?”

Nancy:”I don’t know maybe a week here will do me good”

Mesuli:”Okay have a goodnight”

Nancy:”Thank you goodnight” she hangs up.


With her mother sick she just doesn’t know how to feel.

They were starting to be okay but all the negligence just made her
detach herself from her.

Even now she is not sad that she is sick and that makes her feel
She packs her car and get out then walks towards the door then

He opens and looks at her while wiping his hands.

She looks at his knuckles they look red and bruised.

Yolanda:”What happened to your knuckles?” She says as they

walk in.

Banzi:”I just started boxing babe”

Yolanda:”Does it hurt?” He chuckles looking at her worried face.

Banzi:”No it doesn’t, so how about I give you a key so you could

stop knocking when you come here?” She looks at him.

Yolanda:”Babe…” he kisses her.

Banzi:”Please I’m not asking you to move in yet but I just want you
to have the keys” she nods looking at him.

Yolanda:”Okay I will take it”

Banzi:”Thank you, so have you opened your gift?”

Yolanda:”No actually it’s here in this bag”

Banzi:”Please open it” she takes the envelope from her bag and
opens it.

She looks at it then at him

Yolanda:”Is this…”

Banzi:”Yes you have always talked about going to Bali so how

about we go during your semester break. You, me and the kids”

Yolanda:”Are you serious? I mean I don’t have a passport”

Banzi:”You have time to do one” she hugs him.

Yolanda:”Thank you” she kisses him and he picks her up then put
her on top of the counter “The kids…”

Banzi:”At school” he kisses her neck making her moan in the


He puts his hand under her dress and looks at her.

Banzi:”No underwear?” She looks at him shyly “I like a naughty

side of you”

He press his middle finger on her clit that make her open her legs
a little bit giving him more access.

He grunts feeling her wetness on his figure.

Banzi:”Do you….” She quickly nods.

Yolanda:”Yes I want to do it today” she says kissing him.

Banzi:”Let’s get you comfortable” he picks her up and they walk to

the bedroom.

By the time the reach the bed, the clothes are off.
She curly her toes as his tongue comes in contact with her clit.

It feels so good to a point she is holding his head burying it deep

inside her.

She can’t help but starts shaking she knows what’s coming but he
stops and looks at her.

Banzi:”Not yet” he grabs the condom and rolls on him she


He comes back to kiss her holding her waist, she could feel him
resting on her thigh.

He directs his head to her entrance and rubs himself against her
clit making her lose a sense of thinking.

Yolanda:”Banzi please..” she says holding his waist she can’t

believe she is begging him she is way too horny.

He pushes his head inside, she closes her eyes as it hurts but she
feels him stopping.

Yolanda:”Why are you stopping?”

Banzi:”You pushing me off and crying” she swallows she didn’t

even realise that she was pushing him off.

Yolanda:”Please don’t stop”

Banzi:”We don’t have to do this today..”

Yolanda:”I want to do it and I know you will be gentle with me so

please” he sigh looking at her she quickly pulls him kissing him.

He feels him pushing again but this time it’s more harder and
more painful.

For a minute she hears something popping inside her and she is
feels so stretched.

Banzi:”Fuck I’m in, just breathe babe” she nods and breath. He
wipes her tears that she didn’t even know were there.

He gently moves inside her in and out, she slightly moan as

pleasure kicks in.

He pulls her more closer pushing himself deep inside.

Banzi:”This feels like heaven” he says slowly kissing her and

caressing her body “I love you”

Yolanda:”I love you more” her body is in another trance of

Hours later Yolanda opens her eyes and looks at Banzi.

Her mind register that she is no longer a virgin and she doesn’t
regret giving herself to him.

The intense orgasm she had were all worth the waiting.

Her thoughts are disturbed by her phone ringing it’s a number she
doesn’t know.


“Hey Yoli thank you for answering” she looks at the screen it’s
Sgqibo’s Mom.

Yolanda:”Hey Ma”

“I just got a call from a hospital my son was beaten up and left for
dead, can you go check on him please” she can’t refuse she looks
at Banzi.

Yolanda:”Of course just tell me where he is I will go” she hangs up

after she is told where he is.

Banzi:”Are you okay?”

Yolanda:”That was Sgqibo’s mom someone beat him and

dropped him off at the hospital”

Banzi:”Is he okay?”

Yolanda:”I don’t know she wants me to go check”

Banzi:”I’m coming with you, let’s clean up can you stand up?” She

Yolanda:”No I’m in pain”


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



This has to be the most peaceful 24 hours of his life ever since he
got married to Nancy.

She doesn’t know when to stop and she is no longer the Nancy he

She used to be this smart and free spirited person probably one
of the reason he fell for her.

Ntokozo:”I don’t know why you are doing this, why don’t you let
Nancy go?”

Mesuli:”Well I will”
Ntokozo:”When? I think Ababalwe might be okay with it for now
but trust me no woman wants to share their man especially for
her she has no choice but to stay with you”

Mesuli:”I love Ababalwe and..”

Ntokozo:”Then let Nancy go enough of this game and I’m sure

she is already learning her lesson by now unknowingly”

Mesuli:”Yeah you are right and I wouldn’t want to lose Ababalwe”

Ntokozo:”Well you know I’m right so let’s cut the trap let the
whore loose”

His phone rings it’s Ababalwe he smiles and Ntokozo shake his

Ntokozo:”Look at you..”


Ababalwe:”Hey, your sisters are fighting” he frowns.

Mesuli:”What do you mean fighting?”

Ababalwe:”Well I mean fighting please come home before they

burn my house down or before the neighbourhood security come

Mesuli:”I have to go” he says standing up.

Ntokozo:”Is everything okay?”

Mesuli:”Nobuntu and Nontle are fighting”

Ntokozo:”Hay those two, your mother must have dropped them as
babies there is no way they are normal” he chuckles.


She is happy with her life right now, she has thought of feeling
guilty for falling in love with Muzi’s brother but at the end of the
day it’s what Muzi wanted.

She knows some people may not agree with her at this point but
her happiness and her son’s health and happiness are her priority
so she doesn’t care about all the judgemental stuff.

She is watching as those two are fighting, they are fighting over
some guy.

It’s like they will never grow up and she decided that she won’t get

Mesuli walks in and she sigh relieved.

Mesuli:”Are the two of you serious right now?” Nontle blinks as

tears burn in her eyes.

Nontle:”She has been sleeping with my boyfriend” Mesuli looks at


Mesuli:”Kanti what’s wrong with you Nobuntu, unempene?”

Ababalwe chokes in her saliva shocked and Nobuntu swallows.

Nobuntu:”It was a mistake”

Nontle:”So Yolanda’s ex was also a mistake. You have been

sleeping with him for few months now I hope you have been
condomising because he is sick” Nobuntu looks at her with her
heart pounding.

Nobuntu:”Sick? What do you mean sick?”

Nontle:”Oh he didn’t tell you? He is HIV positive he was born with

it! He always made sure he protects me from it but I can’t say the
same about you can I?” Nontle walks out leaving her crying.

Mesuli:”Buntu why do you keep doing this?”

Nontle:”I didn’t mean to do it, I can’t be positive” Ababalwe looks

at her feeling bad.

Ababalwe:”The only way to know is to get tested”

Nontle:”Why would he do this to me? I can sue him right?”

Mesuli:”Not in South Africa, just get tested Nobuntu maybe this

will be a lesson to you because we have been warning you since
you were 15” he walks away, Ababalwe sigh.

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry Buntu I’m sure your brother doesn’t mean


She finds Mesuli sitting on top of the bed.

Ababalwe:”That was harsh”

Mesuli:”I know but she needed to hear it” she sigh “I’m going to
end things with Nancy”

Ababalwe:”What? I thought you were going to wait for few


Mesuli:”Because I want to focus on us and it’s better I let her go”

Ababalwe:”She is pregnant Mesuli what about your child?”

Mesuli:”Don’t worry about that I will handle it”

Ababalwe:”Okay but whatever you do just make sure that your

baby is fine”

Mesuli:”I will, and I will marry you the proper way. In a way that
you deserve. I’m not doing it for the ancestors this time but I’m
doing it because I love you”

Ababalwe:”I love you too”


Banzi drove them to the hospital she could barely sit properly.

It’s good thing she not wearing any underwear.

Banzi:”Thank you” he says randomly, she smiles looking at him


Yolanda:”For what?”

Banzi:”For trusting me with your heart and your body. I know that
it’s not easy to date me as a father I mean you are 21 years old. I
just want to know that you are not overwhelmed by the kids and

Yolanda:”Banzi stop I know you have my best interest at heart. I

love you and I knew what I was doing when I started dating you.
So if anything I want to be with you more than anything” he
squeeze her hand.

Banzi:”Okay then I love you so much”

Yolanda:”I love you too”

The walk inside Sgqibo’s room and he does really look bad but he
is conscious.


Sgqibo:”What are you doing here?”

Yolanda:”Your mother called, she is really worried she wanted me

to check on you”

Sgqibo:”I’m fine”

Yolanda:”What happened to you?”

Sgqibo:”I don’t remember much” She sigh and look at Banzi who
quietly sitting on the chair pressing his phone.

Yolanda:”I’m sorry”
Sgqibo:”Maybe you should go, I’m sorry that I hurt you and I have
been making your life miserable I won’t do it again. Tell my
mother I’m fine”

Yolanda:”Okay thanks then”

Banzi:”How are you going to pay the hospital bill?” He swallows.

Sgqibo:”I will see what I can do”

Banzi:”I will pay for it” Yolanda looks at him.

Sgqibo:” You don’t…”

Banzi:”I insist babe can you get a doctor for me” she just nods
knowing this is a way of dismissing her she walks out.

Sgqibo:”Don’t worry I won’t tell Yolanda that you did this to me”

Banzi:”Who said I was worried, I know you wouldn’t otherwise you

know exactly what’s going to happen” he swallows

Sgqibo:”Once Yolanda finds out who you are she will leave you”
he chuckles and press him on his stomach.

Banzi:”You don’t learn do you” he gasp for air.

Sgqibo:”I’m sorry please that hurts”

Yolanda:”What’s going on?” Banzi smiles looking at Yolanda.

Banzi:”I was telling Sgqibo that he should join me in boxing. You

know what babe we should let the poor guy rest”

Yolanda:”Take care of yourself” they walk out.

His phone starts ringing and it’s Mesuli.

He listens as he speaks he looks at Yolanda who is curious about
what they are talk about soon the call end.

Banzi:”I have to take you home” she looks at him.


Banzi:”Something bad happened we should go”



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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Banzi isn’t saying anything to her but she could feel it deep down
something is wrong.

The feeling is so unsettling it’s like her heart is going to explode.

She feels tears sting behind her eyes she shouldn’t be crying but
she can’t help herself.
Banzi:”Babe please calm down”

Yolanda:”Just tell me what’s going on Banzi and take me out of

my misery”

Banzi:”I don’t know what actually happened but Mesuli didn’t

sound good when he called me” She just nod “Please stop crying
it’s probably nothing”

Yolanda:”Probably” he sigh.

Banzi:”I didn’t join boxing” he says trying to distract her, she looks
at him.

Yolanda:”What do you mean?”

Banzi:”I lied to you” she blinks looking at him.


Banzi:”Because I didn’t want to scare you”

Yolanda:”What happened then? The truth this time Banzi”

Banzi:”I got into a fight or should I say I beat up Sgqibo?”

Yolanda:”You what?”

Banzi:”I’m not the kind of person that lies I can’t do it. So I was the
one who beat him up”

Yolanda:”Why would you beat up?”

Banzi:”Because there is an end in everything and it was time to

end everything he has been saying about you me and him I just
feel like he was been disrespectful and I couldn’t handle it
anymore I was teaching him a lesson I’m a very different man
Yolanda. I’m not the type of guy that sit around and watch people
disrespect him I do things differently and even if it means I have
to be violent. I’m not a violent person but a person can take much
and I have been watching him disrespect you and our relationship
but the virginity part was the last straw”

Yolanda:”You can’t go around being violent and hurt people


Banzi:”I’m not a violent person but this boy was provoking me

everywhere I go it had to stop”

Yolanda:”By beating him up almost to death?”

Banzi:”I’m a doctor Yolanda if I wanted him dead I would have hit

him where I knew he was going to die”

Yolanda:”But there are ways to do things than beating a person…”

Banzi:”Okay what would you have preferred for me to do?” she

quietly looks at him because she didn’t know “Please tell me so
next time I will do it”

Yolanda:”I don’t know but you were wrong for beating him up”

Banzi:”Okay I’m sorry”

Yolanda:”Banzi I wasn’t…”

Banzi:”We are here” she looks outside the window as the car

Yolanda:”Are we fighting?” She says teary looking at him.

Banzi:”What? No babe we are not fighting but I’m not sorry for
beating Sgqibo up he deserved it and you are not going to change
my mind about it” she nods.

Yolanda:”Okay I wasn’t defending him I just don’t want you to get

hurt or go to jail” he cups her face.

Banzi:”I can take care of myself don’t worry I’m not a violent
person nor do I lose my temper. There are things you will learn
about me but I promise you I will be as honest as I can with my
life I’m not just a doctor that’s what I will tell you right now” she
doesn’t know what that means but she appreciates the honest.

He opens the door for her and looks at her.

Banzi:”Before anything wear your underwear let’s go” he says

squeeze her butt she squirm.


Yolanda walks in with Banzi, he looks at them.

Yolanda ask to be excuse for a second and Mesuli approaches


Mesuli:”Banzi this better not be a game because I will rain terror

on you if you mess with my sister”

Banzi:”As I said it’s not a game I love your sister please trust me”

Mesuli:”I don’t trust you Banzi you broke our code but I will let my
sister be happy I accept your relationship with her”

Banzi:”Thank you”

Mesuli:”I’m not doing this for you but for her” Banzi swallows and

Banzi:”I understand I wish this wasn’t the case too but the heart
wants what it wants Mesuli”

Mesuli:”This is not about the heart and stuff it’s about how you
went about it Banzi, sneaking around with her instead of telling
me what’s happening. I may have not accepted your relationship
but I would have understood that inhliziyo ayiphakelwa and you
wouldn’t have betrayed me”

Banzi:”I’m sorry bro I’m really am”

Mesuli:”I know you are and I’m not mad but you needed to hear
this” Banzi nods relieved.

Yolanda walks back in and looks at them talking.

She goes to sit next to Ababalwe.

Yolanda:”What’s going on!?” Ababalwe sigh looking at her as

Mesuli approaches them.

Mesuli:”There is no easy way to say this Yoli, mom died a few

hours ago” she looks at them blankly.

Yolanda:”What do you mean? She was fine and…”

Mesuli:”I know but her organs were shutting down”

Yolanda:”Please excuse me” she stands up and Mesuli sigh.

Banzi:”I got it” Mesuli nods and Banzi follows Yolanda.

Ababalwe squeeze Mesuli’s hand and he looks at her.

Ababalwe:”How are you feeling?”

Mesuli:”I don’t know I just feel numb but I’m not okay”

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry about this”


They still can’t believe that MaMkhize is dead, yes she wasn’t a
good person but she was their mother so it hurts.

Nontle is devastated she has been trying to call Nobuntu who has
no idea that her mother is dead since she didn’t come home after
their fight.

Nontle is starting to get worried about her.

Mesuli has people looking for her because it’s unlike her not to
come home or call.
Mesuli opens his eyes with Ababalwe in his arm, she is the only
person that is keeping him together in all of this.

He kisses her forehead as she slowly opens her eyes.

Mesuli:”Hey how are you?”

Ababalwe:”I’m tired” he sigh.

Mesuli:”I told you not to overwork yourself” with MaMkhize gone

she has to be the one making sure things are moving forward.

Ababalwe:”I know but I will be fine, I need to wake up some

mourners are coming”

Mesuli:”No you are going to sleep more, my aunts are here they
will prepare everything”

Ababalwe:”But Mesuli..”

Mesuli:”I’m not asking you and please don’t defy me I’m your
husband” she smiles looking at him.

Ababalwe:”Yebo baba” he burst out of laughter and kiss her.

Mesuli:”You are stupid” she chuckles it is good to see him laugh

he has been down lately.


She is still in shock that MaMkhize is dead, she didn’t look that
sick at all.

It hurts that it was Mesuli’s uncles that called to let her family
know instead of Mesuli.

He hasn’t talked to her nor check up on her.

She puts the last bag on her car, she has to go back.

“Here take this” her mother hands her the things they got from
that witch.

Nancy:”I don’t want to kill anyone”

“Do you want to lose your husband?”

Nancy:”No but..”

“But nothing! Get rid of Ababalwe and do it now while your

husband is still vulnerable. Then once Ababalwe is gone too you
will be his shoulder to cry on!” She shoves the things to her hand.

She looks at her then get inside the car driving off.


The mourners have left and Nobuntu haven’t turned up.

It’s almost 4pm now and Mesuli has been making calls so she
could be found.
“Mesuli there are people looking for you outside should I let them

Mesuli:”Yes” He is only with Ababalwe so it’s not an issue.

They walk in and Ababalwe looks at him

Mesuli:”They were helping me locate my sister” she nods they

look scary “Did you find her?”

“Yes we did find her”

Mesuli:”Where is she?” They look at each other “What’s going


“I’m sorry when we find her she was gone”

Mesuli:”Gone where? I thought you find her ” He says confused

“Uhh…We find her dead, she took her life” Mesuli frowns.

Mesuli:”Is this a joke?”

“I’m sorry”

Mesuli:”This is not happening” Ababalwe quickly stands up.

Ababalwe:”Thank you guys, you can leave” they walk out,

Ababalwe looks at him he seem so lost for a moment.

Ababalwe:”Hey look at me” she says cupping his face.

Mesuli:”Ababalwe what is happening here?” His voice is shaking

Ababalwe teary looks at him and pulls him to a hug, he holds her
Nancy walks in and look at them with her heart pounding.


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



It hurts to see Mesuli in this state, there only much a person can

Nobuntu and Nontle were not her favourite people but she didn’t
wish death upon them.

In the few months they were treating her better than they ever did.

She has grown a soft spot for Nobuntu so her death hurts more
than MaMkhize’s.

“Nancy you are back?” One of the aunties says walking in.

Ababalwe let Mesuli go and they turn to look at her, they didn’t
even see that she was in the room they were caught up in their
Nancy:”Yes I’m back” her voice says shaking.

Mesuli:”Aunt V can you get everyone to the sitting area there is

something that we have to talk about”

“Okay then” she walks out leaving the three.

Mesuli turns to Ababalwe.

Mesuli:”I need some air I will join you guys in five minutes” she
nods “Welcome back Nancy” he walks out Nancy swallows as he
past her.

Nancy:”I leave for few days and I come back to you comforting
my husband” Ababalwe sigh she had no energy to argue with her.

Ababalwe:”You shouldn’t have left then”

Nancy:”Enjoy this marriage while it last” Ababalwe chuckles.

Ababalwe:”I will”

Nancy:”Are you mocking me?”

Ababalwe:”Mocking you? I have no time for this. For once stop

being self absorbed we are mourning if you have any tantrums to
throw do it after the funeral” she says and walks out.


She is stuck in one place in disbelief, maybe her mother was right.

This girl has taken Mesuli away from her and she doesn’t even

She goes to her room that and put her suitcase down then called
her mother.

Nancy:”Hey I just got here”

“That’s good”

Nancy:”You were right mom if I want my husband back I should

do this. I walk in on them, he didn’t even say anything either than
welcome back he walked out on me”

“Be careful”

Nancy:”I will be don’t worry”

Ababalwe is full of shit and now she is going to die then watch her
raise Mj with Mesuli.

Yolanda looks at her walking inside the room.

Nancy:”What are you doing here?”

Yolanda:”They are calling us”

Nancy:”Okay I’m sorry about your mom”

Yolanda:”Thanks” she says and walks out.

Why does everyone suddenly hates her?


His heart is just heavy, not long ago he was burying his brother
and now it’s his sister and mother.

This is just too much to deal with, he is trying to be strong for his

The return of Nancy is just something he won’t bother about and

he is ending everything after funeral for now he won’t do it just
because he wants a smooth week so they could bury his loved
ones without any drama.

He just broke the news that Nobuntu has died the room is quiet.

Nontle quickly walks out crying and Ababalwe stands up following


Nancy comes to sit next to him, he takes a deep breath.

Yolanda:”Bhuti I’m waiting for the part where you say you are just

Mesuli:”Yoli I’m not joking”

Yolanda:”That’s not true, we can’t be burying our sister and
mother at the same time” she says tearing up.

Mesuli swallows and stand up then walk out.

This has to be the most difficult time of his life, he just can’t come
into terms with that.

Nancy:”Where are you going?”

Mesuli:”Getting some air”

Nancy:”Can I come with you? I don’t want you to be alone in the

state you are in right now”

Mesuli:”No I said I want to be alone so please don’t try to

suffocate me” he gets in the car and drive off.

It’s been less than an hour with her back but he could already feel
his peace disappearing.

He gets where Nobuntu’s car is he wants to why he would be

selfish enough to take her life and leave them behind to deal with

He gets inside and look around the passenger sit.

And see a paper and pills everything speak for itself.

She couldn’t handle the fact that she was HIV positive, he kind of
feels guilty about the whole situation maybe if he was
sympathetic enough towards her she wouldn’t have felt the need
to end her life.

He drives to the nearest bar and order some drinks.

Zingce:”A third one it’s on me” could this day get any worse.

Mesuli:”No thanks” she looks at him and chuckles.

Zingce:”You look miserable your marriage is finally falling apart”

he looks at her and downs his shot.

Mesuli:”No actually my mother and sister just died” she swallows.

Zingce:”Mesuli I’m sorry I didn’t know, which one of your sister?”


Zingce:”I’m really sorry for your loss. Do you need anything?


Mesuli:”No I have a wife at home waiting” his phone rings and

Ababalwe’s name ashes on his screen “Babe”

Ababalwe:”Are you okay? You left without saying anything”

Mesuli:”I’m fine I just needed some air, is everything okay there?”

Ababalwe:”Everything is fine I was just checking up on you” he

Mesuli:”I’m fine I will be home soon I love you”

Ababalwe:”I love you too” he hangs up and stand up putting his

phone inside his phone.

Zingce:”Wait that was Ababalwe” he looks at her blankly “Why

would you call her babe and tell her you love her? Are you
cheating on Nancy?”

Mesuli:”I’m not cheating on anyone not that is any of your

business but Ababalwe is my wife” she frown hurt.

Zingce:”You are married to Nancy, I can’t believe that bitch acted

innocent but she wanted you all along!” Mesuli looks at her.

Mesuli:”Trust me Zingce this is the worst day for you to try

disrespect me or my wife it won’t end well for you” he clicks his
tongue and walks away from her.

He gets home about an hour late and Ababalwe walks out of the
house to him and hugs him tightly.

Ababalwe:”Don’t leave without saying anything you scared me”

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I just needed some air and to find out why
Nobuntu killed herself. She tested positive” Ababalwe sigh.

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry, I was making some tea do you want one?”

Mesuli:”No but I will watch you drink one” Ababalwe chuckles this
guy hate tea.

Nancy saw Ababalwe leaving her tea unattended, she quickly

poured the powder and stir it then left.

Yolanda walks inside the kitchen at the same time as Mesuli and
Ababalwe walks in.

Ababalwe:”I thought you were sleeping”

Yolanda:”I couldn’t sleep I need some tea”

Ababalwe:”You can take the one I already made then I will make
myself a cup again” she nods.

Yolanda:”You are a life saver thank you” she says already sipping
on the cup.


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She can’t believe that it was this easy to get rid of Ababalwe.
She has been getting too big for her shoes.

Nancy didn’t care about seeing them hugging outside, she is

letting them enjoy their last moments together that’s the least she
could do.

In the next few hours she will be the only Mrs Mkhize.

She deserves that title more than anyone especially after

everything she had to do to get it.

She lies in bed and Mesuli walks in then look at her.

She is expecting him to say something to her but the cold stare
from him is just something she doesn’t understand where did
they do wrong in their relationship it wasn’t like this before.

Nancy:”I miss you Mesuli please tell me what I did wrong?”

Mesuli:”I don’t want to talk about this right now” she nods teary.

Nancy:”Are you going to sleep with her tonight?” He nods that

breaks her heart immediately.

Mesuli:”Yes, she is my peace Nancy with her I don’t have to argue

or yell” she swallows and sniff.

Nancy:”Please sleep here I’m not going to say anything”

Mesuli:”I don’t want to sleep next to you” she looks at him he
wasn’t kidding, he was actually taking out his pyjamas from the

Nancy:”Mesuli you are hurting me! It’s not fair. I thought in a

polygamous marriage you are supposed to spend nights with
both of us equally”

Mesuli:”Unfortunately I’m not in polygamous marriage I only have

one wife. Have a goodnight” he walks out leaving her confused.

She sigh brushing her belly.

Nancy:”Daddy will come to us soon,I know he will”


He can’t wait for these funerals to be over so he could end things

with Nancy for good.

At this point he can’t even pretend at all, he is waiting for this

funeral to be over as he doesn’t want drama now.

He joins Ababalwe under the blankets and pulls her close.

Ababalwe:”I’m sorry about this I know that you are hurting more
than you show. Please don’t shut me out I want to be here for
you” he sigh he has noticed that Ababalwe is ba big
communication fan which is something he is not used to.
Mesuli:”I’m not shutting you out” he kiss the top of her head.

Ababalwe:”You are Mesuli you stare into space and zone out and
when I ask you what’s wrong you say nothing”

Mesuli:”I’m sorry I just don’t know how to express how I’m feeling
at this moment I will try I promise” she nods.

Ababalwe:”Thank you, I just want you to understand that I’m here

you are not in this alone”

Mesuli:”I know sthandwa sam” she has made sure that he feels
her presence for a reason her being around him calms him down.

Ababalwe:”When is Nancy leaving?”

Mesuli:”After the funeral”

Ababalwe:”That’s good because I don’t want to share you

anymore” he frowns looking at her.

Mesuli:”I thought you were okay with being in a polygamous


Ababalwe:”I was okay before I knew how I felt about you. I know it
may sound selfish that want to share yet I made Nancy share her
husband with me unfortunately that’s the truth I can’t share you”

Mesuli:”And you won’t share me I promise”


Losing her mother and sister hit her harder than she thought it
She barely slept she is still in disbelief that Nobuntu ended life.

Yes their relationship was very different, they had more fights
than fun but it doesn’t mean that she didn’t love she did and now
she is hurting.

After chatting for a while with Mesuli and Ababalwe she went
straight to bed.

She was feeling a little bit tired and dizzy.

It’s almost 2 am she is shivering she doesn’t feel well.

She feels cold yet she is sweating like a pig.

Nontle:”Yoli are you okay?” They are sharing a bed since they have

Yolanda:”I’m cold”

Nontle:”But you are sweating Yolanda and it’s hot in here”

Yolanda:”I don’t feel too good” Nontle stands up and gives her

Nontle:”Drink some water I will wake Bhuti up” she quick walks
She knocks on the door and opens before they let her in.

Nontle:”Something is wrong with Yolanda” she says as Mesuli is

looking at her, Ababalwe is the first one to jump out of the bed
and run to Yolanda’s room.

Ababalwe:”Yolanda what’s wrong?” She said touching her


Yolanda:”I don’t know” she says with her voice shaking.

Mesuli:”We need to get to the hospital”

Ababalwe:”It’s far though” she squeeze Yolanda’s hand tight

something happens like a quick vision or a flashback she quickly
lets go of Yolanda’s hand.

Nontle:”What’s wrong Ababalwe?” She snaps out of the trance of


Ababalwe:”Get me some oil and milk” she says and Nontle quickly
leaves the room.

Mesuli:”Ababalwe what are you doing? We should take her to the

hospital right now I can’t lose another person I can’t” he says
already picking her up from the bed.

Ababalwe:”Put her down!”

Mesuli:”Ababalwe I…”

Ababalwe:”They won’t be able to help her if you take her there she
will die put her down!” She says almost yelling at him Nontle
comes back.


Ababalwe:”Mesuli put Yolanda down please trust me” he puts her


Mesuli:”If she dies I will never forgive you” he puts her down and
walks out, Ababalwe swallows she is a bit hurt by his words but
it’s not the time to nurse her feelings.

Ababalwe:”Here drink this Yolanda” she helps her drinks the oil
she gags.

Nontle quickly goes to the bathroom comes back with a bucket.

Yolanda gags and then vomit inside the bucket.

Nontle:”Here drink some water”

Ababalwe:”No don’t give her water she will drink milk”

Yolanda weakly looks at Ababalwe who squeeze her hand.

Yolanda:”I’m going to die”

Ababalwe:”No don’t say that! You won’t die okay?” Yolanda teary
looks at her.

Yolanda:”I’m scared”

Ababalwe:”Me too, I’m also scared but I’m here okay? Please
don’t close your eyes” she nods.
Nancy walks in and looks at Yolanda, her heart starts beating fast.

Nancy:”What happened?!” Ababalwe looks at her and stands up.

A slap lands on Nancy’s face, Nancy looks at her shocked.

Ababalwe:”That was the last straw Nancy! You will pay for this”


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[05/24, 6:52 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She is standing next to the window, she didn’t go back to her

room because she wanted to make sure that Yolanda is safe and

She can’t stop but think about the vision or whatever that was.

She is trying to make sense of it but nothing make sense.

She can’t believe that Nancy would go as far as trying to kill her.

It’s just weighing heavy on her, after she slapped she told her to
leave the room.
She is still not sure what she is going to do but she can’t accuse
her without a proof even she knows the truth.

Nancy will just deny it and it will sound as if she is just a jealous
sister wife.

She needs to think of a way to expose her and put her in a spot
where she won’t be able to deny anything.

But what if she tries it again? What is going to happen? She sigh
and look at Yolanda who is peacefully sleeping.

Mesuli walks in and looks at Yolanda then at her.



Mesuli:”I’m really sorry about what I said, fear just took over me”
she looks at her.

Ababalwe:”I was scared too I understand that you were scared

but walking out on me like that, that hurt me” he swallows

Mesuli:”I know, I shouldn’t have walked out on you”

Ababalwe:”Yolanda is important to me I love her, I wouldn’t have

done anything that’s going to put her life in danger” he sigh he
messed up and he knows it.

He is about to say something when Yolanda opens her eyes they

both rush to her.

Mesuli is the first one to hug her then let Ababalwe hugs her.

Mesuli:”You scared us, how are you feeling?”

Yolanda:”I don’t know but I’m tired and hungry”

Ababalwe:”I will make you food”

Mesuli:”It’s okay I will make her food” Ababalwe nods.

Yolanda:”I should almost die often so I could receive so much


Mesuli:”Don’t say that!”

Yolanda:”I was just joking Bhuti”

Mesuli:”We lost two people Yolanda you can’t joke like that” she

Yolanda:”I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you”

Ababalwe:”It’s okay baby”

Yolanda:”What happened to me?” Ababalwe doesn’t say anything.

Mesuli:”We don’t know but a doctor will come check you we will
find out” she nods, Mesuli leaves the room.

Yolanda:”Bhuti is going through a lot, he is besides himself” she

says after he walked out.

Ababalwe:”I know after what happened he is scared of losing you

or Nontle. He was really scared”

Yolanda:”I was also scared I thought I was dying” she says teary
and Ababalwe hugs her.

Ababalwe:”You are okay now”

Yolanda:”How did you know what you were supposed to do?”

Ababalwe:”I didn’t” Yolanda frowns

Yolanda:”But you knew it”

Ababalwe:”Yes I knew I mean I didn’t…I had a vision”

Yolanda:”What do you mean you had a vision?” She sigh looking

at the door then back to Yoli.

Ababalwe:”Then don’t say anything to anyone okay?”

Yolanda:”I won’t”

Ababalwe:”I had a vision Yolanda, I don’t know what’s going on. In

the vision it showed me what to do and I also saw what made you


Ababalwe:”Yeah I don’t know Yolanda I just…”

Yolanda:”You saw what made me sick”

Ababalwe:”Yes i know but I can’t tell you I don’t want to make


Yolanda:”Accusations how when I’m here and alive because of

what was shown to you in that vision? With me alive and well it
shows that’s it’s facts not accusations”

Ababalwe:”Facts that I can’t back up with evidence. I need to talk

to the uncle and try to understand why I’m having visions like

Yolanda:”Okay then” Mesuli opens the door and Mesuli walks in

with food.

Mesuli:”Here eat something”

Yolanda:”Thank you”

Mesuli:”And Banzi is his way here you better bath you smell like

Yolanda:”He is coming here?”

Mesuli:”Yes, you almost died so I thought having someone close

to your heart will make you feel better” she nods seeing his
brother open up to the idea of their relationship makes her happy.


She can’t believe what happened, she doesn’t understand how

Yolanda digested that, it was meant for Ababalwe.
Ababalwe slapped her which means she knows something what if
she tells everyone what happened.

She is pacing up and down in her bedroom she is not sure what to
do. She can’t lose now.

She takes her phone and calls her mother.

“Nancy it’s too early to call!”

Nancy:”I messed up!”

“what is that supposed to mean?”

Nancy:”Yolanda drank that potion instead of Ababalwe”

“What?! Is she okay?”

Nancy:”She is okay but I think Ababalwe knows what I did”

“Nancy you are stupid how can you mess up like that”

Nancy:”I don’t need that right now”

“You are not sure that she knows, if she knew you would be out of
that house by now. Stop panicking and win your husband back!”
She hangs up maybe her mother is right.


It’s been two days after the funeral, it was very sad but he is glad
that the worse part is over at the same time it pains him that he
won’t see nor to talk to his sister ever again.

He looks at Ababalwe who is getting out of the bathroom.

Things haven’t been good between them, he really hurt her.

She hasn’t been herself to him like she used to be.

He is miserable and miss her a lot.

Mesuli:”Babe” he says like he is pained.

Ababalwe:”mmh” he sigh.

Mesuli:”I miss my wife I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you I’m sorry.
Please forgive me I’m miserable” Ababalwe looks at him, she has
made him suffer for a week.

Ababalwe:”You hurt me Mesuli, you need to understand that I’m

your wife and you can’t talk to me anyhow”

Mesuli:”I know babe and I’m sorry okay?” She sigh then nods.

Ababalwe:”Let’s hope this won’t happen again”

Mesuli:”I promise it won’t” he says wrapping his arms around her
and kiss her “I’m sorry okay?”

Ababalwe:”Okay, I also have something to tell you but later on”

Mesuli:”What is it?” She chuckles.

Ababalwe:”I said later, for now deal with the matter at hand” she
perk his lips, he is now curious.

Mesuli:”Is it bad or good?”

Ababalwe:”Neither babe, trust me it’s not bad I promise” he nods.

Mesuli walks inside Nancy’s room and looks at her as she is

putting her dress on.

Her belly is now fully showing.

Mesuli:”Free to talk?” He doesn’t understand why she is still here

because he barely talks to her.


Mesuli:”I think it’s about time we talk about our marriage. It’s long
overdue don’t you think”

Nancy:”What about it?”

Mesuli:”I think it’s about time we end it, we are both no longer
happy in it” she swallows looking at him.

Nancy:”What do you mean end it?”

Mesuli:”Nancy I don’t love you anymore I can’t pretend that I still
love you”

Nancy:”It’s her right? This is her fault!”

Mesuli:”My wife had nothing to do with this, you are acting all
crazy but you know what you did. You are acting as if you didn’t
cheat on me with Jason!” Her eyes widen while her heart beat
faster “What? you think I did know? I knew all along. I loved you at
that moment I was hurt by you!”

Nancy:”Mesuli please I don’t know what you are talking about. I

never slept with Jason after we broke up” he laughs making her
heart beat even faster.

Mesuli:”So am I fool?”

Nancy:”No you are not Mesuli”

Mesuli:”Then why are you denying the truth! You know what I
don’t even care at this point I want you to leave my home”

Nancy:”I’m not leaving Mesuli and I’m not going to divorce you”

Mesuli:”Divorce me how when we were never married?”

Nancy:”What are you talking about?! we are married!” She

swallows as she feels the temperature of her body rising.

Mesuli:”Prove that we are married, me and you were never

married! So I want you to leave I don’t want to mishandle or
embrace you in front of the family so please leave” she looks at
him getting teary.

Nancy:”Please Mesuli we can fix this. I forgave you for kissing

another woman!”

Mesuli:”You compare kissing with sleeping with someone else!

You left me at night to sleep with him. Nancy I don’t love you there
is nothing to fix I’m not even hurt that this relationship has come
to an end. We were never married Nancy, I had a plan to mess
with you and hurt you but that plan fell a part when I fell in love
with Ababalwe! You should be grateful because I was going to
make your life a living nightmare!”

Nancy:”Mesuli Please I’m pregnant with your child! You can’t just
kick me out…”

Mesuli:”Trust me I almost believed that child was mine but I’m so

attentive Nancy, I don’t forget anything. So there was no way that
baby would be mine when me and you didn’t have sex for about a
month. That night you were trying to sleep with me but Jason
ruined things for you because he called to blackmail you. So I
want you to leave and I should thank you for pushing me to
Ababalwe’s arms because that’s where I found peace” she shakes
her head sobbing.

Nancy:”Please forgive me! I made a mistake but I know this baby

is yours please. Where will I go?”

Mesuli:”Go to your baby daddy Nancy! I will help you with your
bags” she sits down crying.

Nancy:”No I’m not leaving!”

Mesuli:”Then I will drag your ass out!”


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[05/24, 6:53 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Nancy starts crying looking at Mesuli, hoping he will say he is

playing but no he is not her tears don’t even move him.

He picks up her bag and drag them out, she quickly follows him
grabbing the bag from him.

Nancy:”Mesuli please!”

Mesuli:”Let this bag go I don’t want to do something I’m going to


Nancy:”No please I don’t care what you do to me but I’m not

leaving here. I love you with all my heart and I made a mistake. I
will let Ababalwe be! I won’t bother her anymore we could all
make our marriage work please” he shakes his head this girl has
clearly lost it now.

Mesuli grabs her arm carefully not to hurt her because those are
not his intentions.
She starts screaming begging him to let her stay.

Everyone is now aware of what is happening.

“Mesuli what is this?” His uncle asked.

Mesuli:”Nothing Nancy is just leaving” she swallows looking at

him as tears stream down her cheeks.

“What’s the noise about then? Why is she acting this way?”

Nancy:”I don’t want to leave this is my marital home”

“Mesuli she is carrying your child and she is our daughter in law…”
One of the aunties say but Mesuli quickly cut her off.

Mesuli:”Nancy isn’t my wife, she was never introduced to the

Mkhize’s ancestors so she is not even recognised by my
ancestors. And the baby you are talking about it’s not mine!”
Ababalwe looks at him also shocked by the revelation.

Everyone is quiet there is nothing they can honestly do and beside

Mesuli is stubborn.

Nancy looks at Ababalwe and shake her head with tears

streaming down her cheeks.

Nancy:”Are you happy now?! You ruined my marriage we were

happy before you came into our lives. This is your fault!”

Mesuli:”Cut the crap Nancy and take accountability for once! You
can’t even admit that you were wrong you rather blame my wife
for everything that’s going wrong!”

Nancy:”Stop calling her your wife!” It was like he is doing it on

purpose just to hurt her.

Mesuli drag the bags and put them inside the car.

He pulls her inside the car and close it.

Mesuli:”Please go home, you see what just happened here it’s

nothing and if you keep pushing me I will break you until you go
crazy” she can barely recognise the man in front of her and she is

Mesuli walks inside and Nancy drive off crying.

Mesuli find Ababalwe holding Junior who is slowly falling asleep,

he looks at her.

Mesuli:”Are you okay?” She puts Junior to sleep.

Ababalwe:”So all along you knew that Nancy’s baby wasn’t yours”

Mesuli:”Yes I knew” she sigh shaking her head “What’s going on?”
Ababalwe:”If you didn’t keep her around Yolanda wouldn’t have
had a near death experience” he frowns.

Mesuli:”What are you talking about?”

Ababalwe:”Nancy poisoned my tea but instead Yolanda drink it, it

was meant for me”

Mesuli:”What?! And you didn’t tell me anything?”

Ababalwe:”No I didn’t because I didn’t have proof. I just had a


Mesuli:”A vision?”

Ababalwe:”Yes I didn’t know how to help Yoli and I was shown

what to do Mesuli it’s confusing. I was hoping we could talk to
uncle maybe he will know what it means”

Mesuli:”Okay but I’m still stuck on the part where you say Nancy is
the reason I almost lost Yoli”

Ababalwe:”I know you will be angry and I know that Nancy has
done a lot of things but you are also at fault. So please she is out
of our lives can we just let it go I’m trying to have a peaceful life”
he sigh.

Mesuli:”I don’t know Ababalwe…” she kisses him and touched him,
he swallows as he reacts to her touch.

Ababalwe:”I miss you”

Mesuli:”Don’t try to use your touch to win this”

Ababalwe:”I’m not besides there is no winning with you” she takes

his hand and put it under her skirt while staring in his eyes.

He swallows feeling her wetness and rub her clit.

Mesuli:”We can’t have sex…”

Ababalwe:”I know but you are good with your fingers and I’m
horny” he chuckles kissing her.


Daisy is surely in her happy girlfriend era, everything is going so


Her business has been successful thanks to Jason and his well
connected family.

But she also has to give credit to herself and her team because
they are the hands that have been creating magic.

They just came back from Jason’s grandma’s party, his family
loves her a lot it pains her that she can’t even introduce him to
hers because her mother doesn’t care it’s all Nancy that matters.

Daisy take off her shoes and look at her feet they hurt like hell.

Jason comes back with her slippers and sits next to her then take
her feet and massage then she closes her eyes enjoying the

Jason:”Today was great”

Daisy:”Yeah it was amazing, your family is the best”

Jason:”So when am I meeting your mother?” She sigh she doesn’t

want her mother and Nancy to ruin things for her.

Daisy:”It’s not easy Jason…”

Jason:”I know babe but I want to marry you Daisy” blunt out she
looks at him shocked “Yes I want to marry you, I don’t want to
play house with you I want you to be mine Daisy” Daisy teary
looks at him she has been emotionally lately.

Daisy:”I don’t want them to ruin us”

Jason:”They won’t I just want to meet her and let her know I’m
marrying you that’s it. Please trust me” she nods.

Daisy:”Okay I will talk to her if she doesn’t approve of us I will just

talk to my uncles. I have a good relationship with them”

Jason:”Okay but let’s try your mother first we can’t go behind her
back” he kisses her cheek.

Daisy:”Okay” he stare at her and she smiles almost blushing


Jason:”You are the best thing that ever happened to me, I know I
always say it but it just feels like I don’t say it enough”

Daisy:”I love you with every part of me Jason” she says kisses
him then thoughtfully looks at him “Give me five minutes I will be

Jason:”Where are you going?”

Daisy:”You will see” she quickly stands up and goes to the


Most of her stuff are here it’s like she has officially moved in she
is barely in her apartment.

Jason takes her phone and calls his mother while squeezing the
small gift box in his hand.

“Did she say yes?!” His mother ask excitedly.

Jason:”I didn’t ask her she has been holding back with marriage
stuff since she doesn’t want to see her family. I think she is ready
now can you get someone that’s going to set up something

“Of course, I’m proud of you Jason. I can’t thank God enough for
her, she has brought a grown side of you. Please take good care
of her” he smiles.

Jason:”I will mama, I have to go I will call you tomorrow” he says

watching her walking towards him wearing his T-shirt now with
one hand behind her back as if she is hiding something.
He puts the box in his pocket before she sees it, this girl has turn
his T-shirts to her dresses but he is not complaining.

Jason:”Babe what’s going on?” She swallows and looking at him

then shows her hidden hand.

Daisy:”I have been under the weather lately and this explains it” he
looks at the pregnancy test and takes it from her.

Jason:”You are pregnant” she nods.

Daisy:”I know it’s too early in our relationship the timing might be
off I didn’t mean to forget my shot last month it’s just that I had
so much going on and I know this might be a lot since you already
have a baby on the way” he looks at her as she nervously speak
and getting teary.

Jason:”Are you kidding me? The timing is perfect, this is our baby
Daisy” he says moving closer to her and pick her up.

Daisy:”So you are happy?”

Jason:”Of course I am and are you not?”

Daisy:”I mean I was scared of your reaction but seeing your

reaction I’m happy Jason”

Jason:”You have to know that when you meet the one there’s no
wrong timing” the sparkle in his eyes and the smile in his face
makes her realise that she has been ready to spend the rest of her
life with him for a while now.

She kisses him wrapping her legs on his waist.


She opens her eyes, her eyes are red and puffy. She has a terrible
headache she cried herself to sleep.

She has never been this hurt in her life.

She still can’t believe that Mesuli did this to her.

She didn’t even see any remorse in his eyes they were blank.

It hurts because she still loves him more than anything.

She stands up and goes to the bathroom and wash her face.

It’s almost dark outside, she gets inside the car and drives off.

The lights are on, she parks her car and walk to the door.

She takes a deep breath brushing her belly and knocks.

The door opens, she looks at him he is topless he frowns.

Jason:”What are you doing here?”

Nancy:”I am the mother of your child so what could I be possible

doing here. I’m here to see the father of my baby obviously” she
walks in maybe it’s time she fixes things with Jason, she knows
he loves her.

Jason:”Shouldn’t you be home with your husband?” She swallows

but quickly composed herself.

Nancy:”Well I’m here now”

Daisy appears rubbing her eyes wearing his T-shirt, their eyes

Nancy:”What are you doing here?” Daisy looks at her “I asked you
a question Daisy? What are you doing in my baby daddy’s house?”

Jason:”Hey! You can’t come here and yell at my woman that’s



A awa Nancy:”Your what? You are sleeping with my ex!? The

father of my baby?” Daisy looks at her.

Daisy:”I’m not sleeping with him! I’m his woman Nancy”

Nancy:”You bitch! I’m going to kill you” she says walking towards
her but Jason quickly stands in front of Daisy shielding her. Nancy
looks at him shocked.

Jason:”This is my house Nancy, you can’t just come here and

threaten the woman who lives in it” Nancy looks at Daisy then

Nancy:”Now it makes sense since I no longer give you money,

Jason was your easiest target to sponsor your lifestyle. Well that
ends here your services are no longer needed” Daisy roll her eyes.

Jason:”If you knew how amazing your sister is you would know
that any man would easily fall for her and I’m that man Nancy.
Nancy you no longer have a leg to stand on here because you no
longer have a hold over me I feel nothing for you anymore. And
now I even regret agreeing to make you pregnant I wish I knew I
would fall for your sister then I wouldn’t have done that” Nancy
looks at him with her heart pounding, Jason can’t be serious what
happened to liking successful women, no not with her sister.

Nancy:”You can’t be serious Jason! Daisy is a nobody she has

nothing! You can’t love her”

Jason:”That’s not true even if it was, I would have fallen deeply in

love with her because she is amazing” the way he was defending
her made Daisy love him more but it infuriated Nancy.

Nancy:”You are defending her! Why can’t she speak for herself?
She is scared that she is going to show her true colours she
doesn’t love you, she is here for your money!”

Daisy:”I’m not saying anything because I have nothing to prove to

you. I know my truth and your opinion don’t matter to me because
you don’t matter also it doesn’t add any value” Nancy looks at her
and she hates the confidence she is seeing now.

Jason:”Nancy why are you here? It’s late we would like to go to

bed” One thing Jason loves is his blood so she needs to think.

Nancy:”Okay fine Jason! You need to choose between her and our
baby. If you choose her you will never see this baby and I will
make sure of it”


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[05/24, 6:53 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Daisy look at Jason’s face she can’t read his emotion at the

She knows that Jason loves her but this is a tough spot to be put

Jason chuckles looking at Nancy.

Jason:”Are you serious right now?”

Nancy:”Yes you need to choose Jason! You can’t have it both


Jason:”You clearly lost it, you are miserable in your marriage now
you are coming back to try and ruin my relationship. I’m not going
to allow that so Daisy is staying Nancy. That baby you are carrying
is still stranger to me I’m not even attached to it so if you want to
keep it away from me that’s okay. I’m not going to break a bond I
have already creating with Daisy over a baby that’s not born yet so
keep the stranger sis” Nancy looks at him not sure that she heard
him correctly.

Nancy:”So you are choosing her over us?” Saying it hurts more.

Jason:”I’m choosing her over the baby you have nothing to do

with this!” Nancy looks at him, these men are hurting her.

She quickly walks out somehow feeling embarrassed and hurt.

Daisy look at Jason who turns to look at her.

Daisy:”Jason are you giving up on your baby?”

Jason:”No but I’m not going to let Nancy think she has a say in my
life. The baby isn’t even born yet so once it’s born that’s when I
will talk to our family lawyer” she nods and launch herself inside
his arms.

Daisy:”Thank you for loving me the way you do” he kisses the top
of her hand.

Jason:”Let’s go to sleep babe. I’m sorry about all of this”

Daisy:”Don’t apologise it’s not your fault”

Jason:”I love you, I will always choose you” he picks her up and
causing her to giggle.

She teary drives home calling her mother. It’s like everything is
falling apart.

She haven’t told her mother about Mesuli kicking out.

She wasn’t ready for the lecture that her mother is going to give

She still can’t believe that Daisy and Jason are together.

And Jason actually chose her over their baby.


Nancy:”Everything is falling apart Mom!”

“What does that mean?”

Nancy:”Mesuli kicked me out, he says we were never married”

“But he paid Lobola for you”

Nancy:”That doesn’t mean anything, where is the letter of my

Lobola and the document that the king signed”

“Mesuli took the documents I don’t know where the letter is”

Nancy:”I can’t even sue him, and now Daisy is dating Jason”

“Which Jason? Your ex?”

Nancy:”Yes and the baby I’m carrying is his mother and he chose
Daisy over the baby. She is hurting me Ma!” She says crying.
“Calm down Nancy, what do you mean you are carrying Jason’s

Nancy:”That’s a long story I just want Jason back”

“Okay I will talk to Daisy she can’t date the father of your child!
She is your sister” Her battery dies before she could answer.

She close her eyes feeling the abdominal pain strikes her.

She breathes in and out then continue driving but the pain is
getting worse.

She pulls over and groans getting teary.

She feels liquid coming out of her.

She touches down her panties and comes back with blood.

Nancy:”God please no! Not my baby” she says and starts driving
again, the pain is unbearable.

She stops the car and gets out crying, the amount of blood is
scaring her.

A car stops next to her as she waves for help, a woman gets out.
“Sis are you okay?”

Nancy:”No please help me, my baby” only then does the woman
realise she is pregnant.

“You are pregnant? You are losing a lot of blood”

Nancy:”Please save my baby please” everything around her

becomes dark.

A few hours later she opens her eyes and looks around the white

She looks at the machine connected to her it dawns on her that

she is in hospital.

She quickly touches her stomach and it’s flat.

A nurse walks in and she looks at her.

Nancy:”Where is my baby?”

“I’m sorry there was nothing we could have done there was a lot
of blood”

Nancy:”No please bring my baby to me”

“I can’t bring her to you but I can take you to her”

Nancy:”It’s a girl?” She says teary up.

“Yes let me get a wheelchair”

Nancy:”I can walk on my own!”

“Hospital policy ma’am, do you have anyone to call so they can be

with you” she shakes her head.

The nursery takes her where her baby is she looks at her.

There is no doubt that the baby belongs to Jason, her skin colour
says it all.

She has lots of hair, Nancy teary looks at the baby she is so tiny,
she was only just 5 months pregnant.

Nancy:”I want my baby! Please wake her up”

“I’m sorry sis, I will take you to your room”

She gets into the room and looks at her phone that’s connected to
a charger.

They were kind enough to charge her phone.

She still can’t believe that her baby is gone, she knows that she
was just using the baby to keep Mesuli and was willing to get rid
of it but she loved her baby

She calls Jason it rings for a while before he answers.

Jason:”Nancy” you could actually feel the irritation in his voice.

Nancy:”I lost the baby”

Jason:”I don’t believe you just yesterday you threatened to keep

the baby away from me so why should I believe you” she sniff.

Nancy:”You could come to the hospital and see her. I will send
you my live location”

Jason:”You are serious?”

Nancy:”Yes Jason our baby is gone” there is some silence.

Jason:”I’m sorry about the baby”

Nancy:”Can you come?”

Jason:”No I don’t want to come there, I told you that the baby was
a stranger to me. I’m not coming”

Nancy:”How heartless are you?”

Jason:”I’m not heartless Nancy but this is a part I’m willing to

sacrifice to protect my mental state. The baby is gone and
unfortunately there is nothing I can do. I don’t even feel sad about
it that’s the true. I’m actually okay with it at least I will no longer
have anything that’s connecting you and me. Have a great life” he
hangs up leaving her way too stunned to speak.

She was discharged a day later after she lost the baby, Jason
didn’t come for real she was hurt.

Her mother and aunties helped her with the baby.

Her mother tried calling Daisy but she just told them to go hang
themselves because she is not leaving Jason.

Now she regrets ever introducing them, she is also shocked that
Daisy has a company and doing interior design.

People who have hurt her they are living their lives and are happy
that ends today.

She takes her father’s gun and walk outside.

“Nancy where are you going?”

Nancy:”To take care of something” she gets inside her car and
drives off.

She goes to the garage and buy petrol then also a lighter.

She drives for a while and pulls over then walk to the house.

Tears fills her eyes and she looks around she was happy here.
She pours the petrol and stand by the door and throw a burning
stick on the floor.

She gets inside the car and drive away as flames fill the house.

She comes to a second stop and luckily she knows where the
spare key is.

She walks inside the house and she goes to the main bedroom.

Then look at Muzi’s clothes that are still in the closet.

She smiles and take off her clothes then put his clothes on.

It’s been over a year but some clothes still smells like him.

She throws herself on top of the bed and takes her phone then
calls Ababalwe.

Ababalwe:”Hello” she could the chaos in the background.

Nancy:”So you already find out about Mesuli’s house”

Ababalwe:”You did this?”

Nancy:”Yes and right now I’m at your house, wearing Muzi’s

clothes can you believe that they still smell like him”

Ababalwe:”I’m calling the police”

Nancy:”Go ahead but remember that your husband isn’t squeaky

clean! I know about the business deals from Mexico I have proof
so I will gladly sing to them”

Ababalwe:”What do you want Nancy!?”

Nancy:”I want you to come here alone”

Ababalwe:”Fine I’m coming” she hangs up and smile.

Ten minutes later her car pulls over and she walks inside.

Nancy walks out of the bedroom with a gun in her hand.

Nancy:”It’s funny you still have Muzi’s clothes yet you claim to be
in love with Mesuli” Ababalwe looks at her as she descend from
the stairs.

Ababalwe:”I haven’t been in this house since my son got sick”

Nancy:”Right, are you happy now Ababalwe? Everything was

perfect in my life and you came along then ruined it! You just had
to get it all” she says teary looking at Ababalwe and point the gun
at Ababalwe.

Ababalwe:”You know if you are not going to shoot me get that

thing off my face” Nancy looks at her “What? You thought I was
going to beg you not to kill me? No babe go ahead Nancy! Pull the
damn trigger” Nancy blinks looking at her.

Nancy:”Stop talking! I will shoot you babes”

Ababalwe:”You would have done it by now” Nancy laughs with

tears falling and turns the gun to herself and press it in her own

Nancy:”This is all your fault you just had to be perfect! You had it
all Ababalwe. Now this is what you are going to live with, watching
me kill myself in front of you! Every time you close your eyes you
will see me!”



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[05/24, 6:53 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



Nancy has officially lost her mind, at this point she is being a

For some reason she is not scared she is rather annoyed by her
stupid act.
Ababalwe:”I will sleep peacefully Nancy I could careless about
what you do to yourself. In fact wait don’t pull the trigger yet I
want to make popcorns so I could watch this unfold properly”

Nancy:”You think this is a joke”

Ababalwe:”Of course it is a joke Nancy, if you wanted to kill

yourself you wouldn’t have called me here you would have done it
without anyone disturbing. If you think I’m going to stop you from
killing yourself then you are wrong go ahead” Nancy swallows
looking at her.

And the door opens Mesuli walks in then look at Nancy.

Mesuli:”Are you serious right now?”

Nancy:”What are you doing here?”

Mesuli:”I came with Ababalwe I was outside, are you killing

yourself or not please decide and stop wasting our time” tears fill
her eyes.

Nancy:”The two of you are heartless” she drops the gun.

Ababalwe:”Really Nancy? All this drama for nothing what a


Then police officers walk in and Nancy look at Ababalwe


Ababalwe:”You don’t have any proof about my husband because

knowing you, you would have used it as leverage long time ago.
I’m not that naive and gullible. I’m sorry things ended this way but
I never did anything to you. The problem is you always wanted
what I have and this all led to this moment. You had so much to
live for Nancy it’s really sad that it came to this. I hope while you
are prison you sit down and look back at how you did things
hopefully you will realise your mistakes”

They cuff her and walk away, Mesuli looks at Ababalwe.

Mesuli:”Are you okay?”

Ababalwe:”Yeah it’s just sad that this where she ends up”

Mesuli:”Yeah that’s life” she looks at him.

Ababalwe:”This house has a lot of memories of me and Muzi, he

will always be in my heart but it’s time I sell it. Then since yours
burnt down to ashes we can start looking for a new house. Where
we both start afresh” he pulls her closer to him.

Mesuli:”I have something to tell you”


Mesuli:”I have been there since day one of your relationship with
my brother. I saw how you loved him and how he loved you. So
sometimes I get scared that I can’t love you the same way he
loved you or I can’t give you what he gave you. What if I don’t love
you like he did? I know he trusted me with you for a reason but I
just can’t seem to ask myself this question” Ababalwe smiles
looking at him and put her hand on his cheek.

Ababalwe:”Your brother was an amazing husband everyone

knows that but that was my story with him. Now this is ours
Mesuli they can’t be the same. I know you love me and your love
language is different from his. I want you to remember this, you
are not in my life to fill in his shoes and live in his shadow. You are
with me because of the love we share you are here because you
love me. I love you and I’m ready to start this new life with you” He
looks at her with relief and pick her up.

Mesuli:”I’m not perfect Ababalwe I will make mistakes but I need

you to know I love you more than anything and it scares me to
love someone this much” she kisses him.



Daisy is heavily pregnant and she can’t wait to finally give birth.

Her life has been great, Jason paid lobola for her even though her
mother didn’t support their relationship she accepted lobola it’s
probably because of money.

They are married but they haven’t had their wedding ceremony
they just went to court and signed.

She didn’t want to have a ceremony looking so fat she needs

great pictures for her wedding.
Jason’s sister is doing her make up she is forcing her to go out
even though she didn’t want to go out.

She is not in the mood, things haven’t been great between her and

Not that they are fighting but it’s like he is sneaking around a part
of her feels like he is cheating on her, for the past two weeks his
phone has a lock now.

He has been hanging up on phone calls when she walks inside the

Speak of the devil he walks in and looks at her.

Jason:”Can you give us a minute?” He says to his sister.

“Make it quick we don’t want to be late” she walks out.

Jason:”You look beautiful” she looks at him and not say anything
“Babe what’s wrong?” She can’t help but get teary and she looks
at him.

Daisy:”Is there someone else?” He frowns looking at her.


Daisy:”Are you cheating on me Jason? Am I boring you now that

I’m pregnant? Please tell me”
Jason:”Babe I could never cheat on you I swear”

Daisy:”Jason your behaviour is saying otherwise” he swallows.

Jason:”Please stop crying you are upsetting the baby, I’m not
cheating on you. I love you Daisy. Tell you what go out with my
sister then after you come back we will talk I promise I just want
you to know I love you and I could never cheat on you”

Daisy:”I don’t want to go out!”

Jason:”You can’t disappoint my sister, I promise we will talk once

you come back home” he kisses her forehead then her lips.

She is seriously not in the mood to go out but she has to.

“Are you okay?”

Daisy:”I’m fine”

“My brother loves you Daisy he could never hurt you. I overheard
your conversation” she just nods, she wants to go home and

She is experiencing some discomfort and cramps but she doesn’t

want to ruin this for her.

They pull up at the venue, one of her sister in law’s friends has a
gala dinner.
She is not up for this but she just has to do it.

They both walk to the door for a gala dinner it’s too quiet.

The walk in and the lights turned on.

“Surprised!” She looks around shocked and confused, her eyes

travel to Jason how did he get here when they left him at home.

Daisy:”What’s going on?”

Everyone hugs her she realises it’s her baby shower everything it’s

Ababalwe approaches her and hug her

Ababalwe:”You look beautiful!” Daisy decided to reach out to her

after what happened to them and apologised.

She regretted what she said to her and Ababalwe has a good
heart she forgave her.

She thought she would never forgive her especially after what
Nancy did but she did forgive her, it’s good to say they do have a
friendship in fact she is the only person who she is friends with
her outside work and her in laws
Ababalwe hired her company to design her new home, so their
relationship it’s good.

Daisy:”Thank you, you look beautiful too”

Ababalwe:”How is the pregnancy treating you?”

Daisy:”I just can’t wait to give birth” Ababalwe laughs.

Ababalwe:”I know that feeling”

Jason walks towards and kisses her hard.

Jason:”I’m sorry that I made you feel like I was stepping out of our
marriage. I just wanted to surprise you that’s why I have been
having sneaky phone calls and locked my phone because I didn’t
want to ruin the surprise” Daisy teary looks at him feeling guilty
for even accusing him of cheating.

Daisy:”I’m sorry I accused you of cheating I just… I don’t know” he

smiles looking at her chubby face.

Jason:”Do you love it?”

Daisy:”It’s beautiful thank you”

Jason:”Let’s go sit down” he takes her hand and help her sit down.

Daisy:”This is beautiful babe, thank you”

Jason:”I aim to please my love” he kisses her hand and her baby
shower continues.

It’s almost late and everyone is still enjoying the party Daisy looks
at Jason and he looks at her.

Jason:”Are you okay?”

Daisy:”My water broke, I think I’m going to labour”

Jason:”Right now?”

Daisy:”Yes and my contractions are worse now”

Jason:”How long have you been experiencing them?”

Daisy:”Since morning”

Jason:”Dammit Daisy why didn’t you say anything?” He only calls

her name when he is angry.

Daisy:”I’m sorry” he looks at her and his face soften.

Jason:”I’m sorry, the hospital is three hours away from here. I will
call for help but I will have to deliver the baby myself” She teary
looks at him and nods.

He goes to his mother and tell her what’s going.

“It’s okay sweetheart, you will be fine” All the guys take off their
jackets and lay them down then walk out leaving her with Jason,
his mother, sister and she also asked Ababalwe to stay she is the
closest thing she has to a family.
Jason:”Okay baby you need to lie down” she lies down and Jason
checks her “You are seven centimetres dilated”

An two hours later she has to push, this is not how Jason thought
he would be doing during his baby birth.

A baby’s voice fills the whole room even the guys waiting outside

Jason:”She is perfect” he says teary looking at her and Daisy

smile looking at him.

He takes his shoe lace and tie the umbilical cord then cut it and
covers his baby.

He hands him to Daisy and kiss her forehead.

Jason:”Thank you so much babe”

“She is beautiful” his mother says teary looking at the baby.

Ababalwe:”Are you okay?” Daisy weakly nods.

Daisy:”I’m fine thank you for staying” she looks at her daughter
and smiles as Jason squeeze her hand.

Daisy:”I love you so much”

Jason:”I love you too babe”


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Remember the last chapter will only come, when our sponsor gets
to Position 6 or 5.

[05/24, 6:53 pm] #o: SISTER WIFE



She has been here for the past seven months, life here is difficult
and different.

She tried pleading insanity but they did a psych evaluation and
she was as sane as they come.

She thought her feelings here would change but no she still hates

She can’t bring herself to be sorry about everything she did.

Everything she did was something she was supposed to do at the

And now those people have moved on with their lives are happy.

Finding out that Jason paid lobola for her sister hurt her a lot.

She still wanted him and she found out that Daisy is now pregnant
for him.

Daisy is basically living the life she was supposed to have.

Jason didn’t even care about her being pregnant and then losing
her baby.

Now he is playing the role of being a father of the year while she
is stuck in prison for the next two years.

The guard announce that she have a visitor.

she walks to the visitation room and see her, she don’t even know
how this one become friends with her well she knows why they
are friends it’s because they have a common enemy.

Zingce:”What happened to your face?”

Nancy:”I got into a fight”

Zingce:”Did you win?”

Nancy:”No I didn’t” Zingce laughs.

Zingce:”God Nancy learn to defend yourself I can’t be coming

here always find you with bruises”

Nancy:”What’s new?”

Zingce:”Your sister gave birth to a little girl and it seems like your
best friend is your sister’s best friend now” she swallows.

Nancy:”You already told me that they are friends Zingce! I don’t

want to hear about it again!”

Zingce:”Okay! Don’t bite my head off”

Nancy:”So my sister gave birth to a girl?” She says thinking about

her own daughter.

Zingce:”Yes and her husband bought him a car as a gift” she


Nancy:”Yet I got nothing”

Zingce:”I’m sorry marn”

Nancy:”I need Jason to pay for what he did to me, he can’t love
my sister’s child and ignore mine”

Zingce:”By pay what do you mean?”

Nancy:”I want you to kidnap that baby” her eyes widen in shock.

Zingce:”Do what? No!”

Nancy:”I know it’s a lot…”

Zingce:”I can’t kidnap a baby! What will I even do with a baby! No”
Nancy:”I will pay you a R100k” Zingce swallows.

Zingce:”How? You are in here”

Nancy:”Yes but I have a lot of money outside. My account were

not frozen so once the job is done, you will take one of my cards
and get your money” Zingce looks at her blinking.

R100k is a lot of money it could change her life.

Zingce:”I will think about it”

Nancy:”Fine, remember to follow my instructions with this Zingce”

Zingce:”What about Ababalwe and Mesuli?”

Nancy:”We will deal with those two soon”


It’s been two days since she experienced the birth of Daisy’s baby.

They are friends now and she couldn’t blame her for sister’s

And with a gift she has she can read people and with Daisy she
could tell how sincere she was when she apologised.

Yes she has a gift which MaMkhize had too but it was taken away
from her because she used it for wrong reasons.
She is still learning about how her gift works with the guidance of
Mesuli’s uncle obviously.

But one of the things she is sure about it is to protect those close
to her heart and those who are in need.

And apparently the gift was meant to start when she is with her

Muzi was the love of her life someone her heart always yearned
for but her soulmate is Mesuli someone who she was meant to be

The past few months have been amazing for her, her life is

She is happy with Mesuli, the man is loving her in right ways and
he is fulfilling every aspect of her life.

If anything she can say that the Mkhize’s ancestors knew what
they were doing, even though their will hurt her first before
bringing happiness and peace.

She sigh after a vision is shown to her, she hates that these
ancestors just show her things out of the blue.
She takes her handbag and leaves the office.

She drives to the house and get out of the car.

She knocks at the door and it opens.


Jason:”Hey please come in” Jason and Mesuli are not friends but
they are civil towards each other because of their wives they have
no choice.

Daisy smiles looking at her while breastfeeding her daughter.

Ababalwe:”How are my girls?”

Daisy:”We are good how are you?” She smiles.

Ababalwe:”I’m okay, I just have a gift for my goddaughter” she

says taking out a bracelet and putting it on in her little wrist “This
will protect her” Daisy look at her swallowing.

Daisy:”What’s going to happen to my daughter?” She knows about

her gift.

Ababalwe:”Nothing as long as you don’t take it off, no one will be

able to remove it besides you guys and me”

Jason:”What did you see?”

Ababalwe:”Nancy, she is planning something but please trust me

it won’t happen”
Jason:”Why is she doing this?”

Ababalwe:”She is angry about what happened to her daughter and

blaming you but there is nothing she can do” Jason squeeze
Daisy’s hand.

Daisy:”Nothing will happen right?”


After spending some time with them she went home.

Junior runs to her and she picks him up he has grown. He looks
like his father.

Ababalwe:”Hey babe” she says kissing him all over his face and
his little giggle feels the room.

Mesuli walks towards them and kiss Ababalwe.

Mesuli:”Hey babe”

Ababalwe:”Hey love”

Mesuli:”How did things go?”

Ababalwe:”They went well, I think in just a few months the project

will be done”

Mesuli:”I have a smart wife” she smiles looking at him.

Yolanda walks out all dressed up and they look at her.

Mesuli:”And where are you going?”

Yolanda:”Banzi is taking us to dinner so don’t wait for me”

Ababalwe:”You look beautiful baby drive safe”

Yolanda:”Thank you mama I will” she walks out, Mesuli groans

causing Ababalwe to laugh.

Mesuli:”God she is growing and I can’t handle it, I can’t” she

laughs looking at his face.

Ababalwe:”Banzi loves her I had my reservation with him at first

but I have to say that man loves Yolanda with his whole heart”

Mesuli:”I know, I should say that I would rather have him as

Yolanda’s boyfriend I know he will treat her right” she kisses him.

Ababalwe:”I’m pregnant” Mesuli looks at him.

Mesuli:”Are you kidding me?”

Ababalwe:”No babe, we final have our baby growing inside me” He

smiles teary looking at her.

Mesuli:”Sthandwa sam thank you so much” he says hugging her


Ababalwe:”I love you”

Mesuli:”You have no idea how much you mean to me Ababalwe,

you have brought peace in my life. Thank you for being patient
with me and loving me right. I can’t wait to hold our baby girl I just
know it’s a girl we already have Junior”

Ababalwe:”I’m also praying for a girl but it doesn’t matter. I know

you will be a great father, you have loved my son like your own
since day one for that I’m grateful and I’m grateful for everything
you have done for us. I wouldn’t change anything in my life”

Mesuli:”Please get comfortable I will cook today” he kisses her

forehead and her heart skips a bit.

She watches him cook while Junior keeps disturbing him, these
are the moments she just can’t wait to come back when she is
not home.

She rubs her belly this will be a perfect addition to her family she
can’t wait.

The following morning she drives to an apartment complex, she

knocks and the door opens.

Ababalwe:”Long time no see”

Zingce:”What are you doing here?” She chuckles and walk inside.

Ababalwe:”You don’t learn Zingce do you?”

Zingce:”What are you talking about?”

Ababalwe:”You know exactly what I’m talking about Zingce, Nancy

is just using you and if you try kidnapping that baby it won’t
happen but I can tell you one thing you will end up in a cell with
Nancy” she swallows with her heart pounding.

Zingce:”I don’t know anything about kidnapping”

Ababalwe:”You know Zingce so please for once use your brain.

And it’s sad that you are doing all this just because you hate me. I
never wronged you if anything I should be the one hating you but I
don’t. This is just a friendly warning to you so stop this nonsense.
Please tell Nancy that I was never her Sister Wife, she should let
that idea go” She walks to the door but stop and look at Zingce
who still looks dumbfounded.

Ababalwe:”I honestly don’t get how me and you share a father and
are biologically sisters we are so different”




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