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meat 4 Origins of Judaism rs Cec) Io, Diobof retold by Geraldine McCaughrean illustrated by Peter Siu ‘The ancient Hebrews were the ancestors of the Jewish people. “The Hebrew Bible, or holy book of the Jewish people, tells about the history of the ancient Hebrews, their belief in God, and a set of laws forll ing. It also contains many stories related to the world long age, including this one. aa Tn the early days of the world, allthe people on Earth were of one wandering tibe—tent-dwellers in search of somewhere to build in brick and stone. The place they chose was feat plain inland called Shinar ‘But not content to Build a house, oF a street ofhouses, ora city of streets, they said, “Let's build a tower—the highest the world has ever seen. Let's build itso high that its roof bongs agninst Heaven and people can see it from halfa world away! We shall be famous forever!” They could doit too, because they cooperate, plan, send messages from bottom to top of the tower and, above all, think inthe same words. Their great {fault was pride: the wish to be on a level with God, without first ‘measuring up to Him in goodness. ‘They built, and as they built God watched with mounting anger. Between each baked brick was a ‘mortar of slime, and a slimier layer of arrogance. “Soon we'll be equal with God!” they crowed, from on top of ‘their monumental chimney p “We'llbe up among the angels” So God pulled a brick from the base all spoke the same language and could of the tower and breathed on it: huh. Baitang eS x eens Benes ind they said ...letus build usa city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name Down itcame, with the slowness _a thousand different languages,and. ‘of a falling tree, and shattered along how men were parted from each other the ground in a mile-long cloud of _forever by the difference, dust. All the builders who clung to its sides were hurled to the four quarters. of the Shinar Plain and far beyond. ‘And when they got to their feet and, began the long walk back, they found their mouths full of dust. Calling out to their comrades, they heard their words come out as yibberiste words and accents and alphabets had all, been Jarred by the fall into a confusion of sound, a babble, ‘And that is how the tower gained its name, how Language broke into lesponse Corner © What problems do you think pride Creates in the world today? © Mhis story offers for why people speak i languages. Wy do you think so many languages are spoken throughout the world today? fxtime NN Soma menus ‘Abana ster The erates mia fnesapoteme Sire rm Eo TCO) fee Beginnings of Cee ae the Hebrew Pyro Es es People Taig) |= not long ater 2000 8 Meet You lve in pastoral family wate ‘south of Mesopotamia. Your tees family’s herd of sheep has thinned Eee the grees inthis area. “I's time to Ponies move on," your fether has said Gooner 'As your family and its herd move tothe north, you pass another family of herders traveling tothe south, Pe Your father asks the farmily’s leader, Abram, about aoe available grasses farther north. Abram reassures your father but also tells him that he is taking his family cect south to the land of Cans 1 (KAY-nuhn). eta) eer Canaan Enyot Pon Ee ee pes Peed Abraham ‘The ancient Hebrews are the early ances- tors ofthe Jewish people. Long ago, the ancient Hebrews founded new ideas in religion, which became the origins of ‘Judaism, the religion ofthe Jewish people. Judaism was the fist religion based on ‘onothelsm (MAHnuhetheesihezuhm), the concept of one God, who set down moral Jaws for humanity. These laws provide people with rues fr living good lives The ancient Hebrews are described in the Torah—the oldest religious writings of the Jewish people. The Torah is part af the Hebrew Bible, or Tarakh (aheNAHK). The la Testament ofthe Christian Bible con- tains the same text as the Hebrew Bible. “Many people use te Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament asa source of informa tion about the ancien! Hebrews. Scholars use other ancient writings and archaeologi- cal findings to add to our knowledge. ‘The account of the Hebrews begins with ‘Abraham. Some historians think Abraham —knovn as Abram in is early life—was born in Mesopotamia in about 2000 8. “Mesopotamians believed in many gods, but Abram believed in one God. According to the Hebrew Bible, God spoke to Abram, telling him to leave Mesopotamia and settle with his family in Canaan. ‘After traveling across the desert, Abram and his family reached Canaan. There, the Bible says, Abram hesrd God say, “I will assign ths land to your offspring.”* This nnetoent-centary panting shows Abraham leading his fy through the desert Cana, ‘The Bible says that God made a éovenant with Abram. In this special agreement, God promised that Canaan would always belong to Abram and his descendants. For his part of the covenant, Abram agreed to worship God alone. Later. all Hebrews ‘came to hold this belief. ‘The Bible tells that God teld Abram to change his name to Abraham, which means “father of many” in Hebrew Through one of his sons, Isaac, Abraham became known as the father of the Jewish people. CESIEIND Scenenauze ‘What was Abrahans maia religious b ot The ani Egyptian word ara maans “Tans foreigner” Toth pope ving in cient fay and Canaan, Abcam nd fis fay ware abi or Hebrews. te ETE) EGE Analyre Maps Historian believe that Abroham ‘and Mess alowed te rots shown ois map. ‘@ Movement In what aes dhe routs ond? The Israelites ‘Abraham's son Isaachad a son named Jacob. Jacob, who became known as Israel, had 12 sons. ‘The Hebrew Bible states that Jacob loved his son Joseph more than his other sons. ‘The other sons became eslous when Jacob gave Joseph a beautiful multicolored robe. Toseph had a dream that one day his brothers would bow down to him. In anger, the brothers sold Joseph to traders on thelr way to Egypt. They let their father think that a wild animal had Killed Joseph. Toseph lived for many years in Egypt Although the Egyptians worshipped many gods, Joseph continued to follow ‘Abraham's religion, worshipping God only. Because Joseph wat a gifted thinker, the pharaoh made him a trusted adviser. In time, Josephs authority grew to be second only to that of the pharaoh ‘At about tis time, famine struck Canaan. Joseph's brothers could not find food there. They traveled to Egypt to buy food, not knowing that Joseph was there. The brothers soon reunited. Late, Jacob's entire family moved to Egypt Each of facob's sons headed a separate tribe, or group, of decendants of israel, Te Israelites continued to live in Egypt for many years nine, life in Egypt changed forthe Israelites. The pharaoh of later imes feared thatthe Israelites might gain power in Egypt. As a result the pharaoh enslaved the Israelites CAUSE AND EFFECT ‘Why did the tsraelites move to Egypt? cee THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. | _-Aecording te the Bible, God spoke to ‘Moses, and these were His words": 11 [the Lord am your God who brought you cut ofthe land of Egypt, the house, 2f borage: You shal fave no thar gods besides Me. oe Moses and the Exodus ‘About 1300 8.. ‘Ancient Egypt ‘The Bible explains that the Israelites were slaves atthe time Moses was bor. Even so, tie pharaoh worried that the Israelites might overthrow the Egyptians. ‘To prevent this, the pharaoh ordered that every Israelite baby boy be drowned in the Nile River. One such baby was Moses. ‘Moses’ mother set him afloat in a basket ‘on the Nile, hoping that someone would save him. The pharaoh’s daughter rescued ‘Moses and raised him as an Egyptian. However, early on, Moses learned that he was an Israelite, ‘The Bibie tells that God told Moses to demand freedom for the Israelites, Moses ‘did as God said, but the pharaoh refused. YM got TROP 2. You shall not make for yourself a sculptured imagy idol. 13. You shall not swear fasaly by the name of the Lord your God. 4, Remember the sabbath day ond v keep ft hob, | 5. Honor your father and your mother 56. You shall not murder 7. You shallot commit adultery. You shall not steal, 9. You shall not bear flee witness against ‘your neighbor 5.10, You shal nt covet our neighbors "house «or anything that's your neighbors. x To change the pharaoh’s mind, God sent ten plagues (PLAYGZ), or disasters, to Egypt. The first nine plagues included the turning of the Nile waters into blood, swarms of insects, and hail. Even so, the Pharaoh would not free the Iralite. ‘The tenth plague persuaded the pharaoh to set the Israelites Fe. In one night, the Bible says, God killed the firstborn son of every Egyptian, including the pharaoh’s The Israelites’ mass departure from Egypt to escape slavery is known a the Exodus. Experts believe this event may have taken place in 1225 8. Tis event is described inthe second book ofthe Bible, which is called Exodus. Ater departing Egypt, the Israelites traveled onthe Sinai Peninsula along, the Red Ses. They wandered for 40 years, facing shortages of water and food. Chapter 6 © 207 ae 7 Cultural Hc Passover Every spring, Jewish people around the word celebrate Passover, @ holy day thet honors the Exodus. The neme Passover cores from the tenth plegue. According to the Bibl, God alowed the tenth plague © 08s over the houses ofthe Istedites, so it would no affect them. God passed over ther houses, sparing ther chicren. After this plague, the pharaoh fred the Irae. Jewrsh families hold spec ceremony ‘called the Seder. During this Servos, fam lies rend about the Exodus, express sorrow for fhe plagues God sent to the Egyptians ane eat ceftan foods, Jews observe Passover for eight days in memory of the xedus when their ancestors escaped fom Eqyptian slavery. Why was the development ‘of Judaiem by the ancient Hebrews important? 2. Use the term Exedus in a sentence. 3. How did the Ton Commandmente ditfor from earlier laws? CHTICAL THINKING, 4. GB Why was the Exodus a turning point inthe history ofthe Israoites? 85, EB Mike it Relevant Why do people today remember and celebrate events ofthe past? ‘The Bible says that God spoke to the Israelites at Mount Sinai along their route. ‘There, God renewed his covenant with the Israelites. God also presented Moses with two stone tablets carved witha set of laws called the Ten Commandments. ‘The Ten Commandments differed fom ‘earlier laws, which described crimes and punishments for those crimes. The Ten Commandments gave rules for responsible behavior and for worshipping God prop- ely. They became an important part of Judaism, EADS ceneRaLze ‘Why were the Ten Commandments important to the Israelites? xz Abraham and Moses are important to the history of the ancient Hebrews and to the origins of Judaism. Abraham founded Judaism, the first monotheistic religion. "Moses led the Israclites out of slavery in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God, 6. All Make « Diagram Using the information in this lesson, make a -diagram that shows the sequonce of major ‘everts inthe life of Moses. Write a briaf ‘description of each event. .D severwuce Ona separate sheet of paper, copy and complete the graphic organizer below. Moses “Have no fear! Stand by... for the Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again.?”* According to the Hebrew Bible, these were the words that Moses spoke tothe Iralte as he led them out of Egypt i the 1200s BC. Moses was one of the most important leader in Jewish history According tothe Hebrew Bible, God selected Moses to free the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt. Moses then led the Hebrews through the desert othe Promised Land, Canaan, In the Hebrew Bible, writings tll about Moses protecting and Why speaking up for others. Moses bravely tells the phurach to lense Chareee the Hebrews from slavery. He even pleads the Hebrews’ case before God. After leaving Egypt Counts and traveling or several years the 50) fio Se ewes Hebrews forget their covenant with ation eee en responsible kadar? God and begin worshipping dos Moses begs God not to punish them, saying, “Let not Your angex. O Lor, biaze forth against Your people..."* According to the Bale, ‘Moses was important to the Jewish Moveswateundassiaty people because he received the ee ee The Ten Commandments, which ‘became the bat forthe laws of Judaism, tll people how to worship God and how to behave responsibly. Moses lea Hebrews out of EqypttoCaraan eee ne ee IInd successful. Over time, the number of Israelites in Egypt increased. Some even rose to positions of power in the Egyptian government. However, the Israelites’ freedom was not guaranteed. In ancien: Egypt, a person's freedom was based on the pharaoh’s decision. A pharaoh might enslave people who were not strong enough t defend themselves. According to the Bible, that is exactly what happened. It tells that one pharaoh worried about the large number of Israelites mend faInET an Epyptin ews were asd own rm gonwation to gererati, However garaohs ha come -uthontyf charge laws oto make neu us, NS When the early Isaelites moved from Canaan to Egypt they \ remained fee people. They could own land in Egyptand become XS living in Egypt. He feared that they sight try to overthrow him. The Bible says thatthe pharaoh enslaved the Ioraclites to prevent this from happening, He made life difficult for them with harsh labor. In the United States and other present-day democracies, this would not happen. Slavery ‘was legal in some parts ofthe United States until {twas outlawed in 1865, Today, however, the rule of law prevents leaders from taking away a people's freedom. The rule of law isa basic principle of democracy. It says that all citizens ofa nation, including leaders, must act according to the law. No leader can take away freedoms that are guaranteed by ‘written laws, such as those in the United States Constitution. ‘Alter he United States Canton ws signed (tp) Think About IP Sega voted tow The ‘Why is it important {for a country to have laws to protect ic Enns ‘About 10200, Saul comes th frat {injure rae OTe Sa OEE eats rani Cray Peo Lad The firs pana af this ilastration shows S ‘king ofthe rales, The second panel ‘The Hebrew Bible says thatthe Israelites reached Canaan 40 years after the Exodus. They settled in villages in the hills there. Unfortunately, enemies—including the Philistines—surrounded them on al sides, and neighboring kingdoms often attacked. In Cenaan, the Israelites lived a8 12 inde pendent tribes, each with its own leader. In times of war, an Israelite with strong military skills, called a udge, would rise to power to lead the people. A judge's leadership wes temporary—it lasted only for the length ofa conflict. | _ Without unity the relies had rouble | fighing of thir attacters. The Bible says, “In those days there was no king in sae everyone did ashe pleased" To survive, thelrelits decided hat they needed to unite under a single king. According to the Bibl, the Iroelites went to Same, respected tribal judge They asked Samuel to-appoint a King for us to gover us like all other nations" Samuel reminded the lsreltes that Goa shouldbe their only leader, He sid thal they would slr for ooding «king ea Tre Dea teed sec a anTerelte tbe, to serves the fist rer of he Kingrom of red, isterans believe that this took place in about 10208 ines decide they needed a king? David According 10 the Bible, David wes spac even as a ‘oy, Young David was a shepherd as wallas @ musician. (Once King Seu invited Dav o pay the tarp for him. ‘The Bible wads David with writing many 3f the Psalms. ‘The Ble abo tells about David and Goiath. The Philistines hada mighty watior named Gelath. Goat challenged the [saolites 1o send one solder to fight him, After Israeta soldier would accept the challenge young David volunteered. David quickly ‘made a singshot, and with just one store, he brought ‘down Golath. David had defended his peopl. ‘Make Ic Relevau: What other ways can conflicts be settled? David named the newly conquered city Saul and David of Jerusalem as the new capital of the king Except for the Philistines, King Saul dom of Israel. Jerusalem wes a good choice defeated many of the Israelites’ enemies, for a capital city. It lay between the lands of By conquering new territories, or regions, | David's tribe, Judah, and the lands of the Saul expanded his kingdom. ‘According to the Bible, Saul did not {follow God's commands. As a result, God rejected him, and Suul soon died in war. By ‘other tribes, Jerusalem did not belong to any single Isreeite tribe. eae Reverie Ting Dold prot iobe ne arog the Kingom even deteting the Pistines, | Intime the kingdom of nel etched fom Epp OMe sa se The Kingdom of Solomon David died in about 967 B.C, after ruling, {for 40 years. His son Solomon became the next king of Israel. ‘As king, Solomon began planning a temple in Jerusalem. He wanted the temple to be a place to worship God and to keep the Ark of the Covenant—the box that held the two stone tablets on which the ‘Ten Commandinents were carved. ‘According to the Bible, Solomor quickly put his plan into action. He directed work- rs to construct a building of limestone and to line the inside walls with cedarwood. Solomon placed the Ark, covered with gold and colored glass, in a special room in the temple. Called “the Temple” from then on, it _was not Solomon's only building project. ‘Solomon also directed the building of forts, _grain storehouses, and water systems, To ‘Pay for his projects, Solomon placed heavy ‘taxes on the Israelites and drafted thousands of them to work as builders It was standard ¥ ; lieing it dacs, a i which were similar to states. Each district had its own governor and public services. The Torah was the law ofthe and Tscels economy performed well under Solomon. Trade agrecments with Phoenicia and Egypt helped the economy grow. With Phoenicia, sacl ded food for wood for Sarqeihi mines To protect trade routes and the kingdom, erent ag eee Eataeee eel ates ars hea Alliances with les neighbors, These actions by Solomon led to peace in the region during his le ‘What does Israel's trade with Phoenicie and Egypt teyebot he elton wth tom ‘of worship and unity forthe lates Tho Temple wos at the kingdom's centr Walls surrounded the Temple ‘Ahuge bow hold water fr Procession of people diplyed the Ak The Proverbs of Solomon ‘The Proverbs of Solomon, or Book of Proverbs, from the Hebrew Bible isa collection of moral and religious adtice and sayings. The Proverbs wore sible aduits.2elow area feo examples of sayings from the Book of Proverbs.* “Adindly man benefits himself; ‘Acrel man makes trouble for hirselt” (roweibs 11:17) “The way of foo 8 right in his own eyes: But the wise man accepts advice.” (Proverbs 12:15) “Trutful speech abides forever, ‘A lying tongue for but « moment” (Proverbs 1219) Life in Ancient Israel With war no longer a constant worry, the Israelites tuned their attention to everyday life. These peaceful times allowed for the growth of religion. Religious beliefs and laws continued to guide everyday life. ‘The Israelities found all kinds of work in the kingdom. Many men were farmers, while others worked as metalworkers, carpenters, or weavers. Some became ‘government officials or soldiers. ‘Women ran the households and raised the children, Mothers and daughters | ‘cooked, cleaned, collected water, and made clothing for their families, Some women had jobs outside the home, such as work- ng for wealthy Israelites. A few women, such es Deborah, who acted as a judge and an adviser, ose to positions of power. 216 © Unit 3 King Solomon contributed much to the success of the kingdom. Solomon was known far and wide for his wisdom. Other rulers traveled to Jerusalem with gifts for Solomon to seek his advice. The Hebrew Bible says, 4£God endowed Solomon ‘with wisdom .... in great measure, with understanding, as vast as the sands on the seashore." Solomon was particularly known for his provetbs, short sayings that express a truth about life. Similar proverbs appear in other cultures as well. Solomon is also said to be the author of two books, Proverbs and the Song of Songs. These books are part of the Bible. Selected Hebrew Letters Crs OF LETTER earn (GB Analyze Tobles This table shows hat Hebrew lotr stand for cartin sounds, jst English eters do, Ulke English Hebrew writing (right is ead kon ght tt © tn what ther ways ar these laters diteret? According to the Hebrew Bible, not everyone in ancient Israel was happy. Samuel had warned that the Isroetites would sufer for having aking, The Istelts faced high taxes, drafted labor, and aking who seemed not to care about them. By the time Solomon died in 9288, the Kingdom was coming apart. ERMAN Scenenaice ‘How did the kingdom of israal allow for the growth et losis? 1.5) How did tsraot become a kingdom, ‘and what changes did this bring for ‘the lsraeitas? 2. Write a sentence about King Solomon, using the term proverb. ‘3. What wore some of the jobs that ancient Israelites held? ‘4. Why did king Solomon build a tempie in Jerusalem? ‘CRITICAL TAKING ‘8. GB How do you think David's decision to ‘make Jerusalem the capital ofthe Kingdom of leracl right have helped unify the lsraelites? 6, Gil] How might a leader's ability to carry ‘ut building projects be used to measure ‘economic aerformance? | | | kz, The Israclites settled in Canaan, Attacks by unfriendly neighbors convinced them that they nooded a king. Soul zorved 09 the first king. King David, the second hing, expanded the kingdom. David's son Solomon brought wealth and stabilty. He built @ temple in Jerusalem. For the most pert, life in the kingdom was peaceful a wf Make a Time Line Make atime tine ‘of the kings who ruled the Kingdom of art between 1020 8. and 922 8. Be sure to label your timeline 2. © cenerauze arate sheet of paper, copy and ‘complete the graphic organizer Below. D WHY IT MATTERS ‘When King Solomon decided it was time to carry cut God's request to build the “Temple, he made an economic choice about how to use his resources. Every economic choice requires a ‘rade-aff—the giving up of one thing to get another. When Solomon used his resources to build a temple, he gave up the ability to use them to build ships. What is given up ‘because of an economic choice is called the ‘opportunity cost ofthe choice. Building the “Temple may have cost Solomon the oppor- tunity to strengthen Israel's military. ‘Making economic choices is not reserved for kings and other leaders. Whether you know it or not you make economic choices nearly every day. CTT LLC ms aL ey Make an Economic Choice WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW You often make choices about your personal finances, or individual money ‘matters. For example, you can decide to spend money that you have eared wash- ing cars, or you can deposit it in a savings account at a bank. One choice will give you ‘something you want now. The other choice will mean giving up what you want now to ‘save your money and earn interest. interest is the extra money a bank pays you to let it use your funds until you need them. You can use these steps to make wise economic choices. |dentity your goal and the resources you have to meet it. dentify your alternatives. This astro of workers big the Teupl shows smooth human end esenomi cholo Thi gi ie chosing spend monoy 08 roceris insted of buying someting oss. iscuss the advantages and dis- | > APPLY WHAT YOU LEARNED. advantages of each alternative, ‘Write a journal entry titled “The Best Economic Choice I Ever Made.” What choice did you make? What was the trade-off? What was the opportunity cost? PRACTICE THE SKILL ‘Why do you think that you made the Imagine that you are an adviser to King Tight economic choice? Solomon. The king has to choose whether ‘to use resources for great buildings ot for making ships. Use the steps to help the “king make his choice. Write a paragraph +o advise the king about what todo. Chapter 6 » 219

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