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Patil College Of Engineering, Akurdi

Subject:Basic Electronics Engineering
Question Bank

Unit V: Sensor

1. Explain construction and working of LVDT

2. Draw construction of LVDT and explain its operation. Write its advantages,
disadvantages and applications.
3. Write a short note on two temperature sensors.
4. Explain thermocouple with its construction, working, advantages, disadvantages and
5. Explain thermistor with its construction, working, advantages, disadvantages and
6. Explain RTD with its construction, working, advantages, disadvantages and applications
7. Explain construction and working of load cell. Give one application.
8. Explain the working principle of strain gauge. Explain load cell
9. Explain the working of biosensors with the help of a neat block diagram. Give one
10. With neat block diagram explain biosensor. Elaborate blood glucose sensor
11. Draw and explain working of accelerometer.
12. Explain working of piezo electric type accelerometer
13. An RTD is inserted in an oven is having a resistance 160 Ohm. At 0° C resistance is 100
Ohm and its resistance temperature Coefficient 0.00392. Determine the change in
14. What are different types of transducers? Give one example of each type.
15. Classify sensors based on transaction principle type of output and requirement of
excitation Give example of each.
16. Explain selection criteria of sensor.
17. Explain working of LDR. State its applications.
18. Differentiate between active and passive sensors.
19. Compare analogue and digital sensor
20. Explain working principle of gas sensor and list its applications
21. What are different types of mechanical pressure sensors? Explain with a neat diagram.
Unit VI: Communication System
1. Write note on communication medium
2. Explain different types of cables used in electronic communication.
3. Write note on i) Twisted pair cable
ii) Coaxial cable
iii) Fiber optic cable
4. Write a note on a guided communication medium.
5. Distinguish between coaxial cable and optical fiber cable
6. Draw block diagram of electronic communication system.
7. With the help of block diagram explain operation of communication system.
8. Describe block diagram of AM transmitter.
9. Explain block diagram of a AM transmitter.(High power)
10. Draw and explain block diagram of FM receiver.
11. Draw and explain block diagram of FM Transmitter.
12. Draw block diagram of am receiver and explain its working.
13. Diagrammatically explain GSM architecture
14. Draw and explain block diagram of GSM
15. Draw and explain electromagnetic(EM) spectrum along with their applications.
16. Explain IEEE electromagnetic frequency spectrum and state allotment of frequency
bands for different applications.
17. Explain cellular concepts of mobile communication systems.
18. Explain modes of communication.
19. Explain transmission modes.

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