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Kharl Marco U.

Nadonza April 15, 2020

8-Malikhain ESP 8

My deep understanding on learning about violence in school was that it starts on the home
whether the child is being influenced good or bad manner also the influence they get from their
surroundings that is why parents should teach their children as early as possible to be a good
influence and right manners/conduct that is why there is a subject called ESP because it doesn’t
just help academically but it also helps our character formation whether you’re a student or
son/daughter of the society. Students should seek help or consult either a teacher, parent, or
professional consultant probably they have a mental issue or have a problem that they just can’t
express or to be short they are not open to tell their problem because if they don’t open up then it
could lead to depression which may result to suicide which is a very sensitive topic or issue to
people who are facing depression right now and they think that it is the only option for them to
be free from their problems. Also rules are not just rules for us to follow in school since school is
our second home which we learn a lot of lessons and values that we will bring until were already
grown up because we came to school to learn and not to hurt others. I want to end this by saying
of course we have mistaken as a person because our life is not perfect as we look it so it’s never
too late to change as a person if you still live in this planet earth you can change for better and
build your self-confidence.

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