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Hello everyone, I’m (Name). The representative of the first group presented the Urinary System
lesson 6.
SL3: Root of Urinary System
- Urine (Nước tiểu) : derived from urin- and ur- . Derived from the Latin urina and the Greek ouron .
- Therefore, in medicine there is the term meaning urinary system.
- In addition, we have the word urination, urinate is the corresponding verb indicating the act of
urinating which also comes from the root above.
- Urological symptom terms also revolve around the root word ur- such as dysuria(tiểu khó),
oliguria(thiểu niệu) , polyuria(đa niệu), diuresis(lợi niệu)…
SL4. Next SL, we learn: Division of urinary tract anatomy
urinary tract /yoo-ruh- ner-ee trakt/.
The urinary tract is divided into: upper urinary tract and lower urinary tract.
.Upper urinary tract (đường tiết niệu trên) : Includes: kidneys(thận) , ureters(niệu quản) .
.Lower urinary tract (đường tiết niệu dưới):Includes:bladder(bàng quang), urethra(niệu đạo).
SL5 : Picture of Urinary System SL6: Picture of Bladder and urethta
SL7: Next SL, we learn KIDNEYS.
.Kidney /kid-nee/
- The first thing learners need to note is that when talking about kidneys, we use kidneys (plural)
because we have two kidneys. When you want to describe the right or left kidney, use left/right
kidney (singular).
- Kidney has the root nephr- (from the Greek word nephros) and the root ren- (from the Latin
rinhālis) . From here come the two adjectives renal |reen-l/ and nephric /nef-rik/ meaning
belonging to the kidneys.
SL9: Picture of Kidneys
- The kidney is a bean-shaped anatomical structure (bean- shaped / been-sheypt/) located
retroperitoneal .
 The main function of the kidneys is to filter blood and waste products. The kidneys filter waste,
leaving only proteins and blood cells. The waste products are secreted into the filtrate to form urine.
 Remove nitrogenous waste: Urea, Creatinine, uric acid,..
 Balance water and electrolytes (sodium, potassium)
 Release hormones: Renin, erythropoietin, calciferol,…
 Degrade and eliminate hormones from blood stream.
SL11:Details outside the kidney: On top of the kidney is the adrenal gland.(tuyến thg thận)
The outer layer is the fibrous capsule. Renal capsule /reen-l kap-suhl/ bao thận
Renal hilum /reen-l hahy-luhm/ rốn thận
Renal artery: động mạch thận.
Renal vein: tĩnh mạch thận.
Pyelonephritis (Renal pelvis /reen-l pel-vis/): bể thận
SL13: Details inside the kidney
.Renal cortex /reen-l kawr-teks/ vỏ thận.
.Renal pyramids /reen-1 pir-th-mid/ tháp thận.
Kidney papillae /reen-l puh-pil-ee/: nhú thận.
Renal columns/reen-l kol-uhm/ cột thận.
Small kidney calyces: đài thận bé
Large kidney calyces: đài thận lớn
Renal sinus fat pad: Mỡ xoang thận
Pyelonephritis (Renal pelvis /reen-l pel-vis/) Bể thận

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