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SL14: .

.glomerulus /gloh-mer-yuh-luhs/:cầu thận
- The plural of glomerulus is glomeruli (/gloh-mer-yuh-lahy/) which comes from the word glomus
meaning a round object like a ball .
- The adjective glomerular |gloh-mer-yuh-ler/ means belonging to the glomerulus .
- Another name for the glomerulus is renal corpuscle /reen- kawr-puh-suhl/.
The glomerulus is the blood filtering part of the nephron in the kidney.
.Nephron /nef-ron/: kidney unit. ( đơn vị thận )
- Renal unit (Vietnamese term also often called nephron ) is the functional unit of the kidney. The
basic structure of the nephron includes a capillary network ( mạng lưới mao mạch) , glomeruli and
renal tubules .
Nephrons help purify the blood and keep substances in the circulatory system balanced.
SL17:Some terms related to glomerular structure and physiology:
- Very small arteries that carry blood into the glomerulus are called afferent arterioles( tiểu động
mạch đến) . In contrast, the blood vessels that carry blood from the glomerulus back to the
circulatory ( hệ thống tuần hoàn) system are called efferent arterioles (tiểu động mạch đi). .
.Bowman's capsule /boh-muhn kap-suhl/: Bowman's capsule.(nang bowman )
juxtaglomerular apparatus/juhk-stuh-gloh-mer-yuh-ler ap-uh-rat-uhs/Fức hợp cận tiểu cầu.
.proximal convoluted tubules ( PCTs ) ống lượn gần.
Platelets :Tiểu cầu
Mesangium/mez-an-jee-uhm/ màng gian mao mạch cầu thận.
Podocyte /pod-uh-sahyt/ tế bào có chân.
SL18: glomerulus( RENAL TUBULEs)
.proximal convoluted tubules ( PCTs ) ống lượn gần.
 This is a system of small tubes that receive filtrate from the Bowman's capsule . This place has the
most active reabsorption and secretion of substances of a nephron.
In this terminology, convoluted /kon-vuh-loo-tid/ means twisted , tubule /toa-byool/ means small
tube .
- This structure is also briefly called proximal ducts .
.distal convoluted tubules ( DCTs ) ống lượn xa.
renal tubule behind the loop of Henle, which receives the hyposmotic filtrate (dịch lọc ngược
trương/giảm thẩm thấu). poured into the collecting ducts.
This structure is also briefly called distal ducts .
.loop of Henle ( quai Henle) : loop of Henle The structure includes the descending (ngành xuống)
and ascending branches (ngành lên) located between the proximal tubule and the distal tubule .
.collecting ducts( ống góp) : collecting ducts are renal tubules that receive urine from the nephrons
and deliver urine into the renal pelvis. This structure is also known as collecting tubules .

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