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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫ أولى متوسط‬:‫المستوى‬
- ‫مديرية التربية لوالية الجزائر – شرق‬
21/01/2021 :‫تاريـخ اإلجراء‬
‫ فتية‬:‫مؤسسة التربية والتعليم الخاصة‬
2020/2021 :‫السنـــــــة الدراســـية‬ ‫ ساعة‬01 :‫مــــدة اإلجراء‬

The Second English Test

My name is Daniel. I am 12. I am pupil at Holly Spring School. I am from England. I live
in London. I play basketball in school. I have a small family my father is a fireman and my
mother is a teacher. I have a pet. It is a dog. Its name is Bob. I love my dog.

Task 01: read the text and circle the right answer: 3pts

Daniel is - a pupil - a teacher - a doctor

His mother is - a journalist - a doctor - a teacher
Daniel lives - in China - In London - In Spain

Task 02: replace the name with a personal pronoun ( I , he , she , It ) : 5pts

1- Smith is a pupil. ……….……… is 12 .

2-Maria is a nurse. ………………… works in a hospital.

3- I am a doctor. ………….…… live in Madrid.

4- Lilly lives in France. …………..…… has a cat.

5-My pet is Bobby. ……….. Is a dog.

Task 03: reorder the words: 3pts

name / Richard/My / is / ………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…

plays / football / Olivia ………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…

from / I / am / Italy. ………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…………..…

Task 04: classify the words in the right table : 4pts : Birthday – this –
Thursday – teeth – weather – mouth – they- thanks
/ / / /

Task 05: complete the dialogue with : 5pts

I am - Glad to meet you – Good morning – What is your name – How old-

David: ………..…….. , my name is David. …………………………….. ?

Emily: Good morning David. I am Emily. …………..…………are you?

David: I am 12. And you?

Emily: ……………… 11.

David: Nice to meet you, Emily.

Emily: ………………………………………. , David.

Good Luck pupils

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