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Q1: Which filter can be applied on lines of text for arranging in ascending or descending


a None

b arrange

c sort

d None of the above

e collate

f None

Q2: Which relational database does WordPress use??

a PostgresSQL


c None


e None

f Oracle

Q3: Which Is not a property of attribute behaviour of <Marquee> Tag??

a Alternate

b Blur

c Slide

d None

e Scroll

f None

Q4: What happens when you use this 'kill %s' command??
a The last job with 's' will be terminated

b None

c None

d System processes will be stopped

e The first job with 's' will be terminated

f All jobs with command beginning with ‘s’ will be terminated

Q5: BCNF Stands for _________.?

a Bit Code Normal Form

b Boyce - Codd Normal Form

c Binary Coded Normal Form

d None

e None

f Boyce Codd Natural Form

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