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Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602

2006 ISEK Congress Keynote Lecture

Clinical applications of high-density surface EMG: A systematic review

a,b,* a,b
Gea Drost , Dick F. Stegeman , Baziel G.M. van Engelen b, Machiel J. Zwarts a,b

Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Institute of Neurology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Neuromuscular Centre Nijmegen, Institute of Neurology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, The Netherlands


High density-surface EMG (HD-sEMG) is a non-invasive technique to measure electrical muscle activity with multiple (more than
two) closely spaced electrodes overlying a restricted area of the skin. Besides temporal activity HD-sEMG also allows spatial EMG activ-
ity to be recorded, thus expanding the possibilities to detect new muscle characteristics. Especially muscle fiber conduction velocity
(MFCV) measurements and the evaluation of single motor unit (MU) characteristics come into view. This systematic review of the lit-
erature evaluates the clinical applications of HD-sEMG. Although beyond the scope of the present review, the search yielded a large
number of ‘‘non-clinical’’ papers demonstrating that a considarable amount of work has been done and that significant technical pro-
gress has been made concerning the feasibility and optimization of HD-sEMG techniques. Twenty-nine clinical studies and four reviews
of clinical applications of HD-sEMG were considered. The clinical studies concerned muscle fatigue, motor neuron diseases (MND),
neuropathies, myopathies (mainly in patients with channelopathies), spontaneous muscle activity and MU firing rates. In principle,
HD-sEMG allows pathological changes at the MU level to be detected, especially changes in neurogenic disorders and channelopathies.
We additionally discuss several bioengineering aspects and future clinical applications of the technique and provide recommendations for
further development and implementation of HD-sEMG as a clinical diagnostic tool.
 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Review; High-density surface EMG; Multi-channel EMG; High-density surface EMG; High-spatial-resolution surface EMG


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
1.1. Clinical application: EMG as a diagnostic tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
1.2. Introduction of a new sEMG technique: high-density surface EMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
2. Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
2.1. Literature searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
2.2. Classification of the relevant literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
3. Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
3.1. Literature reviewed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
3.2. Clinical applications of HD-sEMG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
3.2.1. Fatigue in neuromuscular disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
3.2.2. MND and neuropathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590

Abbreviations: HD-sEMG, high-density surface EMG; MU, motorunit; MUAP, motor unit action potential; sEMG, surface EMG; MFCV, muscle
fiber conduction velocity.
Corresponding author. Address: Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Institute of Neurology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 24 3613491; fax: +31 24 3615097.
E-mail address: (G. Drost).

1050-6411/$ - see front matter  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602 587

3.2.3. Combination studies of MND, neuropathies and myopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592

3.2.4. Myopathies (including channelopathies) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
3.2.5. Positive muscle phenomena in patients and HD-sEMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
3.2.6. Motor unit firing rate and HD-sEMG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
4.1. HD-sEMG and bioengineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
4.2. Clinical applications to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
4.2.1. HD-sEMG and fatigue studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
4.2.2. HD-sEMG and neurogenic changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
4.2.3. HD-sEMG and myopathies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
4.2.4. HD-sEMG and positive muscle phenomena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
4.2.5. HD-sEMG and the central nervous system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
4.3. How to review a diagnostic tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
4.4. HD-sEMG and future perspectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597

1. Introduction for assessing neurophysiological characteristics of neuro-

muscular diseases. Although considerable effort has been
Surface EMG (sEMG) is a non-invasive technique to made to quantify needle EMG, most clinical neurophysiol-
measure muscle activity where surface electrodes are placed ogists continue to base their diagnoses on subjective assess-
on the skin overlying a muscle or group of muscles (Her- ments of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) by visual
mens et al., 2000). In the context of routine motor–nerve inspection of the on-screen signals and auditory evaluation
conduction studies in clinical neurophysiology, the use of of the discharging units. In contrast, sEMG can hardly be
surface electrodes is widely used to record compound mus- judged without proper data quantification, especially when
cle action potentials. Outside electrodiagnostic medicine, in simultaneous recordings from multiple electrodes need to
rehabilitation research, sport sciences, kinesiology and be interpreted, which is the subject of this review. To facil-
ergonomics (Hogrel, 2005), sEMG is used to record on– itate the assessment of such large volumes of data, informa-
off switching of muscles and to estimate muscle force during tion needs to be compressed.
voluntary dynamic contractions. Clinical neurophysiology Another difference between the two techniques is their
uses EMG recordings during voluntary activity as a diag- scope (see Fig. 1). Insertional activity, for instance, cannot
nostic tool especially in patients with neuromuscular disor- be evaluated with sEMG because of the absence of needle
ders. Intramuscular needle EMG electrodes are insertions. Also spontaneous activity occurring at the sin-
predominantly used to evaluate motor unit (MU) function gle fiber level, such as fibrillations, positive spikes and
but since it is a painful procedure, sEMG constitutes a good myotonia, is too small to be recorded via the skin’s sur-
alternative, particularly in the examination of children. face. Where in principle the two techniques meet is in
the information at MU level. Single MU information
1.1. Clinical application: EMG as a diagnostic tool can be recorded rather easily with needle EMG. Because
the distance between the active muscle fibers and the nee-
In clinical practice, needle EMG evaluation, in combina- dle electrode is small, and force levels are moderate,
tion with nerve conduction studies, is the standard method MUAPs can be recorded fairly selectively with needle

movement muscle motor unit muscle fiber muscle


Conventional sEMG


Needle EMG

Fig. 1. The scope of the various EMG techniques. Conventional bipolar sEMG, with one bipolar electrode pair over each muscle, is mainly used in
movement studies. It yields concurrent information of muscle activity in different muscles. With the development of HD-sEMG, a technique that used
multiple electrodes on one muscle, it became possible to also subtract information at the single motor unit (MU) level. With HD-sEMG information on
muscle–fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) can be used to supplement the information at the muscle–fiber level obtained with needle EMG.
588 G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602

electrodes. Conversely, conventional sEMG techniques Abstracts published as conference or workshop proceedings were
comprising a single bipolar signal from two electrodes not considered as the information provided was insufficient to
placed on one muscle do not allow a non-ambiguous allow in-depth analyses of the presented work. Reviews were
extraction of single MU information, which is why the analyzed separately. We also included two studies of clinical
applications our group has recently conducted, one of which is in
technique is of little or no use for clinical neurophysio-
press, the other submitted.
logical purposes. Two reports that assessed the clinical
utility of conventional sEMG as a tool in the diagnosis
2.2. Classification of the relevant literature
and treatment of neuromuscular diseases (Haig et al.,
1996; Pullman et al., 2000) both concluded that sEMG In the Pubmed search we confined ourselves to the system’s
was unacceptable as a tool in clinical diagnosis. However, human studies category. Reports from both sources that were
since their publication important technical advances have based on the data from one bipolar electrode pair over each
been made in sEMG recording techniques. examined muscle were excluded as were animal studies, non-
English language studies, studies whose main topic was other than
sEMG, sEMG studies in which activity was not evoked volun-
1.2. Introduction of a new sEMG technique: high-density
tarily (i.e. electrically stimulation), and studies of non-skeletal
surface EMG muscles. We classified the relevant literature as follows:

The development of sEMG equipment that records the I. Bioengineering in HD-sEMG, subdivided into: (i) improve-
input of multiple electrodes placed on one muscle has ments or developments at an instrumentation level, (ii)
increased the possibility of detecting single MU character- physiological modeling of sEMG signals and (iii) signal
istics (Stegeman et al., 2000b; Blok et al., 2002b; Merletti acquisition and analysis procedures.
et al., 2003). II. Physiological applications of HD-sEMG.
The complex nature of this new multi-channel sEMG III. Clinical applications of HD-sEMG, subdivided into: (i)
signal, to be henceforth referred to as ‘high-density surface fatigue studies in neuromuscular disorders and chronic fati-
EMG’ or HD-sEMG, places high demands on the instru- gue syndrome (CFS), (ii) motor neuron diseases (MND)
and neuropathies, (iii) combination studies of MND, neur-
mentation and signal analyses (Blok et al., 2002b, 2005;
opathies and myopathies (iv) myopathies (including chan-
Lapatki et al., 2006; Farina et al., 2002a). New spatiotem-
nelopathies), (v) positive muscle phenomena and (vi) MU
poral features at MU level have been introduced (Rau and firing rate.
DisselhorstKlug, 1997; Stegeman et al., 2000b; Zwarts and
Stegeman, 2003; Drost et al., 2004a; Kleine et al., 2006). As explained above, we focused on the clinical applications of
Despite the technical possibility to obtain single MU infor- HD-sEMG. All reports on studies on patients with neurological
mation from sEMG, to date HD-sEMG has not yet been or neuromuscular diseases and the use of sEMG with more than
widely used as diagnostic tools in the clinical neurophysio- one bipolar electrode pair on a single muscle were considered as
logical practice. such. Hence, all studies using a three-electrode linear electrode
We have conducted the current systematic review to array up to large two-dimensional matrixes of electrodes were
gain a more comprehensive insight into the current status included. The term neuromuscular disorder refers to isolated or
of the clinical applications of HD-sEMG. With a proper associated primary or secondary disorders of the MU. We
adopted the subdivision of the clinical application studies on the
inventory of the studies performed so far we aimed to
basis of the literature our searches yielded.
derive suggestions and recommendations for future stud-
ies fostering the development of HD-sEMG as a clinical
3. Results
Studies using HD-sEMG with either electrode arrays or
3.1. Literature reviewed
matrix electrodes are discussed. Those that applied HD-
sEMG in patients were included as clinical applications.
The Pubmed search initially generated a total of 205
We excluded HD-sEMG studies of the lumbar area.
articles and the Web of Science search 160 references.
Although we by no means consider such studies less impor-
Eighty-three articles proved to have been mentioned twice.
tant and they frequently involve multiple electrodes at the
We successively excluded meeting abstracts (5), articles that
back muscles, we deemed them unsuitable for the present
were not in English (10), animal studies (6), articles not pri-
review in that they were too far removed from routine clin-
marily dealing with surface EMG (21), reports on bipolar
ical diagnostics.
sEMG (67), studies on evoked MUAPs (4), paraspinal
muscles (7) and non-skeletal muscles (1). After assessing
2. Methods the full text of 160 articles we classified the articles (Table
2a). We took the liberty to include two recent articles of
2.1. Literature searches
our own group one of which is in press and the other has
The literature search was performed on May 24, 2006 and recently been submitted, concerning clinical applications
comprised two databases: PubMed and Web of Science. Table 1 of HD-sEMG. Table 2b shows the references concerning
lists the search terms used. Only full papers were included. bioengineering and physiological applications of HD-
systematic review of the literature describing the applica-
HD-sEMG offers for clinical studies. Hogrel published a
Zwarts and Stegeman focused on the new possibilities
2000b; Zwarts et al., 2000; Zwarts and Stegeman, 2003).
cations of HD-sEMG (Hogrel, 2005; Stegeman et al.,

3.2. Clinical applications of HD-sEMG

clinical applications are discussed.

sEMG. Only the 29 articles regarding HD-sEMG and

III Clinical applications of HD-sEMG

II Physiological applications of HD-

Signal acquisition and analysis

Physiological modeling of sEMG

Instrumentation level
I Bioengineering in HD-sEMG

number of reports per category
Classification of the HD-sEMG studies included for review and the
Table 2a

multichannel surface-electromyography OR (multi-channel AND

Web of Science

(surface emg AND (mfcv OR muscle fiber conduction velocity)

Overview of the search terms and strategy
Table 1
conduction velocity) AND patients)
clinical applications) OR (surface emg AND (mfcv OR muscle fiber
(surface emg AND neuromuscular disorders) OR (surface emg AND
multielectrode emg OR hsr-emg OR multi-electrode array emg OR
MCSEMG OR hsr-emg OR multi-electrode array emg OR
electrode-array EMG OR Surface EMG multi-electrode OR
arrays OR surface electrode-array electromyogram OR surface
density surface emg OR surface electrode array OR surface electrode
semg OR high-density surface emg OR high density semg OR high
OR (surface electromyography AND high-density) OR high-density
channel semg OR multichannel semg OR multichannel surface emg
surface electromyography) OR multi-channel surface emg OR multi-

arrays’’ OR (surface emg AND muscle cramp)

surface emg OR ’’surface electrode array’’ OR ‘‘surface electrode
OR high density semg OR high-density semg OR high density
high-density) OR high-density semg OR high-density surface emg
multichannel surface emg OR (’’surface electromyography’’ AND
surface emg OR multi-channel semg OR multichannel semg OR
channel AND ‘‘surface electromyography’’) OR multi-channel
electromyogram OR surface EMG multi-electrode) OR (multi-
OR surface electrode-array EMG OR surface electrode-array
(channel surface emg AND neuromuscular disorders) OR hsr-emg
AND patients) OR (surface emg AND clinical applications) OR
Anal sphincter muscle
Facial muscles

Anal sphincter muscle

Facial muscles


Our search yielded four review articles of clinical appli-

G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602





(N = 162)
No. of articles


Table 2b
All references concerning bioengineering in HD-sEMG and physiological applications of HD-sEMG
I Bioengineering in HD-sEMG
 Instrumentation (Blok et al., 2002b; Farina and Cescon, 2001; Lapatki et al., 2004; Masuda et al., 1985; Merletti et al., 2004; Pozzo et al., 2004) (Prutchi, 1995; Sadoyama et al., 1985; Schneider et al., 1989; Thus-
neyapan and Zahalak, 1989; van Vugt and van Dijk, 2001) Review: (Merletti et al., 2003)
 Modeling:(Blok et al., 2002a; Dimitrov and Dimitrova, 2001; Dimitrova et al., 2001, 2003; DisselhorstKlug et al., 1998; Farina and Merletti, 2001, 2002a, 2004d,e,f, 2005; Fattorini et al., 2005; Merletti et al., 1999;
Miyano and Sadoyama, 1979, 2004, 2005, 2006; Schneider et al., 1991) Review: (McGill, 2004; Stegeman et al., 2000a)
 Signal acquisition and signal analysis:(Beck et al., 2005; Blok et al., 2005; Cescon et al., 2004; Chauvet et al., 2003; DisselhorstKlug et al., 1997, 1999; Falla et al., 2002; Farina et al., 2000, 2001, 2002c,d,b, 2003b,a,
2004a,g,h; Farina and Merletti, 2004; Garcia et al., 2005; Gazzoni et al., 2004; Grassme et al., 2003; Gronlund et al., 2005b,a; Hagg, 1993; Harba and Lynn, 1981; Harba and Teng, 1999; Holtermann et al., 2005a;
Kaneko et al., 1996; Kiryu et al., 1997; Kleine et al., 2000a; Knaflitz and Bonato, 1999; Koh and Grabiner, 1993; Masuda and Sadoyama, 1986, 1989; Merlo et al., 2003; Nakamura et al., 1997, 2004a,b; Okajima
et al., 1995; Ollivier et al., 2005; Ostlund et al., 2004; Reucher et al., 1987a,b; Roeleveld et al., 1997; Schulte et al., 2004b, 2005; Staudenmann et al., 2005, 2006)
Review (Arendt-Nielsen and Zwarts, 1989; DisselhorstKlug et al., 2000; Farina et al., 2004c) (Rau et al., 1997)
II Physiological applications of HD-sEMG
(Arendt-Nielsen et al., 1992; Cescon et al., 2006; Christova et al., 1999; Falla and Farina, 2005; Farina et al., 2004b, 2005a,b,c,d; Gerilovsky et al., 1991; Hanayama, 1994; Holtermann et al., 2005b; Houtman et al., 2003;
Kleine et al., 2000b; Maisetti et al., 2002; Masuda et al., 2001, 1983a,b; Masuda and Sadoyama, 1987; Masuda and DeLuca, 1991; Nishizono et al., 1989, 1990; Okajima et al., 1998; Sadoyama et al., 1988; Saitou et al.,
2000; Sbriccoli et al., 2003; Schulte et al., 2004a, 2006a,b; Roeleveld et al., 2000; Zwarts, 1989)
Review: (Roeleveld and Stegeman, 2002; Rau et al., 2004)
HD-sEMG applied to anal sphincter muscle: (Enck et al., 2005) Review: (Azpiroz et al., 2005; Enck et al., 2004)
HD-sEMG applied to facial muscles: (Castroflorio et al., 2005a; Castroflorio et al., 2005b; Geister et al., 1980; Iwasaki et al., 1990; Konno et al., 2005; Lapatki et al., 2006; Tokunaga et al., 1998; Tokunaga et al., 1991)

590 G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602

tion of sEMG within the framework of neuromuscular dis- pared patients with CFS to healthy subjects during max-
orders. Next, we will discuss the various clinical HD- imal voluntary contraction and reported that MFCV
sEMG studies categorized as: declined less in the patients and that their peripheral-mus-
cle-fatigue at the end of the contraction was less pro-
1. Fatigue in neuromuscular disorders and CFS: five stud- nounced than it was in the healthy controls. A
ies (Table 3). diminished central activation of the muscle was thought
2. MND and neuropathies: seven studies (Table 4). to be responsible for this phenomenon.
3. Combination studies of MND, neuropathies and myo-
pathies: four studies (Table 5). 3.2.2. MND and neuropathies
4. Myopathies (including channelopathies): eight studies of Table 4 lists the six HD-sEMG studies of MND and
which six concerned channelopathies (Tables 6a and 6b). neuropathies (van der Hoeven et al., 1993; Roeleveld
5. Positive muscle phenomena: two studies (Drost et al., et al., 1998; Wood et al., 2001; El Dassouki and Lefauc-
2006, submitted for publication). heur, 2002; Bahm et al., 2003; Drost et al., 2004a). The case
6. MU firing rate: three studies (Kleine et al., 2001; Sun report of Lanzetta et al. (2005), who evaluated recovery of
et al., 2000; Chen et al., 1997). a transplanted hand, is not listed in Table 4. They recorded
HD-sEMG signals with a linear electrode array of 16 elec-
trodes and an interelectrode distance of 2.5 mm, from
3.2.1. Fatigue in neuromuscular disorders and chronic fatigue intrinsic muscles of the transplanted hand to assess their
syndrome degree of reinnervation. First signs of reinnervation of sin-
Five studies examined fatigue (see Table 3 for an over- gle MUs were reported as reflected by the voluntary mod-
view). The four publications by Linssen and his team ulation of discharge rates of the MUs measured.
(Linssen et al., 1990, 1991b,a, 1996) all concern fatigue van der Hoeven et al. (1993) studied MFCV in patients
studies into different myopathies. Two studies (Linssen with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and in patients
et al., 1991a,b) describe fatigue at high ischemic levels with traumatic lesions of the plexus brachialis using both
in congenital myopathy characterized by type-I predomi- needle and surface EMG. With the needle EMG potentials
nance. The patients showed an almost complete lack of were evoked with a stimulation needle electrode and mean
decline in muscle–fiber conduction velocity (MFCV) dur- MFCV as well as fastest and slowest MFCV ratios were
ing the fatiguing exercise. In their 1990 and 1996 studies, calculated. For the sEMG measurements they used a rigid
Linssen et al. found an unimpaired muscle membrane array with three silver electrodes (diameter 2 mm) with a
excitability during high-level fatiguing exercises, indicating common center electrode and interelectrode distances of
a dominant role for the intramuscular lactic acid forma- 10 mm. The mean MFCV and the mean median frequency
tion in the normal decline of muscle fiber conduction in (Fmed) were calculated from the bipolarly derived data at
healthy subjects. Schillings and colleagues (2004) com- different force levels. The sEMG signals in the ALS

Table 3
Overview of the HD-sEMG studies on muscle fatigue in patients with neuromuscular disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
Authors EMG variables (No. of electrodes) Controls Patients Muscles
Linssen et al. (1990) MFCV 26 5 McA BB
Frequency spectra
Linssen et al. (1991) Amplitude 26 3 CCD BB
Linssen et al. (1991a) Amplitude 6 CCD VM
Frequency spectra 1 EM
Linssen et al. (1996) Amplitude 7 3 McA BB
Frequency spectra
Schillings et al. (2004) MFCV 14 14 CFS BB
Abbreviations: MFCV, muscle–fiber conduction velocity; McA, McArdle’s disease; BB, biceps brachii muscle; CCD, central core disease; NRM, nemaline
rod myopathy; EM, extertiaonal myalgia patient with 80% type-I dominance in muscle biopsy; VM, vastus medalis muscle; CAF, central activation
failure; CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome.
G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602 591

Table 4
Overview of HD-sEMG studies in patients with neurogenic disorders
Authors EMG variables Controls Patients Muscles
(No. of electrodes) (Age in years) (Age in years)
van der Hoeven et al. (1993) MFCV 28 16 PBL BB
Frequency spectra (34–74 y) (16–32 y)
(3) 22 ALS
(33-78 y)
Roeleveld et al. (1998) MU size 7 10 PPP BB
(58) (20–36 y) (51–72 y)
Wood et al. (2001) MU size 10 12 MND FDS
(16) (30–59 y) (28–75 y)
El Dassouki and Lefaucheur (2002) MFCV 20 20 CTS APB
(16) (24–78 y) (30–76 y) APB
Bahm et al. (2003) visual inspection 51 PBL BB
(1.5–16 y) ISM
Drost et al. (2004a,b,c) Amplitude 9 9 PPS VL
MFCV (38–68 y) (37–68 y)
Frequency spectra
MU size
Abbreviations: MFCV, muscle–fiber conduction velocity; BB, biceps brachii muscle; PBL, plexus brachialis lesion; ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; MU
size, motor unit size; PPP, prior polio patients; MND, motor neuron disease; FDS, flexor digitorum superficialis muscle; PPS, postpoliomyelitis syndrome;
VL, vastus lateralis muscle; LOI, level of interference (representing the density of the interference pattern); APB, abductor pollicis brevis muscle; ISM,
infraspinatus muscle.

patients revealed increased MFCV values in combination firings of single, large amplitude MUAPs the authors
with a decrease of the Fmed. The authors attributed the ele- devised a pattern-recognition algorithm, the resultant spa-
vated MFCV to muscle–fiber hypertrophy in the surviving, tial information facilitating the decomposition process. To
voluntarily recruited MUs and the Fmed decrease to the estimate the size of a MU, they used the transversal width
broadening of MUAP wave shapes. of the potential distribution from that MU to correct for
Roeleveld et al. (1998) also compared the results of the MU depth. Using this model the differences in MU size
two EMG techniques. They obtained MUAPs during vol- estimate between the patients with MND and the healthy
untary contractions of the biceps muscle of patients with subjects became statistically significant.
enlarged MUs resulting from prior poliomyelitis using El Dassouki and Lefaucheur (2002) studied the correla-
macroEMG, a needle technique in which a substantial part tion between the MFCV in the thenar muscle in patients
of the electrode shaft is used as a recording electrode, and a with moderate carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). In healthy
HD-sEMG technique with 58 electrodes with a diameter of subjects they established a correlation between MFCV
1.2 mm. Averaged surface MUAPs were obtained by nee- and distal motor latency or mean nerve-conduction veloc-
dle EMG and sEMG triggered averaging. The MUAPs ity (MNCV) but found no such correlation in patients,
area and peak amplitudes in the HD-sEMG recordings due to the nerve pathology and normal MFCV values.
showed similar correlations as found in the needle EMG Bahm et al. (2003) examined 51 children with obstetric
data. HD-sEMG MUAPs obtained both by needle trigger- brachial plexus lesions with an electrode grid with an elec-
ing and by HD-sEMG triggering were equally sensitive to trode diameter of 0.5 mm and a small interelectrode dis-
pathology as the macro MUAPs. The most sensitive differ- tance of 2.5 mm. HD-sEMG was recorded from the
ence between the polio patients and the healthy controls abductor pollicis brevis muscle, the biceps muscle and the
was the final positive peak amplitude. The authors hence infraspinatus muscle of the affected side. Recordings for
suggested to use the late wave as a measure of MU size the abductor pollicis brevis muscle were possible for all
and concluded that sEMG is largely equivalent to macro children but the biceps muscle recordings demanded more
EMG in detecting enlarged MUs. cooperation of the patients. Although follow-up studies
In their attempt to detect changes in MU architecture after reconstructive surgery were performed for a limited
through an increased understanding of the volume conduc- number of patients the authors failed to present quantifica-
tor effect Wood et al. (2001) utilized simple surface tion of variables or group results.
waveform variables. A 16 · 2 electrode array (overall Drost et al. (2004a) studied MU characteristics in nine
dimension 5 · 45 mm) with an electrode diameter of healthy subjects and nine patients with postpoliomyelitis
1 mm was placed transversely to the muscle fibers of the syndrome to look for variables that would most clearly dis-
flexor digitorum superficialis muscle. To identify repeated criminate between the two groups. A grid with 126 elec-
592 G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602

Table 5
Overview of HD-sEMG studies combining patients with neurogenic and patients with myopathic disorders
Authors EMG variables Controls Patients Muscles
(No. of electrodes) (Age in years) (Age in years)
Yamada et al. (1991) MFCV 28 2 DMD BB
(6 · 10) (5–40 y) 1 MM TA
1 MD
1 SMA (KW)
(5–28 y)
Kumagai and Yamada (1991) MFCV 28 4 DMD BB
Amplitude (5–40 y) 1carrier DMD TA
(6 · 10) 1 MD
2 MM
1 SMA (K-W)
(5–28 y)
Ramaekers et al. (1993) Seven variables + 63 35 DMD APB
(17 electrodes) (0–25 y) 21 SMA
(0–24 y)
Huppertz et al. (1997) Nine variables++ 61 35 DMD APB
(32 electrodes) (0–25y) 6 BMD
21 SMAa
Abbreviations: MFCV, muscle–fiber conduction velocity; DMD, Duchenne muscular dystrophy; MM, myotubular myopathy; MD, myotonic dystrophy;
MD, myotonic dystrophy; BMD, Becker muscular dystrophy; SMA, spinal muscular atrophy.
(KW, Kugelberg–Welander type); GBS, Guillain-Barré syndrome.
+ Ramaekers parameters (1–7): 1. MFCV in single MUAPs, 2. Signal entropy, 3. First zero crossing of ACF, 4. Dwell-time over RMS, 5. Chi-value of
amplitude distribution, 6. Gradient of peak edge, 7. Peak frequency distribution.
++ Huppertz: 1. MFCV of single MUAPs, 2. Signal entropy, 3. Gradient of peak edge, 4. Dwell time over RMS, 5. Chi-value of amplitude distribution,
6. Peak/gap energy, 7. Maximum peak amplitude, 8. RMS, 9. Autocorrelation function.
1 Werdnig-Hofmann disease; 6 intermediate; 3 SMA type-III; 11 not classified.

trodes with a diameter of 1.5 mm and an interelectrode dis- and-amplitude analysis in needle EMG, differed signifi-
tance of 5 mm was used and both the single MUAPs cantly between patients and healthy controls.
extracted from the HD-sEMG signals and the raw signal
itself were analyzed. Force and HD-sEMG were recorded 3.2.3. Combination studies of MND, neuropathies and
simultaneously at different force levels. Extraction of single myopathies
averaged MUAPs was performed in accordance with the Four studies examined both patients with myopathic
method described by Kleine and coworkers (2000a) and and patients with neurogenic disorders (Yamada et al.,
proved possible at force levels of 5% and 20% of the 1991; Kumagai and Yamada, 1991; Ramaekers et al.,
MVC only. The estimated MUAP size, determined as the 1993; Huppertz et al., 1997; for an overview, see Table
highest area under the curve of these extracted MUAPs, 5). Kumagai and Yamada studied various patient samples
perfectly separated the patients from the controls. Raw sig- with a ‘‘matrix’’ type of surface electrode with a diameter
nal analysis showed significant between-group differences of 5 mm and an interelectrode distance of 7 mm. In the
for the monopolarly recorded amplitude at force levels normal subjects they found MFCV values in both the tibial
up to 60% MVC. At high force levels the level-of-interfer- anterior and the biceps brachii muscles to be higher at
ence (LOI), a variable closely related to the so-called turns- moderate contractions than those during weak contrac-

Table 6a
Overview of HD-sEMG studies in myopathies (excluding channelopathies)
Authors EMG variables Controls Patients Muscles
(No. of electrodes) (Age in years) (Age in years)
(Hilfiker and Meyer, 1984) Mean MFCV 17 5 PMD (15–46 y) BB
(30) (6–68 y) 5 DMD (6–8 y)
Yamada et al. (1987) Mean MFCV 14 2 DMD (7–8 y) BB
Amplitude distribution (4–50 y) TA
Abbreviations: MFCV, muscle–fiber conduction velocity; BB, biceps brachii muscle; TA, tibialis anterior muscle; PMD, progressive muscular dystrophy.
G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602 593

Table 6b
Overview of HD-sEMG studies in channelopathies
Authors EMG variables Controls Patients Muscles
(No. of electrodes) (Age in years) (Age in years)
Zwarts et al. (1988) MFCV 15 15 asymptomatic relatives BB
Frequency spectra (32–52 y) (15–47 y)
(3) 10 HOPP
(19–71 y)
van der Hoeven et al. (1994) MFCV 46 33 HOPP carriers BB
Frequency spectra (19–74 y) (16–57 y)
EMG amplitude 56++
(3) (16–76 y)
Zwarts and van Weerden (1989) EMG amplitude 3 3 RMC BB
MFCV (29–35 y) (23–40 y) BR
Frequency spectra 8 MD ADM
(3) (23–64 y)
Drost et al. (2001) MFCV 5 7 RMC BB
PPA (22–64 y) (22–57 y)
Drost et al. (2004) Amplitude 7 RMC BB
Visual analysis (22–57 y)
Van Beekvelt et al. (2006) Amplitude 9 3 RMC BR
MFCV (32–48 y)
Abbreviations: HOPP, hypokalemic periodic paralysis; RMC, recessive myotonia congenita; BR, brachioradialis muscle; ADM, abductor digiti minimi
muscle; ++ asymptomatic first degree carriers; PPA, peak-peak amplitude.

tions. No significant changes were found for age or sex. Huppertz et al. (1997) retrospectively determined the
Furthermore, MFCV was significantly related to the ampli- diagnostic accuracy of the HD-sEMG method. The best
tude of the MUAPs. Both groups of researchers concluded result was achieved by calculating a set of three more
that the MFCV cutoff point between healthy subjects and advanced signal characteristics and MFCV. Using a special
patients with myopathy was about 3.0 m/s. The mean evaluation procedure they were able to assign the subject to
MFCV was significantly reduced in patients with Duch- the correct group in about 81% of the cases. The sensitivity
enne muscular dystrophy (DMD) and patients with myotu- for the detection of abnormal vs. normal was reported to
bular myopathy. In the myopathic patients the MFCV in be 82%, specificity 97%, and PPV 97%. Myopathic and
both muscles did not increase with muscle force as it did neuropathic disorders were recognized with a sensitivity
in the healthy subjects. In an asymptomatic DMD carrier, of 85% and 68%, specificity 97% and 98%, and PPV 92%
the MFCV proved reduced during weak and moderate iso- and 91%, respectively. The authors accordingly claimed
metric contractions. to have obtained a specificity and sensitivity to distinguish
In neurogenic patients the mean MFCV values were patients from controls that was within the same range as
within the normal range. In two patients with Guillain- the results obtained with needle EMG.
Barré syndrome (GBS) high-amplitude potentials are
described that were similar to those in a patient with spinal 3.2.4. Myopathies (including channelopathies)
muscular atrophy (SMA; Kumagai and Yamada, 1991). Eight studies (Zwarts et al., 1988; van der Hoeven et al.,
Ramaekers et al. (1993) studied the clinical application 1994; Zwarts, 1989; Drost et al., 2001, 2004b; Van Beekvelt
of HD-sEMG for the recording of single MU activity in et al., 2006; Hilfiker and Meyer, 1984; Yamada et al., 1987)
children with DMD and SMA whose data were compared were found using HD-sEMG in patients with myopathies,
with those from 63 healthy children ranging from the neo- from which six concerned channelopathies (see Tables 6a
natal period to the age of 24 years. They concluded that in and 6b, respectively). Hilfiker and Meyer (1984) reported
healthy neonates the MFCV was lowest at 1–2 m/s and that MFCV could not be determined in some patients in
gradually reached a plateau of 2.9–4 m/s from the age of a late stage of progressive muscular dystrophy, as there
4 years onwards. MUAPs in DMD patients had a more was no discernible time shift of the bipolar potentials. To
blunted waveform and an abnormal pattern with signifi- explain the lack of propagation, they postulated the
cantly lower amplitude MUAPs in 30 of the 31 patients. increased longitudinal spread of motor endplates, as can
In 10 SMA patients the sEMG showed abnormally high be observed in myopathic muscles. In DMD patients, the
MUAP amplitudes and a reduced recruitment of firing MFCV could be measured and was significantly reduced,
MUs. The MFCV remained within the normal range. with a mean value of 2.81 m/s. Based on the MFCV value
594 G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602

each DMD patient could be clearly separated from the patients. In a later study Drost et al. (2004b) tested the
controls. Yamada et al. (1987) also found abnormal prop- hypothesis that although muscle–membrane function is
agation patterns of MUAPs in de TA muscles of 2 DMD already disturbed at low force levels, abnormal MU recruit-
patients. In their biceps muscles a decreased mean MFCV ment acts as a compensatory mechanism to obtain normal
to 2.8 and 3.2 m/s was observed. Most of the HD-sEMG force stability. The sEMG abnormalities included disturbed
studies were performed in patients with channelopathies propagation of MUAPs over the muscle–fiber membrane
(as summarized in Table 6b), which are myopathies due and abnormal MU recruitment pointing to central adapta-
to a genetic defect in the gene encoding for a voltage-gated tion mechanisms. Prolonged periods of low sEMG ampli-
channel in the muscle membrane. tudes were sometimes present despite normal force,
Hypokaliemic periodic paralysis (HOPP): The two stud- indicating that mechanisms other than MU recruitment also
ies performed on HOPP patients were based on the same contribute to force preservation. During the periods of low
extended family (van der Hoeven et al., 1994; Zwarts sEMG, the density of myotonic discharges, recorded simul-
et al., 1988). Eight of the nine HOPP patients had a taneously with needle EMG, was not increased. It was con-
reduced MFCV (2 SDs lower than controls) compared to cluded that abnormal MU recruitment as a compensatory
their controls (Zwarts et al., 1988). The mean MFCV of mechanism occurs in recessive myotonia congenita, but can-
the controls was 4.55 ± 0.33 m/s. In six of the asymptom- not fully explain constant force.
atic relatives MFCV was also reduced. The Fmed of the Besides transient paresis and constant force, Van Beek-
patients and the relatives with a low MFCV proved to be velt et al. (2006) also examined the warming-up phenome-
significantly lower than the values of the healthy controls. non (the diminishing of the initial temporary weakness that
The MFCV was more often abnormal than the Fmed in occurs in RMC patients with repetitive contractions) with
HOPP patients. van der Hoeven et al. (1994) observed a HD-sEMG. The underlying hypothesis of their study was
significantly lower mean MFCV in HOPP patients and in that the warming-up phenomenon is associated with the
asymptomatic carriers, both with invasive MFCV measure- exercise-related activation of Na+–K+-ATPase. The con-
ments and with three surface electrodes. However, only the traction was preceded by an infusion of the Na+–K+-ATP-
invasive method showed a lower MFCV in all proven car- ase inhibitor ouabain into the brachial artery of the
riers. Detecting HOPP carriers with the surface MFCV exercising arm. Transient paresis occurred after initiation
method had a sensitivity of 77%. of exercise, accompanied by electrophysiological changes
The amplitude of the sEMG signal at maximum volun- indicating sarcolemmal conduction block. Ouabain infu-
tary contraction was lower in the carrier group. There was sion did not affect the recovery from transient paresis or
a positive correlation between the MFCV and the neuro- the electromyographic changes, indicating that the warm-
muscular efficiency (the quotient of force and EMG ampli- ing-up phenomenon in RMC is not mediated by Na+–
tude) in the controls but not in the HOPP carriers. Since K+-ATPase.
type-II fibers have a higher neuromuscular efficiency, this
suggested a preferential involvement of type-II fibers in 3.2.5. Positive muscle phenomena in patients and HD-sEMG
HOPP. In two studies of our group we examined positive invol-
Recessive myotonia congenita (RMC) – Zwarts and van untary muscle phenomena, fasciculation potentials and
Weerden (1989) studied transient paresis in myotonic syn- involuntary contractions in Satoyoshi syndrome (Drost
dromes. EMG was recorded during five maximal 10-s vol- et al., submitted for publication, 2006). Fasciculations can
untary contractions followed by 13-s recovery. In the easily be observed with sEMG as Kumagai and Yamada
recessive myotonia congenita patients a decline of EMG (1991) demonstrated with their measurements of the fore-
amplitude was found during an initial loss of force. This arm flexor muscles of a patient with SMA. We showed that
transient paresis was accompanied by a dramatic fall in HD-sEMG is suitable to examine fasciculations because of
the MFCV concomitant with a shift of the power spectrum its non-invasive character allowing long, stable recording
to lower frequencies. During the decline in force, amplitude times and because of the spatiotemporal information (Drost
and MFCV lessened with each successive contraction et al., submitted for publication). The unique characteristics
(warming-up phenomenon). of fasciculation potentials across all channels facilitate
Using a 126 HD-sEMG grid Drost et al. (2001) showed extensive fasciculation potential characterization.
that transient paresis was explained by a deteriorating mem- In the second study, we examined involuntary painful
brane function, ending in conduction block and paresis. muscle contractions in the legs of a patient with Satoyoshi
During the period of force decline in transient paresis, a syndrome using two non-invasive EMG techniques: HD-
decrease in amplitude of the MUAPs from endplate towards sEMG (with 126-channels) of the vastus lateralis muscle
the tendon was observed. The disturbance increased with and polymyographic sEMG recordings on various muscles
time and place, indicating a deteriorating membrane func- (Drost et al., submitted for publication). During the invol-
tion, and ended in a complete blocking of propagation within untary contractions, HD-sEMG showed a fourfold
seconds. Furthermore, it was shown that transient paresis increase in amplitude relative to the MVCs. These high
was a force-dependent phenomenon in that at low force lev- potentials were distributed across the entire muscle and
els it remained absent in recessive myotonia congenita showed a pronounced oscillatory behavior with a fre-
G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602 595

quency around 45 Hz. Together with polymyographic 4. Discussion

sEMG that had revealed that the involuntary contractions
often occur simultaneously in various muscles, these find- The current overview of HD-sEMG application
ings point to hyperactivity or a disinhibition at the alpha research clearly demonstrates that as a tool in clinical prac-
motor neuron level, probably originating at that level, tice the technique is still in its infancy although the large
although a central origin cannot be excluded. number of ‘‘non-clinical’’ papers our search generated
shows that the technique is being probed extensively and
3.2.6. Motor unit firing rate and HD-sEMG progress has been made in its technical and practicable
Three articles primarily used HD-sEMG to measure fir- aspects. It proved difficult to find studies that used HD-
ing patterns of single MUs. In fact, our earlier study (Drost sEMG in clinical applications, which was largely due to
et al., 2004b) also focused on central mechanisms besides the lack of uniformity in the designations for this surface
membrane disturbances to explain constant force. EMG technique involving multiple electrodes on one mus-
Kleine et al. (2001) compared 126-channel HD-sEMG cle. As the overview of our search strategy in Table 1 illus-
recordings from the biceps muscles of seven patients with trated, a wide range of names was used, among which
Parkinson’s disease with those of five healthy controls to multi-channel sEMG, high-resolution sEMG and multi-
explore whether reduced inhibition in the motor cortex of array sEMG. Because the term multi-channel sEMG is also
the patients was accompanied by similar changes in their used in kinesiology studies to denote an EMG comprising
MU firing modulation by transcranial magnetic stimula- bipolar electrodes on different muscles, we advise against
tion as was found in ALS. They applied a HD-sEMG the use of this term. There is a clear need for consensus
decomposition technique to extract the firing pattern of regarding the technique’s name.
up to five simultaneously active MUs. The peristimulus Another salient detail was the great variability in elec-
time histograms indicated a longer duration of the evoked trodes, electrode-positions, interelectrode distances and
excitatory postsynaptic potential. The authors attributed configuration of electrodes. This caused a similar variabil-
the results to prolonged corticospinal volleys resulting from ity in the results in the various pathologies, impeding their
impaired intracortical inhibition. reproducibility and a sound interpretation. Especially for
Chen et al. (1997) also exploited HD-sEMG signals to clinical applications, uniformity in electrode configuration
analyze the temporal changes and spatial distribution of and electrode grids will become increasingly essential. This
the dominant MU firing rate. They applied seven elec- is also the case for the recording systems and possibly also
trodes on the biceps muscle and seven electrodes on the tri- for the key features of the analysis software. Diversity in
ceps muscle from lateral to medial, with an interelectrode equipment complicates the clinical application of the tech-
distance about 20 mm, to compare five healthy subjects, nique unnecessarily.
five Parkinson patients and five patients with cerebrovascu- In sum, further improvements of HD-sEMG as well as
lar accidents (CVA). To estimate the dominant firing rate future applications of the technique in the clinical practice
they used autoregressive spectrum analysis of the sEMG warrant uniformity in various aspects. As Hogrel (2005)
because the EMG spectrogram was expected to allow already stated, a lack of standards for electrodes, configura-
examination of the time-varying characteristics of the firing tions, electrode placement and recording protocols have
rates and the recruitment of MUs from the sEMG signals. adversely affected the possibility of the technique’s integra-
The authors found abnormalities of the mean MU firing tion into routine clinical use. Accordingly, it is recommended
rates and spatial patterns in both patient groups and sug- to establish a consortium of leading investigators in this field
gest that via this new representation HD-sEMG spatiotem- to devise technical guidelines for clinical applications as was
poral firing patterns were of clinical use in the done by Hermens et al. (2000) for kinesiology studies.
electrophysiological detection and characterization of
motor control disorders. Sun et al. (2000) also conducted 4.1. HD-sEMG and bioengineering
a study of single MU firings involving a computer simula-
tion and a clinical study with HD-sEMG recordings of the As mentioned above, needle EMG is the standard to
interosseous muscle in patients with stroke, myopathies compare HD-sEMG signals with as it is virtually the only
and neuropathies and in healthy controls (n = 16 for each EMG technique that is used as diagnostic tool in clinical
group). The HD-sEMG consisted of a 2 · 2 matrix with neurophysiology. However, diagnoses are mostly based
a 0.2 mm diameter for each electrode and an interelectrode on a subjective assessment of the signals. In contrast,
distance of 2.5 mm. The authors proposed a singular value for HD-sEMG interpretations quantitative variables are
decomposition method to study the MU firing patterns. essential. Because of the magnitude of the data, automatic
The firing variability was found to be increased in the quantification and analysis of the signals is indispensable,
stroke patients and in the myopathy and neuropathy which poses a challenge for the introduction of HD-
groups the mean firing rates were elevated. Relative to sEMG in the clinical practice. Since we chose to restrict
the healthy controls, the firing variation index, i.e. the fir- our review to the clinical applications of HD-sEMG,
ing standard deviation (SD) normalized by the firing mean, the discussion of studies concerning the biophysics and
was elevated in every patient group. bioengineering of HD-sEMG was not exhaustive. For a
596 G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602

more comprehensive overview of the state of the art on and yields novel pathophysiological insights into disorders
these topics in sEMG applications we refer to the review characterized by sarcolemmal disturbances.
by Merletti and Parker (2004).
4.2.4. HD-sEMG and positive muscle phenomena
4.2. Clinical applications to date Spontaneous muscle–fiber activity cannot be recorded
via sEMG as fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves
4.2.1. HD-sEMG and fatigue studies and myotonic discharges, being single muscle fiber dis-
The scope of HD-sEMG applications is different from charges, are beyond its scope. Indeed, researchers who
that of needle EMG. Because of spatial information allow- applied HD-sEMG to examine patients with myotonic syn-
ing MFCV measurements and because of the longer dromes were unable to detect myotonic discharges (Kuma-
recording times the technique affords, the greater majority gai and Yamada, 1991; Zwarts and van Weerden, 1989;
of fatigue studies exploit the domain of sEMG. In most Drost et al., 2001; Drost et al., 2004b; Van Beekvelt
clinical studies using HD-sEMG MFCV, which is inacces- et al., 2006).
sible to conventional needle EMG, proved an important Rather, and better than needle EMG, HD-sEMG is
variable providing useful information about the symptom intrinsically suited to detect spontaneous MU activity like
in neuromuscular disorders. Because fatigue is such a pro- fasciculation potentials (Drost et al., submitted for publica-
nounced symptom in nearly all neuromuscular disorders, tion). Future studies in clinical settings will exploit this
this new EMG variable may prove a valuable addition property further. To illustrate the technique’s potential,
for use in the clinical practice. the HD-sEMG study of spontaneous MU activity in a
child with Satoyoshi syndrome revealed new pathophysio-
4.2.2. HD-sEMG and neurogenic changes logical information about the involuntary contractions
The studies investigating neurogenic changes (see Table (Drost et al., 2004c, 2006).
3) showed that HD-sEMG can identify these changes rela-
tively easily. Variables from ‘‘raw’’ HD-sEMG data such 4.2.5. HD-sEMG and the central nervous system
as MFCV and Fmed were studied (van der Hoeven et al., Decomposition of HD-sEMG signals not only yields
1993), and also amplitude measurements and variables that information about the MUs themselves, but also about
provide information about the MUAPs’ interference pat- how MUs are controlled by the central nervous system
terns were used in an attempt to differentiate between sub- (CNS) in generating force (De Luca et al., 2006). In patients
jects with neurogenic diseases and healthy controls (Drost with Parkinson’s disease, ALS, CVA and other disorders,
et al., 2004a). No uniform pattern was found: in ALS studies of MU firings provide a non-invasive access to cen-
patients MFCV was increased and Fmed decreased, and tral processes and their pathophysiology. Decomposing the
no differences were found in the MFCVs of patients with HD-sEMG signals and identifying single MUs will not only
postpolio syndrome and healthy subjects. further our understanding of the pathophysiology of these
Some studies additionally performed MU size estima- diseases, but also our understanding of the raw EMG sig-
tions (Roeleveld et al., 1997; Drost et al., 2004a; Wood nal. Because of the recording stability of HD-sEMG, MU
et al., 2001) with good results, demonstrating that the information that can only be derived from long recording
extraction of single MUAPs from HD-sEMG data to esti- session with many thousands of discharges of the same
mate MU size facilitates the differentiation between neuro- MU come into view (Kleine et al., 2006).
genic MUAPs and MUAPs of healthy subjects. It needs to
be noted that the technique is still very time-consuming. 4.3. How to review a diagnostic tool
The study by El Dassouki and Lefaucheur (2002) did
not provide useful information about the diagnostic role Frequently, due to their potential clinical values, expec-
of HD-sEMG and neither did (Bahm et al.’s, 2003) meth- tations with respect to new, innovative diagnostic tests are
odological observation. high and sometimes even overheated. Because of the rapid
advances in technology there is an increasing need for ade-
4.2.3. HD-sEMG and myopathies quate evaluation techniques to test new diagnostic tools
In muscular dystrophy several studies report a slowed and several systematic methods have been developed
MFCV, which is probably based on muscle fiber atrophy (Tatsioni et al., 2005; Bossuyt et al., 2003). To improve
(Yamada et al., 1991; Kumagai and Yamada, 1991). Dis- the accuracy and comprehensiveness of reports on diagnos-
turbed MFCVs seem to be a hallmark in channelopathies. tic accuracy a group of scientists and editors has drawn up
In the transient paresis phase of recessive myotonia our the Standard for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy or
group found a unique conduction block along the muscle STARD (Bossuyt et al., 2003). It comprises a 25-item
fiber (Drost et al., 2001). checklist and a flow diagram to help authors secure well
It was found that the disorder in the HOPP family performed studies. Unfortunately, as HD-sEMG is not
described earlier was caused by a mutation (Arg528His) yet utilized as a clinical application, its diagnostic accuracy
in the dihydropyridine receptor CACNL1A3. These find- cannot yet be evaluated in keeping with these new
ings underscore that HD-sEMG seems especially valuable conventions.
G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602 597

Tatsioni et al. (2005) state that, as opposed to the Acknowledgements

quality of studies of therapeutic interventions, little is
known about the methodological quality of studies of We like to thank Alice Tillema for her help in the liter-
diagnostic tests and that outcomes often still have an ature search and Hanneke Meulenbroek-van der Meulen
‘‘anecdotal’’ character. They distinguish six levels in their for her help with the English language.
proposed review of diagnostic technologies: (1) technical
feasibility and optimization, (2) diagnostic accuracy, (3)
diagnostic thinking impact, (4) therapeutic thinking References
impact, (5) patient outcome impact and (6) social impact.
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Evidently, these levels are not only applicable for evalu- velocity in humans: techniques and applications. J Clin Neurophysiol
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refinement of novel diagnostic tools like HD-sEMG. Arendt-Nielsen L, Gantchev N, Sinkjaer T. The influence of muscle length
The present review has shown that the research into on muscle–fiber conduction–velocity and development of muscle
fatigue. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol 1992;85: 166–72.
the clinical applications of HD-sEMG is almost entirely
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HD-sEMG method is the study by Huppertz et al. spatial resolution electromyography and video-assisted movement
(1997). Although the results they report look promising, analysis in children with obstetric brachial plexus palsy. Hand Clin
prospective studies using blinded observers are needed to
Beck RBJ, Houtman CJ, O’Malley MJ, Lowery MM, Stegeman DF. A
corroborate the outcomes. technique to track individual motor unit action potentials in surface
EMG by monitoring their conduction velocities and amplitudes. IEEE
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194–202. Baziel van Engelen started his medical science
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estimation: a high density EMG study. J Electromyogr Kinesiol received his MD in medical science, and also
2005;15:1–11. studied philosophy at the University of
Staudenmann D, Kingma I, Daffertshofer A, Stegeman DF, van Dieen Amsterdam which he finished cum laude in
JH. Improving EMG-based muscle force estimation by using a high- 1992. Between 1985 and 1992 he did his Neu-
density EMG grid and principal component analysis. IEEE Trans rology residency at the Universities of Berlin
Biomed Eng 2006;53:712–9. and Nijmegen, followed by a research fellow-
Stegeman DF, Blok JH, Hermens HJ, Roeleveld K. Surface EMG models: ship at the department of neurology and
properties and applications. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2000a;10:313–26. immunology of the Mayo Clinic and Mayo
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EMG in clinical neurophysiology. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol 1994, Baziel became a staff member of the Neurology department of the
2000b;53:155–62. University of Nijmegen, with a focus on neuromuscular diseases. Baziel
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patients with central or peripheral lesions using singular-value versity in 2000, and full professor in 2003.
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surface electromyography. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1989;36:295–9. organisations.
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fiber conduction velocity in the human masseter muscle using the Dick F. Stegeman received the M.Sc. degree in
surface EMG cross-correlation technique. Front Med Biol Eng electrical engineering from the University of
1991;3:215–9. Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands in 1976.
Tokunaga T, Baba S, Tanaka M, Kashiwagi K, Kimura K, Kawazoe T. He worked towards his PhD degree (obtained
Two-dimensional configuration of the myoneural junctions of human in 1981) on model studies of human electric
masticatory muscle detected with matrix electrode. J Oral Rehabil nerve activity at the Medical Physics and Bio-
1998;25:329–34. physics Department at the Radboud Univer-
Van Beekvelt MC, Drost G, Rongen G, Stegeman DF, Van Engelen BG, sity, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. After a post
Zwarts MJ. Na+–K+-ATPase is not involved in the warming-up doc position at the otolaryngology department,
phenomenon in generalized myotonia. Muscle Nerve 2006;33:514–23. he was appointed in 1984 at the Department of
van der Hoeven JH, Zwarts MJ, van Weerden TW. Muscle fiber Clinical Neurophysiology as head of the
conduction velocity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and traumatic Physics Group of that department. Since 2003,
lesions of the plexus brachialis. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol he has a part-time professorship in applied electrophysiology at the Fac-
1993;89:304–10. ulty of Human Movement Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
van der Hoeven JH, Links TP, Zwarts MJ, van Weerden TW. He is director of the Interuniversity institute of Fundamental and Clinical
Muscle fiber conduction velocity in the diagnosis of familial Human Movement Sciences (IFKB, Nijmegen, Amsterdam).
602 G. Drost et al. / Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 16 (2006) 586–602

His main professional interests concern electrophysiological modelling, physiology and coauthor of the second edition of ‘‘Electrodiagnostic
the theory of volume conduction and the measurement and quantitative Medicine’’ (2002) by Dumitru D., Amato A.A. and Zwarts M.J. His
analysis of electroneurographic, EMG and EEG data. His work concerns research concerns the electrophysiological measurements and diagnosis
the study of neuromuscular and degenerative neurological disorders. A of neuromuscular disorders and muscle fatigue. A major goal is the
key development under his supervision is the system for high-density development and application of multi-channel surface electromyography
surface EMG. He is the co(author) of about 125 peer reviewed interna- as a new tool in the noninvasive diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders.
tional publications. He is on the editorial board of Clinical Neurophysi- Other areas of interest are ultrasound diagnosis of neuromuscular dis-
ology and in the advisory board of the Journal of electromyography and ease, magnetic stimulation of the nervous system, electrophysiological
Kinesiology. The present research is concerned with the use of spatio- predictors of recovery, EMG guided botulinum toxin treatment for
temporal information in EMG and EEG data. movement disorders and central aspects of local muscle fatigue.

Machiel J. Zwarts received his MD from the Gea Drost received her MD in 1994 from the
Faculty of Medicine, University of Groningen Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Neth-
in 1978 and completed his residency in Neu- erlands. She completed her residency in
rology and Clinical Neurophysiology in 1984 Neurology with an emphasis on Clinical
at the University hospital, Groningen. In Neurophysiology in 2000. Before, she got her
1989 he received his PhD degree on the thesis BSc in physical therapy from the Academy of
‘‘Applications of muscle fiber conduction Physical Therapy in Arnhem, the Nether-
velocity estimation’’ – A surface EMG study. lands. At the moment, works as a Neurolo-
Since 1997 he is professor of Clinical Neu- gist and Clinical Neurophysiologist at the
rophysiology at the Radboud University Department of Neurology (staff member) at
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
In 1992, he was awarded the first ‘‘Storm van Centre, the Netherlands. She combines her
Leeuwen-Magnus prijs’’ of the Dutch society of Clinical Neurophysi- clinical work with PhD research concerning pathophysiological insights
ology and in 2001 he presented the 26th Annual Edward H. Lambert and clinical applications of HD-sEMG (expected 2007). Her special
Lecture on invitation of the American Association of Electrodiagnostic interests are EMG and neuromuscular disorders, in particular muscle
Medicine. He is chairman of the Dutch Society for Clinical Neuro- channelopathies.

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