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Tonyo encounters the manlalayug in a rice field,

charmed by it but breaks the enchantment
accidentally. Fortunately, Tonyo was nicked by
his own knife, which broke the manlalayug's
spell. When Tonyo recovered consciousness, he
retreated the dagger, hurting the manlalayug.
He wounds the manlalayug in self-defense. Falling Action
Fearing the
manlalayug's curse,

Exposition Tonyo hurries away

without looking back.
Tonyo shares his .
background and the
origin of his name Rising Action
with his Apo stated that a member
grandchildren. of their family should be
the one to kill the
manlalayug, but given his
advanced age, he Resolution
suggested Francisco. Tonyo
decides to take on the task His brothers were up and
himself to save his father. waiting for him at the door
He leaves at midnight and when he arrived home. He told
proceeds to the town. them what had happened, and
Unrecognizable remains of a farmer from another they all hurried to the location
village were discovered one day. Apo noticed that of the fight with the
the farmer's internal organs had been removed manlalayug, only to discover a
without the use of any equipment. Apo suggests
pool of blood instead.
someone from their family should kill the
manlalayug, pointing to Francisco due to his age.

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