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Lesson 4
High School
Andrés Ruzo audio script
Greetings explorers and young change makers. This is Andrés Ruzo, I’m a Geothermal Scientist and
Conservationist, and I’m here in the Peruvian Amazon at the Boiling River of the Amazon right behind me.
That water is dangerously hot. If you fall in it, you’re in trouble.
So, the Boiling River is one of the most outstanding ecosystems on the planet. The waters here can get
to almost 90 degrees Celsius or more. It’s pretty spectacular. It flows for about 6 kilometres or a little bit
more actually, and also flows over 700 km away from the nearest active volcanic centre.

Local Impact
We’re doing all these amazing studies: conservation work, cultural valorisation and indigenous rights work
here at the Boiling River to fight for our planet.

These goals align very well with the UN Sustainable Development Goals specifically number 17, and this is
what we want to do.
We’ve got a lot to do to preserve and protect our planet. So now it’s your turn. Where do you want to have
impact? Where do you want to leave your legacy? Keep asking these questions and let’s start getting into
this for COP28. All right, kids. See you soon.

The BIG GREEN Lesson Audio script – High School 1

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