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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: ____________

_____ Subject: EAPP 11/12 Teacher: _______________________________ Score:


Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 7 LAS 1

Activity Title : Gathering of Information from Survey, Experiments or Observation
Learning Target : Determine the importance of gathering information through survey
Reference(s) : SLM English 11, MELC
LAS Writer : Ivan John L. Daro

The tasks of gathering or collecting information or data from surveys require a high level of
knowledge and skill. You need to be familiar with different types of survey questions.
Types of Survey Questions:
1.Open-ended questions-these types of questions do not have pre-determined options or answers.
The respondents are allowed to answer the questions freely.
Example: Why did you choose to vote candidate X? Kindly explain.

2. Close ended question

1.Dichotomous questions-have two possible answers, often either Yes or No, True or False. Or
Agree/Disagree. Example: HIV/AIDS is transmitted through saliva _ Yes_ No
2.Multiple- response questions- the respondents need to provide more than one answer.
Example: What are some educational tools available in your home, select all that apply:
3.Rankings: Allow you to rank how important you think something is, compared to other options.
Example: Please rank the following in order of importance, from 1 to 4, where 1 is most important”
____ Education ______ Family _______ Career ______ Love life
5. Rating scales: Allow you to indicate how strongly you agree with something or rate something
Example: Express the level of satisfaction of using the product:
___ Highly satisfied ____ Satisfied ______ Dissatisfied _____ Highly Dissatisfied
6.Multiple-choice questions. Example: What is your favorite subject?
□ Math □ Language □ Science□ History
Activity: THAT’S THE QUESTION. Identify what type of Survey questions are used in the following:
_____1. Have you ever purchased a product or service from our website? Yes___ No____
_____2. Please rank the following in order of importance from 1 to 4, where 1 is the most important
and 4 is the least important:
___Cleanliness ___ friendly staff ___ faster services ____ food
_____3. What is your most favorite pizza topping?
a. pepperoni b. sausage c. mushrooms d. pineapple
_____4. Grade Level: ___ 11___ 12
_____5. How would you describe your life situation in this pandemic?
_____6. What was your biggest concern or fear before buying this product?
_____7. To what extent do you agree with this: The company made it easy for me to handle my
__Strongly agree ___ Agree ____ Partly Agree ____Disagree ___Strongly disagree
_____8. Mobile Legends affect students’ academic performance in school? ___ Agree ___ Disagree
_____9. How often do you conduct surveys?
a. weekly b. monthly c. quarterly d. annually
_____ 10. Do you agree that the death penalty is ever justified? ___ Agree ___ Disagree

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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________
Subject: EAPP 11/12 Teacher: _______________________________ Score: ______________

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 7 LAS 2

Activity Title : Gathering of Information from Survey, Experiments or Observation
Learning Target : Explain the process of gathering of gathering information through experiment
and observation
Reference(s) : SLM English 11, MELC
LAS Writer : Ivan John L. Daro

Gathering Information through Observation

Observation guides may be useful in documenting what is being observed.
Four types of observational methods:
1. Cross-sectional method collects data on observed relationships once. This method has the
advantage of being cheaper and taking less time as compared to case-control and cohort.
2. Case-control method creates cases and controls and then observes them After identifying the
cases and controls, it will move back in time to observe how the event of interest occurs in the two
3. Cohort method follows people with similar characteristics over a period. It is also not suitable for
occurrences that happen rarely.
4. Ecological method studies a population instead of individuals. Using ecological method saves
time and money because data is already available.
Gathering Information through Experiment
An experiment is a data collection method where you as a researcher change some variables and
observe their effect on other variables. The variables that you manipulate are referred to as
independent while the variables that change as a result of manipulation are dependent variables.
Designing a study
Steps for designing a study:
1. Identify the variable (or variables) of interest and the population of the study.
2. Develop a detailed plan for collecting the data. When using a sample, you need to make sure that
the sample is representative of the population.
3. Collect the data.
4. Describe the data using descriptive statistics.
5. Interpret the data and use inferential statistics to make decisions (or assumptions) about the
6. Identify any possible errors (some potential problems can be identified earlier in the process).
Collecting Data
This will focus on four methods for collecting data: Observational studies, experiments, simulations,
and surveys.
 In an observational study, a researcher measures and observes the variables of interest without
changing existing conditions.
 In an experiment, a researcher assigns a treatment and observes the response. Sometimes, a
control group (a group receiving no treatment or a placebo) may be used to compare the
effectiveness of a treatment.
 A simulation uses a mathematical, physical, or computer model to replicate the conditions of a
process or situation. This is frequently used when the actual situation is too expensive, dangerous, or
impractical to replicate in real life.
 A survey is used to investigate characteristics of a population. It is frequently used when the
subjects are people, and questions are asked of them. When designing a survey, you must be very
careful of wording (and sometimes ordering) the questions so that the results are not biased.
Activity: Let’s Explore!
Gather data or information through conducting a simple survey, observation or experiments based on
the situations below. Follow the steps on the previous lesson and your knowledge on constructing a
good questionnaire to guide you on doing this task.

1. You want to know whether people want to be vaccinated by Covid-19 vaccine or not.(Survey)
Create a questionnaire and let other people answer the survey. Record some important
findings and create a simple narrative based on the result.
2. You want to find out how students spend their time at home. (Observation)
Write a simple narrative based on your observation. Highlight the important notes on the

3. You want to find out if plants grows faster under the sunlight or not.( Experiment)
Follow the steps in Scientific Method and write a simple narrative based on your findings.

Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________

Subject: EAPP 11/12 Teacher: _______________________________ Score: ______________

Lesson : Quarter 2 Week 7 LAS 3

Activity Title : Gathering of Information from Survey, Experiments or Observation
Learning Target : Determine the importance of conducting survey
Reference(s) : SLM English 11, MELC
LAS Writer : Ivan John L. Daro
Surveys can be used to find out attitudes and reactions, to measure client satisfaction, to determine
opinions from various issues and to add credibility to your research. You can use surveys to measure
ideas and opinions about community issues that affect the society.
A survey maybe you best choice when:
 You need a quick and efficient way of getting information
 You need to reach a large number of people
 You need statistically valid information about a large number of people
 The information you need isn’t readily available through other mean
You can conduct experimental research in the following situations:
 Time is vital factor in establishing a relationship between cause and effect
 Invariable behavior between cause and effect
 You wish to understand the importance of cause and effect
You conduct observation because:
 It can gather empirical data which are difficult to obtain by other means
 Gather sufficient data to supplement or verify information gathered by other means
 Gather data needed to describe aspects of variable which cannot be described without
 Gather primary data or first-hand information

Activity: Identify what type of gathering data technique best suited in the following situations:
_______1. Plant growth
_______2. Students’ beliefs about joining a fraternity
_______3. The opinion of parents in face to face classes
_______4. The effect of online games in students’ behavior
_______5. The pulse of Filipino people in 2022 election
_______6. The daily life of ordinary commuters
_______7. The effect of smart phone in the study habit
_______8. Students’ views towards Covid-19 pandemic
_______9. Effect of chemical to plant’s growth
______10. Customer’s satisfaction of a product

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