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Lesson Plan: Manipulating Directed Numbers, Algebraic Expressions, and Algebraic Fractions

Subject: Mathematics

Grade Level: IGCSE

Duration: 1 hour

Tutor: Thabang Moduka


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

Manipulate directed numbers using brackets and extract common factors.

Expand products of algebraic expressions.

Manipulate algebraic fractions.



Whiteboard markers

Worksheets for practice

Homework assignment sheets

Introduction (5 minutes):

Begin the lesson by reminding students of the concept of directed numbers and their operations
(addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).

Discuss the importance of manipulating directed numbers and algebraic expressions in solving
mathematical problems.

Directed Numbers and Brackets (15 minutes):

Review the concept of brackets in mathematics and their purpose in simplifying expressions.

Demonstrate how to manipulate directed numbers using brackets to simplify calculations.

Example: Solve the expression (-2 + 3) * 4 – (-6).

Provide a few examples for students to practice manipulating directed numbers using brackets.

Common Factors (10 minutes):

Introduce the concept of common factors and their importance in simplifying expressions.

Show students how to extract common factors from expressions involving directed numbers.
Example: Simplify the expression 3x + 6y – 2x + 4y.

Allow students to practice extracting common factors from algebraic expressions.

Expanding Algebraic Expressions (15 minutes):

Explain the concept of expanding algebraic expressions by multiplying the terms within parentheses.

Provide examples of expanding products of algebraic expressions, such as (2x + 3)(4x – 5).

Guide students through the steps involved in expanding algebraic expressions.

Allow students to practice expanding algebraic expressions on the whiteboard.

Algebraic Fractions (10 minutes):

Introduce the concept of algebraic fractions and their manipulation.

Explain the steps involved in simplifying algebraic fractions by finding a common denominator.

Provide examples of simplifying algebraic fractions, such as (2x + 1)/(x + 2) – (x – 1)/(x – 2).

Allow students to practice simplifying algebraic fractions.

Conclusion and Homework (5 minutes):

Recap the main points covered in the lesson: manipulating directed numbers using brackets, extracting
common factors, expanding algebraic expressions, and simplifying algebraic fractions.

Assign homework that includes a variety of practice problems covering the lesson objectives.

Provide students with a clear deadline for completing the homework.

Answer any questions students may have.

Homework Assignment:

Simplify the expression: 2(3x – 4) – 5(2x + 1).

Expand the following algebraic expression: (4a – 2b)(3a + 5b).

Simplify the algebraic fraction: (2x + 3)/(x – 4) – (x + 1)/(2x – 8).

Extract the common factors from the expression: 3y – 9x + 6y – 3x.

Expand the following algebraic expression: (x + 2)(3x^2 – 4x + 1).

Simplify the expression: (-3) – (-4) * 2 + (-5)(-1).

Simplify the algebraic fraction: (3x + 2)/(x + 1) + (2x – 1)/(x – 2).

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