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"Secret of RamaSetu revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman"

[Setuu’s Note : Second half of this chapter contains transcendental knowledge -- the
knowledge which takes us beyond human mind. Therefore, devotees from

mainstream society who are attached too much to their human minds may find it
difficult to grasp. Nevertheless we have published it, because Lord Hanuman has

directed us to do so. Probably there are some Grihasth Sadhakas (Householder

Seekers) amongst the Setuu’s online community, to whom this chapter must reach.

The supreme knowledge enshrined in these chapters purifies one's soul and makes
them eligible for Sakshat Darshan of Lord Hanuman.

Secret of RamaSetu revealed by the immortal Lord Hanuman

The first leg of Charan Pooja which was performed on behalf of Yajmaan Basantha
was completed. Yajmaan Basantha had offered Arpanam in the form of a

basket of fruits, and received Prasadam in the form of knowledge of Paatal Loka. His
hidden wish was to get gemstones of his family back but that wish could not

be fulfilled in the first leg. Lord Hanuman had stood up from His Asana. All Mathangs
present in the Hanumandal also stood up with their palms joined and head

bowed. Before the assembly broke, Hotar Urva asked Lord Hanuman very
importantly, “O Lord, if the gemstones are in the sea bed, how can they be brought
back? It seems impossible firstly to go in depth of ocean and secondly to find the
small gemstones in such depths.”

Baba Mathang was not pleased with behavior of Hotar Urva. He gave Urva an angry
look, then bowed to Lord Hanuman and said, “O Lord, forgive him. He is young

and ignorant. He doesn’t know that once Prasadam has been received by Yajmaan,
assembly must break. I beg your apologies.”

Lord Hanuman smiled and looked first at Urva and then at Baba Mathang. He then
walked over the holy water reservoir in front of His Asana and disappeared.

Baba Mathang started the concluding ritual. Yajmaan Basantha blew off the lamps
placed on periphery of Hanumandal one by one as Baba Mathang watched. Then

the God of fire was seen off from the altar in the center of Hanumandal. Urva tried
to help Baba Mathang in completing these rituals but Baba angrily refused to

involve him.

Finally when the assembly broke and Mathangs started walking towards their
homes, Urva tried to speak to Baba to explain his point of view. Baba did not give

him opportunity to speak.

Later when the Mathangs were having breakfast, Urva sat near Baba Mathang and
attempted to speak. Baba Mathang thundered, “If Basantha himself did not
ask gemstones, who are you to express a wish on his behalf, that too when Lord
Hanuman had stood up from His Asana? You have gone too far, Urva. I will not

appoint you Hotar anymore. Urmi shall be the Hotar hereafter.”

Urva tried to speak, “Baba, I just wanted to…”

“Wanted what?” Baba Mathang thundered again, “You think the Charan Pooja shall
proceed as per your ‘wants’?

‘I just wanted’ means what? Is your ‘want’ so superior that you shall defy the
procedures laid down by our ancestors through the centuries?”

Urva broke down. He picked up his plate of breakfast, stood up sobbing and dashed
away from there.

Urmi was also sitting near Baba Mathang. She witnessed everything silently. Baba
said to Urmi, “I also think that the lost gemstones must come to Basantha’s

family so that his father’s soul can liberate. But we are human beings. What we
think is right may not be right. Didn’t you see Urmi, out of huge pile of fruits

brought by Basantha, only a small piece of banana was sacred enough to be offered
to Lord. That showed how much Basantha was under influence of Surrahs and

Asurrahs. Then how can we be sure that our wish of getting gemstones back is
actually our wish? It could well be a wish induced in us by Surrahs and Asurrahs?

“And it’s not only Basantha, I am afraid that we all have come under huge influence
of Surrahs and Asurrahs in last 41 years. We feel that we are pure but that
feeling of pureness can be induced by Asurrahs too. I think Lord Hanuman was
hinting towards me when he told about Bhishma (of Mahabharata). Yes, Bhishma

thought that he was very righteous but actually he was under huge influence of

“Do not worry Baba Mathang, you are not under influence of Surrahs and Asurrahs.”
It was the voice of Lord Hanuman. He was sitting where Urmi was sitting a

moment ago.

Baba Mathang was pleasantly stunned to see Lord Hanuman having breakfast with
him. He did not know what to do and what to say. Attempting to fold his hands

in veneration, he mumbled, “Lord!”

Lord Hanuman further said, “… and you keep yourself under constant observation. It
signifies that you are completely pure. You have fulfilled your

responsibilities as ‘Baba’ very well so far. And Urva did nothing wrong. The question
raised by him is bubbling in minds of all seeker Mathangs right now. I know

when to plant a question in a seeker’s mind and when to answer them. And as far as
the rituals are concerned, being protector of Mathang tradition, your anger is

justified. Because of your anger, now he is deeply thinking why that particular ritual
is in place and why it should not be broken.

Baba felt relieved to hear those words. He turned up his head to get a glimpse of
the Lord again, but Lord Hanuman had disappeared from there. Baba saw Urmi
at that place having her breakfast

After some time, next leg of Charan Pooja started. This time Yajmaan was Charitha,
a Mathang woman. Urmi was appointed as Hotar. Before the ritual of

Arpanam could start, Yajmaan’s soul required to be enlightened by Lord Hanuman’s


Lord spoke, “In the last leg of Charan Pooja, Urva had asked a question - gemstones
are deep in the sea bed. How is it possible to retrieve them from there?

“Urva’s question reminds me of Nala, the Vaanara who built the bridge over the sea.

“When Lord Ram decided to wage a war on Ravana, millions of Vaanars gathered to
form an army. Lanka was situated across the sea. It was a big challenge to

transport such a huge army of Vaanars across the sea. Lord Ram called a meeting of
army commanders and asked their suggestions.

“Sugreeva said, “My Lord, we cannot land the entire army in Lanka. On the outskirts
of Lanka, there is not much space to camp our army of millions of Vaanars.

There will be scarcity of food and other necessities on the land of enemy. Therefore
we should proceed with only half of army. Rest half can stay this side and

rush for enforcement if war goes on for long time. We have huge workforce here.
They can build required number of boats very fast.”
“Laxmana enquired, “What if we get attacked by sea monsters on the way? Our
army is not skilled enough to fight dangers of the sea.”

“I assured Laxmana that If Lord Ram permits me I can fight the sea monsters single
handedly to save our army. Therefore there was no need to worry about the

dangers of sea.

“Angada said, “I suspect that Ravana has a battalion of army which is skilled in sea
warfare. What if he sends that battalion to finish our army in the sea itself?”

“Lord Ram said, “The war has not been declared yet. No warrior can attack without
declaring the war first.”

“Laxman remarked, “Ravana is under influence of Asurrahs. I don’t think that he will
follow rulebook of Kshatriyas.”

“Lord Rama said, “Laxman, I know Ravana is under influence of Asurrahs but he is
extremely egoistic about his army power. He won’t do this cowardice act.”

“Sugreeva realized a mistake in his plan. He said, “We can take one half of our army
to Lanka in boats without any problem. But if we require another half of army,

we won’t be able to call them later… because once the war is declared, Ravana will
be free to attack our army in the sea itself. He will send his battalion of sea

warriors and finish another half of our army while they try to cross the sea.”

““Exactly!” Angada opined, “Our army needs land under their feet to fight anything
significant. They do not know how to fight in the boats.”
“Lord Rama said, “What if we build a bridge across the sea? Bridge is as good as
land. There won’t be any problem in getting reinforcement via the bridge.”

“Everyone present in the meeting gave a surprising look. “Bridge across the sea?”
Sugreeva said, “I am afraid that is impossible my Lord.”

“Nala can do it.” Lord Ram said.

“N… Nala…. Hmmm… yes, there is a skilled Vaanara called Nala who can build
bridges. But how do you know him my Lord?” Sugreeva exclaimed.

“That was an odd question. Lord Ram, the supreme Lord, knows all. How would he
not know anyone? I intervened and said, “Why don’t we call Nala and ask him

whether he can build the bridge?”

“Sugreeva replied promptly, “He can build bridge from one tree to another. He
cannot build bridge across sea. It is impossible.”

“I knew that nothing is impossible for Lord Ram. So I insisted, “Let us call Nala here
and ask him.”</p>


<p>“Angada went out to call Nala.

“When Angada entered in the meeting room again, he was with Nala. Nala was very
surprised that Lord Ram knew him and had specifically called him for meeting
out of millions of Vaanars. Angada spoke on his behalf, “Lord, I asked Nala. He says
he cannot build a bridge in water.”

“Lord Ram smiled at Nala and asked, “Nala, Every creative person is a form of
Vishwakarma. If you can create a bridge between two trees, you can build a bridge

between here and Lanka too. Can’t you?”

“Nala was numb. But he immediately replied as if the words burst out of his lips
suddenly, “Yes, I can.”

“Everyone looked at Nala. Confidence of Nala vanished and he seemed uncertain.

Lord Ram looked in his eyes. The magic happened again and he spoke loudly

addressing the entire assembly of commanders, “Yes, I can build the bridge across
the sea. I shall survey the sea right away. Then I will prepare the design.”

“Lord Ram directed me to accompany Nala for survey of the sea.

“I left the meeting room along with Nala. I noticed that he was trembling, and
murmuring, “Yes… the bridge can be built… yes, I shall build the bridge.” His

confidence had again gone down. He was trying to reassure himself.

“We took a boat, few ropes and sticks and went into the sea. Nala started
measuring depth of the sea at different places. The sea was very deep everywhere.

Nala was disappointed. He gave up and said, “It is impossible to build a bridge in
this sea.”
“Then why did you say yes to Lord Ram?” I asked.

“Nala replied, “I do not know what happened to me when Lord Ram looked at me. I
felt that I am Vishwakarma and I can create anything. But as soon as I came

out of the meeting I again felt that I am just an ordinary monkey.”

“I said to him, “O Nala, If Lord Ram believes in you, there is something special about
you. No matter how deep the water is, you can build the bridge.”

“But… how…?” Nala said helplessly, “How should I say… it is simply impossible. I
cannot make even a single pillar stand in this deep water.”

“We were sailing the boat in the middle of the sea. Nala was feeling scared of the
responsibility at hand. He requested me to suggest a solution. I told him to

close his eyes and chant name of Lord Ram.

“He closed his eyes and started chanting name of Lord Ram. I could see glow on his
face. I said, “O the soul who is chanting name of Lord Ram, who are you? Do

introduce yourself.”

“With his eyes closed, Nala replied, “I am Nala, a form of Vishwakarma. I can see
myself digging the base of the sea. I can see myself tearing apart the sea. Yes, I

can do that. Yes, I will do that.”

“I saw glimpse of Vishwakarma on the face of Nala. I asked him to open his eyes.

“When he opened his eyes, he saw something unusual. He shouted, “Balls of fire!”

“I turned back and saw that Nala was nodding towards a huge crocodile few meters
away from our boat. Holding firm grip on my mace, I asked, “Balls of fire?

No, that is just a crocodile.”

“But there was something unusual about the crocodile. Its eyes were looking like
two balls of fire. And he was looking right towards me.” Nala asserted.

“It must have been a trick of light, nothing else.” I comforted Nala but actually that
crocodile was looking suspicious to me too. A normal crocodile would have

come to attack us but when we looked towards that creature, it turned away.

“Nala said, “Don’t know why, I feel that that crocodile is a spy of Ravana. Shouldn’t
we chase it and find out?”

““No.” I said, “There are so many creatures like this in this sea. We have to
concentrate only on our work. I would attack these creatures only if they try to harm


“The work, ah!” Nala said, “The work in hand is an impossible task. I have no idea
where should I start.”
““But few moments ago, your face was glowing with Godly powers. I got a glimpse
of Lord Vishwakarma on your face when you were chanting name of Lord Ram.” I


“Nala said jokingly, “This Bridge can be built only if rocks start floating in the sea.”

“I said seriously, “Anything is possible if Lord Ram desires so. If Lord Ram thinks that
you can build the bridge, then just go and relax. Tomorrow morning, chant

His name and start throwing rocks in the sea. They will float if so is the desire of

“Nala was not fully convinced but he had no other option. I asked him to stop
surveying. I took him far into the sea and showed him various creatures. He

the sea with child like enthusiasm and forgot about the bridge.

“When we returned back into our camp late in evening, Angada and Sugreeva asked
whether the surveying had been completed. Nala had no answer. I replied on

his behalf, “Yes, the surveying is complete. Nala can start the construction from

“I saw Lord Ram smiling at me. He knew the truth that all this while we were not
measuring the sea but watching the creatures of sea and enjoying the boat ride,

and that we had got nothing figured out as to how the bridge will be constructed.
“Next morning, everyone’s eye was on Nala. All the commanders of our army had
gathered on the beach. Nala was walking on the beach seriously as if he was

measuring the sea with his eyes. Just to tease him, I asked, “O the great Nala,
where should we start the construction? Please guide us so that we can gather the

required material at that point.”

“Nala was apparently very nervous and his lips were moving. He was slowly
chanting Lord Ram’s name. When I teased him, he looked towards me and
increased his

volume of chanting, “Raam… Raam… Raam…”

“Angada and Sugreeva looked towards me curiously. I immediately said, “Errr… yes,
Raam… Raam … Raam… Nala means to say that Lord Raam will tell where to

start the bridge.”

“Fortunately Lord Ram arrived there with Laxmana and said, “Yes, please come with
me. We will do a Pooja first and then Nala can start the construction.”

“It seemed Lord Ram already knew the point where the bridge construction had to
be started. He took us there and started a Pooja. Nala was still very nervous,

but I was certain that everything was going to be alright.

“When the Pooja was over, the focus came back to Nala. His nervousness flew away
and Godly powers manifested through him when Lord Ram looked into his eyes.

Nala pointed his hand towards the sea and roared, “Let us place the first stone right
at the heart of mighty sea! Jai Shri Ram.”

“I repeated after Him, “Jai Shri Ram” and threw a stone right in the direction of his
hand. To extreme surprise and excitement of one and all present there, the

stone thrown by me did not sink in the sea. When Nala’s out-of-the-world
excitement wore out, a pleasant surprise engulfed his mind. He did not utter a word

his eyes were asking me, “How did this miracle happen? How did the laws of this
world change? How did the stone float in the sea?”

“One thing was certain to me: No act of Lord Ram would ever violate laws of this
world. If stones do not float in water for the rest of the world, Lord Ram would

never make them float just for himself.

“Our entire army started chanting Lord Ram’s name loudly when Angada made the
announcement that stone thrown in the sea was floating by the grace of Lord

Ram and skills of Nala. Nala became an instant hero of entire monkey race.

“Nala wanted to know the secret behind the floating stone. He said to Lord Ram,
“Lord, I need your permission to go into the sea and take some measurements.

Can I go with Shri Hanuman?”

“After taking Lord Ram’s permission, we took a boat and went to the place where
the stone was floating. To our huge surprise, we found that the stone was not

floating in water; instead it was placed on a ridge. Nala exclaimed, “I cannot believe
my eyes. How did this ridge come up here? Yesterday, there was very deep

water in here. What miracle …. Overnight …. How?”

“I had no explanation. I simply said, “Such is the power of Lord Ram’s name!”

“Nala closed his eyes and chanted Lord Ram’s name loudly. I sailed the boat to find
out how long the ridge was. We found that the ridge was formed fully across

the sea. The only work left to be done was to bridge the gaps here and there to
make the surface even. Nala was a master in abridging small gaps. In next couple

of days, with the help of huge workforce of Vaanaras, Nala turned the ridge into a
smooth bridge.

“Nala was not comfortable with the sudden popularity he had got among the
millions of Vaanars. He felt that he didn’t deserve it because he believed that the

ridge had come up by the powers of Lord Ram. When the bridge was complete, Lord
Ram told him, “Nala, the ridge came out of earth because of you. Right now I

cannot tell you how this happened but I shall definitely tell you after the war is
“To honor Nala, Lord Ram named the bridge as “NalaSethu”.

“When the war was over, Nala asked Lord Ram about the secret of the ridge. Can
you guess O wise Mathangs, what was the secret?” Lord Hanuman asked the

assembly of Mathangs.

Urva was sitting silently. Lord Hanuman looked at him and said, “Urva’s question
reminded me of Nala. Nala was saying that it was impossible to build bridge in the

sea and Urva was saying that it is impossible to bring the gemstones from the sea
bed. I am not saying that some kind of ridge will pop up in the sea and

gemstones will come up. I am simply saying that nothing is impossible.”

Urva didn’t speak anything. Urmi was the Hotar of Pooja. She got up and asked, “O
Lord, we are eager to know the secret. How did the ridge come up in the sea

overnight? Please bless us with the supreme knowledge and help us know the
secret. We cannot guess.”

Lord Hanuman said, “I am going to tell this secret to you now. Pay attention to each
word of mine otherwise you won’t be able to understand it.

“When we are in open air, we live comfortably but when we go into water, we feel
uneasy. The opposite is true for fishes. When a fish is in water, it feels

comfortable and when it is in open air, it feels uneasy. Imagine a fish into deep
water. Can you imagine the world of fish from the perspective of fish?” Lord
Hanuman asked.

“Hotar Urmi, who is experienced in changing bodies, replied quickly, “Just like air is
invisible for us, water is invisible for a fish. So, I think a fish feels like a bird

when it is inside the water. She feels open space around her and she travels in that
open space.”

“Good.” Lord Hanuman said, “Do all of you get what Urmi said? Can you imagine the
world of fish? It is exactly opposite to our world. For her water is ‘gas’ and air

is ‘liquid’. When she is in water, she feels open space around her and when she is in
air, she feels something ‘liquid’ around her which suffocates her.”

[Setuu’s Note : We human beings have tendency to study and explain everything
from our perspective. Here, you are required to leave your perspective. Sadhakas

practice it every day. We are not sure if devotees of mainstream society will be able
to do it. If you have understood this chapter so far, you are a Grihasth


All the Mathangs nodded. Lord Hanuman further said, “Now imagine about the
Paatal Loka. When I went to Paatal, I did not see anything abnormal about that

world. It looked like a normal world like ours. O Mathangs, just think and tell. If
Paatal is deep inside our Earth, it should be dark and suffocating in there. Why
didn’t I feel so?”

Hotar Urmi replied, “If I go into water with my human body, I will feel suffocated
there; but If I enter inside body of a fish, I would feel nothing abnormal

inside water. Similarly, my Lord, your body did not go to Paatal. Your soul entered in
body of a Paatal creature, and experienced Paataal from that body.”

Lord Hanuman pointed towards ground and said, “See, we are located on a solid
ground. So, even if everything is normal for the Paatal creatures from inside,

they should at least see a solid roof on top of their world. I didn’t see any roof. I saw
open sky just like ours. Why so?”

Urmi didn’t get any answer immediately. Lord Hanuman looked towards Urva. He
looked at Baba Mathang and turned down his head. Lord Hanuman insisted, “Urva,

Baba will not chide you if you speak in the Pooja hours. Do speak.”

“Lord, I think for the creatures of Paatal, we and our world are invisible.” Urva stood
up and said in a low voice, “For a fish, water feels like an invisible gas.

Similarly, for creatures of Paatal, our solid matter feels like invisible gas. That is why
they don’t see any roof over their world.”

Lord Hanuman seemed to agree. He said, “Yes, but they are somehow aware of our
world. They think that there is a thick invisible layer over their world in which

some creatures live. So Maanavloka is nothing but an invisible thick layer for them.
Do you know why Ahi and Mahi, two brothers of Paatalloka, abducted Lord
Ram and Laxman?”

“Because Ravana used to enter in body of Mahi; he instigated his brother to abduct
Lord Ram.” Urva promptly replied.

“That is true, but do you know how Ravana instigated the creatures of Paatal to
abduct Lord Ram?” Lord Hanuman told, “Through the body of Mahi, he told them

a false story that the creatures of MaanavLoka are going to attack PaatalLoka. He
made them believe that Lord Ram and Laxman are leaders of the army which is

going to launch an attack on Paatal Loka.

“When they successfully abducted (supreme) souls of Lord Ram and Laxman, they
trapped them inside two bodies of Paatal. They called a seer who was skilled

enough to talk to souls. Ahi said to the seer, “O seer, we have abducted these two
souls from MaanavLoka. As per secret information, these two souls are leading

an army which is going to attack PaatalLoka. Interrogate these souls and find out
their plans.”

“The seer looked into the (supreme) soul of Lord Ram and asked, “O soul, who are

“I am Nala.” Lord Ram replied.

“Ravana, who was present there in the body of Mahi, immediately said, “No, he is
not Nala. He is Rama. He is lying.”

“The seer said, “O Mahi, I am experienced enough to know whether a soul is

expressing a lie or truth. This soul is telling the truth. His name is Nala, not Rama.”

“Mahi (Ravana) angrily said, “O seer, you are mistaken. He is Rama.”

[Setuu’s Note: In the above line, “Mahi (Ravana)” denotes Mahi’s body+Ravana’s
soul. Do not read it as “MahiRavana”. Name of the Paatal creature was only “Mahi”,

not “MahiRavana”.]

“The seer looked in the eyes of Mahi (Ravana) and said, “This soul is indeed Nala
but I doubt whether your soul is Mahi’s soul. Why should I not believe that some

evil soul has entered in Mahi’s body and doubting my knowledge?”

“Ravana who was there in Mahi’s body, got frightened. He immediately went out of
the hall in anger. Ahi’s intervention saved him from seer’s attention. Ahi said,

“O seer, we have nothing to do with their name. Please find out their plans. Please
find out where there army is right now?”

“Right now?” The seer asked, “Our ‘right now’ or their ‘right now’? … because our
Time and their Time is not common.”

“Ahi got confused. He said to the seer, “O seer, in PaatalLoka, you are the minister
of MaanavLoka affairs. I am told that your department has gained significant
knowledge about MaanavLoka. I have also heard that you have prepared weapons
which can affect MaanavLoka significantly.”

“The seer replied, “MaanavLoka is completely invisible for us. But we have managed
to study their world by way of soul reading. We have found that, from our

world, we can only see and affect their past, not present. For example, these two
abducted souls are here in this hall right now. But we can only interact with their

past, not present.”

“Ahi said, “I do not have patience to study your findings, O Seer. Please interact with
these souls as per your knowledge and find out a way to stop their army

from attacking us.”

“The seer turned to (supreme) soul of Rama and asked, “O soul, who are you?”

“I am Nala, a form of Vishwakarma. I can see myself digging the base of the sea. I
can see myself tearing apart the sea. Yes, I can do that. Yes, I will do that.”

The reply came.

“Few moments later, Lord Ram looked in the eyes of seer and loudly said, “Balls of
fire.” The seer got spooked. He turned away from Lord Ram suddenly. Ahi

asked, “What happened O seer? Did you see anything untoward?”

““Errr… N.. No … nothing untoward… He recognized that I was sneaking into his
soul.” The seer replied in fearful voice.

[Setuu’s explanation: The seer of Paatal Loka was watching Nala in MaanavLoka
through the eyes of crocodile. Please note the illusion of Time here : The Lanka

war had already started in MaanavLoka when Lord Ram and Laxman got abducted
from Paatal. But people of PaatalLoka are in contact with our past, not present.

Hence, the seer of PaatalLoka was seeing that the army of Vaanaras had not
crossed the sea yet, Nala was surveying the sea to build bridge.]

“From whatever he could see, the seer opined, “O Ahi, This Nala seems to be the
head of the army which is going to attack us. I heard him saying something about

“tearing apart”. As you know, the MaanavLoka is an invisible thick layer above our
Loka. Probably he was talking about tearing apart that layer to attack us. I have

tracked the movement of this soul. I can draw a probable line on map of
MaanavLoka from where they are planning to tear apart their layer. We can place

reinforcements along that line in order to make the layer of MaanavLoka strong from
there so that they fail to tear it apart. That is how we can stop them from

attacking us.”

““Excellent!” Ahi congratulated the seer for the breakthrough. He then ordered, “O
seer, please draw the map right away. We will prepare to launch the

reinforcements right away.”

“O Mathangs, the enforcement thus sent by Paataal creatures formed the ridge in
the sea. So, this is the secret of that ridge.” Lord Hanuman concluded.

Yajmaan Charita’s soul was feeling enlightened now. She was eligible for Arpanam.
Baba Mathang stood up to start the ritual of Arpanam but Lord Hanuman

noticed that Urva wanted to ask something. He said, “Urva, do not be afraid to voice
your query. Stand up and speak.”

Urva stood up and asked, “O Lord, I was thinking… Lord Ram’s soul was abducted to
Paatal. Then why did he introduce Himself as ‘Nala’ in front of Paatal’s seer?

Wasn’t that a lie… a lie from Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram? Pardon me if I have
asked anything wrong.”

Lord Hanuman smiled and replied, “It was not Lord Ram, it was His (supreme) soul
in Paatal. His soul is supreme. All other souls are just subset of His soul. He can

manifest Himself in any form He wants. In Paatal, He manifested Himself as ‘Nala’.

Now that I have told you the secret of Raamsethu, you know why He did so!”

Urva’s mind seemed satisfied now. Now Hotar Urmi got courage to ask a question.
She said, “O Lord, the knowledge of Paatal’s seer about our world was so weak,

he couldn’t even realize that there was no plan to attack Paatal!”

Lord Hanuman raised his hand towards the sky and said, “There is an invisible world
on top of our world too. How much do you know about that world?”
No more questions came up in the assembly. Baba Mathang walked to the altar
where Yajmaan Charita’s basket of fruits of kept and started the ritual of


Special Note from Setuu Masters : If we compare these chapters of Lord Hanuman’s
Leelas with the ancient Hindu scriptures, one thing becomes very clear : The

ancient scriptures - be it Mahabharata, Ramayana, Vedas or Upanishadas - as they

are available today, are not in their original form. They have been extremely

misinterpreted and deformed many times. For example, the transcendental

knowledge, which is very difficult to grasp, has been replaced with easy-to-

understand theories like “boon”, “curse” etc. After centuries of ignorance, humanity
is finally getting the original transcendental knowledge by the grace of Lord

Hanuman. Our generation is indeed very blessed.

Explanation Edit 1 : As expected, some devotees are not able to understand the
illusion of Time. All of them are doing same mistake : They are trying to imagine

Paatal and Bhuloka side by side and comparing it like apple and orange. See, first of
all you must choose the place from where you want to watch or understand a

world. You are not independent. You are either in Paatal or in Bhuloka. We are upper
world (Vyahriti) of Paatal. Therefore, when we see from Bhuloka, we see

future of Paatal. And when Paatal people see us, they see our past.

Suppose that you have a machine through which you can see Paatal. Imagine that
you are on the beach when Nala has gone to survey the sea. What would you see in
Paatal? You will see that Lord Ram and Laxman's souls are there and the Seer is
interrogating them.

Now suppose that you are in Paatal and you have a machine through which you can
see Bhuloka. Imagine that you are in the hall where the seer is interrogating

souls of Lord Ram and Laxman. If you see Bhuloka from there through your
machine, what will you see? You will see that Nala is surveying the sea.

So, You have to first decide what is your observation point. If you choose an
observation point for yourself which is neither in Paatal nor in Bhuloka, then it is

some third world. You must know Time relationship of that third world with Bhuloka
and Paatal and then you have to factor in that relationship to understand

Bhuloka and Paatal.

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