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Foxnut Ambli Recipe

A single serving of this foxnut ambli recipe provides 328 kcal and more than 13 grams of protein. When
you are on fasting, you may consider this fasting recipe in your diet. It may provide you satiety but is low
in calories. This recipe can be prepared in minutes as it doesn’t not need any cooking.

Highlights of the foxnut ambli recipe

1. It is made up of few ingredients so can be prepared in no time
2. It contains fox nuts that are not only high in fiber, but also a good source of protein and vitamin D.
Foxnuts are also rich in antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of many types of cancers as well as
cardiovascular disease.
3. This ambli also consists of groundnut that are rich source of protein, essential vitamins, minerals and
unsaturated fats that are essential for human body.
4. The recipe can provide close to 25% of protein required for a female in a single serving and also
around quarter of daily fiber for female. A single serving will help you feel fuller longer without
craving for more. Good during Navaratri fasting.
5. Foxnut ambli is also rich in calcium required for maintaining bone and heart health.
The best time to have foxnut ambli recipe
This foxnut ambli recipe can be taken anytime, however it also can be taken during fasting time during
breakfast of dinner.

Preparation time Cooking time Serving Difficulty

10 min 10 min 1 Easy
1. Foxnut - 30 gm
2. Curd - 100 gm
3. Coriander leaves - handful
4. Mint leaves - 10 leaves
5. Roasted groundnuts - 20 gm
6. Green chili - 2
7. Ginger - as per taste
8. fasting salt - as per taste
9. Water - 1 cup

Cooking method
1. To start making foxnut ambli recipe, heat a pan, add 2 cups foxnuts (makhana).

2. Dry roast foxnuts until it became crisp.

3. To see if foxnuts are roasted properly, take a foxnut and press it. If it is easily crushed that means,
foxnuts are crisp and roasted properly.
4. Now take it in a plate, keep it aside for 3-4 min.

5. Grind the foxnuts in the mixer grinder coarsely (don’t make fine powder)
6. Add this powder to a bowl.

7. Add curd 100 gm.

8. Now to enhance the taste of makhana ambli will add here some herbs paste.
9. To make this paste, take the motor pastel.

10. Add handful coriander leaves, few mint leaves, small piece of ginger, green chili as per taste and
roasted groundnut to it.
11. Crush it coarsely.

12. Now add this paste, to curd and makhana mixture.

13. Add fasting salt, water 1 cup and mix well.

14. Serve it in a bowl garnish with coriander leaves. Healthy fasting foxnut ambli recipe is ready to serve.
Foxnut Ambli nutrition facts compared with male and female RDA
Foxnut Ambli macros
Calories in Foxnut Ambli - 328.04 kCal, which provides 16.40 % of the daily value for RDA of 2000 kCal
for male and 21.87 % of the daily value for RDA of 1500 kCal for female.

Protein in Foxnut Ambli - 13.84 gm, that is 18.45 % of the daily value for RDA of 75 gm for male and
24.60 % of the daily value for RDA of 56.25 gm for female. Protein RDA is set at 15% of calories.

Protein form 16.88 % of the calories of Foxnut Ambli.

Carbs in Foxnut Ambli - 32.52 gm, around 11.83 % of the daily value for RDA of 275 gm for male and
15.77 % of the daily value for RDA of 206.25 gm for female. Carbs RDA is set at 55% of calories.

Carbs form 39.65 % of the calories of Foxnut Ambli.

Fats in Foxnut Ambli - 15.96 gm, approximately 23.94 % of the daily value for RDA of 66.67 gm for male
and 31.92 % of the daily value for RDA of 50.00 gm for female. Fats RDA is set at 30% of calories.

Fats form 43.79 % of the calories of Foxnut Ambli.

Fiber in Foxnut Ambli - 6.43 gm, nearly 16.92 % of the daily value for RDA of 38 gm for male and 25.72 %
of the daily value for RDA of 25 gm for female.

Soluble Fiber - 0.36 gm, nearly 3.60 % of the daily value for RDA of 10 gm for male and 3.65 % of the
daily value for RDA of 9.86 gm for female.

Total Free Sugar - 0.88 gm, almost 1.47 % of the daily value for RDA of 60 gm for male and 1.76 % of the
daily value for RDA of 50 gm for female.

Vitamins in Foxnut Ambli

Vitamin A - 62.38 mcg, roughly 6.93 % of the daily value for RDA of 900 mcg for male and 8.91 % of the
daily value for RDA of 700 mcg for female.

Vitamin B1 - 0.21 mg, almost 17.50 % of the daily value for RDA of 1.2 mg for male and 19.09 % of the
daily value for RDA of 1.1 mg for female.

Vitamin B2 - 0.34 mg, nearly 26.15 % of the daily value for RDA of 1.3 mg for male and 30.91 % of the
daily value for RDA of 1.1 mg for female.

Vitamin B3 - 2.47 mg, roughly 15.44 % of the daily value for RDA of 16 mg for male and 17.64 % of the
daily value for RDA of 14 mg for female.

Vitamin B6 - 0.05 mg, which is 3.85 % of the daily value for RDA of 1.3 mg for male and 3.85 % of the
daily value for RDA of 1.3 mg for female.

Vitamin B7 - 0.32 mcg, roughly 1.07 % of the daily value for RDA of 30 mcg for male and 1.07 % of the
daily value for RDA of 30 mcg for female.
Vitamin B9 - 43.17 mcg, around 10.79 % of the daily value for RDA of 400 mcg for male and 10.79 % of
the daily value for RDA of 400 mcg for female.

Vitamin B12 - 0.26 mcg, roughly 10.83 % of the daily value for RDA of 2.4 mcg for male and 10.83 % of
the daily value for RDA of 2.4 mcg for female.

Vitamin C - 2 mg, almost 2.22 % of the daily value for RDA of 90 mg for male and 2.67 % of the daily
value for RDA of 75 mg for female.

Vitamin D - 1.42 mcg, which is 28.40 % of the daily value for RDA of 5 mcg for male and 28.40 % of the
daily value for RDA of 5 mcg for female.

Vitamin E - 0.86 mg, that is 57.33 % of the daily value for RDA of 1.5 mg for male and 5.73 % of the daily
value for RDA of 15 mg for female.

Vitamin K - 0.5 mcg, around 0.42 % of the daily value for RDA of 120 mcg for male and 0.56 % of the
daily value for RDA of 90 mcg for female.

Minerals in Foxnut Ambli

Calcium - 314.8 mg, almost 31.48 % of the daily value for RDA of 1000 mg for male and 31.48 % of the
daily value for RDA of 1000 mg for female.

Phosphorus - 291.2 mg, approximately 41.60 % of the daily value for RDA of 700 mg for male and 41.60
% of the daily value for RDA of 700 mg for female.

Iron - 1.51 mg, nearly 18.88 % of the daily value for RDA of 8 mg for male and 8.39 % of the daily value
for RDA of 18 mg for female.

Magnesium - 39.4 mg, roughly 9.85 % of the daily value for RDA of 400 mg for male and 12.71 % of the
daily value for RDA of 310 mg for female.

Copper - 180 mcg, almost 20.00 % of the daily value for RDA of 900 mcg for male and 20.00 % of the
daily value for RDA of 900 mcg for female.

Manganese - 0.32 mg, which is 13.91 % of the daily value for RDA of 2.3 mg for male and 17.78 % of the
daily value for RDA of 1.8 mg for female.

Molybdenum - 20 mcg, that is 44.44 % of the daily value for RDA of 45 mcg for male and 44.44 % of the
daily value for RDA of 45 mcg for female.

Zinc - 0.64 mg, approximately 5.82 % of the daily value for RDA of 11 mg for male and 8.00 % of the daily
value for RDA of 8 mg for female.

Chromium - 0 mcg.

Selenium - 0.68 mcg, approximately 1.24 % of the daily value for RDA of 55 mcg for male and 1.24 % of
the daily value for RDA of 55 mcg for female.
Cholesterol - 30 mg,

Potassium - 135.8 mg, that is 2.89 % of the daily value for RDA of 4700 mg for male and 2.89 % of the
daily value for RDA of 4700 mg for female.

Sodium - 102.44 mg, around 6.83 % of the daily value for RDA of 1500 mg for male and 6.83 % of the
daily value for RDA of 1500 mg for female.

Omega 3 - 0 mg,

Omega 6 - 2316.8 mg, nearly 386.13 % of the daily value for RDA of 600 mg for male and female.

Values of RDA are for a healthy adult aged between 19 to 50 years, energy requirements may change as
per gender, age and physical activities. Nutritional values of foxnut ambli are approximate and may have
variance. Readers may calculate the nutritional values to their own satisfaction based on the local food
data and compare with RDA values as set by the local health authority from time to time.

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