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Ho, Denise Liana P.

– MS202
Q2 ENG03 | Side Quest #1
Sir Moon Consulta

What were your thoughts on the past grading period of ENG03 and
your expectations for the next one?
I personally enjoyed the first quarter of ENG03, because I have learned
to like how our teacher handles and delivers his lectures. He makes sure to
have a period of rest before and after every discussion so that us students
would not experience “information overload.” Additionally, I find his lectures
to be steady-paced and easy to catch up on, especially as someone who does
notes. And workload-wise, our ENG03 tasks were not as stress-inducing as
the tasks from other subjects.
For this incoming grading period, I expect it to be the same as the last
one, but with heavier workload since our projects and tasks are aligned with
our research subject. With that, I still hope to enjoy this class.

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