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today more and more people are becoming overweight what are the causes ?

what are the main

effects of this epidemic ?
Maintaining health and vitality is highly prioritized by many people. As society grows, it is noticeably
concerning as the rate of obesity increases/skyrockets compared to the past. For educational reasons,
causes and explanations together with dangers of this overweight phenomenon will be discussed in this

Starting off, two main elements particularly played an important role for this: lack of
motivation/time/knowledge on how to stay fit and social media influence. Firstly, it is important to note
that lack of time/motivation/knowledge are usually caused by overworking. This is because in modern
times, money dictates relationships, conveys status, fame and power, as a result, many people focus on
earning money in order to avoid being financially instable as well as provide a warm, safe environment
for their family. This causes a low drive in maintaining good physicality and fitness as both students and
workers/employees focus more on studying or doing overtime for a good job or a bonus on their salary.
To further emphasize on the dangers of overworking, stress could potentially cause bad eating habits
such as eating in order to feel comforted, etc..

Secondly, due to social media influence – most notably mukbang/fast food videos/fat celebrities
manipulating people’s insecurity/ providing false information/ causing society to view eating huge
amounts/chunks of food as normal, many individuals will fall victim/be prey to this view. Alongside the
exponentially fast spread of many fast food chains being opened will be followed with in an increase in

Finally, the impact of being overweight is heavily underestimated as it could cause risks of heart attacks,
high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.. Coupled with the fact that it could cause self-consciousness and
anxiety makes it a formidable foe.

In conclusion, the occurrence of obesity has a multitude of reasons and influences.

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