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Another CIA mass shooter with V2K

"Manchurian candidate"
OCT 26


CIA Psychological Operations (PsyOps)

The CIA group called Psychological Operations (PsyOps) is behind everyone's


They also fund and control psychological operations for all Targeted

The CIA and FBI "are behind most, if not all terrorism."

— Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief

The suspect was said to be "hearing voices and threatens to shoot up" the
military base, where he works in the Army Reserve.

Based on previous submissions from our members - we can deduce that the
shooter was likely told, they would stop his V2K and targeting, if he would do

TJ encourages all targeted individuals to remain strong. Do not

succumb to the voices, or follow their commands.

Denver Operations

The CIA moved some of their operations to Denver around 2005, to the
underground facilities at the Denver airport.

If you have V2K, we recommend ignoring the voices, to the extent possible.

They are not your friend. You are just an experiment for their needs.

They will never stop your targeting, for committing any crime. We know this
from our member's letters and emails.

Keep it simple - ignore them as much as possible.

See our tab on V2K, it might be possible to jam the signal, or block it with bone-
conducting headphones (Shokz at Best Buy).

Some members have stated they are able to record small clips by using their cell
phone or a special microphone. One member claims he is able to record the
V2K, inside his mouth, after it has been demodulated.

Shut it down

1. The goal of the CIA & FBI, is to remove all guns from citizens.

2. Targeted Justice supports the 2nd Amendment, but we do not advocate


3. The fastest way to shut down the TI program - is thru legal efforts, exposure,
education, and legislation.

V2K call every Monday night with Melody. Please join us.

Our members understand V2K. We can help.

Victory Through V2K

Hosted by: Melody, TJ Volunteer

Time: 9:30 PM EST/ 8:30 PM CST/ 7:30 PM MT/ 6:30 PM PST

Dial-In: (657) 390-7462

PIN: 5927390

Join online for Video, Chat and Screen


Meeting ID: victorythroughv2k


Etsy specials on tshirts, hats, coffee mugs, and stickers.

Targeted Individuals know what is happening. The sooner we can expose this to the
rest of the world, the better.

Thanks for your continuing support.

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© 2023 Targeted Justice, Inc

PO Box 15990, Houston, TX 77220, /, Contains opinions of Targeted Justice.
Targeted Justice is not a law firm and does not provide legal or medical advice.


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