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20211114-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

“Let’s Go Gerrit”

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, what does this mean, is it like “Let’s Go Brandon” that means “F*ck Joe Biden”?
**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, as we are in Australia the “Lets Go Brandon” doesn’t apply
here, but the “Let’s Go Gerrit” would, as then it refers to one or more leaders of a political party
in Government.

* Is this also because both the Commonwealth and the State of Victoria are to hold in 2022
political elections? As such a slogan for anyone to use in any election to let the politicians know
what they think about them?

**#** Indeed. Let us be clear we had ample of Victorian protesting against the unconstitutional
directives by the Victorian Chief Health Officer and the police were maliciously and violently
attacking peaceful protesters seemingly because of this unconstitutional directive by the CHO.
After all COVID is a clear danger, so they claim. Then only days later the directive is at an end
and so COVID seems to be no where. One must be a complete idiot to accept that some alleged
virus (that never was proven to exist) will accept orders from some CHO to stay away until the
next directive is issued.
Then you have the sheer and utter nonsense of the QR code “contract tracers” and well when
they started with that the claimed “cases” skyrocketed to about 2,295 alleged “cases”. Well,
when you are getting the so called “DOUBLE VACCINATED” contact tracers to go to
numerous places and the shedding or otherwise infecting others by being “super spreaders” then
you are exactly achieving the opposite as to what the qr code was to achieve. That is unless the
real issue was to implement the communist system. And that appears to me what was really
behind it.
* You do not accept there is such a thing as a COV-SoV-2 virus?
**#** From my own research there never was any real evidence of such a claimed virus to be
“isolated” using the Koch method. All we had is claims that it exist. What is known is that in
about 2010 the LockStep plan was published to basically deceive the world population as to
some fake virus. And the UN (United Nations), the WHO (world Health Organization), the WEF
(world Economic Forum), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and others were all colluding
for this. As I wrote about UK Neil Fergusson infamous of his modeling of outbreak and deaths
made clear that Hay Fever was to be used as a variant, to boost profits. Well, I find it utterly
despicable that people’s health have been used for some others to make a lot of monies.

p1 14-10-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
For sure people are and always will suffer from diseases that come and go but to manipulate the
system for financial profit and in the process cause a lot of misery and death cannot be accepted,
not should it be.
* As a constitutionalist do you hold that Victorian’s legislative intention for a Premier to
unilaterally decide there is a pandemic regardless if there is no grounds for it, and then be able to
make all kinds decision including imprisoning political opponents, etc, is acceptable?
**#** The first thing is that I have extensively canvassed matters and published them at my
Scribd Blog “INSPECTORRIKATI” and as such will not go into all details again. For example
check out:

In my view “man-kind” infectious diseases are Federal legislative issues and so any
Victorian legislation on foot or proposed will be ULTRA VIRUS, where there is no
State legislative powers for it. We do NOT need to earn our FREEDOM, as it is
embedded as a legal principle in our constitution!
This document can be downloaded from:

Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) in itself is a Magna

Charta and has rights embedded in it. Now we need lawyers, judges and politicians to
understand and comprehend what the true meaning and application of the
constitution is, so they stop the unconstitutional jabbing demands!
This document can be downloaded from:

We need to ask ourselves what competence is there with politicians, health officials,
scientist, medical doctors, etc, when they all fell for a SARS-CoV-2 isolation scam?
Not just in Australia but around the world, unless it was a scam politicians were
knowingly participating in for the sake of seeking to harness more power. You be the
This document can be downloaded from:

I also would seek you and anyone else to consider a judgment in the USA that can be
downloaded from . Do
keep in mind that while we have used some of the USA constitution for framing the
Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) we cannot always apply legal decision
of the USA to Australia. One needs to carefully consider what the difference of constitutional
provisions are. As such while vaccine mandates in the USA are strictly within States legislative
powers in Australia there is a division as to what disease one is dealing with. This, as the
Commonwealth has “exclusive” legislative powers when it comes to “man-kind” (infectious)
diseases. As such non transferable diseases between humans fall within State legislative powers
but any infectious diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another is “exclusively”
Commonwealth legislative powers.
Because it is claimed that the (non-existing) SARS-CoV-2 is an infectious disease transmissible
between humans, then the States lack any legislative powers in regard of that. Meaning, that the
State Chief Health Officers “directives” and State “mandates” are all without legal bases and so
p2 14-10-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
without legal force. As for Premier Daniel Andrews wanting to have unilateral powers to declare
a pandemic, again this relates to the “exclusive” legislative powers of the commonwealth and as
such any legislation purporting him to do so is ULTRA VIRUS Ab Initio.
* You view about this declaration of emergency/disaster?
**#** First of all no one can overrule the constitution and the federal constitution within which
the States are created “subject to this constitution” clearly doesn’t provide for any so called state
of emergency/disaster. It would be absurd to have a constitution and then a politicians like Daniel
Andrews can ignore the restrictions and do what he likes to deny citizens their constitutional
rights. Hence, no state of emergency/disaster can override any constitution. While there might be
times that a state of emergency/disaster may be needed such as to safeguard lives, etc, this
however then is limited to the original legislative powers of the legislature. For example, when
there is a bush fire that is out of control then a state of emergency/disaster could be declared that
limits a person to travel into some disaster area. That doesn’t mean the declaration overrides the
constitution but merely is in the circumstances deemed justified. The same like in time of war
when soldiers may acquire motor vehicles, food, animals, etc, from farmers and others when
seeking to defend the country against a common enemy, but than after the war those who were
robbed of their properties can rightfully sue for compensation, as their constitutional rights
remain. What the judgment I referred to above also indicates you cannot have a permanent state
of emergency. For example, if you had a state of emergency and then merely keep extending it
then this underlines there is no real state of emergency at all but merely misuse and abuse of
*.What about the compulsory vaccinations as otherwise you are prevented your ordinary rights?
**#** I am aware there was a recent judgment by Beech-Jones J NSW that the State is not really
forcing vaccinations but rather limiting peoples rights, but that cannot be accepted as such, this
as our constitution is the basis of all rights. Here we had NSW Minister for health Brad Hazzard
reportedly corralling some 30,000 students into an arena and have them jabbed without their
parents being present. Well, where is Beech-Jones J judgment in relation to there is the State (as I
understand it admitted) has no power to force vaccinations? In that regard I view Brad hazard
should be charged as a common criminal as he as I view it acted outside his executive powers as

Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates

I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one step, not beyond
the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation, of the different colonies, and say
that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the righteous principle that the Ministers of the
Crown and their officials shall be liable for any arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as
any private person would be.

In my view he is also a TRAITOR in that he professed the NEW WORLD ORDER while our
constitution clearly limits governance by our own elected representatives and not some unelected
body of rich people. Likewise I have this view about Scott Morrison, Greg Hunt, Daniel
Andrews, and others, that by s44 of the constitution they all lost their seats in their respective
Parliament. And let me not ignore to refer to the commonwealth Department of health and the
TGA as while they may not fall within s44 of the constitution nevertheless their conduct I view it
utterly deplorable.
*. Why is that?
p3 14-10-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
**#** For a starters, the way they have published misleading/deceptive statements. Also how
they have gone about letting a so to say madman dictate what is best for health issues, like Scott
Morrison pursuing all citizens to be vaccinated (well pending their age) and blatantly ignored
proper observation of what is legally permissible. When he discovered he could not mandate
vaccinations against this alleged SARS-CoV-2 he then went about financing the State/Territories
to do so unconstitutionally. But, hey, he is all for people having a right to make their own
decision, while manipulating the states/Territories to coerce people to be jabbed or face
unconstitutional restrictions. And where is he making clear that legislative/executive,
judicial/police powers regarding “man-kind” diseases are “exclusively” with the
Commonwealth? If he really did mean to support Australians then he would never even have
gone about funding this unconstitutional vaccine drive. He just appears to me to be mouthing of
as he is facing a federal political election and back peddling from the truth.
*.Are you what they refer to being an anti-vaxxer?
**#** All my children were vaccinated and I myself had ample of vaccinations but that doesn’t
mean I am not permitted to decide for myself if I desire to be jabbed or not. It are reportedly the
vaccinated who are causing the Delta spread and who are causing others to be infected, and so
what a nonsense that you need to vaccinated the unvaccinated when it are the vaccinated who are
more dangerous, even to the vaccinated. Then obviously we have that this “PLANdemic” was so
the pharmaceutical companies could make a fortune. Well, let us look at an issue. There were
many who ended up with special cloths that ordinary can only be discovered with what they call
D-Dimer. As such not ordinary blood cloths may have from time to time. And the so called
“vaccine” is to be injected into the muscle and not in the vein because if it comes into the blood
circulation then I understand it can cause heart, lung, kidney, brain and other damages.
Reportedly a lot of young people are now suffering from bloodcloths and many have died from
this also. I understand that Pfizer for this decided to add to the vaccine a blood dilution (Thom)
seeking to reduce the risk of bloodcloths. Just that as I understand it the Thom is only to be
injected into the vein and not into the muscle area as otherwise it can cause problems. Just that
the vaccine is to be injected into the muscle and not into the vein as the blood then can spread it
(the vaccine) into the brain. Now how on earth can you put two opposing items in one vaccine?
how can a blood thinner not to be used in the muscle then reduce the risk of blood cloths when it
is not at all put into the blood circulation but into the muscle? What we have therefore is a
dangerous potion to kill of children one way or another.

Let us protect the children at the very least, and hold those who pursue depopulation
be the first one to go. Those who belief there are “demons” better understand
sacrificing children is not going to resolve anything. Society was supposed to have
moved on from the dark ages.

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*.What is your view about Craig Kelly MP?

**#** Well, this guy at least had a back bone and balls to stand his ground and place the interest
and wellbeing of all Australians first. Personally, I am very impressed with his performance and
if his political party were to succeed to harness majority of seats, something I could see
eventuating, then we may very well see him to become Prime Minister. Then obviously the
question will be if he will continue to stand his ground and hold those who destroyed the
p4 14-10-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
wellbeing and lives of so many Australian to be held accountable or he will allow it to fade way.
I would like him to make a commitment that a Royal Commission will be investigating
everything and that the terms of the agreements/contracts that were entered into with the
pharmaceutical companies will all be released in full without any redactions. Let it be clear that
unless we appropriately address those who have been TRAITORS, TERRORIS, etc, we will
simply only postpone the rot to re-eventuate again. Only be pursuing to hold them legally
accountable can we possibly avoid any future repeat.
*. What about Aboriginals not reportedly being vaccinated as much?
**#** already way back on 17 February 2020 I expressed my concerns that Aboriginals may be
more vulnerable then others.
The irony might be that Pauline Hanson may pursue more, even if unintended, to
protect the health and wellbeing of Aboriginals then those who denounce her.

This document can be downloaded from:
Asians Far More Susceptible to Coronavirus than Other Races, More Likely to Die,

I understand recent reports (about 20 months later) now indicates that it relates to the gene
Again, in my view we are not dealing with some SARS-CoV-2 but simply with INFLUENZA
and common cold, And, the so called “vaccines” in my view were designed to KILL! Just that
when people die then blame it on the unvaccinated! When everyone in a certain area are
vaccinated well then blame it on comorbidities. Recently, in New Zealand, the police were in a
confrontation that they shot dead the person,. And afterwards it was claimed the person had
COVID and so died from COVID. In my view if we had not bothered about this hoax COVID
and just spend the monies to improve medical facilities then we all might have been better off.
In the past in the USA alone reportedly more than 60,000 persons in the USA died from
INFLUENZA but it simply was never an issue. Renaming it COVID and scaring the living
daylight out of people seemed to have worked for the depopulation agenda. That is why I view
the message should be “Let’s Go Gerrit” to all and any politician involved in this
(unconstitutional) NEW WORLD ORDER scam.
I wonder why we are wasting monies on opposition leaders when they seemed to lack the balls
and spine to stand up for Australians. As such, electors may in my view do better to vote for
smaller parties or independent, just that I view Fiona Patten of the Victorian Reason Party lacked
reasons for her to support Daniel Andrews to become a possible dictator. As for Matthew Guy so
posed to be the Victorian Leader of the Opposition has anyone heard any sound bites from him
or is he passed over and buried long ago but merely his hologram is portrayed he is alive?

We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)
p5 14-10-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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