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The Accounting Society (TAS) is a student-run organization founded in 2011 by the

Department of Accounting. The society’s mission is to promote the accounting major in SBA
for business students. TAS also enlightens SBA students by giving them insight into the
opportunities and possible career paths this exciting field offers.

TAS organizes events that help students connect with executives in accounting firms. It
also collaborates with prominent organizations such as the Big Four (Deloitte and Touche,
KPMG, E&Y, PwC) and the IMA (Institute of Management Accountants), including initiating
an IMA chapter at the American University of Sharjah, all in view of empowering SBA
students to become future business leaders.


President: Abdulla Dweik
Vice President: Ankita Rejith
Executive Assistant: Faaizah Zain
Activities Coordinator: Hamza Parvez & Hawraa Mahdi
Activities Trainees: Latisha Kumar & Joel George
Creative Director: Saraah Salman
Media Trainees: Aamna Masood & Fatima Hassim

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Abed Al-Nasser Abdallah

Admin Assistant: Ms. Nisha Gopalakrishnan



Miracles do happen, this is what I realized over time!

Sometimes, when we dream about something but find out
that this dream is not meant to happen, we start losing
faith and we just ignore the fact that maybe God delayed
that dream and preparing us to achieve something better.

In the year 2000, I saw an Egyptian comedy movie called (Saidi at the American University), it was
about a traditionally said guy who joins the American University in Cairo, where he met people from
different nationalities with diverse backgrounds, it was like discovering a new version of the
world. Since that time, I had the plan to finish high school and join an American University. But,
unfortunately, it did not work out as I had hoped. I got a scholarship from another university
(United Arab Emirates University) and started my accounting journey there.

Now after 12 years, I achieved that dream, I joined as a graduate student and then I got a chance to
be part of the AUS faculty, something I wouldn’t even dream about. I realized that God will prevent
something at some point in life, to bless us with something better than what we wished for. The
entire experience as a graduate student and as a faculty had a huge impact on me. I had the chance
to meet great professors who supported my development during the MSA program and then got the
opportunity to be part of the AUS faculty. Also, I had the chance to meet lovely friends who made
the MSA program unforgettable. I joined the program alongside my sister, and onwards we became
known as ‘the sisters.’ I am very fond of these memories and the many funny, sad, foody moments

Miracles do happen, this is what I realized overtime! Sometimes, when we dream about something
but we find out that this dream is not meant to happen, we start losing faith and we just ignore the
fact that maybe God delayed that dream and preparing us to achieve something better.

Fall of 2017 was my very first semester at the American
University of Sharjah. I recall the first day being
nothing short of a whirlwind, as I actually started out
as a CAAD student (didn't take me long to realize it
wasn't for me).
Between figuring out classes, getting lost on campus,
meeting new people (social anxiety takes a hit here),
and managing the workload, university life can become
Though there is no secret to completely reduce the
stress and pressure students undergo, being in the
right major provides the clarity and ease one would
The moment i realized Design management was not for
me, I started analyzing my options and capabilities,
which led me to Accounting, a blessing in disguise! From
faculty, to peers, my experience was unforgettable.

I am truly grateful for the professors and faculty that

made me enjoy my major and actually understand it,
which is why I went ahead and completed my Masters of
Science in accounting as well.
With the knowledge I garnered from my classes and
studying, I am currently part of the Mergers and
Acquisitions team at Rothschild&Co.

One last thing, don't worry too much, for things

have a way of working out on their own.


In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has

made significant strides in the field of
accounting, revolutionizing the way financial
data is processed and analyzed.
AI can perform tasks that were traditionally
done by accountants, such as categorizing
transactions, reconciling accounts, and
generating financial statements. With AI,
businesses can automate their accounting
processes, reducing the workload and increasing
accuracy. Here are some of the ways AI is used
in accounting:
Audit support: AI can assist auditors by
Automating data entry: One of the most time- analyzing financial data and identifying
consuming tasks in accounting is data entry. AI potential issues. This can help auditors focus on
can automate this process, extracting high-risk areas and improve the accuracy of
information from invoices and receipts and their audits.
entering it into accounting software. This saves
time and reduces errors. While AI can automate many accounting
Fraud detection: AI can help detect fraudulent processes, it is important to note that it cannot
transactions by analyzing patterns and replace the expertise of a human accountant. AI
identifying anomalies. This can help prevent should be used as a tool to support accountants,
financial losses and protect a company's not to replace them.
In conclusion, AI is transforming the field of
Predictive analytics: AI can analyze past accounting by automating processes, reducing
financial data to predict future trends, such as errors, and providing valuable insights. As AI
cash flow, revenue, and expenses. This can help continues to advance, we can expect to see even
businesses make informed decisions and plan for more benefits for businesses and accountants.
the future. However, it is important to remember that human
Financial reporting: AI can generate financial expertise is still crucial in accounting, and AI
statements and reports, reducing the time and should be used as a tool to support human
effort required by accountants. This can help accountants, not replace them.
businesses make better-informed decisions and
comply with regulatory requirements.



Green accounting, also known as environmental
accounting or ecological economics, is a field of 1. Recognize the environmental costs of economic
study that examines the financial costs and activity and account for them appropriately.
benefits of environmental protection and 2. Use resources efficiently and minimize waste.
pollution prevention. It encompasses both 3. Consider the environmental impact of business
national and corporate accounting practices and decisions.
has emerged as a response to the growing
awareness of the need for sustainable
Green accounting takes into account the full cost
of environmental degradation, including the Green accounting is a term that is used to refer
damage to human health, ecosystems, and natural to the process of taking environmental factors
resources. It also factors in the benefits of into account when making financial decisions. It
environmental protection, such as cleaner air and is also sometimes known as environmental
water, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and accounting or ecological economics.
improved quality of life. National green
accounting systems help countries assess their The main aim of green accounting is to ensure
progress towards sustainable development goals that the environment is taken into consideration
and track their expenditure on environmental when economic decisions are being made. This
protection. Corporate green accounting helps includes both the negative and positive impacts
businesses understand the financial impact of that a decision may have on the environment. For
their environmental performance and make example, a company may decide to switch to using
decisions that are financial and environmentally more environmentally friendly products in order
sound. to reduce its carbon footprint. This would be
considered a positive impact. However, if this
There are many challenges associated with green decision was made without considering the
accounting, including data collection, financial implications, it could put the company
methodology development, and agreement on at a competitive disadvantage.
standards. However, as awareness of the need
for sustainable development grows, so does the
commitment to finding ways to measure and value
our natural resources.

The challenges of green accounting

Green accounting is the process of using financial

data to measure and report the environmental
performance of an organization. It can be used to
assess the financial risks and opportunities
associated with climate change and other
environmental issues. There are many challenges
associated with green accounting. One challenge
is that there is no standardization among
different reporting systems. This makes it
difficult to compare the environmental
performance of different organizations.
Another challenge is that many environmental
indicators, such as carbon emissions, are not yet
included in traditional financial reporting
take into account all human-caused
frameworks. This makes it difficult to assess the environmental impacts, while carbon
financial impacts of environmental issues. footprints only consider emissions of
Finally, green accounting requires a significant greenhouse gases.
investment in data collection and analysis. This
can be a challenge for small businesses with Second, you need to be familiar with the types of
limited resources. data that are used in Green Accounting. This
includes data on energy use, waste generation,
There are many benefits of green accounting.
and emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse
Perhaps the most important benefit is that it can
help to protect our environment from further
damage. By taking into account the environmental Third, you should understand the principles of
impacts of our actions, we can make sure that we sustainability accounting. This involves using
are not causing further harm than is necessary. accounting techniques to track progress towards
Another benefit of green accounting is that it environmental goals such as reducing greenhouse
can help businesses save money in the long run. gas emissions or increasing recycling rates. It
For example, by investing in energy efficiency can also involve using accounting to assess the
measures, a business can reduce its running financial risks and opportunities associated with
costs and become more profitable. climate change.

Finally, green accounting can help to create jobs Fourth, you need to know about reporting
and boost economic growth. For example, standards for Green Accounting. The most
businesses may invest in renewable energy important standard is the Global Reporting
technologies which will create new jobs in the Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting
engineering and construction industries. Guidelines. These guidelines provide a
framework for companies and organizations to
report their environmental performance. Other
How to get started with green
important standards include the International
accounting Organization for Standardization's (ISO) 26000
Guidance on Social Responsibility and the
If you're interested in Green Accounting, also Accounting for Sustainability Project's (A4S)
known as environmental accounting, there are a Integrated Reporting Framework. Finally, you
few things you need to know to get started. should be aware of some of the challenges
First, it's important to understand the concepts associated with Green Accounting.
of ecological footprints and carbon footprints.
These terms refer to the impact that humans
have on the environment. Ecological footprints


Green accounting is a relatively new concept, but one that is gaining traction in businesses
around the world. By taking into account both economic and environmental factors when
making financial decisions, companies can ensure their operations are sustainable in the long
run. By utilizing green accounting standards, organizations can reduce their footprint on
the environment while continuing to be profitable and successful. With increasing awareness
of climate change, it's important for businesses to take measures now to ensure they are
doing their part for the planet.


Basis Certified Management Accountants(CMA) Certified Public Accountants (CPA)

of the Globally recognized certification A U.S. licence

Individuals appropriate for professionals seeking

suitable for work in corporations, NFPs, government, appropriate for professionals seeking
education, and also partnerships and to work in public accounting.
other business entity forms

Regulatory IMA (Institute of Management AICPA (American Institute of

authorities Accountants) Certified Public Accountants).

Services Common service areas in the industry Public accounting typically includes:
included include: · Accounting and tax services
· Performance management, · Auditing and other attestation
· Cost management, services
· Risk management, · Consulting services
· Financial analysis, authorized to conduct audit levels
· Decision-making support and can also sign tax and regulatory
have significant expertise in basic filings.
financial accounting methodologies,
strategic management and business

Exam The CMA exam includes two parts: The four sections of the CPA Exam
patterns · Financial Planning, Performance, and are:
Analytics · Auditing & Attestation (AUD)
· Strategic Financial Management · Business Environment & Concepts
8 hours of testing. (BEC)
· Financial Accounting & Reporting
· Regulation (REG)
16 hours of testing

Exam pass 45% 50%
Exam fees 1300$ 1500$
Exam All CMA candidates have three years to CPA, you have 18 months to pass all
duration pass both parts of the exam. The time four parts of the CPA exam. The clock
period will begin with the date of your starts for the CPA exam on the date
entry into the CMA program. you sit for and pass your first exam

Experience 2 years of Financial Management or Cost 1-2 years under licensed CPA
Requirement Accounting

Average $75,000 $68,724


Common job · Cost accountant · Public accountant

opportunities · Financial risk manager · Internal auditor
· CFO · Financial manager
· Other C-suite executive positions · Controller
Impact on CMA certified professionals earn an a CPA earns 15% more in average
compensation additional 63% in compensation salary than a non-CPA accountant.
s 1. Education 1. Education
· Hold a bachelor’s degree from an · Earn at least a 4-year bachelor’s
accredited college/university or a degree with a minimum number of
related professional certification. accounting and business credit hours
2. Exam and a total of 150 higher education
· Complete and pass Parts 1 and 2 of credit hours.
the CMA exam. 2. Exam
3. Experience · Pass all 4 parts of the Uniform
· Have at least two continuous years of CPA Examination.
professional experience in management 3. Experience
accounting or financial management. · Complete 1-2 years of relevant
4. Ethics and verified accounting experience.
· Abide by the IMA’s Statement of And you may also be required to pass
Ethical Professional Practice. an ethics exam depending on which
Finally, CMAs require 30 hours of state you are getting certified in.
Continuing Education each year to Also, after licensure, a CPA is
maintain certification. required to complete 40 hours of
Continuing Education each year.


Corporate tax is a complex area of taxation that applies to companies and other corporate
entities. It is based on the profits earned by these entities during a given tax year. The
corporate tax rate varies from country to country, and companies are required to comply
with the tax laws and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they operate.

Calculating Corporate Tax Liability

The calculation of corporate tax liability involves determining the

taxable income of the company, which is the difference between
its total revenue and deductible expenses. Taxable income is
subject to the applicable tax rate, which may be a flat rate or a
progressive rate based on the income level.

(Source: KPMG)

Some countries have much higher corporate tax rates than others.
For example, the corporate tax rate in Argentina is 30%, while in the
UAE it is 9%.

Did you know?

Corporate tax is a significant
source of revenue for
governments, with some
Did you know? estimates suggesting that it
The average accounts for around
corporate tax rate 10%
worldwide of total tax rev enue in OECD
(Source: OECD, 2021)


(Source: Tax Foundation)

Tax havens are countries or territories that provide individuals and
businesses with a low or zero tax environment. Businesses often use tax
havens to reduce their tax liability through transfer pricing. Transfer
pricing involves setting prices for goods or services between related
companies, allowing corporations to move profits from high-tax to low-tax
jurisdictions. Despite measures to combat tax evasion, the use of tax
havens remains controversial in international corporate tax policy debates
due to concerns over fairness and equity in the global tax system. Calls
for greater international cooperation and transparency have been made to
prevent tax avoidance and evasion through tax havens, which businesses
continue to use to reduce their tax payments.

Did you know?

up to $ 600 million per year in
lost revenue is
estimated to be caused by
some companies use tax
havens to avoid paying their
a fair share of taxes.
(Source: International Money Fund)



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