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Global Health Journal, June 2020, Volume 4, Issue 2

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A review of medical artificial intelligence

Rong Liu a,b,⁎, Yan Rong b, Zhehao Peng c
Institute of Medical Innovation and Transformation, Puren Hospital of Wuhan, 1 Benxi Road, Wuhan 430081, China
School of Medicine, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, No. 1, Huangjia Lake University Town, Wuhan 430065, China
Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering, North Carolina State University, Campus Box 8206, 890 Oval Drive, Engineering Building II, Raleigh, NC 27695, USA


Article history: Since the concept of “artificial intelligence” was introduced in 1956, it has led to numerous technological innovations
Received 19 September 2019 in human medicine and completely changed the traditional model of medicine. In this study, we mainly explain the
Received in revised form 9 February 2020 application of artificial intelligence in various fields of medicine from four aspects: machine learning, intelligent
Accepted 23 February 2020 robot, image recognition technology, and expert system. In addition, we discuss the existing problems and future
Available online 20 May 2020
trends in these areas. In recent years, through the development of globalization, various research institutions around
the world have conducted a number of researches on this subject. Therefore, medical artificial intelligence has attained
Keywords: significant breakthroughs and will demonstrate wide development prospection in the future.
Medical artificial intelligence
Machine learning
Intelligent robot
Image recognition
Expert system

1. Overview advanced. However, the ability to communicate with people still needs to
be improved. Therefore, we are still in the stage of “weak” AI.6
Artificial intelligence (AI) was coined by John McCarthy at the Dart-
mouth conference in 1956,1 and the field of artificial intelligence originated 2. Application of AIM
from thereon. Kaplan and Haenlein defined AI as “the ability to process ex-
ternal data systematically and learn from it to achieve specific goals and 2.1. Machine learning
tasks”.2 AI involves using machines to simulate human thinking processes
and intelligent behaviors, such as thinking, learning, and reasoning, and In 1959, Arthur Samuel coined the term “machine learning” to denote a
aims to solve complex problems that can only be solved by experts.3 As a category of algorithms and construction of classifiers.7 The algorithm auto-
branch of computer science, the field of AI mainly studies the following matically learns through the input data and builds a model based on the
contents: machine learning, intelligent robot, natural language understand- input data to accurately predict new data.8
ing, neural network, language recognition, image recognition, and expert Subsequently, the algorithms of machine learning experienced many
system.4 major breakthroughs: the backpropagation algorithm was proposed in the
The concept of artificial intelligence in medicine (AIM) originated in the early 1960s.9 In 1982, Paul applied the automatic differentiation method
early 1970s.5 It aimed to increase the efficiency of medical diagnosis and in neural networks.10 In 1986, Ross Quinlan proposed a well-known ma-
treatment with the aid of AI systems. After the 1980s, the development of chine learning algorithm, called the “decision tree”, which involves classi-
AIM could be roughly divided into four stages: (1) infancy (1980s): the “de- fying data according to the set rules. Tin Kam Ho created an important
cision tree” algorithm was proposed, and artificial neural networks contin- algorithm, called the “random forest” (double spatial feature extraction al-
ued to develop; (2) adolescence (1990s): “expert systems” continued to gorithm), based on random subspace method, which was built using the de-
mature due to the emergence of support vector machines; (3) coming-of- cision tree.11 In 1995, Vladimir invented the support vector machine (SVM)
age (2000s): the concept of “deep learning” was proposed, and machine model. In 2006, Geoffrey Hinton, a leader in the field of deep learning, pro-
learning became a prominent theme of AIM; and (4) currently, we are in posed the deep learning algorithm. Deep learning is actually based on ma-
the “maturation period” (2010s): as the technologies are relatively chine learning, and convolutional neural network (CNN) is one of its
representative algorithms.

⁎ Corresponding author:
2414-6447/© 2020 People's Medical Publishing services Co. Ltd. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (
43 Global Health Journal, June 2020, Volume 4, Issue 2

In 2008, according to the standards of Association for the Advancement nonunion and avascular necrosis of the femoral head, and the best treat-
of Medical Instrumentation and the British and Irish Hypertension Society, ment for these fractures is surgery. In 2018, a research explored methods
a novel measurement model of blood pressure based on CNN— to reduce the amount of haemorrhagia during the femoral neck fracture sur-
convolutional recurrent neural network-blood pressure (CRNN-BP) was geries. They compared the two surgical methods of orthopedic surgery
constructed to solve the problem related to the extraction of pulse wave- robot and manual nailing and concluded that with the assistance of surgical
form feature points and low robustness in traditional medicine, and to in- robots, the surgeon could locate the operative site accurately and reduce
crease the precision of the model.12 punctures, thus reducing the amount of haemorrhagia during the surgery.25
With continuous development of assisted diagnosis technology, a large Intelligent robots are also widely used in gynecological surgery. For ex-
data repository is generated during screening, diagnosis, and treatment of ample, during the early stages of ovarian cancer, patients might suffer from
diseases.13 Organizing and analyzing these data in a short duration can be abdominal mass, ovarian tumor pedicle torsion, and tumor rupture. There-
a challenge for the doctors. Therefore, machine learning is increasingly fore, performing surgical treatments during the early stages of this cancer is
used in medicine to help doctors predict diseases and treatment outcomes. important. A meta-analysis demonstrated that the Da Vinci System had
Random forest is one of the most efficient algorithms in machine learn- many advantages during surgery, as it enabled the removal of numerous
ing. In recent times, random forest plays an important role in medicine, par- lymph nodes and a low blood transfusion rate in the patients. Therefore,
ticularly in predicting diseases. Patients with a history of idiopathic this kind of surgical approach was even safer than the laparoscopic
hemorrhagic ulcers may demonstrate a higher incidence of ulcer recur- surgery.26
rence. The safety of the patient is endangered, if a serious complication, The robots that assist the surgeons in clinical practice are mostly dis-
such as ulcer rupture, occurs. In 2018, machine learning was used to crete robots with limited mobility. However, in recent years, continuous ro-
build a model with high accuracy to predict idiopathic peptic ulcer bots (a novel bionic robot with “invertebrate” flexible structure) have been
rebleeding, which was called IPU-ML.14 emerging, and they will gradually replace the discrete ones with their flex-
In another instance, severe hand-foot-mouth disease caused by entero- ible bending characteristics and good adaptability to the environment. Con-
virus can lead to serious complications, such as pulmonary edema and myo- tinuous robots are expected to become the main force of surgery in the
carditis, in very few children.15 In 2019, to predict severe hand-foot-mouth future.27 Although intelligent robots are widely used in the field of orthope-
disease, CatBoost model was build, which demonstrated higher specificity dics, they still demonstrate drawbacks, such as high costs, large size, and
and sensitivity than other models, such as decision tree and SVM.16 limited application range.21 With constant advancement of medical and
In addition, machine learning can predict the efficacy of radiotherapy. AI technologies, intelligent robots will be made to gradually adapt to the de-
For example, patients usually undergo radiation therapy, when they are suf- velopment direction of surgeries in the future.23
fering from lung cancer, especially small cell lung cancer. However, long-
term radiotherapy can lead to serious complications, such as radiation
pneumonitis, which can result in respiratory failure and death.17 Using ar- 2.3. Image recognition technology
tificial neural networks, researchers deduced a method for predicting radi-
ation pneumonitis. They also established a network with an extensive Image recognition is the technology of processing and analyzing images
training in memory and data, which could exhibit higher accuracy in through computers. It is an important technology in the field of AI, which is
predicting the complications.18 based on deep learning. The development of image recognition technology
The “black box” problem of machine learning needs to be resolved. includes three stages—text recognition, digital image recognition, and ob-
“Black box” is a neural network comprising CNNs for feature extraction ject recognition.28 The recognition process can be divided into five steps,
and recurrent neural networks with long short-term memory. Generally, a including processing the input, image preprocessing, image extraction, clas-
neural network comprises a series of neural layers, including input, process- sifier construction, and producing the output.29 This technology can pro-
ing, and output. The intermediate processing in the neural network is called cess image data rapidly and efficiently. For example, a study found out
the “black box”. It is the system that hides its internal structure from the that the map projection technology could identify the bones that were
user.19 By resolving the problem of black box, the accuracy and computing most prone to fractures between femoral and trochanter more efficiently
power of machine learning can be improved and its application range can and accurately than traditional heat map technology.30 They established
be expanded, which in turn can result in more contributions to the medical that the distribution area of the fracture line was relevant to the age and
field. gender of the patients.30 Image recognition technology has been highly sig-
nificant in the diagnosis and treatment of intertrochanteric fractures. In ad-
2.2. Intelligent robots dition, it is also widely used in disease prediction, diagnosis, and lesion
In 1979, the Robot Institute of America defined robot as “a reprogram- Currently, image recognition technology is applied in many clinical dis-
mable, multi-functional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, ciplines. Cervical cancer is one of the four major causes of death in
tools, or other specialized devices through various programmed motions women,32 and it is caused mostly due to infection with human papillomavi-
for the performance of a variety of tasks”.20 Intelligent robots were used rus. Patients do not experience any obvious symptoms in the early stages.
for surgery in 1980s.21 For example, PUMA 560 was employed in neurosur- However, symptoms, such as anemia and cachexia, may be experienced
gical biopsy in 1985 and prostate surgery in 1988. ROBODOC, which was later. Although many treatments are available for patients with cervical
developed in 1992, was the first intelligent robot authorized by the U.S. cancer, such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, the prognosis
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It was mainly used for hip replace- of patients depends highly on whether the cancer is diagnosed at an early
ment procedures in orthopedic surgery. stage. Based on deep learning, intelligent image recognition of the cervix
Currently, there are three kinds of robotic surgical systems approved by could assist doctors in the early diagnosis of cervical cancer with an accu-
the FDA, including the ZUES, Da Vinci, and automated endoscopic system racy rate of approximately 90%.33
for optimal positioning robots.22 Owing to their minimally invasive, pre- In 2017, a study explored whether the accuracy of diagnosing fungal
cise, and intelligent features,23 intelligent robots are widely used in ortho- keratitis could be enhanced using image recognition technology.34 The re-
pedics, urology, orthopedics, stomatology, and other fields. searchers adopted a method, called slit lamp microscopy, analyzed the ex-
According to the type of orthopedic surgery, robots can be classified perimental data, and finally concluded that the detection method based
into three categories, including joint surgery robots, spinal orthopedic ro- on image recognition demonstrated higher specificity and sensitivity in
bots, and traumatic orthopedic robots.24 Femoral neck fractures can possi- the diagnosis of fungal keratitis than cornea smear. In addition, the image
bly occur in elderly patients with symptoms of hip deformity, pain, and recognition method could assist doctors with inadequate knowledge in di-
dysfunction. These fractures can lead to complications, such as fracture agnosing the disease more accurately.

44 Global Health Journal, June 2020, Volume 4, Issue 2

Deep learning plays an important role in the application of image recog- continuously expand the knowledge base to provide more information to
nition technology to identify lesions.31 In 2017, a study was using CNNs to medical personnel.
identify malignant breast lesions.35 This method performed better than the In the past 10 years, significant breakthroughs have been experienced in
most advanced system in computer-aided detection, as the recognition ac- the field of AI. Research institutions in many countries around the world
curacy of CNN was higher. have demonstrated extensive cooperation in realizing these breakthroughs.
Although image recognition technology can aid doctors in diagnosing The amount of literature related to AI has developed rapidly at this stage, as
diseases in clinical practice, it cannot completely replace the role of doctors. researchers in China, Europe, and the United States have realized signifi-
Due to the different equipment used in varied hospitals, the resolution of cant achievements in this field. Particularly, China is gradually becoming
the acquired images can also be different, which can affect the final diagno- a leader in the field of AI.45
sis to some extent.31 Several difficulties are encountered during the applica- With the high-speed transmission of 5G network, real-time remote tech-
tion of image recognition technology. For example in multi-layer neural nical guidance for remote collaborative surgery can guarantee the stability,
convolution, the training model requires a large amount of data, and the reliability, and safety of the surgery. It enables experts to understand the
computational efficiency needs to be further improved. Besides, high- progress of the procedure and the patient's condition in real time, thereby
performance supercomputers have not yet been popularized. Therefore, effectively reducing the risk of the surgery.
further research in the future is necessary to resolve the problems related AI has completely changed the traditional model of medicine, signifi-
to hardware devices, optimization algorithms, and technology integration. cantly improved the level of medical services, and guaranteed human
health in various aspects. A broader development prospect for medical AI
2.4. Expert system is highly expected in the future.

The expert system is a computer system that simulates the decision- Funding
making ability of human experts.36 As one of the earliest successful AI soft-
ware, it uses the existing knowledge system to reason and solve a series of This paper was supported by Hubei Health and Family Planning Com-
complex problems.37 mission joint Fund Innovation Team Project (Grant No. WJ2018H0042).
The development phase of the expert system can be roughly divided
into three periods: the initiation period (1965–1971), maturation period Competing interests
(1972–1977), and the development period (1978–).38 In the early 1960s,
the first expert system—Dendral system was designed. In 1972, the Univer- The authors declare that they have no known competing financial inter-
sity of Leeds developed the AAPHelp system to assist in the diagnosis of ests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the
acute abdomen.39 In 1974, the University of Pittsburgh excogitated the work reported in this paper.
INTERNIST-I system, which was mainly used for the diagnosis of complex
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