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Issue: Abortion

Stand: Against

The population is divided on a number of issues. One of these is the long-standing topic of
abortion. People did such things even in ancient and medieval times. Different ways for
inducing abortion were developed in ancient China and Egypt, including the use of herbs.
The use of forceps and anaesthesia were both developed throughout the medieval period.
As one might assume, the advancement of abortion technologies has been greeted with
tremendous opposition, particularly from religious organizations.

Despite being a Catholic country, the Philippines is divided on the issue of abortion. This is
due to the arrival of liberal concepts such as feminism on our shores. I see that several
women's rights organizations in the Philippines are currently pushing for abortion
legalization. They point out that ,despite public awareness, abortion is already common in
the Philippines. These abortions are generally performed in makeshift clinics by people with
no medical knowledge.

According to World Health Organization (WHO), around 45% of all abortions are unsafe
which puts the mother in a potentially risky and life-threatening condition. Pro-choice
advocates believe that if abortion were legalized, it would currently take place in medical
settings, ensuring the mother's safety. They further emphasize that victims of rape, incest,
and sexual trafficking who become pregnant as a result of the abuse should be allowed to
have an abortion because they had no intention of having a child in the first place.

However, it is evident that the Catholic Church, a major institution in the country, and pro-
life organizations oppose abortion since it is synonymous with murder, a heinous sin. For
them, life begins at conception, and aborting a fetus at any point is the end of a life.
Abortion robs the unborn of the lives and experiences that it would have had if it had been
delivered alive. They propose that if the baby is unwanted, it should be placed for adoption.

Because I am both a Catholic and a woman, I am conflicted about this topic. Abortion is
easy to oppose since it is against my religious beliefs. I, too, believe that I should have the
right to my own body as a woman. Nonetheless, despite being a Catholic and a woman, I
am a firm believer in the sanctity of life. All kinds of life must be valued and preserved.
Everyone should be given the opportunity to live.

Every pregnancy is different in terms of emotional experience. Some women plan for years,
while others become pregnant "by accident." However, rape, incest, and sexual trafficking
can all result in pregnancy. It is difficult for the mother to develop love and affection for the
fetus because the perpetrator is the father. Many people assume that having an abortion
will solve their problems. Maybe I'm not qualified to criticize their actions because I've never
known the pain and suffering these women must have gone through.

However, if there is anyone who should be punished as a result of the abuse, it must be the
perpetrators. Because the unborn child did not choose to be born, it must not be harmed. It
never caused its mother any grief. It is simply the result of an unfortunate circumstance. If
the mother does not wanted to keep the child, she should place it for adoption, where the
child will have the opportunity to live and experience life.

Abortion should not be legalized in the Philippines. The state must protect the lives of the
mother and the unborn under Article 11, Section 12 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. As a
result, abortion is unconstitutional. If a new constitution is established, which is improbable,
and legalizes abortion in the country, it will open the door to new ethical issues. People
argue that since abortion is legal, why not legalize something else? In the future, the
Philippines will be a country that prioritizes its citizens' and comforts over the sanctity of

I believe that the government should strengthen its ant-abortion campaign. It should
strengthen the law to make such actions illegal in the country. It should also provide
comprehensive assistance to sexual abuse victims in order to assist them in overcoming
psychological stress and avoiding abortions well as provide guidance on how to raise their

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